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a guest
Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.079502-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] [Accessibility] ****************** Loading GAX Client Bundle ****************
  2. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.310277-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] BT Update state 5
  3. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.332929-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification BluetoothStateUpdate with object <CBCentralManager: 0x282282bc0>
  4. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.333618-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] bluetooth state on
  5. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.463564-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] [framework] CUIThemeStore: No theme registered with id=0
  6. LoadObjects(_:) archived: Optional(747 bytes)
  7. LoadObjects(_:) Key WalletDevicesStorage Value: Optional([{
  8. deviceName = raspberrypi;
  9. peripheralUUID = "11DC8B89-205B-1B5F-B69A-B706B24DB922";
  10. responseData = <7b226322 3a20332c 20227222 3a20307d 0a>;
  11. }, {
  12. deviceName = "My device";
  13. peripheralUUID = "0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C";
  14. responseData = <7b227222 3a20302c 20226322 3a20337d 0a>;
  15. }])
  16. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.674554-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] [LayoutConstraints] _UIConstraintBasedLayoutLogUnsatisfiable is OFF
  17. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.687907-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] [MC] System group container for path is /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
  18. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.688906-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] [MC] Reading from public effective user settings.
  19. 2019-06-20 00:41:22.735456-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-PortraitTruffle-NumberPad; using 20615_PortraitTruffle_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default
  20. [Instabug] Instabug crash reporting is disabled because debugger is attached to this session. Crashes and NSErrors will not be reported to Instabug. To detach debugger, click the Stop button in Xcode, then run the app manually from the simulator.
  21. reconnectWithActor(_:) UUID Optional("11DC8B89-205B-1B5F-B69A-B706B24DB922")
  22. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.179478-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralFound with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c80a0, identifier = 11DC8B89-205B-1B5F-B69A-B706B24DB922, name = raspberrypi, state = disconnected>
  23. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.179567-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] trying to connect to peripheral <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c80a0, identifier = 11DC8B89-205B-1B5F-B69A-B706B24DB922, name = raspberrypi, state = disconnected>
  24. reconnectWithActor(_:) UUID Optional("0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C")
  25. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.187653-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralFound with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = disconnected>
  26. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.187717-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] trying to connect to peripheral <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = disconnected>
  27. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.215803-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] ________________________SET PERIPHERAL________________________
  28. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.216112-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] ________________________SET PERIPHERAL________________________
  29. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.681749-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] centralManager >> didConnectPeripheral : <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>
  30. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.682073-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] addPeripheral>><CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>
  31. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.682399-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralStateChanged with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>
  32. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.684201-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] peripheralStateChanged >> discoverServices
  33. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292"]
  34. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.685933-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] discovering services: [F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292] of peripheral: Optional(<CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>)
  35. 2019-06-20 00:41:36.814289-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] [CoreBluetooth] WARNING: The delegate for <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected> does not implement -[peripheral:didModifyServices:]
  36. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.174359-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] didDiscoverServices>> Optional([<CBService: 0x282f61b80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292>])
  37. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.174526-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] ________________________DID DISCOVER SERVICES________________________
  38. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.175431-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidDiscoverServices with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  39. services = (
  40. "<CBService: 0x282f61b80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292>"
  41. );
  42. }
  43. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.176337-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] ________________________DISCOVER SERVICES________________________
  44. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.176769-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] services array [<CBService: 0x282f61b80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292>]
  45. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.177623-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  46. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292", "f6a2e57f-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292"]
  47. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.178509-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] discovering characteristics:Optional([F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, F6A2E57F-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292]) of service: <CBService: 0x282f61b80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292> of peripheral: Optional(<CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>)
  48. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.234623-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidDiscoverCharacteristicsForService with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  49. characteristics = (
