
Vinyl's Boon Pt.2

Apr 3rd, 2017
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  1. Contains: Anal Vore, Soft Digestion, Post vore disposal scat, analingus, ass worship, face-sitting, masturbation and lesbianism.
  4. A knock at the door woke Vinyl up. Wiping her lip of drool and magically lifting her shades and placing them on her face Vinyl got off her couch and headed for the door. Letting out a sour belch, she opened the door to be greeted by her roadie and a earth pony stallion. Vinyl stared at the two for a moment before waving them in and closing the door behind them.
  6. “Sorry for the long wait Miss Scratch,” the roadie began
  8. Vinyl walked over to the full body mirror, her attention drawn more to any new addition the little colt may have added to her figure. Vinyl gasped, her ass had gotten big! doing a once around and then doing another before slapping her ass hard enough to leave a red mark to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Her ass wobbled as the wave of her slap rolled over her now plush and thick ass. The little guy hadn’t just done wonders for her ass, her hips and thighs her wonderfully plump too, rubbing her hooves over her doughy fat; Vinyl knew Octavia was gonna love this.
  10. “So, I went out, found him at the wrong club and then brought him back here. So here he is Miss Vinyl! Your special guest!” The roadie announced
  12. Vinyl stopped admiring her body and froze. Looking at a smiling roadie and a stallion blushing and biting his bottom lip behind him. Vinyl stared at them, then looked down at her belly fat, still sporting a soft belly from her meal. Poking her gut and then rubbing it, the realization settled in, that colt wasn’t her special guest, he was some kid that bypassed security and used the door sign to ensure no one would look in the room for him...Vinyl bit her lip in anger. The roadie’s smile faded, he could tell something was wrong.
  14. “I’m gonna leave you two to it, hope you have fun buddy,” the roadie said to the stallion.
  16. The roadie made for the door and closed it behind him. The stallion took a deep breath and calmed himself before stepping forward to Vinyl.
  18. “I’m honored to be doing this DJ-P0N3, I spent my life savings to get the opportunity to experience being eaten by know...since it’ll be the last thing I’ll ever do,” the stallion said, kicking his hoof shly.
  20. Vinyl glared at him, she had mistakenly eaten one of her dear fans. If this stallion could read directions, if her stupid employee hadn’t left his post, she could be hanging out with a fan. Vinyl stomped her fore hoof into the rug and the stallion balked and took a step back.
  22. “I...I’m sorry I’m so late, y-you must be famished. I have a little bag with condiments with me just in case I’m a little too bland,” The stallion offered a small bag.
  24. Vinyl gritted her teeth, and her horn flared with magic. The unbroken plant on the other side of the full body mirror lifted off, hurtling across the room at high speed and shattering upon impact with the stallion’s head; knocking him unconscious. Vinyl walked up and kicked him in the ribs for good measure. Vinyl sat down and looked back down at her doughy belly paunch, giving the perished colt a moment of silence before lifting the stallion up in her magical grip. Laying her front half on the couch, Vinyl hiked her ass up and spread her wide ass with her hoof. The stallion wanted to experience being eaten but Vinyl wouldn’t be obliging that desire, instead disposing of him by placing his snout right at the pucker of her spread ass cheeks.
  26. Vinyl took a breath, and shook her hips the ample fat jiggling like soft jelly before pressing that snout into her puckered asshole. It was difficult to relax her anus but the constant flexing of her thick ponut seemed to help pull him in. Rounding the crest of the his head, Vinyl panted through grit teeth before letting out a yelp of half and pain and pleasure as the stallion’s head sunk into her ass suddenly. Looking back at the rest of the unconscious stallion, still held in her magical grip, Vinyl grimaced and took another breath before smiling confidently and smacking her well padded ass and pushing forward.
  28. It was a challenge getting her asshole to stretch wide enough, to take in his shoulders but after Vinyl surmounted the hurdle, it was a marvel as inch after inch of stallion meat sunk into her pliable ring. Vinyl’s tongue flopped out of her mouth, drool dripping as her ass was pleasantly filled; her anal stimulation making her muscles tense and shivers race up her back. Vinyls gut started to swell as the new occupant started filling her but his legs twitched with life. Vinyl didn’t realized her meal was coming to until his legs kicked out and a scream came from within her. All at once the shock of sudden movement and sound caused Vinyls orgasm to hit, her magic slipped, dropping the confused stallion who pulled back as Vinyls cum splattered all over her thighs and his belly. Vinyl let out little panting moans and her left back leg kicked on reflex to the stimulation from the stallion trying to pull back.
