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a guest
Oct 15th, 2019
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  2. var ajaxloadingdelay = false;
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  25. var adblock_txt = '<div class="abtextout"><div class="abtext"><p>Liebe Benutzerinnen und Benutzer von</p><p>Unsere Seite hat viele Angebote, die es nirgendwo anders gibt: Stormtracking, Blitzanalyse, Hagelalarm für Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich und Luxemburg, das SuperHD-Modell mit 1x1 km Auflösung, weltweit viele Parameter des ECMWF-Modells und vieles mehr.</p><p>Dass es das anderswo nicht gibt, hat seinen Grund. Es ist uns was wert, tolle Menschen in der Firma zu haben, die das können, und Daten einzukaufen, die andere nicht haben und damit einen noch besseren Service zu bieten.</p></div><div class="abtext"><p>Das Ganze beruht irgendwie auf der Annahme, dass die User ahnen, dass wir Daten und Gehälter, die das möglich machen, irgendwie finanzieren müssen. Wir werden deshalb in naher Zukunft drei Dinge tun, damit alle etwas beitragen können.</p><p>1. Die Seite wird weiterhin Werbung haben.</p><p>2. Wer keine Werbung mag, wird für wenig Geld eine werbefreie Seite bekommen und für etwas mehr als wenig, aber immer noch wenig Geld eine werbefreie Seite mit zusätzlichen exklusiven Funktionen bekommen.</p></div><div class="abtext"><p>3. Wer einen Adblocker hat und sich nicht solidarisch in unserem UnterstützerInnen-Kollektiv engagieren möchte, wird unsere Seite leider nicht mehr sehen können.</p><p>Wir freuen uns auf alle, die bei uns bleiben - es ändert sich fast nichts und das Angebot wird wie bisher laufend ausgebaut. Wir sind noch lange nicht fertig und voller Ideen und Tatendrang.</p><p>Herzlich<br />Team Kachelmann GmbH</p></div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div>';
  26. var adblock_txt2 = '<div class="abtextout"><p>Werbefläche</p></div>';
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  39. /**
  40. * jQuery Unveil
  41. * A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images
  42. *
  43. *
  44. * Licensed under the MIT license.
  45. * Copyright 2013 Luís Almeida
  46. *
  47. */
  49. ;(function($) {
  51. $.fn.unveil = function(threshold, callback) {
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  58. loaded;
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  78. return eb >= wt - th && et <= wb + th;
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  83. $w.on("scroll.unveil resize.unveil lookup.unveil", unveil);
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  160. a457c035a6dd2ca7c69(function(ret, triggerCode) {
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  179. if (infocounter>=2) {
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  201. else
  202. location.href = get_url_path()+'/site/adblockuser/'+triggerCode+'/';
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  213. else if ($('#nocookies-info').attr('data-value') === 'true' && checkCookie() !== 'cookiefail' && !isGoogle()) {
  214. location.href = urlpath;
  215. }
  217. });
  219. moment.locale(displayLanguageLowerCase());
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  221. $('#legende-date').text(moment(legendDate, getTimezoneFormat('date')).format(getTimezoneFormat('date', true)));
  223. checkOwnAds();
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  225. setZoomListener();
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  228. setShareListener();
  229. showOrHideOpenStreetMapInfo();
  230. checkHash();
  231. initSatTemp();
  232. initDatePicker();
  233. initTracks();
  234. initFloods();
  235. rdfcPrognose();
  236. initModelSwitcher();
  237. initVarSettings();
  238. initiOSzoomfix();
  239. loadingForecasts();
  240. initOpenDivs();
  241. setModelSelectorListener();
  242. setKlimaVergleichListener();
  243. setVhstationListener();
  244. setPhaenologieListener(true);
  245. $("img").unveil();
  247. if ($('#unwetterzentrale').attr('data-location') === 'true' && $('#unwetterzentrale').is(":visible")) {
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  262. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/mylocationsmobile', {}, function (data) { $('#myfavcontent').html(data);initiOSzoomfix();},'html');
  263. }
  264. }
  265. });
  266. $('.close-addhistory').on('click', function(){
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  274. 'tld': tld
  275. }, function (data) {
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  277. location.reload();
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  280. location.href = data;
  281. }
  282. },'html');
  284. }
  285. });
  287. if (History.Adapter) {
  288. History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function(){
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  290. if (State && no_reload == false) {
  291. location.reload();
  292. }
  293. no_reload = false;
  294. });
  295. setTimeout(function(){ no_reload = false; }, 1000);
  296. }
  298. $(window).resize(function() {
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  320. else if (server_response === 'nologin') {
  321. messageLayer(513,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  322. }
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  324. var blitz = $('#blitz-id-start').attr("data");
  325. if (blitz) {
  326. $('#blitzortung').modal('show');
  327. showLgt(blitz,false);
  328. }
  330. var track_url = $('#track-url-start').attr("data");
  331. if (track_url) {
  332. $('#stormtracking').modal('show');
  333. showTrackDetailByURL(track_url, false);
  334. }
  336. var flood_url = $('#flood-url-start').attr("data");
  337. if (flood_url) {
  338. $('#stormtracking').modal('show');
  339. showFloodDetailByURL(flood_url, false);
  340. }
  343. var pollen = $('#pollen-id-start').attr("data");
  344. if (pollen) {
  345. $('#pollen_detail').modal('show');
  346. showPollen(pollen,false);
  347. }
  348. }
  350. $('.tldselect').on('click', function(e){
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  354. 'id' : $(this).attr('data-select')
  355. }, function(data) {
  356. if (data) {
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  359. });
  360. });
  362. if ($('#register-form-country').html()) {
  363. $('#register-form-hider').hide();
  364. $('#register-form-hider2').hide();
  365. $('#register-form-shower').show();
  366. }
  367. graphTabOnClick();
  368. plotGraph();
  369. plotGraphCompact();
  370. if(typeof ensemble_load != 'undefined')
  371. loadGraphEnsembleLong();
  372. else
  373. plotGraphEnsembleLong();
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  390. }
  391. e.popover({ 'html': true,
  392. 'placement': 'bottom',
  393. 'trigger':'manual',
  394. 'content': '<div id="poajax_''pocontent')+'" style="min-width:246px;">'+loadingMsg()+'</div>',
  395. 'template': '<div class="popover" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-otitle"><a class="pointer poclose" onclick="popoverClose(\'''pocontent')+'\');"><span class="popover-otclose">&times;<span></a><h3 class="popover-title"></h3></div><div class="popover-content"></div></div>'
  396. }).popover('show');
  397. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/''pocontent'),poparams, function(d) {
  398. $('#poajax_''pocontent')).html(d);
  399. },'html');
  400. }
  401. });
  403. $('*[data-pocontent]').on('', function() {
  404. popover_status[$(this).data('pocontent')] = 'show';
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  407. $('*[data-pocontent]').on('', function() {
  408. popover_status[$(this).data('pocontent')] = 'hide';
  409. });
  411. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();
  414. $('#kachelmann-faq h5>a').on("click", function(e){
  415. var url = $(this).attr('href');
  416. setTimeout(function(){$('#kachelmann-faq .in').removeClass('in');},300);
  417. if($(this).attr('data-faq') && $(this).attr('data-target')) {
  418. var obj = $($(this).attr('data-target')+'>div');
  419. if (obj.html() === '...') {
  420. obj.html('Wird geladen!');
  421. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/faqs', {
  422. 'faqid': $(this).attr('data-faq')
  423. }, function (data) {
  424. obj.html(data);
  425. if (url) {
  426. pushHistory(url);
  427. }
  428. },'html');
  429. }
  430. }
  431. e.preventDefault();
  432. });
  434. $('.source-marker').on("click", function(e){
  435. $('#'+$(this).attr('data-id')).select();//.select();
  436. e.preventDefault();
  437. });
  439. $('#forecast-form-0').on('submit', function(e) {
  440. e.preventDefault();
  441. forecast_search0();
  442. });
  444. $('#forecast-form-1').on('submit', function(e) {
  445. e.preventDefault();
  446. forecast_search1();
  447. });
  450. }).on("keydown", function(e) {
  451. var model_val = $('#model').val();
  452. if (typeof model_val !== 'undefined') {
  453. if(keydown==0){
  454. keydown=1;
  455. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 116) refresh(e);
  456. var model = $('#model-flag').val()
  458. if (model) { // support cursor keys (reversed direction in model section)
  459. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 39) model_hour_prev();
  460. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 37) model_hour_next();
  461. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 40) model_member_next(e);
  462. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 38) model_member_prev(e);
  463. }
  464. else{
  465. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 37) model_hour_prev();
  466. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 39) model_hour_next();
  467. }
  468. }
  469. }
  470. if(((e.which || e.keyCode) == 39 || (e.which || e.keyCode) == 37) && $('#weather-fccompact-page').length >=1) {
  472. var availableModels = $('.mod-fc-essentials');
  473. var currentSelectedIndex = availableModels.index(availableModels.filter('.btn-active'));
  475. if(currentSelectedIndex === -1) return;
  477. var nextSelectedIndex = currentSelectedIndex;
  479. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 39) nextSelectedIndex++;
  480. if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 37) nextSelectedIndex--;
  482. if(nextSelectedIndex >= availableModels.length)
  483. nextSelectedIndex = 0;
  485. if(nextSelectedIndex < 0)
  486. nextSelectedIndex = availableModels.length - 1;
  488. availableModels.get(nextSelectedIndex).click();
  489. }
  490. });
  491. $(document).on("keyup", function(e){keydown=0;});
  494. var forecast_search0 = function () {
  495. if (forecast_search_setting(0)) {
  496. $('#forecast-form-0').off('submit');
  497. $('#forecast-form-0').submit();
  498. }
  499. };
  500. var wetter_search0 = function () {
  501. $('#forecast-form-0').submit();
  502. };
  503. var forecast_search_setting = function(id) {
  504. var tab = $('#tab-url').attr("data-src");
  505. if (typeof tab !== 'undefined') {
  506. $('#forecast-tab-'+id).val(tab);
  507. }
  508. var model = $('#forecast-model').val();
  509. var action = $('#forecast-action-'+id).val();
  510. if (typeof action !== 'undefined' && action) {
  511. var tmp = action.split('#');
  512. if (typeof model !== 'undefined' && model) {
  513. $('#forecast-action-'+id).val(tmp[0].replace("kompakt1x1","kompakt")+'#'+model);
  514. }
  515. }
  516. /*else {
  517. $('#forecast-action-'+id).val(tmp[0]);
  518. }*/
  519. return true;
  520. };
  521. var forecast_search1 = function () {
  522. if (forecast_search_setting(1)) {
  523. $('#forecast-form-1').off('submit');
  524. $('#forecast-form-1').submit();
  525. }
  526. };
  527. var wetter_search1 = function () {
  528. $('#forecast-form-1').submit();
  529. };
  530. var forecast_search_nav = function () {
  531. $('#forecast-form-nav').submit();
  532. };
  533. var forecast_search_fav = function () {
  534. $('#forecast-form-fav').submit();
  535. };
  537. var setShareListener = function() {
  538. $('.mouse-overlay').hide();
  539. $('#content-image').hover(
  540. function(){
  541. $('.mouse-overlay').show();
  542. },
  543. function(){
  544. $('.mouse-overlay').hide();
  545. }
  546. );
  547. };
  548. var setModelSelectorListener = function() {
  549. $('.mod-fc').off('click').
  550. on('click', function(e) {
  551. $('#forecast-model').val($(this).attr('data-value'));
  552. e.preventDefault();
  553. forecastModel();
  554. });
  555. $('.mod-fc-trend').off('click').
  556. on('click', function(e) {
  557. $('#forecast-model').val($(this).attr('data-value'));
  558. e.preventDefault();
  559. forecastModelTrend();
  560. });
  561. $('.mod-fc-switch').off('click').
  562. on('click', function(e) {
  563. e.preventDefault();
  564. switchForecast($(this).attr('data-out'));
  565. });
  566. /*$('.mod-fc-essentials').off('click').
  567. on('click', function(e) {
  568. e.preventDefault();
  569. $('#forecast-model').val($(this).attr('data-value'));
  570. forecastModelEssentials();
  571. });*/
  572. $('.mod-fc-ensemble').off('click').
  573. on('click', function(e) {
  574. e.preventDefault();
  575. $('#forecast-model').val($(this).attr('data-value'));
  576. forecastModelEnsemble();
  577. });
  578. };
  580. var setZoomListener = function() {
  581. $('#click-overlay').off('click').
  582. on('click', function(e) {
  583. model_player_stop();
  584. images=[]; // clear buffers for preloading loop images
  585. loaded_image_sources=[];
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  587. loading=0;
  588. images_extend=1;
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  591. var top = parseInt($('#top-wrapper').position().top)+get_abstandY();
  592. var factor = 760 / (parseInt(getImageWidth())+1);
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  594. 'posX' : Math.round((e.pageX-($('#content-image').position().left+get_abstand())-left)*factor),
  595. 'posY' : Math.round((e.pageY-($('#content-image').position().top)-top)*factor),
  596. 'area_id' : get_selected_area(),
  597. 'area_hierarchy' : get_area_hierarchy(),
  598. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  599. 'model_valid' : $('#model-valid').val(),
  600. 'model_run' : $('#model-run').val(),
  601. 'model_param' : $('#model-param').val(),
  602. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  603. 'model_member' : $('#model-member').val(),
  604. 'geo_lat' : $('#geo-lat').val(),
  605. 'geo_long' : $('#geo-long').val(),
  606. 'fl_newest' : $('#newest-flag').val(),
  607. 'fl_param' : $('#param-flag').val(),
  608. 'fl_model' : $('#model-flag').val(),
  610. };
  611. if ($('#model').val() === 'blitze' && $('#blitze-5minonly').prop('checked')) {
  612. params.blitze_5minonly = 'true';
  613. }
  614. if ($('#model').val() === 'cyclone') {
  615. params.model_filter_storm = $('#model-filter-storm').val();
  616. }
  617. //$('.lp_param').html($('.container').width()+' left: '+$('#content-image').position().left+' top:'+$('#content-image').position().top+' factor: '+factor+' posX:'+Math.round((e.pageX-($('#content-image').position().left+get_abstand())-left)*factor)+ ' posY:'+Math.round((e.pageY-($('#content-image').position().top)-top)*factor));
  618. ajaxLoaderShowDelay();
  619. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/zoomall', params, function (data) {
  620. ajaxLoaderHide();
  621. if (data === 'SURVIVAL') {
  622. messageLayer(101,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  623. }
  624. else if (data === 'NOT_ALLOWED') {
  625. messageLayer(403,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  626. }
  627. else if (data === 'UNAVAILABLE') {
  628. messageLayer(503,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  629. }
  630. else if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  631. if (data === 'not_allowed') {
  632. messageLayer(102,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  633. }
  634. else {
  635. $('#drop-downs').html(data);
  636. setDropDownListener();
  637. changeImage();
  638. showOrHideOpenStreetMapInfo();
  639. place_obs();
  640. reloadIframeAds();
  641. initDatePicker();
  642. initOpenDivs();
  643. }
  644. }
  645. },'html');
  646. }
  647. );
  648. };
  649. var getImageWidth = function() {
  650. return $('#click-overlay').width();
  651. }
  652. var zoom_out = function() {
  653. model_player_stop();
  654. images=[]; // buffers for preloading loop images
  655. loaded_image_sources=[];
  656. images_loaded=0;
  657. loading=0;
  658. var areas = getAreaArray();
  659. ajaxLoaderShowDelay();
  660. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/zoomout', {
  661. 'area_id' : get_selected_area(),
  662. 'areas_1' : areas[1],
  663. 'areas_2' : areas[2],
  664. 'areas_3' : areas[3],
  665. 'areas_4' : areas[4],
  666. 'areas_5' : areas[5],
  667. 'areas_6' : areas[6],
  668. 'areas_7' : areas[7],
  669. 'areas_8' : areas[8],
  670. 'areas_9' : areas[9],
  671. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  672. 'model_param' : $('#model-param').val(),
  673. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  674. 'model_valid' : $('#model-valid').val()
  675. }, function (data) {
  676. ajaxLoaderHide();
  677. if (data === 'not_allowed') {
  678. messageLayer(103,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  679. }
  680. else if (data === 'NOT_ALLOWED') {
  681. messageLayer(403,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  682. }
  683. else if (data === 'UNAVAILABLE') {
  684. messageLayer(503,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  685. }
  686. else {
  687. findAndSetArea(get_selected_area());
  688. //closeMarker();
  689. refreshDropdowns();
  691. }
  692. },'html');
  693. };
  695. var findAndSetArea = function(area_id) {
  696. var fieldname = '';
  697. var counter = 0;
  698. for (i=1;i<=9;i++) {
  699. counter = counter * 1000;
  700. fieldname = '#form-areaid-'+i;
  701. $(fieldname+' option').each(function(){
  702. counter++;
  703. if (parseInt($(this).attr('value')) === parseInt(area_id) && counter > 1000) {
  704. $(fieldname).val('0');
  705. return fieldname;
  706. }
  707. });
  708. }
  709. };
  711. var cookieSettings = function() {
  712. $('#settings-msg').html(loadingGif());
  713. $('#settings-modal').modal('show');
  714. var poparams = {};
  715. if (checkCookie() == 'cookiefail') {
  716. poparams = {'nocookies':true};
  717. }
  718. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/settings', poparams, function(data) {
  719. $('#settings-msg').html(data);
  720. $('#cookie-settings-form select').off('change').
  721. on('change', function(e) {
  722. cookiesave($(this).attr('id'));
  723. e.preventDefault();
  724. }
  725. );
  726. },'html');
  727. };
  729. var cookiesave = function(element_id) {
  730. var value = $('#'+element_id).val();
  731. if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && typeof element_id !== 'undefined') {
  732. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/cookieset', {
  733. 'element_id': element_id,
  734. 'id' : value
  735. }, function(data) {
  736. if (element_id === 'cs-tld') {
  737. $('#settings-deftld').attr('data-value',value);
  738. }
  739. $('#settings-changed').attr('data-value','1');
  740. });
  741. }
  742. return false;
  743. };
  745. var loadingGif = function() {
  746. var loadingImageURL = $('#loading-image-url').attr('data-value');
  747. if (typeof loadingImageURL === 'undefinded' || !loadingImageURL) {
  748. loadingImageURL = '/images/ajax-loader.gif';
  749. }
  750. return '<p style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;"><img src="'+loadingImageURL+'" alt="Loading" /></p>';
  751. };
  753. var radarus_is_dyn = function(param) {
  754. if (typeof param === 'undefined') {
  755. param = $('#model-mode').val();
  756. }
  757. return (param === 'RADARUS_DYN' || param === 'RADARUS_DYN_HI' || param === 'RADARUS_DYN_AK' || param === 'RADARUS_DYN_NC');
  758. };
  760. var setDropDownListener = function() {
  761. $('#drop-downs select').off('change').
  762. on('change', function() {
  763. //closeMarker();
  764. if ($(this).attr('id') !== 'model-player-interval') {
  765. refreshDropdowns(null, null, null, null, $(this));
  766. }
  767. }
  768. );
  769. $('#drop-downs select').off('focus').
  770. on('focus', function() {
  771. //model_player_stop();
  772. }
  773. );
  774. setElementHiders();
  775. setAccListener();
  776. $('#blitze-5minonly').off('change').on('change', function(e){e.preventDefault();lightning5min();});
  777. initAutoRefresh();
  778. };
  780. var closeAccLayer = function (obj) {
  781. var id = obj.attr('id');
  782. $('[data-id='+id+']').each(
  783. function() {
  784. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  785. $(this).addClass('acc-btn-active');
  786. }
  787. else {
  788. $(this).removeClass('acc-btn-active');
  789. }
  790. }
  791. );
  792. obj.slideUp();
  793. }
  794. var closeAcc2Layer = function (obj) {
  795. var id = obj.attr('id');
  796. $('.acc2-layer').each(
  797. function() {
  798. if ($(this).hasClass('acc2-btn-active')) {
  799. $(this).removeClass('acc2-btn-active');
  800. }
  801. }
  802. );
  803. obj.slideUp();
  804. }
  805. var openAccLayer = function (obj) {
  806. var id = obj.attr('data-id');
  807. $('[data-id='+id+']').each(
  808. function() {
  809. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  810. $(this).removeClass('acc-btn-active');
  811. }
  812. else {
  813. $(this).addClass('acc-btn-active');
  814. }
  815. }
  816. );
  817. $('#'+id).slideDown();
  818. scrollTopParam();
  819. }
  820. var openAccLayerDirect = function (obj) {
  821. var id = obj.attr('data-id');
  822. $('[data-id='+id+']').each(
  823. function() {
  824. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  825. $(this).removeClass('acc-btn-active');
  826. }
  827. else {
  828. $(this).addClass('acc-btn-active');
  829. }
  830. }
  831. );
  832. $('#'+id).show();
  833. scrollTopParam();
  834. }
  836. var scrollTopParam = function() {
  837. var scrolling = $('#ac-id-param').offset();
  838. var start = $('#param-autoscroll-all').offset();
  839. if (typeof scrolling !== 'undefined' && typeof start !== 'undefined') {
  840. //alert( + ' ' +;
  841. $('#param-autoscroll-all').animate({}, 0);
  842. }
  843. }
  845. var openAcc2Layer = function (obj) {
  846. var id = obj.attr('data-id');
  848. var previousVisibleLayer = $('.acc2-btn-active').next('.acc2-layer:visible');
  850. $('.acc2-layer').each(
  851. function() {
  852. if ($(this).hasClass('acc2-btn-active')) {
  853. $(this).removeClass('acc2-btn-active');
  854. }
  855. }
  856. );
  857. obj.addClass('acc2-btn-active');
  858. $('#'+id).slideDown();
  860. //Die angeklickte Kategorie nach oben scrollen, so dass sie nicht außerhalb des sichtbaren Bereichs ist
  861. var parentContainer = obj.closest('div');
  862. var offsetTop = parentContainer.offset().top;
  864. var scrollOffsetTop = $('#param-autoscroll-all').offset().top;
  865. var scrollTop = $('#param-autoscroll-all').scrollTop();
  867. var previousHeight = 0;
  868. if(previousVisibleLayer.length > 0 && previousVisibleLayer.offset().top < offsetTop)
  869. previousHeight = previousVisibleLayer.height();
  871. $('#param-autoscroll-all').animate({scrollTop: scrollTop - (scrollOffsetTop - offsetTop) - previousHeight}, 400);
  873. }
  875. var setAccListener = function() {
  876. $('.acc-btn').off('click').
  877. on('click', function(e) {
  878. e.preventDefault();
  879. var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
  880. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on') && $('#'+id).is(":visible")) {
  881. $('.acc-layer').each(function() {
  882. if ($(this).is(":visible")) {
  883. closeAccLayer($(this));
  884. }
  885. });
  886. open_dd_div1 = '';
  887. }
  888. else if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on') && !$('#'+id).is(":visible")) {
  889. $('.acc-layer').each(function() {
  890. if ($(this).is(":visible") && $(this).attr('data-id') !== id) {
  891. closeAccLayer($(this));
  892. }
  893. });
  894. openAccLayer($(this));
  895. open_dd_div1 = id;
  896. }
  897. else {
  898. $('.acc-layer').each(function() {
  899. if ($(this).is(":visible")) {
  900. closeAccLayer($(this));
  901. }
  902. });
  903. open_dd_div1 = '';
  904. }
  905. }
  906. );
  907. $('.acc2-btn').off('click').
  908. on('click', function(e) {
  909. e.preventDefault();
  910. var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
  911. if ($('#'+id).is(":visible")) {
  912. $('.acc2-layer').each(function() {
  913. if ($(this).is(":visible")) {
  914. closeAcc2Layer($(this));
  915. }
  916. });
  917. open_dd_div2 = '';
  918. }
  919. else {
  920. console.log(2);
  921. $('.acc2-layer').each(function() {
  922. if ($(this).is(":visible") && $(this).attr('data-id') !== id) {
  923. closeAcc2Layer($(this));
  924. }
  925. });
  926. openAcc2Layer($(this));
  927. open_dd_div2 = id;
  928. }
  929. }
  930. );
  932. $('.ac-btn').off('click').
  933. on('click', function(e) {
  934. e.preventDefault();
  935. var tabid = $(this).parents('.tab-pane').attr('id');
  936. if (typeof tabid !== 'undefined' && tabid) {
  937. if (tabid === 'tab-param-top' || tabid === 'tab-param-daily' || tabid === 'tab-param-all' || tabid === 'tab-param-ens' || tabid === 'tab-param-prob' || tabid === 'tab-param-spagh' || tabid === 'tab-param-meta') {
  938. open_dd_tab_params=tabid;
  939. }
  940. if (tabid === 'tab-dates-date' || tabid === 'tab-dates-hour') {
  941. open_dd_tab_valids=tabid;
  942. }
  943. if (tabid === 'tab-models-all' || tabid === 'tab-models-switch' || tabid === 'tab-models-archive') {
  944. open_dd_tab_models=tabid;
  945. }
  946. }
  947. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  948. var model = $(this).attr('data-model');
  949. if (isModelCard(model)) {
  950. return switch2model(model);
  951. }
  952. var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
  953. var value = $(this).attr('data-value');
  954. var jqobj = $('#'+id).val();
  955. if (typeof jqobj !== 'undefined' && typeof value !== 'undefined') {
  956. $('#'+id).val(value);
  957. return refreshDropdowns(null,null,null,null,$('#'+id));
  958. }
  959. }
  960. //alert('test');
  961. });
  962. $('.ac-btn-disabled').off('click').
  963. on('click', function(e) {
  964. e.preventDefault();
  965. });
  966. $('.pay-btn-disabled').off('click').
  967. on('click', function(e) {
  968. e.preventDefault();
  969. showExtraNotice();
  970. $('#faq-modal').modal('show');
  971. });
  973. $('.valid-btn').off('click').
  974. on('click', function(e) {
  975. e.preventDefault();
  976. var id = $(this).attr('data-value');
  977. if (id) {
  978. if ($('.valid-btn').hasClass("btn-active")) {
  979. $('.valid-btn').removeClass("btn-active");
  980. }
  981. $(this).addClass("btn-active");
  982. open_dd_valids = id;
  983. $('.valids-all').hide();
  984. $('.valids-all').addClass('valids-hide');
  985. $('.'+id).show();
  986. $('.'+id).removeClass('valids-hide');
  987. }
  988. });
  989. $('.btn-fc-neighbour').off('click').
