
Session 07: What Steel Fears...

Dec 7th, 2013
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  1. [2013-11-30 20:14:10] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session 6====
  2. [2013-11-30 20:14:59] <CrystalDM> 03Our fearless adventurers have cleared a small group of bloatsprites and continue onward toward Stable 42. What danger, horror, and bloodshed await? Will they have to endure Stable food? Find out, now!
  3. [2013-11-30 20:16:24] <Emerald_Blitz> As they walk away from the nearly bloodless victory against tiny insects, Emerald has a bounce in her step, and begins humming to herself. Then, in a mellow alto, she begins to sing a cheerful song.
  4. [2013-11-30 20:17:05] <Emerald_Blitz> "~ It’s a fine day, for heroics. To walk together in the sun, It’s a fine day, for heroics And out we go, our journey’s just begun~!"
  5. [2013-11-30 20:17:44] * Emerald_Blitz trots next to Clue and smiles. "Never will I worry, about the things outside. Never will I fear the monsters, never will I hide. For with my friends-in-arms I walk, and any trouble we’ll abide~"
  6. [2013-11-30 20:18:16] * Clue sighs. "Oh no... she sings...
  7. [2013-11-30 20:18:18] <Emerald_Blitz> "For it’s a fine day, for heroics. We’ll journey forth to spread the word. On this fine day, for heroics, And do what we must, for we must be heard~!"
  8. [2013-11-30 20:18:40] * Emerald_Blitz takes to the air and swoops around the group.
  9. [2013-11-30 20:18:56] <Emerald_Blitz> "Though the road may be a bother, though the times get tough, We will soldier on no matter if the journey’s rough. For all my comrades, though they’re strange, are made of sterner stuff~!"
  10. [2013-11-30 20:19:25] <Emerald_Blitz> "And it’s a fine day, for heroics. We’ll save the day, you’ll see. On a fine day, for heroics, Let’s work together, all of you and meeee~!"
  11. [2013-11-30 20:19:30] * Militus grins slightly, amused by Emerald's display.
  12. [2013-11-30 20:20:23] * Emerald_Blitz lands at the front of the group, flushed with excitement, and folds her wings. "Sorry," she says sheepishly. "Date a major from the Ministry of Morale Esprit de Corps battalion for six months, it rubs off on you..."
  13. [2013-11-30 20:21:31] <Militus> "There is no need to apologize, Captain. You have an excellent voice."
  14. [2013-11-30 20:22:09] <Clue> "...twas nice... I suppose..."
  15. [2013-11-30 20:23:10] * Clue pushes her nose into her map and tries to lead the group to Stable 42.
  16. [2013-11-30 20:23:30] * Asami rolls her eyes at Militus "always the player ehh Milly?
  17. [2013-11-30 20:24:48] * Emerald_Blitz blushes. "Thank you, Militus. I try." She follows alongside Clue, keeping pace with the much shyer unicorn.
  18. [2013-11-30 20:25:27] * Militus shakes his head. "No, Asami, I am merely paying the Captain a complement. I have no such...interest in her."
  19. [2013-11-30 20:32:48] <CrystalDM> 03After a couple hours of travel, fifteen minutes before the sun sets on another day in the Northern Empire, the group arrives to the remains of a university. Four power armor ponies, each sporting battle saddles with a grenade machine gun on one side and a missile launcher on the other are tracking them as they approach. One of them raises a hoof and gestures the group over to them.
  20. [2013-11-30 20:34:40] * Emerald_Blitz continues walking up to the Rangers. "Ah, the Steel Ranger Special," she says in amusement. "Must be something dangerous around here or else they wouldn't be so heavily armed..." The alicorn folds her wings tightly to her back and lets someone else take the lead, as this isn't her mission.
  21. [2013-11-30 20:35:46] * Clue 's ears droop as she takes a lower stance, getting closer to the ground in hopes to not come off as hostile and moves closer to the ranger. "We're just here from Crystal Crossing..."
  22. [2013-11-30 20:35:53] * Militus hangs back near Emerald_Blitz, casting wary glances at the Rangers.
  23. [2013-11-30 20:36:40] * Asami waves a paw to the Rangers and smiles
  24. [2013-11-30 20:39:22] * Emerald_Blitz does walk up behind Clue for moral support. Also possibly shielding if the Rangers are as unpleasant as she's heard.
  25. [2013-11-30 20:39:53] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie walks behind the others, muttering unpleasant things about the snow. The rangers all seem to be looking at Emerald_Blitz, though the one that signaled you over shakes his head. "What business does Crystal Crossing have with the Rangers?" He looks down to Clue. His tone is neutral.
  26. [2013-11-30 20:41:34] * Clue is almost laying on the ground now. "...ummm... we... er... are here to give warning about the threat increase of corruption and monoliths..."
  27. [2013-11-30 20:43:04] * Asami looks over at Clue...wondering why she's trying to lay in the snow "hey Clue? there some reason why you're digging a foxhole in the snow right now?
  28. [2013-11-30 20:43:04] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Connection closed)
  29. [2013-11-30 20:45:39] * Clue quickly looks back at Asami. "N-n-no reason" is muttered before her attention darts back to the Steel Rangers awaiting their moves.
  30. [2013-11-30 20:45:54] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-3oo.q34.178.76.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  31. [2013-11-30 20:47:28] * Emerald_Blitz nudges Clue. "Stand up, soldier," she snaps. "You've got a job to do. No cowering."
  32. [2013-11-30 20:47:49] <CrystalDM> 03The ranger shakes his head. "Who sent you?" Two of the ranger's look at each and say nothing, however, everyone but Militus can hear the fourth Steel Ranger chuckling. The two rangers that looked at each other look at him, and he suddenly stops chuckling.
  33. [2013-11-30 20:48:06] <CrystalDM> (( look at each other ))
  34. [2013-11-30 20:50:14] * Clue stands up straight with and eep caused by the nudge. She takes a big gulp as her legs shake. "Rim Fire sent us... from Crystal Crossing... our water pumps were attacked by a group of corrupted monsters..."
  35. [2013-11-30 20:51:28] * Militus steps up on Clue's other side, opposite Emerald_Blitz, for more moral support.
  36. [2013-11-30 20:56:30] <CrystalDM> 03The ranger nods and looks back to the other rangers. The three of them nod, and head off back toward the only building that seems to be in any good repair. The sign looks like the name has fallen off, but the Stable-Tec logo is still easy to see. "Our Elder is going to want a full report.. You can come with me, get lodging and hot food, or you can leave. Your choice."
  37. [2013-11-30 20:57:07] <Asami> I'm all for the hot lodging and food myself
  38. [2013-11-30 20:57:39] * Clue looks up at the fading sun. "....going with you is... yes"
  39. [2013-11-30 20:58:10] * Militus nods. "Lodging is a good idea, and the more information we can give them the better in this case."
  40. [2013-11-30 20:59:31] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Offer of safe lodging and hot food in exchange for what we were duty-bound to do regardless?" she says. "We'd be happy to accommodate, erm..." She looks over the armor. "I'm afraid I don't see rank insignia," she says, and salutes. "Captain Emerald Blitz, Lunar Army, Second Infantry, Special Task And Resource division."
