

May 23rd, 2011
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  1. I opened with "I promise if he comes back in I'm banning him for this shit", to explain the first line. When he came back in, I kicked him with a message of "FULFILLING MY PROMISE" or something. Just to explain.
  3. [INFO] Query view for “Slaanesh” opened.
  4. <Slaanesh> and what promise was that?
  5. === Slaanesh <> “...”
  6. === Slaanesh: attached to “sup/tg/”
  7. === Slaanesh: idle for 1 second (on since Monday, May 23, 2011 8:41:26 AM)
  8. --- End of WHOIS information for Slaanesh.
  9. <Tim> To ban you when you came back in.
  10. <Slaanesh> Did you promise not to reverse it?/
  11. <Tim> Yes
  12. <Tim> I have to maintain my campaign promises to my constituents
  13. <Slaanesh> You know, just putting it out there, Issyl is a bit of a dick, and him using you as a proxy to override Emo is also dickish
  14. <Tim> Issyl is a true patriot, and I'm doing this on my own, in the name of these United States.
  15. <Slaanesh> Funny that, I love the united states and what they stand for, prob more than many residents of that nation who have no idea what's going to happen when the gauze of pretence to liberty is finally ripped away
  16. <Tim> If you don't want to be banned, stop being a faggot, and nobody cares
  17. <Tim> <Blaxploitation> Tim
  18. <Tim> <Blaxploitation> Tell Slaanesh that we only hate him because he's australian
  19. <Slaanesh> If no-one cares, there are no faggots, you have to care before you label someone a faggot
  20. <Slaanesh> sd;lfa;';l
  21. <Slaanesh> BLAX??
  22. <Tim> Nobody cares what you have to say, they still don't like you :D
  23. <Tim> you've been permabanned for your shit before, so there's remarkably little sympathy
  24. <Slaanesh> Ahahaha you are still a faggot
  25. <Slaanesh> tell your friends
  26. <Slaanesh> tell your parents first
  27. <Tim> I smell butthurt
  28. <Slaanesh> False alarm son
  29. <Slaanesh> I will just catch LL while im at work and get unbanned, for like the 5th time
  30. <Tim> Yes, go ahead, and you will be BANNED BY BLAXES
  31. <Slaanesh> Did you think I developed a reputation on just one run?
  32. <Slaanesh> Hahaha Blax unbanned me, idiot
  33. <Tim> Oh lord, please, go on, tell us all about your MAGNIFICENT TROLL REPUTATION
  34. <Tim> Yep, so we could re-ban you :D
  35. <Tim> u mad because I'm stylin' on you?
  36. <Slaanesh> Sure reban me. Ignore me, whatever. bear this while issyl is masterbating about how he has me on ignore. LL KEEPS UNBANNING ME
  37. <Slaanesh> LL KEEPS UNBANNING ME
  38. <Slaanesh> If I have to point out what that means, there's no hope for you
  39. <Tim> It means he enjoys your butthurt. Welcome to LL. :D
  40. <Slaanesh> sure you have somehow grasped the very essence of our lumanary depressive ahead of me
  41. <Tim> I certainly have
  42. <Slaanesh> Whooo, just checked chat, you got a nice cut and paste thing running there
  43. <Slaanesh> Can I make it easier for you?
  44. <Slaanesh> I suck cock
  45. <Slaanesh> Hitler was right
  46. <Slaanesh> I voted for Bush
  47. <Slaanesh> come on, hurry up
  48. <Tim> I'm going to get to it when it's convenient
  49. <Tim> hold your horses. Also, the two-minutes-added-to-ban-per-post rule is still in effect
  50. <Slaanesh> eh, I'm not holding anyone's horses. I logged in after a month's absence, got banned for no reason by some grudge holding admin, got unbanned, got some bootlicking juinior to ban me again. Well done, you carried forward a grudge you dont understand and upset Emo. medal of honor for you
  51. <Tim> I should tell you now that I am literally nourished by tears.
  52. <Slaanesh> I'm annoyed, but crying? I came back on a whim. It's been over an hour, This has been something I've been tabbing to.