  990. on('click', function() {
  991. var new_loc=$(this).attr('data-value');
  992. var old_loc=$('#forecast-loc').attr('data-value');
  993. var new_url = $('#forecast-url').attr("data");
  994. if (typeof new_url !== 'undefined') {
  995. new_url = new_url.replace(old_loc, new_loc);
  996. var tab = $('#tab-url').attr("data-src");
  997. if (tab) {
  998. new_url = new_url+'/'+tab;
  999. }
  1000. goto(new_url);
  1001. }
  1002. });
  1003. $('.btn-fc-tab').off('click').
  1004. on('click', function() {
  1005. var new_loc=$(this).attr('data-value');
  1006. var old_loc=$('#forecast-loc').attr('data-value');
  1007. var new_url = $('#forecast-url').attr("data");
  1008. if (typeof new_url !== 'undefined') {
  1009. new_url = new_url.replace(old_loc, new_loc);
  1010. if (new_url.indexOf('/kompakt') >= 0) {
  1011. new_url = new_url+'/'+$('#forecast-model').val();
  1012. }
  1013. var tab = $('#tab-url').attr("data-src");
  1014. if (tab) {
  1015. if (new_url.indexOf('/ensemble') >= 0 || new_url.indexOf('/xl') >= 0 ) {
  1016. new_url = new_url+'/'+$('#forecast-model').val();
  1017. }
  1018. new_url = new_url+'/'+tab;
  1019. }
  1020. //console.log(new_url);
  1021. goto(new_url);
  1022. }
  1023. });
  1024. $('.btn-map-gps').off('click').
  1025. on('click', function() {
  1026. $('.btn-map-gps').removeClass('tab-current');
  1027. $(this).addClass('tab-current');
  1028. var lat=$(this).attr('data-lat');
  1029. var long=$(this).attr('data-long');
  1030. set_to_latlong(lat,long);
  1031. });
  1032. $('.switch-map').off('click').
  1033. on('click', function(e) {
  1034. e.preventDefault();
  1035. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  1036. var params = {
  1037. 'switcher': 'grid',
  1038. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  1039. 'model_valid' : $('#model-valid').val(),
  1040. 'model_member' : $('#model-member').val(),
  1041. 'model_run' : $('#model-picked-date').val(),
  1042. 'model_param' : $('#model-param').val(),
  1043. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  1044. 'area_id': get_selected_area(),
  1045. 'geo_lat' : $('#geo-lat').val(),
  1046. 'geo_long' : $('#geo-long').val()
  1047. };
  1048. if ($(this).hasClass('map-country')) {
  1049. params.switcher = 'country';
  1050. }
  1051. refreshDropdowns(false, false, params);
  1052. }
  1053. });
  1054. if ($('#animation-player-mobile').is(':visible')) {
  1055. var html = $('#animation-player-mobile').html();
  1056. if (typeof html !== 'undefined' && html.length === 0) {
  1057. $('#animation-player-mobile').html($('#animation-player-desktop').html());
  1058. $('#animation-player-desktop').html('');
  1059. }
  1060. }
  1061. else {
  1062. $('#animation-player-mobile').html('');
  1063. }
  1064. if ($('#animation-player-desktop').is(':visible')) {
  1065. var html = $('#animation-player-desktop').html();
  1066. if (typeof html !== 'undefined' && html.length === 0) {
  1067. $('#animation-player-desktop').html($('#animation-player-mobile').html());
  1068. $('#animation-player-mobile').html('');
  1069. }
  1070. }
  1071. else {
  1072. $('#animation-player-desktop').html('');
  1073. }
  1074. }
  1076. var get_selected_area = function(jqobj) {
  1077. var area_id = 0;
  1078. for (i=1;i<=10;i++) {
  1079. fieldname = '#form-areaid-'+i;
  1080. if ($(fieldname).val() && parseInt($(fieldname).val()) > 0) {
  1081. area_id = $(fieldname).val();
  1082. if (jqobj && '#'+jqobj.attr('id') === fieldname) {
  1083. break;
  1084. }
  1085. }
  1086. else {
  1087. break;
  1088. }
  1089. }
  1090. return area_id;
  1091. };
  1093. var get_area_hierarchy = function() {
  1094. var area_id = new Array(10);
  1095. for (i=1;i<=10;i++) {
  1096. fieldname = '#form-areaid-'+i;
  1097. if ($(fieldname).val() && parseInt($(fieldname).val()) > 0) {
  1098. area_id[i-1] = $(fieldname).val();
  1099. }
  1100. else {
  1101. break;
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1104. return area_id;
  1105. };
  1107. var get_selected_model_path = function() {
  1108. if ($('#model').val()==='px250' || $('#model').val()==='px250blau' || $('#model').val()==='wwanalyze' || $('#model').val()==='radar'|| $('#model').val()==='radarus' || $('#model').val()==='radarde' || $('#model').val()==='radarpre' || $('#model').val()==='singlepx' || $('#model').val()==='plraw' || $('#model').val()==='storms' || $('#model').val()==='floods' || $('#model').val()==='pl' || $('#model').val()==='blitze' || $('#model').val()==='regen' || $('#model').val()==='hagel' || $('#model').val()==='radial' || $('#model').val()==='sweeps' || $('#model').val()==='radar3d' || $('#model').val()==='zsweeps' || $('#model').val()==='sat') {
  1109. var model = $('#model-valid').val();
  1110. var formModel = model.split('/');
  1111. var run_hour = formModel[1];
  1112. var run_date = formModel[0].split('-');
  1113. var ret = new Array(2);
  1114. ret[0] = run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+run_date[2];
  1115. ret[1] = run_hour;
  1116. return ret;
  1117. }
  1118. var model = $('#model-run').val();
  1119. if (typeof model === 'undefined') {
  1120. return '';
  1121. }
  1122. else {
  1123. var formModel = model.split('/');
  1124. var run_hour = formModel[1];
  1125. var run_date = formModel[0].split('-');
  1126. return run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+run_date[2]+'_'+run_hour;
  1127. }
  1128. };
  1130. var get_model_image_path = function(satdl, set_model, set_param, set_model_valid, set_location) {
  1131. var area = get_selected_area();
  1132. var model = $('#model').val();
  1133. if (model === 'modvhshd') {
  1134. return false;
  1135. }
  1136. if (typeof set_model !== 'undefined') {
  1137. model = set_model;
  1138. }
  1139. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  1140. if (typeof set_param !== 'undefined') {
  1141. model_param = set_param;
  1142. }
  1143. var model_valid = $('#model-valid').val();
  1144. if (typeof set_model_valid !== 'undefined') {
  1145. model_valid = set_model_valid;
  1146. }
  1147. if (model_valid && model === 'cyclone') {
  1148. var filter_storm = $('#model-filter-storm').val();
  1149. if (typeof filter_storm !== 'undefined' && filter_storm) {
  1150. filter_storm = filter_storm + '-'
  1151. }
  1152. else {
  1153. filter_storm = '';
  1154. }
  1155. var param = $('#model-param').val();
  1156. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+$('#model-selector').val()+'_'+$('#model-run').val()+'_'+area+'_'+param+'_'+filter_storm+$('#model-valid').val()+'.png');
  1157. }
  1158. else if (model_valid) {
  1159. var formModel = model_valid.split('/');
  1160. var run_hour = formModel[1];
  1161. var run_date = formModel[0].split('-');
  1162. if (model.substring(0,3) !=='mod') {
  1163. var datum = run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+run_date[2];
  1164. var uhrzeit = run_hour;
  1165. datum = datum.replace(/-/g, "_");
  1166. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/:/g, "_");
  1167. }
  1168. if (model === 'radarpre') {
  1169. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  1170. var futuremin = '000';
  1171. if (formModel[2]) {
  1172. futuremin = formModel[2];
  1173. }
  1174. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARAT_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  1175. futuremin = '005';
  1176. }
  1177. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARCH_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  1178. futuremin = '005';
  1179. }
  1180. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARNL_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  1181. futuremin = '005';
  1182. }
  1183. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit+'_'+futuremin+'.png');
  1184. }
  1185. else if (model === 'px250' || model === 'px250blau' || model === 'wwanalyze' || model === 'radarde' || model === 'radar' || model === 'singlepx' || model === 'pl' || model === 'plraw' || model === 'blitze'
  1186. || (model === 'radarus' && $('#model-mode').val() === 'RADARUS')) {
  1187. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  1188. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  1189. }
  1190. else if (model === 'radarus' && $('#model-mode').val() === 'RADARUS_PARAM') {
  1191. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  1192. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  1193. }
  1194. else if (model === 'radarus') {
  1195. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  1196. var model_location = $('#model-location').val();
  1197. if (typeof set_location !== 'undefined') {
  1198. model_location = set_location;
  1199. }
  1200. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_location+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  1201. }
  1202. else if (model === 'hagel') {
  1203. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'.png');
  1204. }
  1205. else if (model === 'sat' || model === 'globus') {
  1206. if (satdl === 'PNG') {
  1207. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'.png');
  1208. }
  1209. else {
  1210. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'.jpg');
  1211. }
  1212. }
  1213. else if (isModelCard(model)) {
  1214. var selected_index = $('#model-valid').prop("selectedIndex");
  1215. $('#model-valid-hidden').prop("selectedIndex", selected_index);
  1216. var model_valid_hidden = $('#model-valid-hidden').val();
  1217. var model_member = $('#model-member').val();
  1218. var member_string = '';
  1219. if (typeof model_member !== 'undefined' && model_member.length>0 && parseInt(model_member)>=0) {
  1220. member_string = '_m'+model_member;
  1221. }
  1222. var run_date = model_valid_hidden.split('#');
  1223. var lang = '';
  1224. if (model_param == 155 || model_param == 213 || model_param == 352 || model_param == 353) {
  1225. lang = '-'+displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase();
  1226. }
  1227. var modelstring = 'model';
  1228. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  1229. modelstring = 'season';
  1230. }
  1231. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  1232. modelstring = 'weekly';
  1233. }
  1234. return extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+modelstring+'/'+modelstring+lang+'_'+model+'_'+run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+member_string+'.png');
  1235. }
  1236. else {
  1237. var axel = Math.random() + "";
  1238. var num = axel * 1000000000000000000;
  1239. var returnurl = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'.png');
  1240. if (isObsMode(model)) {
  1241. returnurl = returnurl + '?'+num;
  1242. }
  1243. return returnurl;
  1244. }
  1245. }
  1246. };
  1248. var get_model_overlay_path = function(trans) {
  1249. var domain = '';
  1250. if (trans === 'zz') {
  1251. domain = $('#overlay-nonames').attr('data-value');
  1252. }
  1253. else {
  1254. domain = $('#overlay-withnames').attr('data-value');
  1255. }
  1256. var area = get_selected_area();
  1257. if (area === 500000000 || area == 500000001 || area == 500000002) {
  1258. area = 2;
  1259. }
  1260. var path = Math.floor(area/100)*100;
  1261. return domain+path+'/'+area+'.png';
  1262. };
  1265. var changeImage = function() {
  1266. replaceOverlay();
  1267. replaceImage();
  1268. initSatTemp();
  1269. addHistory();
  1270. };
  1272. var replaceOverlay = function() {
  1273. if ($('#model').val() !== 'globus' && $('#model').val() !== 'plraw') {
  1274. $('.map-overlay>img').attr('src', get_model_overlay_path('zz'));
  1275. $('.map-overlay-trans>img').attr('src', get_model_overlay_path(displayCountry()));
  1276. }
  1277. initVarSettings();
  1279. };
  1281. var showOrHideOpenStreetMapInfo = function() {
  1282. showHide('#odbl_visibility','#odbl', 'hide');
  1283. showHide('#model_image_visibility','#model-image', 'show');
  1284. var show = $('#legends_visibility').attr('data');
  1285. if ( show === 'PX250' || show === 'RADARDE' || show === 'RADAR' || show === 'RADAR_CH' || show === 'RADAR_AT' || show === 'RADARNL' || show === 'RADAR_SWE_PRO' ||
  1286. show === 'RADAR_ESTONIA' || show === 'NORWAY_RR' || show === 'FINLAND_DBZH_COMPOSITE' || show === 'UK_RAINRATE' || show === 'SLOVENIA_RR' || show === 'RADAR_SOUTHTYROL' || show === 'RADAR_FRANCE' ||
  1287. show === 'PL' || show === 'PLRAW' || show === 'PLRAW_DE' || show === 'PL_AT' || show === 'PL_NOL' || show === 'PL_AT_NOL' ||
  1288. show === 'FLOODS' || show === 'FLOODWARNAT' || show === 'STORMS' || show === 'STORMSAT' ||
  1289. show === 'RADARSD' || show === 'PLDBZ' || show === 'RADIAL' || show === 'SWEEPS' || show === 'ZSWEEPS' ||
  1290. (show && isObsMode($('#model').val())) ||
  1291. //show === 'HAIL' || show === 'HAIL_AT' || show === '685' || show === '686' || show === '687' || show === '688' || show === '689' || show === '690' ||
  1292. $('#model').val() === 'hagel' ||
  1293. show === 'BLITZWORLD' || show === 'BLITZE' ||
  1294. (show && $('#model').val() == 'regen')) {
  1295. $('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+show+'.png');
  1296. }
  1297. };
  1299. var showHide = function(id_data, id_image, toggle) {
  1300. var show = $(id_data).attr('data');
  1301. if(show === toggle) {
  1302. $(id_image).hide();
  1303. }
  1304. else {
  1305. $(id_image).show();
  1306. }
  1307. };
  1309. var replaceImage = function(refresh) {
  1310. var model = $('#model').val();
  1311. if (model === 'modvhshd' || model === 'modvhrpd' || model === 'modvhez' || model === 'modvhezwkly' || model === 'modvhanalyze' || model === 'modvhsoil') {
  1312. var lang = displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase();
  1313. var width = 600;
  1314. var height = 100;
  1315. var mode = $('#acc-layer-model .btn-active').data('model');
  1316. var param = $('#model-param option:selected').val();
  1317. $('#legend').attr('src', '/images/modelscale/'+lang+'/'+mode+'/'+param+'_'+width+'_'+height+'.png');
  1318. return false;
  1319. }
  1322. var image = get_model_image_path();
  1323. var areas = getAreaArray();
  1324. var area_id = get_selected_area();
  1325. var leer = url_path+'/images/overlay/trans.png';
  1326. if (model === 'storms' || model === 'floods') {
  1327. var hidden_model = $('#hidden-model').val();
  1328. if (hidden_model === 'empty') {
  1329. $('#model-image>img').attr('src',leer);
  1330. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src',leer);
  1331. $('#stormtrack-image>img').attr('src',image);
  1332. }
  1333. else if (hidden_model == 'pl') {
  1334. $('#model-image>img').attr('src',get_model_image_path('',hidden_model));
  1335. if ($('#hide-lightning-image').attr('data-value') !== 'false') {
  1336. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src',get_model_image_path('',hidden_model).replace(/pl/g,"tstorm"));
  1337. }
  1338. $('#stormtrack-image>img').attr('src',image);
  1339. }
  1340. else if (hidden_model == 'px250blau') {
  1341. $('#model-image>img').attr('src',get_model_image_path('',hidden_model));
  1342. if ($('#hide-lightning-image').attr('data-value') !== 'false') {
  1343. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src',get_model_image_path('',hidden_model).replace(/px250blau/g,"tstorm"));
  1344. }
  1345. $('#stormtrack-image>img').attr('src',image);
  1346. }
  1347. else {
  1348. var tmp = hidden_model.split("#");
  1349. if (parseInt(tmp[1]) > 0) {
  1350. $('#model-image>img').attr('src',get_model_image_path('',tmp[0], tmp[1]));
  1351. }
  1352. else {
  1353. $('#model-image>img').attr('src',get_model_image_path('',tmp[0]));
  1354. }
  1355. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src',leer);
  1356. $('#stormtrack-image>img').attr('src',image);
  1357. }
  1358. }
  1359. else if (model !== 'blitze' && !isObsMode(model)) {
  1360. $('#model-image>img').attr('src', image);
  1361. $('#stormtrack-image>img').attr('src',leer);
  1362. }
  1363. else {
  1364. $('#stormtrack-image>img').attr('src',leer);
  1365. }
  1366. if (model === 'pl' && $('#hide-lightning-image').attr('data-value') !== 'false') {
  1367. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src', image.replace(/pl/g,"tstorm"));
  1368. }
  1369. else if (model !== 'storms' && model !== 'floods') {
  1370. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src',leer);
  1371. }
  1373. var params = {
  1374. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  1375. 'model_run' : $('#model-run').val(),
  1376. 'model_param' : $('#model-param').val(),
  1377. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  1378. 'image_width' : $('#map-overlay').width(),
  1379. 'model_member' : $('#model-member').val(),
  1380. 'area_id' : area_id,
  1381. 'areas_1' : areas[1],
  1382. 'areas_2' : areas[2],
  1383. 'areas_3' : areas[3],
  1384. 'areas_4' : areas[4],
  1385. 'areas_5' : areas[5],
  1386. 'areas_6' : areas[6],
  1387. 'areas_7' : areas[7],
  1388. 'areas_8' : areas[8],
  1389. 'areas_9' : areas[9],
  1390. 'real_refresh' : 0
  1391. };
  1392. if (refresh !== true) {
  1393. params.model_valid = $('#model-valid').val();
  1394. }
  1395. if (isModelCard(model)) {
  1396. params.mvh = $('#model-valid-hidden').val();
  1397. }
  1398. if (is_playing !== 1) {
  1399. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/legende', params
  1400. , function (data) {
  1401. $('#text-overlay').html(data);
  1402. place_obs();
  1403. var model = $('#model').val();
  1404. $('#copyright_text').html('');
  1405. if (model ==='radarus') {
  1406. if ($('#legends_visibility').attr('data') === 'RADARUS_COMP') {
  1407. $('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+"RADARUS_COMP.png");
  1408. }
  1409. else if (radarus_is_dyn() || ($('#model-mode').val() === 'RADARUS_PARAM' && $('#model-param').val() !== '358' && $('#model-param').val() !== '432')) {
  1410. replaceScale();
  1411. }
  1412. else {
  1413. $('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+"RADARUS.png");
  1414. }
  1415. }
  1416. else if (model==='regen' || model==='blitze' || model==='pl' || model==='cyclone' || isObsMode(model) ||
  1417. model === 'sat' || model === 'globus' || isModelCard(model)) {
  1418. replaceScale();
  1419. }
  1420. else if (model === 'px250') {
  1421. var text = $('#copyright_hidden').attr('data');
  1422. if (!text) { text=''; }
  1423. $('#copyright_text').html(text);
  1424. }
  1425. if ((model === 'blitze' || isObsMode(model)) && $('#model_image_visibility').attr('data') !== 'show') {
  1426. $('#model-image>img').attr('src', image);
  1427. }
  1429. var legendDate = $('#legende-date').text();
  1430. $('#legende-date').text(moment(legendDate, getTimezoneFormat('date')).format(getTimezoneFormat('date', true)));
  1432. initTracks();
  1433. initFloods();
  1434. rdfcPrognose();
  1435. lightning5min();
  1436. setTimeout(checkLoader,300);
  1437. hoverPopover();
  1438. });
  1439. }
  1440. else {
  1441. var model_run = $('#model-run').val().split("-");
  1442. $('#legende-date').html(model_run[2]+'.'+model_run[1]+'.'+model_run[0]);
  1443. $('#legende-time').html($('#model-valid').val());
  1444. }
  1445. };
  1447. var checkLoader=function(){
  1448. var loader=$('#model-image>img')[0];
  1449. if (typeof loader !== 'undefined') {
  1450. if(!$('#model-image>img')[0].complete){
  1451. ajaxLoaderShow();
  1452. setTimeout(checkLoader,100);
  1453. }
  1454. else {
  1455. ajaxLoaderHide();
  1456. }
  1457. }
  1458. }
  1460. var replaceText = function() {
  1461. var area_id = get_selected_area();
  1462. var areas = getAreaArray();
  1463. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/overlay', {
  1464. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  1465. 'model_run' : $('#model-run').val(),
  1466. 'model_valid' : $('#model-valid').val(),
  1467. 'model_param' : $('#model-param').val(),
  1468. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  1469. 'area_id' : area_id,
  1470. 'areas_1' : areas[1],
  1471. 'areas_2' : areas[2],
  1472. 'areas_3' : areas[3],
  1473. 'areas_4' : areas[4],
  1474. 'areas_5' : areas[5],
  1475. 'areas_6' : areas[6],
  1476. 'areas_7' : areas[7],
  1477. 'areas_8' : areas[8],
  1478. 'areas_9' : areas[9]
  1479. }, function (data) {
  1480. $('#text-overlay').html(data);
  1481. place_obs();
  1482. replaceScale('overlay');
  1483. });
  1484. };
  1486. var getTimezoneFormat = function(type, addDayname) {
  1488. var tzformatInt = +$('#display-tzformat').attr('data-value');
  1489. if(typeof tzformatInt === 'undefined') {
  1490. tzformatInt = 1;
  1491. }
  1493. var dateStr = '';
  1494. var timeStr = '';
  1495. var formatStr = '';
  1497. switch (tzformatInt) {
  1498. case 0:
  1499. case 3:
  1500. case 5:
  1501. case 6:
  1502. case 8:
  1503. timeStr = 'hh:mma';
  1504. break;
  1505. case 1:
  1506. case 2:
  1507. case 4:
  1508. case 7:
  1509. case 9:
  1510. timeStr = 'HH:mm';
  1511. break;
  1512. }
  1514. switch (tzformatInt) {
  1515. case 0:
  1516. case 2:
  1517. dateStr = 'MM/DD/YYYY';
  1518. break;
  1519. case 1:
  1520. case 5:
  1521. dateStr = 'DD.MM.YYYY';
  1522. break;
  1523. case 3:
  1524. case 4:
  1525. dateStr = 'DD/MM/YYYY';
  1526. break;
  1527. case 6:
  1528. case 7:
  1529. dateStr = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
  1530. break;
  1531. case 8:
  1532. case 9:
  1533. dateStr = 'DD-MM-YYYY';
  1534. break;
  1535. }
  1537. formatStr = dateStr + ', ' + timeStr;
  1539. if(addDayname)
  1540. dateStr = 'ddd ' + dateStr;
  1542. formatStr = dateStr + ', ' + timeStr;
  1544. if(type == 'time')
  1545. return timeStr;
  1547. if(type == 'date')
  1548. return dateStr;
  1550. return formatStr;
  1551. };
  1553. var model_hour_prev = function() {
  1554. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  1555. $('#model-year-block').val('blockyear');
  1556. model_x_change_index_prev('#model-valid','prev');
  1557. }
  1558. };
  1559. var model_date_prev = function() {
  1560. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  1561. $('#model-year-block').val('blockyear');
  1562. model_x_change_index_prev('#model-run','prev');
  1563. }
  1564. };
  1565. var model_year_prev = function() {
  1566. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  1567. model_x_change_index_prev('#model-year', 'prevyear');
  1568. }
  1569. };
  1571. var model_x_change_index_prev = function(mid, prev) {
  1572. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(mid);
  1573. var items = model_player_get_item_count(mid+" option");
  1574. var newsel = selected + 1;
  1575. if($(mid+" .valids-hide").length>0) {
  1576. var valclass = $('.valid-btn.btn-active').data('value');
  1577. newsel = selected + $(mid+' option:selected').nextUntil('.'+valclass).length + 1;
  1578. console.log(newsel);
  1579. }
  1580. if (selected < items) {
  1581. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", newsel);
  1582. $(mid).trigger('change');
  1583. }
  1584. else {
  1585. refreshDropdowns(null, null, null, prev);
  1586. }
  1587. };
  1589. var model_x_change_index_next = function (mid) {
  1590. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(mid);
  1591. var items = model_player_get_item_count(mid+" option");
  1592. var newsel = selected - 1;
  1593. if($(mid+" .valids-hide").length>0) {
  1594. var valclass = $('.valid-btn.btn-active').data('value');
  1595. newsel = selected - $(mid+' option:selected').prevUntil('.'+valclass).length - 1;
  1596. console.log(newsel);
  1597. }
  1598. if (selected > 0) {
  1599. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", newsel);
  1600. $(mid).trigger('change');
  1601. }
  1602. else {
  1603. refreshDropdowns(null, null, null, 'next');
  1604. }
  1605. };
  1607. var model_hour_next = function() {
  1608. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  1609. $('#model-year-block').val('blockyear');
  1610. model_x_change_index_next('#model-valid');
  1611. }
  1612. };
  1613. var model_date_next = function() {
  1614. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  1615. $('#model-year-block').val('blockyear');
  1616. model_x_change_index_next('#model-run');
  1617. }
  1618. };
  1619. var model_year_next = function() {
  1620. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  1621. model_x_change_index_next('#model-year');
  1622. }
  1623. };
  1625. var model_x_prev = function(mid) {
  1626. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(mid);
  1627. var items = model_player_get_item_count(mid+" option");
  1628. if (selected < items) {
  1629. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", selected + 1);
  1630. if (selected+1 < items) {
  1631. images_islast = 0;
  1632. }
  1633. else {
  1634. images_islast = 1;
  1635. }
  1636. }
  1637. else {
  1638. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", 0);
  1639. }
  1640. if (is_playing === 1) {
  1641. replacePlayerImage(mid);
  1642. }
  1643. else {
  1644. changePlayerImage(mid);
  1645. }
  1646. };
  1648. var model_x_next = function(mid) {
  1649. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(mid);
  1650. var items = model_player_get_item_count(mid+" option");
  1651. if (selected > 0) {
  1652. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", selected - 1);
  1653. if (selected-1 > 0) {
  1654. images_islast = 0;
  1655. }
  1656. else {
  1657. images_islast = 1;
  1658. }
  1659. }
  1660. else {
  1661. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", items);
  1662. }
  1663. if (is_playing === 1) {
  1664. replacePlayerImage(mid);
  1665. }
  1666. else {
  1667. changePlayerImage(mid);
  1668. }
  1669. };
  1671. var changePlayerDropdowns = function() {
  1672. var data = $("#radar-animation").val();
  1673. var opt = data.split('/');
  1674. $('#model-run').val(opt[0]);
  1675. $('#model-valid').val(opt[1]);
  1676. };
  1678. var changePlayerImage = function(domid) {
  1679. replacePlayerImage(domid, true);
  1680. initSatTemp();
  1681. };
  1683. var replacePlayerImage = function(domid, flag_skip) {
  1684. var model = $('#model').val();
  1685. if (model === 'modvhshd') {
  1686. return false;
  1687. }
  1688. //changePlayerDropdowns();
  1689. var meta_data = $(domid).val();
  1690. if (meta_data) {
  1691. var meta_data_split = meta_data.split('#');
  1692. var data = meta_data_split[0];
  1693. var opt = data.split('/');
  1694. var area = get_selected_area();
  1695. if (model.substring(0,3)!=="mod") {
  1696. var datum = opt[0].replace(/-/g, "_");
  1697. var uhrzeit = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "");
  1698. }
  1699. if (model === 'radial' || model === 'sweeps' || model === 'radar3d' || model === 'zsweeps' || isObsMode(model)) {
  1700. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  1701. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.png');
  1702. }
  1703. else if (model === 'radarus' && $('#model-mode').val() === 'RADARUS_PARAM') {
  1704. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  1705. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  1706. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  1707. }
  1708. else if (model === 'radarus' && radarus_is_dyn()) {
  1709. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  1710. var model_location = $('#model-location').val();
  1711. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  1712. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_location+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  1713. }
  1714. else if (model === 'sat' || model === 'globus') {
  1715. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  1716. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.jpg');
  1717. }
  1718. else if (model === 'hagel') {
  1719. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  1720. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.png');
  1721. }
  1722. else if (model === 'radarpre') {
  1723. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "");
  1724. var futuremin = '000';
  1725. if (opt[2]) {
  1726. futuremin = opt[2];
  1727. }
  1728. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARAT_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  1729. futuremin = '005';
  1730. }
  1731. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARCH_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  1732. futuremin = '005';
  1733. }
  1734. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARNL_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  1735. futuremin = '005';
  1736. }
  1737. if (parseInt(futuremin)>0) {
  1738. $('#rdfc-button').show();
  1739. $('#legend-parameter').html('Niederschlagsradar (Prognose) (mm/h)');
  1740. }
  1741. else {
  1742. $('#rdfc-button').hide();
  1743. $('#legend-parameter').html('Niederschlagsradar (mm/h)');
  1744. }
  1745. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+futuremin+'.png');
  1746. }
  1747. else if(model.substring(0,3)=="mod"){
  1748. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  1749. var model_valid_hidden = $(domid).val();
  1750. var model_member = $('#model-member').val();
  1751. var member_string = '';
  1752. if (typeof model_member !== 'undefined' && model_member.length>0 && parseInt(model_member)>=0) {
  1753. member_string = '_m'+model_member;
  1754. }
  1755. var run_date = model_valid_hidden.split('#');
  1756. var lang = '';
