
TRP stuff

Jul 10th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [-nails mani to the floor-o.o]
  2. Tsaaq: ((My mom did some dumb shit the internet went out for a second.))
  3. iKamal: [well welcome back :D]
  4. Trexler: -Travis got a phone call from one of his partners so he grabbed Londons hand and then let it go before he got up, he made his way outside giving nick a head nod as he opened the door and walked outside. They were discussing the LA office and they wanted to see if he wanted to transfer back but he wasnt sure-
  5. Trexler: ((MANI!))
  6. Tsaaq: ((What))
  7. Trexler: ((LMAO hey__|
  8. Trexler: ))
  9. Tsaaq: ((Yeah hi.))
  10. iKamal: [kiki! o.o]
  11. Trexler: ((hey girl!))
  12. Covet: [Hola! I've made it back from the vacation things!]
  13. Trexler: ((how was it!?))
  14. Covet: [Fuckin awesome. The coast was amazing even if the Ocean tried to eat me]
  15. iKamal: [-throws confetti on her and puts a leis on her-]
  16. Covet: [But I can talk about that later. Don't want to interupt RP. D:]
  17. Tsaaq: ((ಠ_ಠ))
  18. ChurchAeki: "Disco fries and pepsi" He looked at her not even know if they served fries here. "Well I don't know about the fries but the Pepsi, I think we can get you." He smiled at her even more before stepping up to the counter as it was their turn to order. "Yeah...uh." He says looking up to the menu to see if they had those fires she was talking about. "Disco fries loaded, if you have it, also let me get Frozen Mocha latte with extra whip cream and a two slices of your cheese cake please." Nick pulled out a wallet he managed to get around buying as he started to hate crumpled up money just sitting in his pocket, he pulled out a few dollors after counting the amount and handed it to the cashier. Stepping to the side he looks to Shanee as their order was being made. "What's your day been like so far?"
  19. Tsaaq: ((I have to redress thisn bitch and I can post.))
  20. TheIridescentHollow: "Browsing for a job," she said casually as she walked to a table. "I feel like now that I'm out on my own I should know what I want to do but I don't. My last job was working in a Payless and it was boring as hell."
  21. TheIridescentHollow: (brb heating food)
  22. Trexler: ((travis is outside just so you guys know))
  23. iKamal: [ok so everyone that has just came in there is reporters all outside the cafe]
  24. Tsaaq: ((Who cares about Travis lmao))
  25. Trexler: ((lmao right!))
  26. iKamal: [fuck that guy..]
  27. ChurchAeki: Nick looked from Shanee as the waitress brought them their food on a large tray. "Thanks." He says as he held the tray and looked to Shanee. "Yeah, well money is money isn' get it how you can." He looked around the shop, spotting London off alone and then placed his gaze back ont Shanee. "You think we should go sit with her, I mean she is all alone and what they say on the news...doubt that what she needs to be.."
  28. Trexler: ((honestly))
  29. Covet: Angel made her way down the street and saw all the reporters outside of the cafe. She gave a long sigh and looped her thumbs through the straps on her backpack, "Never a dull day in Silver Hill. Can't even get a cup of coffee without something going on." She mumbled and debated about going inside or not, was it worth pushing past the obnoxious news crew? Angel slowed her walking as she held back to see if the news crew would disapate.
  30. Covet: [He makes a good slap stick!]
  31. iKamal: London sat there sipping her coffee and Albert was on the outer side of the little cubby hole to make sure he knew who came in and who went out of the area. London hated having to have a body guard and people all about her even though before all this London was all about herself but now things had changed. She didn't want the attention on her she didn't want to talk to eople especially about what happen
  32. Trexler: -Travis was becoming annoyed by the crowd of reporters so he started to walk slowly down the street as he then seen Angel and tried to act like he didnt notice her as he took a cig out of his pocket lighting it and taking a long puff from it-
  33. TheIridescentHollow: (bk)
  34. Trexler: ((wb))
  35. Covet: [wb]
  36. ChurchAeki: (wb)
  37. iKamal: [wb]
  38. Covet: Angel noticed Travis and watched him notice her but try to pretend otherwise. "Wow, so that's how you're going to be...Did I beat you into submission the last time we talked?" She smirked then looked back at the crowd of reporters giving an audible groan this time, "What the hell happened while I was gone?"
  39. TheIridescentHollow: <Haddie: "Yes, This is Haddie Turner. Who's speaking?> / Shanee glanced over at London. She should have recognized her that time in the diner, but so much time had passed and they both looked so different than when they were really small kids. Then back at Nick. "London Mason isn't exactly known for liking people like me..."
  40. Trexler: -Travis turned himself to face Angel as he sighed hanging up the phone-
  41. Trexler: ((FUCK))
  42. Covet: [haha]
  43. iKamal: London heard Haddie's voice on the other end of the phone"Nanner there are reporters everywhere...I don't think I can do this...."she took a deep breath trying to fight the urge to freak out as her chest felt heavy. she leaned her head against the wall as she was in the corner trying to hide from everyone.
  44. ChurchAeki: He nods his head. "Yeah, but would you want to be alone with reports all around you after you know..." He lowered his voice. "Being taking advantage of..." He nudged her gently with his elbow. "Come on, what the worst that can happen, she telling us to go away?" He chuckles lightly as he made his way over towards Albert and gives him a small smile. "Hey, you think London would mind us joining her?"
  45. Trexler: -Travis turned himself to face Angel as he sighed out hanging his phone up-''Do you know London Mason, the mayors daughter?''-he said as he then turned to look at the reporters then back to angel-''She was raped the other day so its all over the news''-he said as he sighed again, not many people knew that they were together-
  46. Tsaaq: Libi was scantily clad from her shift at work. She puffed on her vape. "I'm not a fucking sell out. You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to be on fucking Punk Goes Pussy or whatever the fuck the album is called." She scoffed. The male shrugged his shoulders. Libi stared at her cellphone while walking down the street with bandmate. "Listen either you're gonna be serious about this shit or we're just gonna fuck around because I haven't drank any alcohol for like a fucking week and I need some fucking shit to do and you ARE ABOUT TO BE MURDERED-" Libi shouted. She shoved the male to the floor. Libi stood and exhaled deeply. "Okay. I'm gonna go back to work. I'm not gonna kill you. I changed my mind." She muttered, angrily stomping away from him. She saw the crowd of reporters in front of the coffeeshop and half wished she had her hearse so she could run them over. She rolled her eyes and pushed through the crowd, seeing Angel in the corner of her eye and approaching her. "Hey, you're back." She furrowed her eyebrows and saw she was with Travis. "What are you talking to his fag for?"
