
The Secret Club: Ch.2

Mar 5th, 2019
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  1. Chapter 2: The Bandle Gunner
  3. Life for Tristana had been idyllic; securing a model stint at Super Soakers, Inc. gave her a sizable income with added benefits. After all, she was a high-profile Champion working for a Yordle-run company. Surely, she would be able to pull some strings to get what she wanted. And so, she did. Free diaper packs, sippy cups, stuffed animals, anything babyish that she could think of; all of which, was delivered to her regularly through discreet packages.
  5. Although the company she worked with took precautions in their business outside of Bandle City, she did not. If anything, she was the opposite of subtle. After all, the marksman was never one to shy away from danger, let alone the taboo...
  7. --
  9. The sun rose over the horizon, giving unparalleled radiance to all of Valoran. Although, for Tristana, she felt a different kind of warmth.
  11. She laid in her childish bed, surrounded by pillows and plushies in a fluffy fortress of sorts. Wrapped cozily in her dragon-themed onesie, she blissfully suckled on her pacifier as her well-soaked nighttime diapers provided comfort and heat, staving away the cold morning breeze. However, this moment of respite was interrupted by the familiar ringing of her Piltover Phone. Turning to her side, she turned on the screen, and was greeted by a wall of text from Poppy.
  13. "Um I know this is weird, but do you have any pants I could use? Soraka took mine and she forgot to return them."
  14. "I mean it's not what you think but she left for her off day and I don't know how I'm gonna walk around with my diapers shown to the world. Could you come to my room and lend me a pair? Or at least, something to cover it up? Thanks."
  15. "Oh um...could you bring a pair of Super Soakers too? Soraka got one for me yesterday and they're amazing."
  16. "I mean, amazingly efficient."
  17. "Um, could you hurry up? I think I'm about to leak and I don't remember where I left my stash."
  20. Tristana let out a giggle from behind her pacifier, and got out of her bed. She typed in reply;
  22. "Calm down, you big baby. I'm on my way."
  24. She unbuttoned her onesie, which was already being strained by the sheer weight of her pampers. The buttons almost burst open, letting the squishy mass of padding balloon out. Tossing the damp outfit in her unkempt laundry basket, she waddled to her closet and looked at her clothes, pondering for a moment if she should surprise her old friend.
  26. "Hmm...big babies don't wear pants, do they? She should know that by now." She said to herself, browsing through an assortment of dresses and gowns.
  28. "And besides..." The cannoneer smiled, grabbing a pastel-yellow night gown.
  30. "...pants make it harder to check." She continued, taking a fresh pair of Super Soakers and an oversized 'Pentakill' t-shirt for herself.
  32. Slipping on the shirt and hiding the folded diaper in the garter of her own, Tristana toddled out of her room to teach Poppy a lesson in Bandle City traditions.
  34. --
  36. "Well...at least I finally have a use for this thing." Poppy sighed, as she sat on her never-used toilet, her Super Soakers leaking into the water below.
  38. The Hammer Keeper had been on the throne for half an hour, drinking water while peeing into her leaky, heavy pampers. She would have removed them, but the tapes had the strength of Garen, and were as stubborn as Riven players. Before she knew it, she was wearing a yellow, puffy cloud that drizzled her own pee. It had grown so large, that if it could hold any more, there would be no more water in that porcelain chair.
  40. "Ugh...where -is- she?" Poppy asked herself, swinging her legs as she checked her phone. It is important to note that, while most of the items in the Yordle's dorm were to scale, the toilet was not. After all, it was assumed that those of her kind would not use such a thing.
  42. 'Oh, man. I am NOT gonna hear the end of this.' Poppy thought to herself, wondering the consequences of her actions.
  44. 'What will Trist say? Is she gonna take a picture of me while I'm stuck here? Oh Gods--' Her anticipation was interrupted by a knocking on her door.
  46. She gulped, before putting her phone down.
  48. "C-Come in!" Poppy called out, with anxiety in her voice.
  50. Tristana opened the door, and walked into the room. She saw a small dark spot on her old friend's bed, which led to a trail of pee leading to the bathroom.