  1757. if (model_param == 155 || model_param == 213 || model_param == 352 || model_param == 353) {
  1758. lang = '-'+displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase();
  1759. }
  1760. var m = 'model';
  1761. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  1762. m = 'season';
  1763. }
  1764. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  1765. m = 'weekly';
  1766. }
  1767. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+m+'/'+m+lang+'_'+model+'_'+run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+member_string+'.png');
  1768. }
  1769. else {
  1770. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  1771. }
  1773. //console.log('flag_skip'+flag_skip+' includes: '+loaded_image_sources.includes(image)+ ' -- '+image);
  1774. if (flag_skip === true || loaded_image_sources.indexOf(image) != -1) {
  1775. $('#model-image>img').attr('src', image);
  1776. }
  1777. if (model === 'pl') {
  1778. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src', image.replace(/pl/g,"tstorm"));
  1779. }
  1780. else {
  1781. $('#tstorm-image>img').attr('src',url_path+'/images/overlay/trans.png');
  1782. }
  1783. if (model !== 'storms' && model !== 'floods') {
  1784. $('#stormtrack-image>img').attr('src',url_path+'/images/overlay/trans.png');
  1785. }
  1789. if(model.substring(0,3)!=="mod"){
  1791. var momentDate = moment(meta_data_split[1], 'YYYY-MM-DD/HH:mm');
  1793. var dateString = momentDate.format(getTimezoneFormat('date', true));
  1794. var timeString = momentDate.format(getTimezoneFormat('time'));
  1796. if(displayLanguage() == 'DE')
  1797. timeString += ' Uhr';
  1799. $('#legende-date').html(dateString);
  1800. $('#legende-time').html(timeString);
  1801. if (model === 'radarpre') {
  1802. $('#rdfc-time').html(timeString);
  1803. }
  1804. }
  1805. else {
  1807. var momentDate = moment(meta_data_split[3], 'DD.MM.YYYY, HH:mm [Uhr]');
  1808. var dayString = momentDate.format('ddd');
  1810. $('#legende-complete-date').html(dayString + ' ' + meta_data_split[3]);
  1811. $('#legende-modelrun').html(meta_data_split[2].replace(", ", "/"));
  1812. }
  1813. }
  1814. };
  1816. var model_player_first = function() {
  1817. var items = model_player_get_item_count("#radar-animation option");
  1818. $("#radar-animation").prop("selectedIndex", items);
  1819. changePlayerImage();
  1820. };
  1821. var model_player_last = function() {
  1822. $("#radar-animation").prop("selectedIndex", 0);
  1823. changePlayerImage();
  1824. };
  1826. var model_player_prev = function(domid) {
  1827. if($('#model').val().substring(0,3) === 'mod') {
  1828. model_x_next(domid);
  1829. }
  1830. else {
  1831. model_x_prev(domid);
  1832. }
  1833. };
  1835. var model_player_next = function(domid) {
  1836. if($('#model').val().substring(0,3) === 'mod') {
  1837. model_x_prev(domid);
  1838. }
  1839. else {
  1840. model_x_next(domid);
  1841. }
  1842. };
  1845. var model_player_get_selected_index = function(name) {
  1846. return $(name).prop("selectedIndex");
  1847. };
  1849. var model_player_get_item_count = function(name) {
  1850. if(name.substring(0,16)=="#radar-animation"){
  1851. var ret = ($(name).length*images_extend/images_extend_max)-1;
  1852. }
  1853. else{
  1854. var ret = ($(name).length)-1;
  1855. }
  1856. return ret;
  1857. };
  1859. var animate = null;
  1860. var is_playing = 0;
  1861. var current_image = 0;
  1862. var max_images;
  1867. var model_player_start = function(nohistory) {
  1868. if (is_playing === 1) {
  1869. return false;
  1870. };
  1872. //stopAutoRefresh();
  1874. if (isObsMode($('#model').val())) {
  1875. var show = $('#model_image_visibility').attr('data');
  1876. if (show === 'show') {
  1877. $('#model-image').show();
  1878. $('.obs').hide();
  1879. }
  1880. }
  1881. current_image = model_player_get_selected_index('#model-valid');
  1882. var images_counter=12;
  1883. if ($('#model').val() === 'radarpre') {
  1884. $('#radar-animation').prop("selectedIndex", 24);
  1885. images_counter=48;
  1886. }
  1887. if (nohistory != 2) {
  1888. trackPlayer('#radar-animation',images_counter.toString());
  1889. }
  1890. if (nohistory != 1) {
  1891. addHistory(1);
  1892. }
  1893. max_images = model_player_get_item_count("#radar-animation option");
  1894. ajaxLoaderShow();
  1895. model_player_load();
  1896. };
  1898. var modelcharts_player_start = function(nohistory) {
  1899. if (is_playing === 1) {
  1900. return false;
  1901. };
  1902. if (nohistory != 1) {
  1903. addHistory(1);
  1905. }
  1906. var intervall = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  1907. max_images = model_player_get_item_count("#modelcharts-animation-"+intervall+" option");
  1908. trackPlayer("#modelcharts-animation-"+intervall,max_images);
  1909. current_image = model_player_get_selected_index('#model-valid');
  1910. addHistory(1);
  1911. ajaxLoaderShow(true);
  1912. modelcharts_player_load();
  1913. };
  1915. var modelcharts_player_stop = function() {
  1916. is_playing = 0;
  1917. is_playing_first = true;
  1918. images=[]; // buffers for preloading loop images
  1919. loaded_image_sources=[];
  1920. images_loaded=0;
  1921. loading=0;
  1922. refreshDropdowns();
  1923. };
  1925. var model_player_stop = function() {
  1926. is_playing = 0;
  1927. is_playing_first = true;
  1928. images=[]; // buffers for preloading loop images
  1929. loaded_image_sources=[];
  1930. images_loaded=0;
  1931. loading=0;
  1932. clearInterval(player_load_session);
  1933. player_load_session = null;
  1934. initSatTemp();
  1935. if (isObsMode($('#model').val())) {
  1936. var show = $('#model_image_visibility').attr('data');
  1937. if (show === 'show') {
  1938. $('#model-image').hide();
  1939. var mapmarker = $('#map-marker').css('display');
  1940. $('.obs').show();
  1941. $('#map-marker').css('display',mapmarker);
  1942. }
  1943. }
  1944. };
  1946. var model_player_stop_button = function() {
  1947. model_player_stop();
  1948. var starttime = $('#player-start-time').attr('data-value');
  1949. if(typeof starttime !== 'undefined' && starttime.length>0) {
  1950. refreshDropdowns(false);
  1951. }
  1952. else {
  1953. refreshDropdowns(1);
  1954. }
  1955. }
  1957. var frame_count_orig=-1;
  1958. var model_player_extend_button = function() {
  1959. if (loading==1 || images_extend===images_extend_max) {
  1960. return false;
  1961. };
  1962. model_player_stop();
  1963. var images_counter = 12;
  1964. if(frame_count_orig<0){
  1965. frame_count_orig=images_extend_max*document.getElementById('frame_count').innerHTML;
  1966. }
  1967. if (images_extend==1){images_extend=2; images_counter=24;}
  1968. else if(images_extend==2){images_extend=4; images_counter=48;}
  1969. else if(images_extend==3){images_extend=6; images_counter=72;}
  1970. else if(images_extend==4){images_extend=8; images_counter=96;}
  1971. else {images_extend=1;}
  1972. $('#frame_count').html((frame_count_orig*images_extend/images_extend_max));
  1973. //console.log(frame_count_orig+" "+images_extend+" "+images_extend_max);
  1974. images=[]; // buffers for preloading loop images
  1975. loaded_image_sources=[];
  1976. images_loaded=0;
  1977. loading=0;
  1978. $('#radar-animation').prop("selectedIndex", 0);
  1979. trackPlayer('#radar-animation', images_counter.toString());
  1980. model_player_start(2);
  1981. }
  1983. var model_player_extend_level = function(level) {
  1984. images_extend=level;
  1985. model_player_stop();
  1986. if(frame_count_orig<0 && document.getElementById('frame_count')){
  1987. frame_count_orig=images_extend_max*document.getElementById('frame_count').innerHTML;
  1988. }
  1989. $('#frame_count').html((frame_count_orig*images_extend/images_extend_max));
  1990. images=[]; // buffers for preloading loop images
  1991. loaded_image_sources=[];
  1992. images_loaded=0;
  1993. loading=0;
  1994. model_player_start(2);
  1995. }
  1997. var model_player_speed = function() {
  1998. if (is_playing == 0) {
  1999. model_player_start();
  2000. }
  2001. else {
  2002. model_player_stop_button();
  2003. }
  2004. }
  2005. var model_player_load = function() {
  2006. images=[];
  2007. preload_image_animation("#radar-animation");
  2008. };
  2009. var modelcharts_player_load = function() {
  2010. images=[];
  2011. var intervall = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  2012. preload_image_animation("#modelcharts-animation-"+intervall);
  2013. };
  2015. var player_load_session = null;
  2016. var preload_image_animation = function(domid, isGif) {
  2018. $('#ajax-loading-progress .progress-bar').css('width', '0%');
  2020. clearInterval(player_load_session);
  2021. player_load_session = null;
  2023. var parallel_proc = $('#parallel-proc').attr('data-value');
  2024. if (typeof parallel_proc === 'undefined') {
  2025. parallel_proc = 1;
  2026. }
  2027. parallel_proc = parseInt(parallel_proc);
  2029. //Fill Image Url Array
  2030. var image_url_array = [];
  2032. var model = $('#model').val();
  2033. var area = get_selected_area();
  2034. var is_obs_mode = isObsMode(model);
  2035. var is_radarus_dyn = radarus_is_dyn();
  2036. var max_preload_images = model_player_get_item_count(domid+" option") + 1;
  2038. $(domid).find('option').each(function(index) {
  2040. if(image_url_array.length >= max_preload_images) return;
  2042. var optionEl = $(this);
  2044. var meta_data = optionEl.val();
  2045. var meta_data_split = meta_data.split('#');
  2046. var data = meta_data_split[0];
  2047. var opt = data.split('/');
  2049. var image = null;
  2051. if (model.substring(0,3)!=="mod") {
  2052. var datum = opt[0].replace(/-/g, "_");
  2053. var uhrzeit = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "");
  2054. }
  2056. if (model === 'radial' || model === 'sweeps' || model === 'radar3d' || model === 'zsweeps' || is_obs_mode) {
  2057. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  2058. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.png');
  2059. }
  2060. else if (model === 'radarus' && $('#model-mode').val() === 'RADARUS_PARAM') {
  2061. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  2062. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  2063. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  2064. }
  2065. else if (model === 'radarus' && is_radarus_dyn) {
  2066. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  2067. var model_location = $('#model-location').val();
  2068. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  2069. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_location+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  2070. }
  2071. else if (model === 'sat' || model === 'globus') {
  2072. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  2073. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.jpg');
  2074. }
  2075. else if (model === 'hagel') {
  2076. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  2077. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.png');
  2078. }
  2079. else if (model === 'radarpre') {
  2080. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "");
  2081. var futuremin = '000';
  2082. if (opt[2]) {
  2083. futuremin = opt[2];
  2084. }
  2085. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARAT_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  2086. futuremin = '005';
  2087. }
  2088. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARCH_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  2089. futuremin = '005';
  2090. }
  2091. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARNL_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  2092. futuremin = '005';
  2093. }
  2094. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+futuremin+'.png');
  2095. }
  2096. else if(model.substring(0,3)=="mod"){
  2097. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  2098. var model_valid_hidden = optionEl.val();
  2099. var model_member = $('#model-member').val();
  2100. var member_string = '';
  2101. if (typeof model_member !== 'undefined' && model_member.length>0 && parseInt(model_member)>=0) {
  2102. member_string = '_m'+model_member;
  2103. }
  2104. var run_date = model_valid_hidden.split('#');
  2105. var lang = '';
  2106. if (model_param == 155 || model_param == 213 || model_param == 352 || model_param == 353) {
  2107. lang = '-'+displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase();
  2108. }
  2109. var m = 'model';
  2110. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  2111. m = 'season';
  2112. }
  2113. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  2114. m = 'weekly';
  2115. }
  2116. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+m+'/'+m+lang+'_'+model+'_'+run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+member_string+'.png');
  2117. }
  2118. else {
  2119. image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  2120. }
  2122. if(image)
  2123. image_url_array.push(image);
  2125. });
  2127. var images_loaded = 0;
  2128. var images_to_load = parallel_proc;
  2129. var loading_in_process = false;
  2131. $('img.animation-cache-image').remove();
  2133. player_load_session = setInterval(function() {
  2135. if(player_load_session == null) return;
  2137. //Exit intervall loop - All images are loaded
  2138. if(images_loaded >= max_preload_images) {
  2139. $('#ajax-loading-progress .progress-bar').css('width', '100%');
  2141. clearInterval(player_load_session);
  2142. player_load_session = null;
  2144. if(!isGif) {
  2145. is_playing = 1;
  2146. setTimeout(function() {
  2147. ajaxLoaderHide();
  2148. model_player_play(domid);
  2149. }, 300);
  2150. } else {
  2151. setTimeout(function() {
  2152. ajaxLoaderHide();
  2153. produceGif(domid);
  2154. }, 300);
  2155. }
  2157. }
  2160. if(images_loaded < images_to_load && !loading_in_process) {
  2161. loading_in_process = true;
  2163. for (var image_index = images_loaded; image_index < images_to_load && image_index < image_url_array.length; image_index++) {
  2164. var bild = new Image();
  2165. bild.setAttribute("data-url", image_url_array[image_index]);
  2166. bild.onload = function(){ images_loaded_increment(); loaded_image_sources.push(this.getAttribute('data-url')); };
  2167. bild.onerror = function(){ images_loaded_increment(); };
  2168. bild.src = image_url_array[image_index];
  2169. bild.className = 'animation-cache-image';
  2170. = 'none';
  2171. $(bild).appendTo($(domid).parent());
  2172. }
  2174. }
  2176. }, 10);
  2178. var images_loaded_increment = function() {
  2179. if(player_load_session == null)
  2180. return;
  2182. images_loaded++;
  2184. if(Math.ceil(model_player_get_item_count(domid+" option") + 1) == image_url_array.length) {
  2185. var percentage = (images_loaded / image_url_array.length * 100).toFixed(3);
  2186. $('#ajax-loading-progress .progress-bar').css('width', percentage + '%');
  2187. }
  2189. if(images_loaded >= images_to_load) {
  2190. loading_in_process = false;
  2191. images_to_load += parallel_proc;
  2192. }
  2193. }
  2195. }
  2197. var raw_model_player_load = function(domid, tmploading, images_waiting, parallel, new_limit, checkeronly) {
  2198. var parallel_proc = $('#parallel-proc').attr('data-value');
  2199. if (typeof parallel_proc === 'undefined') {
  2200. parallel_proc = 1;
  2201. }
  2202. parallel_proc = parseInt(parallel_proc);
  2203. if (typeof parallel === 'undefined') {
  2204. parallel=1;
  2205. }
  2206. if (typeof checkeronly === 'undefined') {
  2207. checkeronly=false;
  2208. }
  2209. if (typeof new_limit === 'undefined') {
  2210. new_limit=parallel_proc;
  2211. }
  2212. if (typeof images_waiting === 'undefined') {
  2213. images_waiting=0;
  2214. }
  2215. if (typeof tmploading === 'undefined') {
  2216. tmploading=0;
  2217. $(domid).prop("selectedIndex", 0);
  2218. }
  2220. //console.log({domid, tmploading, images_waiting, parallel, new_limit, checkeronly});
  2222. var items = model_player_get_item_count(domid+" option");
  2223. if(tmploading===0){
  2224. if (!checkeronly) {
  2225. //for(var i=0;i<=max_images;i++){
  2226. // retrieve path to image
  2227. var meta_data = $(domid).val();
  2228. var meta_data_split = meta_data.split('#');
  2229. var data = meta_data_split[0];
  2230. var opt = data.split('/');
  2231. var model = $('#model').val();
  2232. var area = get_selected_area();
  2233. if (model.substring(0,3)!=="mod") {
  2234. var datum = opt[0].replace(/-/g, "_");
  2235. var uhrzeit = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "");
  2236. }
  2237. if (model === 'radial' || model === 'sweeps' || model === 'radar3d' || model === 'zsweeps' || isObsMode(model)) {
  2238. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  2239. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.png');
  2240. }
  2241. else if (model === 'radarus' && $('#model-mode').val() === 'RADARUS_PARAM') {
  2242. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  2243. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  2244. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  2245. }
  2246. else if (model === 'radarus' && radarus_is_dyn()) {
  2247. uhrzeit = uhrzeit.replace(/_/g, "");
  2248. var model_location = $('#model-location').val();
  2249. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  2250. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+model_location+'_'+model_param+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  2251. }
  2252. else if (model === 'sat' || model === 'globus') {
  2253. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  2254. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.jpg');
  2255. }
  2256. else if (model === 'hagel') {
  2257. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "_");
  2258. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+area+'_'+$('#model-param').val()+'.png');
  2259. }
  2260. else if (model === 'radarpre') {
  2261. var uhrzeit2 = opt[1].replace(/:/g, "");
  2262. var futuremin = '000';
  2263. if (opt[2]) {
  2264. futuremin = opt[2];
  2265. }
  2266. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARAT_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  2267. futuremin = '005';
  2268. }
  2269. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARCH_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  2270. futuremin = '005';
  2271. }
  2272. if ($('#model-valid-fcspecial').val() == 'RADARNL_PRO_FX' && futuremin == '000') {
  2273. futuremin = '005';
  2274. }
  2275. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit2+'_'+futuremin+'.png');
  2276. }
  2277. else if(model.substring(0,3)=="mod"){
  2278. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  2279. var model_valid_hidden = $(domid).val();
  2280. var model_member = $('#model-member').val();
  2281. var member_string = '';
  2282. if (typeof model_member !== 'undefined' && model_member.length>0 && parseInt(model_member)>=0) {
  2283. member_string = '_m'+model_member;
  2284. }
  2285. var run_date = model_valid_hidden.split('#');
  2286. var lang = '';
  2287. if (model_param == 155 || model_param == 213 || model_param == 352 || model_param == 353) {
  2288. lang = '-'+displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase();
  2289. }
  2290. var m = 'model';
  2291. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  2292. m = 'season';
  2293. }
  2294. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  2295. m = 'weekly';
  2296. }
  2297. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+m+'/'+m+lang+'_'+model+'_'+run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+member_string+'.png');
  2298. }
  2299. else {
  2300. var image = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+model+'/'+model+'_'+datum+'_'+area+'_'+uhrzeit+'.png');
  2301. }
  2303. // move selected item one step forward
  2304. var bild = new Image();
  2305. bild.onload = function(){images_loaded++; loaded_image_sources.push(image);};
  2306. bild.onerror = function(){images_loaded++; };
  2307. bild.src=image;
  2308. images.push(bild);
  2309. }
  2310. //console.log('parallel '+parallel+ ' new_limit '+new_limit+ ' checkeronly'+checkeronly+ ' imageswaiting'+images_waiting);
  2311. if (parallel === parallel_proc) {
  2312. checkeronly=true;
  2313. if (images_loaded < new_limit) {
  2314. var tout = 100;
  2315. if(isAutoRefreshActive())
  2316. tout = 10;
  2317. setTimeout(function() {
  2318. raw_model_player_load(domid,0,0,parallel, new_limit, true);
  2319. },tout);
  2320. }
  2321. else {
  2322. new_limit+=parallel_proc;
  2323. parallel = 0;
  2324. checkeronly=false;
  2325. }
  2326. }
  2328. if (!checkeronly) {
  2329. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(domid);
  2330. if (selected < items) {
  2331. if (is_playing !== 1) {
  2332. $(domid).prop("selectedIndex", selected + 1);
  2333. raw_model_player_load(domid,0,0,parallel+1, new_limit, false);
  2334. }
  2335. }
  2336. }
  2337. }
  2339. if (!checkeronly) {
  2340. if(images_loaded<items && images_waiting<10000) {
  2341. setTimeout(function(){raw_model_player_load(domid, 1, images_waiting+1);},200);
  2342. }
  2343. else {
  2344. //console.log('images_loaded '+images_loaded+' # items '+items+ ' # images_waiting '+images_waiting);
  2345. tmploading=2;
  2346. }
  2348. if (tmploading === 2 && is_playing==0){
  2349. is_playing = 1;
  2350. ajaxLoaderHide();
  2351. //stopAutoRefresh();
  2352. model_player_play(domid);
  2353. }
  2354. }
  2355. };
  2357. var model_player_play = function(domid) {
  2358. //console.log(images);
  2359. if (is_playing === 1) {
  2360. if (is_playing_first === true) {
  2361. is_playing_first = false;
  2362. $(domid).prop("selectedIndex", 0);
  2363. }
  2364. model_player_next(domid);
  2365. if(images_islast==0){
  2366. setTimeout(function() { model_player_play(domid); }, images_delay[images_speed]);
  2367. }
  2368. else{
  2369. setTimeout(function() { model_player_play(domid); }, 8*images_delay[images_speed]);
  2370. images_islast=0;
  2371. }
  2372. }
  2373. else {
  2374. return false;
  2375. }
  2376. };
  2379. var place_obs = function(retry) {
  2381. // Geolocation
  2382. var geo_x = $('#geo-x').val(); geo_x = parseInt(geo_x)-10;
  2383. var geo_y = $('#geo-y').val(); geo_y = parseInt(geo_y)-20;
  2385. if (parseInt(geo_x)>0 && parseInt(geo_y)>0) {
  2386. $('#map-marker').attr("data-left", geo_x);
  2387. $('#map-marker').attr("data-top", geo_y);
  2388. $('#map-marker').show();
  2389. }
  2392. var factor = parseInt($('#map-overlay').width());
  2393. $('#text-overlay').css('width', factor);
  2395. // Chrome's too fast, so retry a little bit later
  2396. if (retry !== true) {
  2397. setTimeout(function(){place_obs(true);}, 500);
  2398. }
  2399. var abstand = get_abstand();
  2400. $('.ap').each(function(){
  2401. var left = parseInt($(this).attr('data-left'));
  2402. var top = parseInt($(this).attr('data-top'));
  2403. if (left < 2 || left > 725 || top < 0 || top > 600) {
  2404. $(this).css('display', 'none');
  2405. }
  2406. else {
  2407. $(this).css('left', ((left/760)*factor+abstand)+'px');
  2408. $(this).css('top', ((top/760)*factor)+'px');
  2409. }
  2410. });
  2411. $('.lp').each(function(){
  2412. var left = parseInt($(this).attr('data-left'));
  2413. var top = parseInt($(this).attr('data-top'));
  2414. if (left < 0) {
  2415. $(this).css('right', ((left/760)*factor*(-1))+'px');
  2416. }
  2417. else {
  2418. $(this).css('left', (((left/760)*factor+abstand))+'px');
  2419. }
  2420. $(this).css('top', ((top/760)*factor)+'px');
  2421. if (factor < 260) {
  2422. $(this).css('display', 'none');
  2423. }
  2424. else if (factor < 321) {
  2425. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2426. $(this).css('display', 'block');
  2427. }
  2428. $(this).css('font-size', '8px');
  2429. $('.lp_valid').css('font-size', '7px');
  2430. $('.lp_valid_small').css('font-size', '6px');
  2431. $('.lp_param').css('font-size', '10px');
  2432. $('.faq-button-param').css('font-size', '10px');
  2433. $('.faq-button-param').css('margin-left', '5px');
  2434. }
  2435. else if (factor < 400) {
  2436. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2437. $(this).css('display', 'block');
  2438. }
  2439. $(this).css('font-size', '8px');
  2440. $('.lp_valid').css('font-size', '8px');
  2441. $('.lp_valid_small').css('font-size', '6px');
  2442. $('.lp_param').css('font-size', '11px');
  2443. $('.faq-button-param').css('font-size', '12px');
  2444. $('.faq-button-param').css('margin-left', '5px');
  2445. }
  2446. else if (factor < 460) {
  2447. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2448. $(this).css('display', 'block');
  2449. }
  2450. $(this).css('font-size', '9px');
  2451. $('.lp_valid_small').css('font-size', '7px');
  2452. $('.lp_param').css('font-size', '14px');
  2453. }
  2454. else if (factor < 540) {
  2455. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2456. $(this).css('display', 'block');
  2457. }
  2458. $(this).css('font-size', '10px');
  2459. $('.lp_valid_small').css('font-size', '8px');
  2460. $('.lp_param').css('font-size', '16px');
  2461. }
  2462. else if (factor < 620) {
  2463. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2464. $(this).css('display', 'block');
  2465. }
  2466. $(this).css('font-size', '11px');
  2467. $('.lp_valid_small').css('font-size', '9px');
  2468. $('.lp_param').css('font-size', '18px');
  2469. }
  2470. else if (factor < 760) {
  2471. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2472. $(this).css('display', 'block');
  2473. }
  2474. $(this).css('font-size', '12px');
  2475. $('.lp_valid_small').css('font-size', '10px');
  2476. $('.lp_param').css('font-size', '20px');
  2477. }
  2478. else {
  2479. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2480. $(this).css('display', 'block');
  2481. }
  2482. $(this).css('font-size', '14px');
  2483. $('.lp_valid_small').css('font-size', '10px');
  2484. $('.lp_param').css('font-size', '24px');
  2485. }
  2486. });
  2487. $('.lp_updatetimes').css('font-size','11px');
  2488. if (!block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading) {
  2489. $('.lp_wait').css('display','none');
  2490. }
  2491. $('#sld_model_player_speed').slider({min:0, max:10, value:images_speed, slide:function(event,ui){images_speed=ui.value;}});
  2492. showOrHideOpenStreetMapInfo();
  2493. };
  2495. var get_abstandY = function() {
  2496. if (displayCountry() == 'vh') {
  2497. if (parseInt($('.container').width())<=720) {
  2498. return -50;
  2499. }
  2500. /*else if (parseInt($('.app-content').width()) <= 874) {
  2501. return -65;
  2502. */
  2503. return 0;
  2504. }
  2505. return 30;
  2506. };
  2507. var get_abstand = function() {
  2508. var abstand = 10;
  2509. if (displayCountry() == 'vh') {
  2510. if (parseInt($('.container').width()) < 945) {
  2511. abstand = 15;
  2512. }
  2513. return abstand;
  2514. }
  2515. else {
  2516. if (parseInt($('.container').width()) < 940) {
  2517. abstand = 15;
  2518. }
  2519. return abstand;
  2520. }
  2521. };
  2523. var resize_video = function() {
  2524. //resize_video_all(1.778, '.youtube-video');
  2525. resize_video_all(1.778, '.youtube-video');
  2526. if ($('body').width()>= 992) {
  2527. $('.youtube-index-video').each(function() {
  2528. $( this ).replaceWith('<iframe class="youtube-index-video-ifr" width="267" height="150" src="'+$( this ).attr('data-src')+'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
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  2530. }
  2531. resize_video_all(1.778, '.youtube-index-video-ifr');
  2532. var faktor1 = 1;
  2533. var faktor2 = 1;
  2534. var htmlwidth=$(document).width();
  2535. if (htmlwidth >= 1200) {
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  2537. faktor2 = 1.778;
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  2541. faktor2 = 1.778;
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  2543. resize_video_all(faktor1, '.vine-video-detail');
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  2547. var resize_video_all = function(fact, select) {
  2548. $(select).each(function(){
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  2550. var modal = parseInt($('#faq-modal>div').width())-40;
  2551. if (select === '.youtube-video') {
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  2554. $(this).attr('width', size);
  2555. $(this).attr('height', (size/fact));
  2556. });
  2557. };
  2559. var replaceScale = function(test) {
  2560. $('#copyright_text').html('');
  2561. var model = $('#model').val();
  2562. if (model !== 'blitze' && model !== 'pl' && !isModelCard(model) && model !== 'regen' && !isObsMode(model)) {
  2563. $('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+$('#model-param').val()+".png");
  2564. }
  2565. if (isModelCard(model)) {
  2566. $('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath('model/'+displayCountry())+model+".png");
  2567. }
  2568. if (isObsMode(model) || model === 'sat' || model === 'blitze' || model === 'pl' || model === 'px250' || model === 'cyclone' || isModelCard(model)) {
  2569. var text = $('#copyright_hidden').attr('data');
  2570. if (!text) {
  2571. text='';
  2572. }
  2573. $('#copyright_text').html(text);
  2574. }
  2575. }
  2577. var model_addons = function(model) {