  30. The stallions confusion became displeasure and while Vinyl was distracted by her orgasm he planted his hind hoofs and began pulling himself out from between Vinyls pancake soft ass cheeks. Vinyl felt his hoofs pulling him out, and anger swelled, he wanted to be a meal so thats what would happen. Aiming her left back leg, Vinyl kicked his hind leg out from under him. The stallion’s leg gave out and bent in a way no leg ever should; it may have well broke, considering how loud the stallion yelled in pain from inside her belly. Vinyl got control, gripping his body once more with her magic, and began feeding the stallion to her ass. More relaxed in her post orgasmic bliss, it was easy pushing the rest of the stallion into her accepting hole; his cutie mark, his tail and lastly his wildly kicking hind legs filling out a sexually spent Vinyl.
  32. Vinyls heart beat thundered in her ears, her cheek pressed into a couch cushion wet with her drool. In her spent state, Vinyl couldn’t keep her ass held up and her legs gave out from under her and her rear dropped. A shock of pain forced Vinyl to lift her ass back up though, her anal ring still tender, stretched and gaping wide from having an entire pony stuffed into it. Vinyl flopped onto the floor and laid on her side, letting the cool rug soak in some of her heat. While Vinyl lay there recovering, there was a sudden knock at the door and the roadie only opened the door wide enough to poke his head in.
  34. “Hey,” The roadie began, trying to gauge the DJ’s mood “Your next set is almost up, you want me to tell them that you’re indisposed or…?”
  36. The only movement that came from Vinyl was the roiling surface of her distended belly as it shifted and squirmed vigorously. Vinyl finally raised her fore-hoof and waved it nodding to her employee who smiled and closed the door. Getting to her hooves and walking over to the mirror, Vinyl turned around, lifted her tail and examined her tender ponut. The hole was still gaping but slowly closing with each flexing pulse, giving a view up the pathway the stallion had been sent. The struggles of her meal were easily ignored, in the past she had to handle special guests who wanted to be food but had had second thoughts half way down her throat and struggled like hell before learning their place as her food. All Vinyl had to do was wait and he would stop his struggling soon enough.
  38. While she waited though, she had minds to blow and fans to entertain. Grabbing her ear plugs Vinyl went and did her next set. Tracing her way back through the hallways, she got another water bottle from the staff before getting on stage, her belly still squirming with her meal. The crowd erupted with cheers as Vinyl took the DJ booth and levitated five vinyl records into the air, each one glowing a different color. The music started and the five records pulsed with the different parts of the music, floating and dancing in intricate patterns over the wild crowd. On and on the night went, Vinyl didn’t even notice or, more accurately, didn’t care when her belly grew still and softened as the stallion succumbed to his fate.
  40. Vinyl was finally done. A breath of relief followed a sour burp and Vinyl patted her gurgling belly as it churned away the second meal of the night. Making her way back to her personal green room, Vinyl found her things already packed and the roadie ready whenever Vinyl was. Indigestion continued to plague the unicorn mare all the way home, her lumpy, soft belly making mocking groans and gurgling sounds.
  42. It was early in the morning by the time Vinyl got back home in Ponyville. The roadie dropped her off with her personal belongings and helped Vinyl drag her heavy bags while she dragged her heavy gut into the house just as the sun crested the hills. The house was quiet, dark and orderly; a welcomed change from the wild and roaring crowds. Cleanly divided between the unicorn and and her earth pony roomie, each side of the house tailored to their individual tastes. Vinyl took to her side, sitting on the couch to rest and the roadie setting her bags on the floor and taking his leave without another word. Vinyl let her head loll back before letting out a another belch that brought a tart taste of her digested meal with it.
  44. Vinyl briefly considered just sleeping on the couch, but knew that any restful sleep would escape her. This couch was not a good candidate for a nap, especially with the swollen basketball that was her belly. Getting up, Vinyl made her way to the bathroom and started her routine before hitting the hay for the day. Vinyl sat down on the toilet, her rump spreading over the edges of the toilet seat and shifting side the side to get comfortable before relaxing and letting her body do what came naturally.
  45. Thick and coiled, whether it was that stupid stallion or that poor fan of hers, her ass expelled what was packed tightly in her colon. Vinyl groaned a little in pain, her abused anal ring was being stretched again and it ached with the burn expected of a overworked muscle. Vinyl took moment to give her ass a break and flush the toilet so as to avoid a clog, past experience of dumping off her previous meals had taught her the limits of plumping, and sat her ass down again. The process was long but rewarding, Vinyls gut looked like a deflated version of the firm basket ball it was earlier, her stomach still burbled occasionally, as if imitating a babbling brook, from the agitation of digesting two ponies. While still on the toilet Vinyl rubbed her own wide and rotund tummy, sinking her hooves into the giving flesh, picking up the mass of her gut and letting it fall to her thick thighs.
