
Out in the sticks

Jun 14th, 2020
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  1. >At her request, you did stay for a round two
  2. >and three
  3. >and four...
  4. >Before you knew it, a week had passed
  5. >You don't recall a period of your life as liberating or enjoyable as the time you've spent in her company
  6. >Simply put, she was amazing
  7. >An absolute charmer
  8. >Extremely adept at survival
  9. >No, not survival. That would imply she wasn't fully in control of her (and your) comfort in the Upper Buffalo Wilderness.
  10. >An amazing cook, to boot
  11. >The first night you agreed to stay with her was somewhat scary, you'll admit
  12. >She led you further away from the nearest known town to a tidy little clearing under the canopy
  13. >There were two structures you could immediately pick out
  14. >A small cabin made out of fence posts and other reclaimed wood, maybe 200 square feet total, and a small tin-roofed cylindrical structure - what you presumed to be a smokehouse
  15. >Nearby, a beautiful looking garden with lush vegetables ripe for the picking
  16. >Her smoky scent was calming as she slept in your arms, but in the back of your mind, you fully expected to wake up staring down the barrel of her uncle/brother/cousin's break action shotgun
  17. >Fortunately for you, your waking was far more pleasant
  18. >You recall opening your eyes upon feeling a paw gently caressing your cheek
  19. >Her soft smile as she lay facing you, only inches away
  20. >"'Mornin stranger..."
  21. >You knew at that moment you knew this is how you wanted to wake up every morning
  22. >And for the next 5 days, you did
  23. >Five of the most relaxing, carefree days you've ever experienced
  24. >Fishing
  25. >cloud watching
  26. >hunting
  27. >Shockingly deep philosophical banter
  28. >Some of the raunchiest, steamiest sex you've ever had
  29. >If only your friends could see you now. Roughin' it raw with one of those peculiar furs
  30. >Hell, if they found out, you'd probably exile yourself to the Ozarks anyways out of sheer embarrassment
  31. >The notion didn't seem so bad, so long as you could be with your new fox friend
  33. -----
  34. >Day 6
  35. >She lay with her head in your lap, casually pointing out familiar shapes in the clouds
  36. >"That'un right ther, nex'ta the fish. See it? If that ain't one angry bear, I'll be a monkey's cousin fuckin' uncle."
  37. >You laugh, both because the cloud absolutely resembled a crotchety old bear, but because of how self aware this fox is about the whole 'hillbilly' thing
  38. >You couldn't muster the mental strength to respond with words though. All you can think about is how hard it's going to be to have to leave
  39. >A gentle pat against your shoulder with the back of her paw breaks you from your trance
  40. >You look down to see her gazing up at you with that look of pure adoration
  41. >"... ya know, I know i 'musta said it 'bouta hunerd times by now, but you look so darn handsome in that hat. It suits ya well."
  42. >She's been making you wear her straw hat for a couple days now. When you wear it, you swear you can feel her oggling you when you're not looking.
  43. >The fox's eyes gently meet yours. You can tell she knows something is on your mind. Her searching expression falls a little before she closes her eyes and folds her hands against her stomach.
  44. >"'yer thinkin about home, aint'cha?"
  45. >You take a deep breath and pause before exhaling
  46. >The air is so clean out here
  47. >You sound defeated. "Yeah, but not like you're probably imagining."
  48. >She opens her eyes again to look up a you.
  49. >You continue, "There's nothing for me back home. Just a job that sucks the life out of me, a city that'll eat you alive given the chance... Just the life i'm stuck with."
  50. >She considers what you said for a minute.
  51. >"I want'cha t'stay with me a-non. Ahm gonna be selfish n' tell you that I much prefer 'yer company t' solitude... N' I think deep down, you know y'feel the same. That city life ain't no good for ya."
  52. >She pauses before adding in a quiet little aside, "'sides... I think a may jus' be in love."
  53. >You look down at the fox
  54. >That coy little smile just melts your heart
  55. >"You know what? I think I just may be as well."
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