
Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-26 0525 +Steve Bergman

Dec 25th, 2015
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-26 0525 +Steve Bergman
  4. __
  7. +Steve Bergman __ Hey dum dum, you're still failing. *Every point you have mentioned is complete garbage and in a little while I'll explain why.* But first I wanted to point out your MASSIVE psychological projection! (Do you know what a "psychological projection" is? It's when a _nuff nuff_ like you says something nasty about a complete stranger but really YOU are just talking about YOURSELF. All low IQ losers like you do it ALL the time!)
  9. I'll paste what you psychologically projected in case you edit/remove it later (it's so hilarious and of course it applies *directly* to you): You psychologically projected the following: _"Actually, the problem with folks like XXXX and YYYYY [the names are irrelevant because you're referring to yourself] *is that they have preconceived ideas which they are unwilling to break from, compounded by a degree of paranoia, which makes them think that the outside world is a vast conspiracy plotting against them. It's a mental illness.*"_ - HAHAHHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAH AHHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA - *speak for YOURSELF dummy.* As I say, I'll address your other worthless non-points in a moment.
  11. But first at least you ADMIT a couple of things:
  13. 1) That everything for YOU comes down to *TRUST.* In order to believe the Earth is moving you *MUST* override your DISTINCT LACK of any sensation of movement.
  15. 2) The blind kid STILL has to TRUST what SOMEONE/SOMETHING ELSE says/reports [i.e., the kid CANNOT figure it out INDEPENDENTLY without a SIGHTED person!]. *Hilarious.* _You just swapped one thing for another and don't seem bright enough to have realised!_
  17. 3) The funniest part is that inappropriate and misguided trust you keep insisting on. *Your whole argument comes down to TRUST!* And that's *WHY* you are so AGGRESSIVE and ABUSIVE toward others who don't share your same level of naΓ―ve trust. That's why you have to lash out and say retarded things like, _"anyone who doesn't trust the same people in the same way to the same extent as I do must be crazy and insane"._
  19. You HAVE to! Because everything comes down to TRUST (as I say, I'll dispense with your NON points in a moment). (Or do you think that truth is somehow a democracy? That we are wrong only because we are presenting a minority view?! Oh, I bet that has something to do with it as well! Stupid people like you ALWAYS feel that the popular view is somehow MORE TRUE than less common views!)
  21. By the way do you realise that you are trusting the *SAME GROUPS OF PEOPLE* who would have you believe they dropped ATOMIC BOMBS on children?! Hey everyone, he didn't know that! He hadn't thought of that! The dummy didn't think it through! *If "they" would kill tens to hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children for the "greater good" then why do you think LYING to vast numbers of people would somehow be an option that isn't on the table?!*
  23. *Quick!* Can you name some events or claims which turned out to be "them" lying to "vast numbers of people"? What's that? _I can't hear you._ Speak up, dummy. I asked: *can you NAME ANY EVENTS OR CLAIMS where these groups of people have lied to vast numbers of people?* Oh, you can't? _You can't think of any?_ Is that because you don't think it has ever happened? You think killing vast numbers of innocent people for the "greater good" has happened *but you don't think lying to vast numbers of people for the "greater good" ever has?*
  25. Hey dummy, *you are in DENIAL!*
  27. You are lashing out that everyone who is trying to help you by pointing things out *but you shut them down at every opportunity* because you so *desperately* WANT to believe in magic and fairy tales. Oh I bet you grew up sitting in front a television lost in fantasy. _I just bet you did!_
  29. Oh no, "they" would NEVER lie to "Steve Bergman" would they? No way! *Kill people?* _Oh, sure!_ "Steve Bergman" believes "they" will kill people. *But lie to "Steve Bergman"?* HAH! NO WAY! _That's taboo!_ This is how paradoxical you are. This is how STUPID you are. You readily admit "they" kill large numbers of people but you CANNOT think of ANY situation where they have LIED to people. And I don't care about any PAST nonsense - I'm talking about RIGHT NOW, PRESENT DAY. December 26th, 2015.
  31. You ("Steve Bergman") have put *ALL of your TRUST* into the same groups of people who YOU believe KILL others when it is expedient *and yet AT THE SAME TIME you lash out at those who do not share your SAME LEVEL OF TRUST!* Amazing. You are a f_kcing retarded *hypocrite.*
  33. You are a JOKER. Worse than that - you are simply *TOO STUPID* to figure any of this out for yourself. You're only clever enough to lash out at those who are trying to help you and DENY DENY DENY!
  37. __________________________________________
  38. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  41. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  44. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  47. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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