

Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. onPlayerSpawned()
  2. {
  3. level.modelsSpawns = 0;
  4. self dvars_begin();
  5. precachemodel("grenade_bag");
  6. player = get_players();
  7. for(;;)
  8. {
  9. self waittill("spawned_player");
  10. self setVision("fly_dark");
  11. self thread handler();
  12. level thread deevs();
  13. //self thread Location();
  14. }
  15. }
  17. handler() {
  18. level thread maps\_createmenu::doPunch();
  19. level thread deleteShit();
  20. level thread jumpToRound(6);
  21. level thread doLunarLander();
  22. level thread build_barrier();//models
  23. level thread maps\_createcam::Packapunch();
  24. level thread maps\_createmenu::Packapunch();
  25. level thread disableBuyables();
  26. level thread StratFog();
  27. level thread r_Lightning();
  28. level thread sLights();
  29. level thread sLightning();
  30. //level thread createEscapes();//models
  32. p=get_players();
  33. for(b=0;b<=p.size;b++)
  34. {
  35. p[b] iprintlnbold("threading twice?");
  36. p[b].score = 555250;
  37. p[b].score_total = 555250;
  38. p[b] thread roundText();
  39. p[b] thread sLightning();
  40. p[b] thread do_hit_markers();
  41. p[b] thread Strat_clientDvars();
  42. p[b] thread give_gun_on_spawn();
  43. p[b] thread doEquip();
  44. }
  45. if(self == get_players()[0] && !isdefined(level.hostThreaded)) {
  46. self.currentKills = 0;
  47. self thread doStratVision();
  48. self thread do_hit_markers();
  49. //self thread roundText();
  50. //self thread doEquip();
  51. level.hostThreaded = true;
  52. }
  53. if(self != get_players()[0]) {
  54. self.currentKills = 0;
  55. self thread doStratVision();
  56. self thread do_hit_markers();
  57. self thread roundText();
  58. self thread doEquip();
  59. }
  61. self thread entry();
  62. self thread watch_kills();
  63. self thread debug_kills();
  64. wait 5;
  65. level thread openDoors();
  66. }
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