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every debate with a windows user

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Jul 17th, 2016
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  1. [7:11:22 PM] jack.heikell: He may have seen your tweets
  2. [7:11:42 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: you going to join in?
  3. [7:11:58 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: or we doing this text's still
  4. [7:12:09 PM] jack.heikell: I kindaink I should do this later, when I'm less busy.
  5. [7:12:12 PM] *** Missed group call. ***
  6. [7:12:24 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: alright
  7. [7:13:53 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: Text
  8. [7:14:00 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: I can't call rn
  9. [7:14:01 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: too late
  10. [7:14:05 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: Lol
  11. [7:14:06 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: he's busy
  12. [7:14:10 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: he's working
  13. [7:14:18 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: IT guy and what not
  14. [7:16:17 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: If he's like those it guys at schools than lol
  15. [7:16:33 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: You know schools are paid to pump out ms pros right
  16. [7:16:52 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: I don't know
  17. [7:17:00 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: will talk about this latter
  18. [7:17:20 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: jake will tell you when his ready
  19. [7:17:28 PM] jack.heikell: *Jack
  20. [7:17:46 PM] UNCLE STOMPS: yea, that's what I mean
  21. [7:18:22 PM] jack.heikell: I didn't go to a school to work as an IT person, I got employed based on who I was not based on me being an MS Pro or partner or what not.
  22. [7:23:45 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: the schools where I live teach MS stuff and i've seen /g/ stories about this too
  23. [7:23:52 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: basic programming? VB
  24. [7:23:58 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: basic IT admin? Windows 7
  25. [7:24:01 PM] jack.heikell: I know C, JS, HTML
  26. [7:24:06 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: well, the shitty community college that is
  27. [7:24:10 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: because it's a community college
  28. [7:24:15 PM] jack.heikell: I use Linux as part of my job, daily.
  29. [7:24:35 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: ever used it outside of it?
  30. [7:25:51 PM] jack.heikell: Yes
  31. [7:25:53 PM] jack.heikell: for 6 years.
  32. [7:26:12 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: which distros
  33. [7:26:42 PM] jack.heikell: Ubuntu, Mint, Kubuntu, Puppy.
  34. [7:26:52 PM] jack.heikell: The basic ones, that everyone gets into and sees, which is important.
  35. [7:27:21 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: not even debian? damn lol
  36. [7:27:43 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: time to start the /g/ initiation process, when you're done you'll become lain
  37. [7:27:45 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: IRL
  38. [7:27:59 PM | Edited 7:28:07 PM] jack.heikell: Technically Ubuntu is Debian
  39. [7:28:19 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: licensing, kernel versions, program versions, etc.
  40. [7:28:25 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: and it seems to break a lot more for all my friends
  41. [7:28:28 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: anyhow, time for the ritual
  42. [7:28:28 PM] Jake °w° 🐾:
  43. [7:28:47 PM] jack.heikell: I'm not here to be converted to Linux, thank you, I use Windows proudly.
  44. [7:29:06 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: which doesn't protect you from the creator at all
  45. [7:29:29 PM] jack.heikell: What do you mean?
  46. [7:29:34 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: let's just say
  47. [7:29:42 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: the creator decides to push a update
  48. [7:29:47 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: that collects info from you
  49. [7:29:52 PM] jack.heikell: If you're a pirvacy-bro who thinks I'm sp[ying on you, you're an uncultured piece of shit
  50. [7:29:59 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: and you can't see the source code
  51. [7:30:01 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: becuase that happened
  52. [7:30:21 PM] jack.heikell: Oh no, the precious source code
  53. [7:30:23 PM] Jake °w° 🐾:
  54. [7:30:44 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: so basically you do not give one shit about your own privacy. got it
  55. [7:30:47 PM] jack.heikell: Me, one person, in the millions that uses Windows, is going to get spied on, me, the person who doesn't do anything interesting, is for some reason at risk! OH NO!
  56. [7:31:03 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: "i have nuthin to hide i promiss"
  57. [7:31:22 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: i bet that's what the germans thought too when they got arrested for postnig an illegal opinion online
  58. [7:31:55 PM] jack.heikell: I can't tell if you are being serious or a troll, and either outcome still makes you look like a cunt regardless.
  59. [7:32:01 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: well that did happen though just saying
  60. [7:32:14 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: they criticized the wrong groups online
  61. [7:32:19 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: bam in the van
  62. [7:32:37 PM] jack.heikell: Cool bananas, one person got taken.
  63. [7:33:00 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: try 60
  64. [7:33:31 PM] jack.heikell: Answer me this, in your theoretical world of being spied on, how does Microsoft have the resources to spy on us all? I'm sure each of their own machines run windows, so they must all be spying on themselves too, right?
