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Sep 11th, 2018
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text 76.69 KB | None | 0 0
  1. navkaj01@U203413 MINGW64 /c/mbed-cli/ci-test-shield.git (master)
  2. $ mbed detect
  4. [mbed] Detected K64F, port COM6, mounted D:, interface version 0247:
  5. [mbed] Supported toolchains for K64F
  6. | Target | mbed OS 2 | mbed OS 5 | ARM | GCC_ARM | IAR |
  7. |--------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
  8. | K64F | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported |
  9. Supported targets: 1
  10. Supported toolchains: 3
  11. [mbed] Auto-installing missing Python modules...
  13. Building library mbed-build (K64F, GCC_ARM)
  14. Scan: ci-test-shield.git
  15. Copy: thread_lowpower_api.h
  16. Copy: lfs_util.h
  17. Copy: cfg_rf_tunnel.h
  18. Copy: Nanostack.h
  19. Copy: NetworkStack.h
  20. Copy: utest.h
  21. Copy: lcp.h
  22. Copy: thread_common.h
  23. Copy: DigitalOut.h
  24. Copy: ac_buffer_builder.h
  25. Copy: fnet_timer_prv.h
  26. Copy: fhss.h
  27. Copy: rsa.h
  28. Copy: UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.h
  29. Copy: fsl_ftm.h
  30. Copy: pana_header.h
  31. Copy: stats.h
  32. Copy: mle_service_security.h
  33. Copy: fnet_stack.h
  34. Copy: thread_diagnostic.h
  35. Copy: pn512.h
  36. Copy: core_cm0.h
  37. Copy: Event.h
  38. Copy: dma_reqs.h
  39. Copy: core_cm7.h
  40. Copy: fnet_dns_config.h
  41. Copy: ipv6_flow.h
  42. Copy: serial_mac_api.h
  43. Copy: FileHandle.h
  44. Copy: UARTSerial.h
  45. Copy: SlicingBlockDevice.h
  46. Copy: memp_std.h
  47. Copy: fnet_stdlib.h
  48. Copy: net_polling_api.h
  49. Copy: PinNames.h
  50. Copy: crc.h
  51. Copy: AT_CellularSMS.h
  52. Copy: ns_nvm_helper.h
  53. Copy: fnv_hash.h
  54. Copy: rpl_mrhof.h
  55. Copy: ns_sha256.h
  56. Copy: tcpip.h
  57. Copy: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularNetwork.h
  58. Copy: PPPCellularInterface.h
  59. Copy: fnet_arp.h
  60. Copy: socket.h
  61. Copy: version.h
  62. Copy: cipv6_fragmenter.h
  63. Copy: api_msg.h
  64. Copy: icmpv6.h
  65. Copy: platform_mbed.h
  66. Copy: fnet.h
  67. Copy: md5.h
  68. Copy: protocol_timer.h
  69. Copy: ThisThread.h
  70. Copy: upap.h
  71. Copy: cmsis_armcc.h
  72. Copy: ip6.h
  73. Copy: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularNetwork.h
  74. Copy: utest_default_handlers.h
  75. Copy: cfstore_test.h
  76. Copy: topo_trace.h
  77. Copy: sn_config.h
  78. Copy: peripheral_clock_defines.h
  79. Copy: DigitalInOut.h
  80. Copy: memp.h
  81. Copy: PeripheralNames.h
  82. Copy: mem.h
  83. Copy: api.h
  84. Copy: thread_config.h
  85. Copy: ExhaustibleBlockDevice.h
  86. Copy: rtos.h
  87. Copy: integer.h
  88. Copy: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularSIM.h
  89. Copy: mle_service_frame_counter_table.h
  90. Copy: transceiver.h
  91. Copy: sockets.h
  92. Copy: thread_management_api.h
  93. Copy: mac_pd_sap.h
  94. Copy: gpio_object.h
  95. Copy: sha256.h
  96. Copy: mbed.h
  97. Copy: Mutex.h
  98. Copy: ipv6_fragmentation.h
  99. Copy: fsl_pdb.h
  100. Copy: thread_network_synch.h
  101. Copy: oid.h
  102. Copy: utest_case.h
  103. Copy: arm_math.h
  104. Copy: wait_api.h
  105. Copy: pn512_types.h
  106. Copy: core_cm4.h
  107. Copy: LWIPMemoryManager.h
  108. Copy: ws_neighbor_class.h
  109. Copy: pn512_internal.h
  110. Copy: AT_CellularPower.h
  111. Copy: mbed_trace.h
  112. Copy: thread_joiner_application.h
  113. Copy: ppp.h
  114. Copy: CThunk.h
  115. Copy: thread_management_client.h
  116. Copy: NanostackRfPhyAtmel.h
  117. Copy: mac_helper.h
  118. Copy: mbed_events.h
  119. Copy: autoip.h
  120. Copy: aesni.h
  121. Copy: ESP8266.h
  122. Copy: sn_coap_protocol_internal.h
  123. Copy: fsl_port.h
  124. Copy: sys.h
  125. Copy: Kernel.h
  126. Copy: EMAC.h
  127. Copy: fsfat_debug.h
  128. Copy: inet.h
  129. Copy: thread_nvm_store.h
  130. Copy: mle_service_buffer.h
  131. Copy: ip4.h
  132. Copy: pana_internal_api.h
  133. Copy: libDHCPv6.h
  134. Copy: nd_router_object.h
  135. Copy: ethernet_api.h
  136. Copy: tcp.h
  137. Copy: net_fhss.h
  138. Copy: unity_handler.h
  139. Copy: chap-md5.h
  140. Copy: fsl_pit.h
  141. Copy: mac_timer.h
  142. Copy: ip6.h
  143. Copy: thread_routing.h
  144. Copy: LoRaPHYCN779.h
  145. Copy: fsl_rcm.h
  146. Copy: lwipopts.h
  147. Copy: compat-1.3.h
  148. Copy: mbed_mktime.h
  149. Copy: fnet_services_config.h
  150. Copy: rpl_upward.h
  151. Copy: cfstore_svm.h
  152. Copy: cfg_thread_full_end_device.h
  153. Copy: debug.h
  154. Copy: MeshInterfaceNanostack.h
  155. Copy: mbed_sleep.h
  156. Copy: net_rpl.h
  157. Copy: ac_buffer_reader.h
  158. Copy: Serial.h
  159. Copy: udp.h
  160. Copy: FileLike.h
  161. Copy: cfg_lowpan_router_ecc_release.h
  162. Copy: dhcp.h
  163. Copy: fsl_edma.h
  164. Copy: DHCPv6_server_service.h
  165. Copy: arm_hal_random.h
  166. Copy: ReadOnlyBlockDevice.h
  167. Copy: rf_driver_storage.h
  168. Copy: md4.h
  169. Copy: Socket.h
  170. Copy: LocalFileSystem.h
  171. Copy: camellia.h
  172. Copy: nvstore.h
  173. Copy: LoRaMacChannelPlan.h
  174. Copy: sn_coap_protocol.h
  175. Copy: FATFileSystem.h
  176. Copy: ns_cmdline.h
  177. Copy: EthInterface.h
  178. Copy: Driver_Storage.h
  179. Copy: NonCopyable.h
  180. Copy: ethernet_mac_api.h
  181. Copy: net_mle_api.h
  182. Copy: ns_mdns_api.h
  183. Copy: nd6.h
  184. Copy: ip4_frag.h
  185. Copy: ssl_internal.h
  186. Copy: blacklist.h
  187. Copy: mbed_rtx.h
  188. Copy: platform_util.h
  189. Copy: nfc_common.h
  190. Copy: nfc_transport.h
  191. Copy: ip.h
  192. Copy: etharp.h
  193. Copy: icmpv6_prefix.h
  194. Copy: md_internal.h
  195. Copy: thread_extension_bbr.h
  196. Copy: border_router.h
  197. Copy: loraphy_target.h
  198. Copy: cfg_lowpan_border_router_rf_tunnel_ecc_release.h
  199. Copy: rtc_api.h
  200. Copy: lp_ticker_api.h
  201. Copy: LoRaPHYEU433.h
  202. Copy: dma_api.h
  203. Copy: sha1.h
  204. Copy: sio.h
  205. Copy: flash_api.h
  206. Copy: utest_shim.h
  207. Copy: fsl_llwu.h
  208. Copy: sha1.h
  209. Copy: SharedPtr.h
  210. Copy: diskio.h
  211. Copy: LoRaPHYKR920.h
  212. Copy: net_pana_parameters_api.h
  213. Copy: pana_nvm.h
  214. Copy: mbed_power_mgmt.h
  215. Copy: HeapBlockDevice.h
  216. Copy: ipv6cp.h
  217. Copy: ns_list.h
  218. Copy: tcp_priv.h
  219. Copy: RtosTimer.h
  220. Copy: lorawan_types.h
  221. Copy: iphc_compress.h
  222. Copy: ssl_cache.h
  223. Copy: utest_types.h
  224. Copy: mac_filter_api.h
  225. Copy: protocol_6lowpan_bootstrap.h
  226. Copy: UBLOX_AT_CellularPower.h
  227. Copy: autoip.h
  228. Copy: arm_hal_phy.h
  229. Copy: lwip_errno.h
  230. Copy: CriticalSectionLock.h
  231. Copy: mbed_rtx_conf.h
  232. Copy: fnet_mdns_config.h
  233. Copy: fnet_netif.h
  234. Copy: network_lib.h
  235. Copy: fsl_dac.h
  236. Copy: SocketAddress.h
  237. Copy: rpl_structures.h
  238. Copy: cfg_lowpan_router_ecc.h
  239. Copy: NanostackMemoryManager.h
  240. Copy: TimerEvent.h
  241. Copy: beacon_handler.h
  242. Copy: kinetis_emac.h
  243. Copy: utest_stack_trace.h
  244. Copy: md2.h
  245. Copy: ns_buffer.h
  246. Copy: memory_buffer_alloc.h
  247. Copy: hmac_drbg.h
  248. Copy: NFCEEPROMDriver.h
  249. Copy: NFCControllerDriver.h
  250. Copy: pn512_callback.h
  251. Copy: init.h
  252. Copy: mesh_interface_types.h
  253. Copy: MCR20Reg.h
  254. Copy: vj.h
  255. Copy: pn512_rf.h
  256. Copy: NanostackEMACInterface.h
  257. Copy: PortIn.h
  258. Copy: ticker_api.h
  259. Copy: Timer.h
  260. Copy: AnalogIn.h
  261. Copy: error.h
  262. Copy: rtos_idle.h
  263. Copy: mld6.h
  264. Copy: fnet_icmp6.h
  265. Copy: fnet_services.h
  266. Copy: LowPowerTimer.h
  267. Copy: fsl_sdhc.h
  268. Copy: core_cm3.h
  269. Copy: BusInOut.h
  270. Copy: load_balance_api.h
  271. Copy: mbed_rtos_storage.h
  272. Copy: LoRaPHYUS915.h
  273. Copy: cfg_thread_end_device.h
  274. Copy: CellularConnectionFSM.h
  275. Copy: coap_service_api.h
  276. Copy: randLIB.h
  277. Copy: protocol_ipv6.h
  278. Copy: coap_service_api_internal.h
  279. Copy: fhss_channel.h
  280. Copy: mbed_rtos1_types.h
  281. Copy: at24mac.h
  282. Copy: asn1write.h
  283. Copy: core_cm0plus.h
  284. Copy: fsl_phy.h
  285. Copy: Driver_Common.h
  286. Copy: buffer.h
  287. Copy: cfg_lowpan_border_router_rf_tunnel_ecc.h
  288. Copy: NanostackEthernetInterface.h
  289. Copy: trng_api.h
  290. Copy: ScopedLock.h
  291. Copy: fsl_flexcan.h
  292. Copy: thread_commissioning_if.h
  293. Copy: InterruptIn.h
  294. Copy: ecdsa.h
  295. Copy: md4.h
  296. Copy: Text.h
  297. Copy: ChainingBlockDevice.h
  298. Copy: pppol2tp.h
  299. Copy: lwip_tcp_isn.h
  300. Copy: etx.h
  301. Copy: GEMALTO_CINTERION_Module.h
  302. Copy: bn_mul.h
  303. Copy: OnboardNetworkStack.h
  304. Copy: LowPowerTimeout.h
  305. Copy: pn512_cmd.h
  306. Copy: mppe.h
  307. Copy: ns_address.h
  308. Copy: mac_ie_lib.h
  309. Copy: thread_management_internal.h
  310. Copy: mbed_poll.h
  311. Copy: ns_virtual_rf_api.h
  312. Copy: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularPower.h
  313. Copy: NanostackInterface.h
  314. Copy: objects.h
  315. Copy: dma_api_hal.h
  316. Copy: thread_tasklet.h
  317. Copy: semihost_api.h
  318. Copy: lowpan6_opts.h
  319. Copy: thread_neighbor_class.h
  320. Copy: PortOut.h
  321. Copy: pppos.h
  322. Copy: isodep.h
  323. Copy: lfs.h
  324. Copy: EventQueue.h
  325. Copy: DeepSleepLock.h
  326. Copy: core_cm1.h
  327. Copy: rtx_core_ca.h
  328. Copy: thread_border_router_api_internal.h
  329. Copy: fsm.h
  330. Copy: LoRaMacCommand.h
  331. Copy: qspi_api.h
  332. Copy: cfstore_utest.h
  333. Copy: thread_lowpower_private_api.h
  334. Copy: fsfat_debug.h
  335. Copy: CellularDevice.h
  336. Copy: ATCmdParser.h
  337. Copy: protocol_stats.h
  338. Copy: isodep_target.h
  339. Copy: md.h
  340. Copy: pana.h
  341. Copy: ws_bootstrap.h
  342. Copy: pn512_hw.h
  343. Copy: mac_common_defines.h
  344. Copy: pkcs11.h
  345. Copy: ecp.h
  346. Copy: FlashIAP.h
  347. Copy: LoRaMacCrypto.h
  348. Copy: sw_mac_internal.h
  349. Copy: socket_api.h
  350. Copy: InterruptManager.h
  351. Copy: core_cm23.h
  352. Copy: cipv6.h
  353. Copy: channel_functions.h
  354. Copy: EMACMemoryManager.h
  355. Copy: nist_kw.h