  41. [2013-11-30 21:00:33] * Clue starts to head towards the building. "...I don't mean to sound... insensitive, but... I don't anyone cares about that sort of stuff anymore..."
  42. [2013-11-30 21:00:53] <Asami> Hey Clue...just a dumb question that building what a stable looks like? aka: are we there yet?
  43. [2013-11-30 21:01:53] * Militus raises an eyebrow. "I rather thought Stables were underground bunkers. Perhaps the Stable is underneath this building?"
  44. [2013-11-30 21:02:28] * Clue addresses Asami. "...I'm not sure... the map says so... I think it's hiding here somewhere..." Clue shrugs. "That's kinda the point right?"
  45. [2013-11-30 21:02:50] <Asami> as long as its where the map sez it is I'm fine with it
  46. [2013-11-30 21:03:38] <CrystalDM> 03The Ranger cocks his head at Emerald_Blitz. "Paladin Loin of Squad Beef. You can call me Sir Loin of Beef if you like, or just Loin. I wasn't aware the Princesses served in the military." Loin looks to the others. "The Stable's location we keep a secret, to protect the families that live there. Did Rim Fire want you to speak with them as well?"
  47. [2013-11-30 21:05:32] * Clue speaks up quietly. "I don't think that's neccessary... we have other places to give the same warning to... as long as they are aware of the possibly coming danger..."
  48. [2013-11-30 21:05:32] <Emerald_Blitz> "We're warning all the surrounding areas, Paladin," Emerald says. "If you will deal with the threat yourselves in their defense, then it isn't strictly-speaking necessary." She ignores the comment about Princesses.
  49. [2013-11-30 21:09:39] <CrystalDM> 03Loin shrugs. "We haven't had any attacks by manifestations or corrupted creatures... mostly dealing with the raider issue. What makes these attacks so special that Rim Fire would send a group to pass on a warning?" The paladin keeps walking toward the building.
  50. [2013-11-30 21:11:22] * Militus looks at Emerald_Blitz. "Captain, perhaps you should tell him where you got that coat?"
  51. [2013-11-30 21:12:21] * Clue follows behind the ranger. "...just a safety precaution?"
  52. [2013-11-30 21:13:54] * Emerald_Blitz clears her throat. "Clue is partially right. There's been something different about this last batch. More pervasive. More corrupt. Prone to altering monsters into... stranger and more powerful version of the same thing," she explains. "This cloak, for example, was worn by a... what was the word, Gecko? It was converting other lizards into similar creatures. Actual physiological changes." She...
  53. [2013-11-30 21:13:56] * Emerald_Blitz ...flaps her wings once. "Very unpleasant. Not anything you should have trouble with, if you remain on guard."
  54. [2013-11-30 21:15:36] <Asami> mehh...I'm just here to sell stuff and aquire future stock for the shop
  55. [2013-11-30 21:16:03] <Asami> ohh yeah there was a really big one that was wearing this wicked cool hat I have one
  56. [2013-11-30 21:17:47] * Militus smirks. "Indeed. The hat is quite distinctive."
  57. [2013-11-30 21:19:23] <CrystalDM> 03Loin shakes his head. "Ah. Well, I'll be sure Elder Slow Roast and Mane Scribe Pan Sear will want to know more then." The ranger goes silent for a moment, and a buzzing sound comes from the door of the building as it opens. "What exactly were these corrupted creatures, so I can tell our soldiers on watch?"
  58. [2013-11-30 21:19:39] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  59. [2013-11-30 21:21:01] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-3oo.q34.178.76.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  60. [2013-11-30 21:22:41] * Clue ponders for a moment. "It really could come in any form.... but ours were giant geckos apparently..."
  61. [2013-11-30 21:24:46] <Emerald_Blitz> "Darker and more corrupt. One gecko breathed dark fire. Very unpleasant,"Emerald says. "It already gets hot in those tin cans. I don't imagine them being on fire is particularly amusing."
  62. [2013-11-30 21:27:58] * Militus mutters, "I never imagined being inside one at all to be very amusing."
  63. [2013-11-30 21:28:36] <Emerald_Blitz> "Oh, you'd be surprised," Emerald says. "Nothing like being nearly bulletproof, having weaponry attached, and being able to magically pick your targets with a thought."
  64. [2013-11-30 21:29:19] <CrystalDM> 03The ranger chuckles. "Oh, its not so bad, especially in the winter. Keeps us warm through the night." The ranger gestures to the open door, the dim lighting of the inside revealing an incredibly scuffed up hardwood floor and a blank wall. A turret, equipped with a pair of large MEW... cannons? With blue gems can be seen focused on the doorway. "After you all."
  65. [2013-11-30 21:29:51] <Emerald_Blitz> "Thank you, Paladin," Emerald says, and shepherds the very quiet Clue inside in front of her as she steps in.
  66. [2013-11-30 21:30:30] * Asami heads inside as well, gawking at anything and everything as they go
  67. [2013-11-30 21:31:03] * Clue scrunches her face and backs up only to meet the towering Emerald_Blitz and be forced in. "But!..."
  68. [2013-11-30 21:31:56] * Militus steps inside as well. "Yes, and it also seems to greatly restrict one's movement, impede using cover, and is loud enough to wake the dead. I also do not fancy becoming completely immobilized by spark weapons."
  69. [2013-11-30 21:36:31] * Emerald_Blitz snorts. "Most spark weapons won't immobilize the armor unless it's heavily damaged, Militus. Though some weaponry, like spark grenades or mines can be... problematic." The alicorn walks inside and looks up at the cannons. "Huh. It seems they're more worried about their own than they are outside threats... Paladin? What's that coil, there? That's not standard-issue..."
  70. [2013-11-30 21:38:30] * Militus harrumphs. "I would still rather be able to move and conceal myself in combat. Armor is for 'just-in-case', not as a primary means of defence."
  71. [2013-11-30 21:40:01] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie whistles at the turret as she goes in, even as you all can hear the faint hum and crackle of electricity. Those with fur can feel the electricity in the air put their coats on end. Loin nods to Emerald_Blitz. "Ah, yes. One of our scribes came up with that modification. Makes the blasts not quite as strong, but it lets the cannons fire in a burst." Loin looks to Militus. "Sometimes...
  72. [2013-11-30 21:40:01] <CrystalDM> ...the armor is all that stops the hoof of a manifestation from trying to rip out your heart. I'd keep your opinions about the armor to yourself, if I were you. There are more than a few that are a little more touchy about it."
  73. [2013-11-30 21:40:50] <Asami> but Armor is an awesome fashion statement Milly...AND let me point out that no matter how quick a pony is...eventually...they will get hit...and when that does happen its nice to have something between you and the Mcnasty hitting you
  74. [2013-11-30 21:42:24] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Better to catch a bullet with a steel plate than with your chest," She says, then frowns. "Not that I seem to be capable of fitting into one any longer..." The alicorn falls silent. Burst-fire thunder cannons? What are the Rangers so scared of that they'd make something that terrifying, not to mention energy inefficient?
