

May 15th, 2011
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  1. (21:26:48) * jape sets mode: +b *!*@*
  2. (21:26:56) * jape sets mode: +b *!*
  3. (21:26:59) * DarkPredator was kicked by jape (jape)
  4. (21:27:10) <+CVagts> ???
  5. (21:27:13) <@jape> its ing
  6. (21:27:24) <zero> how do u know
  7. (21:27:24) <Ferathon> Well tere ya go.
  8. (21:27:24) <+CVagts> the ISP is
  9. (21:27:32) <joe> he is using a proxy
  10. (21:27:34) <zero> i thought ings was verizon or some shit
  11. (21:27:39) <keeta> he was stealing sigs internet
  12. (21:27:50) <@jape> proxy plus tor
  13. (21:27:55) <+CVagts> how did you find out
  14. (21:28:03) <@jape> years of hard detective work
  15. (21:28:10) <werster> lol
  16. (21:28:14) <Slipomatic> jape secretly works with the CIA
  17. (21:28:16) <+CVagts> nice
  18. (21:28:17) <werster> that much effort just to come back in...
  19. (21:28:22) <@jape> im a former federal agent
  20. (21:28:24) <werster> and then that muc effort just to keep him out...
  21. (21:28:30) <werster> idk why you kids even care lol
  22. (21:28:34) <keeta> <DarkPredator> pokey did slipomatic?
  23. (21:28:34) <keeta> <Slipomatic> no
  24. (21:28:34) <keeta> <DarkPredator> that sounds kind of weird
  25. (21:28:35) * ZFG ( has joined #speedrunslive
  26. (21:28:35) * ChanServ sets mode: +v ZFG
  27. (21:28:36) <zero> i think jape also found out because darkpredator said something sexual
  28. (21:28:40) <keeta> all the evidence was right there
  29. (21:28:44) <+CVagts> "srl sucks they're all nazis" *uses elaborate proxies to get back in*
  30. (21:28:50) <pokeysleep> <ingx24>: yes <ingx24>: i don't know how the fuck he found ou
  31. (21:28:54) <pokeysleep> XD
  32. (21:28:56) <zero> XD
  33. (21:28:58) <@sicko> lol
  34. (21:28:59) <goldenboy> he was using tor:
  35. (21:29:00) <keeta> lmao
  36. (21:29:05) <@jape> hahaha
  37. (21:29:08) <@jape> amazing
  38. (21:29:17) <werster> lmao
  39. (21:29:48) <RingRush> so many ringrush jrs here
  40. (21:29:52) <jeffsledge> those meddling kids
  41. (21:29:56) <RingRush> figuring out people under false names...
  42. (21:29:58) <MrSparkle> .goal 1
  43. (21:29:59) <RBABot> tww: any%
  44. (21:30:02) <MrSparkle> lol
  45. (21:30:07) <MrSparkle> .time 1
  46. (21:30:08) <RBABot> 10:53:00
  47. (21:30:15) <MrSparkle> whats the other one
  48. (21:30:16) <Slipomatic> .entrants 1
  49. (21:30:16) <RBABot> 1. cosmo (10:08:24) | Cpkaka | Elminster (Forfeit) (had to leave dumb shit fuck life th)
  50. (21:30:20) <MrSparkle> .entrants 1
  51. (21:30:21) <RBABot> 1. cosmo (10:08:24) | Cpkaka | Elminster (Forfeit) (had to leave dumb shit fuck life th)
  52. (21:30:24) <Slipomatic> what's status on cpkaka?
  53. (21:30:24) <the_midnight_theif> he gave you know, cpkaka?
  54. (21:30:35) <Large_Dildo> he's in the wind temple
  55. (21:30:35) <Cpkaka> ?
  56. (21:30:41) <Slipomatic> ah ok
  57. (21:30:46) <RaikerZ> jeffsledge tomorrow race me in snap before i die~ :P
  58. (21:30:51) <MrSparkle> cosmo's time, any significant break?