  50. "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcd80, UUID = F6A2E57F-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x12, value = (null), notifying = NO>",
  51. "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>"
  52. );
  53. service = "<CBService: 0x282f61b80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292>";
  54. }
  55. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.235437-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] ________________________DISCOVER CHARACTERISTICS________________________
  56. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.236545-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  57. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.237882-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service meta: {
  58. "f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292" = {
  59. name = writeData;
  60. type = data;
  61. };
  62. "f6a2e57f-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292" = {
  63. isObservable = 1;
  64. name = responseData;
  65. type = data;
  66. };
  67. }
  68. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "f6a2e57f-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292"]
  69. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.241311-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] observing characteristic with path F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292.f6a2e57f-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, properties: Optional(__C.CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 18))
  70. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.242251-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] ________________________DID DISCOVER CHARACTERISTICS________________________
  71. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.242437-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] ________________________DEVICE IS READY_________________________
  72. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.243146-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceIsReady with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  73. deviceName = "My device";
  74. peripheralUUID = "0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C";
  75. responseData = <7b227222 3a20302c 20226322 3a20337d 0a>;
  76. }
  77. 2019-06-20 00:41:37.243584-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  78. )
  79. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.771962-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  80. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.772512-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  81. label = "Get Networks";
  82. properties = (
  83. {
  84. name = writeData;
  85. operation = write;
  86. }
  87. );
  88. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  89. }, params: {
  90. writeData = {
  91. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  92. };
  93. }
  94. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.773322-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  95. {
  96. name = writeData;
  97. operation = write;
  98. value = {
  99. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  100. };
  101. }
  102. )
  103. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.773918-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  104. completedPropertyOperations = (
  105. );
  106. name = SendData;
  107. propertyOperations = (
  108. {
  109. name = writeData;
  110. operation = write;
  111. value = {
  112. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  113. };
  114. }
  115. );
  116. values = {
  117. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  118. };
  119. }
  120. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.774270-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  121. completedPropertyOperations = (
  122. );
  123. name = SendData;
  124. propertyOperations = (
  125. {
  126. name = writeData;
  127. operation = write;
  128. value = {
  129. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  130. };
  131. }
  132. );
  133. values = {
  134. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  135. };
  136. }
  137. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  138. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.774816-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  139. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.775271-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  140. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  141. }), meta: {
  142. name = writeData;
  143. type = data;
  144. }
  145. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.775599-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 20 bytes
  146. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.775724-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  147. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  148. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.776311-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 7B2263223A352C2270223A5B5B7B2261223A2230 into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  149. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.776906-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  150. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.777089-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command is in progress: commandInProgress, enqueueing commandToEnqueue
  151. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.777185-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  152. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.777302-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command is in progress: commandInProgress, enqueueing commandToEnqueue
  153. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.777469-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  154. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.777582-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command is in progress: commandInProgress, enqueueing commandToEnqueue
  155. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.818895-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  156. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  157. }
  158. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.819263-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  159. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.819304-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  160. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.819450-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  161. completedPropertyOperations = (
  162. );
  163. name = SendData;
  164. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  165. name = writeData;
  166. operation = write;
  167. value = {
  168. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  169. };
  170. };
  171. propertyOperations = (
  172. );
  173. values = {
  174. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  175. };
  176. }
  177. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.819620-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  178. completedPropertyOperations = (