  75. [2013-11-30 21:43:55] <CrystalDM> 03This front entry room is bare, the walls given a white wash. It looks like what might have been a secretarial desk has been converted into the stand for the turret. The only exit from the room and its bare walls, other than the entrance, is a pair of narrow passages, just barely large enough for Emerald_Blitz to get through.
  76. [2013-11-30 21:44:25] * Militus sighs and falls silent. Occasionally he wishes for other zebra, they relate so much better at times.
  77. [2013-11-30 21:46:25] * Emerald_Blitz winces as she clangs her horn on the metal roof, and crouches a little in the smaller space. "So, your Elder, Roast," she says. "Are we meeting him now?"
  78. [2013-11-30 21:47:06] <CrystalDM> 03Loin nods to the group, gesturing to the pair of narrow passages on the right. "Head on through. A pair of scribes will relieve you of your weapons. And yes, Captain, you'll be meeting with him now."
  79. [2013-11-30 21:47:07] * Asami waves at the ranger in the room with us, then pointing at one of the walls "hey Mister Ranger? where does that door go? ya got it hid pretty well but I could reccommend some improvements to make it more hideaway if ya want
  80. [2013-11-30 21:48:39] * Clue stops in her tracks. "Wait what?... relieve us of our weapons?... I like my weapons..."
  81. [2013-11-30 21:49:39] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "Very well. Thank you, Paladin Loin." She turns to Clue. "Into the belly of the beast, eh?" She brushes the unicorn's cheek with a wingtip. "Don't worry. They're not going to hurt us. We're on their side. Just stay close, soldier on, and it'll be over soon."
  82. [2013-11-30 21:49:49] <CrystalDM> 03The turret refocuses on the dragon momentarily, and Loin waves at it. It goes back to pointing at the entryway. "You think Rangers take the Narrows to get out through the front?" The ranger turns to Clue. "Sorry... standing protocol. You are friendly, but we don't know you from any other Wasteland Pony. You'll get your weapons when you leave."
  83. [2013-11-30 21:50:58] * Clue blinks a few times while her thoughts whirl in her head. "...mkay..."
  84. [2013-11-30 21:51:33] <Asami> hey now...I aint got no weapons....and you aint cutting my paws and head off...I got manners hrmmpf
  85. [2013-11-30 21:52:02] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "A reasonable precaution. We will make good on your trust," Emerald says, then scowls at Asami. "Behave, or I'll tell your father you were rabble-rousing at the Rangers base."
  86. [2013-11-30 21:53:16] <Asami> rabble rousing? what the heck did I do all I did was ask a fark'n question...sheesh...I -could- have walked through it...but I thought it better to ask about it...I mean..we're all friends here I thought?
  87. [2013-11-30 21:54:27] <Militus> "Asami, it's rather crude to assume that the Ranger would disembowel you. They're better behaved than that."
  88. [2013-11-30 21:54:44] * Emerald_Blitz lowers her head to put it on Asami's level. "One, that wasn't a question. Two, the sarcasm is probably not an excellent plan when surrounded by soldiers who could reduce you to jam with a single trigger-pull. We're friends, but don't push it. Please. If we're going to work together, please don't insult the heavily-armed and slightly twitchy ponies."
  89. [2013-11-30 21:54:49] <CrystalDM> 03Passing through the 'Narrows' puts each pony in another room like the entryway. A pair of turrets, each turret sporting two Markspony Carbines is angled down toward where the Narrow's exit from the room. Under each turret stands a unicorn in red Scribe's Robes. The only other oddity in the room is the window that would look outside... it is covered with metal and wood.
  90. [2013-11-30 21:55:54] * Asami rolls her eyes and sighs "fine...I won't offer any more help or advice anymore....not like anypony gives a crap what 'the dragon' has to say about anything
  91. [2013-11-30 21:57:01] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "I do. I'm sure you'll have some valuable input at some point. But not with that much sarcasm," she says. "And not implying that the rangers have no manners. Doesn't do to insult your hosts."
  92. [2013-11-30 21:57:51] * Clue shifts her mouth a bit and talks to Asami. "...I care..."
  93. [2013-11-30 21:58:06] * Emerald_Blitz ducks her head and squeezes through the tunnel into the small room. "Hello," she says pleasantly to the Scribe, levitating her shotgun and rifle out onto the table. "I do not have any other weaponry, but feel free to check."
  94. [2013-11-30 21:58:48] * Militus walks through on the other side of Emerald_Blitz. Upon arriving in front of a scribe, he wordlessly strips his weapons and puts them on the table.
  95. [2013-11-30 21:58:50] <Asami> yeah well the only weapons I have are kinda glued onto my when somepony asks for folks to 'disarm'...I get anxious
  96. [2013-11-30 21:59:36] <CrystalDM> 03As Emerald_Blitz and Militus pass through into the next room, a gate behind each of them slides shut, preventing any further entry by any trying to get in. The gate is made of chicken wire, and doesn't appear to be too sturdy... more of a suggestion to those following to wait patiently.
  97. [2013-11-30 22:02:28] * Emerald_Blitz opens her saddlebags and dumps the contents, sans tent and bedroll, for inspection. It's mostly medical supplies and ammunition. "I'm Emerald Blitz," she says to the scribe. "And you are?"
  98. [2013-11-30 22:03:24] * Militus wordlessly hefts his bags onto the table. He simply stares at the scribe opposite him.
  99. [2013-11-30 22:03:28] * Clue gulps and begins to sweat. "I don't like this one bit...."
  100. [2013-11-30 22:05:04] <CrystalDM> 03The scribe next to Emerald_Blitz stutters for a moment, and Emerald can see, now that she has gotten into the next room, it is a Crystal Pony! The pony, a peach mare with ruby mane, smiles. "S-sorry to do this, Princess." Her horn glows green, like the mare's eyes, and feathers fall over Emerald_Blitz. The feathers all drift over, landing on the weapons and the ammunition. "F-feather...
  101. [2013-11-30 22:05:04] <CrystalDM> ...Fall, your Highness."
  102. [2013-11-30 22:06:16] <Asami> uhm...whats going on up there Clue?
  103. [2013-11-30 22:07:03] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "That's not necessary, Feather Fall. Just call me Emerald." She smiles kindly. "Interesting aesthetic to your magic... I've worked with many unicorns, but none with such a complicated look to their spells. Did you do that yourself, or does it come naturally?" The alicorn waits for the spell to finish its work.
  104. [2013-11-30 22:07:36] * Clue turns to face Asami. "I... don't know... and that's what bothers me... I can't see past..." Clue pokes at the gate. "..chicken wire?"
  105. [2013-11-30 22:08:40] <Asami> chicken wire? th' buck? what the frick is ...explain Clue? chicken wire doesn't make any sense
  106. [2013-11-30 22:08:45] <CrystalDM> 03The silver-maned unicorn in front of Militus scowls, his blue eyes narrow. His red coat blends in with the scribe's robes. His horn glows, and rose petals blow around the zebra before settling on the weapons. They vanish, and the unicorn casts the spell a second time, just to be sure before the red aura of his telekinesis takes the weapons and sets them aside. "Name."
