

Jul 6th, 2019
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  1. Quodlibet Supreme Postal Fortress
  2. The Postal Fortress is a shining beacon of strength and efficiency somewhere above, below, or alongside our world into which the mail flows and whence it flies once again to the world. It is the home to a hundreds of sapients intertwined with thousands of lesser algorithms in a machine-like concert of efficiency and joy.
  4. Or it was. Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night nor alien invasion nor plasma storms had stopped these couriers from their appointed rounds, but thisxwas too much for them. In the center a strange contraption looking like a tabulator made of hourglasses and calendars stands shattered, a cold and inhumanly merry light radiating from the cracks. Great pines seem to have erupted from the floor, bringing the shadow of a dark forest with them, with nameless stars from another sky burning in the darkness above them. Heaps of presents in bright colors lie beneath them, tied in moebius ribbons that stirr without wind.
  6. The floor is heaped with snow, and a wind blows from nowhere to nowhere, carrying fractured tunes along with it.
  7. Contents: Azure
  8. .Patashu> 'Mako bounces off a rogue sputnik and into the Rose Garden.
  9. .Patashu> 'Mako has arrived.
  10. .Patashu> Mako steps onto a floating, rainbow-coloured pie wedge and is flown away toward the 'park' of the day.
  11. Mako steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  12. .Patashu> Mako has left.
  13. Mako has arrived.
  14. Mako peeks
  15. Ralis> J'ee growfs, "Another puzzling scenario."
  16. Azure salutes Mako and Patashu.
  17. .Patashu> Crimson teleports away.
  18. Crimson has teleported in.
  19. .Patashu> Crimson has left.
  20. Crimson has arrived.
  21. Azure may or may not be the Postmaster General depending on whether you believe Quantum :)
  22. : grins
  23. Patashu grins
  24. NovaSquirrel steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  25. NovaSquirrel has arrived.
  26. Azure says, "We'll start on the hour, I think."
  27. Azure says, "Unless someone Objects."
  28. .Patashu> Monika rubs her forepaws together. "Well well! Sounds like quite the seasonal presentation!"
  29. Jaxie has teleported in.
  30. Jaxie has arrived.
  31. Azure waves
  32. ws
  33. Room: Quodlibet Supreme Postal Fortress
  34. -Stat-Name----------------Sex---------Species---------------------------------
  35. ODD >Jaxie Female Anthro Fox-otter |Jaxen
  36. IIC NovaSquirrel female anthropomorphic squirrel
  37. IC Crimson Male Wolf
  38. Doing: Engineering!
  39. IC Mako Female Nekomata
  40. Doing: Free!
  41. EXC Patashu male Feral Pillow Dragon
  42. Doing: Your mechanically excessive mayor dragon!
  43. e^- Azure Chromalopex Eruditovenator Caeruleus
  44. ---[ Found 6 characters. ( 5 Awake / 1 Zombie ) ]-----------------------------
  45. l jaxie
  46. Jaxie yerfs.
  47. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  49. You see Jax Neurocyon, a female, Fox-otter...
  51. Her body is something of a blend between otter and fox. She bears a slender, streamlined build, with narrow proportions and a long, thick tail. Her ears are large, rounded triangles, resting atop her head. Her face is slender, like a fox, but with a bit more smooth, roundness to it, akin to an otter. Her paw's digits loosely hide a thin webbing between them, which are only clearly reveal when she opens up her paws.
  53. Her dense, soft fur is a tropical turquoise that turns pale at her underside. Caustic refraction patterns wave over her back, like on a shallow seafloor, and a few grey spots are sprinkled around her lower back and thighs, then over her shoulders and uppers arms. A couple of dots also strayed onto on her cheeks and muzzle as little freckles. The tips of her tail and ears are a bright white, and her eyes are a soft, pale lavender.
  55. She normally doesn't wear much, letting her curious fur do its work. About her chest is a short tank top, and around her hips she wears a shorts like bathing suit. Her feet are adorned with swiming sandals, and she often carries a light backpack over her shoulder.
  57. She often looks around her, with a gleaming smile, and her tail sways behind her, swishing back and forth to it's own beat.
  59. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  61. Jaxen is carrying:
  62. Vice Mayoral Propeller Beanie, TempPup, Prize Rat Plush, Gold Mecha-Construction Medal for 2016, Fox Hole, Fox Hole, Backpack and Exitbox.