  356. Copy: MK64F12.h
  357. Copy: net_nwk_scan.h
  358. Copy: arm_hal_timer.h
  359. Copy: rpl_objective.h
  360. Copy: ns_crc.h
  361. Copy: unity_internals.h
  362. Copy: rpl_downward.h
  363. Copy: WiFiAccessPoint.h
  364. Copy: Timeout.h
  365. Copy: InternetSocket.h
  366. Copy: CellularBase.h
  367. Copy: ppp_opts.h
  368. Copy: mbed_critical.h
  369. Copy: SDBlockDevice.h
  370. Copy: BufferedBlockDevice.h
  371. Copy: ssl_ticket.h
  372. Copy: ccp.h
  373. Copy: ecp.h
  374. Copy: NetworkInterface.h
  375. Copy: pn512_timer.h
  376. Copy: fhss_api.h
  377. Copy: mpl.h
  378. Copy: fsl_rtc.h
  379. Copy: pn512_irq.h
  380. Copy: mbed_rtx_fault_handler.h
  381. Copy: common_functions.h
  382. Copy: thread_dhcpv6_server.h
  383. Copy: SerialBase.h
  384. Copy: mbed_version.h
  385. Copy: fsl_cmt.h
  386. Copy: NFC.h
  387. Copy: mbed_error.h
  388. Copy: ns_event_loop.h
  389. Copy: BusOut.h
  390. Copy: Dir.h
  391. Copy: RecordParser.h
  392. Copy: net_nvm_api.h
  393. Copy: thread_tmfcop_lib.h
  394. Copy: mbed_rtc_time.h
  395. Copy: ns_timer.h
  396. Copy: fsl_flexbus.h
  397. Copy: NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.h
  398. Copy: spi_api.h
  399. Copy: NFCNDEFCapable.h
  400. Copy: igmp.h
  401. Copy: nd_defines.h
  402. Copy: I2CEeprom.h
  403. Copy: xtea.h
  404. Copy: configuration_store.h
  405. Copy: chachapoly.h
  406. Copy: perf.h
  407. Copy: LoRaPHYEU868.h
  408. Copy: nsdynmemLIB.h
  409. Copy: system_MK64F12.h
  410. Copy: ip.h
  411. Copy: event.h
  412. Copy: sleep_api.h
  413. Copy: FileBase.h
  414. Copy: ThreadInterface.h
  415. Copy: EthernetInterface.h
  416. Copy: URI.h
  417. Copy: rpl_data.h
  418. Copy: CellularPower.h
  419. Copy: nfc_errors.h
  420. Copy: eap_protocol.h
  421. Copy: ns_event_loop_mutex.h
  422. Copy: TELIT_HE910_CellularPower.h
  423. Copy: CellularSMS.h
  424. Copy: mac_indirect_data.h
  425. Copy: UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.h
  426. Copy: dhcp6.h
  427. Copy: thread_diagcop_lib.h
  428. Copy: slipif.h
  429. Copy: arm_hal_aes.h
  430. Copy: AnalogOut.h
  431. Copy: flash_journal_private.h
  432. Copy: blowfish.h
  433. Copy: NFCTarget.h
  434. Copy: AT_CellularDevice.h
  435. Copy: lowpan_context.h
  436. Copy: toolchain.h
  437. Copy: net_sleep.h
  438. Copy: net_6lowpan_parameter_api.h
  439. Copy: TCPServer.h
  440. Copy: flash_journal.h
  441. Copy: NanostackEthernetPhy.h
  442. Copy: TELIT_HE910_CellularNetwork.h
  443. Copy: rpl_policy.h
  444. Copy: pem.h
  445. Copy: fsl_enet.h
  446. Copy: fnet_dns_prv.h
  447. Copy: UARTCellularInterface.h
  448. Copy: NFCController.h
  449. Copy: mbed_cmsis_conf.h
  450. Copy: ConditionVariable.h
  451. Copy: tz_context.h
  452. Copy: cfg_local_socket.h
  453. Copy: thread_management_server.h
  454. Copy: magic.h
  455. Copy: utest_specification.h
  456. Copy: ns_types.h
  457. Copy: memp_priv.h
  458. Copy: ccmLIB.h
  459. Copy: udp.h
  460. Copy: rsa_internal.h
  461. Copy: trickle.h
  462. Copy: fsl_uart_edma.h
  463. Copy: us_ticker_api.h
  464. Copy: fsl_adc16.h
  465. Copy: cfg_generic.h
  466. Copy: thread_net_config_api.h
  467. Copy: platform.h
  468. Copy: cfg_thread_end_device.h
  469. Copy: MessageParser.h
  470. Copy: core_armv8mml.h
  471. Copy: fnet_timer.h
  472. Copy: padlock.h
  473. Copy: ecjpake.h
  474. Copy: cmsis_iccarm.h
  475. Copy: fsl_wdog.h
  476. Copy: des.h
  477. Copy: net_ipv6_api.h
  478. Copy: pk.h
  479. Copy: ip6_addr.h
  480. Copy: core_armv8mbl.h
  481. Copy: BusIn.h
  482. Copy: fhss_ws.h
  483. Copy: cfg_thread_full_end_device.h
  484. Copy: fsl_sai_edma.h
  485. Copy: fnet_dns.h
  486. Copy: MCR20Drv.h
  487. Copy: RawSerial.h
  488. Copy: mbed_shared_queues.h
  489. Copy: config.h
  490. Copy: check_config.h
  491. Copy: sec_lib_definitions.h
  492. Copy: DeviceKey.h
  493. Copy: TableCRC.h
  494. Copy: ethip6.h
  495. Copy: fhss_common.h
  496. Copy: NFCRemoteEndpoint.h
  497. Copy: Thread.h
  498. Copy: i2c_api.h
  499. Copy: platform_time.h
  500. Copy: platform.h
  501. Copy: thread_router_bootstrap.h
  502. Copy: UBLOX_AT.h
  503. Copy: fnet_assert.h
  504. Copy: fsl_common.h
  505. Copy: pn512_registers.h
  506. Copy: device.h
  507. Copy: TELIT_HE910.h
  508. Copy: Type4RemoteInitiator.h
  509. Copy: cfg_thread_border_router.h
  510. Copy: fsl_gpio.h
  511. Copy: equeue_platform.h
  512. Copy: AT_CellularBase.h
  513. Copy: thread_commissioning_api.h
  514. Copy: neighbor_table_definition.h
  515. Copy: cmsis_gcc.h
  516. Copy: sockbuf.h
  517. Copy: flash_journal_crc.h
  518. Copy: iso7816_defs.h
  519. Copy: NFCEEPROM.h
  520. Copy: ipv6.h
  521. Copy: poly1305.h
  522. Copy: EventFlags.h
  523. Copy: nsapi_ppp.h
  524. Copy: iphc_decompress.h
  525. Copy: ccm.h
  526. Copy: asn1.h
  527. Copy: igmp.h
  528. Copy: net.h
  529. Copy: NFCRemoteInitiator.h
  530. Copy: ppp_lwip.h
  531. Copy: rtx_evr.h
  532. Copy: nd_proxy.h
  533. Copy: cmsis_nvic.h
  534. Copy: chap_ms.h
  535. Copy: rtos_handlers.h
  536. Copy: nfc_debug.h
  537. Copy: cfg_lowpan_router.h
  538. Copy: Callback.h
  539. Copy: fnet_debug.h
  540. Copy: mbed_wait_api.h
  541. Copy: virtual_rf_defines.h
  542. Copy: Queue.h
  543. Copy: PwmOut.h
  544. Copy: dhm.h
  545. Copy: fnet_socket.h
  546. Copy: sha512.h
  547. Copy: timing.h
  548. Copy: fsl_device_registers.h
  549. Copy: netifapi.h
  550. Copy: ecp_internal.h
  551. Copy: ac_debug.h
  552. Copy: cfg_lowpan_border_router.h
  553. Copy: Stream.h
  554. Copy: ns_fnet_types.h
  555. Copy: iso7816_app.h
  556. Copy: ns_fnet_events.h
  557. Copy: tcp.h
  558. Copy: mbed_application.h
  559. Copy: net_thread_test.h
  560. Copy: enet_tasklet.h
  561. Copy: MeshInterface.h
  562. Copy: coap_message_handler.h
  563. Copy: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularPower.h
  564. Copy: multicast_api.h
  565. Copy: core_cm33.h
  566. Copy: channel_list.h
  567. Copy: thread_extension_bootstrap.h
  568. Copy: PortInOut.h
  569. Copy: os_whiteboard.h
  570. Copy: nsapi_dns.h
  571. Copy: mpu_armv7.h
  572. Copy: cfg_thread_thci.h
  573. Copy: mle_tlv.h
  574. Copy: fnet_inet.h
  575. Copy: fnet_ip.h
  576. Copy: CellularLog.h
  577. Copy: fsl_vref.h
  578. Copy: cfg_lowpan_border_router.h
  579. Copy: LWIPStack.h
  580. Copy: UDPSocket.h
  581. Copy: icmp.h
  582. Copy: AT_CellularSIM.h
  583. Copy: LoWPANNDInterface.h
  584. Copy: lwip_random.h
  585. Copy: lwip_ethernet.h
  586. Copy: util.h
  587. Copy: Record.h
  588. Copy: ip6string.h
  589. Copy: snmp.h
  590. Copy: thread_bootstrap.h
  591. Copy: pppoe.h
  592. Copy: mbed_interface.h
  593. Copy: DigitalIn.h
  594. Copy: fsl_lptmr.h
  595. Copy: whiteboard_api.h
  596. Copy: mpu_armv8.h
  597. Copy: fnet_cpu.h
  598. Copy: LoRaPHYCN470.h
  599. Copy: ipv6_constants.h
  600. Copy: arc4.h
  601. Copy: pbuf.h
  602. Copy: tcp.h
  603. Copy: net_sockets.h
  604. Copy: cfg_ethernet.h
  605. Copy: LoRaPHYAS923.h
  606. Copy: mbed_assert.h
  607. Copy: NanostackRfPhy.h
  608. Copy: CellularNetwork.h
  609. Copy: CellularList.h
  610. Copy: fnet_nd6.h
  611. Copy: mesh_system.h
  612. Copy: rtx_os.h
  613. Copy: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularNetwork.h
  614. Copy: net_address_extension.h
  615. Copy: mbed_debug.h
  616. Copy: shalib.h
  617. Copy: ipv6_resolution.h
  618. Copy: sleep.h
  619. Copy: eventloop_config.h
  620. Copy: platform_alt.h
  621. Copy: net_test_api.h
  622. Copy: Transaction.h
  623. Copy: etharp.h
  624. Copy: AT_CellularNetwork.h
  625. Copy: GEMALTO_CINTERION_CellularNetwork.h
  626. Copy: onboard_modem_api.h
  627. Copy: fnet_user_config.h
  628. Copy: cfg_thread_router.h
  629. Copy: dns.h
  630. Copy: cfg_lowpan_border_router_rf_tunnel.h
  631. Copy: fnet_netbuf.h
  632. Copy: mle_service_interface.h
  633. Copy: analogout_api.h
  634. Copy: ecdh.h
  635. Copy: greentea_metrics.h
  636. Copy: PN512Driver.h
  637. Copy: coap_security_handler.h
  638. Copy: arm_hal_interrupt_private.h
  639. Copy: fsl_clock.h
  640. Copy: CAN.h
  641. Copy: fsfat_test.h
  642. Copy: rpl_control.h
  643. Copy: certs.h
  644. Copy: ObservingBlockDevice.h
  645. Copy: tls_lib.h
  646. Copy: QUECTEL_BC95.h
  647. Copy: pana_relay_table.h
  648. Copy: ssl.h
  649. Copy: fsl_flash.h
  650. Copy: nwk_stats_api.h
  651. Copy: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularSIM.h
  652. Copy: hkdf.h
  653. Copy: fsl_rnga.h
  654. Copy: netif.h
  655. Copy: thread_network_data_storage.h
  656. Copy: unity_config.h
  657. Copy: support_funcs.h
  658. Copy: thread_mdns.h
  659. Copy: PN512TransportDriver.h
  660. Copy: ws_common_defines.h
  661. Copy: ppp_impl.h
  662. Copy: CellularTargets.h
  663. Copy: CellularSIM.h
  664. Copy: GEMALTO_CINTERION_CellularStack.h
  665. Copy: protocol_abstract.h
  666. Copy: whiteboard.h
  667. Copy: raw.h
  668. Copy: ip_fsc.h
  669. Copy: protocol_6lowpan.h
  670. Copy: utest_scheduler.h
  671. Copy: CellularCommon.h
  672. Copy: mac_data_poll.h
  673. Copy: fsl_dspi.h
  674. Copy: pppdebug.h
  675. Copy: mac_fhss_callbacks.h
  676. Copy: EasyCellularConnection.h
  677. Copy: fnet_comp_config.h
  678. Copy: ip4string.h
  679. Copy: bignum.h
  680. Copy: DNS.h
  681. Copy: fnet_ip6.h
  682. Copy: ipcp.h
  683. Copy: ns_hal_init.h
  684. Copy: nd_tasklet.h
  685. Copy: fnet_serial.h
  686. Copy: entropy.h
  687. Copy: PN512SPITransportDriver.h
  688. Copy: ssl_ciphersuites.h
  689. Copy: arc4.h
  690. Copy: fnet_stack_config.h
  691. Copy: cmsis_version.h
  692. Copy: cfstore_fnmatch.h
  693. Copy: ac_stream.h
  694. Copy: inet_chksum.h
  695. Copy: rtx_core_cm.h
  696. Copy: coap_connection_handler.h
  697. Copy: XcvrSpi.h
  698. Copy: gpio_api.h
  699. Copy: ns_error_types.h
  700. Copy: fsl_sim.h
  701. Copy: sw_mac.h
  702. Copy: thread_management_if.h
  703. Copy: QUECTEL_BG96.h
  704. Copy: ip4.h
  705. Copy: greentea_serial.h
  706. Copy: fsl_dmamux.h
  707. Copy: net_interface.h
  708. Copy: fnet_comp.h
  709. Copy: SPI.h
  710. Copy: net_load_balance_api.h
  711. Copy: LittleFileSystem.h
  712. Copy: fnet_mdns.h
  713. Copy: ndef.h
  714. Copy: mld.h
  715. Copy: pan_blacklist_api.h
  716. Copy: eventOS_event.h
  717. Copy: UBLOX_AT_CellularStack.h
  718. Copy: port_api.h
