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Jan 3rd, 2011
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  1. ./apps/openmw/engine.cpp: // TODO: This is only a workaround. The input dispatcher should catch any exceptions thrown inside
  2. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/book.cpp: // TODO implement reading
  3. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/container.cpp: // TODO add initial content
  4. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/containerutil.hpp: // TODO check stacking
  5. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/creature.cpp: // TODO add initial content
  6. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/door.cpp: if (ref->ref.teleport && !ref->ref.destCell.empty()) // TODO doors that lead to exteriors
  7. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/door.cpp: // TODO check for key
  8. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/door.cpp: // TODO report failure to player (message, sound?). Look up behaviour of original MW.
  9. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/door.cpp: // TODO check trap
  10. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/door.cpp: // TODO return action for teleporting other NPC/creature
  11. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/door.cpp: // TODO return action for rotating the door
  12. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/npc.cpp: //TODO: define consts for each bodypart e.g. chest, foot, wrist... and put the parts in the
  13. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/npc.cpp: // TODO research how initial rank is stored. The information in loadnpc.hpp are at
  14. ./apps/openmw/mwclass/npc.cpp: // TODO add initial content
  15. ./apps/openmw/mwdialogue/dialoguemanager.cpp: // TODO types 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C
  16. ./apps/openmw/mwdialogue/dialoguemanager.cpp: return false; // TODO implement functions
  17. ./apps/openmw/mwdialogue/dialoguemanager.cpp: // TODO check player faction
  18. ./apps/openmw/mwdialogue/dialoguemanager.cpp: // TODO check DATAstruct
  19. ./apps/openmw/mwdialogue/dialoguemanager.cpp: // TODO play sound
  20. ./apps/openmw/mwdialogue/dialoguemanager.cpp: // TODO execute script
  21. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/birth.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  22. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/birth.cpp: // TODO: All hardcoded coords for buttons are temporary, will be replaced with a dynamic system.
  23. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/birth.cpp: spellCoord.height = 24; // TODO: This should be fetched from the skin somehow, or perhaps a widget in the layout as a template?
  24. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  25. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  26. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: All hardcoded coords for buttons are temporary, will be replaced with a dynamic system.
  27. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: The buttons should be generated from a template in the layout file, ie. cloning an existing widget
  28. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  29. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: All hardcoded coords for buttons are temporary, will be replaced with a dynamic system.
  30. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: Delete dialogs here
  31. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  32. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  33. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: Change MWAttribute to set and get AttributeID enum instead of int
  34. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  35. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/class.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  36. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/layouts.cpp: // TODO: Faction rank should be placed in tooltip
  37. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/race.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  38. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/race.cpp: // TODO: All hardcoded coords for buttons are temporary, will be replaced with a dynamic system.
  39. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/race.cpp: // TODO: Rotate head
  40. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/race.cpp: int count = sizeof(race->data.bonus)/sizeof(race->data.bonus[0]); // TODO: Find a portable macro for this ARRAYSIZE?
  41. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/review.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  42. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/text_input.cpp: // TODO: These buttons should be managed by a Dialog class
  43. ./apps/openmw/mwgui/widgets.cpp: // TODO: Get name of effect from GMST
  44. ./apps/openmw/mwinput/inputmanager.cpp: // TODO: These should be enabled for floating modes (like
  45. ./apps/openmw/mwinput/inputmanager.cpp: // Start mouse-looking again. TODO: This should also allow
  46. ./apps/openmw/mwmechanics/mechanicsmanager.cpp: // TODO ST_SPELL, ST_Blight, ST_Disease, ST_Curse, ST_Power
  47. ./apps/openmw/mwmechanics/mechanicsmanager.cpp: param.mMagnitude = iter->magnMax; // TODO calculate magnitude
  48. ./apps/openmw/mwmechanics/mechanicsmanager.cpp: // TODO add effects from other spell types, active spells and equipment
  49. ./apps/openmw/mwmechanics/mechanicsmanager.cpp: // TODO apply diff to other stats
  50. ./apps/openmw/mwrender/playerpos.hpp: // TODO: Collision detection must be used to find the REAL new
  51. ./apps/openmw/mwscript/interpretercontext.cpp: // TODO handle exterior cells (when ref and ref2 are located in different cells)
  52. ./apps/openmw/mwscript/scriptmanager.cpp: // TODO sanity check on generated locals
  53. ./apps/openmw/mwsound/soundmanager.cpp: // Play the sound and tell it to stream, if possible. TODO:
  54. ./apps/openmw/mwworld/world.cpp: // TODO orientation
  55. ./apps/openmw/mwworld/world.cpp: // TODO set weather
  56. ./apps/openmw/mwworld/world.cpp: // TODO: inactive cells
  57. ./apps/openmw/mwworld/world.cpp: // TODO player
  58. ./apps/openmw/mwworld/world.cpp: // TODO check for extorior or interior with sky.