  47. Tsaaq: ((this**))
  48. Covet: "Yeah, We've gone to some of the city events together, my dad usually gets an invitation to such things." Angel said looking down the street, as she listened to him, "Oh, tragic..." She said with a short statement with little emotion attatched to it. "I'd like to feel sorry for her, but when you get into the kind of trouble she does, at what point do you say it was coming." Angel stopped then bit the inside of her cheek, "I know that's totally victim blaming, and I'm horrible for it, however...I hear things from my dad about her family as a whole that is kind of shady... so..." She trailed off with a shrug of her shoulders then saw Libi, going to give her a hug, "I just asked him what the hell all of this was about." She motioned to the reporters.
  49. Trexler: -Travis rolled his eyes when he saw libi coming down the street he then scoffed at her comment-''Fuck you lib''-he said turning around walking slowly back to the cafe smoking his cig trying to get some of the reports out of here-
  50. TheIridescentHollow: < "Hunny it's gon be those around you all the time. They been there before and didn't bother you. They gon be there after they stop bothering you. Remember what I told you? Getting out the house isn't about impressin' nobody. You takin' your life back.> / "
  51. TheIridescentHollow: (didn't mean to click enter)
  52. TheIridescentHollow: < "Hunny it's gon be those around you all the time. They been there before and didn't bother you. They gon be there after they stop bothering you. Remember what I told you? Getting out the house isn't about impressin' nobody. You takin' your life back.> / "Would I want to be alone with reporters all over me if I spent a lifetime posing for the paparazzi and being all over social media as a big time party girll?" She sipped her pepsi looking down. "I guess that came off kinda mean."
  53. iKamal: Albert looked at Nick"Go ahead."He patted Nick's shoulder. Albert actualy like Nick he was nicer then London's other friends if thats what you wanted to call them. London listen to Haddie and she sighed some."Okay Nanner I will keep trying...."she sighed and hung up the phone. she felt eyes burning into her as everyone stared at her.
  54. ChurchAeki: He paused and looked to Shanee as she spoke. "Abit, but...." He looked to London over Alberts shoulder and then back to Albert. "Never mind." Nick says as he turned and started to move to a table near by; taking a seat he couldn't help but look over his shoulder to London before looking to Shanee. "Here is good then?"
  55. Tsaaq: "I recall the incident correctly? Yeah that's exactly what you wanted." Libi shouted as she crossed her arms. "What? That shit about her getting raped or some retarded shit?" She asked hurriedly. She sucked her teeth and looked away. "You know... People get raped all the time and they don't get swarmed by the fucking news or nothing." Libi bit set her jaw angrily. "Whatever fuck it. You going in?" She asked.
  56. Covet: "Hey... what the fuck.. we were having a conversation... Rude..." She said watching as Travis just walked off. She looked to Libi and smiled, "I missed you and Q so much. But I did have a blast at this big drag queen party that my uncle was hosting. I've never had so much fun in my life. I'm sad you and Quinn weren't there. We would have had a blast together." She said to Libi then hesitated, "I mean, I want to but I feel if I go in I'll just wind up being rude and mocking the entire event. Especially because like you said, it happens all the time."
  57. Trexler: ''Yeah well the urge is gone...way gone''-he shouted back as he tossed his cig to the ground taking a seat on the bench taking his phone out as he scrolled through some texts he got and he started to reply to them-
  58. TheIridescentHollow: "Sure." She was bothered. If Momma Haddie had heard her say that she'd have gotten smacked right upside the head. She got into her seat stirring the ice around her glass of pepsi. Now she felt awkward. She just met the guy and already had reached a mild cross roads. "You can go over and talk with her if you want. I don't mind."
  59. BlSOU: ((what's good peoples))
  60. iKamal: [your mom]
  61. Trexler: ((theres some eye candy :p
  62. BlSOU: ((yikes))
  63. BlSOU: ((my mom is an asshole but if you say so lol))
  64. iKamal: [se might be an asshole but that food she makes mmmm]
  65. TheIridescentHollow: (lol)
  66. Tsaaq: Libi rolled her eyes at Travis' comment. "Good. The last thing I need is another fucking creep funnelling coke up my nostril and trying to fuck me like that's cool or something." She retorted. "Coke funnel... Sounds like a good song name..." She trailed off as she took out her phone. "Well either way I don't give a shit. I'll tag around with you until I have to head back to Bottom's Up."
  67. Tsaaq: ((ಠ_ಠ))
  68. BlSOU: ((coke funnel lol))
  69. ChurchAeki: He pulled his latte towards him and took a sip from his straw as he shrugged his shoulder. "I doubt she would want anyone showing her Pitty, don't think she that type of person." Picking up the plastic fork he would cut into his cheesecake. "I'm just..too nice of a person I guess." He put the forkful into his mouth a chewed a few times before swollowing. "Plus, you invited me attention should be on you should it not?"
  70. iKamal: [id listen to it]
  71. Trexler: ((id beat off to it))
  72. BlSOU: ((id watch))
  73. iKamal: [you would watch any man beat off ]
  74. BlSOU: ((if he was cuuuute))
  75. iKamal: [you would watch a hobo jerk it]
  76. BlSOU: ((i've fucked a hobo so...maybe))
  77. BlSOU: ((if he was cute))
  78. iKamal: [dressing jack up in dirty rags is not fucking a hobo jay..]
  79. ChurchAeki: (The OOC is killing me)
  80. Covet: [I was just about to say the same]
  81. Tsaaq: ((Yeah you guys need an OOC room >.>))
  82. iKamal: [we have one its jsut not marked trp XD]
  83. iKamal: [brb]
  84. TheIridescentHollow: "Good point." She peirced into the stack of fries, gooey cheese, jalapenos, crushed bacon and brown gravy swirling around the fork to get the stretchy cheese to wrap around and put it in her mouth. She was trying not to get her top dirty. She did a little dance in her seat being happy that she finally got some disco frieds, otherwise known as poutine with different cheese.