  64. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
  65. .Patashu> Monika starts digging a hole in the ground and disappears into it.
  66. Monika pops up out of a hole in the ground.
  67. .Patashu> Monika has left.
  68. Monika has arrived.
  69. Azure says, "Any questions or concerns before we begin, fantastic folks?"
  70. : headshakes!
  71. Patashu headshakes!
  72. Azure says, "If I happen to not respond to something you did or said, it isn't because I dislike you or anything, just make lots of noise or page or whisper to me. Or if you think I'm a bit too fearsome to whisper to directly, ask someone else to whisper to me on your behalf."
  73. Azure points at Mako, "She's not scary, right?"
  74. Amy steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  75. Amy has arrived.
  76. Amy read the message and still has no idea what it's about, but what the heck.
  77. Azure bows to Amy and Monika and Jaxie and NovaSquirrel and Crimson.
  78. Azure shrugs, "Stuff and nonsense, mail. Christmas. You know. The Usual."
  79. Mako is more "Raver girl" than scary, she hopes.
  80. .Patashu> Anise frumps, then coughs a few times, grasping for her gourd.
  81. Azure . o O ( Why do they call reading tea-leaves tassiology when it's one of the few cases when sticking '-mancy' on a stem would actually be appropriate? )
  82. .Patashu> Rielle acks, then reaches out to try and assist Anise. "Are you okay?"
  83. .Patashu> Eve bobs her head at Anise. "Nice outfit. Like the dress."
  84. Azure says, "Alll, right! Are you sitting comfortably?"
  85. Monika flops about in a boneless loop. "Yep yep!"
  86. Crimson nods!
  87. Mako sits in the air. :3
  88. : mhm!
  89. Patashu mhm!
  90. Azure decides to go with something happy but fractured and decrees that the wind is carrying or something like it.
  91. .Patashu> Anise takes a long pull from the gourd, and some deep breaths, and gives Rielle an apologetic look. She wags a hand in a kind of "Long story" gesture. She flushes a bit at Eve's comment.
  92. .Patashu> Rielle nods quickly. "Understood."
  93. Andi pages, "" to you.
  94. ( As you all enter the Great Fotress of the Post Unconquerable a chameleon, using all her willpower to keep from assuming the colors of red, green, white, and silver that surround her, opens the door for you, dressed in a torn and tattered uniform. "You're here!" Then calls out to everyone else, "WE have reinforcements!" The cold and darkness inside the post office is a sharp contrast to the warmth outside. You've heard of people going overboard with the air conditioning, but this is ridiculous! )
  95. Zxarr has teleported in.
  96. Zxarr has arrived.
  97. Isabelle steps off of the floating disk that carried her up.
  98. Isabelle has arrived.
  99. [OOC] NovaSquirrel says, "I might have typed something by mistake"
  100. ( When you tep inside the doors, rhimed with frost forming patterns of holly and mistletoe, slam behind you with a sound like a glacier cracking. Before you all is chaos. Employees run here and there, giving up on deliveries and trying to shove the arriving parcels and letters back into the darkess. Somewhere below, in the Mail Dungeon..err...Sorting Room, you can hear the sorting machines clicking away, shuddering and gallopping under the load )
  101. [OOC] Azure says, "Oh, no trouble! If you need any help let me know."
  102. [OOC] Azure welcomes Isabelle and Zxarr.
  103. Monika slinks into the impressively chilly post office. "Sure sure, at first it seems like a cool place to work, THEN you find out about all the drawbacks..."
  104. [OOC] Isabelle greets!
  105. .Patashu> Vahno steps onto a floating, rainbow-coloured pie wedge and is flown away toward the 'park' of the day.
  106. Vahno steps off of the floating disk that carried him up.
  107. .Patashu> Vahno has left.
  108. Vahno has arrived.
  109. [OOC] Zxarr waves. :)
  110. [OOC] NovaSquirrel says, "oh there's two puppets with the same name, not my doing, okay :p"
  111. Vahno wavewave
  112. .Patashu> [OOC] Anise had totally forgotten about the stuff tonight.
  113. [OOC] Isabelle says, "There is?"
  114. : grins! "Dragons make for optimal enforcements. We just burn any problems you have!" He bows!