  179. {
  180. name = writeData;
  181. operation = write;
  182. value = {
  183. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  184. };
  185. }
  186. );
  187. name = SendData;
  188. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  189. };
  190. propertyOperations = (
  191. );
  192. values = {
  193. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  194. };
  195. }
  196. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.819774-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  197. {
  198. command = SendData;
  199. meta = {
  200. label = "Get Networks";
  201. properties = (
  202. {
  203. name = writeData;
  204. operation = write;
  205. }
  206. );
  207. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  208. };
  209. params = {
  210. writeData = {
  211. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  212. };
  213. };
  214. },
  215. {
  216. command = SendData;
  217. meta = {
  218. label = "Get Networks";
  219. properties = (
  220. {
  221. name = writeData;
  222. operation = write;
  223. }
  224. );
  225. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  226. };
  227. params = {
  228. writeData = {
  229. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  230. };
  231. };
  232. },
  233. {
  234. co
  235. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.820983-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] next command: {
  236. command = SendData;
  237. meta = {
  238. label = "Get Networks";
  239. properties = (
  240. {
  241. name = writeData;
  242. operation = write;
  243. }
  244. );
  245. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  246. };
  247. params = {
  248. writeData = {
  249. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  250. };
  251. };
  252. }
  253. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821073-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  254. label = "Get Networks";
  255. properties = (
  256. {
  257. name = writeData;
  258. operation = write;
  259. }
  260. );
  261. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  262. }, params: {
  263. writeData = {
  264. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  265. };
  266. }
  267. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821161-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  268. {
  269. name = writeData;
  270. operation = write;
  271. value = {
  272. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  273. };
  274. }
  275. )
  276. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821272-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  277. completedPropertyOperations = (
  278. );
  279. name = SendData;
  280. propertyOperations = (
  281. {
  282. name = writeData;
  283. operation = write;
  284. value = {
  285. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  286. };
  287. }
  288. );
  289. values = {
  290. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  291. };
  292. }
  293. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821343-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  294. completedPropertyOperations = (
  295. );
  296. name = SendData;
  297. propertyOperations = (
  298. {
  299. name = writeData;
  300. operation = write;
  301. value = {
  302. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  303. };
  304. }
  305. );
  306. values = {
  307. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  308. };
  309. }
  310. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  311. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821464-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  312. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821546-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  313. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  314. }), meta: {
  315. name = writeData;
  316. type = data;
  317. }
  318. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821597-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 20 bytes
  319. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821627-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  320. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  321. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.821804-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 7833433935303637343436453930373439323042 into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  322. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.880228-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  323. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  324. }
  325. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.881600-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  326. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.881780-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  327. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.882448-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  328. completedPropertyOperations = (
  329. );
  330. name = SendData;
  331. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  332. name = writeData;
  333. operation = write;
  334. value = {
  335. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  336. };
  337. };
  338. propertyOperations = (
  339. );
  340. values = {
  341. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  342. };
  343. }
  344. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.883349-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  345. completedPropertyOperations = (
  346. {
  347. name = writeData;
  348. operation = write;
  349. value = {
  350. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  351. };
  352. }
  353. );
  354. name = SendData;
  355. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  356. };
  357. propertyOperations = (
  358. );
  359. values = {
  360. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  361. };
  362. }
  363. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.884122-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  364. {
  365. command = SendData;
  366. meta = {
  367. label = "Get Networks";
  368. properties = (
  369. {
  370. name = writeData;
  371. operation = write;
  372. }
  373. );
  374. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  375. };
  376. params = {
  377. writeData = {
  378. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  379. };
  380. };
  381. },
  382. {
  383. command = SendData;
  384. meta = {
  385. label = "Get Networks";
  386. properties = (
  387. {
  388. name = writeData;
  389. operation = write;
  390. }
  391. );
  392. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  393. };
  394. params = {
  395. writeData = {
  396. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  397. };
  398. };
  399. }
  400. )
  401. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.884777-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] next command: {
  402. command = SendData;
  403. meta = {
  404. label = "Get Networks";
  405. properties = (
  406. {
  407. name = writeData;
  408. operation = write;
  409. }
  410. );
  411. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  412. };
  413. params = {
  414. writeData = {
  415. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  416. };