  107. [2013-11-30 22:09:58] * Militus responds cooly "Militus."
  108. [2013-11-30 22:11:04] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal pony blushes, the feather's vanishing as her spell ends. "Yes your high-, I mean, Emerald. My spells have always been this way. Feathers everywhere. Can't make them go away." The mare picks up the ammunition and the weapons. If Emerald looks closely, she can even see the telekinesis has little feathers drifting through it.
  109. [2013-11-30 22:11:32] * Clue shrugs. "Their impromtu port cutlas is made of chicken wire...." The expression of fear is replaced with deadpan on her face.
  110. [2013-11-30 22:13:36] <CrystalDM> 03The rose unicorn pulls an index card from his saddle bags, writing down Militus's name. He takes some string, tying the weapons together and putting them in a leather bag he pulls from behind him. "You'll get these when you leave." The unicorn could be described as professional... if it wasn't for that haughty sneer pasted across his face.
  111. [2013-11-30 22:14:12] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles, her soft alto filling the tiny room. "Well, I wouldn't get rid of them if I were you," she says. "They're very pretty. Mine is all green glow and prickles. I would trade you in a heartbeat. Now." She folds her wings to her back. "If we're done, I'd like to make sure my friends are safe as well." She gestures to Clue. "If you wouldn't mind speaking to her. She... doesn't do well...
  112. [2013-11-30 22:14:14] * Emerald_Blitz ...with confrontation, and I'm afraid your... associate is..."
  113. [2013-11-30 22:16:33] * Militus doesn't break eye contact with the rose unicorn, even as he steps aside. "Oh, no worries Captain. I think this one merely takes issue with my personal sense of fashion. I doubt he'll give Miss Clue any trouble."
  114. [2013-11-30 22:18:34] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal mare looks over at her coworker. "Night Rose, you stop that! These are our guests!" Night Rose rolls his eyes and attempts to smile at Militus. "Have a nice day." Feather Fall looks back at Emerald. "Don't worry Princess. I'll make sure he doesn't give your friend any trouble." She gives Emerald_Blitz a salute even as Emerald's weapons and ammo are being put in a similar...
  115. [2013-11-30 22:18:34] <CrystalDM> ...leather bag, the index card being also affixed. The mare reaches up and taps a small button next to her, and the wall behind the scribes slide down. "You can wait in the next room for your friends if you like."
  116. [2013-11-30 22:19:48] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Of course. Thank you, Scribe Feather Fall." She smiles pleasantly and proceeds to the next room, walking through the slightly wider passage without having to squeeze so badly. She stops just within sight range so that she can still see Clue and vice versa.
  117. [2013-11-30 22:20:40] * Militus smiles back at Night Rose and gives Feather Fall a relaxed salute before following Emerald_Blitz into the next room.
  118. [2013-11-30 22:23:16] <Emerald_Blitz> *salutes
  119. [2013-11-30 22:24:26] <CrystalDM> 03The chicken wire gate recedes, allowing Clue and Tallie to step through next. Once they come through, it closes again in front of Asami. Tallie is stationed in front of the Night Rose while Clue is stationed in front of a smiling Feather Fall. Tallie starts taking out her weapons and ammo, looking grumpy about the hold-up before the free food.
  120. [2013-11-30 22:26:13] * Clue looks around nervously, carefully eyeing the turrets before meeting the gaze of Feather Fall. "Oh!... umm... what am I supposed to do?..." Her head held low.
  121. [2013-11-30 22:29:46] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall smiles and her horn glows. "Just take off your saddle sweetie. We'll need to keep it so you can come inside." The feathers start to fall as Night Rose's petals start to drift over Tallie. His mood is growing darker by the second as Tallie continues to complain. "But this is everything! Can't I get my food now?"
  122. [2013-11-30 22:31:45] * Clue nods as she starts undoing her saddles fastenings and slips out of it. It's interesting seeing a battle saddle fitted for such a small pony, it's sorta cute. "That's all? Wow that was pretty simple..."
  123. [2013-11-30 22:34:49] <CrystalDM> 03The feathers settle on the rifles and the saddle bags where the clips of ammo are kept. "And any other ammunition." The unicorn smiles patiently. Night Rose is fuming at Tallie, however and hurriedly shoving her gear into a leather bag to get the mini-griffiness out of his mane.
  124. [2013-11-30 22:37:24] <Clue> "Oh! My ammo too?... Mmm okay" Clue turns and digs into her bags setting her spare clips down on the table as well. "All done?"
  125. [2013-11-30 22:39:20] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal mare floats the clips over with the saddle, setting them in a bag. "You're Clue, right?" Tallie is hovering near the unicorn, pointing to the notecard. "No, spell it right! T-A-L-L-I-E!"
  126. [2013-11-30 22:39:38] * Asami sighs and just leans against the wall as she waits
  127. [2013-11-30 22:40:16] * Clue nods. "How did you know that?" She begins to blush a little.
  128. [2013-11-30 22:40:43] [ERROR] No match for ``"Emerald''.
  129. [2013-11-30 22:41:59] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal mare giggles. "Emerald told me." The unicorn rights it down on the notecard, putting it on the bag. "So... if you are staying the night, you want to come have dinner with me?"
  130. [2013-11-30 22:44:18] <CrystalDM> 03Night Rose slams the note card against the bag and sets it next to Militus's. He then points one hoof toward the door and Tallie flits over, leaning up on a wall near Militus like nothing at all happened. Meanwhile, Night Rose is taking deep, slow, measured breaths.
  131. [2013-11-30 22:44:38] <Clue> "I... er... you... me..." Clue stumbles for words as she hopelessly blinks away moving her mane in front of her eyes to hide her almost crimson red face following up with a nod.
  132. [2013-11-30 22:45:24] * Militus smirks at the show Tallie has put on. "Excellent job Tallie," he whispers to her.
  133. [2013-11-30 22:46:21] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal mare nods, smiling. "Yeah. Unless you don'
  134. [2013-11-30 22:46:39] <CrystalDM> 03don't want to, that's ok too."
  135. [2013-11-30 22:48:07] * Clue speaks from behind her mane. "...I don't mind... food sounds... great..."
  136. [2013-11-30 22:49:24] * Asami chuckles "Didn't know ya swung that way Clue...and here I coulda set you up with a stallion back in town...I see why you declined my business..touche Clue ...touche'
  137. [2013-11-30 22:49:51] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal mare bounces in joy a couple times. "Ok! I'll meet you by the west Entrance to Mess. See you at dinner!" She gestures Clue through to the next room, where the others are waiting, and the gate slides back to allow Asami into the room.
  138. [2013-11-30 22:50:18] * Emerald_Blitz smiles amusedly. That certainly explains a lot. She waits for the others to finish up.
  139. [2013-11-30 22:51:12] * Militus grins at Clue. "My my, Clue. Barely in the door and you've got a date! So, what do you think of Miss Feather so far?"