  719. Copy: cipher_internal.h
  720. Copy: SPISlave.h
  721. Copy: core_sc300.h
  722. Copy: nd6.h
  723. Copy: critical_section_api.h
  724. Copy: SPIFBlockDevice.h
  725. Copy: eui64.h
  726. Copy: FileSystemLike.h
  727. Copy: ipv6_routing_table.h
  728. Copy: nwk_nvm.h
  729. Copy: ip_addr.h
  730. Copy: icmp6.h
  731. Copy: mac_defines.h
  732. Copy: SimpleMessageParser.h
  733. Copy: mlme.h
  734. Copy: fhss_config.h
  735. Copy: fsl_smc.h
  736. Copy: x509.h
  737. Copy: mpx_api.h
  738. Copy: thread_extension.h
  739. Copy: lwip_ethernet.h
  740. Copy: aes.h
  741. Copy: thread_nd.h
  742. Copy: cfg_thread_border_router.h
  743. Copy: cmsis_os2.h
  744. Copy: aria.h
  745. Copy: chacha20.h
  746. Copy: WiFiInterface.h
  747. Copy: mac_mcps.h
  748. Copy: ac_buffer.h
  749. Copy: PeripheralPins.h
  750. Copy: MBRBlockDevice.h
  751. Copy: cfstore_debug.h
  752. Copy: fsl_i2c.h
  753. Copy: protocol_6lowpan_interface.h
  754. Copy: eap.h
  755. Copy: des.h
  756. Copy: protocols.h
  757. Copy: pk_internal.h
  758. Copy: ESP8266Interface.h
  759. Copy: mac_header_helper_functions.h
  760. Copy: mbed_retarget.h
  761. Copy: LoRaWANBase.h
  762. Copy: NFCDefinitions.h
  763. Copy: thread_border_router_api.h
  764. Copy: pppcrypt.h
  765. Copy: ip6_frag.h
  766. Copy: x509_crt.h
  767. Copy: ac_macros.h
  768. Copy: mac_filter.h
  769. Copy: mld6.h
  770. Copy: eventOS_scheduler.h
  771. Copy: mac_mlme.h
  772. Copy: icmp6.h
  773. Copy: ip4_addr.h
  774. Copy: pkcs5.h
  775. Copy: pana_eap_header.h
  776. Copy: Ticker.h
  777. Copy: cfstore_list.h
  778. Copy: mbed_mem_trace.h
  779. Copy: cipher.h
  780. Copy: udp.h
  781. Copy: thread_resolution_client.h
  782. Copy: lora_phy_ds.h
  783. Copy: CellularUtil.h
  784. Copy: entropy_poll.h
  785. Copy: CircularBuffer.h
  786. Copy: thread_bbr_api.h
  787. Copy: chap-new.h
  788. Copy: LoRaPHY.h
  789. Copy: eventOS_callback_timer.h
  790. Copy: arch.h
  791. Copy: fsl_sai.h
  792. Copy: I2C.h
  793. Copy: os_tick.h
  794. Copy: cfg_lowpan_host.h
  795. Copy: debug.h
  796. Copy: mbed_lp_ticker_wrapper.h
  797. Copy: md5.h
  798. Copy: fnet_poll.h
  799. Copy: fnet_eth.h
  800. Copy: fnet_error.h
  801. Copy: LoRaRadio.h
  802. Copy: RTE_Components.h
  803. Copy: thread_beacon.h
  804. Copy: mesh.h
  805. Copy: cfg_rf_interface.h
  806. Copy: Mail.h
  807. Copy: ATHandler.h
  808. Copy: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularStack.h
  809. Copy: cfstore_config.h
  810. Copy: itm_api.h
  811. Copy: nd6_priv.h
  812. Copy: flash_journal_strategy_sequential.h
  813. Copy: tls_ccm_crypt.h
  814. Copy: callback_handler.h
  815. Copy: sec_lib.h
  816. Copy: pn512_transceive.h
  817. Copy: address.h
  818. Copy: Mime.h
  819. Copy: ssl_cookie.h
  820. Copy: thread_mle_message_handler.h
  821. Copy: eventOS_event_timer.h
  822. Copy: mac_security_mib.h
  823. Copy: FunctionPointer.h
  824. Copy: fsl_clock_config.h
  825. Copy: NanostackPhy.h
  826. Copy: opt.h
  827. Copy: critical.h
  828. Copy: dhcp.h
  829. Copy: unity.h
  830. Copy: pn512_poll.h
  831. Copy: pwmout_api.h
  832. Copy: mle_service_api.h
  833. Copy: mac_mcps_sap.h
  834. Copy: lorawan_data_structures.h
  835. Copy: cca_api.h
  836. Copy: dhcp_service_api.h
  837. Copy: sys_arch.h
  838. Copy: net_load_balance_internal.h
  839. Copy: sn_coap_header.h
  840. Copy: can_api.h
  841. Copy: x509_crl.h
  842. Copy: AT86RFReg.h
  843. Copy: core_sc000.h
  844. Copy: fnet_serial_config.h
  845. Copy: config-no-entropy.h
  846. Copy: BlockDevice.h
  847. Copy: x509_csr.h
  848. Copy: LoRaPHYAU915.h
  849. Copy: netbuf.h
  850. Copy: threading.h
  851. Copy: ffconf.h
  852. Copy: dns.h
  853. Copy: fnet_isr.h
  854. Copy: arm_hal_nvm.h
  855. Copy: pinmap.h
  856. Copy: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularPower.h
  857. Copy: mbed_error_hist.h
  858. Copy: serial_api.h
  859. Copy: SysTimer.h
  860. Copy: mac_neighbor_table.h
  861. Copy: cfg_lowpan_host.h
  862. Copy: storage_volume_manager.h
  863. Copy: ip.h
  864. Copy: CellularInformation.h
  865. Copy: mac_response_handler.h
  866. Copy: MbedCRC.h
  867. Copy: ws_common.h
  868. Copy: mac_pairwise_key.h
  869. Copy: kinetis_emac_config.h
  870. Copy: cfg_thread_router.h
  871. Copy: test_env.h
  872. Copy: ctr_drbg.h
  873. Copy: cmsis_armclang.h
  874. Copy: rtx_core_c.h
  875. Copy: PortNames.h
  876. Copy: cfg_nanostack_full_debug.h
  877. Copy: thread_resolution_server.h
  878. Copy: cmac.h
  879. Copy: LoRaWANTimer.h
  880. Copy: fsl_cmp.h
  881. Copy: rpl_protocol.h
  882. Copy: timeouts.h
  883. Copy: mbed_boot.h
  884. Copy: rtx_lib.h
  885. Copy: thread_network_data_lib.h
  886. Copy: mbed_semihost_api.h
  887. Copy: NanostackRfInterface.h
  888. Copy: arm_hal_interrupt.h
  889. Copy: LM75B.h
  890. Copy: mbed_toolchain.h
  891. Copy: LowPowerTickerWrapper.h
  892. Copy: thread_discovery.h
  893. Copy: thread_leader_service.h
  894. Copy: cfg_lowpan_router.h
  895. Copy: rpl_of0.h
  896. Copy: nsapi_types.h
  897. Copy: FlashSimBlockDevice.h
  898. Copy: libDHCPv6_server.h
  899. Copy: PlatformMutex.h
  900. Copy: havege.h
  901. Copy: cc.h
  902. Copy: pppapi.h
  903. Copy: UBLOX_AT_CellularNetwork.h
  904. Copy: sn_coap_header_internal.h
  905. Copy: DirHandle.h
  906. Copy: SerialWireOutput.h
  907. Copy: Span.h
  908. Copy: fnet_mempool.h
  910. Copy: CallChain.h
  911. Copy: Ethernet.h
  912. Copy: LoRaPHYIN865.h
  913. Copy: lowpan_adaptation_interface.h
  914. Copy: mbed_stats.h
  915. Copy: timer_sys.h
  916. Copy: thread_meshcop_lib.h
  917. Copy: fsl_dspi_edma.h
  918. Copy: crc_api.h
  919. Copy: rtc_time.h
  920. Copy: cmsis.h
  921. Copy: QUECTEL_UG96.h
  922. Copy: pkcs12.h
  923. Copy: iso7816.h
  924. Copy: thread_dhcpv6_client.h
  925. Copy: analogin_api.h
  926. Copy: OnboardCellularInterface.h
  927. Copy: fsl_pmc.h
  928. Copy: def.h
  929. Copy: lowpan6.h
  930. Copy: ff.h
  931. Copy: etharp.h
  932. Copy: LoRaMac.h
  933. Copy: LoRaWANStack.h
  934. Copy: FileSystemHandle.h
  935. Copy: ProfilingBlockDevice.h
  936. Copy: TCPSocket.h
  937. Copy: netdb.h
  938. Copy: base64.h
  939. Copy: icmpv6_radv.h
  940. Copy: fhss_ws_extension.h
  941. Copy: MemoryPool.h
  942. Copy: ripemd160.h
  943. Copy: fsl_crc.h
  944. Copy: RTX_Config.h
  945. Copy: nsapi.h
  946. Copy: fsl_ewm.h
  947. Copy: LoRaWANInterface.h
  948. Copy: err.h
  949. Copy: cmsis_compiler.h
  950. Copy: QSPI.h
  951. Copy: ns_trace.h
  952. Copy: mbed_filesystem.h
  953. Copy: isqrt.h
  954. Copy: fsl_i2c_edma.h
  955. Copy: ci_test_config.h
  956. Copy: AT_CellularInformation.h
  957. Copy: AT_CellularStack.h
  958. Copy: File.h
  959. Copy: protocol.h
  960. Copy: nsconfig.h
  961. Copy: can_helper.h
  962. Copy: mac_api.h
  963. Copy: pana_avp.h
  964. Copy: ns_file_system.h
  965. Copy: icmp.h
  966. Copy: gpio_irq_api.h
  967. Copy: SingletonPtr.h
  968. Copy: mbed_preprocessor.h
  969. Copy: NanostackLockGuard.h
  970. Copy: fhss_statistics.h
  971. Copy: type4_target.h
  972. Copy: thread_address_registration_client.h
  973. Copy: fsl_uart.h
  974. Copy: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularStack.h
  975. Copy: fsfat_test.h
  976. Copy: APN_db.h
  977. Copy: MessageBuilder.h
  978. Copy: MCR20Overwrites.h
  979. Copy: FileSystem.h
  980. Copy: LowPowerTicker.h
  981. Copy: equeue.h
  982. Copy: utest_serial.h
  983. Copy: cmsis_os.h
  984. Copy: transceiver_internal.h
  985. Copy: tcpip_priv.h
  986. Copy: MK64F12_features.h
  987. Copy: thread_host_bootstrap.h
  988. Copy: EMACInterface.h
  989. Copy: cfg_ethernet_host.h
  990. Copy: Semaphore.h
  991. Copy: I2CSlave.h
  992. Copy: thread_constants.h
  993. Copy: utest_harness.h
  994. Copy: gcm.h
  995. Copy: nfc_scheduler.h
  996. Copy: fnet_netif_prv.h
  997. Copy: cfg_nanostack_full.h
  998. Copy: thread_bbr_api_internal.h
  999. Copy: SDBlockDevice.h
  1000. Copy: fnet_config.h
  1001. Copy: FilePath.h
  1002. Copy: mle.h
  1003. Copy: fsl_sysmpu.h
  1004. Copy: UBLOX_PPP.h
  1005. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1006. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1007. Copy: mbed_app.json
  1008. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1009. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1010. Copy: doxygen_options.json
  1011. Copy: module.json
  1012. Copy: module.json
  1013. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1014. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1015. Copy: module.json
  1016. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1017. Copy: targets.json
  1018. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1019. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1020. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1021. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1022. Copy: module.json
  1023. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1024. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1025. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1026. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1027. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1028. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1029. Copy: module.json
  1030. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1031. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1032. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1033. Copy: mbed_app.json
  1034. Copy: module.json
  1035. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1036. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1037. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1038. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1039. Copy: mbed_lib.json
  1040. Copy: MK64FN1M0xxx12.ld
  1041. Compile [ 0.1%]: I2CEeprom.cpp
