
The box and the Lamp

Jul 16th, 2013
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  1. <Eins> Post Traumatic Box Disorder, Deer-san... you should see a vet...
  2. <Baku|Haku> It's even more bloddy than the comics. THEY ALL DIE!!!
  3. <Eins> Is it epic, Baku-san?
  4. <Eins> WHOA!!!!!
  5. <Baku|Haku> It is.
  6. <AustinWolfclaw> This....was a.....OK WHAT DID RINGMASTER DO TO ME NOW???
  7. <Eins> WHO DIES???!!!???
  8. <Baku|Haku> Ohhh! The massacre the drama the war, Barry. FLASH
  9. <Baku|Haku> ALLL!!!
  10. <Eins> WHOA!!!!!!
  11. * Usted es ahora conocido como RingMaster
  12. <RingMaster> "The blood is calling me!"
  13. <Eins> "The bed is calling me!"
  14. <RingMaster> "Their cries their desperation!"
  15. * RingMaster grabs Austin J
  16. * Eins es ahora conocido como Blood
  17. <Blood> "RINGMASTER! RINGMASTER!!!!"
  18. <AustinWolfclaw> You.... I agreed to be your pet...I didnt agree to letting you control me....they tell me i have box disorder .....
  19. <RingMaster> "I wans't expecting that..."
  20. <Blood> "RINGMASTER!!!!"
  21. <Blood> "WE
  22. <RingMaster> "Umm...Hi...Blood?"
  23. <Blood> WE ARE DESPERATE
  24. <Blood> FOR AUSTIN'S BLOOD!!!!!!
  25. <AustinWolfclaw> WHAT???
  26. * RingMaster blinks.
  27. <AustinWolfclaw> Dude....
  28. <AustinWolfclaw> uh....
  29. * RingMaster kicks Austin into a portal.
  30. <AustinWolfclaw> *is booted into a portal*
  31. <RingMaster> "Now....How should we play?"
  32. <Blood> (Taking stuff literally is fun...:D)
  33. * Usted es ahora conocido como Lamp
  34. <Lamp> "'sup blood"
  35. * Blood es ahora conocido como Box
  36. <Box> "LAMP!!!!"
  37. <Box> "You're alive!!!"
  38. <Lamp> "Hows it going"
  39. * Box crawls towards Lamp
  40. <Lamp> "I won my challengue in Murder world...#
  41. <Box> "I thought you-- we're turned off by me"
  42. <Lamp> "Box...You putted me there...."
  43. <Lamp> "I tough we had something especial!"
  44. <Box> "Yes-- we still do-- you are always the bright light in my life!"
  45. <Box> "Without you-- it seems so dark!"
  46. <AustinWolfclaw> ((*FACEPALMS*
  47. <Lamp> "No box...You are dark! What do you keep in there"
  48. <Lamp> "I cannot light your insede if you don't open up to me"
  49. <Box> "Only emptiness and hollow feelings...."
  50. <Lamp> (XD!!!)
  51. <Box> "Alas! That is not of my own volition....! I only open to those who are willing to open me themselves...."
  52. <Lamp> "Box...Can I will fill those empty feelings...Open for me"
  53. <Box> "I am only a hollow shell of the box I used to be...."
  54. * Box opens its flaps, revealing it's empty cardboard interior...
  55. * Lamp jumps inside Box
  56. <Box> "I may not be filled with anything anymore-- but the light! The light of your being is enough for me!"
  57. <Lamp> (I can't belive we are doing a soap opera with a box and a lamp! XD)
  58. <Box> (I'm loving it...:D)
  59. <Box> (I wish Author-san can read this...:D)
  60. <Box> "I feel it.... The warmth of your light inside of me... Had you been a candle lamp... then you would burn me with your passionate feelings and warmth..."
  61. * Lamp falls over and burns the box
  62. <Lamp> "We are going to... to go... TOgether"
  63. <Box> "The flames!!! The flames of our love!!! It burns but it glows brighter than ever!!! We shall be together forever!!!"
  64. <Box> (Cue 60's opera music)
  65. * Box es ahora conocido como Ash
  66. * Usted es ahora conocido como RingMaster
  67. <RingMaster> (Naaah~)
  68. <Ash> (hehehe... nice one, Baku-san...:D)
  69. <Ash> (RP's really go distances, neh?_
  70. <Ash> (Well, see you guys later...:D)
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