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Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. Dear Asian Andy discord and associates,
  3. It appears I have made a grave mistake in my moderation duties earlier today. And for this I can not even start to portray how sorry for this that I really am. I appeared to have fallen asleep on the keyboard and because of this, I did in fact break a very important (but new) mod rule that I was unaware of due to the fact that I was asleep and had my man bun protecting my ears from any discord pings at the time. I would like to take an opportunity with this essay to right some wrongs with my moderation duties, I would first off like to apologize to @thotwalking#3943 for banning her without a good reason in the ban logs, "Fuck off". I think what I did was a poor use of my Moderator powers and I am very remorseful for my actions. I am so remorseful for my actions that my apology simply cannot be done justice in only 2,000 words which is a blessing in disguise that Asian Andy and his Moderation team have showed so much mercy to me on this very day.
  4. In the future, I would like to have a good relationship with Asian Andy and the Moderation team without having to deal with being what is in my opinion wrongfully beta'd. I would also like to apologize to the staff team for having to deal with the raid on my behalf. It's a hard lifestyle being famous and having as many fans as I have and I really didn't expect the backlash to be that harsh from Lily giving me back the god forsaken BETA role. My intention was never to make Lily angry or upset that I had enough clout to get unbeta'd with the snap of my fingers even though she was so contempt on having me keep the role for as long as until I wrote my complete, 2000 word beta essay. Now that we have established a good idea of what this essay is about I think it would be a good time to stop here and give a moment of silence to all the mod that we lost in the recent mod purge. My heart goes out to the friend and family of Rattlesnakes, Boof, Polaris, Olivia, Butter, Matty, Guide for a brief moment, and some others that I may have forgotten to include. I would normally be very precise about who I would like to send my heart out to but I am on a very brief schedule seeing that I am a celebrity and whatnot. Being a celebrity is a very hard look to maintain and it is not by any means an easy task to handle. However, I think in my discord career in the Official Asian Andy Discord Server® I have been able to improve upon my abilities as a famous person and I have been able to gain better control of my fans and their actions/reactions to what happens to me and or people around me. There have been some points where people have looked at me the wrong way and that was all that had to happen in order for my fans to rabidly abuse them and fuck them in the ass which is very unfortunate and my heart goes out to the victims of my fans's violent acts. But to make a long story short even though I should be making this essay relatively long since I about uhh 1,700 words to write until I am completely finished with this essay. Actually now my quota has been shortened to 1600 words so my calculations must have been a little bit off. Okay, so as I was saying my schedule is very busy seeing as how famous I am so its very difficult to write an essay that has little to no grammatical errors. I only have a limited amount of time to meet my deadline for my beta essay and I need to hurry up and get this finished and over with slight smile. I would like to take a moment as I am now 25 percent through with this essay to thank Lily for not furthering my punishment and adding additional levels to my beta and showing me mercy as to only reset my current beta level to 4. The more I think about it the more I can see that Lily was only trying to do what she thought was right and for that I am very sorry. I would also like to apologize for connerbtw as I along with boof had coerced him into unbeta'ing me before I had even completed my 2000 word beta essay for the Official Asian Andy Discord Server®. While writing this essay for the Official Asian Andy Discord Server®, It has come to my attention that a few people sporting the "FREE HITTMAN" nickname have been given beta. I see this as a very unfortunate event and I wish the best of luck to everyone involved but at the same time I can see how it was a deserved beta for instigating what could have been a server ending riot on account of how famous and well known I am around these streets. I would like to pause from the general flow of this essay to let out some inner rage that i've had held in during the writing of this essay by saying the following: GANG GANG NIGGA SHIT BRUH WE OUT HERE ON SOME GANG GANG SHIT NIGGAh FUUUUUAAAAARK. Okay, now that this outrage has been cleaned from my system, I would like to take some time to apologize personally to our lord and savior, Asian Andy. I feel like I personally have let Asian Andy down by falling asleep on my keyboard and not noticing the NSFW material that was posted in the general chat of the Official Asian Andy Discord Server®, I feel like in falling asleep at the keyboard I have became somewhat