  417. };
  418. }
  419. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.885151-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  420. label = "Get Networks";
  421. properties = (
  422. {
  423. name = writeData;
  424. operation = write;
  425. }
  426. );
  427. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  428. }, params: {
  429. writeData = {
  430. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  431. };
  432. }
  433. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.885567-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  434. {
  435. name = writeData;
  436. operation = write;
  437. value = {
  438. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  439. };
  440. }
  441. )
  442. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.886037-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  443. completedPropertyOperations = (
  444. );
  445. name = SendData;
  446. propertyOperations = (
  447. {
  448. name = writeData;
  449. operation = write;
  450. value = {
  451. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  452. };
  453. }
  454. );
  455. values = {
  456. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  457. };
  458. }
  459. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.886391-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  460. completedPropertyOperations = (
  461. );
  462. name = SendData;
  463. propertyOperations = (
  464. {
  465. name = writeData;
  466. operation = write;
  467. value = {
  468. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  469. };
  470. }
  471. );
  472. values = {
  473. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  474. };
  475. }
  476. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  477. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.886888-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  478. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.887188-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  479. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  480. }), meta: {
  481. name = writeData;
  482. type = data;
  483. }
  484. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.887391-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 20 bytes
  485. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.887482-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  486. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  487. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.888295-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 4139643139643838413132333366333231393235 into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  488. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.943810-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  489. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  490. }
  491. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.945784-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  492. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.946049-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  493. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.947367-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  494. completedPropertyOperations = (
  495. );
  496. name = SendData;
  497. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  498. name = writeData;
  499. operation = write;
  500. value = {
  501. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  502. };
  503. };
  504. propertyOperations = (
  505. );
  506. values = {
  507. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  508. };
  509. }
  510. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.948639-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  511. completedPropertyOperations = (
  512. {
  513. name = writeData;
  514. operation = write;
  515. value = {
  516. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  517. };
  518. }
  519. );
  520. name = SendData;
  521. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  522. };
  523. propertyOperations = (
  524. );
  525. values = {
  526. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  527. };
  528. }
  529. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.949217-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  530. {
  531. command = SendData;
  532. meta = {
  533. label = "Get Networks";
  534. properties = (
  535. {
  536. name = writeData;
  537. operation = write;
  538. }
  539. );
  540. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  541. };
  542. params = {
  543. writeData = {
  544. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  545. };
  546. };
  547. }
  548. )
  549. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.949887-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] next command: {
  550. command = SendData;
  551. meta = {
  552. label = "Get Networks";
  553. properties = (
  554. {
  555. name = writeData;
  556. operation = write;
  557. }
  558. );
  559. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  560. };
  561. params = {
  562. writeData = {
  563. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  564. };
  565. };
  566. }
  567. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.950644-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  568. label = "Get Networks";
  569. properties = (
  570. {
  571. name = writeData;
  572. operation = write;
  573. }
  574. );
  575. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  576. }, params: {
  577. writeData = {
  578. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  579. };
  580. }
  581. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.951230-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  582. {
  583. name = writeData;
  584. operation = write;
  585. value = {
  586. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  587. };
  588. }
  589. )
  590. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.951828-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  591. completedPropertyOperations = (
  592. );
  593. name = SendData;
  594. propertyOperations = (
  595. {
  596. name = writeData;
  597. operation = write;
  598. value = {
  599. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  600. };
  601. }
  602. );
  603. values = {
  604. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  605. };
  606. }
  607. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.952228-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  608. completedPropertyOperations = (
  609. );
  610. name = SendData;
  611. propertyOperations = (
  612. {
  613. name = writeData;
  614. operation = write;
  615. value = {
  616. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  617. };
  618. }
  619. );
  620. values = {
  621. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  622. };
  623. }
  624. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  625. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.952854-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  626. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.953318-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  627. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  628. }), meta: {
  629. name = writeData;
  630. type = data;
  631. }
