
SnekFilly Part 6

May 6th, 2016
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  1. Snekfilly part 6
  3. >Be Luna princess of the night
  4. >Be in the DreamScape doing your thing
  5. >See a really peculiar nightmare
  6. >A mad scientist Twilight seems to be torturing a snake shackled to an examination table
  7. >Wait, the snake has the head of a filly, the buck?
  8. >From what you can tell the filly-snake seems to be the dreamer
  9. >You better clean this one up, you don't like how Twilight's holding that needle
  10. “Begone foul impostor! You shall cause this filly no more terror!
  11. >With a spell you've had perfected over the centuries you do away the imagined pony
  12. >The filly... or what your pretty sure of is a filly anyway displays pure relief, but as she looks towards you her fears are redoubled
  13. >”You're here for me too aren't you!? You wanna do tests on me too!”
  14. >The probably-a-filly attempts to free herself, but the shackles that bind her hold true
  15. “Nay[spoiler]sorry I couldn't help it I thought it would be funny and fitting and I couldn't resist[/spoiler] small... you're a filly right? Sorry it's been bugging me”
  16. >”Uh, yeah, more or less”
  17. “Thank you, anyway your tormentor is gone for now. But you're going to have to face her again”
  18. >”I will? Uh no thanks I'd be happy to never see her with a giant needle again”
  19. “You must deal with your fear of needles, little foal. For thou to-”
  20. >“I'm not scared of needles! I'm terrified of getting experimented on again! Last time it happened I ended up like this!”
  21. “Again? Wait do you actually look like this in the real world?
  22. >”Yeah”
  23. “And did the ACTUAL Twilight do this to you?”
  24. >“Uh-huh”
  25. “Well this is out of my reach”
  26. >You unshackle the Snakefilly and she coils on in on herself on the examination table
  27. >”What What? You're a giant super princess horse aren't you going to do something?!”
  28. “I am indeed a princess, and I will help you some to ease your pain little one. However this is ultimately Celestia's fault and I'm not going to clean up another one of her or Twilight's messes”
  29. >”Er thanks I guess? But who's Celestia and how is this her fault?
  30. >Must be REALLY new not to know who your sister was
  31. “Celestia, you know? Ruler of Equestria? Raises and lowers the sun? Immortal?”
  32. >”Not ringing any bells, I'm new here”
  33. >Huh, never really met anypony who didn't know who old Sunbutt was
  34. “Are you? Well besides your run-in with our new and incompetent princess how has Equestria been treating you?”
  35. >”I think somepony adopted me out of pity and loneliness. But seriously how is this Celestia's fault?”
  36. >How to explain this.... It'll give you some time to discreetly examine her magic field, it feels... off
  37. “Twilight was Celestia's student of magic since she was about your age, and she has done this world a lot of good. But she was and still isn't ready to be a princess, even if she has saved the world a couple of times with her friends. She simply doesn't have the personality for it. Give her a goal and she will accomplish it to the letter, give her some vague concept like 'be a good princess' and she doesn't know what she's supposed to do. And that's all Twilight been told to do by Celestia! So she has spent all her free time trying to make a better Equestria through science and friendship, and she has had a lot of free time as of late.”
  38. >”Uh.....huh. So basically Celestia gave Twilight super powers, a title and immortality even though she is incompetent at being a princess and is crazy?”
  39. “Basically, yes”
  40. >”Well, uh.... moving on. How will you 'ease my pain'?”
  41. >You had a vague idea that might work maybe
  42. “I have a plan, your magic field appears to be out- of sync with the rest of you, making you seemingly... incomplete. Did you perhaps get transformed by a spell?”
  43. >”Yeah, twilight was attempting a tf spell on me”
  44. >Oh that explains it! That wasn't her natural magic. It was an incomplete spell surrounding her, Twilight must have not had enough power to complete it, but where was this filly's magic? A question for another time maybe, you knew what you probably had to do
  45. “Twilight botched her own spell, she didn't have enough magic to complete it”
  46. >”Well I knew she botched it obviously, just look at me! But what does that mean for me?
  47. “That you aren't done changing. From what I've seen of the spell, it's impossible to fully complete. So I'm afraid you're stuck in an unfinishable spell”
  48. >”So?”
  49. >She was stuck in spell-limbo, no other transformation type spells can affect her, all that can be done is making the best of the spell that she's under, and the spell seems to be trying to make her into a pony
  50. “You won't be able to change back to your original form, all that can be done is for me to make you just a little bit more pony-like”
  51. >”So I can never be myself again?”
  52. >The filly seems heartbroken over the loss of her original form, whatever that was
  53. “What is your name little one?”
  54. >”It's Anon
  55. >Weird name, but she needs some words of confidence
  56. “Anon, know this. You may have lost your original body, but you are still yourself. The spell has not altered your mind in any way. And you are more than just your flesh and blood anyways. You are your beliefs, your spirit, your hopes, your dreams and all else that lays in your mind. While that might seem like a bunch of sappy drivel it is true! I've seen it for myself! Your life is so much more than a physical existence, and while you will inevitably be changed by the actions of Twilight Sparkle, that is not necessarily a bad thing.”
  57. >Uh oh you were going on a bit too much time to reel it in a little
  58. “We change everyday, for every action we take changes the world and every action the world takes changes us. If you take anything from this, let it be that you are yourself, changed perhaps but not into totally different being. You are and always will be yourself”
  59. [spoiler]>You were never good at speeches but an attempt was made goddammit[/spoiler]
  60. >Silence
  61. >”Er uh okay”
  62. >Well a least Anon doesn't look quite so distraught
  63. >”So what are you going to do about the spell”
  64. “I can't do anything about it, you have to get Twilight to put more power into the spell”
  65. >”Than HOW are you going to help me?”
  66. “I just did”
  68. >Anon must have woken up, the dream has dissipated
  69. >Anon didn't get seem to notice that you gave him something to do and that you reassured her of what she was most doubtful of
  70. >little shit
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