
Nomont: Laceration // Botched Suture

Feb 13th, 2021
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  1. [15:46] The nonmagus denizen seemed a tad bit preoccupied, burying their focus in a copy of a medical handbook, courtesy of the Blue Unicorn - detailing an introduction to medical practice.
  2. It started fairly straight forward, their studies brushing over the types of wounds and identifying them, then moving on to alchemic solutions -- nothing out of reach for a man as typical as himself.
  4. Even the tools of surgery, as specialized as they were, were within his realm of influence... Though, the final chapter irked him a bit. "This is... Geared towards magi." He muttered through his breath. "It covers some bit of -what- things are, and -what- tools exist, but the only actual -medical practice- covered is just... Magic." The ranting he made was rather audible, resulting in him shutting the book and massaging at his temples.
  6. There had to be a better way...
  8. Did he have to start doing research for himself?
  9. (Asura Nomont)
  11. [15:49] Bobson is holding a fistful of... Something, in his right hand as he approaches the table which housed Paca and mister Nomont, placing a bundle of leaves besides the non-magi and his troupe. "I do recall you were speaking of invisibility potions, a few weeks ago. This'll help get you started towards making one." He grins, and then takes a few moments to fiddle with his cloak.
  13. "Looking to practice your medical pursuits?"
  14. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [15:56] The man was visibly frustrated, finding even medical knowledge to be entirely dominated by magic use. At least, it covered some of the basics -- he had something to work with. However, his study would have to be entirely organic, if he was to actually create something for a nonmagus breed of medic.
  18. Then again, there arose another issue...
  19. How would a- The thought was interrupted by a voice calling out to him. Asura turned over to find: Bobson, returning as he said he would, speaking onward about the invisible potion effort discussed prior.
  21. Asura knew nothing about the application nor creation of invisibility potions, but perhaps the mage did. The bundle of leaves were unveiled... And the Nomont… Stared... Winced... Blinked and even rubbed at his eyes.
  22. "HUH! I wasn't even sure something was even there for a moment."
  24. The luminite blended in with the table at the touch, practically not even there for the eye to detect.
  25. "I can't say me nor my men have any alchemists among our numbers, but we might be able to find one!" He assured, "Thank you." The man gestured towards the numbers of the marketplace around them unveiling a single man to break from the masses to take Asura's side.
  27. "Please, if you wouldn't mind." Asura spoke, "Please take this to my storage unit on the east side."
  29. That was that...
  30. The hired grunt did exactly as he was told without question, reaching out for the luminite and carting it off.
  32. The Nomont turned his attention to the gifter, "Hopefully we can put it to good use."
  33. (Asura Nomont)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [16:00] Bobson cackles at the incredulous response the nonmagi had. "Not sure how they interact with a nonmagi's body, but in theory, it should be the same. It doesn't effect your leylines- your magical circuits. It just changes the way your skin looks." He blinks. "I think." He shrugs, and and places his left hand on the table.
  38. First it's just the hand gripping the edge, then his forearm is exposed, and then finally, right around the crook of his elbow is a bit of gauze bandaging. "An occultist ran into the market and I tried to stop them from attacking people." He taps on the bandaging. "Thankfully nothing severe... The occult energy is the worst of it, really. But- if you were looking to practice your craft, or perhaps one of your men was, I'd be happy to let you practice on me." He looks over towards the apparently incapacitated Paca.
  40. "As long as it doesn't take so long I miss his lesson on Holy magicks, later, that is."
  41. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [16:11] Asura raised a brow at the explanation of the invisibility potion. Something about that didn't exactly make too much sense to him - though, he'd take it with a grain of salt and do his research.
  46. Their eyes follow the Dugnutt's hand movements, setting eyes on the medical practice of another attempting to fix up a scathing from a brawl. The man couldn't help but wince - "I suppose I could try to hire some people also studying the craft and practice alongside them. It'd be about time that nonmagus grew capable enough to partake in such a practice en mass."
  48. There was a pause, a deep breath and finally...
  49. "Sure, of course. I'll try to ensure it doesn't get in the way of any training of yours. Would we head to the Blue Unicorn to practice?"
  50. (Asura Nomont)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [16:15] Seeing the raised brow of the man, Bobson attempts to assuage the fears. "Let me put it this way. If it was changing how we performed magic, or forcing our mana to act in a certain way, wouldn't someone have developed a spell to avoid having to catalyze the invisibility through the potion?" A plea to efficiency-mindedness!
