
Sexy Sexy

Dec 13th, 2012
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  1. The Chronicles of Daisy: Episode two
  2. By
  3. Sunflower-Kun
  4. ( I do not own Pokemon)
  6. Cinnabar Island was the Hawaii of Kanto. Trainers of all class’s flocked to its golden shores to bath in the swelling surf of sapphire blue ocean and bath there bodies in the tropical sunshine. Though there was a gym on the island most came to rest and relax. Though the girls of Celadon had ventured to this tiny island town under the guise of studying the nature of fire Pokemon and how with training the elemental weakness of grass Pokemon could be overcame.
  8. Daisy smiled a little sized up the well toned bodies of the water trainers as they played in the surface, there was one that really caught here eye and that was the one with shoulder length coco brown hair, everything about him seemed to excited her, from the way the sun shone around through his coco brown hair, to way the glaze of his sunscreen made his hard abs shine.
  10. A sudden chill passed through body as he watched him spin his head around and out of the corner of her eyes she felt a spark jump out as she swore there eyes made contact for a brief second or so, her breathing increased as her eyes traveled down from his strong chest mussels to his more private area. She could feel her blood pressure rising as she eyes drank in the straight ‘V’ shape lines that lead down to his ‘Joy Stick’ .
  11. And as if somebody had light the kindling under her maiden heart her jaw threaten to drop as she peered toward his strong legs, she pictured for a brief period of time those legs where wrapped around her waist along with his arms being wrapped around her chest and her budding breast being played with in the palm of his hands.
  13. “Oh god..” She said forcing herself to stand up and move before her blush became noticeable and her noises started to tickle blood. Maybe she was a little too high spirited when it came to the boys, maybe she should shift there energy into training her Pokemon, she had to press the attack if she ever wanted to take on a few of the gym leaders in the surrounding towns.
  15. “Something wrong?” Came a voice from behind her, the voice had a very motherly tone about it, “Because you seem to be burning up with a fever or something, Or maybe you’ve stayed in the sun a bit too long, you should return to the hotel and I’ll have one of older girls look after you for the evening.” Came the voice again.
  17. It took Daisy a good solid minute and a half to process who the voice belonged too, and soon he chestnut brown eyes where zooming in toward the faint blurry image of a older women, this added a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Blinded by Lust”. Slowly as her vision returned to normal she felt a small smile grow upon her face.
  19. “Oh, hey there Hinata,” Said Daisy smiling toward the older one, she drew in a deep breath and then signed as she lowered her head, Hinata and her had a bit of a history together, the older women held a special place in the gym for she was the grand mistress of ceremony. The post allowed her to call the results of the match and also lead defeated and chosen trainers to the fable gunge tank.
  21. “Kiddo,” Hinata said walking up to Daisy and wrapping her arm around her shoulder, “I can pretty much tell you this, you gotta stay out of the sun, I mean I know there a lot of strong and well cut young trainers running around here, but still you gotta keep a eye out for yourself, I mean a little eye candy is good and all don’t get me wrong but heck you can’t just sit there and watch, you gotta tease them a bit.” She whispered as leaned down and peered toward her. “Listen to you big sis, say why don’t we spend the rest of the evening together so you can tell me about this trainer of yours.”
  25. Daisy’s face turned beat red as she her young tender ears soaked in the moist words whispered to her by the older girl. Hinata was quickly becoming something of her mentor, a older trainer often assigned to help guide the newer trainers on path of greatest.
  27. “Sure that sounds good,” She said smiling as she leaned into the embrace, “So where we going out to eat?” She said smiling softy, the god like image of the trainer slowly started to fade from her mind. Maybe it was just a brief glance and nothing more, after all she had her studies to worry about and her career as a Pokemon nurse to zoom in to. She had little or no time for boys after all.
  29. But by a odd twist of fate, and as soon as her mind had finished that very thought the trainer waltzes right by her and Hinata. Oh what a sight she was treated too as muscular young man walked right past her, his round bottom showing nicely as the black cotton marital was stretched from one cheek to the other.
  31. Daisy quickly found her eyes traveling from Hinata’s face to the two round orbs, she felt like wanted to reach out and touch them, to squeeze them and bite them. All of these thoughts where so strange to her, she was shaken and to a point they thrilled her and made her blood boil with bubbly excitement.
  33. “Damn girl you know to pick them don’t you!” Hinata’s said turning toward the blushing Daisy and sticking her bright red tongue out at her, “A little too much bone for me, I kind of like guys that have a bit of a trap thing going on but, don’t you worry your pretty little head, your big sisters going to fix everything up for you and all you gotta do is,” Given the highly embarrassing nature of the up coming comment Hinata leaned in and whispered softy into her ears, “And all you gotta do is find a revealing sun dress and leave your hair and nails to your us. And we’ll have you being carried away to a night of dreams in no time.”