  2578. var ret = model;
  2579. var lang = $('#display-language').attr('data-value');
  2580. var tz = $('#display-timezone').attr('data-value');
  2581. var tzf = $('#display-tzformat').attr('data-value');
  2582. var overlay = $('#map-overlay-setting').attr('data-value');
  2583. if (lang.length == 2) {
  2584. ret = ret + '-' +lang;
  2585. if (tz.length == 3) {
  2586. ret = ret + '-' +tz;
  2587. if (parseInt(tzf)>=0 && parseInt(tzf)<10) {
  2588. ret = ret + '-' +tzf;
  2589. if (overlay === '0') {
  2590. ret = ret + '-zz';
  2591. }
  2592. else if (overlay === '2') {
  2593. ret = ret + '-xz';
  2594. }
  2595. }
  2596. }
  2597. }
  2598. return ret;
  2599. }
  2601. var save_as = function(blitz) {
  2602. if ($('#model').val() !== 'sat' && $('#model').val() !== 'globus') {
  2603. var path = get_model_image_path();
  2604. }
  2605. else {
  2606. var path = get_model_image_path('PNG');
  2607. }
  2608. if (!Array.isArray(path) && typeof path !== 'undefined') {
  2609. var model = $('#model').val();
  2610. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  2611. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  2612. model = 'season';
  2613. }
  2614. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  2615. model = 'weekly';
  2616. }
  2617. else if (model.substring(0,3) === 'mod') {
  2618. model = 'model';
  2619. }
  2620. var download = path.replace("data/cache/"+model+"/"+model+'_', "data/cache/"+model+"/download_"+model_addons(model)+'_');
  2621. if (model_param == 155 || model_param == 213 || model_param == 352 || model_param == 353) {
  2622. download = path.replace("data/cache/"+model+"/"+model+'-'+displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase()+'_', "data/cache/"+model+"/download_"+model_addons(model)+'_');
  2623. }
  2624. var blitz_id = $('#blitz-id-modal').attr("data");
  2625. if (blitz && blitz_id) {
  2626. download = url_path+'/images/data/cache/blitz/download_'+model_addons('blitz')+'_'+get_selected_area()+'_'+blitz_id+'.png';
  2627. }
  2628. document.location.href = download;
  2629. }
  2630. else {
  2631. alert('Download nicht möglich!');
  2632. }
  2633. };
  2635. var toggle_lightnings = function() {
  2636. $('#lightning-image').toggle();
  2637. };
  2639. var setLastParamId = function() {
  2640. if ($('#model').val() === 'sat') {
  2641. last_param_id = parseInt( $('#model-param').val());
  2642. }
  2643. }
  2645. var switch2radar = function() {
  2646. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2647. $('#model').val('px250');
  2648. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2649. };
  2651. var switch2wwanalyze = function() {
  2652. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2653. $('#model').val('wwanalyze');
  2654. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','');
  2655. $('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'WWANALYZE.png');
  2656. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2657. };
  2659. var switch2radarde = function() {
  2660. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2661. $('#model').val('radarde');
  2662. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','');
  2663. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2664. //$('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'RADARDE.png');
  2665. };
  2667. var switch2radarsd = function() {
  2668. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2669. $('#model').val('radar');
  2670. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','');
  2671. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2672. //$('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'RADARSD.png');
  2673. };
  2675. var switch2hagel = function(paramid) {
  2676. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2677. $('#model').val('hagel');
  2678. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','');
  2679. refreshDropdowns(false, paramid);
  2680. };
  2682. var switch2radar3d = function(paramid) {
  2683. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2684. $('#model').val('radar3d');
  2685. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','');
  2686. $('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath('model/'+displayCountry())+'neutral.png');
  2687. refreshDropdowns(false, paramid);
  2688. };
  2690. var switch2radarpre = function() {
  2691. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2692. $('#model').val('radarpre');
  2693. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','');
  2694. refreshDropdowns(1);
  2695. //$('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'RADAR.png');
  2696. };
  2699. var switch2model = function(model) {
  2700. model_player_stop();
  2701. $('#model').val(model);
  2702. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2703. refreshDropdowns();
  2704. };
  2706. var switch2singlepx = function() {
  2707. model_player_stop();
  2708. $('#model').val('singlepx');
  2709. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2710. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2711. //$('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'ZSWEEPS.png');
  2712. };
  2715. var switch2plraw = function() {
  2716. model_player_stop();
  2717. $('#model').val('plraw');
  2718. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2719. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  2720. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  2721. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  2722. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  2723. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2724. };
  2726. var switch2sweeps = function() {
  2727. model_player_stop();
  2728. $('#model').val('sweeps');
  2729. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2730. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2731. //$('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'SWEEPS.png');
  2732. };
  2734. var switch2zsweeps = function() {
  2735. model_player_stop();
  2736. $('#model').val('zsweeps');
  2737. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2738. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2739. //$('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'ZSWEEPS.png');
  2740. };
  2742. var switch2tracking = function() {
  2743. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2744. $('#model').val('storms');
  2745. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2746. };
  2748. var switch2floods = function() {
  2749. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2750. $('#model').val('floods');
  2751. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2752. };
  2754. var switch2regen = function() {
  2755. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2756. $('#model').val('regen');
  2757. refreshDropdowns(3,264);
  2758. };
  2760. var switch2radarlight = function() {
  2761. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2762. $('#model').val('pl');
  2763. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2764. };
  2766. var switch2lightnings = function() {
  2767. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2768. $('#model').val('blitze');
  2769. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2770. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2771. };
  2773. var switch2obs = function() {
  2774. model_player_stop();
  2775. $('#model').val('obs');
  2776. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2777. refreshDropdowns();
  2778. };
  2780. var switch2obsama = function() {
  2781. model_player_stop();
  2782. $('#model').val('obsama');
  2783. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2784. refreshDropdowns();
  2785. };
  2787. var switch2pollen = function() {
  2788. model_player_stop();
  2789. $('#model').val('pollen');
  2790. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2791. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2792. };
  2794. var switch2gma = function() {
  2795. model_player_stop();
  2796. $('#model').val('gma');
  2797. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2798. refreshDropdowns();
  2799. };
  2801. var switch2radarus = function(param) {
  2802. model_player_stop();
  2803. $('#model').val('radarus');
  2804. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2805. if (parseInt(param)>0) {
  2806. refreshDropdowns(false, param);
  2807. }
  2808. else {
  2809. refreshDropdowns(2);
  2810. }
  2811. };
  2813. var switch2radial = function(standort) {
  2814. model_player_stop(); setLastParamId();
  2815. if (standort && standort === 'b') {
  2816. standort = 80;
  2817. }
  2818. else {
  2819. standort = 79;
  2820. }
  2821. $('#model').val('radial');
  2822. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2823. refreshDropdowns(false, standort);
  2824. //$('#scale-overlay>img').attr('src', scalePath()+'RADIAL.png');
  2825. };
  2827. var switch2sat = function() {
  2828. switch2sat_raw(131);
  2829. };
  2831. var switch2sat15 = function() {
  2832. switch2sat_raw(132);
  2833. };
  2835. var switch2sat_raw = function(id) {
  2836. if (last_param_id > 0) {
  2837. id = last_param_id;
  2838. }
  2839. //closeMarker();
  2840. model_player_stop();
  2841. $('#model').val('sat');
  2842. $('#legends_visibility').attr('data','')
  2843. refreshDropdowns(false, id);
  2844. };
  2846. var checkHash = function() {
  2847. var hash = window.location.hash;
  2848. var flag_player = ($('#player-flag').attr('data-value') === 'true' ? true : false);
  2849. if (hash.substr(0,4) == '#geo') {
  2850. var data = hash.replace("#","").split(/_/,3);
  2851. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/geoxy', {
  2852. 'area_id' : get_selected_area(),
  2853. 'lat' : data[1],
  2854. 'long' : data[2]
  2855. }, function (data) {
  2856. if (typeof data.x !== 'undefined' && typeof data.y !== 'undefined' &&
  2857. parseInt(data.x)>=0 && parseInt(data.x)<=760 &&
  2858. parseInt(data.y)>=0 && parseInt(data.y)<=616) {
  2859. // Geolocation
  2860. $('#geo-x').val(parseInt(data.x));
  2861. $('#geo-y').val(parseInt(data.y));
  2862. $('#geo-lat').val(;
  2863. $('#geo-long').val(data.long);
  2864. place_obs();
  2865. }
  2866. },'json');
  2867. }
  2868. else if (hash == '#play' && isModelCard($('#model').val()) && flag_player) {
  2869. block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading = true;
  2870. modelcharts_player_start(1);
  2871. }
  2872. else if (hash == '#play' && modelWithPlayer($('#model').val()) && flag_player) {
  2873. block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading = true;
  2874. model_player_start(1);
  2875. }
  2876. else if (hash == '#play2' && modelWithPlayer($('#model').val()) && flag_player) {
  2877. block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading = true;
  2878. trackPlayer('#radar-animation', '24');
  2879. model_player_extend_level(2);
  2880. }
  2881. else if (hash == '#play4' && modelWithPlayer($('#model').val()) && flag_player) {
  2882. block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading = true;
  2883. trackPlayer('#radar-animation', '48');
  2884. model_player_extend_level(4);
  2885. }
  2886. else if (hash == '#play6' && modelWithPlayer($('#model').val()) && flag_player) {
  2887. block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading = true;
  2888. trackPlayer('#radar-animation', '72');
  2889. model_player_extend_level(6);
  2890. }
  2891. else if (hash == '#play8' && modelWithPlayer($('#model').val()) && flag_player) {
  2892. block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading = true;
  2893. trackPlayer('#radar-animation', '96');
  2894. model_player_extend_level(8);
  2895. }
  2896. else if (hash == '#locateme') {
  2897. gps_locating_wetter();
  2898. }
  2900. };
  2902. var focus_search = function() {
  2903. $('#forecast-input-0').focus();
  2904. };
  2906. var focus_search0 = function() {
  2907. $('#forecast-input-0').focus();
  2908. };
  2910. var focus_search1 = function() {
  2911. $('#forecast-input-1').focus();
  2912. };
  2914. var focus_search8 = function() {
  2915. $('#forecast-input-8').focus();
  2916. };
  2919. var shareWhatsapp = function(blitz, station) {
  2920. document.location.href = 'whatsapp://send?text='+encodeURIComponent(directURL(blitz, station));
  2921. };
  2923. var shareCanonicalFB = function() {
  2924. return shareForecast(''+encodeURIComponent($('link[rel=canonical]').attr('href')), '_kwFacebook');
  2925. };
  2927. var shareCanonicalTwitter = function() {
  2928. return shareForecast(''+encodeURIComponent($('link[rel=canonical]').attr('href')), '_kwTwitter');
  2929. };
  2931. var shareForecastFB = function(tab) {
  2932. var url = $('#forecast-url').attr('data');
  2933. var tab2 = $('#tab-url').attr('data-src');
  2934. if (typeof tab !== 'undefined' && tab.length) {
  2935. url = url + '/' + tab;
  2936. }
  2937. else if (typeof tab2 !== 'undefined' && tab2.length) {
  2938. url = url + '/' + tab2;
  2939. }
  2940. return shareForecast(''+encodeURIComponent(url), '_kwFacebook');
  2941. };
  2943. var shareForecastTwitterPlain = function() {
  2944. var url = $('#forecast-url').attr('data');
  2945. return shareForecast(''+encodeURIComponent(url), '_kwTwitter');
  2946. };
  2948. var shareForecastFBPlain = function() {
  2949. var url = $('#forecast-url').attr('data');
  2950. return shareForecast(''+encodeURIComponent(url), '_kwFacebook');
  2951. };
  2953. var shareForecastTwitter = function(tab) {
  2954. var url = $('#forecast-url').attr('data');
  2955. var tab2 = $('#tab-url').attr('data-src');
  2956. if (typeof tab !== 'undefined' && tab.length) {
  2957. url = url + '/' + tab;
  2958. }
  2959. else if (typeof tab2 !== 'undefined' && tab2.length) {
  2960. url = url + '/' + tab2;
  2961. }
  2962. return shareForecast(''+encodeURIComponent(url), '_kwTwitter');
  2963. };
  2965. var shareForecast = function(url, windowname) {
  2966. if (url) {
  2967.,windowname,'width=600, height=300');
  2968. }
  2969. return false;
  2970. }
  2972. var shareFB = function(blitz, station) {
  2973. return shareURL('','_kwFacebook',blitz);
  2974. };
  2976. var shareTwitter = function(blitz, station) {
  2977. return shareURL('','_kwTwitter',blitz, station);
  2978. };
  2980. var copyToClipboard = function(blitz, station) {
  2981. console.log(directURL(blitz, station));
  2982. };
  2984. var directURL = function(blitz, station) {
  2985. var url = $('#share-path').val();
  2986. if (!url) {
  2987. url = '';
  2988. }
  2989. var file = $('#share-file').val();
  2990. if (file && file.length) {
  2991. file = file+"/";
  2992. }
  2993. else {
  2994. file = '';
  2995. }
  2996. return addHash2Url(url+file,blitz, station);
  2997. };
  2999. var shareURL = function(share_url, window_name, blitz, station) {
  3000. completeurl = directURL(blitz, station);
  3001. var hash = window.location.hash;
  3002. var hash_url = completeurl;
  3003. if (hash == '#play' || hash == '#play2' || hash == '#play4' || hash == '#play6' || hash == '#play8') {
  3004. hash_url = window.location.href;
  3005. }
  3006. if ($('#model').val().length) {
  3007.,window_name,'width=600, height=300');
  3008. }
  3009. else {
  3010.,window_name,'width=600, height=300');
  3011. }
  3012. return false;
  3013. };
  3015. var addHash2Url = function(url,blitz, station) {
  3016. var timeurl = '';
  3017. var day = $('#model-valid').val();
  3018. if ($('#model').val() == 'cyclone') {
  3019. timeurl = $('#model-run').val();
  3020. if (day) {
  3021. timeurl = timeurl+'-'+day;
  3022. }
  3023. var filter = $('#model-filter-storm').val();
  3024. if (filter) {
  3025. timeurl = timeurl+'-'+filter;
  3026. }
  3027. timeurl = timeurl+'.html';
  3028. }
  3029. else if (day) {
  3030. day = day.replace(/-/g,'');
  3031. day = day.replace(/:/g,'');
  3032. day = day.replace("/","-");
  3033. timeurl = day;
  3034. if ($('#model').val() == 'radarpre') {
  3035. timeurl = '';
  3036. }
  3037. if ($('#model').val() === 'radarus' && radarus_is_dyn()) {
  3038. timeurl = $('#model-location').val()+'_'+timeurl;
  3039. }
  3040. if (timeurl.length || isObsMode($('#model').val())) {
  3041. timeurl = timeurl+'z';
  3042. var blitz_id = $('#blitz-id-modal').attr("data");
  3043. var track_url = $('#track-url').attr("data");
  3044. var flood_url = $('#flood-url').attr("data");
  3045. if (blitz === 1 && blitz_id) {
  3046. timeurl = timeurl +'-' +blitz_id;
  3047. }
  3048. else if (blitz === 3 && track_url) {
  3049. timeurl = track_url;
  3050. }
  3051. else if (blitz === 4 && flood_url) {
  3052. timeurl = flood_url;
  3053. }
  3054. timeurl = timeurl +'.html';
  3055. }
  3056. }
  3057. else {
  3058. day = $('#model-run').val();
  3059. if (day) {
  3060. timeurl = day;
  3061. if (timeurl.length) {
  3062. if (station) {
  3063. timeurl = station + '-' + timeurl;
  3064. }
  3065. timeurl = timeurl +'.html';
  3066. }
  3067. }
  3068. }
  3070. var hash = window.location.hash;
  3071. var hash_url = '';
  3072. if (hash.substr(0,4) == '#geo') {
  3073. hash_url = hash;
  3074. }
  3075. return url+timeurl+hash_url;
  3076. };
  3078. var showLgt = function(blitzid,counter) {
  3079. $('#map-wrapper').hide();
  3080. $('#map-ajax-loader').show();
  3081. var c = true;
  3082. if (counter === false) {
  3083. c = false;
  3084. }
  3085. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/blitzortung', {
  3086. 'blitz_id' : blitzid,
  3087. 'counter' : c,
  3088. 'lang' : displayLanguage(),
  3089. 'area_id' : get_selected_area()
  3090. }, function (data) {
  3091. $('#map-ajax-loader').hide();
  3092. $('#map-wrapper').show();
  3093. $('#map-wrapper').html(data);
  3094. if (c) { addHistory(null, 1); }
  3095. },'html');
  3096. };
  3098. var showPollen = function(pollen,counter) {
  3099. $('#pollen-detail').modal('show');
  3100. pollen_detail(pollen,counter);
  3101. };
  3104. var obs_detail = function (value, station, timestamp) {
  3105. $('#obs-detail-label').html(station);
  3106. $('#obs-detail-wrapper>h1').html(value);
  3107. $('#obs-detail-wrapper>p>span').html(timestamp);
  3108. return false;
  3109. };
  3110. var obs_detail_3h = function (value, station, timestamp, id, timestamp2, counter) {
  3111. $('#obs-detail-3h-table').html('');
  3112. $('#obs-detail-3h-label').html(station);
  3113. $('#obs-detail-3h-js>h1').html(value);
  3114. $('#obs-detail-3h-js>p>span').html(timestamp);
  3115. var c = true;
  3116. if (counter === false) {
  3117. c = false;
  3118. }
  3119. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/obsdetail', {
  3120. 'station_id' : id,
  3121. 'timestamp' : timestamp2,
  3122. 'param_id' : $('#model-param').val(),
  3123. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  3124. 'area_id' : get_selected_area(),
  3125. 'counter' : c,
  3126. 'lang' : displayLanguage()
  3127. }, function (data) {
  3128. if (data === 'NOT_ALLOWED') {
  3129. messageLayer(403,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3130. }
  3131. else if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  3132. $('#obs-detail-3h-table').html(data);
  3133. if (c) { addHistory(null, 1); }
  3134. }
  3135. },'html');
  3136. };
  3138. var pollen_detail = function (station, counter) {
  3139. $('#pollen-detail-content').html('');
  3140. var c = true;
  3141. if (counter === false) {
  3142. c = false;
  3143. }
  3144. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/pollenmonitor', {
  3145. 'model' : 'pollen_detail',
  3146. 'station_id' : station,
  3147. 'date' : $('#model-run').val(),
  3148. 'counter' : c
  3149. }, function (data) {
  3150. $('#pollen-detail-content').html(data);
  3151. },'html');
  3152. return false;
  3153. };
  3155. var refresh = function(e) {
  3156. model_player_stop();
  3157. if ($('#model').val()) {
  3158. if (e) {
  3159. e.preventDefault();
  3160. }
  3161. refreshDropdowns(1);
  3162. }
  3163. };
  3165. var autoRefresh = function() {
  3167. var areas = getAreaArray();
  3168. var area_id = get_selected_area();
  3170. params = {
  3171. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  3172. 'model_param' : $('#model-param').val(),
  3173. 'model_member' : $('#model-member').val(),
  3174. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  3175. 'area_id' : area_id,
  3176. 'areas_1' : areas[1],
  3177. 'areas_2' : areas[2],
  3178. 'areas_3' : areas[3],
  3179. 'areas_4' : areas[4],
  3180. 'areas_5' : areas[5],
  3181. 'areas_6' : areas[6],
  3182. 'areas_7' : areas[7],
  3183. 'areas_8' : areas[8],
  3184. 'areas_9' : areas[9],
  3185. 'geo_lat' : $('#geo-lat').val(),
  3186. 'geo_long' : $('#geo-long').val(),
  3187. 'fl_newest' : $('#newest-flag').val(),
  3188. 'fl_param' : $('#param-flag').val(),
  3189. 'fl_model' : $('#model-flag').val(),
  3190. 'real_refresh' : 1//,
  3191. };
  3193. $.ajax(
  3194. {
  3195. url: get_url_path() + '/ajax/dropdown',
  3196. data: params,
  3197. cache: false,
  3198. dataType: 'html'
  3199. }
  3200. ).success(function(data) {
  3201. if (data === 'NOT_ALLOWED') {
  3202. resetDropdowns();
  3203. messageLayer(403,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3204. }
  3205. else if (data === 'UNAVAILABLE') {
  3206. resetDropdowns();
  3207. messageLayer(503,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3208. }
  3209. else if (data === 'NO_MODEL_DATA') {
  3210. $('.ac-btn[data-model]').each(function(){
  3211. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active') && isModelCard($(this).attr('data-model'))) {
  3212. $('#model').val($(this).attr('data-model'));
  3213. }
  3214. });
  3215. messageLayer(121,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3216. }
  3217. else {
  3219. if(data) {
  3220. var newDataTimestamp = $(data).find('#model-valid').val();
  3221. var currentDataTimestamp = $('#autorefresh-last-timestamp').val();
  3223. //console.log({currentDataTimestamp: currentDataTimestamp, newDataTimestamp: newDataTimestamp, newDataAvailable: newDataTimestamp > currentDataTimestamp});
  3225. if(newDataTimestamp > currentDataTimestamp) {
  3227. if(player_load_session == null) {
  3228. var tempIsPlaying = is_playing;
  3229. if(tempIsPlaying)
  3230. model_player_stop();
  3232. $('#drop-downs').html(data);
  3233. $('#autorefresh-info > .glyphicon').addClass('glyphicon-spin');
  3234. setDropDownListener();
  3235. changeImage();
  3236. place_obs();
  3237. reloadIframeAds();
  3238. initDatePicker();
  3239. initVarSettings();
  3240. initOpenDivs();
  3241. if(displayCountry() === 'vh'){
  3242. $('#model')[0].data=data;
  3243. $('#model').trigger('change');
  3244. }
  3246. }
  3248. if(tempIsPlaying)
  3249. model_player_extend_level(images_extend);
  3251. }
  3253. $('#autorefresh-info > .glyphicon').removeClass('glyphicon-spin');
  3254. }
  3255. }
  3256. });
  3258. }
  3260. var autoRefreshHandle = null;
  3261. var currentAutoRefreshParam = null;
  3262. var initAutoRefresh = function(intervalSeconds) {
  3264. intervalSeconds = intervalSeconds || +$('#autorefresh-interval').data('value');
  3266. if(typeof intervalSeconds !== 'number')
  3267. intervalSeconds = 30;
  3269. if($('#model').val() == 'radarpre' && intervalSeconds != -1)
  3270. intervalSeconds = 150;
  3272. var modelRestrictions = [
  3273. 'px250',
  3274. 'wwanalyze',
  3275. 'radar',
  3276. 'pl',
  3277. 'hagel',
  3278. 'blitze',
  3279. 'storms',
  3280. 'floods',
  3281. 'radial',
  3282. 'sat',
  3283. 'regen',
  3284. 'singlepx',
  3285. 'zsweeps',
  3286. 'sweeps',
  3287. 'radar3d',
  3288. 'plraw',
  3289. 'globus',
  3290. 'radarus',
  3291. 'radarpre'
  3292. ];
  3294. var initAutoRefreshResult = true;
  3295. var debugMessage = '';
  3297. if (initAutoRefreshResult && intervalSeconds === -1) {
  3298. initAutoRefreshResult = false;
  3299. debugMessage = 'Survival Mode active';
  3300. }
  3302. if (initAutoRefreshResult && modelRestrictions.indexOf($('#model').val()) === -1) {
  3303. initAutoRefreshResult = false;
  3304. debugMessage = 'Model is not allowed';
  3305. }
  3307. if (initAutoRefreshResult && ($('#paywall-account-type').attr('data-value') !== 'payaccount') && $('#autorefresh-last-timestamp').length == 0) {
  3308. initAutoRefreshResult = false;
  3309. debugMessage = 'Account no payaccount';
  3310. }
  3312. if (initAutoRefreshResult && !$('#autorefresh-last-timestamp').val() || !$('#model-valid').val()) {
  3313. initAutoRefreshResult = false;
  3314. debugMessage = 'Model is not allowed / Not in model view';
  3315. }
  3317. if (initAutoRefreshResult && is_playing == 1 && false) {
  3318. initAutoRefreshResult = false;
  3319. debugMessage = 'Model player is playing';
  3320. }
  3322. if (initAutoRefreshResult && $('#model-valid').val() !== $('#autorefresh-last-timestamp').val()) {
  3323. initAutoRefreshResult = false;
  3324. debugMessage = 'Not latest data timestamp';
  3325. }
  3327. currentAutoRefreshParam = $('#model').val() + ($('#model-param').val() ? '/' + $('#model-param').val() : '');
  3329. if(isAutoRefreshActive()) {
  3330. if(!initAutoRefreshResult) {
  3331. clearInterval(autoRefreshHandle);
  3332. autoRefreshHandle = null;
  3334. $('#autorefresh-info').show().fadeOut(500);
  3335. //console.log('AutoRefresh stopped: ' + debugMessage);
  3336. return false;
  3337. } else {
  3338. $('#autorefresh-info').show();
  3340. return true;
  3341. }
  3342. } else {
  3343. if(!initAutoRefreshResult) {
  3344. //console.log('AutoRefresh init result: Refused starting autorefresh - ' + debugMessage);
  3345. clearInterval(autoRefreshHandle);
  3346. autoRefreshHandle = null;
  3348. $('#autorefresh-info').hide();
  3350. return false;
  3351. } else {
  3352. //console.log('AutoRefresh init result: Started autorefresh with ' + intervalSeconds + 'sec interval');
  3353. $('#autorefresh-info').fadeIn(500);
  3354. }
  3355. }
  3357. clearInterval(autoRefreshHandle);
  3358. autoRefreshHandle = setInterval(function() {
  3359. //DEBUG
  3360. //console.log('AutoRefresh interval');
  3362. $('#autorefresh-info > .glyphicon').addClass('glyphicon-spin');
  3364. autoRefresh();
  3365. }, intervalSeconds * 1000);
  3366. return true;
  3368. }
  3370. var stopAutoRefresh = function() {
  3372. console.log('AutoRefresh force stopped');
  3374. var debugBox = 'auto_refresh = <b>off</b><br>Grund: <em>Force Stop (Probably Model Player)</em>';
  3375. $('.debug#auto-refresh').html(debugBox);
  3377. clearInterval(autoRefreshHandle);
  3378. autoRefreshHandle = null;
  3379. }
  3381. var isAutoRefreshActive = function() {
  3382. return autoRefreshHandle !== null;
  3383. }
  3385. var refreshDropdowns = function(real_refresh, standort, params2, prevnext, jqobj) {
  3386. model_player_stop();
  3387. var so = $('#model-param').val();
  3388. if (standort) {
  3389. so = standort;
  3390. }
  3391. if (!prevnext) {
  3392. prevnext = null;
  3393. }
  3394. var jahr = null;
  3395. if ($('#model-year-block').val() !== 'blockyear' && $('#model-year').val() !== $('#model-year-def').val()) {
  3396. jahr = $('#model-year').val();
  3397. }
  3398. var areas = getAreaArray(jqobj);
  3399. var area_id = get_selected_area(jqobj);
  3400. op = parseInt($('#current-regen-param').attr('data-param'));
  3401. if ((parseInt(so) === 264 || parseInt(so) === 265) && op !== 264 && op !== 265 && $('#current-regen-now').attr('data-param') === 'true') {
  3402. real_refresh = 1;
  3403. }
  3404. var params = {}
  3406. params = {
  3407. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  3408. 'model_member' : $('#model-member').val(),
  3409. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  3410. 'area_id' : area_id,
  3411. 'areas_1' : areas[1],
  3412. 'areas_2' : areas[2],
  3413. 'areas_3' : areas[3],
  3414. 'areas_4' : areas[4],
  3415. 'areas_5' : areas[5],
  3416. 'areas_6' : areas[6],
  3417. 'areas_7' : areas[7],
  3418. 'areas_8' : areas[8],
  3419. 'areas_9' : areas[9],
  3420. 'geo_lat' : $('#geo-lat').val(),
  3421. 'geo_long' : $('#geo-long').val(),
  3422. 'fl_newest' : $('#newest-flag').val(),
  3423. 'fl_param' : $('#param-flag').val(),
  3424. 'fl_model' : $('#model-flag').val(),
  3425. 'real_refresh' : 0//,
  3426. };
  3427. if (real_refresh) {
  3428. params.real_refresh=1;
  3429. if (real_refresh === 1) {
  3430. params.model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  3431. }
  3432. else if (real_refresh === 2) {
  3433. params.model_valid = $('#model-valid').val();
  3434. params.model_run = $('#model-run').val();
  3435. params.model_year = jahr;
  3436. }
  3437. else if (real_refresh === 3) {
  3438. params.model_param = so;
  3439. params.model_valid = $('#model-valid').val();
  3440. params.model_run = $('#model-run').val();
  3441. params.model_year = jahr;
  3442. }
  3443. }
  3444. else {
  3445. params.model_valid = $('#model-valid').val();
  3446. params.model_run = $('#model-run').val();
  3447. params.model_year = jahr;
  3448. params.model_param = so;
  3449. if (prevnext === 'prevyear') {
  3450. params.prevnext = 'prev';
  3451. params.prevyear = 'true';
  3452. }
  3453. else {
  3454. params.prevnext = prevnext;
  3455. }
  3456. }
  3458. if (params2) {
  3459. params = params2;
  3460. }
  3462. //Check für Modell- oder Param-Switch und löschen des model_valid properties, damit der neueste Zeitpunkt geladen wird und AutoRefresh aktiv bleibt.