  85. Covet: "What time do you have to go back to Bottoms up?" Angel asked looking at the door, "Because I could really use some coffee but not at the expense of having to walk through that. Do you guys have coffee at Bottoms Up? Or is that something that was made two days ago?" She questioned Libi.
  86. ChurchAeki: His smile grew as he watched her do a small jig in her seat while she ate her fries. "Cute." He said out loud not meaning to, he was only meant to think it not say it; catching himself he would stuff more cheesecake into his mouth. "So, a job huh? You have any talent or special skills....maybe I can help you out in your search." He says with a mouthful.
  87. iKamal: London finished off her coffee and she looked around the cafe. she started to bite at her nails and she did notice Nick came to talk to Alert then left. she was glad he didn't come and say hi to her. she sighed and started to pick the paint off the wall beside her. Travis had just up and left her there and now she was alone with her thoughts. she started to feel her stomach twist and turn as she sat there. she heard the sound of the expresso machine hissing and the chit chat others were having. They were all normal living their normal lives. She didn't know what normal was anymore hell she barely knew what reality was. she envied them all. She knew what they all were thinking and she thought it too. She deserved it. She deserved everything that had happen to her.
  88. Trexler: -Travis sighed and made his way back into the coffee shop taking his seat next to London again as he looked at her-''You okay?''-he said watching her look around the room. he then sighed and looked around also trying to find things to say-
  89. Tsaaq: "I was sort of just gonna stroll in whenever I felt like it." Libi said with a shrug of her shoulders. She furrowed her eyebrows at Angel's request, being sober she was not very entertained by the idea. "No bitch. We don't have any fucking coffee and our faux titty bar." She said sternly as she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Let's just go in. We're here already. Fuck it."
  90. iKamal: London's thoughts were interupted by Travis's voice."I'm ok.."she kept picking at te paint on the wall as it chipped away. she watched as the little flakes covered her lap."are you ok?" her voice was soft and low so only he could hear her. Finally the reporters gave up on trying to get t london and left the front of the cafe.
  91. TheIridescentHollow: Okay so she'd told a slight white lie. Payless was more like her second to last job. She couldn't tell people what her last one was. "I've worked a couple odd jobs here and there before I left home. For the most part my momma had me focusing on passing highschool until we moved from Downtown. Part time fast food and payless. I might make a kickass Uber driver."
  92. Trexler: -Travis then looked over at her and sighed scratching the side of his face-''Im fine, i just wanted to make sure you were good though''-he said as he looked down at floor moving his feet on the pattern of the carpet-''My company wants to know if i want to go to the California office..i dont want to though''-he said as he mocked the vp in his head..Travis owned it but the VP was the same guy from when his father owned it-
  93. Covet: "Well why not, a proper white russian has coffee in it. Bayleys and coffee is pretty decent too. Someone should fix this at your place of work." She watched the reporters start to filter out, "Dios Mio, finally. Yeah, we can go in. I need something blended and caffinated topped with whipped cream and sprinkles." She headed for the door and walked into the place, looking around before she walked up to the counter.
  94. ChurchAeki: "Uber driver? Don't want to be more than just minor employee? I'm not knocking Uber drivers they make money while using up the milage on their care making it less reliable over time." He took another sip from his Mocha latte. "Do you want to go to school, I mean it aint a job but it's a start to a better one while you work for Uber on the side for kicks till it all comes together."
  95. iKamal: "You should go...get out of this place."she stopped picking at the paint finally and looked over at him."You could make alot of money and buy like a beach house or something." she shrugged her shoulders some not realyl thinking about what she was saying just trying to make converstation
  96. Trexler: -Travis looked at her and let out a long breath before speaking-''That would mean me leaving you...i dont want that even though you do''-he said as he looked away from her looking around the room-''Did you mean what you said yesterday, do you really not love?''-he asked as he could feel how anxious his body was-
  97. iKamal: [brb phone]
  98. Trexler: ((tyt))
  99. Covet: [tyt]
  100. ChurchAeki: (TYT)
  101. Tsaaq: "I honestly don't even want to think about a delicious white russian right now." Libi said as she went to step inside of the cafe. "I'm probably just gonna..." She trailed off. "Look at the fucking menu. Decide something. And not want it cause I lowkey hate this fucking place." She whispered.
  102. TheIridescentHollow: "I just don't know. I mean I wanna do something where I get to be around people and doing something with photography and fashion. I mean modeling obviously comes to mind first but I don't know a lot about high sidity stuff an those girls in the magazines are so beautiful I couldn't even compete with that crowd. Maybe I'll look into photography school."
  103. iKamal: [bk]
  104. Trexler: ((wb))
  105. Covet: "Fair enough. Wow...have you been cutting back since I left?" Angel said looking at her almost shocked, "That's a huge step for you Libs, I'm super proud. I'll buy you something if you really want it, just to hate each bite of it." She offered as she placed her order for her drink.
  106. ChurchAeki: "Photography?" He leans forward against the table with his forearm laying on the table. "That sounds like a good path to go down." He eyed her as she said modeling, he scanned her over in approval. "A model as well I can see...don't be like that...most of those girls are photoshopped to look like that." He took another piece of the cheesecake into his mouth. "Well if you want to be a model and go into Photography." He looks over towards London, seeing Travis back at her side; looking away he would point his thumb towards the couple. "London is a model...maybe you can talk to her about getting into it....she might not be rude to you."
