
"An Early History of Oakstone, by Farret Wildfang"

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. "An Early History of Oakstone, by Farret Wildfang", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 1)
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. ~~ by Farret Wildfang ~~
  6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. The Founding of Oakstone and Early Concerns .............2
  10. The Problem of Hashan's Expansion .......................3
  11. Notable Citizens and the Development of Oakstone Laws ...4
  13. (-10 Mana)
  14. You read what is written on a journal made from pressed leaves:
  15. "An Early History of Oakstone, by Farret Wildfang", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 2)
  16. The Founding of Oakstone and Early Concerns
  17. -------------------------------------------
  18. Imagine a time long ago, in Sapience. There were only two cities then,
  19. Shallam and Ashtan, good and evil. As you can probably guess, these two
  20. powers had their share of wars and conflicts, and there were those in
  21. the Druids who felt that their guild was not taking as active a role in
  22. these conflicts as it should, in order to protect the forests. Thus, in
  23. 202 AF, the Sentinels were founded.
  25. Early relations between the Druids and the Sentinels were not the best,
  26. although there was some friendship between the two guilds. They were
  27. both dedicated to Nature, but had very different ideas on how to go
  28. about serving it. Some Druids saw the Sentinels as bloodthirsty
  29. radicals, ready to kill anyone who stepped into the forest, and some
  30. Sentinels saw the Druids as a bunch of pacifists who weren't prepared to
  31. take any real action to defend Nature. Also, there were no clear laws or
  32. enforcement regarding the abuse of Nature. People were overharvesting
  33. and exterminating as much as they wished, cities were claiming forest
  34. land for themselves in the midst of their wars, and no one was doing
  35. anything about it. So how were the Druids and Sentinels supposed to get
  36. past their differences and work together to fix the problem?
  38. A Druid called Zandramas, who would later be elected guildmaster, formed
  39. the first unofficial council of Oakstone in 223 AF. It was originally
  40. meant as a forum for discussion and debate of Druid matters. It wasn't
  41. an official organization until a few years later, when Druid secretary
  42. Mysti La'Saen got together with Treant, founder of the Sentinels, and
  43. organized the official Council of Oakstone, with a lot of help from Lady
  44. Gaia, Goddess of Nature, and Sarapis, the Logos. And so it was that on
  45. the 5th of Daedalan, 227 AF, that the council of Oakstone was formed.
  47. This more official Oakstone was to be a uniting force between the Druids
  48. and the Sentinels, to facilitate the promotion of their common goal,
  49. which was to protect the best interest of the forests and Nature. Its
  50. membership was composed almost exclusively of forestals, which, at the
  51. time, meant only Druids and Sentinels. Its leadership consisted of 5 of
  52. those forestals, called Heirophants, each highly dedicated to the cause
  53. of Nature, and trusted by Gaia, Goddess of Nature to make decisions
  54. about what the best interests of Nature were. The first Heirophants were
  55. Mysti, Treant, Rahl, Mandrake, and Galdrion. Gaia, Herself, was
  56. Oakstone's original Patron, and, as such, she had the final word about
  57. Oakstone's policies.
  59. Early Oakstone policy was still quite unclear to its members. They were
  60. still trying to decide which areas were under their protection. There
  61. were only three known large forests at the time: Western Ithmia,
  62. Northern Ithmia, and Aalen, but there were many forested areas to take
  63. under consideration, as well as any other area where plants grew. Also
  64. they had to decide what acts constituted a threat to Nature, whether it
  65. was okay to put shrines, holy areas, and wormholes in the forests, and
  66. for cities to claim its land, and what the punishments should be if they
  67. were determined to be offensive acts against Nature. Lastly, there was
  68. the issue of whether the forest defenses should be used solely to
  69. protect Nature, or also to protect the citizens of Oakstone. At the
  70. time, it should be noted, Oakstone was structured much more like a city
  71. than it is today, since there was no forest village of Eleusis to serve
  72. as a home to forestals then, so Oakstone was used for that purpose as
  73. well. It had the ranks and government of a city, but unlike cities,
  74. which strive for their own growth and advancement, Oakstone's sole goal
  75. was the protection and enrichment of Nature. It had no real headquarters
  76. to serve as a gathering place, but it did serve to unite Druids and
  77. Sentinels.
  79. In answer to these matters, Lady Gaia stated that wormholes and shrines
  80. were not detrimental to the forests, but the claiming of forest soil by
  81. the cities most definitely was, and would not be allowed to continue.
  82. She also decided that forest defenses should be used only to defend the
  83. forests, because if they were used to defend Oakstone citizens
  84. personally, Sarapis might have seen fit to weaken them. Also the Druids
  85. and Sentinels of Oakstone were perfectly capable of defending each other
  86. without the aid of forest defenses. Lastly, She made it clear that
  87. though all forested areas were under the protection of Oakstone, the
  88. forests themselves would be their primary goal, and among them, the
  89. Western Ithmia the highest priority, since it contained both Her temple,
  90. and the holy cave of Sarapis. The Aalen was out of the way and inhabited
  91. by the Tsol'aa, who kept it well protected, and the Northern Ithmia
  92. already posed quite a problem, because much of it was claimed by cities,
  93. during the course of their wars.
