

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. fought bravely and as fiercely as he could against the mighty force of Tils, Ryoka, Uvogiri, and Tarro, but together their overwhelming oozaru might proved to be too much for his own form to handle as it ended up being him standing alone against them. Quickly he was beaten to the ground and being battered so badly that he couldn't move an inch. All that he had tried to prevent was about to happen right in front of his eyes. He wanted to stop all of the deaths no matter the cost and rid the entirely galaxy of the M-Force who were the main reasons why everyone were dying in this day and age. And in order to do that he would have to first get through the saiyans...His own kind that they enlisted to fight for them. He'd grown up a low class saiyan and even weaker than the others. Proof of that was him struggling against the Namekian soil to rise again. He knew that strength is what he needed most of all if he was ever going to be able to stop them and save Tarragon from his premature demise. He remembered the conversation they had that faithful day they met and how he'd wished Hiei luck on defeating the M-Force and righting all the wrongs that they had done to them both. This was his chance to save him and make good on that promise until it happened. His body could barely move to the point where he could only turn his head slightly to witness the carnage that was about to happen. He couldn't believe it....Tarragon's lifeless body laid their motionless as that heartless woman murdered him in cold blood with out a care in the world. His eyes widened in disbelief. "Noooo....nooo....How could I let this happen...Not again!" Images of the past once again resurfaced as he saw The M-Force killing off Artic, Snow Cone, Ice Cone, Scallio, Cumber, and the others that died unfairly and unwarranted. And now the image of Tarragon was itched into his mind and added to the collection of the tormented individuals. He couldn't hold it in any longer. He was the calm, cool, and collected one out of the remaining saiyans but this caused his emotions to tilt off the balanced scale. "How could you do this!? After everything that has happened to us how could you kill for them!!!" His anger raged into an uncontrollable flame. His inner desire to avenge their deaths became more of a priority than ever before. He wanted to end the madness and end it now. He snapped. An inner power began to awaken and with sheer willpower he'd no longer struggle and with ease he rose from the floor. His body still showing sign of being beaten but now it was filled with vigor. A small tear dropped from his eye but the heat from his cheek quickly evaporated it. As he raised his head you could see his facial expression was nothing like before. His pupils were pure white and his hair began to stand up and the heat around him become more visible has time went by. The planet began to tremble as if it resonated with his anger. Debris kicked up into the air as the sky darkened around the area. A storm began to brew as a single lightening bolt propelled itself into the ground next to him. His body began to transform into something....It was almost akin to Queen Aria as he increased in mass but not too much. It was just right. Veins had shown themselves as a bright golden aura swepted acrossed the land and them shrunk into a waving beckon of hope and flared over his body making him glow. His hair began to transition itself from black to gold. And he erupted once again sending a shockwave of gold ki pressuring against everyone which was followed by a blinding light. Once the light flickered away you could see his new transformation into the ultimate form of a saiyan. A super saiyan.
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