  1042. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@32,32: narrowing conversion of '(address >> 8)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1043. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@32,48: narrowing conversion of '(address & 255u)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1044. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@47,32: narrowing conversion of '(address >> 8)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1045. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@47,48: narrowing conversion of '(address & 255u)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1046. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@62,32: narrowing conversion of '(address >> 8)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1047. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@62,48: narrowing conversion of '(address & 255u)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1048. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@101,36: narrowing conversion of '(address >> 8)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1049. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@101,52: narrowing conversion of '(address & 255u)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1050. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@116,35: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  1051. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@161,36: narrowing conversion of '(address >> 8)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1052. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@161,52: narrowing conversion of '(address & 255u)' from 'size_t {aka unsigned int}' to 'char' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Wnarrowing]
  1053. [Warning] I2CEeprom.cpp@174,35: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  1054. Compile [ 0.3%]: LM75B.cpp
  1055. Compile [ 0.4%]: SDBlockDevice.cpp
  1056. Compile [ 0.6%]: SPIFBlockDevice.cpp
  1057. Compile [ 0.7%]: mbed_tz_context.c
  1058. Compile [ 0.8%]: fsfat_test.c
  1059. Compile [ 1.0%]: MCR20Drv.c
  1060. Compile [ 1.1%]: at24mac.cpp
  1061. Compile [ 1.3%]: fsfat_test.c
  1062. Compile [ 1.4%]: NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp
  1063. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@300,44: 'int32_t rtos::Thread::signal_set(int32_t)' is deprecated: Other signal_xxx methods have been deprecated in favour of ThisThread::flags functions. To match this naming scheme, derived from CMSIS-RTOS2, Thread::flags_set is now provided. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1064. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@305,44: 'int32_t rtos::Thread::signal_set(int32_t)' is deprecated: Other signal_xxx methods have been deprecated in favour of ThisThread::flags functions. To match this naming scheme, derived from CMSIS-RTOS2, Thread::flags_set is now provided. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1065. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@310,44: 'int32_t rtos::Thread::signal_set(int32_t)' is deprecated: Other signal_xxx methods have been deprecated in favour of ThisThread::flags functions. To match this naming scheme, derived from CMSIS-RTOS2, Thread::flags_set is now provided. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1066. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@1043,40: 'int32_t rtos::Thread::signal_set(int32_t)' is deprecated: Other signal_xxx methods have been deprecated in favour of ThisThread::flags functions. To match this naming scheme, derived from CMSIS-RTOS2, Thread::flags_set is now provided. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1067. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@1051,49: 'static osEvent rtos::Thread::signal_wait(int32_t, uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::flags_wait_all, ThisThread::flags_wait_all_for, ThisThread::flags_wait_any and ThisThread:wait_any_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1068. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@1084,18: variable 'last_is' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  1069. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@1084,27: variable 'last_ts' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  1070. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@1086,11: unused variable 'orig_xah_ctrl_1' [-Wunused-variable]
  1071. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyAtmel.cpp@1090,11: unused variable 'orig_flags' [-Wunused-variable]
  1072. Compile [ 1.5%]: NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp
  1073. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@996,12: enumeration value 'PHY_EXTENSION_SET_TX_TIME' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
  1074. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@996,12: enumeration value 'PHY_EXTENSION_READ_RX_TIME' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
  1075. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@996,12: enumeration value 'PHY_EXTENSION_READ_TX_FINNISH_TIME' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
  1076. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@996,12: enumeration value 'PHY_EXTENSION_DYNAMIC_RF_SUPPORTED' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
  1077. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@996,12: enumeration value 'PHY_EXTENSION_GET_TIMESTAMP' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
  1078. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@996,12: enumeration value 'PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CSMA_PARAMETERS' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
  1079. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@996,12: enumeration value 'PHY_EXTENSION_GET_SYMBOLS_PER_SECOND' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
  1080. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@1098,29: 'int32_t rtos::Thread::signal_set(int32_t)' is deprecated: Other signal_xxx methods have been deprecated in favour of ThisThread::flags functions. To match this naming scheme, derived from CMSIS-RTOS2, Thread::flags_set is now provided. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1081. [Warning] NanostackRfPhyMcr20a.cpp@1104,50: 'static osEvent rtos::Thread::signal_wait(int32_t, uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::flags_wait_all, ThisThread::flags_wait_all_for, ThisThread::flags_wait_any and ThisThread:wait_any_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1082. Compile [ 1.7%]: SDBlockDevice.cpp
  1083. Compile [ 1.8%]: AnalogIn.cpp
  1084. Compile [ 2.0%]: BusIn.cpp
  1085. Compile [ 2.1%]: ESP8266Interface.cpp
  1086. Compile [ 2.3%]: ESP8266.cpp
  1087. Compile [ 2.4%]: BusInOut.cpp
  1088. Compile [ 2.5%]: BusOut.cpp
  1089. Compile [ 2.7%]: CAN.cpp
  1090. Compile [ 2.8%]: Ethernet.cpp
  1091. Compile [ 3.0%]: I2CSlave.cpp
  1092. Compile [ 3.1%]: I2C.cpp
  1093. Compile [ 3.2%]: FlashIAP.cpp
  1094. Compile [ 3.4%]: InterruptIn.cpp
  1095. Compile [ 3.5%]: MbedCRC.cpp
  1096. Compile [ 3.7%]: InterruptManager.cpp
  1097. Compile [ 3.8%]: QSPI.cpp
  1098. Compile [ 3.9%]: RawSerial.cpp
  1099. Compile [ 4.1%]: SPISlave.cpp
  1100. Compile [ 4.2%]: SPI.cpp
  1101. Compile [ 4.4%]: TableCRC.cpp
  1102. Compile [ 4.5%]: Serial.cpp
  1103. Compile [ 4.6%]: SerialBase.cpp
  1104. Compile [ 4.8%]: Ticker.cpp
  1105. Compile [ 4.9%]: Timeout.cpp
  1106. Compile [ 5.1%]: Timer.cpp
  1107. Compile [ 5.2%]: TimerEvent.cpp
  1108. Compile [ 5.3%]: equeue.c
  1109. Compile [ 5.5%]: UARTSerial.cpp
  1110. [Warning] UARTSerial.cpp@335,19: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1111. [Warning] UARTSerial.cpp@335,32: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1112. Compile [ 5.6%]: equeue_posix.c
  1113. Compile [ 5.8%]: EventQueue.cpp
  1114. Compile [ 5.9%]: CellularConnectionFSM.cpp
  1115. Compile [ 6.0%]: EasyCellularConnection.cpp
  1116. Compile [ 6.2%]: equeue_mbed.cpp
  1117. Compile [ 6.3%]: mbed_shared_queues.cpp
  1118. Compile [ 6.5%]: AT_CellularBase.cpp
  1119. Compile [ 6.6%]: AT_CellularDevice.cpp
  1120. Compile [ 6.8%]: ATHandler.cpp
  1121. [Warning] ATHandler.cpp@1029,23: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait_until(uint64_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_until. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1122. [Warning] ATHandler.cpp@1029,70: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait_until(uint64_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_until. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1123. Compile [ 6.9%]: AT_CellularInformation.cpp
  1124. Compile [ 7.0%]: AT_CellularPower.cpp
  1125. Compile [ 7.2%]: AT_CellularSIM.cpp
  1126. Compile [ 7.3%]: AT_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1127. Compile [ 7.5%]: CellularLog.cpp
  1128. Compile [ 7.6%]: AT_CellularSMS.cpp
  1129. Compile [ 7.7%]: CellularUtil.cpp
  1130. Compile [ 7.9%]: AT_CellularStack.cpp
  1131. Compile [ 8.0%]: GEMALTO_CINTERION.cpp
  1132. Compile [ 8.2%]: GEMALTO_CINTERION_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1133. Compile [ 8.3%]: GEMALTO_CINTERION_Module.cpp
  1134. Compile [ 8.4%]: GEMALTO_CINTERION_CellularStack.cpp
  1135. Compile [ 8.6%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1136. Compile [ 8.7%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularPower.cpp
  1137. Compile [ 8.9%]: QUECTEL_BC95.cpp
  1138. Compile [ 9.0%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularSIM.cpp
  1139. Compile [ 9.1%]: QUECTEL_BC95_CellularStack.cpp
  1140. Compile [ 9.3%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1141. Compile [ 9.4%]: QUECTEL_BG96.cpp
  1142. Compile [ 9.6%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularPower.cpp
  1143. Compile [ 9.7%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularSIM.cpp
  1144. Compile [ 9.8%]: QUECTEL_BG96_CellularStack.cpp
  1145. Compile [ 10.0%]: QUECTEL_UG96.cpp
  1146. Compile [ 10.1%]: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1147. Compile [ 10.3%]: QUECTEL_UG96_CellularPower.cpp
  1148. Compile [ 10.4%]: TELIT_HE910.cpp
  1149. Compile [ 10.5%]: TELIT_HE910_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1150. Compile [ 10.7%]: TELIT_HE910_CellularPower.cpp
  1151. Compile [ 10.8%]: UBLOX_AT.cpp
  1152. Compile [ 11.0%]: UBLOX_AT_CellularPower.cpp
  1153. Compile [ 11.1%]: UBLOX_AT_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1154. Compile [ 11.3%]: UBLOX_AT_CellularStack.cpp
  1155. [Warning] UBLOX_AT_CellularStack.cpp@192,13: unused variable 'ch' [-Wunused-variable]
  1156. [Warning] UBLOX_AT_CellularStack.cpp@192,21: unused variable 'cont' [-Wunused-variable]
