
Dadonequus Discord (The After Years) Ending a Chapter

May 1st, 2017
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  1. >And then suddenly a meteor came from the sky. Landed in Ponyville. And everypony exploded!
  2. "...And that's the end of the story."
  3. >You were sitting on a chair in a large room with three beds. The chair was set in front of the set of beds. And each bed contained a foal.
  4. >A young filly with the striking image of Diamond Tiara. Same mane color even. But she wore it in a ponytail and had your eyes. She had no cutie mark.
  5. >A small athletic colt, older than the filly by three years. He seemed tough, rambunctious, and a little dumb. His cutie mark was a bomb.
  6. >And finally, the middle colt. With spiked up hair and a set of glasses. His cutie mark was some strange symbol that looked like a circle with an incomplete "A"
  7. >Both colts had your mane and coat color.
  8. >"Actually father, if that was the end of the story. I don't think we'd be here. I hope that wasn't an attempt at a joke" The smug intellectual foal looked at you with a smirk.
  9. "ugh, c'mon Illustrious. Don't be such a party pooper. I just wanted a little pazaaz"
  10. >The middle colt's name was Illustrious Rich. He was named by Spoiled Rich. Who almost had you by the throat when it came to naming him.
  11. >"It was scary, I almost thought a meteor really did hit us!" The little filly shook in her bed as she looked at you with big scared eyes "That would never really happen, right Daddy?"
  12. "Aww, Jewely. Nah, it'd never happen. Besides, even if there was a meteor. Your daddy only needs to look at it with his super horn and BAM! It's gone, just a big ole pretty firework for you too look at"
  13. >The youngest, the filly, was named Crown Jewel. Obviously named by your wife. You liked calling her Jewely. It was cuter.
  14. >She looked up at you with those pretty eyes, a smile on her face "Pretty fireworks? I like fireworks! That sounds a lot better than a meteor"
  15. >You give her a warm smile as you nods.
  16. "Yep, and it'd all be for you. I'd make it the prettiest thing you've ever seen!"
  18. >"Fireworks? Agh, that's fucking laaaaame. It should just be like that nuke thing like in the story! That would be the coolest thing EEEVVERRR!" Anon Jr. said bombastically as he slammed his hooves down in excitement.
  19. "Yeah, that would be pretty ex-...wait...Junior, what did you just say?"
  20. >Oh god no, if Diamond heard him say that. She'd...oh god. Where did he even?
  21. >And then there was Anon Jr. The one you got to name and wanted to have as your image. He...didn't quite come out that way. And was the reason Spoiled Rich wouldn't let you name another child.
  22. >"Fuck. why?" He looked at you, confused.
  23. >"ooooooh, you said a bad wooooord. Only adults can say bad words" Jewel said in a matter of factly way.
  24. >You just gave a scowl towards your eldest son
  25. "Where did you even learn that word?!"
  26. >Illustrious answered for him as he adjusted his glasses. "I believe that would be you father, you were cursing throughout the entire story, after all."
  27. "........"
  28. >Diamond was going to kill you. She was going to throw you into the fireplace.
  29. >"Oh, I know that look. Is mommy going to make you sleep on the couch again" Jewel asked, putting a hoof to her mouth as she looked at you with curiousness.
  30. >Fuck that noise.
  31. "Nooope, not unless Junior curses in front of her. So er, son. Let's just keep it between us? k?"
  32. >"Fuck yeah! I can do it dad. You'll never hear another fucking curse out of this fucking guy!" Junior pointed to himself with energized vigor
  33. >You're doomed.
  34. "....right"
  36. >Illustrious leaned over to put away his glasses on his night stand as he made himself more comfortable. Already seeing his brother causing your utter doom. "Well, chin up father. It could still work out for you. Oh yes, will we still be flying kites with Aunt Starlight tomorrow?"
  37. >You cringed
  38. "I think we'll be flying more than kites tomorrow son. I'll need my skin back by the end of the day...ugh"
  39. >"Awww, Daddy..." Crown Jewel hopped out of bed. And stood at the end of her bed looking into your eyes with sorrow and worry. "Don't worry. I won't let you sleep alone on the couch. It can get scary being alone. I'll sleep with you if you want."
  40. >Well, if you could count on one of your children to make you feel better. It was Crown Jewel.