  140. [2013-11-30 22:52:38] * Asami stands back up and chicken walks into the holding area, bob-bobbing her head while clucking until coming to a halt in front of whatever 'lucky' ranger gets to do her "buck buck! I guess its my turn to get frisked? well like I said before...I aint got no weapons so have at!
  141. [2013-11-30 22:53:12] * Clue combs her mane back over her one eye revealing her smile and super red face, heading to the door met by the question from Militus. "What?! She! It's just dinner!"
  142. [2013-11-30 22:53:44] <CrystalDM> 03The waiting room the group finds themselves in has several comfy chairs and is painted a lovely shade of blue. Some of the chairs look large enough and sturdy enough to seat Emerald_Blitz.
  143. [2013-11-30 22:54:32] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Dinner counts, especially if it's on her," Emerald says. She sits on the largest and bluest of the chairs. "Never dated a crystal pony. I wonder if they're much different," the alicorn muses, eyes focused on something beyond the room.
  144. [2013-11-30 22:55:37] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall squees at Asami. "Eeee! A baby dragon! Ooooh, I'll scan you!" The unicorn's horn is glowing and the feathers are already starting to drift over Asami. Night Rose rolls his eyes, waiting for the crystal mare to get finished.
  145. [2013-11-30 22:55:56] * Militus shrugs. "It is a date, yes? The way she asked you specifically indicates Miss Feather is particularly interested in you, Clue." He becomes serious. "If you're not seriously interested in her, you should make it clear."
  146. [2013-11-30 22:57:29] * Clue takes a seat next to Emerald_Blitz, her smile and blush still present. She starts to dwiddle her hooves together in silence. "I just... I haven't been in a relationship before..." She starts to breath heavy. "It's scary... I..." Her smile fades.
  147. [2013-11-30 22:57:42] <CrystalDM> 03The feathers settle on the gloves and Feather's lip trembles. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take your gloves. Don't worry, I'll take good care of them." Its clear Feather is doing everything she can to hold herself back from scooping up Asami in a giant hug.
  148. [2013-11-30 22:58:22] <Asami> So uhm...why chicken wire? y'all should swap that out for sheet metal...looks better and stuff" Asami holds up her arms and smirks at the squeeing mare, shrugging about her gloves "mehh s'okay...they just keep my paws warm
  149. [2013-11-30 22:59:37] * Emerald_Blitz continues to ponder. "I would certainly give her a chance," she says. "She seemed very nice. Much like you, Clue, only a little more sure of herself." The alicorn puts a wing around Clue. "I'm certain you will have no trouble, Clue. There is a first time for everything, after all. And you are charming enough to have any mare you please. A good number of people go for that mouse-ish,...
  150. [2013-11-30 22:59:39] * Emerald_Blitz ...easily-startled charm." She chuckles. "You should have seen all the stallions who pined after ministry mare Fluttershy..."
  151. [2013-11-30 23:00:12] * Militus sits next to Clue. "A long term relationship can be a lot of work, but they are also very rewarding. Or so I hear. I'm not the one to ask about them. All I'm saying is that you should be honest with others when getting intimate."
  152. [2013-11-30 23:02:25] * Militus gives Emerald_Blitz a sly grin. "From everything I have seen and heard, the one you called 'Rainbow Dash' sounded far more enticing. A true warrior-mare, my favorite kind."
  153. [2013-11-30 23:03:58] <CrystalDM> 03"Oh, its so we don't worry anyone coming in during the search process, and we can prevent a group from trying to rush in when we have the door open. Plus it acts as a trigger for-" The rest of the mare's sentence is cut off by the sharp CRACK of an Anti-Material Rifle, followed by a second, a third, a fourth and a fifth. Feather stands up straight and her horn glows. Asami is wrapped in...
  154. [2013-11-30 23:03:58] <CrystalDM> ...feathery telekinesis and set back behind Feather Fall. "They're back! Sorry Clue, may have to wait on that date!" The scribe's horn glows again, and a shield swirling in feathers sets up over herself, the group's gear, and Night Rose. A crimson shield, this one swirling with Rose Petals, lays over the top of Feather Falls. Noteably, the turrets still have a clear firing line.
  155. [2013-11-30 23:04:26] * Clue continues to dwiddle her hooves together. She lets out a single chuckle. "...I... I don't want to dissappoint her... but I don't even know if I can... be a good relationship partner..." Clue sighs. "...I'm not even picky... mares... stallions... crystal pony.......... Princesses..."
  156. [2013-11-30 23:05:14] * Emerald_Blitz smirks. "She was a holy terror, that one. Strikes me as you would get along with all the weather ponies at your home. They all think they are Rainbow Dash," she says. "The real Rainbow Dash would never consort or fraternize with one of your kind." Immediately, Emerald covers her mouth. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean... reflex, my apologies..." Thankfully she doesn't hear Clue, and doesn't...
  157. [2013-11-30 23:05:15] * Emerald_Blitz ...have time to pull her foot out of her mouth as the fighting outside starts.
  158. [2013-11-30 23:06:16] <Asami> What the frick was that!? and chicken wire doesn't stop anypony!
  159. [2013-11-30 23:06:38] * Clue looks up in shock. "What's going on!?"
  160. [2013-11-30 23:06:39] * Militus looks seriously back down the hall the group came from. "All of a sudden I am hoping those defences we saw are every bit as lethal as they look. And you are excused, Captain."
  161. [2013-11-30 23:07:43] * Emerald_Blitz gets up from her chair. "We haven't been told where to go," she says, "and we have no weaponry. I say we sit tight. It may be uncomfortable, but if you stay close, you may all fit in my shield if something comes down here."
  162. [2013-11-30 23:08:44] * Militus nods grimly. "The Captain is right. The Rangers probably won't take well to us wandering around in the middle of an attack."
  163. [2013-11-30 23:09:50] <CrystalDM> 03"Don't worry! They haven't gotten inside yet!" Night Rose shouts back. A second glow forms over Night Rose's horn, and an array of rose thorns appear outside the shield, angling toward the Narrows. Feather Fall's horn is also enveloped in a second glow, and feathered quills appear outside the shield, the sharp end pointed down toward the Narrows.
  164. [2013-11-30 23:11:23] <Asami> they? they who?!...thats not very comforting but ehhh...I'll be waiting in here since you have them turrets and guns and missiles and bombs...yeah
  165. [2013-11-30 23:12:10] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "Stay back, you two. Asami, you have natural weapons, please use them to protect the others if it comes to that. Clue, come with me if you have any useful spells." She walks over to the entrance to the room. "I have a shield spell of sorts," she offers to the scribes. "It's... not shapeable, but is very large and very potent."
  166. [2013-11-30 23:15:39] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall stays looking toward the Narrows, but she shakes her head. "Use it to protect your friends. We /should/ be fine though." Feather's emphasis on should and slightly worried tone does not sound particularly inspiring.
  167. [2013-11-30 23:16:41] -->| HoboWork (Hobo@Pony-e9q.7ns.175.101.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  168. [2013-11-30 23:16:58] * Emerald_Blitz whickers. "Fine. I'll stay right here," she says. "But if you get in trouble, I'm assisting you whether you like it or not. Can't have you depriving our Clue of that date."