  1157. [Warning] UBLOX_AT_CellularStack.cpp@197,9: variable 'pollCount' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  1158. Compile [ 11.4%]: UBLOX_PPP.cpp
  1159. [Warning] UBLOX_PPP.h@37,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U' [-Wattributes]
  1160. [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.h@39,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularNetwork' [-Wattributes]
  1161. [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.h@38,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularPower' [-Wattributes]
  1162. Compile [ 11.5%]: UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.cpp
  1163. [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularNetwork.h@39,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularNetwork' [-Wattributes]
  1164. Compile [ 11.7%]: UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.cpp
  1165. [Warning] UBLOX_PPP_CellularPower.h@38,7: attribute ignored in declaration of 'class mbed::UBLOX_LISA_U_CellularPower' [-Wattributes]
  1166. Compile [ 11.8%]: greentea_serial.cpp
  1167. Compile [ 12.0%]: DeviceKey.cpp
  1168. Compile [ 12.1%]: greentea_metrics.cpp
  1169. Compile [ 12.2%]: randLIB.c
  1170. Compile [ 12.4%]: sn_coap_header_check.c
  1171. Compile [ 12.5%]: greentea_test_env.cpp
  1172. Compile [ 12.7%]: ns_cmdline.c
  1173. Compile [ 12.8%]: sn_coap_builder.c
  1174. Compile [ 12.9%]: sn_coap_parser.c
  1175. Compile [ 13.1%]: sn_coap_protocol.c
  1176. Compile [ 13.2%]: mbed_trace.c
  1177. Compile [ 13.4%]: ip_fsc.c
  1178. Compile [ 13.5%]: ns_list.c
  1179. Compile [ 13.6%]: common_functions.c
  1180. Compile [ 13.8%]: ip4tos.c
  1181. Compile [ 13.9%]: stoip4.c
  1182. Compile [ 14.1%]: ip6tos.c
  1183. Compile [ 14.2%]: stoip6.c
  1184. Compile [ 14.3%]: nsdynmemLIB.c
  1185. Compile [ 14.5%]: ns_nvm_helper.c
  1186. Compile [ 14.6%]: unity.c
  1187. Compile [ 14.8%]: mbed-utest-shim.cpp
  1188. Compile [ 14.9%]: unity_handler.cpp
  1189. Compile [ 15.0%]: utest_case.cpp
  1190. Compile [ 15.2%]: utest_default_handlers.cpp
  1191. Compile [ 15.3%]: utest_stack_trace.cpp
  1192. Compile [ 15.5%]: utest_greentea_handlers.cpp
  1193. Compile [ 15.6%]: utest_harness.cpp
  1194. Compile [ 15.8%]: utest_shim.cpp
  1195. Compile [ 15.9%]: LoRaWANInterface.cpp
  1196. Compile [ 16.0%]: utest_types.cpp
  1197. Compile [ 16.2%]: LoRaWANStack.cpp
  1198. Compile [ 16.3%]: LoRaMac.cpp
  1199. Compile [ 16.5%]: LoRaMacChannelPlan.cpp
  1200. Compile [ 16.6%]: LoRaMacCrypto.cpp
  1201. Compile [ 16.7%]: LoRaMacCommand.cpp
  1202. Compile [ 16.9%]: LoRaPHYAS923.cpp
  1203. Compile [ 17.0%]: LoRaPHY.cpp
  1204. Compile [ 17.2%]: LoRaPHYAU915.cpp
  1205. Compile [ 17.3%]: LoRaPHYCN470.cpp
  1206. [Warning] LoRaPHYCN470.cpp@224,54: iteration 6 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
  1207. Compile [ 17.4%]: LoRaPHYCN779.cpp
  1208. Compile [ 17.6%]: LoRaPHYEU433.cpp
  1209. Compile [ 17.7%]: LoRaPHYEU868.cpp
  1210. Compile [ 17.9%]: LoRaPHYIN865.cpp
  1211. Compile [ 18.0%]: LoRaPHYKR920.cpp
  1212. Compile [ 18.1%]: LoRaPHYUS915.cpp
  1213. Compile [ 18.3%]: LoRaWANTimer.cpp
  1214. Compile [ 18.4%]: LWIPInterface.cpp
  1215. Compile [ 18.6%]: LWIPInterfaceEMAC.cpp
  1216. Compile [ 18.7%]: LWIPMemoryManager.cpp
  1217. Compile [ 18.8%]: lwip_checksum.c
  1218. Compile [ 19.0%]: lwip_memcpy.c
  1219. Compile [ 19.1%]: LWIPStack.cpp
  1220. Compile [ 19.3%]: lwip_random.c
  1221. Compile [ 19.4%]: lwip_sys_arch.c
  1222. Compile [ 19.5%]: lwip_tcp_isn.c
  1223. Compile [ 19.7%]: lwip_api_lib.c
  1224. Compile [ 19.8%]: lwip_err.c
  1225. Compile [ 20.0%]: lwip_api_msg.c
  1226. Compile [ 20.1%]: lwip_netdb.c
  1227. Compile [ 20.3%]: lwip_netbuf.c
  1228. Compile [ 20.4%]: lwip_netifapi.c
  1229. Compile [ 20.5%]: lwip_sockets.c
  1230. Compile [ 20.7%]: lwip_autoip.c
  1231. Compile [ 20.8%]: lwip_tcpip.c
  1232. Compile [ 21.0%]: lwip_dhcp.c
  1233. Compile [ 21.1%]: lwip_etharp.c
  1234. Compile [ 21.2%]: lwip_icmp.c
  1235. Compile [ 21.4%]: lwip_igmp.c
  1236. Compile [ 21.5%]: lwip_ip4_addr.c
  1237. Compile [ 21.7%]: lwip_ip4.c
  1238. Compile [ 21.8%]: lwip_dhcp6.c
  1239. Compile [ 21.9%]: lwip_ip4_frag.c
  1240. Compile [ 22.1%]: lwip_ethip6.c
  1241. Compile [ 22.2%]: lwip_icmp6.c
  1242. Compile [ 22.4%]: lwip_ip6.c
  1243. Compile [ 22.5%]: lwip_inet6.c
  1244. Compile [ 22.6%]: lwip_ip6_addr.c
  1245. Compile [ 22.8%]: lwip_ip6_frag.c
  1246. Compile [ 22.9%]: lwip_mld6.c
  1247. Compile [ 23.1%]: lwip_nd6.c
  1248. Compile [ 23.2%]: lwip_def.c
  1249. Compile [ 23.3%]: lwip_dns.c
  1250. Compile [ 23.5%]: lwip_inet_chksum.c
  1251. Compile [ 23.6%]: lwip_init.c
  1252. Compile [ 23.8%]: lwip_ip.c
  1253. Compile [ 23.9%]: lwip_mem.c
  1254. Compile [ 24.1%]: lwip_memp.c
  1255. Compile [ 24.2%]: lwip_netif.c
  1256. Compile [ 24.3%]: lwip_raw.c
  1257. Compile [ 24.5%]: lwip_pbuf.c
  1258. Compile [ 24.6%]: lwip_stats.c
  1259. Compile [ 24.8%]: lwip_sys.c
  1260. Compile [ 24.9%]: lwip_tcp.c
  1261. Compile [ 25.0%]: lwip_tcp_out.c
  1262. Compile [ 25.2%]: lwip_tcp_in.c
  1263. Compile [ 25.3%]: lwip_timeouts.c
  1264. Compile [ 25.5%]: lwip_ethernetif.c
  1265. Compile [ 25.6%]: lwip_udp.c
  1266. Compile [ 25.7%]: lwip_ethernet.c
  1267. Compile [ 25.9%]: lwip_lowpan6.c
  1268. Compile [ 26.0%]: lwip_auth.c
  1269. Compile [ 26.2%]: lwip_ccp.c
  1270. Compile [ 26.3%]: lwip_chap-md5.c
  1271. Compile [ 26.4%]: lwip_chap-new.c
  1272. Compile [ 26.6%]: lwip_chap_ms.c
  1273. Compile [ 26.7%]: lwip_demand.c
  1274. Compile [ 26.9%]: lwip_eap.c
  1275. Compile [ 27.0%]: lwip_ecp.c
  1276. Compile [ 27.1%]: lwip_fsm.c
  1277. Compile [ 27.3%]: lwip_eui64.c
  1278. Compile [ 27.4%]: lwip_ipcp.c
  1279. Compile [ 27.6%]: lwip_ipv6cp.c
  1280. Compile [ 27.7%]: lwip_magic.c
  1281. Compile [ 27.8%]: lwip_lcp.c
  1282. Compile [ 28.0%]: lwip_mppe.c
  1283. Compile [ 28.1%]: lwip_ppp.c
  1284. Compile [ 28.3%]: lwip_multilink.c
  1285. Compile [ 28.4%]: lwip_pppapi.c
  1286. Compile [ 28.6%]: lwip_pppcrypt.c
  1287. Compile [ 28.7%]: lwip_pppoe.c
  1288. Compile [ 28.8%]: lwip_pppol2tp.c
  1289. Compile [ 29.0%]: lwip_pppos.c
  1290. Compile [ 29.1%]: lwip_upap.c
  1291. Compile [ 29.3%]: lwip_vj.c
  1292. Compile [ 29.4%]: lwip_utils.c
  1293. Compile [ 29.5%]: lwip_arc4.c
  1294. Compile [ 29.7%]: lwip_des.c
  1295. Compile [ 29.8%]: lwip_md5.c
  1296. Compile [ 30.0%]: lwip_md4.c
  1297. Compile [ 30.1%]: lwip_sha1.c
  1298. Compile [ 30.2%]: mbed_trng.c
  1299. Compile [ 30.4%]: platform_alt.c
  1300. Compile [ 30.5%]: lwip_tools.cpp
  1301. Compile [ 30.7%]: aesni.c
  1302. Compile [ 30.8%]: ppp_lwip.cpp
  1303. Compile [ 30.9%]: arc4.c
  1304. Compile [ 31.1%]: aria.c
  1305. Compile [ 31.2%]: aes.c
  1306. Compile [ 31.4%]: asn1parse.c
  1307. Compile [ 31.5%]: base64.c
  1308. Compile [ 31.6%]: asn1write.c
  1309. Compile [ 31.8%]: blowfish.c
  1310. Compile [ 31.9%]: camellia.c
  1311. Compile [ 32.1%]: certs.c
  1312. Compile [ 32.2%]: ccm.c
  1313. Compile [ 32.3%]: bignum.c
  1314. Compile [ 32.5%]: chacha20.c
  1315. Compile [ 32.6%]: chachapoly.c
  1316. Compile [ 32.8%]: cipher_wrap.c
  1317. Compile [ 32.9%]: cipher.c
  1318. Compile [ 33.1%]: des.c
  1319. Compile [ 33.2%]: cmac.c
  1320. Compile [ 33.3%]: debug.c
  1321. Compile [ 33.5%]: ctr_drbg.c
  1322. Compile [ 33.6%]: dhm.c
  1323. Compile [ 33.8%]: ecdh.c
  1324. Compile [ 33.9%]: ecjpake.c
  1325. Compile [ 34.0%]: ecdsa.c
  1326. Compile [ 34.2%]: ecp_curves.c
  1327. Compile [ 34.3%]: entropy.c
  1328. Compile [ 34.5%]: entropy_poll.c
  1329. Compile [ 34.6%]: ecp.c
  1330. Compile [ 34.7%]: havege.c
  1331. Compile [ 34.9%]: gcm.c
  1332. Compile [ 35.0%]: hkdf.c
  1333. Compile [ 35.2%]: error.c
  1334. Compile [ 35.3%]: md2.c
  1335. Compile [ 35.4%]: md4.c
  1336. Compile [ 35.6%]: hmac_drbg.c
  1337. Compile [ 35.7%]: md.c
  1338. Compile [ 35.9%]: md5.c
  1339. Compile [ 36.0%]: memory_buffer_alloc.c
  1340. Compile [ 36.1%]: net_sockets.c
  1341. Compile [ 36.3%]: md_wrap.c
  1342. Compile [ 36.4%]: nist_kw.c
  1343. Compile [ 36.6%]: padlock.c
  1344. Compile [ 36.7%]: oid.c
  1345. Compile [ 36.8%]: pk.c
  1346. Compile [ 37.0%]: pem.c
  1347. Compile [ 37.1%]: pkcs11.c
  1348. Compile [ 37.3%]: pkcs12.c
  1349. Compile [ 37.4%]: pkcs5.c
  1350. Compile [ 37.6%]: pk_wrap.c
  1351. Compile [ 37.7%]: pkparse.c
  1352. Compile [ 37.8%]: platform.c
  1353. Compile [ 38.0%]: platform_util.c
  1354. Compile [ 38.1%]: pkwrite.c
  1355. Compile [ 38.3%]: ripemd160.c
  1356. Compile [ 38.4%]: rsa_internal.c
  1357. Compile [ 38.5%]: poly1305.c
  1358. Compile [ 38.7%]: sha1.c
  1359. Compile [ 38.8%]: rsa.c
  1360. Compile [ 39.0%]: sha256.c
  1361. Compile [ 39.1%]: sha512.c
  1362. Compile [ 39.2%]: ssl_cache.c
  1363. Compile [ 39.4%]: ssl_ciphersuites.c
  1364. Compile [ 39.5%]: ssl_cookie.c
  1365. Compile [ 39.7%]: ssl_cli.c
  1366. Compile [ 39.8%]: ssl_ticket.c
  1367. Compile [ 39.9%]: ssl_srv.c
  1368. Compile [ 40.1%]: threading.c
  1369. Compile [ 40.2%]: timing.c
  1370. Compile [ 40.4%]: version.c
  1371. Compile [ 40.5%]: version_features.c
  1372. Compile [ 40.6%]: x509_create.c
  1373. Compile [ 40.8%]: x509.c
  1374. Compile [ 40.9%]: x509_crl.c
  1375. Compile [ 41.1%]: x509_csr.c
  1376. Compile [ 41.2%]: ssl_tls.c
  1377. Compile [ 41.4%]: x509write_crt.c
  1378. Compile [ 41.5%]: x509_crt.c
  1379. Compile [ 41.6%]: x509write_csr.c
  1380. Compile [ 41.8%]: xtea.c
  1381. Compile [ 41.9%]: hash_wrappers.c
  1382. Compile [ 42.1%]: coap_message_handler.c
  1383. Compile [ 42.2%]: coap_connection_handler.c
  1384. Compile [ 42.3%]: coap_security_handler.c
  1385. Compile [ 42.5%]: coap_service_api.c
  1386. Compile [ 42.6%]: CallbackHandler.cpp
  1387. Compile [ 42.8%]: MeshInterfaceNanostack.cpp
  1388. Compile [ 42.9%]: LoWPANNDInterface.cpp
  1389. Compile [ 43.0%]: NanostackEMACInterface.cpp
  1390. Compile [ 43.2%]: NanostackMemoryManager.cpp
  1391. Compile [ 43.3%]: ethernet_tasklet.c
  1392. Compile [ 43.5%]: NanostackEthernetInterface.cpp
  1393. Compile [ 43.6%]: ThreadInterface.cpp
  1394. Compile [ 43.7%]: mesh_system.c
  1395. Compile [ 43.9%]: nd_tasklet.c