  55. "Any medics are always needed, magi or not, capable of performing on magi or not. To help, and to heal are great responsibility. Eventually I'll be trying to learn to practice it myself, so better I have the opportunity to sit in from the opposite perspective, and have an idea of mistakes you may make, or things you do right, not only to know how to avoid them myself, but also help you!" A mouthful, he clears his throat, and lowers his cloak, placing his arm back in his lap.
  57. "And sure, the Blue Unicorn sounds like a fine place for it. It's nothing more than a little gash, so I doubtyou'll get a lot of experience in managing some critical wound... But it's a first step!"
  58. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [16:24] "Well, in any case... I suppose the best way to start would be to simply get to it." The man claimed, getting up from the table and heading on his merry way. There seemed to be a few stops along the way, chatting with various folk across the marketplace.
  63. … but in fact, they were not random folk - but people had worked with in his years. Some of them simply passing through the area to buy groceries, others looking at wares -- but amongst some of the minority? Socializing and mingling, catching the businessman's eye.
  65. After a crowd or two, the single nonmagus became a small gaggle of four... The individuals hardly seemed notable in appearance, but upon entering a clearing Asura would answer an unspoken question for Bobson.
  67. "Some old friends of mine. I recognized them in the crowds - they frequent this place often." He introduced, "That one guy," He jutted his thumb back, "-he's a small time medic, nothing grand on his record. The others wanted to start work in the field for a living. Three more, is better than no more - I'd say."
  69. Straight for the Blue Unicorn, to see what they were working with...
  70. (Asura Nomont)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [16:24] Bobson Dugnutt says, "I trust in your judgement, mister Nomont. No need to explain yourself."
  74. [16:25] Asura Nomont says, "This is where you lead me to the tools I'm working with."
  75. [16:25] Asura Nomont says, "If any tools at all."
  76. [16:25] Bobson Dugnutt whispers: May want to ask if we can use a room, I suppose.
  77. [16:25] Bobson Dugnutt whispers: Since I don't exactly own this place.
  78. [16:25] Asura nods in reverence.
  79. (Asura Nomont)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [16:25] Orain ven Pelleaux says, "I have approximately two thousand five hundred on me if you wouldn't mind that price Ermir."
  83. [16:26] Ermir says, "Sure."
  84. [16:26] Asura Nomont says, "Uuuh, excuse me."
  85. [16:26] Asura Nomont says, "I don't mean to interupt."
  86. [16:26] Orain ven Pelleaux says, "Yo, no worries."
  87. [16:26] Orain ven Pelleaux asks, "ANything y'need?"
  88. [16:26] Ermir says, "Mhm. It's fine."
  89. [16:26] Ermir asks, "He's hurt, right?"
  90. [16:27] Asura Nomont says, "Well, a room. I was hoping to start my hand at medical practice."
  91. [16:27] Bobson Dugnutt says, "Mister Nomont is looking to practice, I offered my wound as his first step towards his journey as a medical professional."
  92. [16:27] Bobson Dugnutt says, "Since it's just a scrape, really."
  93. [16:27] Orain ven Pelleaux exclaims, "Oh, if all you need is space, you're totally free to use any of the free beds!"
  94. [16:28] Orain ven Pelleaux says, "Don't even need my permission for that, so don't worry."
  95. [16:28] The nonmagus jutted his thumb back to Bobson, with three other nonmagus individuals in tow.
  96. "Me and some of my friends here were hoping to get access to some tools as well, since we aren't exactly packing any tricks of the magical variety to compensate."
  97. (Asura Nomont)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [16:29] Ermir slipped the Medical Handbook off of the shelf and offered it over yonder to Asura -
  101. "Have you read this? It has a decent bit of info, prioritizing non-magical preparation."
  102. (Ermir)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [16:30] "Magical? All our tools here are the same use in any hospital," he comments, somewhat confused by the notion. "Bandages, gauze, splints, all that stuff. Just ask one of the attendants what you need."
  107. A passing glance shifts over to the drakanite in the back, offering a brisk nod. "And yeah, if you need a refresher or if you're not sure what to do, the book in the back can be pretty helpful too."