  53. <Tim> You're complaining in PM over being e-bullied
  54. <Tim> This is like a Fox News special, down to the butthurt.
  55. <Slaanesh> as if you ever watched an entire fox news special without calling your parents sexist, racist homophobes
  56. <Tim> I'm honestly not sure what you're saying
  57. <Slaanesh> Of course not because you are a mouthbreathing dickhead
  58. <Slaanesh> If you are gunna copy paste everything we say, you should know to at least omit conversation about other admins
  59. <Slaanesh> You have no decorum
  60. <Tim> Cry harder :D
  62. <Slaanesh> Keep laughinh
  63. <Slaanesh> Oh LOOOOOOOOOK I misspelled
  64. <Tim> I am laughing :D
  65. <Slaanesh> cool you do that
  66. <Tim> Ahahahaha did you seriously just claim I cherrypicked?
  67. <Tim> Nice try
  68. <Slaanesh> I bet you cherrypicked your way through life you insecure mother fucker
  69. <Tim> Ahahahaha, so mad. You just tried to complain I cherrypicked and got fucking caught
  70. <Slaanesh> O
  71. <Tim> Your tears will not save you, you just got straight-up assraped
  72. <Slaanesh> I'm not mad, you tit. I'm half pickled, playing around cause people are talking to me. If you ever have had normal human interaction you'd understand. Sure laugh at me the pavlovian dog, barking when you ring the bell, but you keep ringing the bell, motherfucker
  73. <Tim> This is the most gratuitous display of butthurt babby tears I have ever seen, and I've seen #Exalted
  75. <Tim> You have been caught with your pants down and your dick in the shame-pie of faggotry
  76. <Slaanesh> They call it fantasy for a reason, im' tappin dis keyboard in bemusment
  77. <Tim> Then why you so mad?
  78. <Tim> Mad and banned :D
  79. <Slaanesh> Sorry to disappoint you, but A: I'm just in the middle on another little lord Fauntrey drug haze and B) I'd only get mad if LL disowned me.
  80. <Slaanesh> In which case, you'd never hear from me again
  81. <Tim> You're blaming the drugs. This is like butthurt bingo.
  83. <Tim> Seriously, your tears are delicious
  84. <Slaanesh> plural? I blame one drug, alchol, the one that made me think that interacting with you fucks would be a worthwhile expendature of my limited time on this fucking planet
  85. <Tim> >drug haze
  86. <Tim> >alcohol
  87. <Tim> Get your story straight before you start wasting my time with crybaby excuses
  88. <Tim> Boo hoo hoo
  89. <Slaanesh> Well grats, you can spell that right, can you figure out why your father wont make eye contact with you?
  90. <Slaanesh> Might be relatated to how you are a turd, the shit of the earth
  91. <Tim> Oh man, I am just so injured, the salt from ALL YOUR TEARS is dehydrating me. :D
  92. <Slaanesh> Oh look, the internet fight challenge
  93. <Tim> Swing away. :D
  94. <Tim> <Geremy-Tibbles> He's mad that he can't get in.
  95. <Tim> <Geremy-Tibbles> But he doesn't want to get in
  96. <Tim> <Geremy-Tibbles> SO TSUNDERE~
  97. <Slaanesh> In your mother's basement there, let me not interupr your wanky visage of your DEVESTATING facebook comments SOOOOOOOooooo offending so many jocks
  98. <Slaanesh> But i'm not going to fight you, son
  99. <Slaanesh> I don't even know what you look like, or where you live
  100. <Slaanesh> and I dont care to know
  101. <Slaanesh> Who are you?
  102. <Slaanesh> Are you five foot tall, or nine?
  103. <Slaanesh> It doesnt matter, cause we will NEVER meet
  104. <Slaanesh> Ever
  105. <Tim> Now, besides your statement being disjointed, "wanky visage" and all, and my own, actual athleticism in school notwithstanding, your attempts to obfuscate your own butthurt in nonsense fail for one reason
  106. <Tim> I'm the goddamn Tim
  107. <Tim> I can smell your butthurt
  108. <Slaanesh> You can sit safe in your mother's basement forever cause I will never, ever know what you look like
  109. <Tim> If you don't want to get in to our secret clubhouse, why are you so mad? :D
  110. <Tim> Oh no, I am so threatened by your faggoty internet threats.