  59. ./apps/openmw/mwworld/world.cpp: // TODO cell change for non-player ref
  60. ./CMakeLists.txt: # TODO: At some point release builds should not use the console but rather write to a log file
  61. ./components/bsa/tests/bsatool.cpp: // TODO: We might add full directory name extraction later. We
  62. ./components/doc.hpp:// TODO put nif and nifogre in different namespaces (or merge them)
  63. ./components/doc.hpp:// TODO put other components into namespaces
  64. ./components/esm/loadgmst.hpp: "dirty" ones as described above. TODO: I have not checked this
  65. ./components/esm/loadlevlist.hpp: // TODO: Merge with an existing lists here. This can be done
  66. ./components/esm/loadmisc.hpp: // set to 0. TODO: Check what this field corresponds to
  67. ./components/esm/loadsscr.hpp: is totally useless (TODO: don't remember what it contains exactly,
  68. ./components/esm_store/reclists.hpp: // TODO: For multiple ESM/ESP files we need one list per file.
  69. ./components/esm_store/reclists.hpp: // TODO: case handling (cell names are case-insensitive, but they are also showen to the
  70. ./components/nif/data.hpp: // TODO: Could make structs of these. Seems to be identical to
  71. ./components/nif/data.hpp: // TODO: This is claimed to be a "float animation key", which is
  72. ./components/nif/nif_file.cpp: // TODO: Set up kf file here first, if applicable. It needs its own
  73. ./components/nifogre/ogre_nif_loader.cpp: //TODO: Get animation names
  74. ./components/nifogre/ogre_nif_loader.cpp: // overwriting it. TODO: Is this necessary?
  75. ./components/nifogre/ogre_nif_loader.cpp: // Load the NIF. TODO: Wrap this in a try-catch block once we're out
  76. ./components/to_utf8/to_utf8.cpp: // TODO: The rest of this function is designed for single-character
  77. ./Docs/Doxyfile:# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
  78. ./Docs/Doxyfile:GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES
  79. ./Docs/DoxyfilePages:# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
  80. ./Docs/DoxyfilePages:GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES
  81. ./libs/mangle/Doxyfile:# The GENERATE_TODOLIST tag can be used to enable (YES) or
  82. ./libs/mangle/Doxyfile:GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES
  83. ./libs/mangle/input/servers/ois_driver.cpp: // TODO: Translate mouse buttons into pseudo-keysyms
  84. ./libs/mangle/input/servers/ois_driver.cpp: // TODO: ditto
  85. ./libs/mangle/input/servers/ois_driver.cpp: // TODO: Extend to mouse buttons as well
  86. ./libs/mangle/sound/sources/mpg123_source.cpp: TODOs:
  87. ./libs/openengine/sound/sndmanager.cpp: TODO: This kind of construct is useful. If we need it elsewhere
  88. ./old_d_version/bullet/cpp_bullet.cpp: // TODO: Figure out what to do with this. We need the user callback
  89. ./old_d_version/bullet/cpp_bullet.cpp:// boxes. TODO: I guess we should use the NIF-specified bounding box
  90. ./old_d_version/bullet/cpp_bullet.cpp: // TODO: We might experiment with the number of time steps. Remember
  91. ./old_d_version/bullet/cpp_player.cpp:// TODO: Later we might handle various physics modes, eg. dynamic
  92. ./old_d_version/bullet/cpp_player.cpp:// collision and is used in calls to convexSweepTest(). TODO: It might
  93. ./old_d_version/core/filefinder.d: //TODO: Should this be case insensitive?