  108. (Orain ven Pelleaux)
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [16:36] "Of course, of course." The Nomont nodded, "I read it." He claimed.
  112. "From cover, to cover... While I admit I was a tad bit challenged by the sixth chapter, I feel as though a bit of information detailing the body anatomy would've been incredibly useful." The nonmagus critiqued, "Though, it has enough information to start in the field."
  114. Perhaps, not the time nor the place to make judgements... He was hardly a master, of even capable of talking in the presence of those whom have likely studied it for years. In the moment, it appeared as though the man realized such and...
  116. "--or, maybe I'm speaking too prematurely." He suggested, "I apologize for coming off as shallow in judgement. I read a handbook expecting one subject from another, but perhaps that only means room for expansion on the subject."
  117. He was babbling by this point, and a nudge from one of his compatriots alerted him to such.
  119. "Ah, but anyway, I will be getting to work!"
  120. (Asura Nomont)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [16:36] Asura Nomont says, "Err... I fear I might have forgotten your name... Mister..."
  124. [16:37] Bobson Dugnutt says, "Wh-mine? Bobson Dugnutt."
  125. [16:37] Ermir says, "I'll be off, at that."
  126. [16:38] Asura Nomont says, "Alright, I suppose you should pick a bed."
  127. [16:41] Bobson lies down in a bed, before sitting upright. Why would he lay down? He shakes his head in a small bit of laughter, and begins to unwrap the gauze covering his left arm, it was fairly bloodied for a reason that might become apparent quickly thereafter.
  129. It wasn't sutured shut! It was just left open, but covered. There are a few signs of a sloppy rushjob to suture it shut earlier, but the stitches were quite obviously not still there. It was a clean slate. Bobson winces a bit, but makes no noise.
  131. "My first move would probably be cleaning it. How about you?"
  132. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  133. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. [16:56] The wrapping was off, and the mess was grisly...
  136. Surely, this was not a job for the faint of heart. Though, it was something that even a nonmage could do, and if anything, he'd see to it.
  138. Asura approached to examine it, giving it a closer look as the others gathered around to further access the situation. As they collectively looked it over, Bobson offered his own means of advice.
  140. "Cleaning it would be wise." Asura echoed back, "We don't want the wound to get infected." He pointed to one of the less experienced members of his assembled crew.
  141. "You, get a sponge, small - with a bucket of soap and water." He ordered, "-and you..." He pointed to the other inexperienced member, "I need you to get some rubbing alcohol."
  143. The third, mildly experienced crew member squinted at Asura, immediately rebutting his command with a: "You know, you can't use rubbing alcohol on a wound. You're goingto put the man through agony and aggregate the wound."
  144. The claim stirred pause in the commanded crew member, before the Nomont shook his head.
  146. "The alcohol is for the equipment." He claimed, "After it's cleaned it'll have to be sealed. The last we need is to sew it shut with a dirty needle."
  147. Asura turned around to further inspect the wound, humming to himself to figure out what else there was to take into consideration.
  149. "The handbook mentioned something about thyme oil," he spoke, intent for the third of his crew, "Try to look through their cabinets here to see if they have any on hand. I want to be sure we're not letting an infection brew."
  151. It wouldn't be long before the bucket of soapy water arrived, diluted too much to be full of suds. The sponge was dabbed in the water before being slowly drawn to the blood around the wound by one of the crewmates, under Asura's close supervision.
  152. (Asura Nomont)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [17:02] Bobson seems more at ease with the variety of people seeming to take some level of interest in his wound. Assistance in this way was just another part of the Faith. Perhaps a bit roughly handled, it doesn't seem to bother him much. He watches intently, and even listens in to mister Nomont's instruction- this was a mutually beneficial agreement, after all.
  157. As the bucket of water and soap arrives, Bobson removes his cloak altogether, not wanting to get it dirtier than it already was, much less caked in blood. He asks one of the men to push the cart containing some amenities towards them, lying his arm on it, so that it didn't have to remain held up by them, and they could apply a bit more pressure without it limply waving around like a noodle.
  159. Feeling the water on his skin elicits no reaction, just a minor acknowledgement of it's happening as he locks eyes on Nomont. "So, I'm sure your predicament is a large part of your sudden interest in finding worth around here... But is there anything else? It seems like you're trying to take a lot on, in a very short time."
