
[WiP] Validation

Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. >At the sound of her words you throw your hands up in defeat, a gesture accompanied with the sound of clinking chainmail.
  2. >With a sigh, your hands return to your sides.
  3. "Fine. I'll be on standby... I guess."
  4. >At this you turn and begin walking to the castle library.
  5. >"A-anon -"
  6. "No, no, you've got it handled. I understand, don't worry."
  7. >Hoisting yourself up by the scraps of your dignity and the remains of your self worth, you march into the library to a cadence of jingling metal.
  8. >As you enter, you seat yourself in your usual spot and grab a nearby book.
  9. >"Fundamentals of Magic"
  10. >Oh, fantastic. Huffing you set it down in a clear spot and remove your helmet.
  11. >As you set it down, you reach down and produce a flask from your the kit on your belt.
  12. "Ooh, HEALING magic. That's not REAL magic."
  13. >You punctuate your statement with jazz hands before quickly taking a swig from your flask.
  14. "Yeah, and who's the first one they come running to the minute they get hurt."
  15. >With another swig, you adjust the helmet on the table so that it is now facing you.
  16. "Worst part is, this group only ever gets scratches. Gee mister Cleric, nice to know you've got all that POTENTIAL. Shame we won't recognize it."
  17. >Rolling your eyes, you lean back and attempt to drown yourself with your liquor.
  18. >Pulling your lips away from the flask, you briefly look to your helmet.
  19. "You understand me right?"
  20. >"Yeah, I hear you buddy."
  21. >Whipping your head around, you make eye contact with Spike - who appears to be cleaning some shelves.
  22. >Shrugging you take another sip. It should concern you that the kid is getting used to this.
  23. >Oh well.
  25. >The loud jangling of mail accompanies the dull thud of your heavy, rapid footfalls.
  26. >As you reach the last stretch, you twist back and slam the flanged head of your mace into the back of the troll's knees.
  27. >Screaming in agony the beast bends forward, only to have his screams silenced by a rapier.
  28. >The room is quiet sans the subtle sound of smoldering ash and the heavy breathing of you and your companions.
  29. >Looking over the corpse of the troll you spy the Ranger, Vasquez. Eyeing his slaying assistant, he flags you down.
  30. >”Hey, nice work out there...”
  31. >It appears as though he's drawing a blank. Sighing, you open your mouth.
  32. >”Anonymous.”
  33. >Wait. That's not your voice.
  34. >”Anonymous!”
  35. >Blinking you look up. Or more accurately, over, as it appears that you've fallen asleep at your table.
  36. >”Hey, you're drooling a little dude. Oh, and you were growling in your sleep, you okay?”
  37. >Leaning up, you wipe the spittle off your face and survey the potential damage. Nothing on the book, just a small pool on the table.
  38. “Nah, I'm fine.”
  39. >”If you say so, man. I mean, you downed that drink waaay faster than normal.”
  40. >So as not to inconvenience the poor kid you do your best to mop up the drool on the table.
  41. “Yeah, yeah. How long was I out?”
  42. >”Not long, 'bout an hour tops.”
  43. >Surveying the room, it appears to be the case. He's gone from cleaning the dust off to reorganizing. Could be earlier though, that kid is definitely efficient.
  44. >Grabbing your flask you shake it a little. The sound of droplets shaking is all that greets your ears.
  45. >Returning the item to it's place in your kit, you stand, smooth out your tabard, and don your helmet.
  46. “Hey, I'm gonna head into town for a bit.”
  47. >”Kay.”
  48. >Leaving the dragon to his work, you open the door only to pause for a brief moment.
  49. “Uh, you need anything while I'm out?”
  50. >”Nah, I'm good. Thanks for asking though.”
  51. >Your mail clinks as you shrug and cross the threshold, closing the library door behind you.
  53. >Nightmares born of alcoholism or memories you're attempting to purge through alcoholism?
  54. >Frankly, you aren't certain. Wait, why would that be a nightmare? That was a pretty kick-ass moment, almost as kick-ass as that one time -
  55. >With a loud CLANG, your helmeted-head smacks into the door of the local bar.
  56. “Oh sweet merciful gods!”
  57. >The sudden break from your thoughts has you gripping what would've been your forehead in surprise.
  58. >Shaking your head slightly, you look up to see a slightly dented door opening inwards and a blonde maned mare poking her head outwards.
  59. >”Anonymous?”
  60. “Huh? Yeah, sorry, that caught me off guard there.”
  61. >”Ha, yeah, I can tell. Come on in.”
  62. >As you enter the bar, you take your helmet of and tuck it under your arm.
  63. >Striding past tables with chairs upturned, you head directly for the bar.
  64. >Taking your usual seat, you watch as the blue-bodied mare saunters up to the counter, opposite you, and produces a shot glass.
  65. >”So, a Cleric walks into bar...”
  66. >She flashes you a cheeky smile before sliding the shot of clear liquid towards you.
  67. “Well, I'd laugh, but I think my voice is little hoarse.”
  68. >Shooting her a quick grin, you down the shot.
  69. >”Hehe, classic... So, what's got you down here this early?”
  70. “Just needed a refill, Cider.”
  71. >Producing the flask from your kit, you slide it across to the mare.
  72. >”Just that...”
  73. >Her eyes dart briefly over to the empty shot glass and the still-full bottle next to it.
  74. >”... nothing else?”
  75. “Nope.”
  76. >With a slight “Huh,” the mare ducks under the bar to retrieve a bottle.
  77. >”Ahh mehn, ahm -”
  78. >She attempts to speak, though the liquor bottle in her mouth impedes her ability to enunciate.
  79. >With huff she sets the bottle down next to your flask.
  80. >”Ahem. I mean, I'm just a little concerned is all.”
  81. “If it's about the liver damage, don't worry. I've got MAGIC. I can fix it.”
  82. “And speaking of fixing things, do you want me to deal with the door on the way out or...?”
  83. >After filling the flask, she sets the bottle back down on the counter.
  84. >”Don't worry about it, I'll just -”
  85. “No, seriously. It's the least I can do. If nothing else, consider it payment for the drink.”
  86. >With a slight smile, she sighs.
  87. >”Well, the drink was on the house – but if you insist.”
  88. >Pocketing your flask, you don your helmet once more and head towards the door.
  89. >Opening it, you bring the dented side towards you.
  90. >For a few minutes, you stand there, muttering incantations and making practiced gestures.
  91. >With one final word, the dent begins to bow outward, eventually returning to the door to it's prior blemish free state.
  92. >Turning back to see a smiling Apple Cider, you grin a little and offer a small wave before heading out.
  93. >Stepping out in the bright mid-morning sun, you begin to walk.
  94. >Satisfying, but still – cantrips. Beginner stuff.
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