  1396. Compile [ 44.0%]: thread_tasklet.c
  1397. Compile [ 44.2%]: arm_hal_interrupt.c
  1398. Compile [ 44.3%]: arm_hal_random.c
  1399. Compile [ 44.4%]: cs_nvm.c
  1400. Compile [ 44.6%]: ns_event_loop.c
  1401. Compile [ 44.7%]: ns_event_loop_mutex.c
  1402. Compile [ 44.9%]: ns_event_loop_mbed.cpp
  1403. Compile [ 45.0%]: ns_hal_init.c
  1404. Compile [ 45.1%]: arm_hal_timer.cpp
  1405. Compile [ 45.3%]: nvm_ram.c
  1406. Compile [ 45.4%]: minar_hal_timer.cpp
  1407. Compile [ 45.6%]: event.c
  1408. Compile [ 45.7%]: ns_timeout.c
  1409. Compile [ 45.9%]: ns_timer.c
  1410. Compile [ 46.0%]: system_timer.c
  1411. Compile [ 46.1%]: network_lib.c
  1412. Compile [ 46.3%]: Nanostack.cpp
  1413. Compile [ 46.4%]: protocol_6lowpan.c
  1414. Compile [ 46.6%]: protocol_6lowpan_bootstrap.c
  1415. Compile [ 46.7%]: protocol_6lowpan_interface.c
  1416. Compile [ 46.8%]: cipv6_fragmenter.c
  1417. Compile [ 47.0%]: 6lowpan_iphc.c
  1418. Compile [ 47.1%]: lowpan_context.c
  1419. Compile [ 47.3%]: iphc_compress.c
  1420. Compile [ 47.4%]: iphc_decompress.c
  1421. Compile [ 47.5%]: beacon_handler.c
  1422. Compile [ 47.7%]: mac_ie_lib.c
  1423. Compile [ 47.8%]: mac_data_poll.c
  1424. Compile [ 48.0%]: mac_helper.c
  1425. Compile [ 48.1%]: mac_pairwise_key.c
  1426. Compile [ 48.2%]: mac_response_handler.c
  1427. Compile [ 48.4%]: mesh.c
  1428. Compile [ 48.5%]: nwk_nvm.c
  1429. Compile [ 48.7%]: nd_router_object.c
  1430. Compile [ 48.8%]: thread_beacon.c
  1431. Compile [ 48.9%]: thread_bbr_api.c
  1432. Compile [ 49.1%]: thread_border_router_api.c
  1433. Compile [ 49.2%]: thread_commissioning_api.c
  1434. Compile [ 49.4%]: thread_commissioning_if.c
  1435. Compile [ 49.5%]: thread_bootstrap.c
  1436. [Warning] thread_extension.h@96,44: statement with no effect [-Wunused-value]
  1437. Compile [ 49.6%]: thread_dhcpv6_client.c
  1438. Compile [ 49.8%]: thread_diagnostic.c
  1439. Compile [ 49.9%]: thread_common.c
  1440. Compile [ 50.1%]: thread_discovery.c
  1441. [Warning] thread_discovery.c@562,50: statement with no effect [-Wunused-value]
  1442. Compile [ 50.2%]: thread_host_bootstrap.c
  1443. Compile [ 50.4%]: thread_lowpower_private_api.c
  1444. Compile [ 50.5%]: thread_joiner_application.c
  1445. Compile [ 50.6%]: thread_management_api.c
  1446. Compile [ 50.8%]: thread_leader_service.c
  1447. Compile [ 50.9%]: thread_management_client.c
  1448. Compile [ 51.1%]: thread_mdns.c
  1449. Compile [ 51.2%]: thread_management_server.c
  1450. Compile [ 51.3%]: thread_meshcop_lib.c
  1451. Compile [ 51.5%]: thread_management_if.c
  1452. Compile [ 51.6%]: thread_net_config_api.c
  1453. Compile [ 51.8%]: thread_mle_message_handler.c
  1454. Compile [ 51.9%]: thread_neighbor_class.c
  1455. Compile [ 52.0%]: thread_nd.c
  1456. Compile [ 52.2%]: thread_network_data_lib.c
  1457. Compile [ 52.3%]: thread_network_synch.c
  1458. Compile [ 52.5%]: thread_nvm_store.c
  1459. Compile [ 52.6%]: thread_resolution_client.c
  1460. Compile [ 52.7%]: thread_network_data_storage.c
  1461. Compile [ 52.9%]: thread_resolution_server.c
  1462. Compile [ 53.0%]: thread_routing.c
  1463. Compile [ 53.2%]: adaptation_interface.c
  1464. Compile [ 53.3%]: thread_test_api.c
  1465. Compile [ 53.4%]: thread_router_bootstrap.c
  1466. [Warning] thread_router_bootstrap.c@1381,21: unused variable 'retVal' [-Wunused-variable]
  1467. [Warning] thread_router_bootstrap.c@1401,21: unused variable 'retVal' [-Wunused-variable]
  1468. Compile [ 53.6%]: icmpv6_prefix.c
  1469. Compile [ 53.7%]: border_router.c
  1470. Compile [ 53.9%]: icmpv6.c
  1471. Compile [ 54.0%]: icmpv6_radv.c
  1472. Compile [ 54.1%]: ipv6_flow.c
  1473. Compile [ 54.3%]: ipv6.c
  1474. Compile [ 54.4%]: ipv6_fragmentation.c
  1475. Compile [ 54.6%]: ipv6_resolution.c
  1476. Compile [ 54.7%]: mld.c
  1477. Compile [ 54.9%]: udp.c
  1478. Compile [ 55.0%]: tcp.c
  1479. Compile [ 55.1%]: buffer_dyn.c
  1480. Compile [ 55.3%]: address.c
  1481. Compile [ 55.4%]: sockbuf.c
  1482. Compile [ 55.6%]: DHCPv6_Server_service.c
  1483. Compile [ 55.7%]: ns_socket.c
  1484. Compile [ 55.8%]: mac_fhss_callbacks.c
  1485. Compile [ 56.0%]: mac_filter.c
  1486. Compile [ 56.1%]: mac_header_helper_functions.c
  1487. Compile [ 56.3%]: mac_indirect_data.c
  1488. Compile [ 56.4%]: mac_mcps_sap.c
  1489. Compile [ 56.5%]: mac_security_mib.c
  1490. Compile [ 56.7%]: mac_pd_sap.c
  1491. Compile [ 56.8%]: mac_mlme.c
  1492. Compile [ 57.0%]: mac_timer.c
  1493. Compile [ 57.1%]: ethernet_mac_api.c
  1494. Compile [ 57.2%]: rf_driver_storage.c
  1495. Compile [ 57.4%]: sw_mac.c
  1496. Compile [ 57.5%]: serial_mac_api.c
  1497. Compile [ 57.7%]: virtual_rf_driver.c
  1498. Compile [ 57.8%]: virtual_rf_client.c
  1499. Compile [ 57.9%]: mle.c
  1500. Compile [ 58.1%]: mle_tlv.c
  1501. Compile [ 58.2%]: mpl.c
  1502. Compile [ 58.4%]: protocol_core_sleep.c
  1503. Compile [ 58.5%]: protocol_core.c
  1504. Compile [ 58.6%]: protocol_stats.c
  1505. Compile [ 58.8%]: protocol_timer.c
  1506. Compile [ 58.9%]: rpl_data.c
  1507. Compile [ 59.1%]: rpl_control.c
  1508. Compile [ 59.2%]: rpl_downward.c
  1509. Compile [ 59.4%]: rpl_mrhof.c
  1510. Compile [ 59.5%]: rpl_objective.c
  1511. Compile [ 59.6%]: rpl_of0.c
  1512. Compile [ 59.8%]: rpl_policy.c
  1513. Compile [ 59.9%]: security_lib.c
  1514. Compile [ 60.1%]: rpl_upward.c
  1515. Compile [ 60.2%]: eap_protocol.c
  1516. Compile [ 60.3%]: pana.c
  1517. Compile [ 60.5%]: pana_avp.c
  1518. Compile [ 60.6%]: pana_eap_header.c
  1519. Compile [ 60.8%]: pana_header.c
  1520. Compile [ 60.9%]: pana_client.c
  1521. Compile [ 61.0%]: pana_relay_table.c
  1522. Compile [ 61.2%]: tls_ccm_crypt.c
  1523. Compile [ 61.3%]: ccm_security.c
  1524. Compile [ 61.5%]: pana_server.c
  1525. Compile [ 61.6%]: aes_mbedtls_adapter.c
  1526. Compile [ 61.7%]: tls_lib.c
  1527. Compile [ 61.9%]: neighbor_cache.c
  1528. Compile [ 62.0%]: ns_sha256.c
  1529. Compile [ 62.2%]: shalib.c
  1530. Compile [ 62.3%]: trickle.c
  1531. Compile [ 62.4%]: blacklist.c
  1532. Compile [ 62.6%]: etx.c
  1533. Compile [ 62.7%]: channel_list.c
  1534. Compile [ 62.9%]: fhss.c
  1535. Compile [ 63.0%]: fhss_channel.c
  1536. Compile [ 63.2%]: fhss_configuration_interface.c
  1537. Compile [ 63.3%]: fhss_common.c
  1538. Compile [ 63.4%]: fhss_statistics.c
  1539. Compile [ 63.6%]: fhss_ws_empty_functions.c
  1540. Compile [ 63.7%]: fnv_hash.c
  1541. Compile [ 63.9%]: load_balance.c
  1542. Compile [ 64.0%]: mac_neighbor_table.c
  1543. Compile [ 64.1%]: fnet_poll.c
  1544. Compile [ 64.3%]: fnet_stdlib.c
  1545. Compile [ 64.4%]: fnet_mdns.c
  1546. Compile [ 64.6%]: ns_fnet_events.c
  1547. Compile [ 64.7%]: ns_fnet_port.c
  1548. Compile [ 64.8%]: ns_mdns_api.c
  1549. Compile [ 65.0%]: mle_service_buffer.c
  1550. Compile [ 65.1%]: mle_service_frame_counter_table.c
  1551. Compile [ 65.3%]: mle_service.c
  1552. Compile [ 65.4%]: mle_service_interface.c
  1553. Compile [ 65.5%]: mle_service_security.c
  1554. Compile [ 65.7%]: pan_blacklist.c
  1555. Compile [ 65.8%]: nd_proxy.c
  1556. Compile [ 66.0%]: isqrt.c
  1557. Compile [ 66.1%]: ns_crc.c
  1558. Compile [ 66.2%]: ns_file_system.c
  1559. Compile [ 66.4%]: whiteboard.c
  1560. Compile [ 66.5%]: protocol_ipv6.c
  1561. Compile [ 66.7%]: ipv6_routing_table.c
  1562. Compile [ 66.8%]: dhcp_service_api.c
  1563. Compile [ 66.9%]: libDHCPv6.c
  1564. Compile [ 67.1%]: libDHCPv6_server.c
  1565. Compile [ 67.2%]: multicast_api.c
  1566. Compile [ 67.4%]: net_6lowpan_parameter_api.c
  1567. Compile [ 67.5%]: net_ipv6.c
  1568. Compile [ 67.7%]: net_mle.c
  1569. Compile [ 67.8%]: net_load_balance.c
  1570. Compile [ 67.9%]: net_rpl.c
  1571. Compile [ 68.1%]: net_short_address_extension.c
  1572. Compile [ 68.2%]: net_test.c
  1573. Compile [ 68.4%]: socket_api.c
  1574. Compile [ 68.5%]: ns_net.c
  1575. Compile [ 68.6%]: EMACMemoryManager.cpp
  1576. Compile [ 68.8%]: InternetSocket.cpp
  1577. [Warning] InternetSocket.h@237,10: 'InternetSocket::_factory_allocated' will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
  1578. [Warning] InternetSocket.h@236,23: 'volatile unsigned int InternetSocket::_pending' [-Wreorder]
  1579. [Warning] InternetSocket.cpp@22,1: when initialized here [-Wreorder]
  1580. Compile [ 68.9%]: EMACInterface.cpp
  1581. Compile [ 69.1%]: NetworkInterface.cpp
  1582. Compile [ 69.2%]: NetworkInterfaceDefaults.cpp
  1583. Compile [ 69.3%]: EthernetInterface.cpp
  1584. Compile [ 69.5%]: SocketAddress.cpp
  1585. Compile [ 69.6%]: TCPSocket.cpp
  1586. Compile [ 69.8%]: NetworkStack.cpp
  1587. Compile [ 69.9%]: UDPSocket.cpp
  1588. Compile [ 70.0%]: WiFiAccessPoint.cpp
  1589. Compile [ 70.2%]: TCPServer.cpp
  1590. Compile [ 70.3%]: OnboardCellularInterface.cpp
  1591. Compile [ 70.5%]: hardware_init_MK64F12.c
  1592. Compile [ 70.6%]: PPPCellularInterface.cpp
  1593. Compile [ 70.7%]: kinetis_emac.cpp
  1594. Compile [ 70.9%]: UARTCellularInterface.cpp
  1595. Compile [ 71.0%]: nsapi_dns.cpp
  1596. Compile [ 71.2%]: ac_buffer_builder.c
  1597. Compile [ 71.3%]: ac_buffer.c
  1598. Compile [ 71.4%]: ac_buffer_reader.c
  1599. Compile [ 71.6%]: ac_stream.c
  1600. Compile [ 71.7%]: PN512TransportDriver.cpp
  1601. Compile [ 71.9%]: PN512Driver.cpp
  1602. Compile [ 72.0%]: PN512SPITransportDriver.cpp
  1603. Compile [ 72.2%]: NFCControllerDriver.cpp
  1604. Compile [ 72.3%]: NFCController.cpp
  1605. Compile [ 72.4%]: NFCEEPROM.cpp
  1606. Compile [ 72.6%]: NFCEEPROMDriver.cpp
  1607. Compile [ 72.7%]: NFCNDEFCapable.cpp
  1608. Compile [ 72.9%]: NFCTarget.cpp
  1609. Compile [ 73.0%]: NFCRemoteInitiator.cpp
  1610. Compile [ 73.1%]: NFCRemoteEndpoint.cpp
  1611. Compile [ 73.3%]: MessageBuilder.cpp
  1612. Compile [ 73.4%]: MessageParser.cpp
  1613. Compile [ 73.6%]: Type4RemoteInitiator.cpp
  1614. Compile [ 73.7%]: RecordParser.cpp
  1615. Compile [ 73.8%]: SimpleMessageParser.cpp
  1616. Compile [ 74.0%]: Mime.cpp
  1617. Compile [ 74.1%]: Text.cpp
  1618. Compile [ 74.3%]: URI.cpp
  1619. Compile [ 74.4%]: ndef.c
  1620. Compile [ 74.5%]: util.cpp
  1621. Compile [ 74.7%]: nfc_scheduler.c
  1622. Compile [ 74.8%]: nfc_transport.c
  1623. Compile [ 75.0%]: iso7816.c
  1624. Compile [ 75.1%]: iso7816_app.c