  169. [2013-11-30 23:17:24] * Militus calls out, "Scribe Fall, what is attacking us that has you so worried in spite of the almost excessive security present? As I stand to die by whatever it is, I think I deserve to know."
  170. [2013-11-30 23:18:03] <CrystalDM> 03The Anti-Material Rifles continue to fire, thought the sound of screaming and yelling is closing on the building. It isn't long before the group can hear the sound of hooves and metal banging on the crystal of the building. "Raiders... more vicious than we've ever seen."
  171. [2013-11-30 23:18:24] =-= HoboWork is now known as Tallie
  172. [2013-11-30 23:19:09] <Emerald_Blitz> "You see, now would be an excellent time to have my shotgun," Emerald points out to Feather Fall. "Might I have it back for the duration of the attack, and surrender it upon cessation of hostilities?"
  173. [2013-11-30 23:19:15] * Tallie hides under Emerald_Blitz. "Can they walk through your shield?" she asks.
  174. [2013-11-30 23:19:32] * Militus looks concerned. "Then I assume that the large caliber weapons fire we've been hearing is friendly? I know of precious few creatures deranged enough to supply such weapons to raiders.
  175. [2013-11-30 23:19:49] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "Nothing can walk through my shield, Tallie. You won't be able to fight if you remain inside, however."
  176. [2013-11-30 23:21:28] * Tallie shakes a little, but tries not to show fear. "I'm cool with that... don't like raider... nuh uh... not one bit..."
  177. [2013-11-30 23:22:54] * Clue concentrates hard and her horn is enveloped slowly in a layer of crystals that share the same color as her mane. She shakes her head as it dissapates afterwards and her ears start to swivel trying to pick up anything of interest. Orders, names, and the like.
  178. [2013-11-30 23:24:17] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Then stay close," she tells the griffon. "Now, Feather. Our weapons. If we're going to help you, you need to let us, understand?"
  179. [2013-11-30 23:24:35] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall opens her mouth, but then the front door bursts open, and the thunderous CH-CHOOM-CH-CHOOM-CH-CHOOM of the turret sounds off.
  180. [2013-11-30 23:25:08] <Emerald_Blitz> "NOW, SCRIBE FEATHER," Emerald shouts.
  181. [2013-11-30 23:25:22] <CrystalDM> 03"Take your weapons!" The scribe's telekinesis floats the bags over to the group, depositing them in a pile.
  182. [2013-11-30 23:25:57] * Tallie takes her revolver and hides behind Emerald_Blitz, effectively taking cover.
  183. [2013-11-30 23:26:14] * Militus rushes forwards to claim his weapons, particularly his sword.
  184. [2013-11-30 23:26:22] * Emerald_Blitz quickly distributes the bags to their owners in her own telekinesis. "Arm yourselves and stay behind me!" she shouts. "Militus, get ready for a block and stab," she says.
  185. [2013-11-30 23:27:01] * Clue quivers in her metaphorical boots, and stumbles to put her saddle back on. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!"
  186. [2013-11-30 23:27:23] * Asami will take a few seconds to grab up her metal guantlets, grimacing at the door "yaknow whatever gets past those huge ass guns aint gonna be fazed by whatever we got!
  187. [2013-11-30 23:28:06] * Asami makes her way over to Clue's side, helping to put her saddle on faster by helping with the fasteners and buckles
  188. [2013-11-30 23:29:12] <Emerald_Blitz> "Then what do you expect us to do, Asami? Lie down and die?" Emerald growls. "No. We fight. Like in the war, everyone had something to fight for. And right now, I'm fighting because I'm not done figuring out who I am yet, and because I don't want Scribe Feather to die before she gets to take Clue on that date." She chuckles grimly. "You Rangers owe us a drink when this is over..."
  189. [2013-11-30 23:30:00] * Clue stands tall in her saddle now. "IT'S JUST DINNER!" She screams with fear.
  190. [2013-11-30 23:30:13] <Asami> lock the doors?
  191. [2013-11-30 23:30:40] <Emerald_Blitz> "THEN IT'S GOING TO BE EXTRAORDINARILY DELICIOUS!" Emerald shouts as she runs across the room to secure the flimsy portcullis. It won't hold them long, but it will be a choke point.
  192. [2013-11-30 23:31:07] * Militus draws his sword and stands at the ready. He twitches in anticipation.
  193. [2013-11-30 23:32:12] <CrystalDM> 03More sounds of the thunder cannon turret firing. About a half minute later, the first of the attackers can be seen. Asami and Emerald_Blitz are the first to spot them... earth ponies. Bits of mane hang from their heads, and they are covered in scars. Each seems armed with a slender metal stick, its end honed down to be like a spear. As they exit from the narrows, the turrets and the...
  194. [2013-11-30 23:32:12] <CrystalDM> ...scribe's spells fire off, downing the first pair to make it in.
  195. [2013-11-30 23:32:15] <Tallie> "Im gonna fight because dying doesn't sound very gun!" she squeals from behind Emerald_Blitz.
  196. [2013-11-30 23:32:23] <Tallie> fun*
  197. [2013-11-30 23:35:50] * Emerald_Blitz bursts in a brilliant green shield. "You get no further!" she shouts, readying her shotgun.
  198. [2013-11-30 23:37:01] * Asami blinks in disbelief..."These guys got through Ranger bombs and missiles?!!
  199. [2013-11-30 23:37:28] <Emerald_Blitz> "Because they've mutilated themselves," Emerald says through gritted teeth. "You think they care about pain? Shoot to kill."
  200. [2013-11-30 23:38:14] <CrystalDM> 03More ponies pore out of the narrows, slowed down by their fallen brethren, the turrets leaving gaping wounds in the ponies. It doesn't take long for the wave of crazed ponies to reach the pair of shields, stabbing at the shields with the spears. The... hollow.. spears.
  201. [2013-11-30 23:38:27] <Militus> "Can you let them get as far as me? I'd like to have a frank exchange with them on melee combat. They all seem to have terrible form."
  202. [2013-11-30 23:39:05] * Emerald_Blitz steps back to allow Militus to join her. "Of course," she says, "but if you get wounded, drop back and I shall cover."
  203. [2013-11-30 23:41:17] <CrystalDM> 03As the shields fall, it isn't hard to see the darkness swimming in these attacker's eyes. Foaming at the mouth, the darkness swirling about them... oh, so many drugs.
  204. [2013-11-30 23:41:33] * Tallie climbs onto Emerald_Blitz's back for more cover.
  205. [2013-11-30 23:42:04] * Emerald_Blitz opens fire on the leaders as soon as the shields dissipate.
  206. [2013-11-30 23:42:12] * Clue takes her spot underneath Emerald_Blitz bearing aim on the hallway.
  207. [2013-11-30 23:42:37] * Militus braces for the onslaught, staying back from the hail of gunfire.
  208. [2013-11-30 23:44:31] * Asami waits, avaoiding direct combat, but will breathe a gour of blueish flame should the enemy present itself without hitting her own allies "Eat Fire you pipe toting cunt suckers!
