

Jan 25th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. Server: noname
  3. Prefix: &9&l[&bSG&9&l]<r>
  5. variables:
  6. {fr.chest.x} = 1000000
  7. {fr.chest.y} = 200
  8. {fr.chest.z} = 1000000
  10. command /chest [<text>]:
  11. permission: sg.admin
  12. permission message: &6You don't have required permission to do this.
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg 1 is not set:
  15. if {fr.%player%.chest} is not set:
  16. set block at the location ({fr.chest.x}, {fr.chest.y}, {fr.chest.z}) to chest
  17. set block at the location ({fr.chest.x}+1, {fr.chest.y}, {fr.chest.z}) to chest
  18. set {fr.%player%.chest} to location of block at the location ({fr.chest.x}, {fr.chest.y}, {fr.chest.z})
  19. if {fr.chest.x} is less than 1000300:
  20. add 3 to {fr.chest.x}
  21. else:
  22. set {fr.chest.x} to 1000300
  23. if {fr.chest.z} is less than 1000300:
  24. add 2 to {fr.chest.z}
  25. else:
  26. set {fr.chest.z} to 1000000
  27. add 1 to {fr.chest.y}
  28. open the inventory of the block at {fr.%player%.chest} to the player
  29. else:
  30. open the inventory of the block at {fr.%player%.chest} to the player
  31. else:
  32. if player has permission "fr.chest.admin":
  33. if {fr.%arg 1%.chest} is set:
  34. open the inventory of the block at {fr.%arg 1%.chest} to the player
  35. else:
  36. set block at the location ({fr.chest.x}, {fr.chest.y}, {fr.chest.z}) to chest
  37. set block at the location ({fr.chest.x}+1, {fr.chest.y}, {fr.chest.z}) to chest
  38. set {fr.%arg 1%.chest} to location of block at the location ({fr.chest.x}, {fr.chest.y}, {fr.chest.z})
  39. if {fr.chest.x} is less than 1000300:
  40. add 3 to {fr.chest.x}
  41. else:
  42. set {fr.chest.x} to 1000300
  43. if {fr.chest.z} is less than 1000300:
  44. add 2 to {fr.chest.z}
  45. else:
  46. set {fr.chest.z} to 1000000
  47. add 1 to {fr.chest.y}
  48. open the inventory of the block at {fr.%arg 1%.chest} to the player
  49. else:
  50. send "&6You don't have required permission to do this."
  52. on left click:
  53. if {{@Server}.sg.spec.%player%} is true:
  54. cancel event
  55. on right click:
  56. if {{@Server}.sg.spec.%player%} is true:
  57. if player is holding a barrier named "&cLeave Survival Games":
  58. make player execute command "/sg spec"
  59. wait 3 ticks
  60. cancel event
  61. if player is holding a skull named "&6Teleport to Players":
  62. clear {{@Server}.sg::tpgui::*}
  63. wait 1 tick
  64. loop all players:
  65. if loop-player is "%{{@Server}.sg.joined::%loop-player%}%":
  66. add loop-player to {{@Server}.sg::tpgui::*}
  67. wait 1 tick
  68. open chest with 3 rows named "&aTeleportation GUI"
  69. set {_size} to the size of {{@Server}.sg::tpgui::*}
  70. set {_slot} to 0
  71. loop {{@Server}.sg::tpgui::*}:
  72. set {_sgperson} to loop-value
  73. format slot {_slot} of player with skull of {_sgperson} named "&6%{_sgperson}%" with lore "&a&oAlive" to be unstealable
  74. add 1 to {_slot}
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