  3463. if(isAutoRefreshActive() && currentAutoRefreshParam != params.model + (params.model_param ? '/' + params.model_param : '')) {
  3464. delete params.model_valid;
  3465. //console.log(params);
  3466. }
  3468. if ($('#model').val() === 'blitze' && $('#blitze-5minonly').prop('checked')) {
  3469. params.blitze_5minonly = 'true';
  3470. }
  3471. if ($('#model').val() === 'cyclone') {
  3472. params.model_filter_storm = $('#model-filter-storm').val();
  3473. }
  3475. if (parseInt($('#model-player-interval').val()) > 0) {
  3476. params.model_player_interval = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  3477. }
  3479. ajaxLoaderShowDelay(jqobj);
  3480. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/dropdown', params, function (data) {
  3481. ajaxLoaderHide(jqobj);
  3482. if (data === 'NOT_ALLOWED') {
  3483. resetDropdowns();
  3484. messageLayer(403,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3485. }
  3486. else if (data === 'UNAVAILABLE') {
  3487. resetDropdowns();
  3488. messageLayer(503,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3489. }
  3490. else if (data === 'NO_MODEL_DATA') {
  3491. $('.ac-btn[data-model]').each(function(){
  3492. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active') && isModelCard($(this).attr('data-model'))) {
  3493. $('#model').val($(this).attr('data-model'));
  3494. }
  3495. });
  3496. messageLayer(121,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3497. }
  3498. else {
  3499. $('#drop-downs').html(data);
  3500. setDropDownListener();
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  3505. initVarSettings();
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  3507. images_extend=1;
  3508. frame_count_orig=-1;
  3509. if(displayCountry() === 'vh'){
  3510. $('#model')[0].data=data;
  3511. $('#model').trigger('change');
  3512. }
  3513. }
  3514. },'html');
  3515. }
  3517. var rdfcPrognose = function() {
  3518. if ($('#model').val() === 'radarpre') {
  3519. if ($('#rdfc_prognose').attr('data') === 'true') {
  3520. $('#rdfc-button').show();
  3521. var uhrzeit = $('#legende-time').html();
  3522. $('#rdfc-time').html(uhrzeit.replace("&nbsp;Uhr",""));
  3523. }
  3524. else {
  3525. $('#rdfc-button').hide();
  3526. }
  3527. }
  3528. }
  3530. var addHistory = function(player, blitz, station) {
  3531. // player: 1=play, 2=entferne Geohash, 3=skip GA view
  3532. var completeurl = get_complete_share_url(player,blitz, station);
  3533. if (player == 2) {
  3534. var dat2 = completeurl.split('#');
  3535. if (dat2[0]){
  3536. completeurl = dat2[0];
  3537. }
  3538. }
  3539. pushHistory(completeurl);
  3540. if (typeof ga !== 'undefined' && player != 1 && player != 3) {
  3541. var count_url = completeurl.replace($('#full-base').val(),"");
  3542. ga("send", "pageview", count_url);
  3543. }
  3544. };
  3546. var getFlagPlayer = function () {
  3547. var starttime = $('#player-start-time').attr('data-value');
  3548. var flag_player = true;
  3549. if (parseInt(starttime)>0) {
  3550. flag_player= false;
  3551. }
  3552. return flag_player;
  3553. };
  3555. var get_complete_share_url = function(player,blitz, station) {
  3556. var model = $('#model').val();
  3557. var url = $('#share-path').val();
  3558. var file = $('#share-file').val();
  3559. var completeurl = directURL(blitz, station);
  3560. var param_id = $('#model-param').val();
  3561. var flag_player = getFlagPlayer();
  3562. if (completeurl.match(/NaN/g) != null || (player == 1 && flag_player)) {
  3563. if (!file) {
  3564. file = '';
  3565. }
  3566. else if(file.length) {
  3567. if (isObsMode(model) || model === 'regen' || model === 'radial' || model === 'sweeps' || model === 'radar3d' || model === 'zsweeps' ||
  3568. model === 'sat' || model === 'globus' || isModelCard(model) ||
  3569. model === 'storms' || model === 'floods') {
  3570. file = file+".html";
  3571. }
  3572. else if (!(model === 'radarus' && player == 1 && !radarus_is_dyn())) {
  3573. file = file+"/";
  3574. }
  3575. }
  3576. if (player == 1) {
  3577. if (model === 'radarus' && !radarus_is_dyn() && file.length>0) {
  3578. file = file+".html";
  3579. }
  3580. else if (model === 'radarus' && radarus_is_dyn()) {
  3581. file=file+$('#model-location').val()+'.html';
  3582. }
  3583. if(images_extend==1) {
  3584. completeurl = url+file;
  3585. var ohne_hash = completeurl.split("#");
  3586. completeurl = ohne_hash[0]+'#play';
  3587. }
  3588. else {
  3589. completeurl = url+file;
  3590. var ohne_hash = completeurl.split("#");
  3591. completeurl = ohne_hash[0]+'#play'+images_extend;
  3592. }
  3593. }
  3594. else {
  3595. completeurl = url+file;
  3596. }
  3597. }
  3598. if (player == 1 && !flag_player) {
  3599. if(images_extend==1) {
  3600. var ohne_hash = completeurl.split("#");
  3601. completeurl = ohne_hash[0]+'#play';
  3602. }
  3603. else {
  3604. var ohne_hash = completeurl.split("#");
  3605. completeurl = ohne_hash[0]+'#play'+images_extend;
  3606. }
  3607. }
  3608. return completeurl;
  3609. };
  3611. var get_url_path = function() {
  3612. var ret = url_path;
  3613. var tld = $('#tld').val();
  3614. if (typeof tld !== 'undefined' && tld !== 'us') {
  3615. ret = ret + '/' + tld;
  3616. }
  3617. return ret;
  3618. };
  3620. var set_to_latlong = function(lat, long) {
  3621. gps_success({'coords':{'latitude':lat,'longitude':long}});
  3622. }
  3623. var gps_error = function () {
  3624. messageLayer(201,'#error-msg','#error-modal');
  3625. };
  3627. var gps_success = function(pos) {
  3628. var x = pos.coords.longitude;
  3629. var y = pos.coords.latitude;
  3630. var areas = getAreaArray();
  3631. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/locating', {
  3632. 'lat' : y,
  3633. 'long' : x,
  3634. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  3635. 'model_param' : parseInt($('#model-param').val()),
  3636. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  3637. }, function (data) {
  3638. if (data) {
  3639. var area_id = get_selected_area();
  3640. if (parseInt(data.area_id)) {
  3641. area_id = parseInt(data.area_id);
  3642. };
  3644. refreshDropdowns(null,null, {
  3645. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  3646. 'model_valid' : $('#model-valid').val(),
  3647. 'model_run' : $('#model-run').val(),
  3648. 'model_param' : $('#model-param').val(),
  3649. 'model_location' : $('#model-location').val(),
  3650. 'area_id' : area_id,
  3651. 'areas_1' : areas[1],
  3652. 'areas_2' : areas[2],
  3653. 'areas_3' : areas[3],
  3654. 'areas_4' : areas[4],
  3655. 'areas_5' : areas[5],
  3656. 'areas_6' : areas[6],
  3657. 'areas_7' : areas[7],
  3658. 'areas_8' : areas[8],
  3659. 'areas_9' : areas[9],
  3660. 'geo_lat' :,
  3661. 'geo_long' : data.long
  3662. });
  3663. }
  3664. else {
  3665. $('#error-msg').html("<p>Der passende Kartenausschnitt konnte nicht ermittelt werden.</p>");
  3666. $('#error-modal').modal('show');
  3667. }
  3669. }, "json");
  3670. };
  3672. var gps_locating = function () {
  3673. if (navigator.geolocation) {
  3674. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(gps_success, gps_error, {
  3675. enableHighAccuracy: true,
  3676. timeout: 20000,
  3677. maximumAge: 600000
  3678. });
  3679. } else {
  3680. gps_not_supported();
  3681. }
  3682. };
  3684. var gps_locating_forecast = function () {
  3685. if (navigator.geolocation) {
  3686. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(gps_success_forecast, gps_error, {
  3687. enableHighAccuracy: true,
  3688. timeout: 20000,
  3689. maximumAge: 600000
  3690. });
  3691. } else {
  3692. gps_not_supported();
  3693. }
  3694. };
  3696. var gps_locating_wetter = function () {
  3697. if (navigator.geolocation) {
  3698. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(gps_success_wetter, gps_error, {
  3699. enableHighAccuracy: true,
  3700. timeout: 20000,
  3701. maximumAge: 600000
  3702. });
  3703. } else {
  3704. gps_not_supported();
  3705. }
  3706. };
  3708. var gps_locating_uwz = function () {
  3709. if (navigator.geolocation) {
  3710. $('#unwetterzentrale').html('<p>Sie werden jetzt automatisch geortet. Bitte kurz warten.</p>');
  3711. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(gps_success_uwz, gps_error_uwz, {
  3712. enableHighAccuracy: true,
  3713. timeout: 20000,
  3714. maximumAge: 600000
  3715. });
  3716. } else {
  3717. gps_not_supported_uwz();
  3718. }
  3719. };
  3721. var gps_locating_hpwetter = function () {
  3722. if (navigator.geolocation) {
  3723. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(gps_success_hpwetter, gps_error, {
  3724. enableHighAccuracy: true,
  3725. timeout: 20000,
  3726. maximumAge: 600000
  3727. });
  3728. } else {
  3729. gps_not_supported();
  3730. }
  3731. };
  3733. var gps_success_forecast = function(pos) {
  3734. return gps_success_global(pos,'/ajax/locatingfc');
  3735. };
  3737. var gps_success_wetter = function(pos) {
  3738. return gps_success_global(pos,'/ajax/locatingwt');
  3739. };
  3741. var gps_success_hpwetter = function(pos) {
  3742. return gps_success_global(pos,'/ajax/locatinghp');
  3743. };
  3745. var gps_success_global = function(pos, url) {
  3746. var x = pos.coords.longitude;
  3747. var y = pos.coords.latitude;
  3748. $.post(get_url_path()+url, {
  3749. 'lat' : y,
  3750. 'long' : x,
  3751. 'model' : $('#model').val(),
  3752. 'forecast_action' : $('#forecast-action-0').val()
  3753. }, function (data) {
  3754. if (data) {
  3755. document.location.href=data;
  3756. }
  3757. else {
  3758. gps_not_supported();
  3759. }
  3761. });
  3762. };
  3764. var gps_not_supported = function() {
  3765. $('#error-msg').html("<p>Ihr Standort befindet sich außerhalb unseres Vorhersagegebiets.</p>");
  3766. $('#error-modal').modal('show');
  3767. };
  3769. var closeMarker = function() {
  3770. $('#map-marker').hide();
  3771. $('#geo-x').val('');
  3772. $('#geo-y').val('');
  3773. $('#geo-lat').val('');
  3774. $('#geo-long').val('');
  3775. addHistory(2);
  3776. };
  3778. var forecastDayTable = function(city_id, idate, imodel) {
  3779. if (typeof imodel === 'undefined') {
  3780. imodel=$('#forecast-model').val();
  3781. }
  3782. $('#forecast-daytable').html('<p>Wird geladen...</p>');
  3783. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/forecastdaytable', {
  3784. 'city_id' : city_id,
  3785. 'date' : idate,
  3786. 'model' : imodel
  3787. }, function (data) {
  3788. $('#forecast-daytable').html(data);
  3789. scrollToAnchor('daytable');
  3790. });
  3791. };
  3793. var forecastDayTableHash = function(daytable) {
  3794. scrollToAnchor(daytable);
  3795. };
  3797. var forecastModel = function() {
  3798. forecastMT('fcxl');
  3799. };
  3801. var forecastModelTrend = function() {
  3802. forecastMT('fcxl');
  3803. }
  3805. var forecastMT = function(url) {
  3806. var params = {
  3807. 'city_id' : $('#city-id').val(),
  3808. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  3809. 'units':displayUnits(),
  3810. 'tf':displayTimeformat(),
  3811. 'model':$('#forecast-model').val(),
  3812. 'func':$('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-func')
  3813. };
  3814. $('#forecast-full').html('<p>Wird geladen...</p>');
  3815. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/'+url, params, function (data) {
  3816. $('#forecast-full').html(data);
  3817. reloadIframeAds();
  3818. setModelSelectorListener();
  3819. var new_url = $('#forecast-url').attr('data');
  3820. if (new_url) {
  3821. if ($('#tab-url').attr("data-src")) {
  3822. new_url+='/'+$('#tab-url').attr("data-src");
  3823. }
  3824. pushHistory(new_url);
  3825. if (ga) {
  3826. var count_url = new_url.replace($('#full-base').val(),"");
  3827. ga("send", "pageview", count_url);
  3828. }
  3829. }
  3830. });
  3831. };
  3833. var forecastModelEssentials = function(url) {
  3834. var params = {
  3835. 'url' : $('#forecast-url').attr("data"),
  3836. 'model' : $('#forecast-model').val()
  3837. };
  3838. goto(params['url']+'/'+params['model']);
  3839. };
  3841. var forecastModelEnsemble = function(url) {
  3842. var params = {
  3843. 'url' : $('#forecast-url-sw').attr("data"),
  3844. 'model' : $('#forecast-model').val(),
  3845. 'tab_url' : $('#tab-url').attr('data-src')
  3846. };
  3847. var url_ensemble = params['url']+'/'+params['model'];
  3848. if (params['tab_url']) {
  3849. url_ensemble = url_ensemble + '/' +params['tab_url'];
  3850. }
  3852. goto(url_ensemble);
  3853. };
  3855. var scrollToAnchor = function (aid){
  3856. var aTag = $("a[name='"+ aid +"']");
  3857. $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: aTag.offset().top},'slow');
  3858. };
  3861. var goto = function(url) {
  3862. document.location.href = url;
  3863. };
  3864. var temperature_canvas = '';
  3865. var initSatTemp = function() {
  3866. if ($('#model').val() === 'sat') {
  3867. var o_url = $('#model-image>img').attr("src");
  3868. var newlinktemp = o_url.replace("_119.jpg","_123.jpg")
  3869. .replace("_120.jpg","_123.jpg")
  3870. .replace("_121.jpg","_123.jpg")
  3871. .replace("_122.jpg","_123.jpg")
  3872. .replace("_131.jpg","_123.jpg")
  3873. .replace("_133.jpg","_123.jpg")
  3874. .replace("_124.jpg","_128.jpg")
  3875. .replace("_125.jpg","_128.jpg")
  3876. .replace("_126.jpg","_128.jpg")
  3877. .replace("_127.jpg","_128.jpg")
  3878. .replace("_132.jpg","_128.jpg")
  3879. .replace("_134.jpg","_128.jpg")
  3880. .replace("_326.jpg","_128.jpg");
  3882. $("#temperaturemap").attr("src", newlinktemp);
  3883. var temperature_img = $('#temperaturemap')[0];
  3884. if (typeof temperature_img !== 'undefinded') {
  3885. temperature_img.onload=function() {
  3886. temperature_canvas = $('<canvas/>')[0];
  3887. temperature_canvas.width = temperature_img.width;
  3888. temperature_canvas.height = temperature_img.height;
  3889. temperature_canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(temperature_img, 0, 0, temperature_img.width, temperature_img.height);
  3890. $('#click-overlay').on('mousemove',movehandler);
  3891. $('#click-overlay').on('mouseout',function() {
  3892. $('#temp-button').hide();
  3893. });
  3894. }
  3895. }
  3896. }
  3897. else {
  3898. $('#click-overlay').off('mousemove');
  3899. }
  3900. };
  3902. var movehandler= function(event) {
  3903. var text = $('#copyright_hidden').attr('data');
  3904. if (temperature_canvas && (text == 'Satellitendaten: EUMETSAT' || text == 'Satellite data: EUMETSAT')) {
  3905. var faktor = 1;
  3906. if (temperature_canvas.width > 0) {
  3907. faktor = $('#click-overlay').width()/temperature_canvas.width;
  3908. }
  3909. if (temperature_canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(Math.floor(event.offsetX/faktor), Math.floor(event.offsetY/faktor), 1, 1).data) {
  3910. $('#temp-button').show();
  3911. var pixelData = temperature_canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(Math.floor(event.offsetX/faktor), Math.floor(event.offsetY/faktor), 1, 1).data;
  3912. var tempvalue=54-Math.round((144/255)*pixelData[2]);
  3913. if (Math.floor(event.offsetY/faktor) > temperature_canvas.height-1 || Math.floor(event.offsetX/faktor) > temperature_canvas.width-1) {
  3914. $('#temp-button').hide();
  3915. }
  3916. else {
  3917. if(displayLanguage()=="EN"){
  3918. var temptext = 'Temperature';
  3919. }else{
  3920. var temptext = 'Temperatur';
  3921. }
  3922. if(displayUnits()=="us")
  3923. $('#temperatureoutput').html(temptext+': &nbsp; ' + Math.round(tempvalue*1.8+32) + '°F');
  3924. else
  3925. $('#temperatureoutput').html(temptext+': &nbsp; ' + tempvalue + '°C');
  3926. }
  3927. }
  3928. }
  3929. };
  3931. var initOpenDivs = function() {
  3932. if (open_dd_div1) {
  3933. //$('#'+open_dd_div1).show();
  3934. $('[data-id="'+open_dd_div1+'"]').each(function() {
  3935. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  3936. openAccLayerDirect($(this));
  3937. }
  3938. });
  3939. }
  3940. else if (open_dd_start/* && !$('#animation-player-mobile').is(':visible')*/) {
  3941. open_dd_start = false;
  3942. var loc = window.location.href;
  3943. if (typeof loc !== 'undefined' &&'.html') !== -1) {
  3944. if (isObsMode($('#model').val())) {
  3945. $('[data-id="acc-layer-params"]').each(function() {
  3946. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  3947. open_dd_div1 = 'acc-layer-params';
  3948. openAccLayerDirect($(this));
  3949. }
  3950. });
  3951. }
  3952. else if ('orogra') !== -1) {
  3953. $('[data-id="acc-layer-model"]').each(function() {
  3954. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  3955. open_dd_div1 = 'acc-layer-model';
  3956. openAccLayerDirect($(this));
  3957. }
  3958. });
  3959. }
  3960. else {
  3961. $('[data-id="acc-layer-valid"]').each(function() {
  3962. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  3963. open_dd_div1 = 'acc-layer-valid';
  3964. openAccLayerDirect($(this));
  3965. }
  3966. });
  3967. }
  3968. }
  3969. else {
  3970. $('[data-id="acc-layer-params"]').each(function() {
  3971. if ($(this).hasClass('acc-btn-on')) {
  3972. open_dd_div1 = 'acc-layer-params';
  3973. openAccLayerDirect($(this));
  3974. }
  3975. });
  3976. }
  3977. }
  3978. if (open_dd_div2) {
  3979. $('#'+open_dd_div2).show();
  3980. }
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  3982. $('[aria-controls="'+open_dd_tab_params+'"]').trigger('click');
  3983. scrollTopParam();
  3984. }
  3985. if (open_dd_tab_valids) {
  3986. $('[aria-controls="'+open_dd_tab_valids+'"]').trigger('click');
  3987. }
  3988. if (open_dd_tab_models) {
  3989. $('[aria-controls="'+open_dd_tab_models+'"]').trigger('click');
  3990. }
  3991. if (open_dd_valids) {
  3992. $('[data-value="'+open_dd_valids+'"]').trigger('click');
  3993. }
  3995. };
  3997. var satHelp = function() {
  3998. $('.sat-help').hide();
  3999. var tmp = parseInt($('#model-param').val());
  4000. if (tmp === 120 || tmp === 125) {
  4001. $('.sat-help-hd').show();
  4002. }
  4003. else if (tmp === 121 || tmp === 126) {
  4004. $('.sat-help-topalarm').show();
  4005. }
  4006. else if (tmp === 122 || tmp === 127) {
  4007. $('.sat-help-color').show();
  4008. }
  4009. else if (tmp === 123 || tmp === 128) {
  4010. $('.sat-help-infrarot').show();
  4011. }
  4012. else if (tmp === 131 || tmp === 132) {
  4013. $('.sat-help-nature').show();
  4014. }
  4015. else if (tmp === 133 || tmp === 134) {
  4016. $('.sat-help-nebel-check').show();
  4017. }
  4018. else if (tmp === 136 || tmp === 138 || tmp === 140 || tmp === 142 || tmp === 144) {
  4019. $('.sat-help-globushd').show();
  4020. }
  4021. else if (tmp === 135 || tmp === 137 || tmp === 139 || tmp === 141 || tmp === 143) {
  4022. $('.sat-help-globus').show();
  4023. }
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  4177. return true;
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  4390. useCurrent: false
  4391. }).on('dp.hide', function (e) {
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  4393. var area_id = get_selected_area();
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  4412. 'geo_long' : $('#geo-long').val()
  4413. });
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  4418. var getAreaArray = function (jqobj) {
  4419. var fieldname = '';
  4420. var areas = Array(10);
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  4422. return areas;
  4423. }
  4424. for (i=1;i<=9;i++) {
  4425. fieldname = '#form-areaid-'+i;
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  4428. if (jqobj && '#'+jqobj.attr('id') === fieldname) {
  4429. break;
  4430. }
  4432. }
  4433. else {
  4434. break;
  4435. }
  4436. }
  4437. return areas;
  4438. };
  4440. var showTrack = function(id) {
  4441. resetZoom();
  4442. }
  4444. var resetZoom = function() {
  4445. var scale = 'scale(1)';
  4446. = scale;
  4447. = scale;
  4448. = scale;
  4449. }
  4451. var initTracks = function() {
  4452. $('.trck').on('click', function(e) {
  4453. e.preventDefault();
  4454. showTrackDetailByURL($(this).attr('href'), true);
  4455. });
  4456. };
  4459. var initFloods = function() {
  4460. $('.flds').on('click', function(e) {
  4461. e.preventDefault();
  4462. showFloodDetailByURL($(this).attr('href'), true);
  4463. });
  4464. }
  4466. var showTrackDetailByURL = function (url, counter) {
  4467. var tmp = url.replace(/#/g, "").split('-');
  4468. showTrackDetail(tmp[0].replace("z",""),tmp[1],tmp[2],tmp[3], counter);
  4469. };
  4472. var showTrackDetail = function (datetime, blitzid, areaid, blitzhash, counter) {
  4473. $('#stormtrckd').modal('show');
  4474. $('#stormtrckd-wrapper').hide();
  4475. $('#stormtrckd-ajax-loader').show();
  4476. var c = true;
  4477. if (counter === false) {
  4478. c = false;
  4479. }
  4480. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/stormtracking', {
  4481. 'datetime' : datetime,
  4482. 'track_id' : blitzid,
  4483. 'area_id' : areaid,
  4484. 'track_hash' : blitzhash,
  4485. 'counter' : c,
  4486. 'lang' : displayLanguage()
  4487. }, function (data) {
  4488. $('#stormtrckd-ajax-loader').hide();
  4489. $('#stormtrckd-wrapper').show();
  4490. $('#stormtrckd-wrapper').html(data);
  4491. if (c) { addHistory(null, 3);}
  4492. },'html');
  4493. };
  4496. var showFloodDetailByURL = function (url, counter) {
  4497. var tmp = url.replace(/#/g, "").split('-');
  4498. showFloodDetail(tmp[0].replace("z",""),tmp[1],tmp[2],tmp[3], counter);
  4499. };
  4501. var showFloodDetail = function (datetime, blitzid, areaid, blitzhash, counter) {
  4502. $('#flashflood').modal('show');
  4503. $('#flashflood-wrapper').hide();
  4504. $('#flashflood-ajax-loader').show();
  4505. var c = true;
  4506. if (counter === false) {
  4507. c = false;
  4508. }
  4509. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/flashflood', {
  4510. 'datetime' : datetime,
  4511. 'track_id' : blitzid,
  4512. 'area_id' : areaid,
  4513. 'track_hash' : blitzhash,
  4514. 'counter' : c,
  4515. 'lang' : displayLanguage()
  4516. }, function (data) {
  4517. $('#flashflood-ajax-loader').hide();
  4518. $('#flashflood-wrapper').show();
  4519. $('#flashflood-wrapper').html(data);
  4520. if (c) { addHistory(null, 4); }
  4521. },'html');
  4522. };
