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- require(lsmeans)
- require(afex)
- data(obk.long, package = "afex")
- #lsm.options(disable.pbkrtest = TRUE) pbkrtest needed for F-test
- # let's fit this example data with 2 between. and two within-subjects factors via the ANOVA equivalent using lme4:
- m1 <- mixed(value ~ treatment*gender*phase*hour + (1|id) + (1|id:phase) + (1|id:hour), obk.long)
- ## Effect F ndf ddf F.scaling p.value
- ## 1 treatment 3.94 2 10.00 1.00 .05
- ## 2 gender 3.66 1 10.00 1.00 .08
- ## 3 phase 16.13 2 20.00 1.00 <.0001
- ## 4 hour 16.69 4 40.00 1.00 <.0001
- ## 5 treatment:gender 2.86 2 10.00 1.00 .10
- ## 6 treatment:phase 4.85 4 20.00 1.00 .007
- ## 7 gender:phase 0.28 2 20.00 1.00 .76
- ## 8 treatment:hour 0.09 8 40.00 1.00 >.99
- ## 9 gender:hour 0.45 4 40.00 1.00 .77
- ## 10 phase:hour 1.18 8 80.00 1.00 .32
- ## 11 treatment:gender:phase 0.64 4 20.00 1.00 .64
- ## 12 treatment:gender:hour 0.62 8 40.00 1.00 .76
- ## 13 treatment:phase:hour 0.35 16 80.00 1.00 .99
- ## 14 gender:phase:hour 0.93 8 80.00 1.00 .50
- ## 15 treatment:gender:phase:hour 0.74 16 80.00 1.00 .75
- # I am interested in the phase:hour interaction per levels of treatment. It has 8 numerator df.
- # set up the interaction per treatment:
- (ls1 <- lsmeans(m1$full.model, ~phase:hour |treatment))
- # alternatively:
- # ls1 <- lsmeans(m1, ~phase:hour|treatment, data = obk.long)
- # (following code by Russel Lenth)
- # create the contrasts for phase – 2 d.f. for each combination of the other factors:
- (con1 <- contrast(ls1, "trt.vs.ctrl1", by = c("hour","treatment")))
- # Now contrast these contrasts for each contrast (label in above results) and treatment combination, and summarize them by treatment
- con2 <- contrast(con1, "trt.vs.ctrl1", by = c("contrast","treatment"))
- summary(con2, by = "treatment")
- # Finally, use the new capability of test to obtain the joint tests
- test(con2, joint = TRUE, by = "treatment")
- ## F df1 df2 p.value
- ## control 0.4090 8 80 0.9123
- ## A 0.9879 8 80 0.4518
- ## B 0.3838 8 80 0.9263
- # Finally, use the new capability of test to obtain the joint tests
- test(con2, joint = TRUE, rows = 1:8)
- test(con2, joint = TRUE, rows = 9:16)
- test(con2, joint = TRUE, rows = 17:24)
- ## Alternatively in next versions of lsmeans:
- # test(con2, joint = TRUE, by = "treat")
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