
stuff for homebrew

May 5th, 2020
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  1. Basics for background: The land of the Fengari, widely known as Thirio Arashim is an island nation.
  3. It's people have endured on the continent for centuries, developing a large ruling Kingdom centered around the ruling class of a sole family.
  5. The family- chosen by their God, the benevolent Asena chose among them the strongest, and it has been the decree ever since. Unified as a people, the Fengari have embraced this choice, and there's a strong sense of national pride within them all. The strength of their rulers is a beacon that they hope to reflect, and emulate.
  8. Landscape Laydown: The lands of Thirio are virtually untouched. Providing food in abundance, water, shelter. All in some way can be provided through no means other than the land they live on. Thanks are given to Asena for such boons, and their good luck is assumed to be from the work of their patron deity as a result of consistently pleasing them.
  10. Mountainous regions exist in the North, allowing for defense, as well as some obscurity. In the south, there are some plains, capsizing into hills. These areas are commonly used by wild life that may graze, nest, or hunt. The involvement of the Fengari here normally would see them monitoring, and hunting here as well. It's one of their primary sources for gathering.
  13. Religion: Fengari are very intune with their beliefs. Asena- despite not having been seen for centuries since the founding of their Kingdom is still a very much present figure in everyday life. The will of Luna is supreme. Adhering to the path means to live as the inner spirit of the wolf suggests. That is freely, and only with honor in mind. The interpretation may vary person-to-person, or beast-to-beast, but it is iron clad regardless that this remains upheld.
  15. Ritualistic practice is a common part of life on Thirio considering this. With many indoctrinated as early as the ages of five-to-seven into the life on the path. Crafting talisman, and charms to be worn or viewed in some way at all times. It is common to use these charms as methods of prayer, often before the start of battle, afterwards, when partaking in a meal, beginning a hunt, or just generally to show devotion if one is really zealous.
  17. Totems are another method of worship, and dive into the respect of nature as well. Objects of worship meant to be stationary, they are crafted from the land and such is a means to an end to pay homage to the blessings that the world gives the Fenari alongside Asena. The blessed of Luna erecting them in vital sites, after much scrutiny among their people. It is an arduous task that belies a lot of responsibility.
  19. The culmination of it all is usually an event that ends in the merryful celebration of all within Thirio to give thanks, through a ritual known as Moirazog tur Aima. The rough translation of this being: "We share blood". An event sees several hunts undertaken for the sake of honor, honorable duels with the intent of elevating one's class among the warrior castes, many nights of debauchery also happen. The free-spirited Fengari settling urges, and frustrations through skinship.
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