  160. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [17:22] The Nomont kept his eyes on the effort at-hand, watching intently as the wound was cleaned to reveal it in a more cleanly presented fashion. The man took a deep breath and sighed, but not for the operation at-hand, but rather... The question proposed.
  165. "This is supposed to be a distraction." He admitted, turning his head to glance at the other crewmate sifting through the cabinets. "If I keep my mind on my problems, I only worry myself and waste time, and I can't afford to piss away time. There are ways I could be improving life for my people." He portrayed himself as selfless, but this was entirely for himself - and he knew it.
  167. An addition cart with tools was offered forth by one of the Blue Unicorn assistants, happily accepted by one of the Nomont crewmembers, now holding a small glass bottle of rubbing alcohol and a rag.
  169. "Clean the sutures." He ordered, before his eyes sifted over to the other, returning with the thyme oil he had been waiting for.
  170. "I'm not sure exactly on the implications of occult magic, but I know that it saps the life from those that it comes across." Asura rambled on, "I doubt I have any tools here that can challenge that sort of power, so, if you have any magic that can? This would probably be the time to use it." The practicing medic-in-training suggested.
  172. Asura was hand off the silk string and needle, and he took upon yet another deep breath... And a sigh...
  173. He needed absolute focus to not screw this up.
  175. "If you wouldn't mind holding the arm still." The crewmate that cleaned the needle navigated to Asura's side to do just that. "--and as for you, Bobson, please refrain from moving."
  177. As the man lowered the suture towards the skin, a voice called out in the background. "WAIT!"
  178. The break in the silence, froze the Nomont, patiently waiting for a follow up.
  180. "Shouldn't you use some... Lax Essence?" suggested the individual that had retrieved the thyme oil. "I mean..." They pressured themselves to speak up. "It'll soothe the area first, so the needle doesn't hurt when it breaks the skin." They explained, bringing Asura to retreat from his action before he could actually do anything. "You're right." He claimed, "In fact, I'd actually go as far as say it wouldn't hurt coating the suture -in- lax essence." Asura claimed, only to have his idea shot down by the same crewmate.
  182. "We're not sure that's a good idea, sir. We should stick with what we've currently know."
  184. There was some pause in the matter, but otherwise, it didn't seem as though an argument was truly in the works.
  185. "You're right. Bring the tub of it and dab it around the laceration." ordered the Nomont.
  186. It took all of moments worth of waiting before it'd be fished out, then patted on by the same sponge that cleaned the wound off earlier... Thankfully, it was washed out by the bucket it came with.
  188. The lax essence saw introduction to the wound along its edges, cooling down at the nerve endings around the damaged area. "It won't numb it, but it'll certainly make it much more manageable... Or at least the book said that much."
  189. assured Asura.
  191. (Asura Nomont)
  192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. [17:33] "Sounds a bit like me! Don't gotta worry about being poor, or family dying, or the occult, or any of that if I'm out there helping people." He chuckles. "Does come from a good place though, much like I'm sure it does for you. If you were bad, you'd probably have gotten bored of trying to improve, by now. Most bad people tend to be that way. Easily distracted."
  196. With that out of the way, he drops the topic, and looks over the new cart of materials, with the alcohol and rags, and then he watches diligently as the sutures, scissors, and needle along with them are cleaned. "In a wound, it mostly infects. Think of a normal infection, but it's... Well, magic. Occult stuff can drive you mad, and it getting in a wound is no different. Usually you get someone to exorcise it. I have the blessings and good graces of Leonaus assisting me through my magicks, so I'm able to stave it off, so as to not bother someone else for their time."
  198. A brief shimmering and falling of stardust, potent- not that the nonmagi would be able to tell. It does it's work in forcing the energies it's held at bay, out entirely. Holy magic would have stopped this injury at the root, but he wasn't quite that capable- yet. As someone grabs his arm, he gently places his right hand atop theirs, so as to try and ease worry. "I won't move, don't worry." Eyes now closed, he seemed focused, almost in a meditative state and the stardust continues to shimmer and fall off of his form.