  115. Patashu grins! "Dragons make for optimal enforcements. We just burn any problems you have!" He bows!
  116. Zxarr glances around, "What the..."
  117. .Patashu> Sasha bounces off a rogue sputnik and into the Rose Garden.
  118. .Patashu> Sasha has arrived.
  119. .Patashu> Sasha waves.
  120. [OOC] NovaSquirrel says, "yeah I have an Isabelle too"
  121. Crimson blinks, looking all around.
  122. [OOC] Isabelle never saw it... might have to change this one's name then, sorry
  123. ws
  124. Room: Quodlibet Supreme Postal Fortress
  125. -Stat-Name----------------Sex---------Species---------------------------------
  126. Vahno Male Gaerian
  127. >Isabelle female weasel 'morph |Myril
  128. Zxarr male Black Panther (Winged)
  129. IC Amy[11m idle] female Lynx?
  130. Monika female cartoon mongoose
  131. Doing: Being an impish inked ichneumon
  132. ODD >Jaxie Female Anthro Fox-otter |Jaxen
  133. IIC NovaSquirrel female anthropomorphic squirrel
  134. IC Crimson Male Wolf
  135. Doing: Engineering!
  136. IC Mako Female Nekomata
  137. Doing: Free!
  138. EXC Patashu male Feral Pillow Dragon
  139. Doing: Your mechanically excessive mayor dragon!
  140. e^- Azure[2m idle] Chromalopex Eruditovenator Caeruleus
  141. ---[ Found 11 characters. ( 9 Awake / 2 Zombies ) ]---------------------------
  142. l isabelle
  143. Well, here's a rather unassuming critter-person! Standing 1.65 meters tall, Isabelle would be readily mistaken for a rat 'morph if it weren't for the telltale mustelid head and somewhat long neck. She has a common weasel pattern as well: brown fluff on top, greyish fur at her legs and tail, and a white stripe down her belly. All said she looks fairly unremarkable, though she is unusually sure-footed and fit for a computer nerd. She keeps her claws trimmed and dull, though her carnivorous grin remains unavoidably toothy.
  145. She tends to dress pragmatically, the legs of her black cargo pants draping over matching boots, a blue tee above it under a dark brown coat. Depending on the weather she might be wearing a light coat or a full jacket, though she's always wearing something over her shirt. There aren't any eye-catching highlights; if anything the most conspicuous thing about her is how there's nothing eye-catching on her.
  146. Vahno says, "So, what's going on?"
  147. NovaSquirrel says, "I'll be glad to help with whatever the issue is!"
  148. Monika skips over to the nearest frantic delivery person. "Well well, looks like you have some problems that need to be sorted! Mail sorting, that is!"
  149. Mako says, "I think it would be gauche for me to say "Your prayers are answered". But I'm here to lend a hand. Whatever that is.""
  150. Zxarr looks over at Vanho, "Chaos... Nothing some large explosives can't solve." He hmms, "Or improve."
  151. Isabelle looks around, avoids making puns at 'going postal' on seeing the workers, though does blink at the decor. "Christmas's getting an early start this year isn't it?"
  152. Amy notes the sorting machine glowing with eldritch christmas colors. "Possibly something is wrong with that thing."
  153. Amy picks up a pair of tongs to poke it with, just in case it's existentially fraught, to see if they turn into nutcrackers or something.
  154. NovaSquirrel says, "It's bound to happen with how Christmas music keeps playing earlier and earlier in the year"
  155. .Patashu> Anise waves a greeting.
  156. ( An ermine, practically invisible against the snow giggles madly and gestures around, "Burn? BURN? You want to set off a fire in a building full of PAPER?" Seemingly from nowhere, in a burst of snowflakes and the scent of gingery spice cookies a stack of letters addressed to 'Sinterklass' 'Mr. K. Kringle', 'Father Nicholas of Myra, Wonder Worker' and others, written in scrawls of pencil and crayon, appears, falling to an already filled desk. The dates are all listed in december of various years with points of origin as far away as Timbuktu, Minas Ithil, and C.T.A. 102. )
  157. Vahno says, "Oh jeez... I... Don't think we should burn these..."
  158. Isabelle surveys the machine, "Hi there! ... Man, santa claus really needs to get an email server set up."
  159. : recoils a bit. "Oh, I might have picked the wrong venue for this particular opener, eheh..." Sweatdropping. Peers over the stack of letters, curious. "Anyway, inappropriate greetings aside! What appears to be the problem?"