  107. iKamal: London sighed some as he asked her if she meant what she said yesterday."Yes...I meant it. How can I love someone I don't really know." she kept her eyes down."Before all we ever did was have sex and do drugs. partly my fault there. it was nice of you to buy me those things but i didnt want cant buy has to grow into something there is no such thing as love at first sight either. it's just bullshit that media puts into our head."she sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear expsoing her still swollen face but the bruising was going down."I don't think I can love and I am sorry for that"
  108. Trexler: ''Yeah i guess, well uh i think im gonna leave i gotta go to the office to do some shit''-he said as he got up, he was obviously lying but he couldnt think of anything else to say. He started for the door and then walked outside lighting another cig taking a long pull from it trying not to think about what she said-
  109. TheIridescentHollow: "It'd be awkward to talk to her right now. Maybe later." Shanee ate another bite of her fries and started moving around the fries on the plate. This place got the portions just right. "I kinda used to know her. I mean I was little back then. I had no idea til my momma started working for her again that 'L' would be London Mason when we grew up. I've seen her around a few times since I moved up here, but it's awkard you know? Have you read her social media statuses? She's been getting blasted know." Since the assault her social media history had been a shining spotlight on certain stations and tabloids.
  110. Tsaaq: She groaned loudly. "It's was a stupid idea I had and then Damian ran with the shit but I'm fucking hating it. No matter how much weed I smoke I'm not having fun. I huff chemicals and shit but it's like, it only fucking lasts like fifteen minutes and sometimes I pass out." Libi complained. "I'm gonna have to get some stong shit or I'm gonna end up murdering someone." She said. She looked over to the menu again. "I could chuck it at that bitch London but the last time I even suggested her getting hurt she tried to sic the cops on me." Libi rolled her eyes, watching as Travis walked by them. "You got an extra tampie for him? Looks like he needs one."
  111. iKamal: [afk for a moment duty calls]
  112. TheIridescentHollow: (lawl cops)
  113. ChurchAeki: "Nah, I think talking to her now would get her mind off things.." Hearing that she knew London caught his attention more. "Oh, so you were friends when kids or just like knew each other, I mean so what, what people say ir write about...have you talked to her since you've been here? I mean in Silver Hill?"
  114. Covet: "Wait. You've been huffing chemicals. Libi... That's I know getting a fix is nice, but next thing you know you've got blisters in your lungs and you're choking because there's fluid in there." Angel said looking at her concerned, then watched as Travis walked out. "Unfotunately no, I don't. iud's are lovely things that keep that shit at bay. But I might have fifty cents he can get one in the bathroom." She said with a laugh, then directed her attention back to the cops situation, "Really? Please tell me you just told the guys who showed up Hi, how are you guys doing?"
  115. ChurchAeki: brb want food
  116. Covet: *()
  117. Trexler: -Travis finished his cig and then texted his buddy to come pick him up but before that he wanted to grab a coffee that he could bring to the office with him. he walked in and stopped at libi and angel-''Hey lib i know you pretty much hate me but i got some coke that i could give you cause i dont do the shit anymore, It literally has just been sitting there''-he said scratching the side of his neck a bit before walking past them a bit ordering a coffee with an expresso shot. Once the barista gave him his coffee he walked back over to them-
  118. iKamal: [bk]
  119. Covet: [webs]
  120. TheIridescentHollow: "Truth is her momma was a ragign biggot for real. My momma would bring me to work sometimes or she'd bring L with us to church and stuff. Her Momma would gripe and rant about it. Like on the level of not wanting 'our kind' in the same pool and all. I don't know if she was a racist but lower class people even looking at her daughter rubbed her cooch hairs full of static. I think she fired my momma and we moved again and I ain't seen her since then til moving to here. I didn't know she was London either when I first saw her. She was just some chick tripping with somebody at a diner. I posted about it on FaceLink then someone was like 'yo, that was London Mason I saw that shit too'." The rest was history. "Then my momma called me and said 'you remember your friend I used to take to church with us?' The rest is history. Her daddy hired my momma to look after her after that story came out in the papers."
  121. iKamal: London sighed as travis just walked away from her again."seems you are pretty good at walking away." she mumbled to herself. she brushed her hair down to hide her face again and she pulled her phone out. she began to scroll through the news websites reading what things were beign said about her and even facelink.
  122. iKamal: [god damn phone!]
  123. Tsaaq: "Oh right. Cause I've always been worried about getting sick and dying." Libi prattled on sarcastically. "Thanks for letting me know." She pursed her lips and shrugged. "They acted like they gave a shit for like two minutes then were like okay Libi get the hell out of here. So I did." She explained. "That's too bad, maybe he can pull one out of his mom's ass and lick it clean before he sticks it in his PUSSY." Libi said with her voice raised a bit. She looked over to Travis and rolled her eyes. "Listen dude. Saying I hate you is really giving you a lot of credit cause I really don't give a shit. About most things. You being one of them." She scoffed. "Listen I don't want you donut powder. That shit isn't strong enough and means nothing without alcohol in my system so sell that shit obvs."
  124. ChurchAeki: (I'm back but eating give me a second)
  125. TheIridescentHollow: (your second was up 10 seconds ago)
  126. Covet: "I know that LIbi's been off the coke for a long while.. and I haven't done it since well.... you.. So.. I'm with her when your best bet is probably to sell it off to someone who wants it." Angel said getting her drink, looking around for a place to sit. "I've got my usual candy stash, but I don't know if that's going to work for you or not." Angel said trying to be subtle about her pills because this was public.
  127. ChurchAeki: (lol)
  128. Covet: *Angel said to Travis.
  129. Trexler: -Travis chuckled out loudly listening to libi and he then turned to angel-''Whatever ill probably just keep it never know when ill relapse''-he chuckled again as he headed for the door his ride was there. he quickly hopped in the passenger seat and the car sped off down the road in what seemed to be a hurry-
  130. Trexler: ((Gotta go food shopping ill be back soon))
  131. Covet: [yeah yeah get on with it!]
  132. Trexler: ((Alright damn lol))
  133. Trexler: ((seeya))
  134. iKamal: London had seen Travis talking to Libi and laughing and having a good time. she brushed it off and figured it was over between them now. She runs her fingers through her hair talking to herself."that was short lived"
  135. Tsaaq: ((Yeah sure go.))
  136. ChurchAeki: Nick finished off his cheesecake while Shanee talked noding his hea to certain points as he listened. "So you stop being friends with her because of her mother? I mean, I don't mean to offend you with what I'm about to say...but you moved here and found a friend but won't talk to her cause of her mother and what you read on scoial media? I mean isn't it best to get the actual information from the actual person that is like ten feet from you?" He smiles. "I mean what...if someone told you on social media that I sleep with who ever wants it...would you believe that without even talking to me?"
