
personality b/c GOOGLE IS A SHIT

Sep 22nd, 2018
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  1. Publicly, Takahiro is a humble and business-like young man aiming towards his already blooming success in acting out protagonists --- rarely, antagonists in certain drama shows televised on the Keroshiro Channel. He’s strongly intelligent, out-matching his striking appearance through his well-rounded memorization abilities as Takahiro’s highly committed towards his studies. He’s carrying an acting career after graduation, one that lasted for a few years as Ethereal Countdown’s on its final season. He’s openly honest about his public opinions, as holding back anything about them would make him somewhat inconsiderate in his eyes; occasionally, he doesn’t word a statement correctly to where he’s blunt and straightforward when speaking out. The actor is undoubtedly humble, staying modest around his fellow alumni since he’d rather prevent seeming overly arrogant --- especially when his fame isn’t at its peak anymore. His prose is masculine with a subtle hint of effeminacy, reflecting his powerful, high-minded mindset. Having intense moral principles affect how he acts during the strangest situations, but the man himself doesn’t celebrate death or laugh anything off. Stoic, Takahiro preferred enduring pain and suffering without complaining; he appeared reserved while remaining private about his emotions and thoughts targeting anything out of the blue.
  3. Takahiro definitely is rational, preventing his emotions from causing a strained overreaction that’ll most likely never happen. He remains tranquil during the heat of the moment, never focusing on himself and suppressing his attitude towards a matter in order to aid anyone around him and help them concentrate. He certainly doesn’t beat around the bush, occasionally if there’s anyone challenging him as an uncontrollable threat; it’s entirely possible Takahiro avoids coming across as hostile. Keeping others on track means helping out the others, although he’s extremely disciplined in understanding possible punishments, evaluating a situation, and following any laws through his own mind. Scolding others is his secondary talent, including educating others on their misbehavior and attempting to teach them manners despite any future rejection towards his teacher-like attitude. On the outside, Takahiro’s somebody who is quite mature and doesn’t mind cooperating with anyone despite their differences and disagreements.
  5. Privately, Takahiro is a friendly and determined young man concealing his double life-style behind his occupation in acting. He deeply understands how shocking this information wouldn’t be, choosing to present his talent as a J-Drama Actor rather than expose his actual abilities in professional espionage and heavy involvement dabbling in a red light district businesses. Considering how everything he does underneath closed curtains is obviously illegal, Takahiro doesn’t reveal much concerning his background as they aren’t documented in official papers aside from his disappearance back home. He’s an honorable man thriving in a secretive brotherhood syndicate from time to time after moving out, occasionally contacting his director about the latest news and then talking about the most important topics to his oyabun. Surprisingly enough, Takahiro is rather easy-going to converse with and he isn’t as threatening as he appears --- his conversation skills are pleasing. In terms of intelligence, Takahiro developed useful skills ( depending on how they’re used and why ) through relying in trickery and agility over brute strength. He prefers observing the others around him before talking with them in order to pre-determine how they might get along --- in many cases, there’s an enormous chance he’s absolutely wrong about his first impressions about them. His patience has no boundaries, although his cooperation involves following instructions and remaining obedient listening to higher ranked individuals, or those in charge. Instead of rebelling against the authority, Takahiro preferred conforming to keep the attention off of him during daily life. Unfortunately, Takahiro’s business-like demeanor leads to him staying un-selective on who he’s brutally honest to; friends or not. Patience is key, during pressurized and heavy stealth missions.
  7. Eavesdropping on conversations is rude, but he’s prone to doing this when he’s caving into his general anxiety disorder without the medicine provided and taken. It’s his responsibility, transforming into a lazy bum wouldn’t suit Takahiro at all, so staying in shape is a huge priority when he’s able to escape with high stamina levels. He’s cynical, unlike his optimistic siblings, the actor as a view characterized by a general distrust in any motivation and goals for humans involved in obtaining wealth or in having materialistic desires. Takahiro heavily believes in ambition and greed being a factor in characterizing the human mind, however expensive materials are insignificant and meaningless in his eyes so body language in terms of humiliation is prone to happen. As a modern man, Takahiro simply follows his own life and rules while acknowledging the charades everyone else become involved in. He’s someone aware about the reality of his situation constantly, with little to no interruption until another person softens his shell for him to warm up. In terms of questioning others, he becomes less welcoming; demanding, Takahiro has enough willpower towards uncovering an answer he wishes to find.
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