  111. <Tim> The horror, the unbridled woemisery
  112. <Slaanesh> Lookin them replys, you actually fell into the trap of 'i am quite buff actually, i could take you' and combined that with 'YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHERE OUR BASEMENT LIES"
  113. <Tim> You're resorting to e-threats over being banned for your faggotry. I am going to milk this lolcow until it is dry, which feels like never :D
  114. <Slaanesh> Look kid, if you are under the age of 16, you actually might have a gift, but if otherwise please grow up
  115. <Slaanesh> Wow I deliberatly avoided the e-threat aspect and you triggered it anyway, because that was the only thing you had
  116. <Tim> You're actually using the age thing, remember what I said about butthurt bingo? Well, right now, I just won the free fucking toaster. :D
  117. <Slaanesh> Off you go, go tell the channel that you beat me, go tell them whatever story you want=
  118. <Slaanesh> We know that you are a fucking windbah
  119. <Tim> You can feed me your tears all you want, because you are outside the clubhouse, and I am in, enjoying the cigars and brandy
  120. <Tim> You tried to claim I was cherrypicking. Screenshots don't lie. :D
  121. <Tim> So, you got banned, whined, tried to lie about it, and got caught.
  122. <Slaanesh> and that you, cocksucker, are at best a moderate intelligence with friends willing to carry you
  123. <Slaanesh> Hey tim, carry this one back to the chat, winner you are
  124. <Slaanesh> Tell them how much time you spend alone
  125. <Slaanesh> cause as you and I know, when YOU are ALONE
  126. <Slaanesh> Then and only then can you be the smartest person in the room
  127. <Slaanesh> EAT THAT YOU DUMB CUNT
  128. <Tim> I am loling too hard to type
  129. <Slaanesh> right im off for a ciggarette, look forward to sone dumb rejoiner to instantly dismiss on my return
  130. <Slaanesh> nothing to say to that?
  131. <Slaanesh> colour me suprised
  132. <Tim> I've been pastebinning this, uguu
  133. <Tim> hey, also, I nearly forgot
  134. <Slaanesh> keep it up
  137. <Tim> WOE AND SORROW!
  138. <Slaanesh> You are a child
  139. <Tim> You are so mad
  140. <Slaanesh> There is literally nothing I could say that would convince you otherwise, you're ego at this point demands that I either be mad or that you beleive that I am mad
  141. <Slaanesh> Ok, I am mad
  142. <Slaanesh> I am mad enough to satisfy your peers
  143. <Slaanesh> Said he as he alt=tabbed betweem work and his irc
  144. <Slaanesh> Ok im mad, Im so mad
  145. <Tim> You're claiming you're in a drug haze, then alcohol, then at work.
  146. <Slaanesh> I am so mad mad mad
  147. <Tim> Yeah, I'm buying none of that :D
  148. <Tim> Feel free to call it ego that you're alternately complaining that we're all big fat jerks, and that you're excluded from the clubhouse
  149. <Slaanesh> Dickhead, tim, im sure these are interchangable terms for you
  150. <Slaanesh> its 2 am in the morning
  151. <Tim> AND it's apparently 2 AM
  152. <Tim> Your tears are like ambrosia
  153. <Slaanesh> yes i am futtzing around with work files
  154. <Slaanesh> AND i am drunk
  155. <Slaanesh> AND i am telling you that you are not funny
  156. <Slaanesh> deal with it
  157. <Tim> I am dealing with it by losing my shit laughing at you
  158. <Slaanesh> You never scored a single hit, you can float off in your delusion or you can stop being a cock
  159. <Tim> This is the best thing. You're jabbering incoherently and crying and kicking the tree because we pulled the ladder up
  160. <Tim> and you can't get into the treehouse
  161. <Slaanesh> All up to you, god forbid I tell you how to live
  162. <Tim> You've exhausted every possible butthurt stereotype, and still haven't learned your lesson. I'll pray for you.
