
Clover Tutor Dialogue

Jul 12th, 2019
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  3. Move:
  4. NPC type:
  6. Initial greeting (y/n):
  7. Y:
  8. N:
  9. After pressing Y but cancelling the move learning menu:
  10. After learning move:
  12. -------------------
  14. Move: Focus Blast
  15. NPC type: Psychic (M)
  17. Initial greeting (y/n): Greetings, travelling trainer. I sense you desire strong moves for your mons. I, after training for a couple years under a perverted old man, have learned to channel ki and release it as a powerful force of destruction: Focus Blast! And now, I can teach it to Pokemon as well! Are you up for it?
  18. Y: Very well. As one of the only specially-oriented Fighting type moves in existence, the mons that can learn this tend to vary. Who do you deem capable of using this awesome power?
  19. N: No matter. There is all the time in the world to learn this power. And by that, I mean my house isn't far from here and I got nothing else to do but teach Pokemon how to blast things with ki energy.
  20. After pressing Y but cancelling the move learning menu: ...What? You must be mistaken. Focus Blast's inaccuracy is a result of the Pokemon lacking skill. Calling it "Focus Miss" is a disservice. Come again if you actually want someone to learn this useful move.
  21. After learning move: Congratulations! With that, your Pokemon have taken their first step to ultimate power... and their trainer with them! If you ever have any more mons who need to blast raw spirit energy really hard, I'm here.
  23. -------------------
  25. Move: Knock Off
  26. NPC type: Burglar
  28. Initial greeting (y/n): Have bitch-niggas bothered you before? Have you ever wanted to bitchslap someone for lack of listening? Lack of doing what they're told? You tell 'em to knock that shit off, but they just keep being a nuisance? Look no further, kid. I got just the move for your mons to do it for you.
  29. Y: Alright, sweet. Which mon wants to learn how to smack enemies' pieces right off of 'em?
  30. N: Suit yourself, kid. But don't think I didn't warn you: a gun is only a threat as long as it's being held by a nigga. Same for Pokemon, same for battles.
  31. After pressing Y but cancelling the move learning menu: Yeah, I understand. Might not be a need to knock items off if you knock 'em out cold right off the bat, but still...
  32. After learning move: Good. You got a bitch of an enemy mon stalling you out? Trying to waste your damn time with recovery items? Berries? Whatever the fuck? This technique will put a stop to that. Use it wisely.
  34. -------------------
  36. Move: Signal Beam
  37. NPC type: Theorist
  39. Initial greeting (y/n): I once wondered how ancient civilizations might have contacted their gods in the heavens. I once wondered how ancient armies relayed coded information over long distances. After doing some research, I've come to the conclusion that it's due to this move. Outside of these, it can also be used in a battle to potentially disrupt the enemy's sensory receptors. Are you capable enough to want this move for your Pokemon?
  40. Y: That's good. Now who on your team is willing to learn this admittedly sinister beam emission technique?
  41. N: Yeah it's obsolete now that we have radio waves and other modern communication methods, but it's still cool to use!
  42. After pressing Y but cancelling the move learning menu: Hmmm... Perhaps your Pokemon know better moves than this? I guess it can't be helped with the advent of competitive battling...
  43. After learning move: There we go. I'm not exactly sure myself if this is any good for contacting aliens, but my Ayylamo doesn't like it too much. Perhaps aliens out there are similar in type affinity?
  45. -------------------
  47. Move: Superpower, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Swords Dance
  48. NPC type: I dunno, Lifter?
  50. Initial greeting (y/n): A new Master. No, a new Trainer. I know how you feel. You must be frustrated with how powerless you are, but right now let's keep looking forward. These moves are ones I've developed over countless years as a protector of mankind. They might help you and your Pokemon survive the unsurvivable. Are you ready?
  51. Y to Superpower: Being a superhero is unlike what anyone truly expects. Listen, the only ones a superhero can save are people he sides with. To save one, ten must die. To save ten, one hundred must die. How much bloodshed do you think it will take to save the world? In your case, to defeat one great enemy, you ultimately need to cripple yourself. That's what Superpower is all about.
  52. Y to Iron Head: Focus on upholding your ideal and carrying it out, even if it betrays you in the end. Even if it means betraying everybody you care about to achieve your goal. That's what it means to have a mind of steel: to do what's hard to accomplish what's right, regardless of who stands in your way. Iron Head embodies this drive to become a superhero.