  137. Covet: [the sooner he leaves the sooner he gets back right?XD]
  138. Tsaaq: ((That was not my incentive.))
  139. Covet: [I know bitch XD]
  140. iKamal: [i cant with you two XD]
  141. Tsaaq: Libi rolled her eyes. "He so wanted an excuse to fucking talk to you." She said. "Or me. I don't fucking know. I don't fucking care." She scoffed and her eyebrows rose. "I mean. I haven't had any pills in a while. Maybe that'll make me fun again?" She suggested. "How many can I take without OD'ing?" She flipped off Travis as he began to walk away.
  142. TheIridescentHollow: "I mean..." She looked him up and down. "I admit I'd be tempted to ask if it was true or not. What I meant though was it would feel awkward. And her rep for dissing on people from the downtown is hard to ignore. If I go up to her and say hey it'" FUCK! She forgot about changing her name. "I guess I don't want to feel stupid." She waved over one of the staff asking could her fries be wrapped up to go. "You have a point I guess. It wouldn't hurt to see."
  143. Covet: "If someone needs an excuse to talk to me, they clearly don't have the balls to just talk. And that sounds like it's a personal problem for them." Angel said with a shrug then went to go sit down at the counter along the back wall. "I think any more than a couple would probably be a bad idea. Just because MDMA has a tendency to raise your body temperature, the more you take the faster it will do that and the faster you're od'ing. So two for now?" She asked her and pulled her backpack around to fish for the altoids tin that had her candy stash.
  144. ChurchAeki: He frowned slightly. "I didn't mean to have you feel some type of way...just...I think people should just talk to her. Maybe she is how she is cause she doesn't have someone to connect with....maybe she turned out how she is cause she lost a good friend and maybe is she reconnected with someone who knew her before she became this London that she might lighten up on people." His smile would return as one of the safe wrapped up Shanee's leftovers and his other cheekcake. "Thank you." He says before the staff member walked off. " I mean she is all alone right now.....want me to come with you....?"
  145. ChurchAeki: if*
  146. TheIridescentHollow: "Yes." She was almost tempted to ask him to hold her hand, but that was for babies. She was a grown ass woman. "Lets go over there and talk to her."
  147. ChurchAeki: He got up picking up their left over with one hand while the other hand would pull out her chair as he came up behind her. "After you." He says with a big smile, waiting for her to lead the way.
  148. Tsaaq: Libi rose one of her eyebrows as she leaned on the counter. "How about..." She trailed off. "We turn up the A/C super high in my place? Would I still be in peril?" She asked Angel. "Yeah two for now. Fuck it." She said, holding her hand out with an exasperated look.
  149. TheIridescentHollow: "Thank you." She wondered if men were naturally more polite in midtown than downtown but was enjoying the chivalry. She walked up to the guard. "We would like to talk to London if that's ok."
  150. Covet: "We'll start with Two now, maybe two later when these wear off." Angel told her with a smile, taking one for herself as well, using her coffee to swallow the drugs down with. "If it's good stuff like I was assured it was, two should be more than enough." She said with a smile, seeing her friend's struggle.
  151. iKamal: London was in her own little world in the back of the cafe. she leaned her head agianst the wall and kept looking through her phone. Albert frowned some seeing her this way. He made his way over to her and sat down talking."Lonnie....."Albert was the only person who called London that."You okay kiddo?" London nodded her head."I think's ard to tell now a days." Albert sighed and nodded his head."Do you want to go home? Maybe Haddie can come over and make you some more of those dumplings you love so much."London shook her head,"I rather wait till everyone leaves before I move."Albert nodded"Okay Lonnie just let me know if you need anything." Albert got up and went back to basically guarding her though he sat down near the entrance of the cubby hole with his phone out texting his wife.Albert looked up at the girl and nodded his head."that is ok." London heard whoever talking to ALbert and she didnt move.
  152. ChurchAeki: *Nick pats Albert on the upper arm as he let them go over to London, Nick would sit on the couch silently acting as if he wasn't even there. He looked to Shanee and his eyes nudged her over to London in a manner of 'Go on' with a smile he would take out his phone and try to mind his own business.*
  153. iKamal: [so quick interuption i looked at the suggestin box and saw you guys want to keep chat logs so i made a thread and plan to post this chat log in there]
  154. TheIridescentHollow: "Hi there," Shanee said hesitantly. What was more awkward than anything was how similiar of a circumbstance was happening. Both being victims of rape, but one so much worse off than the other. Shanee sat herself on the adjacent couch drumming her hands lightly on her lap. "You probably don't remember me. My mom used to be your nanny when we were little. I'm Shanee."
  155. Covet: [Yep saw that, Thank you for that!]
  156. iKamal: [yw]
  157. ChurchAeki: (afk)
  158. iKamal: London heard someone talking to her. she set her phone down in her lap and slowly looked up at Shanee. "I remember you.."she spoke softly."Nanner told me you were back." she wasn't sure how to react to her old friend. she wanted to hug her tightly and cry but she thought better of it."How have you been?"she fiddled with her phone and looked down at it again not really wanting to be seen. she felt like a true outkast and people were pitying her or talking trash about her.
  159. TheIridescentHollow: "I been okay." At this point she'd normally say 'how've you been' but everyone knew how she was. She glanced over at Nick making sure he was still there in case she needed a meat shield. "So, you still go to church?"
  160. Tsaaq: She nodded as she took two and tossed it into her mouth. "Thanks Angel." She sputtered her lips, waiting for it to kick in. "Thank god you're back. All these other assholes are such a drag."
  161. iKamal: London shook her head."no I don't but I am thinking about going back." she sighed some."Your mom was over yesterday...she made me her famous dumplings. I really missed them..."she took a deep breath."What about you you still go to church?"
  162. Covet: "Aww, well I'm glad that I'm back too. I feel like life is such a drag with out you." Angel said with a smile sipping on her coffee looking over into the "VIP" section. She leaned over to Libi, "So... while we're here and sipping tea. I shouldn't say much about this... but... I hear that the State DA's office is looking into some shady goverment stuff here in Silver Hill. They have my dad looking over some expense reports they've found. I guess Libi's Dad and a few detectives are also putting together an investigation."