  52. "Jeez, Poppy! I thought you were trying to be discrete! Ha! So much for that, right?" The Bandle Gunner taunted, following the trail.
  54. "Y-yeah. Um...do you know how to get this thing off me?"
  56. "What do you mean--AHAHAHAHA!" The Bandle Gunner broke out into a fit of laughter, seeing the almighty Hammer Keeper, the pinnacle of Demacian bravery, stuck on a toilet, clad in leaky pampers.
  58. "What happened to YOU?" She said, trying to stifle her laughter.
  60. "Um...I didn't want to leak on my bed so I went here. It seemed like a good idea at first, but..."
  62. "Alright, alright. I understand. But you know, you could've went to the bathtub instead. That's what I do." She gestured to said object, before pulling up her shirt.
  64. "Yeah, but--OH SWEET DEMACIA WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?!" Poppy blushed, seeing her old friend's well-used nighttime diaper.
  66. "Pants? Poppy, let me tell you something. Pants are for losers. Besides, they make diaper-checking a hassle. I don't wanna have anyone pull down -my- pants in the middle of the street, right?" She said, procuring the still-fresh pair of Super-Soakers from her garter.
  68. "Well, yeah, but...wait. Where are the pants -I- asked for?"
  70. "I got you something a bit more...appropriate." She smiled, and held up the pastel-yellow night gown, whose color was the same shade of Tristana's own padding.
  72. "Huh? Well...it'll do, I guess." The little juggernaut took the gown, and set it aside.
  74. "But um--how do you untape these?"
  76. "Aww, widdle Poppy can't get out of her soaky diapy! Seriously, you're too cute. I bet you could land a job as a diaper model the second you walked in and showed the boss your soggy butt." Tristana cooed, handling the front of Poppy's pampers with a firm squish.
  78. "A-ah! Don't do that!" Poppy flustered, covering her face with her poofy pigtails.
  80. "Oh, fine, fine. I'll save it for the club."
  82. "I bet even -you- can't get these tapes off. I mean, you know how strong -I- am. I'm pretty sure you couldn't--"
  84. "Okay, baby, time for changies!" The cannoneer interrupted, and pulled at the tapes, which came off without a problem.
  86. "What? How did you--"
  88. "Magic tapes, you big baby. They only unlock with the magic phrase. Oh, and the changer needs to say it."
  90. "What? That makes no sense! Why can't -I- change myself?"
  92. "No idea. The guys at the company -did- say their magic department was quite...inexperienced."
  94. "I--that--Gah, whatever. Just give me my diapers." Poppy got off the toilet, and left the open, leaky Super Soaker to lay on the toilet seat.
  96. "You know I can't do that. Lie down."
  98. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T GIVE IT TO ME?!" The Hammer Keeper stomped her feet, much like an angered toddler.
  100. "Magic tapes, remember? They won't stick if you put them on yourself. Come ooon, it's either that or you pee on the floor."
  102. "Hmph. Fine." She crossed her arms, and lied down on the tiled floor.
  104. "Atta girl. Now, hold still..." The gunner unfolded the diaper, and lifted her blue friend's legs, sliding the Super Soaker underneath.
  106. "How aren't you embarrassed by all of this?" Poppy asked, sounding somewhat miffed.
  108. "Pops, I've been doing this all my life. The more you go out in diapers, the more you realize that no one really cares! Well, except for those who make fun of you, I guess."
  110. "Exactly! Don't they laugh at you, or something?"
  112. "Yep. And I just own up to it, you know? If I'm gonna be made fun of, I'm gonna freakin' OWN it. When I rocket jump, why do you think I land butt-first?"
  114. "Uh...to squish your diaper in the enemy's face?" Poppy blushed at the thought.
  116. "Yup! Just to piss 'em off. No pun intended." Tristana chuckled, taping up the fresh padding.
  118. "All done!" The gunner grinned, sealing the tapes with those two words.
  120. "Huh. Neat." The tiny tank stood up, and patted her pampered rear.
  122. "Uh...sorry for getting mad at you."
  124. "Hey, don't worry 'bout it. Babies are always cranky when they need a change."