  632. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.953951-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 7 bytes
  633. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.954112-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  634. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  635. 2019-06-20 00:41:38.955021-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 44227D5D5D7D0A into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  636. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.416941-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  637. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.417368-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command is in progress: commandInProgress, enqueueing commandToEnqueue
  638. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.417561-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  639. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.417794-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command is in progress: commandInProgress, enqueueing commandToEnqueue
  640. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.417974-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  641. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.418206-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command is in progress: commandInProgress, enqueueing commandToEnqueue
  642. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.418409-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command - SendData
  643. 2019-06-20 00:41:39.418657-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command is in progress: commandInProgress, enqueueing commandToEnqueue
  644. 2019-06-20 00:41:43.984208-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralFailedToWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  645. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  646. error = "Error Domain=CBATTErrorDomain Code=14 \"Unlikely error.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unlikely error.}";
  647. }
  648. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.954023-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command timed out: {
  649. completedPropertyOperations = (
  650. );
  651. name = SendData;
  652. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  653. name = writeData;
  654. operation = write;
  655. value = {
  656. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  657. };
  658. };
  659. propertyOperations = (
  660. );
  661. values = {
  662. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  663. };
  664. }
  665. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.960142-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceFailedToPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  666. command = {
  667. completedPropertyOperations = (
  668. );
  669. name = SendData;
  670. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  671. name = writeData;
  672. operation = write;
  673. value = {
  674. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  675. };
  676. };
  677. propertyOperations = (
  678. );
  679. values = {
  680. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  681. };
  682. };
  683. error = "Error Domain=iCoin_Wallet.MyError Code=1 \"(null)\"";
  684. name = SendData;
  685. }
  686. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.961758-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  687. {
  688. command = SendData;
  689. meta = {
  690. label = "Get Networks";
  691. properties = (
  692. {
  693. name = writeData;
  694. operation = write;
  695. }
  696. );
  697. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  698. };
  699. params = {
  700. writeData = {
  701. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  702. };
  703. };
  704. },
  705. {
  706. command = SendData;
  707. meta = {
  708. label = "Get Networks";
  709. properties = (
  710. {
  711. name = writeData;
  712. operation = write;
  713. }
  714. );
  715. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  716. };
  717. params = {
  718. writeData = {
  719. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  720. };
  721. };
  722. },
  723. {
  724. co
  725. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.963460-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] next command: {
  726. command = SendData;
  727. meta = {
  728. label = "Get Networks";
  729. properties = (
  730. {
  731. name = writeData;
  732. operation = write;
  733. }
  734. );
  735. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  736. };
  737. params = {
  738. writeData = {
  739. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  740. };
  741. };
  742. }
  743. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.964273-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  744. label = "Get Networks";
  745. properties = (
  746. {
  747. name = writeData;
  748. operation = write;
  749. }
  750. );
  751. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  752. }, params: {
  753. writeData = {
  754. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  755. };
  756. }
  757. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.965165-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  758. {
  759. name = writeData;
  760. operation = write;
  761. value = {
  762. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  763. };
  764. }
  765. )
  766. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.966072-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  767. completedPropertyOperations = (
  768. );
  769. name = SendData;
  770. propertyOperations = (
  771. {
  772. name = writeData;
  773. operation = write;
  774. value = {
  775. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  776. };
  777. }
  778. );
  779. values = {
  780. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  781. };
  782. }
  783. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.966625-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  784. completedPropertyOperations = (
  785. );
  786. name = SendData;
  787. propertyOperations = (
  788. {
  789. name = writeData;
  790. operation = write;
  791. value = {
  792. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  793. };
  794. }
  795. );
  796. values = {
  797. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  798. };
  799. }
  800. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  801. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.967364-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  802. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.967765-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  803. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  804. }), meta: {
  805. name = writeData;
  806. type = data;
  807. }
  808. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.968043-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 20 bytes
  809. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.968174-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  810. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  811. 2019-06-20 00:41:48.969069-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 7B2263223A352C2270223A5B5B7B2261223A2230 into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  812. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.022770-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  813. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  814. }