of a huge letdown in the eyes of Asian Andy and the other peer Moderators at the time, and that is truly unforgiveable. I think in the future I want to start taking cocaine or some other kind of stimulant so that this incident can never reoccur. However, I like to see the good in this incident at the same time slight smile. Since I am so famous and well known, it was immediately noticed when I was demodded and given beta by Asian Andy in the Official Asian Andy Discord Server®. And because of this, I ended up drawing all of the attention away from all of my other fellow peer Moderators and they can now live another day to keep the beloved gift known as Moderator that can be given out and taken away only by our lord and savior Asian Andy himself. Hold on I would like to put off this essay for one hot minute so I can look into the discord and see what is going on. Ever since the discord was deleted, I have strived to be a good Admin and even a good Moderator as I was later demoted as the new Official Asian Andy Discord Server® started to age. Even so, I would still like to act as a model citizen in this community and from here on out I would like to make it a point to not break any rules and If I ever notice somebody allegedly breaking a rule or if I notice someone in the act of breaking a rule, I can point them in the right direction which is in fact the path to greatness. Since this essay has been so long and drawn out I would like to personally apologize to Axiun about my actions and ultimate misdeeds as a Moderator to the Official Asian Andy Discord Server®. I would like to apologize on behalf of everybody who was causing somewhat of a ruckus in honor of my name in order to try and start a movement to get me unbeta'd without writing my beta essay. In the future, I will try and keep my fans to keep the noise level down to a minimum so this will never be an issue in the future of my time in the Official Asian Andy Discord Server®. Since we are a little bit over 60 percent complete with this essay at this point in time, I would like to take another moment to let out some cries of relief since I am nearing the exit of this atrocious essay by saying the following: FAT FUCKING WHALE CATFISHY FISHY FISH BRITISH CUNT WHALE FUCK SHIT FUCKA SKDA FNAKSLDNSLAJFAO CATFISH FUCK UGH, Okay, now that that last bit of rage is out of my system slight smile I think that I am now good to go for the rest of this Official Asian Andy Discord Server® BETA essay redemption program. So I kind of rearranged my essay to make specifically the top and bottom to look nice cause i doubt anybody would read all the way through this shit unless they really had no kind of real life shit to do in their free time. Luckily I think the lucky Asian Andy Discord Moderator that has to read through this essay will see this sentance and be able to have a short chuckle about this and continue on reading because lmfao im really close to fucking finishing this essay like lmfao you have no fucking clue hwo much effort this is taking on my part to continue typing an apology over only about 3 things in total that i allegedly did in 2000 words wait does that even fit in the sentance wait i dont know and i honestly dont care because im like 200 words away from finishing this essay and nothing can hold me back now im too powerful so im going to fucking power through this essay like a god damn fucking power ranger because im so god damn close i can fucking taste it oh my god please when will this end oh my fucking god please end this pain my fingers are starting to hurt from rapidly typing this load of horse shit just for attach files and embed link permissions in a discord that will probably take it away from me again in a few days for some other new bullshit just kidding lol that was all a joke i love asian andy and axiun and all the moderators and at this point i cannot even read this word count so i must be pretty fucking close to completing this essay but just in case i am not i am going to keep typing for a little bit longer maybe even until my fingers bleed bro fuaark im trying really hard here lets hope this is the finisher. well guess what it wasnt the fucking finisher and i had about 20 ish words left to write but it is all ok and dandy now because I AM AT THE FINISH LINE WOOOOO. Okay now lets recap what you and I have learned so far... I think in me writing this essay I have learned a lot about what I need to do in order to prosper in life and more importantly on discord. In the future I will try and be more responsible with my time without beta and not do anything to fuck up whlst having it. I would yet again like to reiterate my apology to Lily, Asian Andy, Axiun and conner for them having to get involved in this mess i've created and im very grateful to be able to write this essay as a means of redemption. In the future I would like to go on in the Official Asian Andy Discord Server® without having to worry about having beta, because at the end of the day I will be better off for having gained this insightful experience and been able to improve upon my own flaws as an Asian Andy Moderator and more importantly, a discord user.
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