  65. [7:34:01 PM] jack.heikell: And seeing as the windows machine count is in the millions, how are they doing that? It's a feat if they pull it off, and if so, they can have my fucking data.
  66. [7:34:19 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: how do they have the resources to push windows 10 on millions of people without their permission
  67. [7:34:21 PM] jack.heikell: They'll go "oh this guy is into this song" and that's about it.
  68. [7:34:35 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: and then it's "oh this guy said this group was bad SHUT IT DOWN"
  69. [7:34:36 PM] jack.heikell: Because it's an update which requires no man-made intervention?
  70. [7:34:39 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: look at twitter and fb right now
  71. [7:34:55 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: fb is literally run by people who censor shit that goes against their views
  72. [7:35:14 PM] jack.heikell: So stop using Facebook? Facebook has nothing to do with my choice of OS.
  73. [7:35:20 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: oh I don't use it
  74. [7:35:24 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: but
  75. [7:35:31 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: windows is run by those same types of people, remember that
  76. [7:35:53 PM] jack.heikell: Yes, and it doesn't actually make me feel any better or worse.
  77. [7:36:04 PM] Jake °w° 🐾:
  78. [7:36:08 PM] jack.heikell: I don't care if they're spying on me.
  79. [7:36:12 PM] Jake °w° 🐾:
  80. [7:36:19 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: sure, you might not care
  81. [7:36:26 PM] jack.heikell: So why do you even bother?
  82. [7:36:28 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: you might one day if shit hits the fan however and they already have the framework in place
  83. [7:37:37 PM] jack.heikell: Shit will hit the fan regardless, not everyone is going to switch to another OS because of your skewed view.
  84. [7:37:47 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: look at windows 10 telemetry
  85. [7:37:50 PM] jack.heikell: What search engine do you use?
  86. [7:37:51 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: if you don't see anything worng with that
  87. [7:37:54 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: i have some great news for you
  88. [7:37:56 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: duckduckgo
  89. [7:38:05 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: anyways as for the great news
  90. [7:38:07 PM] jack.heikell: Good.
  91. [7:38:15 PM] jack.heikell: I don't use windows 10.
  92. [7:38:16 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: GUESS WHO IS HIRING? :D
  93. [7:38:18 PM] Jake °w° 🐾:
  94. [7:38:32 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: might as well work for the man if you're defending them so badly
  95. [7:38:43 PM] jack.heikell: Guess what?
  96. [7:38:46 PM] jack.heikell: I don't live in that country.
  97. [7:38:55 PM] jack.heikell: I live in the coutnry ranked number one in freedom.
  98. [7:39:01 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: which is
  99. [7:39:20 PM] jack.heikell: Google it ;)
  100. [7:39:25 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: why don't you say it
  101. [7:39:31 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: i can provide links
  102. [7:39:34 PM] jack.heikell: Why don't you google it?
  103. [7:39:34 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: so can you :)
  104. [7:39:39 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: okay then
  105. [7:39:53 PM] jack.heikell: I wanna make you work for this argument, all you're doing is link spamming shit I'm not even paying attention to
  106. [7:39:56 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: canada? new zeland?
  107. [7:40:03 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: so you're refusing to read what sources i provide
  108. [7:40:05 PM] jack.heikell: New Zealand, Dipshit
  109. [7:40:08 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: HAHAHAHAHHA NZ
  110. [7:40:14 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: ISN'T THAT WHERE KIM DOTCOM GOT VANNED?
  111. [7:40:51 PM] jack.heikell: The man who was found innocent? The man with dropped charges.
  112. [7:41:40 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: pretty lulzy how you call me a "privacy bro" then when I mention his name you do a 180. k then :^ )
  113. [7:42:08 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: anyways
  114. [7:42:19 PM] jack.heikell: Doing a 180. Hah.
  115. [7:42:22 PM] Jake °w° 🐾:
  116. [7:42:25 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: just gonna leave this here
  117. [7:42:31 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: nz spies too
  118. [7:42:32 PM] jack.heikell: Put it this way,
  119. [7:43:30 PM] jack.heikell: I'll come crawling to your flawed, hypocritic, useless view, as soon as I get "caught" by whatever the fuck corporation you anonymous faggots are rooting against.