  94. You read what is written on a journal made from pressed leaves:
  95. "An Early History of Oakstone, by Farret Wildfang", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 3)
  96. The Problem of Hashan's Expansion
  97. ---------------------------------
  98. One large catalyst of Oakstone's early growth was problems with the
  99. fledgling city Hashan that destroyed much of the Northern Ithmia,
  100. including the groves of many Druids and Sentinels. This, of course,
  101. angered Lady Gaia, and many of the Druids who, previously, were not
  102. prepared to get involved in policing the forests. Many Sentinels were
  103. also angered, and the incident caused a bit of a rift among them,
  104. because by that time, the Sentinels had moved their base to Hashan and
  105. pledged loyalty there. There was among some Sentinels of the time,
  106. though, a certain resentment for Oakstone, since the original purpose of
  107. the Sentinels guild was to be "the fighting arm of the forest". It soon
  108. became clear to them, however, that the unity of forestals in Oakstone
  109. combined with the power to unleash Nature's wrath made Oakstone much
  110. more effective in protecting the forests than the Sentinels alone could
  111. be.
  113. The problem of Hashan started a few years before the actual expansion,
  114. and lasted many years after. It is not clear exactly when it was
  115. resolved or even if it ever really was. Lady Gaia and Hashan's Patron,
  116. Lord Twilight, had a long history of enmity towards each other, due,
  117. probably, to the fact that in 209 AF Gaia went insane and killed
  118. Twilight. Twilight then banded together with some other Gods and
  119. imprisoned Gaia in a tree. Twilight was reformed and Gaia released, but
  120. neither forgot the incident. In 227 AF, the Druidess Lalayna led
  121. Hashanite troops in the Western Ithmia to protect Hashan from invasion
  122. by Asthan and Shallam. Zandramas, the guildmaster of the Druids at the
  123. time, allowed troops in the Northern Ithmia, but asked that they stay
  124. away from the western side. Lady Gaia became quite incensed with the
  125. Druids for allying with the city of Twilight, and threw Lalayna out of
  126. her order, and immediately ordered the removal of troops from the
  127. Western Ithmia. Oakstone citizens discussed different ways of dealing
  128. with the Hashan problem. One way was to form a treaty with Shallam to
  129. unclaim all of the forest territory claimed by Hashan. It was later
  130. decided that a policy of neutrality towards cities would be a wiser
  131. course. There was a meeting in 228 AF between forestal leaders and the
  132. leadership of Hashan. Not much was resolved there, but it was viewed, at
  133. least, as an opening of relations with Hashan.
  135. Soon thereafter, Heirophant Galdrion organized some reconnaissance
  136. teams, led by Heirophants, to patrol the forests and take note of any
  137. territory that had been claimed by the cities. By Mayan of 228 AF,
  138. things with Hashan seemed to quiet down a bit, more or less having faded
  139. into the background, and little is written about the situation for some
  140. time after.
  142. The actual expansion occurred two years later. On the 13th of Lupar in
  143. 230 AF, Lady Gaia declared the Druid Firefox an enemy to Oakstone for
  144. his part in funding what she called "Hashan's rapine actions", meaning
  145. the expansion that destroyed forest areas, and for borrowing money to
  146. finance a statue of himself in Hashan. Apparently, he had lied to people
  147. about what the money was for, as well. In 231 AF, She forced the Druids
  148. into outguilding Firefox for his actions by stepping down as their
  149. Matron until he was cast from the guild. After this point there seemed
  150. to be some confusion as to the status of the situation with Hashan.
  151. Outright war was not formally declared, but there was definitely an air
  152. of tension.
  154. By the early 240's the Sentinels had moved from Shallam to Hashan,
  155. because they wished to be free of Shallam and its politics. Shallam
  156. leadership felt that they should have some say in the part the Sentinels
  157. played in the wars between Shallam and Ashtan, and the Sentinels felt
  158. that they should be free to decide on their own where their loyalties
  159. lay. Many Sentinels felt, however, that they would be in a similar
  160. situation in Hashan, and also were upset over the expansion. The
  161. Sentinels started requiring its leaders and its new members to be loyal
  162. to Hashan, and this caused a bit of turmoil within the Sentinels. It
  163. also caused Sentinels to be less well represented in Oakstone, since at
  164. that time, it was not possible to be a member of Oakstone and a city at
  165. the same time.
  166. You read what is written on a journal made from pressed leaves:
  167. "An Early History of Oakstone, by Farret Wildfang", By Lady Greyda Corten (Page 4)
  168. Notable Citizens and the Development of Oakstone Laws
  169. -----------------------------------------------------
  170. There were a few outstanding members of early Oakstone that bear
  171. mentioning. Among them, of course, are Mysti, who more than a century
  172. later still remains a Heirophant and Druid secretary, and Treant, who
  173. founded the Sentinels, and played a part in founding Oakstone. It is
  174. unfortunate, however, that the same stubborn single-mindedness that
  175. enabled Treant to do these things also ended up putting him at odds with
  176. his fellow Sentinels, Oakstone citizens and Lady Gaia, and so he decided
  177. to quit the Sentinels and Oakstone, and leave the realms.