  4523. var getSpecialUnderlay = function() {
  4524. return ($('.model').val() === 'blitze' || isObsMode($('#model').val()) || $('#model').val() === 'pollen' || $('#model').val() === 'forecast');
  4525. }
  4526. var toggleCities = function () {
  4527. if ($('#model').val() !== 'plraw') {
  4528. var special_underlay = getSpecialUnderlay();
  4529. if (parseInt($('#map-overlay-setting').attr('data-value')) === 1) {
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  4541. }
  4542. $('#map-overlay-setting').attr('data-value','0');
  4543. }
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  4557. }
  4558. else {
  4559. $('#map-overlay-trans').show();
  4560. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4561. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4562. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4563. }
  4564. $('#map-overlay-setting').attr('data-value','1');
  4565. }
  4566. }
  4567. else {
  4568. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  4569. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4570. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4571. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4572. }
  4573. };
  4575. var initModelSwitcher = function() {
  4576. /*$('.v2-alt-models').hover(function(e){
  4577. $('.v2-prime-row').hide();
  4578. var eid = $(this).attr('data-href');
  4579. if (eid) { $(eid).show(); }
  4580. });*/
  4581. $('.v2-alt-models').on('click',function(e){
  4582. $('.v2-prime-row').hide();
  4583. var eid = $(this).attr('data-href');
  4584. if (eid) { $(eid).show(); }
  4585. });
  4586. };
  4588. var showXLSymbole = function(id) {
  4589. $(id).toggle();
  4590. };
  4592. var isObsMode = function(model) {
  4593. if ( model === 'obs' ||
  4594. model === 'obsama' ||
  4595. model === 'gma') {
  4596. return true;
  4597. }
  4598. return false;
  4599. };
  4601. var isModelCard = function(model) {
  4602. if ( model === 'moddeuhd' ||
  4603. model === 'moddeuhd2' ||
  4604. model === 'moddeu' ||
  4605. model === 'modvhshd' ||
  4606. model === 'modsuihd' ||
  4607. model === 'modswisseu' ||
  4608. model === 'modkorea' ||
  4609. model === 'modrapid' ||
  4610. model === 'modvhrpd' ||
  4611. model === 'modhim' ||
  4612. model === 'modned' ||
  4613. model === 'modfin' ||
  4614. model === 'modgbrhd' ||
  4615. model === 'modgbr' ||
  4616. model === 'modfrahd' ||
  4617. model === 'modfra' ||
  4618. model === 'modphhd' ||
  4619. model === 'modphshd' ||
  4620. model === 'modusa' ||
  4621. model === 'modusahd' ||
  4622. model === 'modusarpd' ||
  4623. model === 'modgfsfv3' ||
  4624. model === 'modaus' ||
  4625. model === 'modbra' ||
  4626. model === 'modcan' ||
  4627. model === 'modez' ||
  4628. model === 'modvhez' ||
  4629. model === 'modezrpd' ||
  4630. model === 'modnychd' ||
  4631. model === 'modcencal' ||
  4632. model === 'modsthcal' ||
  4633. model === 'modnorcal' ||
  4634. model === 'modvir' ||
  4635. model === 'modbc' ||
  4636. model === 'modnsw' ||
  4637. model === 'modbeij' ||
  4638. model === 'moduae' ||
  4639. model === 'modoklatex' ||
  4640. model === 'modezseason' ||
  4641. model === 'modezwkly' ||
  4642. model === 'modvhezwkly' ||
  4643. model === 'modvhanalyze' ||
  4644. model === 'modvhsoil' ||
  4645. model === 'modtcshd' ||
  4646. model === 'modtchd'
  4647. ) {
  4648. return true;
  4649. }
  4650. return false;
  4651. };
  4654. var modelWithPlayer = function(model) {
  4655. if ( model === 'px250' ||
  4656. model === 'wwanalyze' ||
  4657. model === 'radarde' ||
  4658. model === 'radar' ||
  4659. model === 'radarus' ||
  4660. model === 'radarpre' ||
  4661. model === 'pl' ||
  4662. model === 'radial' ||
  4663. model === 'sat' ||
  4664. model === 'globus' ||
  4665. model === 'hagel' ||
  4666. model === 'singlepx' ||
  4667. model === 'plraw' ||
  4668. model === 'sweeps' ||
  4669. model === 'radar3d' ||
  4670. model === 'zsweeps'
  4671. ) {
  4672. return true;
  4673. }
  4674. return false;
  4675. };
  4678. var initVarSettings = function() {
  4679. if ($('#model').val() !== 'plraw') {
  4680. var special_underlay = getSpecialUnderlay();
  4681. if ($('#map-overlay-setting').attr('data-value') === '1') {
  4682. if (special_underlay) {
  4683. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  4684. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4685. $('#map-underlay-trans').show();
  4686. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4687. }
  4688. else {
  4689. $('#map-overlay-trans').show();
  4690. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4691. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4692. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4693. }
  4694. }
  4695. else if ($('#map-overlay-setting').attr('data-value') === '2') {
  4696. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  4697. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4698. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4699. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4700. }
  4701. else {
  4702. if (special_underlay) {
  4703. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  4704. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4705. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4706. $('#map-underlay').show();
  4707. }
  4708. else {
  4709. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  4710. $('#map-overlay').show();
  4711. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4712. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4713. }
  4714. }
  4715. if ($('#map-overlay-start').attr('data-value') === 'true') {
  4716. if ($('#map-overlay-setting').attr('data-value') === '1') {
  4717. if (special_underlay) {
  4718. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  4719. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4720. $('#map-underlay-trans').show();
  4721. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4722. }
  4723. else {
  4724. $('#map-overlay-trans').show();
  4725. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4726. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4727. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4728. }
  4729. }
  4730. $('#map-overlay-start').attr('data-value',false);
  4731. }
  4732. }
  4733. else {
  4734. $('#map-overlay-trans').hide();
  4735. $('#map-overlay').hide();
  4736. $('#map-underlay-trans').hide();
  4737. $('#map-underlay').hide();
  4738. }
  4739. }
  4741. var actionFavourite = function(id, action) {
  4742. if (parseInt(id)>0 && (action==='remove'||action==='save')) {
  4743. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/favourite', {
  4744. 'action' : action,
  4745. 'city_id' : id
  4746. }, function (data) {
  4747. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  4748. $('.favourite-div').html(data);
  4749. hoverPopover();
  4750. }
  4751. else {
  4752. messageLayer(202, '#error-msg','#error-modal');
  4753. }
  4754. },'html');
  4755. }
  4756. return false;
  4757. };
  4759. var setFavourite = function(id) {
  4760. return actionFavourite(id, 'save');
  4761. };
  4763. var removeFavourite = function(id) {
  4764. return actionFavourite(id, 'remove');
  4765. };
  4768. var messageLayer = function (message_id, msg_id, modal_id) {
  4769. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/messages', { 'message_id' : message_id, 'lang' : displayLanguage()},
  4770. function (data) {
  4771. $(msg_id).html(data);
  4772. $(modal_id).modal('show');
  4773. },'html');
  4774. };
  4776. var displayLanguage = function() {
  4777. return $('#user-language').attr('data-value');
  4778. };
  4780. var displayUnits = function() {
  4781. return $('#user-units').attr('data-value');
  4782. };
  4783. var displayTimeformat = function() {
  4784. return $('#display-tzformat').attr('data-value');
  4785. };
  4787. var displayCountry = function() {
  4788. var website = $('#user-country').attr('data-value');
  4789. if (website.length == 2) {
  4790. return website.toLowerCase();
  4791. }
  4792. else {
  4793. return 'de';
  4794. }
  4795. };
  4797. var displayLanguageLowerCase = function() {
  4798. var lang=displayLanguage();
  4799. if (lang.length == 2) {
  4800. return lang.toLowerCase();
  4801. }
  4802. else {
  4803. return 'de';
  4804. }
  4805. };
  4808. var model_member_next = function(e) {
  4809. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  4810. var mid = '#model-member';
  4811. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(mid);
  4812. var items = model_player_get_item_count(mid+" option");
  4813. if (selected < items) {
  4814. if (selected == 0 && items>1) {
  4815. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", selected + 2);
  4816. }
  4817. else {
  4818. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", selected + 1);
  4819. }
  4820. $(mid).trigger('change');
  4821. }
  4822. }
  4823. if (e) {
  4824. e.preventDefault();
  4825. }
  4827. };
  4829. var model_member_prev = function(e) {
  4830. if (checkChartcounter()) {
  4831. var mid = '#model-member';
  4832. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(mid);
  4833. var items = model_player_get_item_count(mid+" option");
  4834. if (selected > 0) {
  4835. $(mid).prop("selectedIndex", selected - 1);
  4836. $(mid).trigger('change');
  4837. }
  4838. }
  4839. if (e) {
  4840. e.preventDefault();
  4841. }
  4842. };
  4844. var pushHistory = function(url) {
  4845. if (History.pushState) {
  4846. no_reload = true;
  4847. History.pushState(null, historyUrl() , url);
  4848. }
  4849. };
  4851. var historyUrl = function() {
  4852. if (displayCountry() == 'us') {
  4853. return '';
  4854. }
  4855. else if (displayCountry() == 'xx') {
  4856. return '';
  4857. }
  4858. else if (displayCountry() == 'vh') {
  4859. return 'Vereinigte Hagel';
  4860. }
  4861. else {
  4862. return '';
  4863. }
  4864. };
  4866. var scalePath = function(path) {
  4867. if (typeof path == 'undefined') {
  4868. path = displayCountry()+'/'+displayLanguageLowerCase();
  4869. }
  4870. return url_path+'/images/scale/'+path+'/';
  4871. }
  4873. var switchLocation = function(key) {
  4874. if (parseInt($('#model-param').val()) === 360) {
  4875. $('#model-param').val(357);
  4876. }
  4877. else if (parseInt($('#model-param').val()) === 361) {
  4878. $('#model-param').val(359);
  4879. }
  4880. else if (parseInt($('#model-param').val()) === 426) {
  4881. $('#model-param').val(425);
  4882. }
  4883. else if (parseInt($('#model-param').val()) === 428) {
  4884. $('#model-param').val(427);
  4885. }
  4886. model_player_stop();
  4887. $('#model-location').val(key);
  4888. $('#model-location').trigger('change');
  4889. }
  4891. var smartphoneStartupTracks = function() {
  4892. var mapfaktor = parseInt($('#map-overlay').width())/760;
  4893. if (mapfaktor>0) {
  4894. $('#tracking-map area').each(function() {
  4895. var coords = $(this).attr('coords');
  4896. if (coords.length>0){
  4897. var tmp = coords.split(",");
  4898. var asize = tmp.length;
  4899. if (asize >1) {
  4900. var a = Math.round(mapfaktor * parseInt(tmp[0]));
  4901. var newcoords = a.toString();
  4902. for(var i = 1; i < asize; i++) {
  4903. a = Math.round(mapfaktor * parseInt(tmp[i]));
  4904. newcoords = newcoords + ',' + a.toString();
  4905. }
  4906. $(this).attr('coords',newcoords);
  4907. }
  4908. }
  4909. });
  4910. }
  4911. };
  4913. var hideOldLightning = function() {
  4914. var counter = 0;
  4915. for (var i=1;i<12;i++) {
  4916. $('.lgt-'+i).hide();
  4917. }
  4918. $('.lgt-0').each(function(){counter++;});
  4919. $('#blitzcounter-orig').attr('data-original', $('#blitzcounter-orig').html());
  4920. $('#blitzcounter-orig').html(counter);
  4921. };
  4922. var showOldLightning = function() {
  4923. var counter = 0;
  4924. for (var i=1;i<12;i++) {
  4925. $('.lgt-'+i).show();
  4926. }
  4927. $('#blitzcounter-orig').html($('#blitzcounter-orig').attr('data-original'));
  4928. };
  4930. var lightning5min = function() {
  4931. var setting5min = $('#blitze-5minonly').prop('checked');
  4932. if (setting5min === true) {
  4933. hideOldLightning();
  4934. }
  4935. else {
  4936. showOldLightning();
  4937. }
  4938. };
  4940. var ajaxLoaderShowDelay = function(jqobj) {
  4941. ajaxloadingdelay = true;
  4942. setTimeout(function(){ajaxLoaderShow(false, jqobj, true);}, 900);
  4943. };
  4945. var ajaxLoaderShow = function(fl_long, jqobj, delay) {
  4947. if(player_load_session != null)
  4948. return;
  4951. $('#ajax-loading-progress .progress-bar').css('width', '100%');
  4952. if (fl_long === true) {
  4953. $('#ajax-loading-moretext').show();
  4954. }
  4955. else {
  4956. $('#ajax-loading-moretext').hide();
  4957. }
  4958. if (isModelCard($('#model').val()) &&
  4959. ((typeof jqobj === 'object' && jqobj.attr('id') == 'model-run') || ajaxloadingarchivemsg)
  4960. ) {
  4961. $('#ajax-archive-loading').show();
  4962. }
  4963. else {
  4964. $('#ajax-archive-loading').hide();
  4965. }
  4966. if (typeof delay !== 'undefined') {
  4967. if (ajaxloadingdelay) {
  4968. $('#ajax-loading').show();
  4969. }
  4970. }
  4971. else {
  4972. $('#ajax-loading').show();
  4973. }
  4974. };
  4976. var ajaxLoaderHide = function(jqobj) {
  4977. $('#ajax-archive-loading').hide();
  4978. $('#ajax-loading').hide();
  4979. ajaxloadingdelay = false;
  4980. ajaxloadingarchivemsg = false;
  4981. block_hiding_loadinglayer_when_loading = false;
  4982. };
  4984. var deleteFavSearch = function(rubrik, id) {
  4985. $.post(get_url_path()+'/ajax/mylocations', {'action' : 'delete', 'rubrik' : rubrik, 'city_id' : id},
  4986. function (data) {
  4987. $('#mylocations').html(data);
  4988. },'html');
  4989. };
  4991. var switchCountry = function() {
  4992. var loc = $('#cswitcher').val();
  4993. if (typeof loc !== 'undefined' && loc.length > 7) {
  4994. $('#cswitcher').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
  4995. document.location.href = loc;
  4996. }
  4998. };
  5000. var getWeatherImage = function(domId, topicName, fltime, flfuture) {
  5001. if (typeof domId !== 'undefined' && typeof topicName !== 'undefined') {
  5002. $('#w-layer-loader').show();
  5003. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/weatherimage', {
  5004. 'city_id':$('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-city'),
  5005. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5006. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5007. 'tf':displayTimeformat(),
  5008. 'm':topicName
  5009. }, function (data) {
  5010. if (typeof data.image !== 'undefined') {
  5011. var img = new Image();
  5012. img.onload = function () { $('#w-layer-loader').hide(); }
  5013. img.error = function () { $('#w-layer-loader').hide(); }
  5014. img.src = data.image;
  5015. $(domId).html('<img src="'+data.image+'" alt="" />');
  5016. }
  5017. if (fltime === true && typeof data.starttime !== 'undefined') {
  5018. var prognose = '';
  5019. var zeit = data.starttime;
  5020. if (parseInt(flfuture)===1) {
  5021. prognose = $('#w-layer-time').attr('data-content');
  5022. }
  5023. if (prognose.length>0) {
  5024. zeit = prognose+' '+zeit;
  5025. }
  5026. $('#w-layer-time').html(zeit).css('display', 'block');
  5027. }
  5028. },'json');
  5029. }
  5030. }
  5033. var _0x1109=['\x49\x77\x6a\x43\x74\x73\x4f\x59\x4a\x63\x4f\x6a\x4a\x79\x74\x77\x77\x37\x73\x51\x77\x6f\x51\x31','\x4e\x78\x39\x58\x77\x34\x72\x44\x68\x41\x3d\x3d','\x4e\x57\x31\x4d\x54\x73\x4f\x62\x77\x34\x63\x64\x77\x34\x72\x43\x6a\x6e\x73\x5a\x63\x45\x68\x70\x45\x38\x4f\x31\x63\x73\x4f\x48\x43\x63\x4b\x45','\x77\x71\x58\x44\x76\x47\x41\x45','\x77\x37\x4d\x4c\x43\x77\x44\x43\x73\x69\x41\x70\x62\x38\x4b\x37\x77\x70\x50\x43\x6c\x77\x3d\x3d','\x45\x6b\x37\x43\x74\x51\x54\x43\x70\x73\x4f\x6f\x77\x35\x77\x51','\x47\x73\x4b\x39\x77\x72\x41\x67\x77\x72\x42\x5a\x53\x30\x63\x46\x77\x6f\x50\x43\x72\x56\x4e\x4c','\x77\x34\x73\x31\x77\x71\x67\x75\x56\x56\x46\x58\x77\x36\x77\x3d','\x77\x35\x68\x78\x61\x38\x4b\x4b\x4f\x77\x3d\x3d','\x77\x34\x51\x52\x77\x6f\x49\x7a\x77\x35\x52\x47\x77\x72\x48\x44\x71\x77\x3d\x3d','\x77\x6f\x37\x44\x6a\x43\x6c\x31\x52\x38\x4b\x34\x77\x72\x62\x44\x74\x67\x3d\x3d','\x77\x6f\x54\x43\x6c\x73\x4b\x6c\x77\x35\x77\x55\x77\x35\x48\x44\x6b\x63\x4f\x6b\x77\x36\x66\x43\x72\x38\x4b\x68\x77\x35\x66\x43\x74\x51\x3d\x3d','\x77\x72\x7a\x43\x6d\x63\x4b\x47\x77\x72\x6e\x44\x70\x73\x4f\x61\x46\x78\x51\x3d','\x77\x35\x6f\x66\x77\x71\x77\x71\x77\x35\x46\x55\x77\x36\x6a\x44\x6a\x77\x3d\x3d','\x77\x37\x46\x56\x77\x70\x45\x3d','\x77\x6f\x59\x78\x48\x38\x4b\x36\x65\x67\x3d\x3d','\x77\x37\x54\x43\x76\x77\x62\x43\x6b\x48\x54\x43\x71\x73\x4b\x6f\x77\x37\x38\x75\x77\x6f\x45\x3d','\x77\x72\x72\x43\x6b\x38\x4b\x34\x77\x71\x4c\x44\x6f\x73\x4f\x57\x4f\x68\x73\x6a\x64\x38\x4b\x62','\x46\x63\x4b\x74\x77\x72\x6f\x3d','\x43\x68\x78\x58\x65\x63\x4b\x2f','\x53\x4d\x4b\x2f\x77\x70\x50\x44\x72\x4d\x4b\x41','\x4f\x53\x62\x43\x73\x63\x4b\x63\x77\x6f\x4d\x3d','\x43\x6e\x52\x68\x77\x36\x64\x53','\x77\x71\x33\x43\x74\x4d\x4b\x77\x77\x6f\x6a\x44\x70\x77\x3d\x3d','\x44\x6e\x74\x68\x77\x35\x70\x62\x77\x34\x33\x44\x6c\x47\x52\x77','\x66\x73\x4f\x39\x77\x72\x62\x43\x69\x6d\x31\x6c\x77\x36\x55\x50\x4c\x67\x3d\x3d','\x77\x34\x55\x62\x77\x72\x51\x64\x59\x77\x3d\x3d','\x77\x72\x2f\x44\x72\x52\x68\x4f\x51\x51\x3d\x3d','\x42\x7a\x39\x57\x66\x4d\x4b\x37','\x47\x44\x52\x41\x77\x37\x6e\x44\x75\x41\x3d\x3d','\x4b\x73\x4f\x57\x42\x57\x33\x43\x68\x63\x4b\x41\x77\x36\x55\x49\x77\x37\x77\x31\x77\x37\x51\x48\x77\x72\x6e\x44\x69\x32\x34\x3d','\x77\x72\x76\x43\x68\x73\x4b\x35\x77\x71\x54\x44\x6f\x41\x3d\x3d','\x77\x34\x6c\x47\x61\x4d\x4b\x32\x4e\x67\x3d\x3d','\x46\x38\x4f\x4b\x4b\x73\x4f\x73\x77\x6f\x73\x3d','\x4a\x78\x49\x77\x77\x37\x63\x41\x4b\x73\x4f\x61\x77\x34\x63\x63\x77\x37\x37\x44\x70\x56\x7a\x43\x75\x77\x3d\x3d','\x50\x31\x68\x30\x58\x73\x4f\x6d','\x62\x73\x4f\x75\x66\x6e\x33\x44\x6a\x51\x3d\x3d','\x54\x78\x58\x44\x74\x4d\x4f\x5a\x4c\x63\x4b\x73','\x77\x36\x33\x43\x73\x43\x4c\x43\x6e\x33\x73\x3d','\x5a\x38\x4f\x75\x77\x34\x51\x38\x77\x34\x51\x3d','\x5a\x63\x4f\x68\x77\x71\x51\x3d','\x77\x37\x51\x54\x77\x6f\x34\x71\x58\x77\x3d\x3d','\x77\x71\x50\x44\x76\x33\x56\x72\x4c\x77\x3d\x3d','\x4c\x44\x6a\x43\x75\x73\x4f\x4d\x77\x34\x4d\x3d','\x77\x71\x37\x44\x68\x57\x73\x45\x77\x36\x30\x3d','\x77\x6f\x7a\x44\x6d\x6e\x45\x4e\x77\x37\x38\x3d','\x4a\x7a\x4c\x43\x6c\x38\x4f\x54\x49\x51\x3d\x3d','\x49\x73\x4f\x41\x77\x6f\x30\x3d','\x77\x71\x46\x34\x77\x72\x64\x45\x43\x77\x3d\x3d','\x77\x72\x48\x44\x71\x67\x39\x78\x54\x51\x3d\x3d','\x4e\x52\x72\x43\x74\x63\x4f\x4a\x77\x37\x52\x45\x55\x67\x3d\x3d','\x77\x6f\x6a\x44\x6c\x47\x67\x57\x77\x36\x45\x3d','\x46\x56\x50\x43\x68\x51\x3d\x3d','\x45\x73\x4b\x68\x77\x70\x45\x68\x77\x72\x77\x3d','\x77\x71\x62\x44\x6d\x46\x56\x34','\x77\x35\x34\x71\x77\x6f\x73\x2f\x53\x56\x78\x36\x77\x36\x50\x43\x68\x38\x4f\x56\x66\x77\x3d\x3d','\x4e\x69\x59\x53\x77\x36\x4d\x33','\x77\x72\x66\x44\x68\x31\x31\x6f\x4b\x77\x3d\x3d','\x43\x53\x72\x43\x74\x38\x4f\x50\x48\x51\x3d\x3d','\x56\x38\x4b\x6e\x77\x71\x6a\x43\x73\x4d\x4f\x56','\x57\x52\x37\x44\x6e\x38\x4f\x48\x49\x77\x3d\x3d','\x57\x4d\x4b\x2f\x77\x72\x50\x44\x68\x73\x4b\x54\x4f\x38\x4b\x75\x77\x71\x48\x44\x6f\x41\x3d\x3d','\x58\x73\x4b\x6a\x77\x72\x51\x3d','\x4c\x4d\x4b\x7a\x77\x72\x6b\x69\x77\x71\x63\x3d','\x77\x70\x62\x44\x6a\x42\x6c\x67\x51\x63\x4b\x34\x77\x72\x66\x44\x76\x77\x3d\x3d','\x77\x6f\x2f\x43\x6c\x73\x4b\x34\x77\x35\x77\x66\x77\x35\x37\x44\x69\x4d\x4f\x57','\x64\x38\x4f\x73\x77\x34\x30\x30\x77\x34\x54\x43\x74\x4d\x4b\x45\x58\x45\x78\x6b\x77\x71\x73\x75\x77\x70\x63\x3d','\x77\x72\x6a\x43\x70\x6e\x34\x35\x47\x51\x3d\x3d','\x54\x78\x58\x44\x76\x63\x4f\x45\x50\x73\x4b\x6e\x4d\x51\x3d\x3d','\x77\x71\x52\x34\x77\x70\x46\x73\x77\x71\x30\x3d','\x77\x71\x45\x75\x4f\x63\x4b\x70\x77\x37\x4d\x3d','\x46\x63\x4b\x39\x77\x72\x38\x77\x77\x72\x42\x54','\x77\x37\x6f\x65\x52\x6c\x49\x4f','\x77\x36\x34\x6f\x77\x6f\x73\x33\x56\x51\x3d\x3d','\x77\x34\x5a\x61\x52\x38\x4b\x59\x4b\x54\x59\x3d','\x61\x73\x4f\x66\x52\x58\x6b\x3d','\x77\x36\x54\x44\x6b\x68\x31\x2b\x77\x6f\x59\x3d','\x77\x34\x59\x77\x57\x6b\x41\x6e','\x43\x4d\x4f\x4d\x4a\x38\x4f\x30\x77\x70\x30\x3d','\x53\x6c\x42\x43\x54\x79\x49\x3d','\x77\x34\x78\x42\x51\x38\x4b\x73\x43\x77\x3d\x3d','\x42\x45\x37\x43\x67\x67\x6b\x3d','\x77\x36\x50\x44\x72\x41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  5092. });
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  5096. var replaceWeatherImages = function(x,y, url) {
  5097. if (x>0 && y>0) {
  5098. var spielraum_x = 756-$('#w-overlay').width(); // 75
  5099. var spielraum_y = 616-$('#w-overlay').height(); // 323
  5100. var start_x = Math.round($('#w-overlay').width()/2); // 75
  5101. var start_y = Math.round($('#w-overlay').height()/2); // 323
  5102. var ver_x = 2;
  5103. var ver_y = 2;
  5104. if (x>start_x) {
  5105. ver_x=x-start_x+ver_x;
  5106. if (ver_x>spielraum_x) {
  5107. ver_x=spielraum_x;
  5108. }
  5109. }
  5110. if (y>start_y) {
  5111. ver_y=y-start_y+ver_y;
  5112. if (ver_y>spielraum_y) {
  5113. ver_y=spielraum_y;
  5114. }
  5115. }
  5116. $('.w-overview-layers').css('margin-left', '-'+ver_x+'px');
  5117. $('.w-overview-layers').css('margin-top', '-'+ver_y+'px');
  5118. $('#w-map-marker').css('display', 'block');
  5119. $('#w-map-marker').css('top', (y-ver_y-23)+'px');
  5120. $('#w-map-marker').css('left', (x-ver_x-3)+'px');
  5121. }
  5122. if (typeof url !== 'undefined' && url) {
  5123. $('#w-overlay>img').attr('src', url);
  5124. }
  5125. }
  5127. var placeWeatherOverlay = function(trigger_warn) {
  5128. var x = parseInt($('#w-overlay').attr('data-x'));
  5129. var y = parseInt($('#w-overlay').attr('data-y'));
  5130. replaceWeatherImages(x,y);
  5131. if (trigger_warn === 'trigger_warn') {
  5132. $('.btn-twetter').removeClass('btn-twetter-active');
  5133. $('.w-btn-div').css('display','none');
  5134. $('#w-buttons-t>a:first-child').addClass('btn-twetter-active');
  5135. var domid = $('#w-buttons-t>a:first-child').attr('aria-controls');
  5136. $('#'+domid).css('display','block');
  5138. if ($('#uwz-type-warning').attr('data-product') === 'blitze') {
  5139. $('[data-model="radar/Blitze"]').trigger('click');
  5140. }
  5141. else if ($('#uwz-type-warning').attr('data-product') === 'flood') {
  5142. $('[data-model="radar/floods[0]"]').trigger('click');