  200. Until a loud shout calling for a halt to the action breaks his concentration. He still doesn't jerk or move suddenly, but his eyes do open, and he looks over. A mention of Lax Essence is certainly a wiser call than he'd have made himself. He just shrugs. "That... Is probably a good idea. At least to help a little." He states, smiling. As the brief pause turns into a wait for the materialsto arrive to them, Bobson looks up towards the ceiling of the building. "Amazing how we've managed this stuff in the last hundred years. These buildings, these concepts, these free tools to teach and aide." He marvels at it all, but is cut short by the lax essence being applied, again, little in the way of reaction, he'd just about steeled himself to the idea of the pain, as surely it would be worse than the actuality, right?
  202. "Nothing you can do will match up to that aura of occult energy. It's like having your stomach squeezed when it's still inside of you. I assure you, the pain won't be a problem. I've dealt with more than enough to crying over a little surgery!" He snorts, and giggles, allowing it to trail off shortly thereafter.
  203. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  204. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [09:29] There was a matter that rattled at the back of his mind...
  206. Surely, he could tend to the wound, but there was always the aspect of magic to take into account. How could one neutralize foreign magics from the body?
  208. In fact, how could someone neutralize magic, at all? Surely, in a world with magic naturally occurring across the masses, there was bound to have been one antipodal to the aspiring magi! Surely, such would be the solution to such a predicament challenged by the inferior practitioner. "The occult..." The Nomont mumbled to himself, "I've heard stories of it. Not exactly the part concerning what it does to the mage... I've never really had the luxury of emphasizing with that. Rather, what it does to those it is used on."
  210. While he babbled aloud to distract him and Bobson, lax essence was being applied to the surrounding area of the wound by one of the Nomont assistants.
  211. "A wicked power that twists its victims intotry husks of their former selves... Leaves men, women and children just short of being turned to dust."
  213. The application of the lax essence was complete slightly slathered on, not quite too thick as to make the task of suturing impossible.
  214. "Though, it's much different than any other magic to me. They can all be destructive... All of them are dangerous when the users don't care about their surroundings."
  216. The Nomont steeled himself, taking up focus once more at his threaded needle and the laceration. The loose skin along the laceration's fringe was prodded, poked and slowly pierced by the needle. The man kept himself quiet, trying to keep his mind on the process. Surely, some would have taken it elsewhere... But he needed to be here -- and not wherever his sister was.
  218. "... Tell me about yourself, Bobson. What sort of person are you? What was it that brings you... Here, in life?" He asked, threading the silk through the first piercing.
  219. (Asura Nomont)
  220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. [09:40] A look towards mister Nomont as he finished applying the Lax, nodding to his words. "It drives the user just as mad. Just as lost and confused. But that's why they begin using it to begin with. They seek power, fame, riches, and fortune. The very things I forsake upon entry to the Faith. And they go to lengths that would destroy them to achieve their goals. Maybe they believe that they're 'stronger' than the occult, or maybe they just don't care. Whatever the case, it's always a terrible tragedy."
  224. He sighs, and shakes his head, as he then goes on to speak more generally as to magi who care naught for the surroundings in which they live. He chuckles. "You and I agree there. Fighting is always my last resort. I'll sooner take a loss, or empty my pockets than fight. To destroy so haplessly the world around us is... Sickening. It's one of the very few things that upsets and disappoints me." He speaks so coldly as he mentions this, and his tongue seems to linger upon the word 'sickening', a hiss present, and clearly heard.
  226. He blinks, and then laughs heartily. "But, that's not to say I'm an aspiring nature magi or anything." He waves off any thought of such, with his free hand, inadvertently causing his arm being worked on to shift and move about. He quickly realizes his error, and drops his arm back to his side. "Sorry." he whispers.
  228. At the request of Bobson's reasoning for... Existence, he reaches into his pocket, gingerly so as to not interrupt the now-more-than-ever important task of allowing his wound to be cleaned and closed. But he retrieves an unbound collection of notes. There are but a few scant pages filled.
  230. "This." He states plainly, as though the man would have any clue what it was. A moment later, he goes on. "To protect, and equally as importantly, learn about the history of Esshar. To learn what happened since the Pandemonium Chase, and how we have ended up as we have... And after that is done, to learn more about the land we all call home. About the large swathes of history just gone from libraries and texts available to us.
  232. To catalog them, for any and all who would wish to see them. To make them freely available, and more than that, to speak to any and all who would tell me their tales. The history of their lands, their own personal histories, the tales of their religion, anything. I want to make sure it never dies unheard, or unremembered."
