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a guest
Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. Crates:
  2. Vote:
  3. ParticleEffect:
  4. enabled: true
  5. particle: WITCH_MAGIC
  6. onlywhenopening: false
  7. Key:
  8. material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK
  9. name: '&7&l[&aVote Key&7&l]'
  10. enchanted: true
  11. lore:
  12. - '&eUse this key to unlock a &aVote Crate'
  13. - '&eJust &aRight-Click &ea &aVote Crate &eto open!'
  14. Sound:
  15. movingSound: WOOD_CLICK
  16. prizeSound: BAT_TAKEOFF
  17. closeInventorySound: CHEST_CLOSE
  18. LeftClickInv:
  19. enablechancelore: false
  20. lore:
  21. - '&7Chance: &a&l%chance%%'
  22. name: '&cItems for %crate%'
  23. enabled: true
  24. OpenInv:
  25. name: '&cOpening &b%crate%'
  26. PrizeItem:
  27. material: REDSTONE_TORCH_ON
  28. name: '&aPrize'
  29. enchanted: false
  30. PreCommands:
  31. - msg:%prefix%Now opening %crate% crate.
  32. BlockType: CHEST
  33. Items:
  34. '3':
  35. enchanted: true
  36. material: MOB_SPAWNER
  37. name: '&dZombiePigman Spawner'
  38. chance: 0.1
  39. commands:
  40. - give %player% 52:57 1
  41. - bcast &d&l%player% &f&lJUST WON A &d&lZombie Pigman Spawner!
  42. amount: 1
  43. '4':
  44. enchanted: true
  45. material: MOB_SPAWNER
  46. name: '&aZombie Spawner'
  47. chance: 3
  48. commands:
  49. - give %player% 52:58 1
  50. amount: 1
  51. '5':
  52. enchanted: true
  53. material: MOB_SPAWNER
  54. name: '&7Skeleton Spawner'
  55. chance: 4
  56. commands:
  57. - give %player% 52:51 1
  58. amount: 1
  59. '6':
  60. enchanted: true
  61. material: MOB_SPAWNER
  62. name: '&8Cow Spawner'
  63. chance: 6
  64. commands:
  65. - give %player% 52:61 1
  66. amount: 1
  67. '7':
  68. enchanted: true
  69. material: EMERALD
  70. name: '&a$5,000 Cash'
  71. chance: 80
  72. commands:
  73. - eco give %player% 5000
  74. amount: 1
  75. '8':
  76. enchanted: true
  77. material: EMERALD
  78. name: '&a$10,000 Cash'
  79. chance: 70
  80. commands:
  81. - eco give %player% 10000
  82. amount: 1
  83. '9':
  84. enchanted: true
  85. material: EMERALD
  86. name: '&a20,000 Cash'
  87. chance: 70
  88. commands:
  89. - eco give %player% 20000
  90. amount: 1
  91. '10':
  92. enchanted: true
  93. material: 131
  94. name: '&7[&bCrateKey&7]'
  95. chance: 10
  96. commands:
  97. - crate gk %player% Crate 1
  98. amount: 1
  99. '11':
  100. enchanted: true
  101. material: 131
  102. name: '&cMaster Key'
  103. chance: 5
  104. commands:
  105. - crate gk %player% Master 1
  106. - buycraftmsg &6&lCaribbean&e&lCrates &8» &e%player% &7has won a &eMaster Key &7from a &cVote &cKey&7! &8» &8[&7/Buy&8]
  107. amount: 1
  108. '12':
  109. enchanted: true
  110. material: DIAMOND_SWORD
  111. name: '&4&lQuickblade'
  112. chance: 1
  113. commands:
  114. - give %player% diamondsword 1 sharpness:5 looting:3 unbreaking:3 knockback:2 name:&4&lQuickblade lore:&7Destroy noobs with this.
  115. amount: 1
  116. '16':
  117. enchanted: true
  118. material: GOLDEN_APPLE:1
  119. name: '&65 God Apples'
  120. chance: 20
  121. commands:
  122. - give %player% 322:1 5
  123. amount: 5
  124. '17':
  125. enchanted: true
  126. material: GOLDEN_APPLE
  127. name: '&616 Golden Apples'
  128. chance: 50
  129. commands:
  130. - give %player% 322 16
  131. amount: 1
  132. '19':
  133. enchanted: true
  134. material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE
  135. name: '&dKit Pirate
  136. chance: 35
  137. commands:
  138. - kit pirate %player%
  139. amount: 1
  140. '20':
  141. enchanted: true
  142. material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE
  143. name: '&4Kit Carpenter'
  144. chance: 20
  145. commands:
  146. - kit Carpenter %player%
  147. amount: 1
  148. '21':
  149. enchanted: true
  150. material: spawn_egg:50
  151. name: '&21 Creeper Egg'
  152. chance: 20
  153. commands:
  154. - give %player% 383:50 1
  155. - buycraftmsg &6&lCaribbean&e&lCrates &8» &e%player% &7has won a &eCreeper Spawner &7from a &cVote &cKey&7! &8» &8[&7/Buy&8]
  156. amount: 1
  157. '23':
  158. enchanted: false
  159. material: OBSIDIAN
  160. name: '&564 Obsidian'
  161. chance: 35
  162. commands:
  163. - give %player% 49 64
  164. amount: 1
  165. '24':
  166. enchanted: false
  167. material: TNT
  168. name: '&732 TNT'
  169. chance: 35
  170. commands:
  171. - give %player% 46 32
  172. amount: 1
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