  120. [7:44:01 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: anon's been irrelevant for years m8
  121. [7:44:11 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: just shows how out of touch you are with internet culture though
  122. [7:44:53 PM] jack.heikell: piravy bros, anonymous, are essentially the same in my book
  123. [7:45:13 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: "privacy bros"
  124. [7:45:20 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: do you like, want some big company sucking up your data or some shit
  125. [7:45:26 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: like how can someone not see anything wrong with that
  126. [7:45:41 PM] jack.heikell: I don't mind if they take my data, I'm neither for or against
  127. [7:45:56 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: that's what they all say until they get their data stolen
  128. [7:46:23 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: "I don't mind if big global megacorp 69 has my data"
  129. [7:46:39 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: "wait wtf my paypals emptied WTF M8 IM NEVER USING UR SERVICE AGAIN"
  130. [7:46:45 PM] jack.heikell: "whatever the fuck corporation you anonymous faggots are rooting against."
  131. [7:46:48 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: that's why i avoid signups for shit I don't need to sign up for
  132. [7:46:52 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: look at teamviewer
  133. [7:46:55 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: people got shit stolen
  134. [7:46:58 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: paypals emptied
  135. [7:47:11 PM] jack.heikell: You have a twitter, you hate censorship, and you're against data collection, so why the fuck are you on there?
  136. [7:47:27 PM] jack.heikell: Give one decent reason, with all your precious values ,that you should have a twitter
  137. [7:47:35 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: because 9/10 of the friends I'm with are retards who can't switch and Twitter's still not as bad as FB
  138. [7:47:45 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: you can sign up with a fake name
  139. [7:47:47 PM] jack.heikell: That's awfully mean.
  140. [7:47:47 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: you can't with fb
  141. [7:47:51 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: hey, it's true
  142. [7:47:52 PM] jack.heikell: You can with FB
  143. [7:48:02 PM] jack.heikell: You can very easily sign up with a fake name
  144. [7:48:10 PM] Jake °w° 🐾:
  145. [7:48:12 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: oopsies :^)
  146. [7:48:14 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: it's banned still
  147. [7:48:32 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: which really offends the tumblr crowd the most but also the privacy types too (along with the data collection fb does wholesale)
  148. [7:49:18 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: and plus if I can get one person to see the message and actually listen instead of going BAWWW UR (group name here) it's a good thing actually
  149. [7:49:46 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: because that's what you're doing, you're no different than the people on tumblr who tag people to a group and avoid them because you disagree with their opinion
  150. [7:50:06 PM] jack.heikell: >tag them and avoid them
  151. [7:50:12 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: tag them as in
  152. [7:50:18 PM] jack.heikell: I respect your opinion, I disrespect who you're pitching it
  153. [7:50:19 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: "YOU FUCKING WHITE MALE"
  154. [7:50:40 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: some guy at a rally was doing that
  155. [7:50:58 PM] jack.heikell: cool
  156. [7:52:04 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: and the point is, you're doing that
  157. [7:52:07 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: but with different terms
  158. [7:52:18 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: "you X"
  159. [7:52:29 PM] jack.heikell: And my point is, you're not explaining yourself like a civil person
  160. [7:52:34 PM] jack.heikell: You're calling your friends retards
  161. [7:52:39 PM] jack.heikell: What kind of person does that?
  162. [7:52:54 PM] jack.heikell: A retard, the person you're afraid of
  163. [7:53:05 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: when they're asking me for stuff they can search online
  164. [7:53:13 PM] jack.heikell: I wanna draw attention to your undertale review, you barely even played the fucking game.
  165. [7:53:21 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: because I have taste in video games?
  166. [7:53:22 PM | Edited 7:53:28 PM] jack.heikell: You didn't talk about the gameplay, or the stor.
  167. [7:53:25 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: the gameplay is trash
  168. [7:53:31 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: the story is fanfiction tier
  170. [7:53:58 PM] jack.heikell: You put the game on a cash register and said "it wont run"
  171. [7:54:01 PM] jack.heikell: no shit, fucktard.
  172. [7:54:09 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: cute how an IT person doesn't know shit about POS hardware
  173. [7:54:11 PM] jack.heikell: it's like me trying to use my microphone as a mouse.
  174. [7:54:23 PM] jack.heikell: "IT person"
  175. [7:54:40 PM] jack.heikell: cute how the guy trying to sound like he's winning the argument is very informal and unmannered.
  176. [7:54:54 PM] jack.heikell: I broke out of formality when I realized how much of a cunt you are.
  177. [7:55:04 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: that's what they call them here in burgerland
  178. [7:55:13 PM] jack.heikell: I hope I never meet a low-life scum like you, ever, again.
  179. [7:55:15 PM] *** jack.heikell has left ***
  180. [7:55:58 PM] Jake °w° 🐾: "i mustn't run away" -shinji ikari
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