  209. [2013-12-01 00:00:46] * Militus is waiting and lays into one of the raiders as the shield drops. Despite several grievous wounds, the raiders still stands, bleeding all over the nicely polished floors.
  210. [2013-12-01 00:04:00] <CrystalDM> 03The scribe's horns glow around the raiders in front, but only one of them, the one Militus didn't hit, is picked up and flung back onto the Narrow's exit by Feather Fall. "Drop him and we can throw up another shield," Scribe Rose shouts!
  211. [2013-12-01 00:10:17] <Emerald_Blitz> "I've got them! Throw down another shield!" Emerald says, opening fire on the deranged, drug-addled raiders. They're moving too fast to aim properly, and two of her shots go wild. One blasts the raider Militus attacked... and it still stands. Emerald's eyes go wide, but she stands her ground between the raiders and her friends, shield glowing brilliantly.
  212. [2013-12-01 00:10:37] <CrystalDM> 03The earth pony, his scarred blue coat and patchy green mane takes the shotgun blast and doesn't even notice its there. The blast still takes out chunks of its flesh, and he is bleeding profusely but... now its cackling in manic glee.
  213. [2013-12-01 00:14:35] * Clue fires off three shots from her battle saddle as she stands outside of Emerald_Blitz's sheild into the one that appears before Militus and drops him dead. "More shields!"
  214. [2013-12-01 00:16:53] <CrystalDM> 03As that earth pony falls, the twin shields of Night Rose and Feather Fall fall over the group, putting the corpse on the same side as the defenders. The markspony turrets open fire on the raiders in the room, mowing down two of them with ease. Only one more is in the room... the one prone at the entrance to the Narrows. Two more can be seen behind it.
  215. [2013-12-01 00:19:44] * Tallie continues to hide behind Emerald_Blitz's neck. It doesn't really matter seeing as the shields are still up. "PLzdienao..." she mutters.
  216. [2013-12-01 00:23:36] <CrystalDM> 03The raiders press forward again, smashing into the shield with all they have. Both shields shatter, and Night Rose takes a nasty blow to his torso. His scribes robes can't stop the spear as it hits him, and it a spurt of blood comes out of the wound. Well, that spear isn't hollow anymore...
  217. [2013-12-01 00:28:12] <CrystalDM> 03The little dragoness's fire lances out, coating the three raiders in blue flame. Now they are all laughing... and burning...
  218. [2013-12-01 00:33:20] * Militus rips into one of the new assailants again...and this one doesn't have the decency to die either. Prick.
  219. [2013-12-01 00:37:03] <CrystalDM> 03More feathers fly out and hammer into the earth pony in front of Feather Fall, and he drops like a sack of bricks. The other two are wrapped in whispy rose-colored telekinesis of Night Rose, but break through it like it wasn't even there.
  220. [2013-12-01 00:37:57] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall looks over at the group behind her. "Drop them! Quickly!"
  221. [2013-12-01 00:38:14] <Emerald_Blitz> "Scribe Rose, put pressure on that wound and keep it there! I will attend momentarily!" Emerald shouts, leveling her shotgun, this time more carefully tracking the erratic movements of the... drug raider things... and opens fire.
  222. [2013-12-01 00:41:05] <CrystalDM> 03Scribe Rose grabs at the wound, trying to keep pressure on it. Though, the amount of blood coming out of it is not a good thing... not a good thing at all.
  223. [2013-12-01 00:42:49] * Emerald_Blitz blasts the same raider, but somehow it's still alive. The zebra-made drugs are just too strong. If they can't down it, right now, Emerald might not be able to help Scribe Rose. She fires again, only to hear the gut-wrenching KAK of her shotgun choking on the shell.
  224. [2013-12-01 00:45:14] * Clue fires off two shots that go wild in the mass confusion of bullets, pipes, and flesh going on in front of her, only stopped by the *Click* of her gun. She lets off a quick kick of the reloader and is ready to have at them once again.
  225. [2013-12-01 00:49:10] <CrystalDM> 03The markspony turrets fire down once again, clearing two more of the raiders, though the painful KAK of a turret jammin can be heard above Night Rose. However... as the gunfire from the turrets stop, silence falls on the field. Through the Narrows, over the pile of bodies, can be seen the metal of Power Armor. The whirring of the turrets, and the wind blowing outside is the only sound...
  226. [2013-12-01 00:49:10] <CrystalDM> ...that goes across the field... well, that, and the groan of Night Rose as he continues to bleed.
  227. [2013-12-01 00:50:56] * Militus sheathes his sword. "Well, it seems the proverbial cavalry has arrived."
  228. [2013-12-01 00:52:16] * Asami not seeing anymore enemies to avoid for the moment, will jog over at a quick pace towards Night Rose, and upon getting there, proceeds to pull out a magical bandage from her pack and begins 'attempting' to help staunch the nasty squirty wound "hold still! ya Pony I got this to help!
  229. [2013-12-01 00:53:22] * Clue continues to bear aim down the narrows panting heavily, mouth hovering just over the firing clamp.
  230. [2013-12-01 00:54:34] * Emerald_Blitz rushes over with normal bandages and her horn glowing as her shield drops. "That's going to soak right through," she tells Asami. "But thank you for trying to help. Make sure the area's secure. I don't want more piling in while I'm healing," she says. Instead she applies a regular bandage and casts a restorative spell on Scribe Rose.
  231. [2013-12-01 00:56:16] * Asami backs up after effectively being told she's being useless, looking back over at the body strewn hallway with a shrug and sigh "yeah...and a tiny thing like me is going to soooo stop them ...
  232. [2013-12-01 00:57:02] <Asami> I'll be sure and scream when I get trampled
  233. [2013-12-01 00:57:08] * Militus walks up beside Asami. "Well, I'm right here if it helps."
  234. [2013-12-01 00:57:45] <Emerald_Blitz> "You breathe FIRE, Asami," Emerald says. "That was very impressive. Had they not been high as a thunderhead, that would have checked anypony." She looks down at the dragon. "Stop griping. You're helping. You're merely not an expert, and I don't have time to both heal patients and soothe your ego."
  235. [2013-12-01 00:58:54] <Tallie> "They dead yet?" Tallie asks Emerald, hiding in her mane.
  236. [2013-12-01 00:59:04] <CrystalDM> 03The crimson stallion lays on the ground, wincing as he suddenly has an attractive dragoness and an attractive princess above him. "Thank you. Uh... you all don't have to do this..." Feather Fall walks over, opening up a panel near the button and pulling out a phone. "I need a medical team up at the Narrows, we have a Scribe injured!"
  237. [2013-12-01 01:00:01] * Militus sets to looting the fallen raider corpses.
  238. [2013-12-01 01:00:15] <Emerald_Blitz> "Yes," Emerald says curtly, as Rose's chest begins to knit itself back together. "They're dead. And you're not, Scribe, so any further comments toward Militus had best be tempered with a little more gratitude and a little less scorn." She finishes the spell and steps away. "You'll live. Your medics can handle the rest."