  163. <Slaanesh> Hello Tim, perhaps we havent met. perchance you havent noticed i get into the treehouse every fucking time I please
  164. <Slaanesh> Tim, its ok, its a private chat, you can admit you have exausted every sterotype you tried to cling to and still didnt pin me down
  165. <Slaanesh> its ok Tim, fat losers from viginia lose keyboard fights all the time
  166. <Tim> ahahaha what
  167. <Tim> Go ahead, try getting into the treehouse
  168. <Tim> I will ban you every time I see you
  169. <Tim> until you get the message
  170. <Slaanesh> Oh which one is it? You are not from virinia or you are not fat?
  171. <Tim> and if I don't, someone else will :D
  172. <Slaanesh> Go ahead, fatboy, ban me
  173. <Tim> No, your whole drunken crying baby thing is just funny
  174. <Slaanesh> Well lets see, I'm not crying, I dont even fucking know who you are
  175. <Tim> Anything else I should add to the pastebin, or are you done?
  176. <Tim> Ahahaha, all of this butthurt followed by I'M NOT CRYING
  177. <Tim> :D
  178. <Slaanesh> As for funny, I'm just bouncing bon mots off your completely unfunny potato ass
  179. <Tim> Plenty of other people have gained humor from this conversation :D
  180. <Slaanesh> Remember to take them with you when you become a comedy sensation
  181. <Tim> Well, you're the one being snickered at, maybe you should try your hand at comedy?
  182. <Slaanesh> I should try my hand at comedy, if you know anyone who's actually funny please let me know
  183. <Tim> Well, once you dry your tears, maybe I will. Maybe you'll be let back in, there are other people waiting to ban you too :D
  184. <Slaanesh> Please keep insisting I'm so upset that O
  185. <Tim> When you stop providing evidence for it
  186. <Slaanesh> You want evidence? Ok, just sat upright so I could type properly
  187. <Slaanesh> please please please please let me in to your super special kiddie club so I can read about elf rape
  188. <Slaanesh> Oh god I need it
  189. <Slaanesh> I lied when I called you a dickless knob brasser, im sure that you are really very manly and not dickless at all
  190. <Tim> you're unbanned
  191. <Tim> NOPE
  192. <Tim> REBANNED :D
  193. <Slaanesh> I doubt it
  194. <Tim> =-= Mode #suptg -b *!*Slaanesh@* by Arocalex
  195. <Tim> :3
  196. <Tim> =-= Mode #suptg +b *!*slaanesh@* by Arocalex
  197. <Tim> :<
  198. <Slaanesh> oh wow
  199. <Slaanesh> You fucking tore the curtains of my pre-concetptions asunder with that one
  200. <Tim> I do that
  201. <Slaanesh> I dont even know who Arocalex is but I'm sure that his mother touched him up
  202. <Tim> Yep, she fixed the dents, gave him some new paint, and redid the shocks
  203. <Slaanesh> Whatever. You are some flotsom who's admin this month. I'll hear some entertaining story about whatever slapfight you got into that was your downfal next month
  204. <Slaanesh> But I will remain.
  205. <Tim> You didn't recognize an op who's been here for years
  206. <Tim> Enjoy sitting outside the room~
  207. <Slaanesh> I, as a rule, don't recognise cocksuckers
  208. <Tim> Ahahaha, keep being butthurt
  209. <Slaanesh> Well,
  210. <Tim> Seriously, as is, this is basically fuel for justifying any ban on you ever
  211. <Slaanesh> "tim"?
  212. <Slaanesh> If you have been LL
  213. <Slaanesh> LL
  214. <Slaanesh> LL's little friend
  215. <Slaanesh> For years and years
  216. <Slaanesh> then grats, you just convinced me
  217. <Slaanesh> I dont care to be here anymore, if this is what suptg aspires to be, if thats you, then bye
  218. <Slaanesh> Im out
  219. <Slaanesh> you
  220. <Slaanesh> 'win
  221. <Slaanesh> Enjoy
  222. <Slaanesh> PS suck my dick, id say that but i'm sure youd do a bad job
  223. <Slaanesh> later
  224. <Tim> so long, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out
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