  815. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.023744-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  816. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.024533-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  817. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.025158-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  818. completedPropertyOperations = (
  819. );
  820. name = SendData;
  821. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  822. name = writeData;
  823. operation = write;
  824. value = {
  825. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  826. };
  827. };
  828. propertyOperations = (
  829. );
  830. values = {
  831. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  832. };
  833. }
  834. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.025701-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  835. completedPropertyOperations = (
  836. {
  837. name = writeData;
  838. operation = write;
  839. value = {
  840. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  841. };
  842. }
  843. );
  844. name = SendData;
  845. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  846. };
  847. propertyOperations = (
  848. );
  849. values = {
  850. data = <7b226322 3a352c22 70223a5b 5b7b2261 223a2230>;
  851. };
  852. }
  853. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.026157-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  854. {
  855. command = SendData;
  856. meta = {
  857. label = "Get Networks";
  858. properties = (
  859. {
  860. name = writeData;
  861. operation = write;
  862. }
  863. );
  864. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  865. };
  866. params = {
  867. writeData = {
  868. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  869. };
  870. };
  871. },
  872. {
  873. command = SendData;
  874. meta = {
  875. label = "Get Networks";
  876. properties = (
  877. {
  878. name = writeData;
  879. operation = write;
  880. }
  881. );
  882. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  883. };
  884. params = {
  885. writeData = {
  886. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  887. };
  888. };
  889. },
  890. {
  891. co
  892. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.026808-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] next command: {
  893. command = SendData;
  894. meta = {
  895. label = "Get Networks";
  896. properties = (
  897. {
  898. name = writeData;
  899. operation = write;
  900. }
  901. );
  902. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  903. };
  904. params = {
  905. writeData = {
  906. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  907. };
  908. };
  909. }
  910. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.027497-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  911. label = "Get Networks";
  912. properties = (
  913. {
  914. name = writeData;
  915. operation = write;
  916. }
  917. );
  918. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  919. }, params: {
  920. writeData = {
  921. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  922. };
  923. }
  924. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.027813-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  925. {
  926. name = writeData;
  927. operation = write;
  928. value = {
  929. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  930. };
  931. }
  932. )
  933. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.028137-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  934. completedPropertyOperations = (
  935. );
  936. name = SendData;
  937. propertyOperations = (
  938. {
  939. name = writeData;
  940. operation = write;
  941. value = {
  942. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  943. };
  944. }
  945. );
  946. values = {
  947. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  948. };
  949. }
  950. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.028790-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  951. completedPropertyOperations = (
  952. );
  953. name = SendData;
  954. propertyOperations = (
  955. {
  956. name = writeData;
  957. operation = write;
  958. value = {
  959. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  960. };
  961. }
  962. );
  963. values = {
  964. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  965. };
  966. }
  967. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  968. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.029126-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  969. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.029348-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  970. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  971. }), meta: {
  972. name = writeData;
  973. type = data;
  974. }
  975. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.029501-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 20 bytes
  976. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.029571-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  977. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  978. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.030057-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 7833433935303637343436453930373439323042 into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  979. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.080577-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  980. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  981. }
  982. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.082315-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  983. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.082545-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  984. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.083646-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  985. completedPropertyOperations = (
  986. );
  987. name = SendData;
  988. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  989. name = writeData;
  990. operation = write;
  991. value = {
  992. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  993. };
  994. };
  995. propertyOperations = (
  996. );
  997. values = {
  998. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  999. };
  1000. }
  1001. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.084993-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  1002. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1003. {
  1004. name = writeData;
  1005. operation = write;
  1006. value = {
  1007. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  1008. };
  1009. }
  1010. );
  1011. name = SendData;
  1012. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  1013. };
  1014. propertyOperations = (
  1015. );
  1016. values = {
  1017. data = <78334339 35303637 34343645 39303734 39323042>;
  1018. };
  1019. }
  1020. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.085840-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  1021. {
  1022. command = SendData;
  1023. meta = {