  59. (21:30:52) <Slipomatic> not that that info helps me
  60. (21:30:53) <the_midnight_theif> i wanna see scarletts before that helps :) im not
  61. (21:30:55) <RingRush> .rank darkpredator
  62. (21:30:56) <RBABot> darkpredator | Overall Gross: 15 - #125 | SM64 1015 - #37
  63. (21:30:59) <Slipomatic> never played wind waker
  64. (21:31:00) <MrSparkle> I'm trying to judge his improvement
  65. (21:31:24) <@jape> whats up sparkle
  66. (21:31:28) <MrSparkle> yo
  67. (21:31:30) * zimizz ( has joined #speedrunslive
  68. (21:31:32) <keeta> sparkle
  69. (21:31:35) <MrSparkle> wat
  70. (21:31:38) <keeta> do you think ing is a good guy
  71. (21:31:50) <MrSparkle> what
  72. (21:31:52) <joe> ?? did ing even do anything
  73. (21:31:53) * lluuccuuss ( has joined #speedrunslive
  74. (21:31:54) <joe> why is he banned
  75. (21:31:58) <zimizz> .races
  76. (21:31:59) <RBABot> Race 1: tww, 3 entrants | Race 19: mm, 2 entrants
  77. (21:32:02) <zero> hes a retarded kid
  78. (21:32:04) <batts> well he raced on 2 different names now
  79. (21:32:05) <RingRush> coming back under a false name
  80. (21:32:07) <RingRush> is a bannable offence
  81. (21:32:13) <RingRush> as seen on the bottom of srl's page
  82. (21:32:13) <zero> that too
  83. (21:32:16) <keeta> sparkle what would happen if i put my sock over a hairdryer
  84. (21:32:16) <pokeysleep> i dont think hes as bad as people say he is
  85. (21:32:17) <the_midnight_theif> more like the special i put a sock drawer, that's not bad choice of words
  86. (21:32:25) <lluuccuuss> .:)
  87. (21:32:32) <werster> people say hes bad?
  88. (21:32:38) <werster> i just think people think hes an idiot
  89. (21:32:41) <werster> and make fun of him
  90. (21:32:42) <werster> lol...
  91. (21:33:09) * zimizz ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  92. (21:33:17) * zimizz ( has joined #speedrunslive
  93. (21:33:28) <zero> hi ing
  94. (21:33:42) <pokeysleep> hello
  95. (21:33:45) <pokeysleep> ofuck i mean
  96. (21:33:45) <Slipomatic> nes
  97. (21:33:46) <pokeysleep> im not ing
  98. (21:33:47) <pokeysleep> D:
  99. (21:33:52) <MrSparkle> back
  100. (21:33:54) <Slipomatic> how many lvls are there in line clear mode in tetris attack?
  101. (21:34:04) * hidontcare ( has joined #speedrunslive
  102. (21:34:05) <MrSparkle> ing is a cool guy
  103. (21:34:08) <MrSparkle> in my opinion
  104. (21:34:15) <pokeysleep> ^
  105. (21:34:16) <zero> your opinion is wrong
  106. (21:34:18) <neskamikaze> hell if i know
  107. (21:34:21) <lluuccuuss> 3:34am :(
  108. (21:34:22) <@jape> who cares
  109. (21:34:25) <neskamikaze> i dont ever play line clear
  110. (21:34:33) <MrSparkle> the hell zero
  111. (21:34:38) <Slipomatic> well, wanna race that mode tomorrow?
  112. (21:34:41) <MrSparkle> I was asked what i thought about ing
  113. (21:34:43) <skateman222> .races
  114. (21:34:44) <RBABot> Race 1: tww, 3 entrants | Race 19: mm, 2 entrants
  115. (21:34:53) <keeta> sparkle whats your skype name
  116. (21:34:58) <lluuccuuss> whos ing?
  117. (21:35:00) * Chessblue ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  118. (21:35:01) <ShadowJacky> .races
  119. (21:35:02) <RBABot> Race 1: tww, 3 entrants | Race 19: mm, 2 entrants
  120. (21:35:05) <chum> a person with adhd i thin
  121. (21:35:07) <chum> k
  122. (21:35:08) <Slipomatic> lol lluuccuuss
  123. (21:35:13) <Large_Dildo> ing is a dangerous person
  124. (21:35:15) <Slipomatic> .racetotal portal
  125. (21:35:16) <RBABot> 3
  126. (21:35:17) <ShadowJacky> MM=megaman?