  234. He coughs weakly, calming himself down, his face flush with determination and a clear passion about the topics he spoke of. "I was told by a man, one I think will be my enemy one day... That it was a good goal. That I should take it seriously, and stop thinking so much about it. To be so deep in my head."
  236. He looks up towards mister Nomont, and his companions, taking a good moment to stare each of them in the eyes. "I will be the protector of history."
  237. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  238. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  240. [10:02] The others surrounding the two watched on, one even briefly departing to offer forth a candle for light. Asura squinted his eyes to ensure he was breaking the lax essense and piercing the loose skin below, watching intently as he threaded yet another line of the thread from under, through over...
  242. All the while, he listened...
  243. He listened to things from the perspective of a magi. Though, try as he might - he couldn't relate. To him, it was akin a mere vagrant hearing out the first world annoyances of a noble, nodding away in false agreement.
  245. Asura knew no privileges, and deep down - there was resentment. Nothing that'd break the surface however -- a nonmage knew their place.
  247. As he lowered for the third stitch, the arm under operation shifted, short-circuiting the fake smile marred across his face for something more deadpanned.
  248. The apology whispered to him was enough, wordlessly continuing the process of breaking the loose skin for the third time.
  250. 'This' - The word was complemented by the fishing of a collection of notes, something given merely a batted glance; the aspiring surgeon was working.
  251. An idle hum was offered as a response, hopefully worthy enough of signifying acknowledgement.
  253. Asura was taking his time with this endeavor. He had only ever come across the procedure in a book. Never once did he see it with his own two eyes preformed in-person.
  254. A poke and he found the needle poking a tad bit too deep, drawing a small bit of blood. An annoyed sigh through his nose eased from his person, dulled as to not usher too much attention.
  256. The Nomont leaned forward in reverence, all while his assistant lowered the candle to offer better lighting.
  257. Slowly he eased the needle in for a third pierce, stitching it through... The skin was a bit more loose for the remainder, so it didn't seem like it'd take too much excessive attention.
  259. Enough energy could be reserved, at least to offer forth a response:
  260. "History... Is a wicked thing." He replied back.
  261. "Maybe to that of people like yourself, of course... But especially on the helpless like nonmagus kin. That goes across both Esshar… And even Osrona."
  263. Another thread, and light pull to close up at the opening. "Imagine being the overwhelming majority of a population, only to be controlled by people with the power to turn your friends and family to dust, in the name of..." The man cut himself off... pausing his procedure even, to take a sigh. It was a moment, but he'd eventually return as though all was well.
  265. "Sometimes, you'll find history is a cruel thing." He answered outright. "It even has the potential to repeat itself, if not learned from." He carried on, "... Though, the most important part of it, is that we learn from it."
  266. The procedure was going rather well, if not for the fact that a total of four people were working at it.
  268. The presence of cosmic energy combatted the corrosive occult ebbing at the flesh in its corruptive fashion, ethereal and intangible to the rather simple instruments in nonmagus hands.
  270. (Asura Nomont)
  271. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  273. [10:14] The stitching being done as he blathers on about his beliefs and goals definitely shows it's basest influences of someone still in medical training, but it's not like Bobson had much room to complain, he was grateful that Nomont was willing to help at all.
  275. The quiet is disconcerting, especially by candlelight, but he simply waits, staring at the wall idly, allowing him to work in total focus, until he began to speak in response.
  277. "You're really upset with magi... I can't imagine what has been done to you, or your family, or your friends. I'm too young to have seen it. But don't mistake me. You and yours are included in history. And yes, hearing you out is part of what I must do to ensure things aren't repeated, and this status quo of warfare doesn't continue on forever."
  279. He shrugs lightly, sighing. "In the name of Leonaus? In the name of their own power? In the name of their city? Please,I'm not going to get angry at you. I want to know why you feel this way, so I might take the steps in starting to mend it. It's not going to immediate, but I do intend to fix things. Bring them back in line with how the Faith used to be. helping people."
  281. With that said, he listens on to the rest of his words, about history, and it's foul influence, and the necessity to learn from it, and there's nothing he can respond with but agreeing nods.
  283. Looking down at his arm, his vision goes woozy for just a moment. Young, and not exactly comfortable with seeing his own flesh opened up, he quickly turns away, and blinks rapidly as though to flush the sight from his eyes.