  239. [2013-12-01 01:01:07] * Tallie slides off of Emerald_Blitz's back and looks at the corpses. "Pfft. Wasn't scared."
  240. [2013-12-01 01:01:37] <Asami> I fixed 'em up just fine...I'm not no medic...never claimed to be,...fehh whatever..aint my 'ego'....I just feel pretty much next to useless out here...I've NEVER been outside of town...I can't fight, I can't heal...I don't know Polaris from a hole in the ground to navigate by...yet you can do it all.....which makes me wonder why the buck any of you wanted me on this trip. All I've ever...
  241. [2013-12-01 01:01:38] <Asami> ...been good at using was my mouth...and everyone just yells at me for trying
  242. [2013-12-01 01:02:33] <Asami> I'm more than just a damn walking talking Zippo...or at least I thought I was
  243. [2013-12-01 01:04:19] * Militus piles the raider's spears together. "Well, we now have enough spears to conquer a small settlement. Who feels like carrying them?"
  244. [2013-12-01 01:04:20] * Emerald_Blitz looks down at Asami with a look that could freeze a hellhound solid. "Maybe once you learn that there are more tactics than scorn and sarcasm, and that you can negotiate based on whom you are speaking to and what needs said, those people skills you have can truly blossom. I chided you for making a tense situation worse, not for doing your job." She helps Rose to his feet. "At least you've...
  245. [2013-12-01 01:04:21] * Emerald_Blitz ...learned something from this. You have people you can rely on to do the things you cannot. You have skills that need practice. Neither of these things is helped by complaining when you're not immediately useful!" She stomps a hoof and turns back to the group, throwing her shotgun down in front of Feather Fall. "There is my firearm," she says coldly. "I'm going to sit down."
  246. [2013-12-01 01:05:43] * Tallie sits down, wrapping her tail around herself, watching the verbal dispute.
  247. [2013-12-01 01:06:54] <Clue> The throwing of the shotgun and yelling snaps Clue out of her aimed stupor. She shakes her head. "What is going on?...
  248. [2013-12-01 01:07:01] <Clue> "
  249. [2013-12-01 01:07:04] <Asami> skills that need practice? I don't have any skills!...I'm not a frikkin soldier or guard...I work in a store!...I know how to run a shop!..I do it very well!...and thats it...I think Good Ear wanted me to tag along cause he's pissed I set him up on an awesome date
  250. [2013-12-01 01:08:47] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall hangs up the phone, picking up the shotgun thrown at the ground. "If you can give me your weapons again, I can make sure they are touched up and make sure you all get any ammunition you spent back. Even let you buy from the Quartermaster." The crystal mare looks between the arguing group. She murmurs "Least I can do for you guys saving our lives..."
  251. [2013-12-01 01:08:50] * Militus watches Emerald_Blitz's display. Finally he rises and unstraps his weapons again, setting them down gently in front of Scribe Feather. "Ah, yes. My weapons as well. I suppose you'll want them back."
  252. [2013-12-01 01:09:32] <Emerald_Blitz> "Good Ear wants you to grow," Emerald says softly, over her shoulder. "To learn to do things in a harsher environment. If I'd had children, I'd want them to be adapted to the roughness of the world as well. Not just sit behind a desk and wait for some monster to come burn your town down." The alicorn sighs and walks toward the sitting room. "One day you'll have enough caps to buy a Canterlot...
  253. [2013-12-01 01:09:34] <Emerald_Blitz> ...condominium, and be able to talk the Enclave out of the sky. I envy you that. All I will ever do is patch up people who can't ever... ever stop fighting. War never changes, but it changes ponies."
  254. [2013-12-01 01:11:54] * Tallie looks at Feather fall. "Hey... you got any food?"
  255. [2013-12-01 01:12:06] * Clue moves her mouth from side to side. She doesn't like to see her 'friends' fight. " is my guns..."
  256. [2013-12-01 01:12:43] * Asami slews off her gauntlets on the floor, sighing and standing back near the door....very obviously waiting for one of the Rangers to open it for them " Aint buying anything in Canterlot sweetie...that place got exploded a long time ago...
  257. [2013-12-01 01:12:55] * Militus trots up behind Emerald_Blitz. "This may sound odd, Captain, but I find the constancy of war to be a small comfort amid the madness of this world. That, and I fear that I would have no place elsewhere. You must find comfort where you can in this world. Oh, and a Canterlot dwelling would be most undesirable, if the rumors I've heard are true."
  258. [2013-12-01 01:13:43] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall takes the weapons and the bags, putting each in its proper place. "Tallie, was it? Your pistol?"
  259. [2013-12-01 01:14:17] <Emerald_Blitz> "I don't care," Emerald says, facing away from everyone. "I simply cannot care. If I start to care that my home has been destroyed, that everyone I know is dead and gone, and now I'm arguing with the only people who care enough about me to keep me around and safe...!" Her wings droop. "Just... leave me alone. I need to sit down." She heads for the biggest chair again and curls up as best she...
  260. [2013-12-01 01:14:19] <Emerald_Blitz> ...can in it.
  261. [2013-12-01 01:14:22] * Tallie blinks and looks innocent. "What pistol?"
  262. [2013-12-01 01:15:29] * Militus simply sighs.
  263. [2013-12-01 01:17:22] <Asami> At least you knew your family Emerald..." Asami shrugs " I was never even given that little luxury...I've no idea who my mother...father...all I know is Life Sight...I was lucky he decided to raise me rather than bake a damn omelette. So I'm sorry if I seem crass or sarcastic...its just what I know and how you need to be in that town to get things done...
  264. [2013-12-01 01:17:50] * Clue slinks away while everyone is talking to go examine some buttons with curiosity plastered on her face.
  265. [2013-12-01 01:18:40] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall looks down her nose at Tallie, nonplussed. "Tallie, the pistol."
  266. [2013-12-01 01:18:42] * Emerald_Blitz doesn't respond. She does seem to have shut herself down, and curls up in the chair with a wing over her face like a tired hawk.
  267. [2013-12-01 01:19:57] * Militus trots over to Clue. "So...," he grins, "it looks like your date has survived."
  268. [2013-12-01 01:20:26] * Tallie pouts. "Its not a pistol." she says, matter of factly, then holds out her revolver. "Its a /revolver/. Duh~"
  269. [2013-12-01 01:24:23] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal mare lifts the revolver up and puts it in Tallie's bag. "My apologies Tallie. Now, I'll just open the door... be careful, Medical should be rushing up." The crystal mare turns... and ends up right face to face with Clue. "Clue, if you really wanted to be close to me, you didn't have to sneak up on me." The crystal mare taps a pair of buttons, and with a sharp CLICK and a loud...
  270. [2013-12-01 01:24:23] <CrystalDM> ...BUZZ, the door to the inside of the building opens... and out pours a half-dozen stable ponies, with a stretcher, with doctor's coats and carrying doctor's bags.
  271. [2013-12-01 01:25:15] <CrystalDM> 03Why is medical a bunch of stable ponies? What is up with these drugged up raiders? Will Tallie ever get dinner? Find out, next week!
  272. [2013-12-01 01:25:33] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session End====
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