  35. The mild-mannered and somewhat naïve Daisy was to stunned and with only the faintest nod of the head she followed along with Hinata as the two made there way toward the small sea side cottage they shared for the duration of the trip. It was clear to her she still had a good bit to learn before she was anywhere near the level of boy hunting her sisters where at.
  37. ***
  39. Festive music with a Latin American flare filled the air as the smell of sizzling pieces of steak filled the air along with the laughter and cheers of countless other Pokemon trainers. The revelers fought off the hot tropical humid air with a mixture of good food, and plenty of drink and boy the drinks where flowing like a river.
  41. And speaking of drinks Daisy was on her second frozen margarita of the night as she looked around her, all around her trainers young and old where having the time of there life, some where dancing upon the polished wooden dance floors, and so where sitting on the bar stools chatting it up with the guys from the beach, the fashion though reminded the same, the guys where dressed in shorts and light cotton shirts, while the girls wore varies forms of sun dress’s some exposing more than others.
  43. “You know, I’ve been doing a little research for you, seems your hunk of boy is a member of the water gym. He kind of Misty’s second in command, And there going to a game show coming up a few days, I think it would be cute if you too get on it you know, hell it gives you a reason to talk to him at least.” Came a voice from behind her.
  45. Daisy quickly turned around and blinked as her eyes fell upon Hinata who was grinning like a Vulpix. Slowly a little smirked came across her face as her mind added the new found dated into a nice little file. If the hot trainer was a member of that Water gym then there was a fair chance there paths would cross again once she started training odyssey.
  49. “Please tell me this game show is not going to have gunge, slime or any messy element about it?” Asked Daisy since that was her biggest concern, after all one did not to be well publicly humiliated in front of her first real teenage crush.
  51. “There a slight chance it might,” Replied Hinata, “But the gunge only makes you look cuter and some boys do have a soft spot for ‘The broken Cutie’” She quickly added. And with that being said she took a deep breath and pulled Daisy toward one of the free tables, the hustling and bustling was quickly becoming more than the girl could handle. A little dancing was fine and good but sometimes boys took it a little too far and girls often resulted to acts of violence when it came to scoring a dance with the handsome trainers.
  53. “Hey listen to me sis, there a good cash bonus for each correct answer you get, your telling me your going to turn away from that, listen with the cash reward you can upgrade your clothing, hit up the shops and become well supper sexy. You gotta fight for your catch sis, before some other girl comes along and snaps them up.” Hinata paused for a good solid minute. “And then I gotta beat a bitch,” It was clear to all that the older girl was displaying the effects of the few mixed drinks she had taken in.
  55. Daisy took a deep breath and reached over and quickly pinched her ears, “You need to lay off the drink, sis or else your going to end up in local jail with a massive hang over and your purse and dress missing. And when that happens don’t come looking for us to bail you out.” She said in a plain spoken tone of voice. Since the start of the retreat Daisy had well seen a totally different side to the usually well groomed and straight forward official ladies that handled the finical side of running the gym.
  57. Hinata smiled a little and reached over and pulled upon Daisy’s earlobe in turn, and soon the two had fallen into a bout of playful teasing. More drinks where ordered along with the food and at long last the feast was underway. A good thirty or so minutes passed before a sizzling skillet of skirt steak and green and red peppers followed by a basket of fresh corn chips was placed down before them.
  59. And then a treat was bestowed upon Daisy, a tall glass filled with a bubbling drink in varying hues tiny air bubbles worked there way from the bottom to the top of the glass before disappearing into the air. With a look of wonder Daisy turned toward the sever.
  61. “The Gentleman at the bar, would like to offer you this as a token of good will,” And with that the waiter pulled away from the table, leaving daisy in a state of shock and amusement. She had heard war stories of from the older girls about lions luring young maidens into there den through the offer of drink. And it all seemed somewhat thrilling to her and made her giggle at the same time. After all this was one of the perks of maturing into a teen right?
  63. “Girl has it going on.” Chimed in Hinata before Daisy could look up to see how sent the drink, “Okay here what I would do, look up okay. See if it’s the trainer from earlier today, if it is well just go over there and chat that boy up and try to you know. If its not. Toss that drink on the floor and forget about it. You’re the prize here Daisy, you’re the one Pokemon all the boys want to catch, you can afford to be picky.” And so with her little heart to heart lector on how to pick up boys completed Hinata picked up her plate and moved over to a table full of older more well cut and built Pokemon trainers. There was a clear definition of the hunting grounds it seemed.
  65. Daisy blinked a few times as drank in the information offered to her by her older sister. Maybe she should wait or maybe she should give a sign of short. So with that thought in her mind she gathered up her courage and walked over to claim her prize. Little did she know what lay in store for her.
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