  285. His starlit mana continues to sizzle and burn away the occult, having faded due to the treatments already done, it was just a matter of time before it sizzled away to nothing, leaving the boy free of it's influence once more.
  287. As a last point of conversation, Bobson speaks. "My father was a nonmagi. For what it's worth... Toiled in the mines most days, helped craft, and build houses and stalls otherwise. I still look up to him more than anyone else in the world."
  288. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  289. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  291. [10:58] Asura was coming close to the end, threading away until he made it to the end of the wound.
  292. The most skilled of his assistants softly placed a hand on his shoulder to usher his attention.
  293. "Be careful here. I've read that if you tent up the skin, mend it, it leaves a large scar." They warned, "-but if you leave the skin mended in a pit formation, it makes an even larger scar."
  295. The suggestion didn't feel like it helped much. Rather gave Asura more things to worry about, given his efforts and first time practicing.
  296. Then again, was there ever really an opportunity to practice?
  298. … Preposterous! Of course there was! It just turned out that he was thrusted towards his first real case before he had a chance to really apply himself. Maybe it'd hold up... Or maybe it was doomed to fail.
  300. Though, there came the question of - Why did he have so much animosity against magi?
  301. Surely, for a magi, the question was valid - but for a man like Asura? It felt like it should've been common knowledge. It always was, for the many, countless nonmagi abroad.
  303. Perhaps, magus kin were sheltered from the harsh reality given their boon.
  304. The Nomont pulled slowly to offer tension across the silk thread, closing at the wound slowly with the lax essence numbing any sharp pain it could've outright irked.
  306. There were several mistakes made in hindsight -- even before the attempted procedure was complete. The man had used the needle and thread without a forceps, invalidating the truest possibility of non-reinfection. Scissors were not used to make throws in the stitches, thus locking it securely in place. Tissue forceps were not used to hold up the loose portions of flesh, rather, an eyeballing technique was used which lead to the accidental poking of the needle, and finally... The scalpel was entirely neglected.
  308. Given the conflict between occult energies antagonizing the flesh and soul, in constant turmoil with the cosmic magic - keeping it at bay - there was likely to be dead tissue in need of scraping, something a more skilled practitioner would've known (and something not highlighted in the medical handbook).
  310. Thus, despite the wannabe surgeon's assumption, they had effectively committed to a botched job.
  312. "You want to know?" He asked, before shaking his head, easing his pull as the wound closed shut. The throwless stitch was knotted at its end, before the underused scissors finally snipped the excess away. The beginning of the continuous thread was knotted as well, to prevent from being tugged and unwound - undoing the progress he had worked at.
  314. It was -one- way to do a stitch, but certainly not a correct way -- and FAR from a professional tier, given all the aforementioned mistakes. Though, a professional would've called it out, an amateur like Asura would claim it was a good job for a first attempt.
  316. "You live a life as a magi. Privileged to go out into the wilderness and take what you deem fit. You want it? It's yours, and only the most powerful of wildlife can dare to challenge you. When, for whatever reason it overwhelms you? You leave, and choose to battle another day. If you face another magi that disagrees with you, you argue, battle... Conflict or what have you... But then, you can leave, and walk away. You can change the very world around you, at the very THOUGHT of it." Asura emphasized, taking his tools for the cart nearby, leaving it to his assistants to clean up.
  318. "... But people like myself?" The man's tone dipped...
  319. "We're not even seen by people like you." He shook his head, "It's like we're not even acknowledged, too little to be worth any time. Magi can brawl in the open and harm countless men, women and children... Hell, sometimes, they outright kill them in their travels... Butno one ever goes out of their way for a nonmage."
  321. The man found a nearby bed to sit on, to prevent from ranting as he hovered over the youthful magi.
  323. "We stand up for ourselves, only to be crushed... Whether it'd be figurative or outright literally to our deaths, and nothing defends us. Deemed as less because we lack magic, as 'incomplete' because we don't cast, and worthy only to man a stall under the employment of a mage."
  325. "... You know magi make up hardly a drop in the bucket to the population... Yet, why is it that only magi rule? That only magi lead? That everyone else... The countless others, capable leaders, innovators and the like? Are cast to the shadows of magi, without ever the faintest hope of being considered an equal."