  179. Also worth noting are the Druids Rahl and Mandrake, who were both
  180. Heirophants and instrumental in Oakstone's early organization. Mandrake
  181. has also been guildmaster of the Druids and the mortal voice of Lady
  182. Gaia. Galdrion and Blackleaf were both Heirophants at one point, and
  183. each has been guildmaster of the Sentinels. Blackleaf left Oakstone to
  184. deal with Sentinel matters when they were still struggling with the
  185. conflict of whether to move the Sentinels out of Shallam and was also
  186. Regent of Hashan for a while after the guild decided to relocate there.
  187. Galdrion played a very diplomatic part in Oakstone, holding many
  188. meetings to keep people informed and unified. Like Blackleaf, he left
  189. Oakstone to return to Shallam.
  191. Oakstone was able to solve many of the problems that sparked its
  192. creation. The council banded together to teach each other the most
  193. effective methods of putting out forest fires, and the forest defenses
  194. served to deal with exterminators and overharvesters and its policy of
  195. neutrality in all matter not regarding Nature served to curb the cities
  196. from carrying their wars into the forests.
  198. Oakstone's rules became very strict, especially with respect to
  199. overharvesting. They were contested early on by quite a few people who
  200. were starting to resent the power that Oakstone represented. One such
  201. person was Portis Kincaid, a rogue Druidess and wealthy merchant with
  202. establishments all over Sapience, the most famous of which being the
  203. Crystal Leaf Inn. She was caught for many counts of overharvesting all
  204. the valerian in many locations of the Vashnar Mountains. What makes her
  205. particularly notable amongst overharvesters is that she was quite verbal
  206. in her feelings about her punishment. She seemed to feel that Oakstone
  207. had no business telling her what she could and could not harvest outside
  208. of the forests. She was well liked up to that point, and managed to get
  209. quite a few supporters until she publicly insulted Lady Gaia, and
  210. continued to try to inspire fear of Oakstone in the general populus. Due
  211. to her behavior towards Lady Gaia and several of the Heirophants, it was
  212. decided that her enemy status would remain, even after her penalty was
  213. paid.
  215. Overharvesting continued to be quite a problem for Oakstone, whose
  216. members had started forming regular patrolling teams by that time to
  217. look for overharvests and exterminations. It became particularly
  218. noticeable in the mid 240's when all the cactus weed, which at that time
  219. could be harvested by anyone, not just Druid and Sentinel classes,
  220. started disappearing from the desert. This frustrated many Oakstone
  221. citizens who were struggling to replant, and irritated Lady Gaia to the
  222. point where she decided that enough was enough. Her decision was to
  223. remove all the cactus weed from the lands, save for her own private
  224. stash, and let the citizens of Achaea see why the harvesting laws were
  225. in effect. Her reasoning was that maybe if they harvest it to
  226. extinction, they'll realize the foolhardiness of not leaving enough of a
  227. plant to grow. Also, the excuse of overharvesting for the purpose of
  228. replanting became quite a problem, and though it was well intentioned,
  229. Gaia put her foot down about that, as well, allowing only Heirophants to
  230. overharvest for that reason.
  232. It was around this time that many of the members of Oakstone started to
  233. become frustrated. It was becoming clear that the punishment for
  234. overharvesting was not severe enough. Many began suggesting that
  235. violators of the harvesting laws be forced to pay monetary reparations
  236. as well as the punishment that was currently in effect, and others began
  237. discussing the tactic which has since become one of the most effective
  238. forestal weapons in enforcing the laws: the herb ban. Lady Gaia disliked
  239. the idea of withholding Nature's bounty as a way of blackmailing people
  240. into complying, and was hopeful that the ban on cactus weed alone would
  241. be enough to get the point across. It turned out that Sarapis restricted
  242. the ability of harvesting weed to those skilled in concoctions, so the
  243. desert was replanted and Achaea's weed supply restored. It is unclear,
  244. however, whether or not the citizens of Achaea got the point that Lady
  245. Gaia was trying to make.
  247. By this point Oakstone had developed some pretty strict laws regarding
  248. harvesting and extermination, which would remain in effect throughout
  249. its history. Many of the members of Oakstone had been calling out for a
  250. codified set of laws for some years. There was a pretty clear policy
  251. regarding overharvesting and exterminations, but some other points
  252. remained unclear, like whether mass harvesting within legal harvest
  253. limits was allowed, and whether or not someone who managed to harvest a
  254. lot of a rare plant should be forced to share with his or her fellow
  255. forestals. In 241 AF, Lady Gaia announced that an official charter for
  256. Oakstone was completed, and almost ready for release. For some reason or
  257. other, however, there is no record of a charter being released until 297
  258. AF, over half a century later. Nevertheless, it is clear that many of
  259. the rules in the charter were already in play by 241 AF. In this manner,
  260. the council of Oakstone was beginning to grow firm roots as a powerful
  261. organization in the world.
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