
Blaze It Chapter 2

Apr 21st, 2017
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  1. >be fluttershy
  2. >on your way to Tree Hugger's house for a party
  3. >walking through ponyville, you notice something strange
  4. >The closer she got to Tree Hugger's house, the more ponies seemed "calmer"
  5. >When you get to her house, you notice a funny smell in the air
  6. >all her windows are open
  7. >pinkie pie is snooping around, smelling the air and the ground
  8. >"FLUTTERSHY! Do you smell that? I've never smelled it before."
  9. "Yeah Pinkie, I've never smelled it before either. What do you think it is?"
  10. >"I bet it's those brownies she makes. She always makes a bunch but never wants me to sell them at the shop."
  11. Suddenly, a voice calls from behind you
  12. >"It's because shes a commie."
  13. >A shadow is cast over you and pinkie as he approaches you
  14. >it was a tall lanky figure with black and white covering its pale skin.
  15. >Anonymous
  16. >"Looks like I got her just in time to stop her evil deeds."
  17. >He takes off his jacket and rolls up his shirt sleeves
  18. >"Come on Ponko Regan, let's tear down this wall."
  19. "Um, Anonymous, what's a commie?"
  20. >he stops just before he starts punching the house
  21. >"It's the official ideology of all dirty hippies like her back on earth. They share instead of selling. It's disgusting"
  22. "What's a hippie?"
  23. >"Someone who hates freedom and capitalism, THE LIFEBLOOD OF AMERICA!"
  24. >He was screaming at her house
  25. >what the hell is he even talking about
  26. "Um, Anonymous?"
  27. >he's still screeching about something called a constitution
  28. "ANONYMOUS!"
  29. >he stops parading around with pinkie
  30. >"what?"
  31. "Maybe we should just go inside and ask her?"
  32. >"Okie dokie loki"
  33. >Pinkie bounds inside while anonymous sulks behind her
  34. >a cloud of smoke billows out the open door
  35. >"Close the door; I'm hotboxing!
  37. >be Tree Hugger
  38. >The princess of Friendship just bought weed for the first time
  39. "Princess, it's tradition for us to share a spliff now."
  40. >it wasn't
  41. >you just want to see her high off her ass
  42. >"Oh, okay. That makes sense."
  43. >you take a nugget from her pouch and place it in the grinder
  44. "You want to grind it up nice and fine, pick out the seeds and stems"
  45. >you set the grinder aside and grab a cigarillo
  46. >Twilight is furiously taking notes on your every step
  47. "This is a 'black and mild'. Anonymous sells them. "
  48. >you unwrap the paper and set the tobacco aside
  49. >"What's that brown stuff"
  50. "Toasted tobacco leaves. Sometimes they're good to mix with the cannabis."
  51. >she scrunched her face in disgust
  52. >"don't worry, we won't do that today"
  53. >you finish rolling the weed in the rillo
  54. "Now I'm gonna put this in my mouth. I need you to come here and light it with your horn."
  55. >you take the blunt in your mouth
  56. >she gets close and lights it
  57. >you inhale
  58. >you kiss her
  59. >you force the smoke into her mouth
  60. >you lean back and smile
  61. "Breathe and hold"
  62. >she tries to suck in but starts coughing
  63. >you laugh
  64. "Sorry, Anonymous pulled that on me once and I've wanted to do it ever since."
  65. >she glares at you
  66. >"It tastes funny, but not in a bad way. Now can I please try it regularly?"
  67. "Certainly"
  68. >she floats it up to her lips
  69. "Pull the smoke into your mouth, then take the joint out and breath in normally."
  70. >the tip of the blunt glows bright as she pulls the smoke in
  71. >then she breathes in normally, avoiding a coughing fit
  72. "Now hold it in and count to 20"
  73. >this is gonna be good
  74. >she exhales everything and smiles
  75. >"that...was much more pleasant. How long does it take to kick in?"
  76. "Let's just keep smoking and worry about that later. Tell me about being a princess."
  77. >as the blunt slowly shrinks, you two discuss the ins and outs of your professions
  78. "I just think we could be doing more to protect the everfree forest. There's just soooo much in there."
  79. >"Yeah, but..."
  80. >she trails off and slumps down
  81. >kek
  82. >you take a look around and realize how smoky the house is.
  83. >were you trying to hotbox?
  84. >you are now
  85. >suddenly, a pink dog barges in followed by a human and Fluttershy
  86. "Close the door! I'm hotboxing."
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