  41. "Aww, Jewely. I can always count on you to cheer me up"
  42. >You give her a weak smile as you get up and lean over to kiss her forehead. Making her smile and giggle.
  43. >"What the fuck? Dad! I said I wasn't going to curse anymore!" Junior spouted angrily at you
  44. >"AJ, you do realize that the word "Fuck" is a curse word. Right?" Illustrious told him.
  45. >"Wha? Wait...I thought curse words were like "ooga booga" and "alakazam" " Junior looked so confused
  46. >You and Crown Jewel just smack your own foreheads at Junior's comment.
  48. >You were totally doomed.
  49. >"Well, somepony wasn't paying attention. Welp, father. Siblings. I bid you good night. Good luck to you father." Illustrious said as he made himself comfortable and closed his eyes.
  50. >"I-I still don't get it..." Junior looked really confused.
  51. "Don't worry about it son. Just get some sleep and we'll have more storytime tomorrow night...maybe...hopefully."
  52. >"Oh..come on Dad! Grandpa Discord would let me stay up whenever I want!" Junior complained.
  53. "I know, and when you and him blew up one of Twilight's towers. Aunt Fluttershy scolded me and Grandpa Discord about it. Me, I don't even know. I wasn't even involved!"
  54. >You hear Illustrious yawn, still cuddled in his blanket as he speaks "I believe that is due to "Parental Responsibility" Father."
  55. >You swear you could hear him snicker silently. You loved all your kids. But you swore Illustrious felt a little interdimensional in his upbringing.
  56. "Whatever...Junior. Just go to sleep. We'll talk about "cursing" tomorrow"
  57. >"Ok Dad, fine, I'll go to fucking sleep." Junior lowered his head begrudgingly onto his pillow and closed his eyes.
  58. >You sighed as you looked over at your daughter. She was reaching out to you.
  59. >Awww..
  60. >You moved close enough so she could hug your neck with her little body. "Don't worry Daddy! I'll never curse in front of Mommy! Promiseys!"
  61. >awww....
  62. "I know you won't Jewely. You'll always be my little princess"
  63. >You give her a smooch on the cheek.
  64. >She giggled and held up a strange doll. "oh, oh! can you give Chryssy a kiss too?"
  65. >Chryssy?
  66. >That name...
  67. >You hadn't heard it since...
  68. "Where did you get that doll?"
  69. >"Oh, I found it on my bed, I think..erm...yesterday? I like it a lot. It's like a cute little buggy pony! Just like in the story!" She hugged it tightly and held it close to you.
  70. >It can't be. Chrysalis...she was lost.
  71. >Years and years ago, A group of evil beings called the Raptorians appeared in Equestria. And started literally glassing the place.
  73. >Incidentally. It was Chrysalis who had released them from their prison in Tartarus. With her hive gone and her refusing to reform. She had grown tired of captivity and had tricked you into sending her into Tartarus under the guise of her wanting to not want to trouble you anymore.
  74. >It was of course a ruse. Since she knew you'd send her there without properly sealing her in chains and such.
  75. >While no one seemingly died. The battle was fierce. And nearly lost. Hell, it was surprisingly Starlight who won the day
  76. >Discord was no where to be seen at the time due to taking a "vacation" and leaving you to Fluttershy, to help her since you were a teenager at the time.
  77. >And of course. You snuck off to try to save the day yourself.
  78. >And failed because they glassed your horn while you were in a monologue.
  79. >When you found out Chrysalis was behind it. You were of course shocked.
  80. >Especially since it was your fault...
  81. >However, the Raptorians didn't really seem to like you. And tried to glass you, which. As it turned out. Wasn't part of Chrysalis's deal.
  82. >Hell, they wanted to shatter you into pieces because of how you ran your mouth. They wanted to make an example of you.
  83. >And for Chrysalis? As it turned out. She had made a deal to not include you in the glassing. And when it meant your death. She...
  84. >She took the hit.
  85. >And then fell into the abyss.
  86. >You held back a tear. And hugged onto your precious daughter.
  87. >"Daddy? Is something wrong?" She could sense you were suddenly sad about something. "It's not mommy bringing you doom, is it?"
  88. "No...Jewely. My little princess. You take care of Chryssy, ok?"
  90. >"I will! You don't need to cry Daddy. She's already my bestest friend!" She says cheerfully.