  127. (21:35:17) <Large_Dildo> watch out
  128. (21:35:19) <neskamikaze> i guess so
  129. (21:35:24) <pokeysleep> lluuccuuss is ingx24 O:
  130. (21:35:25) <MrSparkle> keeta mrsparkle404
  131. (21:35:26) <Geemer5986867> Majora's Mask
  132. (21:35:27) <MrSparkle> I think
  133. (21:35:27) <Slipomatic> no
  134. (21:35:28) <chum> shadowjackyy
  135. (21:35:28) <Geemer5986867> SJ
  136. (21:35:30) <chum> hi
  137. (21:35:31) <ShadowJacky> man fuck
  138. (21:35:33) <@sicko> pokey shut up
  139. (21:35:33) <the_midnight_theif> florida: the flies and pokey considering the difficulty of it
  140. (21:35:35) <ShadowJacky> hey chum
  141. (21:35:39) <pokeysleep> what sicko?
  142. (21:35:46) <lluuccuuss> :)
  143. (21:35:47) <+ZFG> honestly ing can be dumb but hes not so bad he needs to be banned
  144. (21:36:00) <@jape> honestly you're just wrong zfg
  145. (21:36:00) <ShadowJacky> damn chum, we never did have that race lol
  146. (21:36:10) <chum> RKA?
  147. (21:36:10) <lluuccuuss> zfg trust me stay out of it
  148. (21:36:13) <ShadowJacky> yeah
  149. (21:36:13) <lluuccuuss> trust me
  150. (21:36:15) <chum> oh yeah
  151. (21:36:18) <chum> lets play it?
  152. (21:36:19) <+ZFG> kbye
  153. (21:36:19) <@jape> thanks lucus
  154. (21:36:29) <ShadowJacky> right now?
  155. (21:36:36) <chum> welllll
  156. (21:36:41) <chum> i could do it
  157. (21:36:42) <chum> :P
  158. (21:36:46) <ShadowJacky> >____>
  159. (21:37:00) <pokeysleep> well it was dumb for him to come in with a proxy
  160. (21:37:02) <ShadowJacky> you've been playing it lately?
  161. (21:37:08) <chum> no
  162. (21:37:13) <Slipomatic> so tarot
  163. (21:37:18) <ShadowJacky> me either
  164. (21:37:19) <pokeysleep> no clue why he wouldnt use a feed like he did months ago...
  165. (21:37:20) <chum> since the sda race ive played it maybe like 3 or 4 times... last couple of weeks nothing at all
  166. (21:37:23) <Slipomatic> did you find a 3rd unfortunate victim for lotw?
  167. (21:37:34) <zero> .time 19
  168. (21:37:35) <RBABot> 02:02:45
  169. (21:37:35) <+Losstarot> Oh yeah
  170. (21:37:36) <ShadowJacky> well this will be fun!
  171. (21:37:48) <+Losstarot> Guess not
  172. (21:37:56) <Slipomatic> lol
  173. (21:38:01) <keeta> sparkle have you ever heard of gelbooru
  174. (21:38:05) <chum> i have to use emu though and i guess you have to use the same one
  175. (21:38:06) <the_midnight_theif> he cuts his promos were 100% on emu
  176. (21:38:13) <ShadowJacky> yeah I would
  177. (21:38:13) <pokeysleep> i cant wait to race toolex
  178. (21:38:16) <pokeysleep> gonna be so fun
  179. (21:38:18) <ShadowJacky> can't stream from my tv
  180. (21:38:18) <pokeysleep> ill try to stream
  181. (21:38:22) * Slipomatic ( Quit (Quit: )
  182. (21:38:34) <pokeysleep> i wish i can stream game audio but i dont have the right splitters
  183. (21:39:07) <@cosmo> .rank darkpredator
  184. (21:39:08) <RBABot> darkpredator | Overall Gross: 15 - #125 | SM64 1015 - #37
  185. (21:39:12) <@cosmo> .delete darkpredator sm64
  186. (21:39:13) <RBABot> Deleting darkpredator (1015.01796) from the sm64 ranking...