  160. Patashu recoils a bit. "Oh, I might have picked the wrong venue for this particular opener, eheh..." Sweatdropping. Peers over the stack of letters, curious. "Anyway, inappropriate greetings aside! What appears to be the problem?"
  161. ( AMY: The tongs cover in frost and bright green holly with red berries twine around it. They don't change otherwise, but one of the cracks in the machine gapes a bit wider, the silver light of good will toward men and peace on earth shines brighter, off in the darkness steps can be heard, like beasts padding inward, attracted by something. )
  162. Crimson looks at Patashu, "...Look around you."
  163. Mako says, "....Well, this worries me in all sorts of new ways. o.o""
  164. ( The chameleon grabs PATASHU, nearly on the brink of tears, "Christmas! We thought...we thought we'd have another one! Just something fun! Fun, for the kids! Drum up some business during a slow time! And NOW IT WON'T GO AWAY!" )
  165. Vahno says, "Did you try writing to Santa and wishing for Christmas in July to be over?"
  166. Amy again points out the sorting machine glowing with eldritch christmas colors, and tosses aside the mutating tongs. "The center may be over here!"
  167. Mako... makes a mental note. No singing carols. Or humming. No sense setting them off....
  168. Vahno . o O ( It worked for the kid in the pink hat! )
  169. ( The machine in the center of the floor IS the center. THough it's not the sorting machine, apparently their homebrew time machine for folding the calendar someone knocked up over the weekend. It isn't working very It's working VERY well. A bit too well. )
  170. [OOC] Amy says, "what is time, indeed, but sorting? And unsorting"
  171. : ohgods. "It's Christmas *all the time* now? How could this be? It was bad enough dedicating the entire of winter as buildup! We have to leave the rest of the year alone!"
  172. Patashu ohgods. "It's Christmas *all the time* now? How could this be? It was bad enough dedicating the entire of winter as buildup! We have to leave the rest of the year alone!"
  173. NovaSquirrel giggles
  174. Crimson hrms. He goes to look at the machine. "This is... concerning."
  175. Monika says, "So we're on the front line of the War on Xmas, then! How does this time machine work? ... More importantly, how do you turn it off?"
  176. ( They glance from side to side, looking at Vahno, "We...we've been afraid to summon...Him. The whispers...getting closer all the time..." )
  177. [OOC] Isabel fixes the name dupe issue, hopefully that fixes any script problems
  178. Mako says, "So you messed with the flow of causality? Oh dear."
  179. Isabel says, "What's powering it?"
  180. Crimson looks to Patashu, "...Where's Beth when you actually need her?"
  181. Cypher> Moriar has connected.
  182. : sweatdrops. "Right?"
  183. Patashu sweatdrops. "Right?"
  184. Amy quips, "Or when?"
  185. ( Someone in a major's uniform, with a rank insignia that looks like a mailbox surrounded by stars points at a bit of metal broken off and fallen on the ground, " broke off when we tried to turn it off." It looks like the handle of a mad scientist style knife switch, but it's grown blown-glass ornaments all over like holly, jolly tumors in silver and gold. )
  186. Isabel says, "Or is it powered by christmas cheer?"
  187. In a page-pose to you, Moriar wonders if it's too late for them to join the Postal rp?
  188. .Patashu> Anise tries one more time, very slowly, "<Neh-Var. Speek. Bo-dy..... Bad...?>" She doesn't sound like she trusts the words she's using.
  189. ( Someone says, "It's out...out there!" They point past the trees into the darkness beyond, "in the outskirts of the office with the physical plant and the plumbing. There's a reactor. Nobody who's gone there has come back, though." )
  190. page moriar=I don't think so!
  191. You page, "I don't think so!" to Moriar.
  192. msummon moriar
  193. MEETME: Request sent.
  194. Cypher> Moriar has left.
  195. Moriar has arrived.
  196. : blinks. "So we just have to shut the reactor down, right...?" Looking when indicated.
  197. Patashu blinks. "So we just have to shut the reactor down, right...?" Looking when indicated.
  198. Amy looks for the wires the switch leads to, and tries to hunt up a fire extinguisher
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