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May 26th, 2018
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  1. What do you call a black woman who always gets an abortion? A crime stopper;
  2. why was the two year old african child having a tantrum? It was having a midlife crisis. ;
  3. if I paint my computer black, will it run faster or quit working? ;
  4. Whats the difference between a nigger and a jew? The jew hasn't taken a good shower since the 40's, the nigger has never taken a shower. ;
  5. How long does it take for a nigger to take out the trash? 9 months;
  6. How are niggers like bikes? They only work with a chain on them. ;
  7. Whats a difference between dog shit and a nigger? Dog shit becomes white and stops stinking after a while. ;
  8. how do you fit 50 jews in a Volkswagen? 2 in the back and 48 in the ash tray. ;
  9. What do jewish pedophiles say to lure kids? "Would you like to buy some candy?" ;
  10. What do Niggers do after sex? 15 years to life. ;
  11. Why do jews have big noses? Air is free. ;
  12. How do you do a tittfuck on a 12 years old? kick the thorax in ;
  13. What's the difference between a black man and a picnic table? The table can support a family. ;
  14. what is worst part of being a nigger jew? - having to sit in the back of the oven. ;
  15. What was the only thing missing from the million man march? The auctioneer ;
  16. Why do police dogs lick their ass? To get the taste of nigger out of their mouth ;
  17. Whats a nigger doing with a blank paper? Reading his rights ;
  18. Why jews smell so bad? they're still afraid of showers ;
  19. If you throw a jew and a nigger from a 10th floor, who hits the floor first? the nigger, since chains are heavier than ash ;
  20. What's the difference between a jew and a pizza? the pizza won't scream if you put it in the oven ;
  21. What's white on top and black at the bottom? society. ;
  22. What's the difference between santa claus and the jews? santa claus enters from the chimney, the jews come out of it ;
  23. What do you call a spic pool party? Bean dip. ;
  24. Why don't you play uno with Mexicans? They steal all the green cards ;
  25. Why don't jews like oral sex? It's too close to the gas chamber
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