  187. (21:39:13) <RBABot> Total: 122964.982048 | Average: 999.715301 | Leak: -0.284699
  188. (21:39:14) <RBABot> jiano: 1676.563106 -> 1676.563106 (0)
  189. (21:39:14) <RBABot> Siglemic: 1626.221477 -> 1626.226144 (0.004667)
  190. (21:39:15) <RBABot> sicko: 1620.313924 -> 1620.323258 (0.009334)
  191. (21:39:15) <pokeysleep> great
  192. (21:39:16) <RBABot> FunilaSM64: 1422.106372 -> 1422.120374 (0.014002)
  193. (21:39:17) <RBABot> RaikerZ: 1401.51097 -> 1401.529639 (0.018669)
  194. (21:39:18) <RBABot> TRV: 1329.567263 -> 1329.590599 (0.023336)
  195. (21:39:19) <RBABot> hisu25: 1306.055562 -> 1306.083565 (0.028003)
  196. (21:39:20) <RBABot> Gombill: 1294.68806 -> 1294.72073 (0.03267)
  197. (21:39:21) <RBABot> SilentSlayers: 1292.095223 -> 1292.132561 (0.037338)
  198. (21:39:22) <RBABot> cfox77: 1245.655 -> 1245.697005 (0.042005)
  199. (21:39:23) <RBABot> ZFG: 1243.049289 -> 1243.095961 (0.046672)
  200. (21:39:24) <RBABot> Blechy: 1236.544015 -> 1236.595354 (0.051339)
  201. (21:39:25) <RBABot> Comomizzou: 1177.42982 -> 1177.485826 (0.056006)
  202. (21:39:26) <RBABot> Manbearpig7: 1176.554318 -> 1176.614992 (0.060674)
  203. (21:39:27) <RBABot> Swordless: 1166.925365 -> 1166.990706 (0.065341)
  204. (21:39:28) <RBABot> Runnerguy2489: 1162.409285 -> 1162.479293 (0.070008)
  205. (21:39:29) <RBABot> gnargl: 1149.125696 -> 1149.200371 (0.074675)
  206. (21:39:30) <@jape> Heck Yea!!
  207. (21:39:30) <RBABot> pidgey: 1130.020427 -> 1130.099769 (0.079342)
  208. (21:39:31) <RBABot> phantaxx: 1129.58344 -> 1129.66745 (0.08401)
  209. (21:39:32) <the_midnight_theif> phantaxx: 1090 -> 1026 (-22)
  210. (21:39:33) <RBABot> woawkoaw: 1119.785851 -> 1119.874528 (0.088677)
  211. (21:39:33) <RBABot> Fuzzey_Ninja: 1116.04948 -> 1116.142824 (0.093344)
  212. (21:39:34) <+CVagts> noooooo I'm gonna gain points
  213. (21:39:34) <RBABot> idunno: 1113.705624 -> 1113.803635 (0.098011)
  214. (21:39:35) <RBABot> Losstarot: 1107.349596 -> 1107.452274 (0.102678)
  215. (21:39:35) <RBABot> was0x: 1094.76474 -> 1094.872086 (0.107346)
  216. (21:39:36) <RBABot> criminallyvulgar: 1093.739308 -> 1093.851321 (0.112013)
  217. (21:39:37) <zero> yay
  218. (21:39:38) <RBABot> pokey: 1082.011676 -> 1082.128356 (0.11668)
  219. (21:39:38) <RBABot> Axon: 1076.315775 -> 1076.437122 (0.121347)
  220. (21:39:39) <RBABot> ZAR: 1075.683166 -> 1075.80918 (0.126014)
  221. (21:39:40) <RBABot> joe: 1070.499175 -> 1070.629857 (0.130682)
  222. (21:39:41) <RBABot> jape: 1068.698086 -> 1068.833435 (0.135349)
  223. (21:39:42) <RBABot> Torsak: 1044.916206 -> 1045.056222 (0.140016)
  224. (21:39:43) <@jape> jape!@
  225. (21:39:43) * hidontcare ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  226. (21:39:44) <RBABot> Ferathon: 1042.7633 -> 1042.907983 (0.144683)
  227. (21:39:44) <RBABot> sippu_sura: 1032.208845 -> 1032.358195 (0.14935)
  228. (21:39:46) <RBABot> batts: 1023.23642 -> 1023.390437 (0.154017)
  229. (21:39:47) <RBABot> ParadoxKarl: 1019.23702 -> 1019.395705 (0.158685)
  230. (21:39:48) <RBABot> Washeyy: 1017.08396 -> 1017.247312 (0.163352)
  231. (21:39:49) <RBABot> kabu0404: 1008.736464 -> 1008.904483 (0.168019)
  232. (21:39:49) <keeta> we all gain points for doing nothing
  233. (21:39:50) <RBABot> maxx: 1006.618309 -> 1006.790995 (0.172686)
  234. (21:39:51) <RBABot> FFGamer86: 1004.872864 -> 1005.050217 (0.177353)
  235. (21:39:52) <RBABot> keeta: 1004.808112 -> 1004.990133 (0.182021)
  236. (21:39:53) <RBABot> Tomatobird8: 999.788633 -> 999.975321 (0.186688)
  237. (21:39:54) <RBABot> Knighty: 999.657192 -> 999.848547 (0.191355)
  238. (21:39:55) <RBABot> Cosmo: 999.303343 -> 999.499365 (0.196022)
  239. (21:39:56) <RBABot> zalgo: 995.561022 -> 995.761711 (0.200689)
  240. (21:39:57) <chum> silly ing
  241. (21:39:57) <RBABot> minicrisps: 995.36882 -> 995.574177 (0.205357)
  242. (21:39:58) <RBABot> CpKaka: 993.73578 -> 993.945804 (0.210024)
  243. (21:39:58) <Hitaka> What the fuck is happening.