  163. iKamal: [you mean london]
  164. TheIridescentHollow: "Yeah those are good. I go to church sometimes. Momma is trying to get me to go next sunday. So uh. Are you okay? I mean I know you're not okay-okay, but like, how've you been holding up?"
  165. Covet: [No... I mean. Quinn.. XD MY BAD!]
  166. iKamal: [i saw L and was like maybe she meant london lol]
  167. Covet: [ No, I was reading back what I wrote and wrote Libi in instead of Quinn. so.. QUINN'S DAD...since he's a police officer...NOT Libi's Dad]
  168. Covet: [GG Kiki -facepalm]
  169. Tsaaq: ((Yeah Lib's dad is just an ex-marine bish.))
  170. Covet: [XD Yeah nobody's fuckin with that...I'm good XD]
  171. Covet: [I know ex marines that are scary mofo's. Good people but... you don't fuck with them. They are all in their 50's and have war stories and what not]
  172. iKamal: London nodded her head. she sighed some when Shanee asked her how she was doing."To be honest with you I don't know. It's like a broken record plays in my head and I wish people would stop making it into a big deal because it makes it worse. I already know I deserved it..."she started to pick the little rinestones off her phone case and shrugged."People get hurt everyday why am I so special that I get to be all over the news."
  173. ChurchAeki: *Nick would look up from his phone and looked over to the two, he smiles at them before looking back down at his phone trying not to easedrop on their conversation they were having just inches from him. *
  174. Tsaaq: Libi rose an eyebrow as she looked over to London. She mimed gagging with her tongue stuck out and her index finger pointed to her mouth. She turned to Angel and tilted her head. "What kind of shady shit? Like dead girl in a drainage ditch shady?" She asked.
  175. TheIridescentHollow: "Nobody deserves that sort of the thing to happen." She looked down. "You could come...come over my place sometimes. It's not Ritz-y like nothing in the Hiltons but it's peaceful and quiet. And there'd be no pressure to talk or anything. You can just sit there as long as you wanted."
  176. iKamal: London forced a smile on her face at Shanee."I would like that alot....I really missed you. I still hate my mother for what she did."she sighed someand toyed with her hair nervously.
  177. Covet: Angel looked over Libi's shoulder, and hid a smirk with another drink from her coffee as she made the gagging noises towards London. "No, not dead girl in a drainage ditch shady, more like.. money being used for things that aren't city related sort of shady."
  178. TheIridescentHollow: "Don't sweat it. Things happen. I'll send you my cell number on Facelink." London's facelink was the first on the list when Shanee Searched London Mason. She sent her a friend request with her cellphone number in the user added message section.
  179. iKamal: London nodded her head and she looked at her phone accepting the request and saving her number in her phone. she sent her a text so she would have her number and she looked over at nick. her eyes glued onto his hair and she looked away instantly.
  180. ChurchAeki: Nick would put his phone away and run his fingers through his hair pushing it back from his face as he looked up. "So, was it as bad as you thought Shanee." A grin stained his features as he looked to them both. "No I can say Hello." He chuckles lightly. "Hey London....where did your boyfriend go?"
  181. ChurchAeki: Now*
  182. Tsaaq: "Oh fucking shit." Libi's eyes widened. "I can't wait to tell Damian! HE's gonna shit the fucking bed when he hears that!" She whispered to Angel. "Do you know what it's for? Like what's the bastard spending it on?"
  183. TheIridescentHollow: "Wasn't so bad." She sipped the last of her pepsi and sat it on the table. Someone would eventually clean it up.
  184. iKamal: London looked away from nick and picked at the paint on the wall as she felt her chest tighten up."hi...and I don't know don't even know if he is still my boyfriend."she gritted her teeth and tried. her head turned slightly as she looked at his hair then his face."Did you shave recently?" she looked at his face.
  185. TheIridescentHollow: (pooost nick)
  186. iKamal: [he has to go to work soon]
  187. Covet: "I don't know yet. I just overheard my dad talking about it in a conference call. But even in that call they were very hush hush about it. But you bet your ass I'll keep you guys posted with all of this. But go figure, something shady is always going down in Silver HIll."
  188. ChurchAeki: Hearing her talk about his facial hair he would reach up and touched his chin and upper lip. "Yeah, I kind of wish I didn't...already miss my little fuz." Laughing he leans back against the couch relaxing more. " So old friends reconnecting, only good can come out of that..." He looked to Shanee and then London, both beatiful girls, now that he thought of it there were a lot of beautiful girls in Silver Hill was there something in the water. Bushing the thought of Nick would stand up from the couch and place his hand on Londons knee as he squated dwon in front of her. "Even though you've gone through this hard time, you have a friend you've reconnected with you that can help you strength and resume your normal life." Standing back up he would look to Shanee and had her the left overs. "The other cheesecake was for you.. I have to go...need to close up the shop."
  189. ChurchAeki: (Yeah what she said XD Was making exit post XD)
  190. TheIridescentHollow: "Sure. See you later." She waved her fingers waiting for him to walk out of the cafe. She'd finally relax a little when he was gone. "I felt so awkward with him sitting here. That guy is so cute and I thought I'd embarass myself. Since it's just us girls now how are you for real?"
  191. iKamal: London's whole body tensed up as she heard he recently shaved. Her heart began to pound in her chest. she felt his hand on her knee al lthe sudden and she looked into his eyes.His voice was muffled and she just stared at him. She as freakig out on the inside and she began to hold her breath. once he was away from her she let out a breath. she turned to face the wall. she couldn't look at him. so many things were running through her head. sh put her face into her hands and Albert looked at Nick then to London. Albert got up and crouched down infront of London."Lonnie are you okay?"London didn't look at him or speak to Albert." to me come on it's me."London shook her head. London heard Shanee and Albert both speaking to her.She got up"excuse mei need to use the restroom."she made her way out of the cubby and towards the bathrooms instantly and locked herself in one of the stalls
  192. ChurchAeki: Nick would smile towards Libi and her friend as he walked pass them. "Have a nice day." He would walk out the cafe and across the street to the shop.