  1625. Compile [ 75.2%]: isodep_target.c
  1626. Compile [ 75.4%]: type4_target.c
  1627. Compile [ 75.5%]: pn512.c
  1628. Compile [ 75.7%]: pn512_cmd.c
  1629. Compile [ 75.8%]: pn512_hw.c
  1630. Compile [ 75.9%]: pn512_irq.c
  1631. Compile [ 76.1%]: pn512_registers.c
  1632. Compile [ 76.2%]: pn512_poll.c
  1633. Compile [ 76.4%]: pn512_rf.c
  1634. Compile [ 76.5%]: pn512_timer.c
  1635. Compile [ 76.7%]: transceiver.c
  1636. Compile [ 76.8%]: pn512_transceive.c
  1637. Compile [ 76.9%]: cfstore_fnmatch.c
  1638. Compile [ 77.1%]: cfstore_svm.cpp
  1639. Compile [ 77.2%]: flash_journal_crc.c
  1640. Compile [ 77.4%]: cfstore_test.c
  1641. Compile [ 77.5%]: strategy.c
  1642. Compile [ 77.6%]: configuration_store.c
  1643. Compile [ 77.8%]: support_funcs.c
  1644. Compile [ 77.9%]: storage_volume.cpp
  1645. Compile [ 78.1%]: storage_volume_manager.cpp
  1646. Compile [ 78.2%]: BufferedBlockDevice.cpp
  1647. Compile [ 78.3%]: FlashSimBlockDevice.cpp
  1648. Compile [ 78.5%]: ChainingBlockDevice.cpp
  1649. Compile [ 78.6%]: ExhaustibleBlockDevice.cpp
  1650. Compile [ 78.8%]: HeapBlockDevice.cpp
  1651. Compile [ 78.9%]: ObservingBlockDevice.cpp
  1652. Compile [ 79.0%]: MBRBlockDevice.cpp
  1653. Compile [ 79.2%]: ProfilingBlockDevice.cpp
  1654. Compile [ 79.3%]: ReadOnlyBlockDevice.cpp
  1655. Compile [ 79.5%]: File.cpp
  1656. Compile [ 79.6%]: Dir.cpp
  1657. Compile [ 79.7%]: ffunicode.cpp
  1658. Compile [ 79.9%]: SlicingBlockDevice.cpp
  1659. Compile [ 80.0%]: FileSystem.cpp
  1660. Compile [ 80.2%]: ff.cpp
  1661. Compile [ 80.3%]: lfs_util.c
  1662. Compile [ 80.5%]: lfs.c
  1663. Compile [ 80.6%]: FATFileSystem.cpp
  1664. Compile [ 80.7%]: LittleFileSystem.cpp
  1665. Compile [ 80.9%]: mbed_critical_section_api.c
  1666. Compile [ 81.0%]: LowPowerTickerWrapper.cpp
  1667. Compile [ 81.2%]: nvstore.cpp
  1668. Compile [ 81.3%]: mbed_itm_api.c
  1669. Compile [ 81.4%]: mbed_flash_api.c
  1670. Compile [ 81.6%]: SystemStorage.cpp
  1671. Compile [ 81.7%]: mbed_gpio.c
  1672. Compile [ 81.9%]: mbed_lp_ticker_api.c
  1673. Compile [ 82.0%]: mbed_lp_ticker_wrapper.cpp
  1674. Compile [ 82.1%]: mbed_pinmap_common.c
  1675. Compile [ 82.3%]: mbed_sleep_manager.c
  1676. Compile [ 82.4%]: mbed_us_ticker_api.c
  1677. Compile [ 82.6%]: mbed_ticker_api.c
  1678. [Warning] mbed_ticker_api.c@50,22: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  1679. Compile [ 82.7%]: CallChain.cpp
  1680. Compile [ 82.8%]: FileHandle.cpp
  1681. Compile [ 83.0%]: FileBase.cpp
  1682. [Warning] FileBase.cpp@60,18: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
  1683. Compile [ 83.1%]: ATCmdParser.cpp
  1684. Compile [ 83.3%]: FilePath.cpp
  1685. Compile [ 83.4%]: LocalFileSystem.cpp
  1686. Compile [ 83.5%]: Stream.cpp
  1687. Compile [ 83.7%]: FileSystemHandle.cpp
  1688. Compile [ 83.8%]: mbed_application.c
  1689. Compile [ 84.0%]: mbed_alloc_wrappers.cpp
  1690. Compile [ 84.1%]: mbed_assert.c
  1691. Compile [ 84.2%]: mbed_critical.c
  1692. Compile [ 84.4%]: mbed_board.c
  1693. Compile [ 84.5%]: mbed_error.c
  1694. [Warning] mbed_error.c@392,23: unknown escape sequence: '\/'
  1695. Compile [ 84.7%]: mbed_error_hist.c
  1696. Compile [ 84.8%]: mbed_interface.c
  1697. Compile [ 85.0%]: mbed_mktime.c
  1698. Compile [ 85.1%]: mbed_mem_trace.cpp
  1699. Compile [ 85.2%]: mbed_sdk_boot.c
  1700. Compile [ 85.4%]: mbed_poll.cpp
  1701. [Warning] mbed_poll.cpp@86,23: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1702. [Warning] mbed_poll.cpp@86,29: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1703. Compile [ 85.5%]: mbed_rtc_time.cpp
  1704. Compile [ 85.7%]: mbed_retarget.cpp
  1705. Compile [ 85.8%]: mbed_wait_api_no_rtos.c
  1706. Compile [ 85.9%]: mbed_semihost_api.c
  1707. Compile [ 86.1%]: mbed_stats.c
  1708. Compile [ 86.2%]: EventFlags.cpp
  1709. Compile [ 86.4%]: ConditionVariable.cpp
  1710. [Warning] ConditionVariable.cpp@49,47: 'static void* rtos::Thread::gettid()' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::get_id. Use Thread::get_id for the ID of a specific Thread. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1711. [Warning] ConditionVariable.cpp@49,54: 'static void* rtos::Thread::gettid()' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::get_id. Use Thread::get_id for the ID of a specific Thread. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1712. [Warning] ConditionVariable.cpp@87,47: 'static void* rtos::Thread::gettid()' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::get_id. Use Thread::get_id for the ID of a specific Thread. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1713. [Warning] ConditionVariable.cpp@87,54: 'static void* rtos::Thread::gettid()' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::get_id. Use Thread::get_id for the ID of a specific Thread. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1714. [Warning] ConditionVariable.cpp@96,47: 'static void* rtos::Thread::gettid()' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::get_id. Use Thread::get_id for the ID of a specific Thread. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1715. [Warning] ConditionVariable.cpp@96,54: 'static void* rtos::Thread::gettid()' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::get_id. Use Thread::get_id for the ID of a specific Thread. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1716. Compile [ 86.5%]: Mutex.cpp
  1717. Compile [ 86.6%]: mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp
  1718. [Warning] mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp@45,17: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1719. [Warning] mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp@45,41: 'static osStatus rtos::Thread::wait(uint32_t)' is deprecated: Static methods only affecting current thread cause confusion. Replaced by ThisThread::sleep_for. [since mbed-os-5.10] [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  1720. Compile [ 86.8%]: Kernel.cpp
  1721. Compile [ 86.9%]: Semaphore.cpp
  1722. Compile [ 87.1%]: except.S
  1723. Compile [ 87.2%]: RtosTimer.cpp
  1724. Compile [ 87.3%]: SysTimer.cpp
  1725. Compile [ 87.5%]: mbed_boot_gcc_arm.c
  1726. Compile [ 87.6%]: mbed_boot.c
  1727. Compile [ 87.8%]: mbed_rtx_fault_handler.c
  1728. Compile [ 87.9%]: mbed_rtos_rtx.c
  1729. Compile [ 88.0%]: mbed_rtx_handlers.c
  1730. [Warning] mbed_rtx_handlers.c@58,18: unused variable 'tid' [-Wunused-variable]
  1731. Compile [ 88.2%]: cmsis_os1.c
  1732. Compile [ 88.3%]: RTX_Config.c
  1733. Compile [ 88.5%]: irq_cm4f.S
  1734. Compile [ 88.6%]: mbed_rtx_idle.cpp
  1735. Compile [ 88.7%]: rtx_delay.c
  1736. Compile [ 88.9%]: rtx_evflags.c
  1737. Compile [ 89.0%]: rtx_evr.c
  1738. Compile [ 89.2%]: rtx_kernel.c
  1739. Compile [ 89.3%]: rtx_lib.c
  1740. Compile [ 89.5%]: rtx_memory.c
  1741. Compile [ 89.6%]: rtx_mempool.c
  1742. Compile [ 89.7%]: rtx_mutex.c
  1743. Compile [ 89.9%]: rtx_msgqueue.c
  1744. Compile [ 90.0%]: rtx_semaphore.c
  1745. Compile [ 90.2%]: rtx_system.c
  1746. Compile [ 90.3%]: rtx_timer.c
  1747. Compile [ 90.4%]: os_systick.c
  1748. Compile [ 90.6%]: rtx_thread.c
  1749. Compile [ 90.7%]: os_tick_ptim.c
  1750. Compile [ 90.9%]: crc.c
  1751. Compile [ 91.0%]: PeripheralPins.c
  1752. Compile [ 91.1%]: fsl_clock_config.c
  1753. Compile [ 91.3%]: fsl_phy.c
  1754. Compile [ 91.4%]: startup_MK64F12.S
  1755. Compile [ 91.6%]: ThisThread.cpp
  1756. Compile [ 91.7%]: Thread.cpp
  1757. Compile [ 91.8%]: mbed_overrides.c
  1758. Compile [ 92.0%]: system_MK64F12.c
  1759. Compile [ 92.1%]: fsl_adc16.c
  1760. Compile [ 92.3%]: fsl_cmp.c
  1761. Compile [ 92.4%]: fsl_clock.c
  1762. Compile [ 92.5%]: fsl_cmt.c
  1763. Compile [ 92.7%]: fsl_crc.c
  1764. Compile [ 92.8%]: fsl_dac.c
  1765. Compile [ 93.0%]: fsl_dmamux.c
  1766. Compile [ 93.1%]: fsl_dspi.c
  1767. Compile [ 93.2%]: fsl_dspi_edma.c
  1768. Compile [ 93.4%]: fsl_edma.c
  1769. Compile [ 93.5%]: fsl_enet.c
  1770. Compile [ 93.7%]: fsl_ewm.c
  1771. Compile [ 93.8%]: fsl_flash.c
  1772. Compile [ 94.0%]: fsl_flexbus.c
  1773. Compile [ 94.1%]: fsl_flexcan.c
  1774. Compile [ 94.2%]: fsl_ftm.c
  1775. Compile [ 94.4%]: fsl_gpio.c
  1776. Compile [ 94.5%]: fsl_i2c.c
  1777. Compile [ 94.7%]: fsl_llwu.c
  1778. Compile [ 94.8%]: fsl_i2c_edma.c
  1779. Compile [ 94.9%]: fsl_lptmr.c
  1780. Compile [ 95.1%]: fsl_pdb.c
  1781. Compile [ 95.2%]: fsl_pit.c
  1782. Compile [ 95.4%]: fsl_pmc.c
  1783. Compile [ 95.5%]: fsl_rcm.c
  1784. Compile [ 95.6%]: fsl_rnga.c
  1785. Compile [ 95.8%]: fsl_rtc.c
  1786. Compile [ 95.9%]: fsl_sai.c
  1787. Compile [ 96.1%]: fsl_sai_edma.c
  1788. Compile [ 96.2%]: fsl_sim.c
  1789. Compile [ 96.3%]: fsl_sdhc.c
  1790. Compile [ 96.5%]: fsl_smc.c
  1791. Compile [ 96.6%]: fsl_sysmpu.c
  1792. Compile [ 96.8%]: fsl_uart.c
  1793. Compile [ 96.9%]: fsl_uart_edma.c
  1794. Compile [ 97.0%]: fsl_vref.c
  1795. Compile [ 97.2%]: fsl_wdog.c
  1796. Compile [ 97.3%]: mbed_crc_api.c
  1797. Compile [ 97.5%]: pwmout_api.c
  1798. Compile [ 97.6%]: serial_api.c
  1799. Compile [ 97.7%]: spi_api.c
  1800. Compile [ 97.9%]: storage_driver.c
  1801. Compile [ 98.0%]: trng_api.c
  1802. Compile [ 98.2%]: us_ticker.c
  1803. Compile [ 98.3%]: analogin_api.c
  1804. Compile [ 98.5%]: dma_api.c
  1805. Compile [ 98.6%]: analogout_api.c
  1806. Compile [ 98.7%]: flash_api.c
  1807. Compile [ 98.9%]: gpio_api.c
  1808. Compile [ 99.0%]: i2c_api.c
  1809. Compile [ 99.2%]: gpio_irq_api.c
  1810. Compile [ 99.3%]: lp_ticker.c
  1811. Compile [ 99.4%]: pinmap.c
  1812. Compile [ 99.6%]: port_api.c
  1813. Compile [ 99.7%]: rtc_api.c
  1814. Compile [ 99.9%]: sleep.c
  1815. Compile [100.0%]: fsl_common.c
  1816. Building project SPI (K64F, GCC_ARM)
  1817. Scan: GCC_ARM
  1818. Scan: SPI
  1819. Compile [100.0%]: SPI.cpp
  1820. [Warning] SPI.cpp@86,9: variable 'error' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  1821. [Warning] SPI.cpp@110,9: variable 'error' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  1822. Link: SPI
  1823. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `mbed::SPI::~SPI()':
  1824. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/platform/Callback.h:906: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::deinit()'