  53. Y to Zen Headbutt: To become a guardian is not what it seems. Guardians are slaves, glorified janitors working to clean up after mankind's messes. They are the earth's hitmen. You do not save people in despair, you kill those in despair to prevent them tainting others' happiness. You eliminate those deemed not worth saving. Zen Headbutt is something you develop from getting used to this endless slaughter.
  54. Y to Swords Dance: Fighting for someone else and not yourself is hypocrisy. Wishing for peace and not victory is stupidity. A superhero has to keep existing as long as conflict does. If you're really dead set on being a faker like me, then clear your mind and repeat what I say: "Trace, on. I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body and fire is my blood..."
  55. N: Fine. Farewell. Drown in your ideals and die.
  56. After pressing Y but cancelling the move learning menu: There are always fewer seats called "happiness" than there are people to fill them. You can never save everyone, no matter how hard you try.
  57. After learning move: You know, it's almost sad to know this battle is almost at an end. I've seen many a battlefield, but this world is something special. Saving mankind is too huge for a Pokemon Trainer your age to really understand, but as long as you're fighting, I'll be there too.
  59. -------------------
  61. Move: Pain Split, Night Shade, Sludge Wave, Heat Wave
  62. NPC type: I dunno, a Priest sort of guy?
  64. Initial greeting (y/n): Greetings, child. I am the one entrusted with this church. I may be a man of God, but I was never one for what is right or good. I can teach your Pokemon four special moves I learned in my ten years of being blessed by the Holy Grail's contents. After all, Pokemon are Servants for the modern-day Master, are they not?
  65. Y to Pain Split: Giving life to others is considered a "good" act. Taking life from others is considered an "evil" act. Where then does a contradiction like Pain Split lie, if there is no absolute good or absolute evil? Will you find the answer for me, child...?
  66. Y to Night Shade: In life, there are those with no ideals driving them, no desire for happiness. Then there are those idiots with too many ideals, foolish dreams of becoming a superhero. All are equal before Night Shade, a wonderful curse that pierces the enemy's soul.
  67. Y to Sludge Wave: The black mud of corruption, flowing into you and permeating your very flesh... It is a sublime feeling nothing can match. With Sludge Wave, your enemies might feel just a fraction of Avenger's true essence. Sins not even God can hope to justify.
  68. Y to Heat Wave: I know firsthand that feeling all evils of the world wash over you is an intense burning sensation. I prefer to liken it to being drenched in mapo tofu from hell itself. The move Heat Wave will deliver such delicious scorching essence onto your enemies.
  69. N: I guess it cannot be helped. What other people called 'happiness' never brought me any joy...
  70. After pressing Y but cancelling the move learning menu: Really? Backing out of learning this move when you are so close to experiencing the glory of God? That's quite heartless of you... but who am I to judge? Hahaha!
  71. After learning move: Rejoice [Player Name]. Your wish has finally come true.
  73. -------------------
  75. Move: Infestation
  76. NPC type: Old Man type
  78. Initial greeting (y/n): Hello there, child. I can sense you are an experienced Trainer. What do you say to sparing a few minutes of your time to learning a little something from this old man? I have been using this for five hundred years, and it has served me well to avoid dying. The rotting is an unfortunate side effect, but it can't be helped. What do you say?
  79. Y: Hoh! You've got plenty of spirit in you, child! Nothing like my pathetic failure of a grandson! Now which of your Pokemon can harness the worms' potential? Fair warning: this might alter their hair and eyes to be blue like my family's. It should not pose an issue though, and some find it alluring.
  80. N: Hmmm. Well if you are content with waiting for the worms to come, then that is your choice. Find me again if you need to learn this visceral magic technique, passed down the Makiri bloodline for generations.
  81. After pressing Y but cancelling the move learning menu: Kekeke... Not very keen on using worms then? I cannot fault your prudence, child, but death is everywhere. The pain of becoming the nest for worms is like a mosquito bite compared to death. There is no regret greater than death, child. Remember that!
  82. After learning move: Good, very good! It is not quite powerful enough to grant you control of your enemies' corpses, or generic enough to allow you to cheat death, but it is enough to prevent your enemies from escaping while the worms tear at their insides in a great feast. In a Pokemon battle, that might be the difference you need...
  84. -------------------
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