  91. >That nearly made you choke.
  92. "I'm glad...well, you get a good sleep too Jewely. And I'll see you all tomorrow. I love you all."
  93. >Crown Jewel jumps into her bed and hugs her doll tightly as all three of your children bid you a good night.
  94. >You walk out of their room. And dim the light. Looking to all of them.
  95. >You closed the door and leaned against it.
  96. >Welp, the dam burst. You just leaked a few tears as you passed through the rooms of the manor. Avoiding the maids as you went into your room.
  97. >There, asleep and tired from work was your beautiful wife. Diamond Tiara. fully grown, sexy, and probably going to murder you eventually.
  98. >Yeah, you married her alright. Her affection for you never died. Even to this day.
  99. >Of course, some of that rough and richly self became more prominent after marriage. Pushing you into things you didn't want to do or giving you lip when you tried to argue her on something.
  100. >But, she also became the main money maker of the family. Taking over her father's business. Barnyard Bargains and it's affiliates.
  101. >You? Welp, no magic in the world could get you to be as successful as any rich. But using your magic make more powerful safes than the ones currently available was apparently very sought after,
  102. >Mostly because, as it turned out, introducing Monopoly sunk shares within the company.
  103. >Bad move on your part.
  104. >But, she loved you just the same. And as long as you were the heroic and strong stallion she married. She'd always love you. And adore you.
  105. >You slowly got into bed and cuddled into her.
  106. >Poor girl, she was all strung out and tired. you could feel it.
  107. >You just hugged into her close. Kept her warm. Let her know, that even subconsciously, you'd always be there for her.
  109. >Of course...
  110. >It being you
  111. >Nothing could ever go your way.
  112. >Just as you tried to get a little raunchy and get in a few pokes of her plot.
  113. >Discord, in a giant hot air balloon, bursts through your wall. Waking your wife and surprising you.
  114. >"ANON! DIAMOND! OH MY PRECIOUS KIN! THERE'S AN EMERGENCY!" He yelled as he frantically waved to the both of you.
  117. >You couldn't even come up with words for him.
  118. >"....six thousand bits one hundred more for waking me up.." Diamond however, was much more used to this ridiculousness. Somehow...
  119. >Or as long as Discord paid up. Which he just smirked and did by tossing the bag of bits to the side of the bed.
  120. >You just groan as you look to your wife.
  121. "Really? You're just going to indulge him like that?"
  122. >"Anon, I love our Dadcord. But it's not like we can stop him. The most we can do is charge him for it. Oh also Dadcord" She looks to him with a very serious face "Since you're here, did you get it?"
  123. >"Ohhh! yes, yes I did!" Discord smiled jovially has he snapped his talons, making a beautiful princess tiara appear and float in front of Diamond Tiara. Making her smile a warm smile.
  124. >"..Anon, it's more beautiful than I could have ever hoped. It's going to make Crown Jewel so happy. Don't you think?" She turned to you with a hopeful smile.
  125. "What about the wall?"
  126. >Diamond Tiara nudges into you hard as she gives you a scrunchy grump face.
  127. >You sigh
  128. "Ok ok, I admit. It's beautiful. And I know Jewely will love it."
  129. >You sigh and then look to Discord
  130. "So what's the emergency?"
  132. >"Ah yes, that, weeeelllll. It seems somepony under your employ let one of the flowers from the seeds Fluttershy had given you die in the field. A grievous crime indeed!"
  133. >........
  134. >You, and even Diamond Tiara just glare at him.
  135. >Discord smile becomes more sheepish as he starts the have the balloon slowly move the opposite direction "Well, it seems that perhaps that wasn't too much of an emergency. Well, anyway. I did my job here. Pleasant dreams everypony! I'm off to ADVENTURE!" Discord said as a pilot's goggles and scarf appeared on him. Floating away into the distance.
  136. "Yeah...I knew he wouldn't fix our wall."
  137. >"I know, still" Diamond smiled as she looked at the tiara,and then carefully put it away before cuddling into you "He's the greatest Draconedad anypony could ever have"
  138. >You chuckle at that
  139. >You cuddle into your wife. both cuddling into eachother for the extra warmth. Now that the wall was gone and letting in a gentle breeze.
  140. "I prefer Dadoneequs"
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