  193. TheIridescentHollow: "Do you think she'll come out of there any time soon?" She looked at the guard.
  194. Covet: [BRB!]
  195. iKamal: Albert rubbed the back of his bald head and sighed."Hard to say. Your mother literally had to drag her out of bed this morning with my help."London pushed her hair back thinking and shaking her head. her thoughts running wild in her mind
  196. TheIridescentHollow: She pictured Haddie with her 'Lil gurl, if you don't get out this bed...' schpeal. "I'll try to talk to her." She got up and went into the bathroom. Standing in front of the only closed stall facing the big mirrors. "It doesn't help staying in there. I know."
  197. iKamal: London heard Shanee in the bathroom with her and she sniffled."I cant even look at a man without wondering if he is going to hurt me..."she started to cry hard. she hated feeling this way and she hated going through all this. she wanted it to end but like most things it took time
  198. TheIridescentHollow: "Yeah. I know. You wonder if they all thought about doing it at any point? The answer is no. Even some of the worst scumbags don't think about rape. The world ain't out to rape you, it's just unfair sometimes. Being rich doesn't protect from that. It just feels like there's way more attention on you because you're noticing more now. You were used to it probably."
  199. iKamal: She took a deep breath. How did she know how she was feeling and thinking."Did it happen to you?"she asked wondering. she wiped her eyes and she sat there listening to shanee
  200. TheIridescentHollow: "About three months ago."
  201. iKamal: "Do you know who did it?" she looked around and reached up unlocking the stall
  202. TheIridescentHollow: "Yeah."
  203. iKamal: London got up and she opened the stall door. she looked at Shanee and she hugged her."How do you get to be normal again.."
  204. TheIridescentHollow: "I dealt with it my own way. And I went out every day. It was kinda choking at first cos every shadow and rock was scary. But I went on. Life is going on rather you stay stuck exactly where you are or not. And I wasn't giving him that kind of satisfaction."
  205. iKamal: She nodded her head and took a deep breath. she iped her eyes and she looked around the bathroom."I think i will be okay"
  206. TheIridescentHollow: "You will be. Truth is it's so much building up strength, it's finding out the strength you already had. Some find out sooner than later what they got in them. Others don't need it until it's time to use it. That's what my momma said to me."
  207. iKamal: "Your mother is a saint.."she smiled and ent tot he sink splashing cold water on her face. she looked at her busted face int he mirror and sighed
  208. TheIridescentHollow: "More like a drill sergent but she gets the job done." Shanee chuckled a little. "Ready to go back out?"
  209. iKamal: london nodded her head"Yeah I think so"
  210. TheIridescentHollow: "Ok. Your body guard giving you a ride home?"
  211. iKamal: "Yeah he is "
  212. Tsaaq: "This is fucking serious business." Libi said as she took out her cellphone. "What if he's trying to kill people? OH what if he ran somebody over and he's trying to cover it up? Maybe he's using the money for his face lifts?"
  213. Tsaaq: ((I'm back.))
  214. iKamal: [wb]
  215. TheIridescentHollow: "Okay. Well I'll text you later. See you around....L." Shanee left the bathroom and went to get her doggy back. "She'll be out in a few minutes I think she feels better." She left the cafe and walked around the corner to her apartment building.
  216. iKamal: London came out of the bathroom after Shanee left. Albert stood up and London held her hand up. it was a sign she didnt want to be bothered. she dug in her pocket and pulled out a card and she waited in line silently. old London would have pushed people out of her way
  217. TheIridescentHollow: (I thought you went to work Trexler)
  218. Trexler: ((food shopping))
  219. TheIridescentHollow: (ooh right my bad)
  220. Trexler: ((its all good lol))
  221. Tsaaq: ((Thats the other guy.))
  222. Trexler: ((whats going on now?))
  223. Covet: "For the State DA office to be involved, definitely, I would hope it's not killing people but the other's seem like it's totally plausible." Angel added watching Libi as she took out her phone. "I've been dying to know more about what's going down but I'm holding out for actual words not this vague investigation talk."
  224. iKamal: [shanee left so its just angel london and libi here london is in line wiaitng]
  225. Covet: [BACK AS WELL]
  226. Trexler: ((Alright ill post back in))
  227. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head, the high was finally kicking in. She began to grin as she looked around the cafe. "Oh shit. I think I'm rolling." She said in a murmur. She looked down at her phone, already not remembering what she'd been doing. She put it face down on the table. She turned to Angel and nodded. "We should eavesdrop or some shit.
  228. Trexler: -Travis had went to his office to discuss possible moves to go back to California, he wasnt too happy about that but he figured since him and London pretty much called a quits there wasnt really anything to hold him back. After the meeting he asked his buddy Rich and Greg to go to the coffee shop to talk about the future business deals that were ahead. They then pulled up in Travis' blacked out Range Rover all three men hopped out and Travis locked it. Travis led the way into the shop looking around and seeing the same people that were there when he left. He ignored them and got in line with his buddies behind London not saying a word to her-
  229. iKamal: London stepped forward and she looked at the barista."Can I just have a black coffee I can add my own sugar and cream..."she slid her card across the counter and and the barista nodded. she slid the card and looked up at London."umm it says declinded..."London looked confused."Do you mind running it again please." The woman nodded her head and tried again."No it still isn't working."london took her card back."than kyou anyways." she nodded and London turned seeing Travis and just walked back over to Albert her body guard."my card was declinded and I don't know why.."
  230. Covet: "On London? I mean we can. I'd be game with that. I doubt we'd find out anthing out from her though. She's usually caught up in her own stuff to talk about her Dad's drama" Angel said, assuming that's the eaves dropping she was talking about. She looked around and saw Travis walk back in looking all suited up, she nudged Libi to get her attention, "Someone let the penguins out of the zoo."
  231. Tsaaq: "What?" Libi asked as she furrowed her eyebrows and scrunched up her face. She smiked as she looked over to one of the cafe computers. "I feel so much better right now." Libi whispered. "Oh, no I don't mean that bitch. Fuck her. We won't find out shit. I meant like stalking her dad." She said. Libi was fixated on the tattoos on her hands when Angel nudged her. She looked Travis over then looked at the suited gentlemen. "I love penguins. I'm gonna take them home." She said in a daze. "But those are people bitch. I don't want them." She snickered.