  126. "Okay, now you're just being a hypocrite." Poppy chuckled, lifting Tristana's shirt up.
  128. "Alright, alright. You got me." Tristana raised her hands in a gesture of surrender.
  130. Letting go of the shirt, the hammer-lady smiled, and put on the night gown her friend had delivered. Upon wearing it, she looked down, and saw that the skirt only covered up to her thighs, stopping before her knees. The bottom of her pampers peeked out.
  132. "Uh...I thought these things were supposed to be longer. Did it shrink or something?"
  134. "Nope! They're custom made. Designed specifically for easy diaper checking." Tristana poked at the peeking padding, before Poppy flustered and pulled the skirt down.
  136. "What is it with you and checking diapers, anyway?" She said, balling up the leaky Super Soaker.
  138. "Well...I like to show off. But not that much. I'm not like Lulu."
  140. "Lulu? Why? What's she like? I mean, towards diapers. I don't see her that much."
  142. "Oh, she's...she's something else. And uh...I suggest you bring that with you, when we go to the club. I assume Soraka told you already?"
  144. "Oh yeah, the club! I know about it. But why do I need to bring this?" She held up the leaking ball of warmth.
  146. "Lu's making a...collection. Well, she calls it that, but really, it's a hoard of used diapers. She'll pay you a lot for that, since it's leaky."
  148. "Ew! I-I mean...really? But why?"
  150. "She mentioned she loves the smell, even if it's messy. I mean, you can't blame her. We already love diapies, and as we all know, she's pretty...nuts."
  152. "Well...alright, then. I'll get a bag for it. When are we going, by the way?"
  154. "Oh, we can go now, if you want." Tristana began to squat nonchalantly, to the confusion of her friend.
  156. "Oh! Well, I guess we could--what are you doing?"
  158. "Gotta potty." She began to strain, her hands on her knees as she grunted.
  160. A mushy mass of stink filled the seat of her already-soggy diaper, making it sag nearly to the ground. Whatever crinkly creases and folds the garment had on the outside were flattened out, as the load weighted it down significantly. The Super Soakers' tapes held on for dear life, as the leg holes seemed to expand along with her rear. Poppy could only stop to watch as her old friend messed herself in her bathroom, the pastel-yellowed diaper now blending with a tinge of brown. She had never seen anyone do anything like this in her presence, let alone in such a personal place. With a sigh, the Bandle Gunner slowly sat down on the cold floor, her newly-packed pampers giving it a good amount of warmth.
  162. "Ahh...that hit the spot." She said, looking up at Poppy.
  164. "Um...you want a change? You might get a rash, or something." The Hammer Keeper concernedly said, as her friend stood up.
  166. "Change? Ha! Why would I wanna change outta something like THIS?" She turned around, and bowed towards the bedroom, giving the Hammer Keeper her own version of a "Full Moon". She inched her heavy rear closer to Poppy's face, so that she could get a good look.
  168. "Wow. That's a -big- diaper." Poppy curiously held the cannoneer's tush, and it felt like a warm, squishy pillow.
  170. "See? Imagine how much gold I can get for this! Lulu's gonna -love- this." She moved her rear away from her friend's face, and pulled up her heavy diaper. Even though the tapes were quite snug, the mess was substantial enough to weigh it down.
  172. "Hey, you're right. Maybe I should try going number two in these...though, I haven't eaten anything yet." The hammer-maiden lamented.
  174. "Wanna get some lunch? I know a place where Shen makes some killer Ionian noodles."
  176. "Really? But...are they gonna let you in like that? I mean, it's not exactly proper to just eat and be stinky at the same time."
  178. "Oh, of course he will! He's used to the smell. After all, he's trained with Kennen for a long time. He'll probably just get us a private seat."
  180. "Neat! But, uh...we're still going to the club, right?"
  182. "Of course! So, you wanna go?"
  184. "Alright, stinky butt." Poppy teased, patting the Bandle Gunner's rear.
  186. "You know, I think you'll fit right in." Tristana smiled, leading her friend out of the room.
  188. [End of Chapter 2]
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