  327. There was a sigh as he cast his head down, "Not even under the right of Law, in a city..."
  328. In that genuine moment of sadness, there was anger bridling beneath the surface.
  330. "I've nearly been killed myself many times by magi in the past, but... Up until recently? No one has even bothered acknowledging my existence. Funny that a fairy would approach me to tell me that much... It's like... Fate de
  331. (Asura Nomont)
  332. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  334. [11:04] [cont.]
  336. There was a sigh as he cast his head down, "Not even under the right of Law, in a city..."
  337. In that genuine moment of sadness, there was anger bridling beneath the surface.
  339. "I've nearly been killed myself many times by magi in the past, but... Up until recently? No one has even bothered acknowledging my existence. Funny that a fairy would approach me to tell me that much... It's like... Fate decided to shine a light on me in my years."
  340. (Asura Nomont)
  341. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  343. [11:13] The mistakes, and failures committed by Asura didn't... Really bother Bobson. If he'd known, he likely would have tried to correct him, but in the end, there were many potions and tools to fix any such minor blemishes. Tinctures to fix, and to heal. And if not, he certainly had a story to tell in the future.
  345. Things like dead skin, things like the lack of proper medical procedure, perhaps Asura was right. It was far more threatening to a nonmagi, but Bobson was free to ignore these tiny mistakes. Magic was an effective cureall, though basic knowledge and attention to detail surely made things a lot easier and prettier when they healed up.
  347. The tightness of the suture being closed after his question causes him to tense up, biting his cheek. "That's just plain not true, Mister Nomont. To say we don't see you. If we didn't see you, or didn't want to see you, you'd be living life in Achyon, as one of their slaves, toiling away farworse than here in Osrona. Not that they're all bad, but to nonmagi? I've heard terrible things."
  349. He turns his attention fully towards the man, rotating his arm to check it's range of motion, and to ensure no stitches popped from such simple movements- thankfully, no such misfortune would occur.
  351. "To say that no magi has ever defended you, when the very foundation of the modern Osrona was a plea to the heavens above. The corpse of one of our own dragged to heights to beg for freedom and safety for all it's inhabitants. Magi, and nonmagi. We were all humbled and equaled after the Pandemonium Chase. Magi were able to bounce back more quickly. They had power to move mountains, to do things and shape the world, like you said-"
  353. "But there was nothing stopping a nonmagi from joining them. If you can't be on the front lines fighting, join the church like I have. I'll never be able to fight properly. Ever. But a position in the church favors study, favors understanding over fighting. And many people joined the church in part due to that. Will you ever be stellus? Probably not, but you can absolutely become a priest, and have input. You can join the Order, and become a knight. Again, there are probably limits to the heights you can reach, but that's because people expect power to lead, because it's necessary."
  355. He stands up now, slowly draping his cloak over his shoulders, and rotating his arm one more time, just to check.
  357. "If you truly wish to make a mark on Osrona, to lead it as a nonmagi, bring it up. Bring it up to the Stellus, bring it up to a radiant. You'd like to provide input for the nonmagi populace, for the affairs of the city. Quit pitying yourself."
  359. He steps a bit closer now, to the man, and pouts. "I stood in the way of an occultist to protect the nonmagi in the market square. I took an injury fending them off until someone more powerful could arrive. I notice you all. I notice everyone who crosses my path. Who flashes a smile in my direction. Who pleas to the stars, who asks for assistance from the church. I obviously need to do more, if you feel that way."
  360. (Bobson Dugnutt)
  361. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. [11:14] Bobson Dugnutt says, "If there's nothing else, I think I'll leave for now... But thank you for your help."
  364. [11:14] Bobson Dugnutt says, "I am truly grateful."
  365. [11:15] Asura Nomont says, "Hm... Perhaps, my perspective is too narrow... But then again, you are of a minority in more ways than one."
  366. [11:16] Bobson Dugnutt says, "I'll happily talk to you any time you want. You know I'm usually in the market square. And if not, I'm in the church, cleaning or tending to members of the flock."
  367. [11:16] Bobson Dugnutt says, "Please take care, mister Nomont."
  368. [11:16] Asura nods
  369. (Asura Nomont)
  370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. [11:16] Asura Nomont exclaims, "Oh!"
  373. [11:16] Bobson Dugnutt asks, "Hm?"
  374. [11:16] Asura Nomont says, "Make sure to have that stitch looked at."
  375. [11:16] Bobson Dugnutt says, "I will. "
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