  47. Using the bidet function on the toilet was a bit of a challenge as Vinyls own flabby ass covered the controls but after some leaning, stretching and shifting, the toilet made short work of any remaining waste in and around her asshole. Washing her hooves, brushing, flossing, and then popping an antacid Vinyl moved onto her shower and then it was off to bed with her. A magical grip twisted the handles turning the shower and after a moment of adjustment Vinyl stepped under the warm stream of water. Vinyl let out a long sigh, before gripping the shampoo and squeezing a dollop onto her head, when the door opened.
  49. Vinyl knew what was coming, she smiled. The shower curtain was pulled back and Octavia stepped into the shower behind Vinyl before letting letting out a yelp.
  51. “Oh dear! Vinyl, what did you eat?” Octavia said, looking at the mound of round ass that greeted her.
  53. Vinyl responded by simply flicking her wet tail in Octavia’s face and washing the soap from her mane.
  55. “Oh gosh, I could bounce a bit of this thing,” Octavia breathed “Want me to wash your back for you?”
  57. Vinyl passed the bottle of body wash to Octavia and in a matter of moments Octavia was lathering up those ample hips. Running her hooves over those love handles, and circling back to sink her hooves into those abundant thighs, repeating the motion and then laying her cheek against Vinyl’s cheek. Octavia licked Vinyl’s ass cheek, her tongue sinking into the supple chub before giving a soft smack to to the flesh and admiring the jelly like shake that rippled over the surface.
  59. “Sweet Celestia. Vinyl, whatever you ate, please eat more of it,” Octavia gushed
  61. If only Octavia knew, Vinyl couldn’t help but hike her tail up and leaned against the wall of the shower while Octavia playfully bit her other cheek before giving that one a lick and smack. Octavia doused her hooves in more body wash and licked her lips while staring at that ass and beginning at the back of Vinyls thighs and lathering up the gloriously plump and soft ass of her mare friend. Octavia watched as her hooves lifted the two pancake soft globes and let them fall and jiggle to a stop before pressing her face once again into those soaped up ass cheeks and kissing them.
  63. “Vinyl, dear, I need to. I can’t hold back anymore,” Octavia moaned, spreading Vinyl’s ass cheeks
  65. Octavia found what she was looking for deep in the crevice of that rotund rear, Vinyls sore anal ring. Octavia wasted no time and, with her heart full of worship, ran her broad, soft tongue across Vinyl’s pucker before wrapping her lips fully around it and running her tongue in circles around each wrinkle of the muscle; letting go of Vinyl’s ample ass cheeks and trapping her face in the spot where she knew it belonged. Vinyl couldn’t help but moan, her muscles clenching slightly as Octavia embraced all she could of Vinyl’s backside.
  67. Vinyl pushed back against Octavia who went with the flow and soon, with a loud thud, Vinyl had sat down on Octavia’s face. The round ass encapsulated Octavia’s head and spread out around the floor of the shower, the rest of her body sliding underneath Vinyl’s body so she was laying on her back. Octavia didn’t skip a beat, using her new position as a living seat to rub Vinyl from her hips down to her flanks and lovingly’ patting her cutie mark, all the while lathing Vinyl’s clenching hole with her tongue. Vinyl bit her lower lip lifted the secondary shower nozzle from it’s spot and with a flip of a switch water was shooting from the mobile shower head.
  69. Octavia’s reaction was instant as soon as Vinyl put the shower head to her soaked pussy, a sharp squealing moan heard, despite the thick pear shaped rear smothering her. For added fun, Vinyl’s horn lit up and a small bubble of magic, no bigger than a marble, began to trace the outside of Octavia’s lips; every now and then pressing the bubble of vibrating magic to Octavia’s clit. Octavia’s worship of Vinyls round ass only deepened and became more passionate, convinced this ass needed an altar to its softness, its thickness. Octavia refused to let her tongue leave the stretchy ponut for even a second, instead pushing her tongue past the ring and dipping it in the center and truly tongue bathing Vinyl’s asshole like it deserved.
  71. Vinyl’s magic buzzing bubble was sitting on Octavia’s clit, while the shower nozzle sprayed water against her sensitive lips, Vinyl’s body was shivering and her back left leg twitched, warning of her climax. Octavia, was roughly groping and kneading the doughy fat ass and spanking Vinyl’s cutie mark, sending ripple after ripple over the plush fat. All at once both mares pleasure peaked and their orgasms hit, Octavia drew her legs in her muscles clenching as she squealed loud enough to vibrate the smothering pillows of Vinyl’s ass. Vinyl’s pussy erupted with juice, wetting Octavia’s chin and neck and she let out a panting moan herself, hitting the wall with each wave of orgasmic bliss.
  73. Vinyl rolled off her Octavia who took a deep breath of fresh air and both mares shared the shower though Octavia continued to enthusiastically grope and talk about Vinyl’s thick figure. Soon, both ponies were washed and Octavia bid Vinyl a good night with sweet dreams, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Vinyl walked into her room, giving her body one more once over before her head hit the pillow and passing out.
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