  5143. }
  5144. else if ($('#uwz-type-warning').attr('data-product') === 'rain') {
  5145. $('[data-model="radar/storms[0]"]').trigger('click');
  5146. }
  5147. else if ($('#uwz-type-warning').attr('data-product') === 'tornado') {
  5148. $('[data-model="radar/storms[0]"]').trigger('click');
  5149. }
  5150. else if ($('#uwz-type-warning').attr('data-product') === 'sturm') {
  5151. $('[data-model="radar/storms[0]"').trigger('click');
  5152. }
  5153. else if ($('#uwz-type-warning').attr('data-product') === 'hail') {
  5154. $('[data-model="radar/hagel"]').trigger('click');
  5155. }
  5156. else {
  5157. $('#w-buttons-t>a:first-child').trigger('click');
  5158. }
  5159. }
  5160. else {
  5161. $('#w-buttons-t>a:first-child').trigger('click');
  5162. }
  5163. };
  5165. var isMobile = {
  5166. Android: function () {
  5167. return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
  5168. },
  5169. BlackBerry: function () {
  5170. return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i);
  5171. },
  5172. iOS: function () {
  5173. return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod|iPad/i);
  5174. },
  5175. Opera: function () {
  5176. return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i);
  5177. },
  5178. Windows: function () {
  5179. return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
  5180. },
  5181. any: function () {
  5182. return ((isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows()));
  5183. }
  5184. };
  5186. var isGoogle = function() {
  5187. return (
  5188. true
  5189. );
  5190. };
  5192. var popoverClose = function(name) {
  5193. $('*[data-pocontent]').each(function() {
  5194. if ($(this).data('pocontent') == name) {
  5195. $(this).popover('hide');
  5196. }
  5197. });
  5198. }
  5200. var loadingMsg = function() {
  5201. var loading = $('#myfavcontent').attr('data-loading');
  5202. if (!loading) { loading='Loading'; }
  5203. return loading;
  5204. };
  5206. var hoverPopover = function() {
  5207. if (!isMobile.any()) {
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  5209. 'html': true,
  5210. 'trigger': 'hover',
  5211. 'placement': 'bottom'
  5212. });
  5213. $('[data-toggle="popover"]').on('click', function(){
  5214. $(this).popover('hide');
  5215. });
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  5217. $('[data-toggle="pcopover"]').popover({
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  5220. 'placement': 'bottom'
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  5222. $('[data-toggle="popover"]').on('click', function(){
  5223. $(this).popover('hide');
  5224. });
  5225. };
  5227. var initiOSzoomfix = function() {
  5228. // prevent iOS from zooming in
  5229. $('input').off('mousedown').on('mousedown', function(){
  5230. if (!$(this).is(":focus")) { $(this).addClass('ioszoomfix');}});
  5231. $('input').off('focus').on('focus', function(){$(this).removeClass('ioszoomfix'); });
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  5235. $('select').off('blur').on('blur', function(){$(this).removeClass('ioszoomfix'); });
  5236. };
  5238. var loadingForecasts = function() {
  5239. if ($('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-load') === 'true') {
  5240. if(parseInt($('#weather-overview-uwz').attr('data-id'))>0) {
  5241. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/uwz', {
  5242. 'city_id' : $('#weather-overview-uwz').attr('data-id'),
  5243. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5244. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5245. 'tf':displayTimeformat(),
  5246. 't' : $('#weather-overview-uwz').attr('data-ts')
  5247. }, function (data) {
  5248. if (data) {
  5249. $('#weather-overview-uwz').html(data);
  5250. hoverPopover();
  5251. }
  5252. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/weathermaps', {
  5253. 'city_id':$('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-city'),
  5254. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5255. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5256. 'tf':displayTimeformat()
  5257. }, function (data) {
  5258. if (data !== 'Not found') {
  5259. $('#weather-overview-maps').html(data);
  5260. weatherButtonListener();
  5261. placeWeatherOverlay('trigger_warn');
  5262. hoverPopover();
  5263. }
  5264. else {
  5265. $('#weather-overview-maps').replaceWith('');
  5266. }
  5268. },'html');
  5269. } );
  5270. }
  5271. else {
  5272. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/weathermaps', {
  5273. 'city_id':$('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-city'),
  5274. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5275. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5276. 'tf':displayTimeformat()
  5277. }, function (data) {
  5278. if (data !== 'Not found') {
  5279. $('#weather-overview-maps').html(data);
  5280. weatherButtonListener();
  5281. placeWeatherOverlay('trigger_warn');
  5282. hoverPopover();
  5283. }
  5284. else {
  5285. $('#weather-overview-maps').replaceWith('');
  5286. }
  5287. hoverPopover();
  5288. },'html');
  5289. }
  5290. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/weathernexthoursdays', {
  5291. 'city_id':$('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-city'),
  5292. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5293. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5294. 'tf':displayTimeformat()
  5296. }, function (data) {
  5297. if (data !== 'Not found') {
  5298. $('#weather-overview-nexthoursdays').html(data);
  5299. }
  5300. else {
  5301. $('#weather-overview-nexthoursdays').replaceWith('');
  5302. }
  5303. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();
  5304. },'html');
  5305. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/weather14days', {
  5306. 'city_id':$('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-city'),
  5307. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5308. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5309. 'tf':displayTimeformat()
  5311. }, function (data) {
  5312. if (data !== 'Not found') {
  5313. $('#weather-overview-14daystrend').html(data);
  5314. plotWeatherTrend14days();
  5315. }
  5316. else {
  5317. $('#weather-overview-14daystrend').replaceWith('');
  5318. }
  5319. },'html');
  5320. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/weathercompact', {
  5321. 'city_id':$('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-city'),
  5322. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5323. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5324. 'tf':displayTimeformat()
  5326. }, function (data) {
  5327. if (data !== 'Not found') {
  5328. $('#weather-overview-compact').html(data);
  5329. plotGraphCompact();
  5330. }
  5331. else {
  5332. $('#weather-overview-compact').replaceWith('');
  5333. }
  5334. },'html');
  5336. }
  5337. if ($('#weather-fccompact-page').attr('data-load') === 'true') {
  5338. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/fccompact', {
  5339. 'city_id':$('#weather-fccompact-page').attr('data-city'),
  5340. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5341. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5342. 'tf':displayTimeformat(),
  5343. 'm':$('#weather-fccompact-page').attr('data-m'),
  5344. 'c':$('#weather-fccompact-page').attr('data-hash')
  5345. }, function (data) {
  5346. $('#weather-forecast-compact').html(data);
  5347. plotGraphCompact();
  5348. },'html');
  5350. }
  5351. if ($('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-load') === 'true') {
  5352. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/fcxlc', {
  5353. 'city_id':$('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-city'),
  5354. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5355. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5356. 'tf':displayTimeformat(),
  5357. 'func':$('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-func')
  5358. }, function (data) {
  5359. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/fcxl', {
  5360. 'city_id':$('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-city'),
  5361. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5362. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5363. 'tf':displayTimeformat(),
  5364. 'model':$('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-m'),
  5365. 'func':$('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-func')
  5366. }, function (data2) {
  5367. $('#fcxl-chart').html(data);
  5368. $('#forecast-full').html(data2);
  5369. plotGraph();
  5370. graphTabOnClick();
  5371. setModelSelectorListener();
  5372. $('.graphtab').each(function(){
  5373. if ($(this).attr('data-tab') == $('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-tab')) {
  5374. $(this).trigger("click");
  5375. }
  5376. });
  5377. },'html');
  5378. },'html');
  5380. }
  5382. if ($('#weather-fccompact-page').attr('data-load') === 'true' || $('#weather-fcxl-page').attr('data-load') === 'true' || $('#weather-ensemble-page').attr('data-load') === 'true') {
  5383. if(parseInt($('#weather-overview-uwz').attr('data-id'))>0) {
  5384. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/uwz', {
  5385. 'city_id' : $('#weather-overview-uwz').attr('data-id'),
  5386. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  5387. 'units':displayUnits(),
  5388. 'tf':displayTimeformat(),
  5389. 't' : $('#weather-overview-uwz').attr('data-ts')
  5390. }, function (data) {
  5391. if (data) {
  5392. $('#weather-overview-uwz').html(data);
  5393. hoverPopover();
  5394. }
  5395. }
  5396. );
  5397. }
  5398. }
  5399. };
  5401. var graphTabOnClick = function() {
  5402. $('.graphtab').on('click', function(e){
  5403. var new_url = $(this).attr("data-url");
  5404. var tab = $(this).attr("data-tab");
  5405. $('#tab-url').attr("data-src", tab);
  5406. var model = $('#forecast-model').val();
  5407. if (model && typeof new_url !== 'undefined') {
  5408. new_url = new_url.replace(tab,model+'/'+tab);
  5409. }
  5410. if (new_url) {
  5411. //$('#forecast-url').attr('data', new_url)
  5412. pushHistory(new_url);
  5413. }
  5414. setTimeout(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }, 300);
  5415. });
  5416. };
  5418. var extServer = function (url) {
  5419. var serverlist = getImageServers();
  5420. if (serverlist.length <= 0) {
  5421. return url;
  5422. }
  5423. var serverid = hashInt(url)%serverlist.length;
  5424. if (serverlist[serverid]) {
  5425. return serverlist[serverid]+url;
  5426. }
  5427. return url;
  5428. };
  5429. var downloadAnimation = function() {
  5430. raw_downloadAnimation('#radar-animation');
  5431. };
  5433. var downloadChartAnimation = function() {
  5434. var intervall = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  5435. raw_downloadAnimation("#modelcharts-animation-"+intervall);
  5436. };
  5438. var rar_preloadDownloadAnimation = function (domid, tmploading, images_waiting, parallel, new_limit, checkeronly) {
  5439. var all_images = model_player_get_item_count(domid+" option");
  5440. var parallel_proc = $('#parallel-proc').attr('data-value');
  5441. if (typeof parallel_proc === 'undefined') {
  5442. parallel_proc = 1;
  5443. }
  5444. parallel_proc = parseInt(parallel_proc);
  5445. if (typeof parallel === 'undefined') {
  5446. parallel=1;
  5447. }
  5448. if (typeof checkeronly === 'undefined') {
  5449. checkeronly=false;
  5450. }
  5451. if (typeof new_limit === 'undefined') {
  5452. new_limit=parallel_proc;
  5453. }
  5454. if (typeof images_waiting === 'undefined') {
  5455. images_waiting=0;
  5456. }
  5457. if (typeof tmploading === 'undefined') {
  5458. tmploading=0;
  5459. $(domid).prop("selectedIndex", 0);
  5460. }
  5463. if (tmploading === 0) {
  5464. if (!checkeronly) {
  5465. // retrieve path to image
  5466. var meta_data = $(domid).val();
  5467. var meta_data_split = meta_data.split('#');
  5468. var model_valid = meta_data_split[0];
  5469. var image_type = '';
  5470. var image_path = '';
  5471. var intervall = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  5472. if (domid !== '#modelcharts-animation-'+intervall) {
  5473. image_type = '';
  5474. image_path = get_model_image_path(image_type, $('#model').val(), $('#model-param').val(), model_valid);
  5475. }
  5476. else {
  5477. model_valid += '#'+meta_data_split[1];
  5478. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  5479. var model_member = $('#model-member').val();
  5480. var area = get_selected_area();
  5481. var model = $('#model').val();
  5482. var member_string = '';
  5483. if (typeof model_member !== 'undefined' && model_member.length>0 && parseInt(model_member)>=0) {
  5484. member_string = '_m'+model_member;
  5485. }
  5486. var run_date = model_valid.split('#');
  5487. var modelstring = 'model';
  5488. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  5489. modelstring = 'season';
  5490. }
  5491. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  5492. modelstring = 'weekly';
  5493. }
  5494. image_path = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+modelstring+'/'+modelstring+'_'+model+'_'+run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+member_string+'.png');
  5495. }
  5496. var download = '';
  5497. if (!Array.isArray(image_path) && typeof image_path !== 'undefined') {
  5498. var model = $('#model').val();
  5499. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  5500. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  5501. model = 'season';
  5502. }
  5503. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  5504. model = 'weekly';
  5505. }
  5506. else if (model.substring(0,3) === 'mod') {
  5507. model = 'model';
  5508. }
  5509. var download = image_path.replace("data/cache/"+model+"/"+model+'_', "data/cache/"+model+"/complete_"+model_addons(model)+'_');
  5510. }
  5511. if (download) {
  5512. var bild = new Image();
  5513. bild.onload = function(){gifimages_loaded++; };
  5514. bild.onerror = function(){gifimages_loaded++; };
  5515. bild.src=download;
  5516. gifimages.push(bild);
  5517. }
  5518. }
  5520. if (parallel === parallel_proc) {
  5521. checkeronly=true;
  5522. if (gifimages_loaded < new_limit) {
  5523. setTimeout(function() {
  5524. rar_preloadDownloadAnimation(domid,0,0,parallel, new_limit, true);
  5525. },100);
  5526. }
  5527. else {
  5528. new_limit+=parallel_proc;
  5529. parallel = 0;
  5530. checkeronly=false;
  5531. }
  5532. }
  5534. if (!checkeronly) {
  5535. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index(domid);
  5536. //console.log('images_loaded '+gifimages_loaded+' # items '+all_images+ ' # selected '+selected);
  5537. if (selected < all_images) {
  5538. $(domid).prop("selectedIndex", selected + 1);
  5539. rar_preloadDownloadAnimation(domid,0,0,parallel+1, new_limit, false);
  5540. }
  5541. }
  5542. }
  5544. if (!checkeronly) {
  5545. if(gifimages_loaded<all_images && images_waiting<10000) {
  5546. setTimeout(function(){rar_preloadDownloadAnimation(domid, 1, images_waiting+1);},200);
  5547. }
  5548. else {
  5549. console.log('images_loaded '+gifimages_loaded+' # items '+all_images+ ' # images_waiting '+images_waiting);
  5550. tmploading=2;
  5551. }
  5552. if (tmploading === 2 && gifonce) {
  5553. ajaxLoaderHide();
  5554. produceGif(domid);
  5555. }
  5556. }
  5557. };
  5559. var produceGif = function(domid) {
  5560. gifonce = false;
  5561. download_image = null;
  5562. console.log(image_urls);
  5563. if (typeof gifshot !== 'undefined') {
  5564. if (true || gifshot.isSupported()) {
  5565. var first='';
  5566. var all_images = model_player_get_item_count(domid+" option");
  5567. var image_urls = new Array();
  5568. var intervall = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  5569. for(var i=all_images;i>=0;i--){
  5570. $(domid).prop("selectedIndex", i);
  5571. // retrieve path to image
  5572. var meta_data = $(domid).val();
  5573. var meta_data_split = meta_data.split('#');
  5574. var model_valid = meta_data_split[0];
  5575. var image_type = '';
  5576. var image_path = '';
  5577. if (domid !== '#modelcharts-animation-'+intervall) {
  5578. image_type = '';
  5579. image_path = get_model_image_path(image_type, $('#model').val(), $('#model-param').val(), model_valid);
  5580. }
  5581. else {
  5582. model_valid += '#'+meta_data_split[1];
  5583. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  5584. var model_member = $('#model-member').val();
  5585. var area = get_selected_area();
  5586. var model = $('#model').val();
  5587. var member_string = '';
  5588. if (typeof model_member !== 'undefined' && model_member.length>0 && parseInt(model_member)>=0) {
  5589. member_string = '_m'+model_member;
  5590. }
  5591. var run_date = model_valid.split('#');
  5592. var modelstring = 'model';
  5593. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  5594. modelstring = 'season';
  5595. }
  5596. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  5597. modelstring = 'weekly';
  5598. }
  5599. image_path = extServer(url_path+'/images/data/cache/'+modelstring+'/'+modelstring+'_'+model+'_'+run_date[0]+'_'+run_date[1]+'_'+area+'_'+model_param+member_string+'.png');
  5600. }
  5601. var download = '';
  5602. if (!Array.isArray(image_path) && typeof image_path !== 'undefined') {
  5603. var model = $('#model').val();
  5604. var model_param = $('#model-param').val();
  5605. if (model === 'modezseason') {
  5606. model = 'season';
  5607. }
  5608. else if (model === 'modezwkly') {
  5609. model = 'weekly';
  5610. }
  5611. else if (model.substring(0,3) === 'mod') {
  5612. model = 'model';
  5613. }
  5614. var download = image_path.replace("data/cache/"+model+"/"+model+'_', "data/cache/"+model+"/complete_"+model_addons(model)+'_');
  5615. }
  5616. if (download) {
  5617. if (first === '') {
  5618. first = download;
  5619. }
  5620. image_urls.push(download);
  5621. //alert(download);
  5622. }
  5623. }
  5624. var image_urls_gif = new Array();
  5625. var intervall = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  5626. if (domid === '#modelcharts-animation-'+intervall) {
  5627. image_urls_gif = image_urls.reverse();
  5628. if (first) {
  5629. image_urls_gif.push(first);
  5630. image_urls_gif.push(first);
  5631. image_urls_gif.push(first);
  5632. }
  5633. }
  5634. else {
  5635. image_urls_gif = image_urls;
  5636. if (download) {
  5637. image_urls_gif.push(download);
  5638. image_urls_gif.push(download);
  5639. image_urls_gif.push(download);
  5640. }
  5641. }
  5642. if (image_urls.length>=5) {
  5643. var top_len = 603;
  5644. if ($('#model').val()==='plraw' && get_selected_area() < 5000000) {
  5645. top_len = 655;
  5646. }
  5647. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/gifcreator', {'lang' : displayLanguage()}, function (data) {
  5648. var images_counter = image_urls.length - 3;
  5649. trackGif(images_counter.toString());
  5650. $('#faq-modal').html(data).modal('show');
  5651. $('.gifshot-progress-layer').show();
  5652. $('.gifshot-progress-bar').attr('value',0.01);
  5653. console.log(image_urls);
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  5657. images: image_urls,
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  5660. numFrames: 12,
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  5662. text: getPortalAddr(),
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  5667. 'textXCoordinate': 550,
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  5669. sampleInterval: 10,
  5670. numWorkers: 4,
  5671. progressCallback: function (captureProgress) {
  5672. $('.gifshot-progress-layer').show();
  5673. $('.gifshot-progress-bar').attr('value',captureProgress);
  5674. }
  5675. };
  5677. gifshot.createGIF(gifShotOptions, function (obj) {
  5678. if (!obj.error) {
  5679. $('.gifshot-progress-layer').hide();
  5680. download_image = obj.image;
  5681. var animatedImage = document.createElement('img');
  5682. animatedImage.src = download_image;
  5683. = 'gifshot-result';
  5684. $('.gifshot-preview').append(animatedImage);
  5685. $('.gifshot-preview-layer').show();
  5686. $('.save-gif').attr('href', download_image);
  5687. gifonce=true;
  5688. gifimages_loaded=0;
  5689. gifimages=[];
  5690. }
  5692. });
  5693. },'html').fail(function(){
  5694. gifonce=true;
  5695. gifimages_loaded=0;
  5696. gifimages=[];
  5697. messageLayer(271, '#error-msg','#error-modal');});
  5698. }
  5699. else {
  5700. gifonce=true;
  5701. gifimages_loaded=0;
  5702. gifimages=[];
  5703. messageLayer(272, '#error-msg','#error-modal');
  5704. }
  5705. }
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  5707. gifonce=true;
  5708. gifimages_loaded=0;
  5709. gifimages=[];
  5710. messageLayer(273, '#error-msg','#error-modal');
  5711. }
  5712. }
  5713. else {
  5714. gifonce=true;
  5715. gifimages_loaded=0;
  5716. gifimages=[];
  5717. messageLayer(270, '#error-msg','#error-modal');
  5718. }
  5719. };
  5721. var raw_downloadAnimation = function(domid) {
  5722. model_player_stop();
  5723. var intervall = $('#model-player-interval').val();
  5724. if (domid === '#modelcharts-animation-'+intervall) {
  5725. ajaxLoaderShow(true);
  5726. }
  5727. else {
  5728. ajaxLoaderShow(false);
  5729. }
  5730. preload_image_animation(domid, true);
  5731. };
  5733. var saveGIF = function () {
  5734. if (download_image) {
  5735. var image_data = atob(download_image.split(',')[1]);
  5736. // Use typed arrays to convert the binary data to a Blob
  5737. var arraybuffer = new ArrayBuffer(image_data.length);
  5738. var view = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer);
  5739. for (var i=0; i<image_data.length; i++) {
  5740. view[i] = image_data.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
  5741. }
  5742. try {
  5743. // This is the recommended method:
  5744. var blob = new Blob([arraybuffer], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});
  5745. } catch (e) {
  5746. // The BlobBuilder API has been deprecated in favour of Blob, but older
  5747. // browsers don't know about the Blob constructor
  5748. // IE10 also supports BlobBuilder, but since the `Blob` constructor
  5749. // also works, there's no need to add `MSBlobBuilder`.