  244. (21:39:58) * Jonathan_ ( has joined #speedrunslive
  245. (21:39:59) <RBABot> goldenboy: 992.67068 -> 992.885371 (0.214691)
  246. (21:40:00) <RBABot> Gragledump: 992.18992 -> 992.409278 (0.219358)
  247. (21:40:01) <RBABot> explosivebunny: 990.96972 -> 991.193745 (0.224025)
  248. (21:40:02) <RBABot> EddieRuckus: 984.426101 -> 984.654794 (0.228693)
  249. (21:40:03) <RBABot> chum: 982.7633 -> 982.99666 (0.23336)
  250. (21:40:04) <RBABot> octonion: 982.601006 -> 982.839033 (0.238027)
  251. (21:40:05) <RBABot> zaccio: 980.195107 -> 980.437801 (0.242694)
  252. (21:40:06) <zero> deleting rank
  253. (21:40:06) <RBABot> DJS: 978.696087 -> 978.943448 (0.247361)
  254. (21:40:07) <RBABot> JMC47: 978.57048 -> 978.822509 (0.252029)
  255. (21:40:08) <goldenboy> aah nick flash
  256. (21:40:08) <RBABot> Mp16: 978.487898 -> 978.744594 (0.256696)
  257. (21:40:09) <RBABot> moizt: 977.68778 -> 977.949143 (0.261363)
  258. (21:40:10) <RBABot> Cardweaver: 974.19096 -> 974.45699 (0.26603)
  259. (21:40:11) <RBABot> LinkableLink: 974.11354 -> 974.384237 (0.270697)
  260. (21:40:12) <RBABot> Sportacus84: 973.02362 -> 973.298985 (0.275365)
  261. (21:40:13) <the_midnight_theif> i've beaten spain 4 - #76 | sportacus84: | trihex: | 1021 - #6 | race 5: pkmnredblue, 4 entrants | race 5: ssb, 2 minutes left
  262. (21:40:13) <RBABot> neskamikaze: 972.203482 -> 972.483514 (0.280032)
  263. (21:40:14) <RBABot> rex: 969.639004 -> 969.923703 (0.284699)
  264. (21:40:15) <pokeysleep> .rank Explosivebunny
  265. (21:40:15) <RBABot> Explosivebunny | SM64 991 - #49
  266. (21:40:15) <RBABot> Dessyreqt: 968.64166 -> 968.931026 (0.289366)
  267. (21:40:16) <RBABot> Twig: 967.84234 -> 968.136373 (0.294033)
  268. (21:40:17) <RBABot> Tranquilite: 966.140073 -> 966.438774 (0.298701)
  269. (21:40:18) <RBABot> oeyvind: 965.338958 -> 965.642326 (0.303368)
  270. (21:40:19) * Jonathan (Jonathan@6C533871.39E43D40.847AD1F7.IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  271. (21:40:19) <RBABot> Perdy: 964.866596 -> 965.174631 (0.308035)
  272. (21:40:20) <RBABot> Zozoken: 964.601507 -> 964.914209 (0.312702)
  273. (21:40:21) <RBABot> Animeowzerz: 962.202699 -> 962.520068 (0.317369)
  274. (21:40:22) <Evu> best idea ever
  275. (21:40:22) <RBABot> Librari: 960.508221 -> 960.830258 (0.322037)
  276. (21:40:23) <RBABot> Enterim: 959.384035 -> 959.710739 (0.326704)
  277. (21:40:24) <RBABot> ZeldaLove: 958.71922 -> 959.050591 (0.331371)
  278. (21:40:25) <RBABot> kingofeds: 958.2504 -> 958.586438 (0.336038)
  279. (21:40:26) <RBABot> TheReaLildude322: 957.946309 -> 958.287014 (0.340705)
  280. (21:40:27) <RBABot> Slipomatic: 957.08396 -> 957.429333 (0.345373)
  281. (21:40:28) <RBABot> Nova922: 956.77418 -> 957.12422 (0.35004)
  282. (21:40:29) <RBABot> Chris: 956.622238 -> 956.976945 (0.354707)
  283. (21:40:30) <RBABot> Viktorhark: 955.68652 -> 956.045894 (0.359374)