  94. ./old_d_version/esm/esmmain.d: for later referal. TODO: Put this in a class or whatever? Nah, we
  95. ./old_d_version/esm/esmmain.d:// first. TODO: I'm not sure if I should load all these in one
  96. ./old_d_version/esm/filereader.d: // TODO: Report this by setting a flag or something?
  97. ./old_d_version/esm/filereader.d: makeUTF8(str); // TODO: A hack. Will replace non-utf characters
  98. ./old_d_version/esm/listkeeper.d: // TODO: Don't use for this
  99. ./old_d_version/esm/loaddial.d: // TODO: Note that the dialogue system in Morrowind isn't very
  100. ./old_d_version/input/events.d:// TODO: Jukebox controls and other state-related data will later be
  101. ./old_d_version/input/events.d: // Move the player into place. TODO: This isn't really input-related
  102. ./old_d_version/input/events.d: // TODO/FIXME: This should have been in config, but DMD's module
  103. ./old_d_version/input/events.d: // TODO: These should be enabled for floating modes (like swimming
  104. ./old_d_version/input/events.d: // Move camera using relative coordinates. TODO: We won't really
  105. ./old_d_version/ogre/cpp_framelistener.cpp: // TODO: This translation is probably not correct, but for now I
  106. ./old_d_version/ogre/cpp_interface.cpp: // TODO should be "if(!noRot)" only for exterior cells!? Yay for
  107. ./old_d_version/ogre/meshloader.d: // TODO: Figure out what to do in this case, we should
  108. ./old_d_version/ogre/meshloader.d: // Calculate the bounding box. TODO: This is really a
  109. ./old_d_version/ogre/meshloader.d: // objects, based on the flags we have been given. TODO: I
  110. ./old_d_version/terrain/archive.d:// Info about the entire quad. TODO: Some of this (such as the texture
  111. ./old_d_version/terrain/cachewriter.d: // .dds as a convenience. TODO: Use the resource system to do this,
  112. ./old_d_version/terrain/cpp_mesh.cpp: // TODO: VertexData has a clone() function. This probably means we
  113. ./old_d_version/terrain/cpp_mesh.cpp: mIndices->indexCount = 64*64*6; // TODO: Shouldn't be hard-coded
  114. ./old_d_version/terrain/cpp_mesh.cpp: // Get the background texture. TODO: We should get this from
  115. ./old_d_version/terrain/cpp_mesh.cpp: // TODO: This still crashes on level1 meshes. Find out why!
  116. ./old_d_version/terrain/cpp_terrain.cpp:// archive.d. TODO: Make sure the D and C++ structs are of the same
  117. ./old_d_version/terrain/cpp_terrain.cpp: // TODO: We could make allocation a little more refined than new and
  118. ./old_d_version/terrain/cpp_terrain.cpp: // Add the terrain directory as a resource location. TODO: Get the
  119. ./old_d_version/terrain/generator.d: // Set the texture sizes. TODO: These should be config options,
  120. ./old_d_version/terrain/generator.d: // Set up the alpha images. TODO: We have to split these over
  121. ./old_d_version/terrain/generator.d: // Fill in the alpha values. TODO: Do all this with slices instead.
  122. ./old_d_version/terrain/quad.d: // TODO: We might rewrite the code so that the quads are never
  123. ./old_d_version/terrain/quad.d: // Get (squared) camera distance. TODO: shouldn't this just
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