
Thoughts of a Lily

Sep 12th, 2020
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  1. "You dont get it. Why the fuck would you anyways, not like you have to live knowing you are not considered at all equal. You were born one of the lucky ones, getting to run around being a Beast, deserving to get respect just because you were born what you are.
  3. Meanwhile? The majority of us born with the same combination of parentage and the odds of being what you are a throw of the dice. We dont get to be so lucky, we dont get any fucking respect for being born. We dont even get any respect at all that isnt connected to being a brood mother, popping out kids year after year and being 'content and Oh so happy to fulfill our purpose'. Ans even THEN we dont get equal dues as your would. Whatever respect we gain is just as quickly taken away if we are considered too uppity. Nothing about this is equal and not a one of you Beast care.
  5. You have the power to change it. It's not like this is a new thing, no matter what tribe you are from there has always been a power imbalance and clear inequality between those like you and those like me. You all have the power to do it, to finally treat us as equals, to include us into the grand scheme of it all. To prove to us you mean it when you say we are important. But you wont, the Nation would never change, not something they benefit from keeping. As long as we are kept down and second class you all get to have whatever the hell you want with us. We are nothing more than a investment.
  7. There isn't a single thing about us that is worth anything to you in the end. Yeah we can go into cities and towns, earn money and support you Monsters. But then what? Rearing children? Making them? Being at home when you come back from a mission? You all can do that too, that isnt special. You are all fully capable of raising children and making them, of being at home and actually being a parent. Thay isn't some sacred duty that only Kinfolk can do. Stop trying to dress it up like it is. Are we supposed to be grateful? Working a minimum wage job while my freeloading Flea-bitten husband can ask me why I'm not blowing him already? Is this supposed to be a holy mission set out for us by Gaia?
  9. Fuck you.
  11. Fuck you and fuck everything you stand for honestly. If this is Gaia's plan to win a war then I think I'll take my chances in the city away from this. I didnt even want to be here to begin with, everything I had before is gone! My family is dead, my home is in ruins, everything! The only saving grace is that I still have Violet. Shes all I got left and because of that? Because of that I cant fucking leave. Because that would be leaving her to the mercy of two Monsters that would just take advantage of her shy nature. She is too nervous and meek to say no, the fucking 'perfect Kinfolk' as far as the Nation is concerned. Compliant, quiet, willing to please and thinks all of this is Oh so fair. That she fulfills something greater being just a human privileged to have a big strong Monster take an interest in her. She would be alone with you both and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I abandoned her.
  13. I know...I know she wouldn't come with me. She thinks that is going against everything we were ever taught. She doesnt see the clear problems with all of this, not like I do. She just go along with it, having nothing much expected of her other than being a good wife once day. That's her destiny, the only thing she thinks she needs. But me...I want more. I want respect. I want equality. I want to be considered on equal footing, not just a stepping stone.
  15. But the Nation wont change. For a people that praise the changing wild and creativity, you are all stagnant as fuck. You refuse to change, collecting cobwebs and stubborn to a fault. Nothing will make you listen to all the Kinfolk calling you all to task unless something huge happens. Something that shocks you all into taking notice.
  17. Like how you almost lost us all and instilled a ancient memory of cruelty and being hunted. That made you all take notice. Sad that it takes something to that level to do it though, wouldn't you say.
  19. At this rate. You Monsters are going to one day wake up and find your homes quiet. You sept almost empty aside from yourselves. There will be no one at home waiting for you to return. No young children to brainwash and mold into perfect little drones. The Kinfolk will be gone.
  21. And you will all be left to wonder why. You will be forced to listen when the voices are now gone."
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