  1825. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\sd/SDBlockDevice.cpp:260: first defined here
  1826. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1827. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::get_program_size() const'
  1828. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1829. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1830. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::get_read_size() const'
  1831. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1832. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1833. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::size() const'
  1834. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1835. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1836. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::debug(bool)'
  1837. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1838. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1839. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::~SDBlockDevice()'
  1840. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1841. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1842. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::~SDBlockDevice()'
  1843. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1844. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1845. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::~SDBlockDevice()'
  1846. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1847. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1848. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_read(unsigned char*, unsigned long)'
  1849. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1850. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1851. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_cmd8()'
  1852. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1853. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1854. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_initialise_card()'
  1855. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1856. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1857. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_sd_sectors()'
  1858. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1859. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1860. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::init()'
  1861. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1862. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1863. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::read(void*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long)'
  1864. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1865. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1866. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::program(void const*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long)'
  1867. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1868. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1869. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `vtable for SDBlockDevice'
  1870. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1871. c:/program files (x86)/gnu tools arm embedded/6 2017-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: Warning: size of symbol `_ZTV13SDBlockDevice' changed from 72 in BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o to 84 in BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o
  1872. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1873. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_delete'
  1874. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1875. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1876. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_create'
  1877. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1878. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1879. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_filename_gen'
  1880. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1881. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1882. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_byte_data_table'
  1883. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1884. collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  1885. Memory map breakdown for built projects (values in Bytes):
  1886. | name | target | toolchain | static_ram | total_flash |
  1887. |------|--------|-----------|------------|-------------|
  1890. Build successes:
  1891. * K64F::GCC_ARM::MBED-BUILD
  1894. Build failures:
  1895. * K64F::GCC_ARM::TESTS-API-SPI
  1896. Building project SPI (K64F, GCC_ARM)
  1897. Scan: GCC_ARM
  1898. Scan: SPI
  1899. Compile [100.0%]: SPI.cpp
  1900. [Warning] SPI.cpp@86,9: variable 'error' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  1901. [Warning] SPI.cpp@110,9: variable 'error' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  1902. Link: SPI
  1903. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `mbed::SPI::~SPI()':
  1904. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/platform/Callback.h:906: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::deinit()'
  1905. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\sd/SDBlockDevice.cpp:260: first defined here
  1906. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1907. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::get_program_size() const'
  1908. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1909. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1910. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::get_read_size() const'
  1911. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1912. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1913. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::size() const'
  1914. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1915. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1916. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::debug(bool)'
  1917. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1918. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1919. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::~SDBlockDevice()'
  1920. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1921. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1922. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::~SDBlockDevice()'
  1923. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1924. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1925. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::~SDBlockDevice()'
  1926. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1927. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1928. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_read(unsigned char*, unsigned long)'
  1929. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1930. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1931. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_cmd8()'
  1932. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1933. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1934. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_initialise_card()'
  1935. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1936. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1937. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::_sd_sectors()'
  1938. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1939. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1940. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::init()'
  1941. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1942. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1943. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::read(void*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long)'
  1944. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1945. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1946. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `SDBlockDevice::program(void const*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long)'
  1947. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1948. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o: In function `BlockDevice::sync()':
  1949. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/drivers/SPI.h:276: multiple definition of `vtable for SDBlockDevice'
  1950. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/./mbed-os/features/storage/blockdevice/BlockDevice.h:82: first defined here
  1951. c:/program files (x86)/gnu tools arm embedded/6 2017-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: Warning: size of symbol `_ZTV13SDBlockDevice' changed from 72 in BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/sd/SDBlockDevice.o to 84 in BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/SDBlockDevice.o
  1952. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1953. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_delete'
  1954. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1955. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1956. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_create'
  1957. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1958. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1959. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_filename_gen'
  1960. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1961. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/components/storage/blockdevice/COMPONENT_SD/util/fsfat_test.o: In function `fsfat_test_delete':
  1962. C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\mbed-os\components\storage\blockdevice\COMPONENT_SD\util/fsfat_test.c:67: multiple definition of `fsfat_test_byte_data_table'
  1963. BUILD/tests/K64F/GCC_ARM/SDDriver/features/filesystem/test/fsfat_test.o:C:\mbed-cli\ci-test-shield.git/.\SDDriver\features\filesystem\test/fsfat_test.c:67: first defined here
  1964. collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  1966. [mbed] Auto-installing missing Python modules...
  1967. [mbed] Detected "K64F" connected to "D:" and using com port "COM6"
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