  5750. var bb = new (window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder);
  5751. bb.append(arraybuffer);
  5752. var blob = bb.getBlob('application/octet-stream'); // <-- Here's the Blob
  5753. }
  5754. var model_valid = $('#model-valid').val();
  5755. model_valid = model_valid.replace(/-/g, "");
  5756. model_valid = model_valid.replace(/:/g, "");
  5757. model_valid = model_valid.replace(/\//g, "_");
  5758. var model = $('#model').val();
  5759. model = model.replace(/px250/g, "radarhd");
  5760. model = model.replace(/pl/g, "radar_lightning");
  5761. // Use the URL object to create a temporary URL
  5762. saveAs(blob, model+'_'+model_valid+'_animation.gif');
  5763. }
  5764. else {
  5765. alert('Could not download, please try "save as".');
  5766. }
  5767. };
  5769. var getImageServers = function () {
  5770. var server_list = $('#static-images').attr('data-value');
  5772. //Gif Debug für DEV-ENV
  5773. //server_list = ',,,,,,,,';
  5775. if (typeof server_list === 'undefined') {
  5776. return Array();
  5777. }
  5778. return server_list.split(",");
  5779. }
  5781. var hashInt = function(str) {
  5782. var hash = 0, i, chr;
  5783. if (str.length === 0) return hash;
  5784. for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  5785. chr = str.charCodeAt(i);
  5786. hash += chr; // Convert to 32bit integer
  5787. }
  5788. return hash;
  5789. };
  5791. var deleteSession = function(token) {
  5792. $.get(get_url_path()+'/dashboard/deletetoken', {
  5793. 'token':token,
  5794. }, function (data) {
  5795. $('#session-list').html(data);
  5796. },'html');
  5797. };
  5798. var trackPlayer = function(domid, ext) {
  5799. var param = $('#model-param').val();
  5800. if (typeof param === 'undefined') {
  5801. param = '';
  5802. }
  5803. else {
  5804. param = '_'+param;
  5805. }
  5806. if(typeof ga !=='undefined'){
  5807. ga('send', 'event', $('#model').val(), 'player'+param, get_selected_area(), ext, { nonInteraction: true});
  5808. } else if(typeof _gaq !=='undefined'){
  5809. _gaq.push(['_trackEvent',$('#model').val(), 'player'+param, get_selected_area(), ext, true]);
  5810. }
  5811. };
  5812. var trackGif = function(images_count) {
  5813. var param = $('#model-param').val();
  5814. if (typeof param === 'undefined') {
  5815. param = '';
  5816. }
  5817. else {
  5818. param = '_'+param;
  5819. }
  5820. if(typeof ga !=='undefined'){
  5821. ga('send', 'event', $('#model').val(), 'gifshot'+param, get_selected_area(), images_count, { nonInteraction: true});
  5822. } else if(typeof _gaq !=='undefined'){
  5823. _gaq.push(['_trackEvent',$('#model').val(), 'gifshot'+param, get_selected_area(), images_count, true]);
  5824. }
  5825. };
  5827. var getPortalAddr = function() {
  5828. var c = $('#user-country').attr('data-value');
  5829. if (c === 'us') {
  5830. return '';
  5831. }
  5832. else if (c === 'xx') {
  5833. return '';
  5834. }
  5835. return '';
  5836. };
  5838. var selectPaywallPackage = function(package) {
  5839. $("input[name='RegisterForm[plan]']").each(function(){
  5840. if ($(this).attr('value')==package) {
  5841. $(this).click();
  5842. $('#registerform-email').focus();
  5843. }
  5844. });
  5845. $("input[name='SubscriptionForm[plan]']").each(function(){
  5846. if ($(this).attr('value')==package) {
  5847. $(this).click();
  5848. }
  5849. });
  5851. };
  5853. var setElementHiders = function() {
  5854. $('.elementhider').off("click").on("click", function(e){
  5855. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/elementhider', {
  5856. 'element_id': $(this).attr('data-id')
  5857. });
  5858. });
  5859. $('.elementhider-hide').off("click").on("click", function(e){
  5860. var elementid = $(this).attr('data-id');
  5861. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/elementhider', {
  5862. 'element_id': elementid
  5863. }, function() {
  5864. $('#'+elementid).hide();
  5865. });
  5866. });
  5867. $('.elementhider-hideclass').off("click").on("click", function(e){
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  5870. 'element_id': elementid
  5871. }, function() {
  5872. $('.'+elementid).hide();
  5873. if (elementid === 'cookie_deny') {
  5874. location.href = get_url_path()+'/site/nocookies';
  5875. }
  5876. });
  5877. });
  5879. $('.elementhider-reload').off("click").on("click", function(e){
  5880. e.preventDefault();
  5881. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/elementhider', {
  5882. 'element_id': $(this).attr('data-id')
  5883. }, function() {
  5884. location.reload();
  5885. });
  5886. });
  5887. $('.elementshower-reload').off("click").on("click", function(e){
  5888. e.preventDefault();
  5889. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/elementshower', {
  5890. 'element_id': $(this).attr('data-id')
  5891. }, function() {
  5892. location.reload();
  5893. });
  5894. });
  5895. $('.elementhider-gps').off("click").on("click", function(e){
  5896. e.preventDefault();
  5897. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/elementhider', {
  5898. 'element_id': $(this).attr('data-id')
  5899. }, function(){
  5900. gps_locating_uwz();
  5901. });
  5902. });
  5903. };
  5905. var showXClicksLayer = function() {
  5906. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/xclickslayer', {}, function(data) {
  5907. //var factor = Math.round((615/760)*parseInt($('#map-overlay').width()));
  5908. //if (factor > 200 && factor < 768) {
  5909. //$('#xclicks').css('height', factor);
  5910. //}
  5911. $('#xclicks').html(data);
  5912. $('#main-image-content').hide();
  5913. $('#xclicks').show();
  5914. if (displayCountry() === 'de') {
  5915. rescanMD();
  5916. }
  5917. });
  5918. }
  5920. var checkChartcounter = function() {
  5921. if ($('#paywall-account-type').attr('data-value') === 'payaccount' || xclicksvalue===0) {
  5922. return true;
  5923. }
  5924. if (chartcounter>0) {
  5925. $('#main-image-content').show();
  5926. $('#xclicks').hide();
  5927. chartcounter--;
  5928. return true;
  5929. }
  5930. else {
  5931. xclicksvalue=xclicksvalue+2;
  5932. chartcounter=xclicksvalue;
  5933. showXClicksLayer();
  5934. return false;
  5935. }
  5936. }
  5939. var rescanMD = function() {
  5940. $('.dkpw').each(function() {
  5941. if (!$(this).is(":visible")) {
  5942. $(this).html('');
  5943. }
  5944. } );
  5945. $('.mdtest').each(function() {
  5946. $(this).css('background-color','#dfdfdf');
  5947. $(this).css('font-size','13px');
  5948. var tmp = $(this).attr('data-nx-container');
  5949. if (typeof tmp !== 'undefined') {
  5950. $(this).html('<small>Placeholder for advertising:</small><br /><h2>'+tmp+'</h2>');
  5951. }
  5952. $(this).removeAttr("data-nx-container");
  5953. });
  5954. if ($('#paywall-account-type').attr('data-value') !== 'payaccount') {
  5955. try {
  5956. nx.cmd.push(function () {
  5957. nx.trigger('rescan');
  5958. nx.trigger('refresh', ['content', 'content_limited','mid_mobile_limited_lazy']);
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  5960. } catch(err) {};
  5961. }
  5962. }
  5964. var resetDropdowns = function() {
  5965. for (i=1;i<=10;i++) {
  5966. fieldname = '#form-areaid-'+i;
  5967. resetSelectboxById(fieldname);
  5968. }
  5969. resetSelectboxById('#model-year');
  5970. resetSelectboxById('#model-run');
  5971. resetSelectboxById('#model-valid');
  5972. resetSelectboxById('#model-param');
  5973. };
  5975. var checkCookie = function(){
  5976. var cookieEnabled = navigator.cookieEnabled;
  5977. if (!cookieEnabled){
  5978. document.cookie = "ajsgdlkajsghdjashd";
  5979. cookieEnabled = document.cookie.indexOf("ajsgdlkajsghdjashd")!=-1;
  5980. }
  5981. return cookieEnabled || 'cookiefail';
  5982. }
  5984. var showCookieFail = function() {
  5985. location.href = get_url_path()+'/site/cookiesblocked';
  5986. }
  5988. var resetSelectboxById = function(fieldname) {
  5989. $(fieldname+' option').each(function(){
  5990. if ($(this).attr('selected') === 'selected') {
  5991. $(fieldname).val($(this).attr('value'));
  5992. }
  5993. });
  5994. };
  5996. var gps_success_uwz = function(pos) {
  5997. var x = pos.coords.longitude; //x = 12.784669;
  5998. var y = pos.coords.latitude; //y = 46.7013345;
  5999. $('#unwetterzentrale').html("<p>Ort gefunden. Bitte warten Sie auf die Unwetterdaten.</p>");
  6000. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/unwetterzentrale', {
  6001. 'lat' : y,
  6002. 'long' : x
  6003. }, function (data) {
  6004. if (data) {
  6005. $('#unwetterzentrale').html(data);
  6006. hoverPopover();
  6007. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax_pub/weathermaps', {
  6008. 'city_id':$('#weather-overview-page').attr('data-city'),
  6009. 'lang':displayLanguage().toString().toLowerCase(),
  6010. 'units':displayUnits(),
  6011. 'tf':displayTimeformat()
  6012. }, function (data) {
  6013. if (data !== 'Not found') {
  6014. $('#weather-overview-maps').html(data);
  6015. weatherButtonListener();
  6016. placeWeatherOverlay('trigger_warn');
  6017. }
  6018. else {
  6019. $('#weather-overview-maps').replaceWith('');
  6020. }
  6021. hoverPopover();
  6022. },'html');
  6023. }
  6024. else {
  6025. gps_not_supported_uwz();
  6026. }
  6028. });
  6029. };
  6030. var gps_error_uwz = function() {
  6031. $('#unwetterzentrale').html("<p> Wir konnten Sie nicht automatisch orten. Entweder liegen keine GPS-Daten vor oder Sie haben die Ortungsfunktion in Ihrem Browser für unsere Webseite blockiert.</p>");
  6032. };
  6033. var gps_not_supported_uwz = function() {
  6034. $('#unwetterzentrale').html("<p>Es scheint als hätten Sie in Ihrem Browser die Ortungsfunktion blockiert. Wir konnten Sie deshalb nicht automatisch orten.</p>");
  6035. };
  6037. var findBtnActive = function(domid) {
  6038. $(domid).each(function() {
  6039. $(this).addClass('btn-active');
  6040. });
  6041. return '';
  6042. };
  6045. var vhstation_date_prev = function () {
  6046. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index('#btn-vhs-date');
  6047. var items = model_player_get_item_count("#btn-vhs-date option");
  6048. if (selected < items) {
  6049. $("#btn-vhs-date").prop("selectedIndex", selected + 1);
  6050. $('#btn-vhs-date').trigger('change');
  6051. }
  6052. };
  6054. var vhstation_date_next = function () {
  6055. var selected = model_player_get_selected_index('#btn-vhs-date');
  6056. if (selected > 0) {
  6057. $("#btn-vhs-date").prop("selectedIndex", selected - 1);
  6058. $('#btn-vhs-date').trigger('change');
  6059. }
  6060. };
  6062. var setKlimaVergleichListener = function(fl_reload) {
  6063. $('.btn-kvgl-tab').off('click').
  6064. on('click', function(e) {
  6065. $(this).removeClass("btn-active");
  6066. $('#kgvl-city-name').html($(this).html().replace("<a>","").replace("</a>",""));
  6067. $('#klima-vergleich').attr('data-value', $(this).attr('data-tab'));
  6068. $('.btn-vhs-station').each(function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-active'); });
  6069. var old_url = '';
  6070. $('.btn-kvgl-tab').each(function() {
  6071. if ($(this).hasClass("tab-current")) {
  6072. $(this).removeClass("tab-current");
  6073. old_url = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6074. }
  6075. });
  6076. if (old_url) {
  6077. $(this).addClass("tab-current");
  6078. var loc = window.location.href;
  6079. if (loc.indexOf(old_url) !== -1) {
  6080. loc = loc.replace(old_url, $(this).attr('data-value'));
  6081. }
  6082. else {
  6083. loc = loc + '/' + $(this).attr('data-value');
  6084. }
  6085. pushHistory(loc);
  6086. }
  6087. KlimavergleichListenerActions();
  6088. });
  6090. $('.btn-kvgl').off('click').
  6091. on('click', function(e) {
  6092. KlimavergleichListenerActions(this);
  6093. });
  6094. if (fl_reload !== true) {
  6095. if ($('#klimavergleich-form').attr('name') === 'klimavergleich') {
  6096. loadKlimavergleich();
  6097. }
  6098. }
  6099. };
  6101. var KlimavergleichListenerActions = function(obj) {
  6102. var old_param = '';
  6103. var new_param = '';
  6104. if (obj) {
  6105. if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-kvgl-mode')) {
  6106. $('.btn-kvgl-mode').removeClass('btn-active');
  6107. }
  6108. else if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-kvgl-param')) {
  6109. old_param = $(obj).attr('data-value');
  6110. new_param = $(obj).attr('data-value');
  6111. $('.btn-kvgl-param').each(function(){
  6112. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6113. old_param = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6114. }
  6115. });
  6116. $('.btn-kvgl-param').removeClass('btn-active');
  6117. }
  6118. else if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-kvgl-station')) {
  6119. $('.btn-kvgl-station').removeClass('btn-active');
  6120. }
  6121. else if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-kvgl-climate')) {
  6122. $('.btn-kvgl-climate').removeClass('btn-active');
  6123. }
  6124. $(obj).addClass('btn-active');
  6125. }
  6126. if (old_param !== new_param || !obj) {
  6127. //$('#klima-vergleich-buttons').html(loadingGif());
  6128. var params = getKlimavergleichParams();
  6129. params.klimaaction = 'buttons';
  6130. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/klimavergleich', params,
  6131. function (data) {
  6132. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  6133. $('#klima-vergleich-buttons').html(data);
  6134. setKlimaVergleichListener(true);
  6135. hoverPopover();
  6136. loadKlimavergleich();
  6137. }
  6138. },'html');
  6139. }
  6140. else {
  6141. loadKlimavergleich();
  6142. }
  6143. }
  6144. var VhStationListenerActions = function(obj) {
  6145. var old_mode = '';
  6146. var new_mode = '';
  6147. var old_param = '';
  6148. var new_param = '';
  6149. var station = '';
  6150. if (obj) {
  6151. if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-vhs-mode')) {
  6152. old_mode = $(obj).attr('data-value');
  6153. new_mode = $(obj).attr('data-value');
  6154. $('.btn-vhs-mode').each(function(){
  6155. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6156. old_mode = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6157. }
  6158. });
  6159. $('.btn-vhs-mode').removeClass('btn-active');
  6160. }
  6161. else if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-vhs-unit')) {
  6162. $('.btn-vhs-unit').removeClass('btn-active');
  6163. }
  6164. else if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-vhs-param')) {
  6165. old_param = $(obj).attr('data-value');
  6166. new_param = $(obj).attr('data-value');
  6167. $('.btn-vhs-param').each(function(){
  6168. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6169. old_param = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6170. }
  6171. });
  6172. $('.btn-vhs-param').removeClass('btn-active');
  6173. }
  6174. else if ($(obj).hasClass('btn-vhs-station')) {
  6175. $('.btn-vhs-station').each(function(){
  6176. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6177. station = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6178. }
  6179. });
  6180. $('.btn-vhs-station').removeClass('btn-active');
  6181. }
  6182. $(obj).addClass('btn-active');
  6183. }
  6184. if (old_param !== new_param || old_mode !== new_mode || !obj || station.length===0) {
  6185. //$('#klima-vergleich-buttons').html(loadingGif());
  6186. var params = getVhstationenParams();
  6187. params.vhsaction = 'buttons';
  6188. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/vhstationen', params,
  6189. function (data) {
  6190. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  6191. $('#vhstationen-buttons').html(data);
  6192. setVhstationListener(true);
  6193. hoverPopover();
  6194. loadVhstationen();
  6195. }
  6196. },'html');
  6197. }
  6198. else {
  6199. loadVhstationen();
  6200. }
  6201. };
  6202. var setVhstationListener = function(fl_reload) {
  6203. $('.btn-vhs-tab').off('click').
  6204. on('click', function(e) {
  6205. $(this).removeClass("btn-active");
  6206. $('#vhs-city-name').html($(this).html().replace("<a>","").replace("</a>",""));
  6207. $('#vh-stationen-graph').attr('data-value', $(this).attr('data-tab'));
  6208. $('.btn-vhs-station').each(function() { $(this).removeClass('btn-active'); });
  6209. var old_url = '';
  6210. $('.btn-vhs-tab').each(function() {
  6211. if ($(this).hasClass("tab-current")) {
  6212. $(this).removeClass("tab-current");
  6213. old_url = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6214. }
  6215. });
  6216. if (old_url) {
  6217. $(this).addClass("tab-current");
  6218. var loc = window.location.href;
  6219. if (loc.indexOf(old_url) !== -1) {
  6220. loc = loc.replace(old_url, $(this).attr('data-value'));
  6221. }
  6222. else {
  6223. loc = loc + '/' + $(this).attr('data-value');
  6224. }
  6225. pushHistory(loc);
  6226. }
  6227. VhStationListenerActions();
  6228. });
  6229. $('.btn-vhs').off('click').
  6230. on('click', function(e) {
  6231. VhStationListenerActions(this);
  6232. });
  6233. $('#btn-vhs-date').off('change').
  6234. on('change', function(e) {
  6235. VhStationListenerActions();
  6236. });
  6237. if (fl_reload !== true) {
  6238. if ($('#vhstationen-form').attr('name') === 'vhstationen') {
  6239. loadVhstationen();
  6240. }
  6241. }
  6242. };
  6244. var getKlimavergleichParams = function() {
  6245. var params = {};
  6246. $('.btn-kvgl-mode').each(function(){
  6247. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6248. params.period = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6249. }
  6250. });
  6251. $('.btn-kvgl-param').each(function(){
  6252. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6253. params.paramid = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6254. }
  6255. });
  6256. $('.btn-kvgl-station').each(function(){
  6257. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6258. params.station_id = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6259. }
  6260. });
  6261. $('.btn-kvgl-climate').each(function(){
  6262. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6263. params.climate_id = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6264. }
  6265. });
  6266. params.city_id = $('#klima-vergleich').attr('data-value');
  6267. return params;
  6268. };
  6270. var getVhstationenParams = function() {
  6271. var params = {};
  6272. $('.btn-vhs-mode').each(function(){
  6273. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6274. params.period = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6275. }
  6276. });
  6277. $('.btn-vhs-unit').each(function(){
  6278. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6279. params.unit = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6280. }
  6281. });
  6282. $('.btn-vhs-param').each(function(){
  6283. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6284. params.paramid = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6285. }
  6286. });
  6287. $('.btn-vhs-station').each(function(){
  6288. if ($(this).hasClass('btn-active')) {
  6289. params.station_id = $(this).attr('data-value');
  6290. }
  6291. });
  6292. = $('#btn-vhs-date').val();
  6293. params.city_id = $('#vh-stationen-graph').attr('data-value');
  6294. return params;
  6295. };
  6297. var loadKlimavergleich = function() {
  6298. //$('#klima-vergleich').html(loadingGif());
  6299. var params = getKlimavergleichParams();
  6300. params.klimaaction = 'graph';
  6301. $('#klima-vergleich').html(loadingGif());
  6302. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/klimavergleich', params,
  6303. function (data) {
  6304. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  6305. $('#klima-vergleich').html(data);
  6306. plotKlimaVergleich();//setTimeout('plotKlimaVergleich',1000);
  6307. }
  6308. else {
  6309. $('#klima-vergleich').html('Es fehlt die Berechtigung, um diese Aktion durchzuführen.');
  6310. }
  6311. },'html');
  6312. };
  6314. var loadVhstationen = function() {
  6315. //$('#klima-vergleich').html(loadingGif());
  6316. var params = getVhstationenParams();
  6317. params.vhsaction = 'graph';
  6318. vhstation_rr_data=null;
  6319. vhstation_tl_data=null;
  6320. vhstation_tl_data2=null;
  6321. vhstation_wind_data=null;
  6322. $('#vh-stationen-graph').html(loadingGif());
  6323. $('#vh-stationen-table').html(loadingGif());
  6324. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/vhstationen', params,
  6325. function (data) {
  6326. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  6327. $('#vh-stationen-graph').html(data);
  6328. plotVHStationen();
  6329. }
  6330. else {
  6331. $('#vh-stationen-graph').html('Es fehlt die Berechtigung, um diese Aktion durchzuführen.');
  6332. }
  6333. },'html');
  6334. params.vhsaction = 'table';
  6335. $.get(get_url_path()+'/ajax/vhstationen', params,
  6336. function (data) {
  6337. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  6338. $('#vh-stationen-table').html(data);
  6339. }
  6340. else {
  6341. $('#vh-stationen-table').html('Es fehlt die Berechtigung, um diese Aktion durchzuführen.');
  6342. }
  6343. },'html');
  6344. };
  6346. var setPhaenologieListener = function(pageinit) {
  6348. if($('#phaenologie').length == 0) return;
  6350. if(pageinit) {
  6351. $('#phaeno-plant-chart').html(loadingGif());
  6352. plotPhaenologie();
  6354. var nowParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6355. pushPhaenoUrl(nowParams, nowParams, true);
  6356. }
  6358. function getPhaenoParams() {
  6360. var city_val = $('#phaenologie').attr('data-city');
  6361. var city_id = city_val.substring(0, city_val.indexOf('-'));
  6362. var city_name = city_val.substring(city_val.indexOf('-') + 1);
  6364. var station_val = $('.btn-phaeno-station.btn-active').data('value');
  6365. var station_id = station_val.substring(0, station_val.indexOf('-'));
  6366. var station_name = station_val.substring(station_val.indexOf('-') + 1);
  6368. var plant_val = $('#plant-select').val();
  6369. var plant_id = plant_val.substring(0, plant_val.indexOf('-'));
  6370. var plant_name = plant_val.substring(plant_val.indexOf('-') + 1);
  6372. var params = {
  6373. city_id: city_id,
  6374. city: city_name,
  6375. station_id: station_id,
  6376. station: station_name,
  6377. plant_id: plant_id,
  6378. plant: plant_name
  6379. };
  6381. //console.log(params);
  6383. if($('.btn-phaeno-year.btn-active').length != 0)
  6384. params.year = $('.btn-phaeno-year.btn-active').data('value');
  6386. return params;
  6387. }
  6389. var lockUI = false;
  6390. var menuRequestFinished = false;
  6391. function ajaxMenuRequest(params) {
  6393. menuRequestFinished = false;
  6395. $('.menu-container').css('opacity', .6);
  6396. $('#phaeno-plant-chart').html(loadingGif());
  6397. lockUI = true;
  6399. $.get(get_url_path() + '/ajax/phaenologie', params,
  6400. function (data) {
  6401. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  6402. $('#phaenologie .menu-container').html(data);
  6403. setPhaenologieListener();
  6404. hoverPopover();
  6405. //loadKlimavergleich();
  6406. var nowParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6407. pushPhaenoUrl(nowParams, nowParams, true);
  6408. }
  6409. },'html')
  6410. .always(function() {
  6411. $('.menu-container').css('opacity', '');
  6412. lockUI = false;
  6413. menuRequestFinished = true;
  6414. });
  6416. ajaxGraphRequest(params);
  6418. }
  6420. function ajaxGraphRequest(params) {
  6422. var graphParams = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params));
  6423. graphParams.mode = 'graph'
  6425. $.get(get_url_path() + '/ajax/phaenologie', graphParams,
  6426. function (data) {
  6427. if (data !== 'FALSE') {
  6429. var waitForMenuRequest = setInterval(function() {
  6430. if(menuRequestFinished) {
  6431. clearInterval(waitForMenuRequest);
  6433. $('#phaenologie .graph-container').html(data);
  6434. plotPhaenologie();
  6435. }
  6436. }, 20);
  6437. }
  6438. },'html')
  6439. .always(function() {
  6441. });
  6442. }
  6444. //Tab-Buttons
  6445. $('.btn-phaeno-tab').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
  6447. if($(this).hasClass('tab-current') || lockUI) return;
  6449. var oldParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6451. $('.btn-phaeno-tab').removeClass('tab-current');
  6452. $(this).addClass('tab-current');
  6453. $('#phaenologie').attr('data-city', $(this).data('value'));
  6455. var newParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6457. pushPhaenoUrl(oldParams, newParams);
  6459. ajaxMenuRequest(newParams);
  6460. });
  6462. //Station-Buttons
  6463. $('.btn-phaeno-station').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
  6465. if($(this).hasClass('btn-active') || lockUI) return;
  6467. var oldParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6469. $('.btn-phaeno-station').removeClass('btn-active');
  6470. $(this).addClass('btn-active');
  6472. var newParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6474. pushPhaenoUrl(oldParams, newParams);
  6476. ajaxMenuRequest(newParams);
  6477. });
  6479. //Jahr-Buttons
  6480. $('.btn-phaeno-year').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
  6482. if($(this).hasClass('btn-active') || lockUI) return;
  6484. var oldParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6486. $('.btn-phaeno-year').removeClass('btn-active');
  6487. $(this).addClass('btn-active');
  6489. var newParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6491. pushPhaenoUrl(oldParams, newParams);
  6493. phaenologieShowYear($(this).data('value'));
  6494. });
  6496. //Pflanzen-Typ Tab-Buttons
  6497. $('.plant-type-selection .plant-type-tab-button').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
  6498. if($(this).hasClass('active') || lockUI) return;
  6500. var oldParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6501. var newParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6502. newParams.plant_id = $(this).data('plant-type');
  6504. $('.plant-type-selection .plant-type-tab-button').removeClass('active');
  6505. $(this).addClass('active');
  6507. pushPhaenoUrl(oldParams, newParams);
  6509. ajaxMenuRequest(newParams);
  6510. });
  6512. //Pflanzen-Dropdown
  6513. var oldPlantParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6514. $('.plant-select').off('change').on('change', function(e) {
  6515. if(lockUI) return;
  6517. var newParams = getPhaenoParams();
  6519. pushPhaenoUrl(oldPlantParams, newParams);
  6521. ajaxMenuRequest(newParams);
  6522. });
  6524. function pushPhaenoUrl(oldParams, newParams, replace) {
  6526. var old_url = window.location.href;
  6527. var old_city_id = oldParams.city_id;
  6529. var new_url_params = newParams.city_id + '-' + + '/' + newParams.station_id + '-' + newParams.station + '/' + newParams.plant_id + '-' + newParams.plant + '/';
  6531. if(newParams.year)
  6532. new_url_params += newParams.year + '/';
  6534. var index_of_old_city_id = old_url.indexOf(old_city_id);
  6535. var new_url = '';
  6537. if (index_of_old_city_id !== -1) {
  6538. new_url = old_url.substring(0, index_of_old_city_id) + new_url_params;
  6539. }
  6540. else {
  6541. new_url = old_url + '/' + new_url_params;
  6542. }
  6544. var newTitle = 'Phänologie für ' + $('.btn-phaeno-station.btn-active').text() + ' | ' + historyUrl();
  6546. if(replace) {
  6547. if (History.replaceState) {
  6548. no_reload = true;
  6549. History.replaceState(null, newTitle, new_url);
  6550. }
  6551. } else {
  6552. if (History.pushState) {
  6553. no_reload = true;
  6554. History.pushState(null, newTitle, new_url);
  6555. }
  6556. }
  6558. }
  6559. };
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