  232. KingStram: *sips coffee and opens up news paper*
  233. TheIridescentHollow: Shanee didn't make it far from the cafe. She sighed heavily and turned right back around going through the doors. "Scram you story chaser turds!" she griped at the paparazzi she had to worm through again. "London? London." She spotted her. "I know I just left and all but then I wanted to come back something wrong?"
  234. Trexler: -Travis over heard the women tell London her card declined but he didnt pay mind to it he let her pass by as he went to the counter-''Can i get 3 caramel lattees with 2 expresso shots in one of them..thanks''-he said as he waited for her to make them, she then set them infront of the men and they brought their drinks to a table taking a seat. Greg then looked at london and leaned in on the table-''Wait trav wasnt that the girl you were fucking?''-he said as he chuckled-''Shut the fuck up man''-Travis said as he then turned to Rich-''So like i said before my office better be a pent house suite also or im not going''-he said with a serious face sipping his coffee, rich just nodded and did the same-
  235. Covet: Angel laughed, "Oh...Oh! I see what you mean now. Yeah, we can probably do that, or just hang out at Quinn's or my place and listen in on my Dad. I bet he just leaves things like that in his desk. I know where he keeps the key." She said quietly, rolling her eyes at the way Travis was flaunting himself with his coworkers. "Real penguins are cuter, and a lot less cocky." Angel said with a giggle.
  236. iKamal: London sighed and pulled her phone out to call her father and she looked over at SHanee"I'm ok"she heard her mother on the other line"Hello!"London sighed"Mother I went to go get a coffee and the card was declined..."London's mother was shouting through the phone."GOOD! Why don't you ask your negro mommy for money for coffee!"London's mother was drunk again like always."can I speak daddy please." Her mother went on and on about how London wasnt worth their money and she cut her card off since she wanted to be with haddie all the time. London's mother grew up very racist. As for her father not so much. London was much like her father though.
  237. Tsaaq: "Stupid. Doesn't he know? Don't leave shit lying around. Fucking duh. We'll just read all that shit-" Libi began to say before she laughed loudly. "Right. And if they are cocky I wouldn't know. I don't know a lot of fucking penguins personally." She shrugged. "Fuck, this shit is amazing. You have to tell me where you get it from." Libi said. "Or hook me up, how much for like... A week's worth?"
  238. TheIridescentHollow: Shanee's teeth visible gritted. Oh if she could just reach through the phone and molly wopp the shit out Mrs. Claire Mason. She exhaled. " Look. London, whatever it is it's cool. Whatever's going on with your momma it'll be okay, okay?"
  239. iKamal: London sat down and placed her head in ehr hands."My life is going to shit....I get assualted,loose my boyfriend,and now I can't even buy coffee because my alcholic mother is a racist."she just sat there and stared at the floor.
  240. Covet: "He does lock his office, and his desk, but I just happen to know where everything is to get around that." She said with a shrug and a smirk then listened to the babble about penguins. "That's true, I guess some penguins are probably assholes too, but they're animals. they can get away with it. RIGHT! One of my brother's friends, who is big into the rave scene. He gets it out of Canada, and it gets there from Amsterdam. I'll hook you up the guy charges thirty five for a gram, but if you want it pilled out then it's fourty even."
  241. TheIridescentHollow: "It's col. I'll get you coffee. What kind do you take?"
  242. TheIridescentHollow: cool*
  243. iKamal: London shook her head."You don't have to do that Shanee I am sure I have some at home or something. It's not a big deal I really don't need it." London sighed some and she looked around."I'll be okay I promise."
  244. Tsaaq: Libi reached into her cleavage for the cash. "You wanna climb on top of cars. Wait you want to smash cars with a bat? Wait no. You want to climb on top of cars and smash them with bats?" Libi asked with a snicker. She looked around, seeing London not acting as stuck up as usually. "The fuck is her problem?"
  245. TheIridescentHollow: Shanee looked around the cafe. "Hmm. You know, you're right. It's just coffee. So ome to my house and have coffee with me? It's just around the block and your...friend can come in too. What do you say?" Shanee smiled at her.
  246. TheIridescentHollow: come*
  247. Covet: "First world problems." Angel answered her shaking her head. "I don't know about smashing cars with bats, but I'll watch you do it. Wait, weren't you supposed to go to work at some point?" Angel said vaguely remembering her saying something about Bottoms Up before they came in.
  248. iKamal: London shrugged her shoulders"I don't know i might just go home or something..." she sighed some."I apperciate it Shanee I really do but I think I just need a moment to collect my thoughts..."
  249. TheIridescentHollow: "Then we'll rain check. I came back to say that anyway, that I wanted to hang out with you sometime since this is the first time in more than a decade and a half that we've spoken."
  250. iKamal: "I apperciate it I really do Shanee. Maybe you can come over with your mom later and we all can have dinner like we use to." she smiled and looked at Albert"I think im ready to go home now"
  251. Tsaaq: She groaned dramatically. "Fuck off! It won't be fun if you're not doing it." Libi said before looking at her phone for the time. "I don't want to go back to work at all."
  252. TheIridescentHollow: "Sure. See you later." She left again.
  253. iKamal: [ok im going for abit so i can take a shower but i shall be back!!
  254. Covet: "I'm in a dancing mood, not a breaking people's things mood. What if we did mailboxes instead? Would that be a good compromise?" Angel asked her finishing off her coffee.
  255. TheIridescentHollow: (kewl beans)
  256. Covet: [I need to get on dinner for myself D:]
  257. Tsaaq: ((go bitch))
  258. Tsaaq: ((Cause you gotta be back in an hour.))
  259. Covet: [I know.. Bigger better things to do! lol]
  260. TheIridescentHollow: (break time so I can move my comp and stuff)
  261. Tsaaq: ((Yeah!))
  262. Artificer: ((sooo is anyone RPing here? lol))
  263. Tsaaq: ((Idk if I even want to be in here.))
  264. Tsaaq: ((Technically Libi and Angel are in here.))
  265. Covet: [Can we please go somewhere else?]
  267. Covet: [XD]
  268. Tsaaq: ((Yes lets go elsewhere))
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