

Sep 4th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Questions (don't ask all of them):
  2. What would you say are the weakest aspects of [college] in terms of both academics and student life?
  3. How flexible is the CS department/[college] with course requirements and core classes?
  4. Which employers typically recruit CS students from [college]?
  5. How safe is the campus at night?
  6. What is your favorite tradition?
  7. How difficult would you say double majoring in CS and physics is?
  8. Would you say the food provided by a meal plan at [college] is good? If not, which places on/near campus would you recommend?
  9. How tough would you say is getting first-choice classes in the CS department?
  10. Do you agree with how [college] responded/is responding to the pandemic?
  11. Is conducting research/getting an internship possible as a freshman at [college]?
  12. How competitive are students in the CS department?
  13. What is the most mindblowing class you've taken so far?
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