  284. (21:40:31) <RBABot> Venick409: 954.305781 -> 954.669822 (0.364041)
  285. (21:40:32) <RBABot> toes: 951.714624 -> 952.083333 (0.368709)
  286. (21:40:33) <RBABot> Toast__: 949.74288 -> 950.116256 (0.373376)
  287. (21:40:34) <RBABot> bushwick78: 942.7633 -> 943.141343 (0.378043)
  288. (21:40:35) <RBABot> PTS: 937.341613 -> 937.724323 (0.38271)
  289. (21:40:36) <RBABot> Kostya: 937.295582 -> 937.682959 (0.387377)
  290. (21:40:37) <RBABot> Allegretto: 934.031207 -> 934.423252 (0.392045)
  291. (21:40:38) <Enterim> gainin' points like nobody's bidness, that's me
  292. (21:40:39) <RBABot> Patricklh: 932.467765 -> 932.864477 (0.396712)
  293. (21:40:39) <RBABot> Kiyura: 931.67092 -> 932.072299 (0.401379)
  294. (21:40:40) <RBABot> SD2: 931.377328 -> 931.783374 (0.406046)
  295. (21:40:41) <RBABot> bluemarth: 931.060531 -> 931.471244 (0.410713)
  296. (21:40:42) <RBABot> Tropicallo: 930.81674 -> 931.232121 (0.415381)
  297. (21:40:43) <RBABot> Kirua: 929.420269 -> 929.840317 (0.420048)
  298. (21:40:44) <RBABot> Sylux: 929.16866 -> 929.593375 (0.424715)
  299. (21:40:45) <RBABot> Warren: 927.70388 -> 928.133262 (0.429382)
  300. (21:40:46) <RBABot> nomis: 926.1601 -> 926.594149 (0.434049)
  301. (21:40:47) <RBABot> Johannes: 925.494908 -> 925.933624 (0.438716)
  302. (21:40:48) <RBABot> FullRinse: 924.843768 -> 925.287152 (0.443384)
  303. (21:40:49) <RBABot> Dayman: 918.7242 -> 919.172251 (0.448051)
  304. (21:40:50) <RBABot> GAG: 914.103833 -> 914.556551 (0.452718)
  305. (21:40:51) <RBABot> EmilSM64: 913.061044 -> 913.518429 (0.457385)
  306. (21:40:52) <pokeysleep> trains
  307. (21:40:53) <RBABot> Mapler90210: 911.756714 -> 912.218766 (0.462052)
  308. (21:40:53) <RBABot> Large_Dildo: 910.81674 -> 911.28346 (0.46672)
  309. (21:40:54) <RBABot> playe: 902.157143 -> 902.62853 (0.471387)
  310. (21:40:55) <RBABot> Unreal: 886.22696 -> 886.703014 (0.476054)
  311. (21:40:56) <RBABot> Kyoki: 878.658481 -> 879.139202 (0.480721)
  312. (21:40:57) <RBABot> Lempy: 864.47352 -> 864.958908 (0.485388)
  313. (21:40:59) <RBABot> Moltov: 856.285631 -> 856.775687 (0.490056)
  314. (21:41:00) <RBABot> brak: 855.822815 -> 856.317538 (0.494723)
  315. (21:41:00) <RBABot> ingx24: 853.376224 -> 853.875614 (0.49939)
  316. (21:41:02) <RBABot> lluuccuuss: 838.44594 -> 838.949997 (0.504057)
  317. (21:41:02) <RBABot> Zerst: 837.558976 -> 838.0677 (0.508724)
  318. (21:41:03) <RBABot> Blackoblivion: 829.145933 -> 829.659325 (0.513392)
  319. (21:41:04) <RBABot> Paladrima: 828.14078 -> 828.658839 (0.518059)
  320. (21:41:05) <RBABot> cyghfer: 808.400279 -> 808.923005 (0.522726)
  321. (21:41:06) <RBABot> peril1337: 800.32998 -> 800.857373 (0.527393)
  322. (21:41:07) <RBABot> darkeye: 778.855673 -> 779.387733 (0.53206)
  323. (21:41:08) <RBABot> aneeslol: 776.71466 -> 777.251388 (0.536728)
  324. (21:41:08) <Geemer5986867> holy....