  1024. label = "Get Networks";
  1025. properties = (
  1026. {
  1027. name = writeData;
  1028. operation = write;
  1029. }
  1030. );
  1031. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  1032. };
  1033. params = {
  1034. writeData = {
  1035. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1036. };
  1037. };
  1038. },
  1039. {
  1040. command = SendData;
  1041. meta = {
  1042. label = "Get Networks";
  1043. properties = (
  1044. {
  1045. name = writeData;
  1046. operation = write;
  1047. }
  1048. );
  1049. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  1050. };
  1051. params = {
  1052. writeData = {
  1053. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1054. };
  1055. };
  1056. }
  1057. )
  1058. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.086611-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] next command: {
  1059. command = SendData;
  1060. meta = {
  1061. label = "Get Networks";
  1062. properties = (
  1063. {
  1064. name = writeData;
  1065. operation = write;
  1066. }
  1067. );
  1068. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  1069. };
  1070. params = {
  1071. writeData = {
  1072. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1073. };
  1074. };
  1075. }
  1076. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.087294-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  1077. label = "Get Networks";
  1078. properties = (
  1079. {
  1080. name = writeData;
  1081. operation = write;
  1082. }
  1083. );
  1084. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  1085. }, params: {
  1086. writeData = {
  1087. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1088. };
  1089. }
  1090. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.087873-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  1091. {
  1092. name = writeData;
  1093. operation = write;
  1094. value = {
  1095. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1096. };
  1097. }
  1098. )
  1099. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.088571-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  1100. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1101. );
  1102. name = SendData;
  1103. propertyOperations = (
  1104. {
  1105. name = writeData;
  1106. operation = write;
  1107. value = {
  1108. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1109. };
  1110. }
  1111. );
  1112. values = {
  1113. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1114. };
  1115. }
  1116. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.089059-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  1117. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1118. );
  1119. name = SendData;
  1120. propertyOperations = (
  1121. {
  1122. name = writeData;
  1123. operation = write;
  1124. value = {
  1125. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1126. };
  1127. }
  1128. );
  1129. values = {
  1130. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1131. };
  1132. }
  1133. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  1134. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.089801-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  1135. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.090233-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  1136. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1137. }), meta: {
  1138. name = writeData;
  1139. type = data;
  1140. }
  1141. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.090885-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 20 bytes
  1142. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.091191-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  1143. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  1144. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.092581-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 4139643139643838413132333366333231393235 into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  1145. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.140519-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  1146. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  1147. }
  1148. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.142678-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  1149. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.143334-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  1150. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.144763-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  1151. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1152. );
  1153. name = SendData;
  1154. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  1155. name = writeData;
  1156. operation = write;
  1157. value = {
  1158. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1159. };
  1160. };
  1161. propertyOperations = (
  1162. );
  1163. values = {
  1164. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1165. };
  1166. }
  1167. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.146073-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  1168. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1169. {
  1170. name = writeData;
  1171. operation = write;
  1172. value = {
  1173. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1174. };
  1175. }
  1176. );
  1177. name = SendData;
  1178. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  1179. };
  1180. propertyOperations = (
  1181. );
  1182. values = {
  1183. data = <41396431 39643838 41313233 33663332 31393235>;
  1184. };
  1185. }
  1186. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.146763-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  1187. {
  1188. command = SendData;
  1189. meta = {
  1190. label = "Get Networks";
  1191. properties = (
  1192. {
  1193. name = writeData;
  1194. operation = write;
  1195. }
  1196. );
  1197. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  1198. };
  1199. params = {
  1200. writeData = {
  1201. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1202. };
  1203. };
  1204. }
  1205. )
  1206. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.147483-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] next command: {
  1207. command = SendData;
  1208. meta = {
  1209. label = "Get Networks";
  1210. properties = (
  1211. {
  1212. name = writeData;
  1213. operation = write;
  1214. }
  1215. );
  1216. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  1217. };
  1218. params = {
  1219. writeData = {
  1220. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1221. };
  1222. };
  1223. }
  1224. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.148056-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] command: SendData, meta: {
  1225. label = "Get Networks";
  1226. properties = (
  1227. {
  1228. name = writeData;
  1229. operation = write;
  1230. }
  1231. );
  1232. userPINIsRequired = 0;
  1233. }, params: {
  1234. writeData = {
  1235. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1236. };
  1237. }
  1238. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.148637-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property operations (
  1239. {
  1240. name = writeData;
  1241. operation = write;
  1242. value = {
