
We deserve success sex

Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was sitting at the board listening to all the different sounds they'd been recording to try to nail the arrangement for this song. Listening in to the piano notes, he shook his head and stood up, looking over at her. "I think we need to do the piano section again. It's not sounding right to me with everything laid together."-
  2. Covet: Kelsey gave a frown and scrunched up her nose, "Yeah we can try it again, though I'm not sure if that's really the issue." She got up and headed back into the piano room, flipping the sheet music back over so she could play out the section they've been working on again.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "Then what do you think the issue is?" He asked, turning to follow her, covering over the piano. "Actually, can you start up a key and we'll try that out instead?"-
  4. Covet: "Yeah I can do that. I'm not really sure what the issue is yet. It's just not clicking yet. The arangement is great, I love it, but that... musical umami isn't there." Kelsey said trying to explain herself.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I know what you're saying. I feel it too. We'll know when we have it." He turned and walked back to the switch board, hitting the record button and then speaking into the microphone. "Ready when you are."-
  6. Covet: Kelsey counted herself out in her head then started playing the piano part again in the new key Brad wanted instead. When she was finished she spoke out, knowing he'd hear her over the recording system. "Once we get this section down we can work on the vocals a bit. We've got a bit of time still tonight."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He listened to her play, adjusting the levels a bit as it recorded the music. When she finished, he leaned into the microphone again. "I think that sounded better. I like that. If you want to work on vocals, head into the booth and I'll get it set up."-
  8. Covet: "Okay, if it sounds good to you we'll leave that there." She said then started walking into the other booth, "I just don't want to burn out on the music and overthink it. And the Vocals are the easy part of all of this. Plus it will give me a better idea of which direction to go to make that spark happen."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "You're the musical genius behind this so if that's how you want to work, let's do it." He said, adjusting the levels to fit how he usually records her. "Give me a few bars."-
  10. Covet: Kelsey sung out a line from the song to help him get the right settings, then cleared her throat gain, "I'm going to do the same part that we were working on with the piano and see how well it lines up. Ready?"
  11. Alexithymiaa: -He adjusted a couple more things and then sat down, nodding his head more for himself and hit record. "Ready."-
  12. CovetCovet : "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, Just like the ones I used to know. Where the tree tops glisten, and children listen, To hear sleighbells in the snow." She started off then stopped for him to get a clean break.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He listened to her sing, leaving a long empty space at the end of the recording because he's not stupid and knows he's going to need handles to edit a bit. "Alright let's see..." He mumbled, laying the tracks over the top of each other and playing them back for her to hear.-
  14. Covet: Kelsey waited patiently until he was ready then kind of hmm'd and haw'd about it. " It's still coming off as flat to me, not pitch wise, just no life... one dimensional."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Okay so...." He started, thinking to himself before moving his hands over the buttons. He was in the process of duplicating her voice track and laying it one over the top of another to create a faux harmony just to see how it sounded.-
  16. Covet: Kelsey kind of stood there waiting for him, listening to what he did then shook her head. "That's closer but still not it....Hmm..." She said then looked at him. "Maybe... it needs some sort of a balance."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Balance?" He asked her, furrowing his brows and sitting back in his seat. "What do you mean by that?"-
  18. Covet: "Like...My voice is pretty... strong... and it's making the song onesided. It needs, needs you." Kelsey told him.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Wait, did you just call my voice weak?" He asked with a laugh, not actually offended. "You're not going to have me to sing with you when you have to perform."-
  20. Covet: "No!" Kelsey said furrowing her brow. "I'm saying that you have a male voice. And that compliments this song better than just mine." She told him rolling her eyes. "I could have you up there, for at least this song. Nobody told me I couldn't."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I dont know if they necessarily would have to tell you no. I think it kind of goes without saying that if they ask you, they mean you..." He said as he stood up so he could see her in the booth.-
  22. Covet: "It will be me, but I require some extra help. And I'm pretty sure I can sweetly put in the request without making it seem like a demand." She told him giving him the sweet face "Please...It will make the song better."
  23. Alexithymiaa: -He paused to consider before giving a shrug. "Fine, but we're recording back up versions and arrangements in case they say no."-
  24. Covet: "Fine, we can do that, but you can't tell me you don't want to share that moment with me." Kelsey said to him then gave him a bigger smile.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I mean... I do, but I don't. This is supposed to be a big moment for you and I don't really feel like you should have to share it with anyone, not even me. Even if I think it would be fun and really cool to do together.-
  26. Alexithymiaa: "-*
  27. Covet: "Okay, but if it makes the song better, and I want to share a few minutes of that moment with you, then why not? You think it would be fun and it would be a good memory, right?" Kelsey said to him.
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Of course I do, I just know you've worked hard for this. I don't want to steal that from you when I havent really done any sort of music stuff in a while." He shrugged, trying to make his point.-
  29. Covet: "Well, I wouldn't want anyone else up there with me. I think it's even more of a stong point to have you do it with me, instead of some other well known artist, because that would steal the spotlight." She said to him in a rebuttle.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I guess that's true..." He paused, watching her through the glass. "Are you sure this is what you want to do?"-
  31. Covet: "As positive as a pregnancy test on prom night." Kelsey said which was a terrible statement to make.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Well then let's do it." He wasnt going to make the comment that popped into his head when she said that. He walked around to the booth, grabbing another microphone to set up, one that complimented lower tones than hers.-
  33. Covet: [But I want to know the comment!!!]
  34. Alexithymiaa: (Is that what happened to you?)
  35. Covet: Kelsey smiled when he came into the booth, then wiggled where she stood, before getting them counted in, hearing the music in her headphones. "We can just play around with it and keep what we like and change what we don't." She told him before starting in on the track, knowing he'd know how to compliment her voice accordingly.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -He looped the headphones onto his head and stood in front of his own microphone, listening to her start and dropping in to sing along with her a couple octaves lower even though he had a somewhat higher singing voice than a lot of dudes.-
  37. Covet: [hahah terrible Brad XD]
  38. Covet: Kelsey was clearly enjoying herself as she sang along, because this was definitely normal for them. When they'd finished, she kind of bounced and then threw her arms around him, "Oh my goodness, yes. That was perfect, you're just what it needed."
  39. Alexithymiaa: "I could get used to you saying that." He said with a laugh, wrapping his arms around her in return and then let his headphones drop around his neck. "Do you want to listen to the playback?"-
  40. Covet: "Yes, I need to hear it because that was too amazing to not listen to again." She said to him practically running ahead of him to the other room.
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Chill, it's not going anywhere." He said with a laugh as he casually walked out of the booth. He's not about that running life. Leaning over the soundboard, he adjusted the settings and then hit the play button, filling the room with the sound of the unmixed vocals they'd just recorded.-
  42. Covet: Kelsey listened to the track and nodded her head, "This is totally going to make the song better."
  43. Alexithymiaa: "I think you were right. This gave it that something extra we were missing." He started to mix it while they listened, layering the tracks and the music together. "I'm liking it."-
  44. Covet: "Yay!" Kelsey said with a grin as he did his thing, watiing as patienly as she possibly could. "Thank you for entertaining me on this matter."
  45. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. It's not like you don't know what you're talking about. You make your own music all the time. Why wouldn't you know what's best for something like this?"-
  46. Covet: "You know what.. nevermind it's not important." She told him then walked over to press her lips to his. "But that is."
  47. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned in to return the kiss, smiling at her. "Why don't we take a little break and we can pick this back up tomorrow?"-
  48. Covet: "Sounds good to me." Kelsey told him with a knowing grin because she knew things were about to go down because success sex is good sex.
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