

Mar 30th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 "Let the virgin daughters among your tribes who wish it come forth and become my priestesses. They shall revive all the blessings i offer to your people and more. I require that you teach them to fight and to heal to represent my duel nature. The blessings i will give them and the skills you will teach them will make the Priestesses the strongest protectors of your people.": (Silversun17)
  2. [X] 1 "every member of your people who wishes a blessing shall have to complete a task to show they are worthy of the blessing: (Silversun17)
  3. -[X] 1 "for a blessing that makes your flesh like iron, you must go and defeat a mighty beast. present the corpse or proof taken from the corpse to me and recieve the blessing. For a blessing to gain the power of Mirage wolf hunt a creature that is hard to locate. To encourage fertility in a woman make an offering of food plants grown by the woman to receive the blessing. ": (Silversun17)
  4. [X] 1 A grand temple of living wood and flowering trees seems neat.: (Guile)
  5. [X] 1 Children can take our mutations easier, right? Maybe have new children born taken to the temple to be blessed by the Goddess. Keep the mutations tame, subtle, but beneficial. Sturdier bone, denser muscle, light regeneration, things like that.: (Guile)
  6. [X] 1 Create a type of beast suitable for riding and battle and teach them to ride. The water storage ability of a camel, the endurance of a wolf, the speed of a fleet horse, possibly even wings or camouflage if we can wrangle it. Furred or scaled, to deflect blades or teeth.: (Guile)
  7. ---[X] 1 Establish a centralized learning center, where your people teach everyone basic skills of magic and ki use as well as more scholarly pursuits to see who among the population has the best aptitudes. Each will be sorted according to desires and abilities and thus become our engines of conquest though superior understanding of the requirements of war... and the fruits of peace. (Foreign users of Ki and Magic will be the targets of seduction when ever they show up. Above all else we need to impress upon our people that Knowledge is the greatest value to us, and anything that enriches the knowledge of all our peoples is good and right.): (Carrnage)
  8. -[X] 1 Grow a temple of flesh and wood, A symbiosis of separate Animal and Plant life which work together, a circulatory system from which we will utilize the biomass gathered to create a desert plant which seeks underground water reserves and uses them together with the soil to multiply and grow new life. Where once was barren will become fertile, where once was nothing shall be the seeds of settlement for our people. And inside of the very central structure shall be a shrine to the goddess where new life will be consummated constantly and the people blessed with fertility and perfection of health.: (Carrnage)
  9. [X] 1 I am war and I am peace. I am death and I am life. Partake of my bounty, shelter beneath my boughs, grow together with me. You shall be my chosen people, and I yours. Death is a genuflection to Threat; life lived well, a prayer to the Goddess.: (Guile)
  10. [X] 1 Plan BFldyq for edicts: (Grosstoad)
  11. [X] 3 Plan Xicree: (Winged One, a2znut, Cyanios)
  12. --[X] 1 Take in the best, brightest and most loyal people, those who know the stranger phenomenon of magic and the powers of will, these people you shall study, learn from (under the pretense of wanting to understand the ways of man) and in return grant boons of the flesh. Bestow the RAPID REPRODUCTION trait to your most gifted followers amoung them, setting up a breeding program where you select for those who are the best of mages, the most powerful of Ki users then educate and distinguish them beyond all others amoung your people. (The trait will be altered slightly to ensure a complete childhood for average human lengths of time, allowing them time to learn as children. How ever upon age of majority they will become hyperfertile and push the reproductive envelope like no regular human ever could.): (Carrnage)
  13. [X] 1 They are mighty hunters, and we would not wish to lose that. We can create fruiting trees to feed them, but also create powerful beasts for them to hunt and test themselves upon, to keep their skills sharp. We give them food, and the dead return to us; the leftovers of their kills that are not good to eat are ours, and their own dead as well.: (Guile)
  14. [X] 1 We make sure that everyone is listening before we give out our law.: (BloodWitch1337)
  15. [X] 2 Xicree: (hunter09, megrisvernin)
  16. -[X] 1 all traits we have collected that won't change their appearance are on the table for them to earn.: (Silversun17)
  17. -[X] 1 each priestess shall serve for 3 years as a protector of the Oasis. after they have served the three years they may wed.: (Silversun17)
  18. [X] 1 first "rebirthing" them by getting them all to go into a giant womb analogue as a symbolic thing to make them all one big family (and so we can call them all our children), while in the womb Fine tune them all to be peak human fitness (things like rebuilding their retinas the right way, upgrading their digestive system, and pretty much any subtle benefit we can give them.) and make them all attractive (even adding minor exotic and animal features to maintain superficial diversity) and finally adding every biomorph that doesn't have a downside or large nutritional drain (as a subtle thing if possible heighten their innate empathy within the tribe and us while lowering their empathy for those not of us) then we release them from our womb with gifts.: (Carrnage)
  19. [X] 1 upon this place where you have become my people i shall make an oasis and establish a temple. this shall be a holy place and no blood shall be spilled here.: (Silversun17)
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