  325. (21:41:09) <RBABot> Marco5422: 775.13418 -> 775.675575 (0.541395)
  326. (21:41:10) <RBABot> jetsm64: 729.396695 -> 729.942757 (0.546062)
  327. (21:41:11) <RBABot> muizzjkabani: 717.321751 -> 717.87248 (0.550729)
  328. (21:41:12) <RBABot> zero: 702.021417 -> 702.576813 (0.555396)
  329. (21:41:13) <RBABot> thundrio: 674.29771 -> 674.857774 (0.560064)
  330. (21:41:14) <RBABot> Elminster: 660.75963 -> 661.324361 (0.564731)
  331. (21:41:15) <RBABot> CVagts: 659.660303 -> 660.229701 (0.569398)
  332. (21:41:15) <RBABot> Average: 1000
  333. (21:41:20) <goldenboy> damn there are a lot of sm64 players
  334. (21:41:34) <pokeysleep> .ranknum 85
  335. (21:41:35) <RBABot> OoT: Blizz - 898 - # 85 | SM64: Allegretto - 934 - # 85
  336. (21:41:37) <RaikerZ> ya
  337. (21:41:38) <pokeysleep> .ranknum 90
  338. (21:41:39) <RBABot> OoT: AniMeowzerz - 879 - # 90 | SM64: Tropicallo - 931 - # 90
  339. (21:41:40) <Hitaka> lol CVagts is very last.
  340. (21:41:42) <pokeysleep> .ranknum 95
  341. (21:41:42) <RBABot> | SM64: Johannes - 926 - # 95
  342. (21:41:48) <goldenboy> .rank
  343. (21:41:48) <RBABot> goldenboy | OoT 974 - #38 | MM 994 - #19 | SM64 993 - #47
  344. (21:41:48) <@jape> pokeysleep: u can go to the site to see whos last
  345. (21:41:51) <RaikerZ> theres over 110
  346. (21:41:53) <pokeysleep> .ranknum `50
  347. (21:41:53) <RBABot> Numbers only.
  348. (21:41:55) <pokeysleep> oh
  349. (21:41:57) <pokeysleep> right
  350. (21:42:02) <pokeysleep> keep forgetting about the site
  351. (21:42:03) * Nova922 ( has joined #speedrunslive
  352. (21:42:10) <goldenboy> wow i need to race oot more
  353. (21:42:14) <goldenboy> and sm64
  354. (21:42:17) <+CVagts> if you just saw me play sm64 you would know why I am last ;)
  355. (21:42:24) <werster> goldenbo
  356. (21:42:27) <werster> i think you mean less
  357. (21:42:28) <Hitaka> Hey, ingx24 is still in the rankings.
  358. (21:42:35) <goldenboy> nah
  359. (21:42:37) <keeta> good point
  360. (21:42:40) <RaikerZ> .rank ingx24
  361. (21:42:41) <RBABot> ingx24 | Overall Gross: 18 - #119 | OoT 923 - #75 | MM 968 - #33 | DK64 1008 - #4 | SM64 854 - #108 | SuperMetroid 983 - #7 | SMB1 965 - #44 | SF64 1010 - #1
  362. (21:42:47) <pokeysleep> i wouldnt delete his ranking
  363. (21:42:50) <+CVagts> well you can't race under aliases
  364. (21:42:52) <goldenboy> i just need to race people who arent pokey, rg, and cosmo lol
  365. (21:42:52) <+CVagts> which he did
  366. (21:42:55) <RaikerZ> you'd have to delete all of them
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