  1243. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1244. };
  1245. }
  1246. )
  1247. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.149329-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceWillPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  1248. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1249. );
  1250. name = SendData;
  1251. propertyOperations = (
  1252. {
  1253. name = writeData;
  1254. operation = write;
  1255. value = {
  1256. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1257. };
  1258. }
  1259. );
  1260. values = {
  1261. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1262. };
  1263. }
  1264. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.149820-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  1265. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1266. );
  1267. name = SendData;
  1268. propertyOperations = (
  1269. {
  1270. name = writeData;
  1271. operation = write;
  1272. value = {
  1273. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1274. };
  1275. }
  1276. );
  1277. values = {
  1278. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1279. };
  1280. }
  1281. PropertyCharacteristicPath(property:servicesMeta:actor:) finding property f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  1282. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.150779-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] characteristicPath f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292
  1283. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.151455-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing property: writeData, characteristic path: f6a2e57d-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292.f6a2e57e-608e-4482-94e0-b2f458490292, value: Optional({
  1284. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1285. }), meta: {
  1286. name = writeData;
  1287. type = data;
  1288. }
  1289. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.151851-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] transformed value: 7 bytes
  1290. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.152108-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Value Data
  1291. CBUUIDsFromNSStrings(strings:) CBUUIDsFromNSStrings ["F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292", "F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292"]
  1292. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.154884-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] writing value: 44227D5D5D7D0A into characteristic: Optional("<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>")
  1293. 2019-06-20 00:41:49.201151-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralFailedToWriteValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  1294. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcea0, UUID = F6A2E57E-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x8, value = (null), notifying = NO>";
  1295. error = "Error Domain=CBATTErrorDomain Code=3 \"Writing is not permitted.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Writing is not permitted.}";
  1296. }
  1297. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.093920-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification PeripheralDidUpdateValueForCharacteristic with object <CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>, info: {
  1298. characteristic = "<CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcd80, UUID = F6A2E57F-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x12, value = <7b226322 3a20352c 20227222 3a20337d 0a>, notifying = YES>";
  1299. service = "<CBService: 0x282f61b80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292>";
  1300. value = <7b226322 3a20352c 20227222 3a20337d 0a>;
  1301. }
  1302. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.095100-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] *********property updated********* name = PeripheralDidUpdateValueForCharacteristic, object = Optional(<CBPeripheral: 0x2806c52c0, identifier = 0D8C8E86-0449-6E3A-E189-F39D4670443C, name = My device, state = connected>), userInfo = Optional([AnyHashable("service"): <CBService: 0x282f61b80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292>, AnyHashable("value"): <7b226322 3a20352c 20227222 3a20337d 0a>, AnyHashable("characteristic"): <CBCharacteristic: 0x2813dcd80, UUID = F6A2E57F-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292, properties = 0x12, value = <7b226322 3a20352c 20227222 3a20337d 0a>, notifying = YES>])
  1303. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.297994-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57D-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  1304. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.298287-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] service UUID 128bit F6A2E57F-608E-4482-94E0-B2F458490292
  1305. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.298937-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] {propertyMeta: {
  1306. isObservable = 1;
  1307. name = responseData;
  1308. type = data;
  1309. }, value: 17 bytes, oldValue: Optional(<7b227222 3a20302c 20226322 3a20337d 0a>)}
  1310. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.299442-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidUpdateProperty with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  1311. name = responseData;
  1312. oldValue = <7b227222 3a20302c 20226322 3a20337d 0a>;
  1313. value = <7b226322 3a20352c 20227222 3a20337d 0a>;
  1314. }
  1315. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.299819-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Property Updated -- name
  1316. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.300693-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] Command :- {
  1317. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1318. );
  1319. name = SendData;
  1320. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  1321. name = writeData;
  1322. operation = write;
  1323. readValue = <7b226322 3a20352c 20227222 3a20337d 0a>;
  1324. value = {
  1325. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1326. };
  1327. };
  1328. propertyOperations = (
  1329. );
  1330. values = {
  1331. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1332. };
  1333. }
  1334. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.301985-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] posting notification DeviceDidPerformCommand with object <iCoin_Wallet.BLEActor: 0x281ccbe90>, info: {
  1335. completedPropertyOperations = (
  1336. {
  1337. name = writeData;
  1338. operation = write;
  1339. readValue = <7b226322 3a20352c 20227222 3a20337d 0a>;
  1340. value = {
  1341. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1342. };
  1343. }
  1344. );
  1345. name = SendData;
  1346. propertyOperationInProgress = {
  1347. };
  1348. propertyOperations = (
  1349. );
  1350. values = {
  1351. data = <44227d5d 5d7d0a>;
  1352. };
  1353. }
  1354. 2019-06-20 00:41:54.302441-0700 iCoin-Wallet[5281:1008596] queue: (
  1355. )
  1356. Command Response
  1357. ["r": 3, "c": 5]
  1358. {"c": 5, "r": 3}
  1360. Command Response
  1361. ["c": 5, "r": 3]
  1362. {"c": 5, "r": 3}
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