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log.text modded botw on cemu using bcml issue

a guest
Jan 28th, 2025
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  1. [18:05:01.445] error when trying to check visiblity of preset: unknown constant found "$custom" in expression: $custom == 1
  2. [18:05:01.447] error when trying to check visiblity of preset: unknown constant found "$custom" in expression: $custom == 1
  3. [18:05:01.486] ------- Init Cemu 2.4 -------
  4. [18:05:01.486] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x0000019d8d320000)
  5. [18:05:01.486] mlc01 path: C:/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/Cemu/mlc01
  6. [18:05:01.487] CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H
  7. [18:05:01.487] RAM: 16004MB
  8. [18:05:01.487] Platform: Windows 10 Home (Build 9200)
  9. [18:05:01.487] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX, AVX2, LZCNT, MOVBE, BMI2, AES-NI, INVARIANT-TSC
  10. [18:05:01.490] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
  11. [18:05:01.490] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
  12. [18:05:03.059] Mounting title 00050000101c9400
  13. [18:05:03.059] Base: C:/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/Cemu/mlc01/usr/title/00050000/101c9400 [Folder]
  14. [18:05:03.059] Update: C:/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/Cemu/mlc01/usr/title/0005000e/101c9400 [Folder]
  15. [18:05:03.059] DLC: C:/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/Cemu/mlc01/usr/title/0005000c/101c9400 [Folder]
  16. [18:05:03.063] Shared font CafeCn.ttf is not present
  17. [18:05:03.071] Recompiler initialized
  18. [18:05:03.856] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend -------
  19. [18:05:04.836] Vulkan instance version: 1.3
  20. [18:05:04.908] Using GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU
  21. [18:05:04.908] Driver version: 566.07
  22. [18:05:04.908] Vulkan: present_wait extension: supported
  23. [18:05:04.908] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 64 nonCoherentAtomSize 64
  24. [18:05:04.954] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT()
  25. [18:05:04.954] Vulkan device memory info:
  26. [18:05:04.954] Heap 0 - Size 3964MB Flags 0x00000001
  27. [18:05:04.954] Heap 1 - Size 8002MB Flags 0x00000000
  28. [18:05:04.954] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
  29. [18:05:04.954] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
  30. [18:05:04.954] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
  31. [18:05:04.954] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006
  32. [18:05:04.954] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e
  33. [18:05:04.954] Memory 5 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000007
  34. [18:05:05.423] ------- Loaded title -------
  35. [18:05:05.423] TitleId: 00050000-101c9400
  36. [18:05:05.423] TitleVersion: v208
  37. [18:05:05.423] TitleRegion: US
  38. [18:05:05.423] Save path: C:/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/Cemu/mlc01/usr/save/00050000/101C9400/user/
  39. [18:05:05.423] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/00050000101c9400.bin
  40. [18:05:05.423] gameprofile path: (not present)
  41. [18:05:05.423] RPX hash (updated): fb7911ad
  42. [18:05:05.423] RPX hash (base): dcac9927
  43. [18:05:05.423] Graphic pack: Using modified RAM mapping 10000000-a0000000 (+1310720KiB)
  44. [18:05:05.423] Graphic pack: Using modified RAM mapping a0000000-e0000000 (+589824KiB)
  45. [18:05:05.637] Loaded module 'u-king' with checksum 0x6267bfd0
  46. [18:05:05.638] RPL link time: 203ms
  47. [18:05:05.780] HLE scan time: 140ms
  48. [18:05:05.780] ------- Active settings -------
  49. [18:05:05.783] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler
  50. [18:05:05.783] Load shared libraries: true
  51. [18:05:05.783] Use precompiled shaders: auto
  52. [18:05:05.783] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true
  53. [18:05:05.783] Strict shader mul: true
  54. [18:05:05.783] Async compile: true
  55. [18:05:05.783] Console language: 1
  56. [18:05:06.064] ------- Activate graphic packs -------
  57. [18:05:06.297] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/BCML
  58. [18:05:06.301] Applying patch group '9999StampsLimit'
  59. [18:05:06.301] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/9999 Map Stamps Limit
  60. [18:05:06.302] Applying patch group 'BotW_ArrowDrawSpeed_V208'
  61. [18:05:06.302] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Arrow Draw Speed [Presets: 3x]
  62. [18:05:06.303] Applying patch group 'BotW_Durability_V208' (Codecave: 01800000-01800004)
  63. [18:05:06.303] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Durability [Presets: Unbreakable]
  64. [18:05:06.303] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteAmiibo_V208'
  65. [18:05:06.303] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Amiibo
  66. [18:05:06.304] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteArrows_V208'
  67. [18:05:06.304] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Arrows
  68. [18:05:06.304] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteDaruk_V208'
  69. [18:05:06.304] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Daruk's Protection
  70. [18:05:06.305] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteMipha_V208'
  71. [18:05:06.305] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Mipha's Grace
  72. [18:05:06.305] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteMotorcycleEnergy_V208'
  73. [18:05:06.305] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Motorcycle Energy
  74. [18:05:06.306] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteRevali_V208'
  75. [18:05:06.306] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Revali's Gale
  76. [18:05:06.306] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteStamina_V208'
  77. [18:05:06.306] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Stamina
  78. [18:05:06.306] Applying patch group 'BotW_InfiniteUrbosa_V208'
  79. [18:05:06.306] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Infinite Urbosa's Fury
  80. [18:05:06.307] Applying patch group 'BotW_MotorcycleAllRegions_V208'
  81. [18:05:06.307] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Cheats/Spawn Motorcycle In All Regions
  82. [18:05:06.308] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/Divine Laser Beams [Presets: Yes (Default),Blue,100% (Default),100% (Default)]
  83. [18:05:06.309] Applying patch group 'BotW_ExtendedMemory_V208'
  84. [18:05:06.309] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/Extended Memory
  85. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_ControllerScrollSpeed_V208' (Codecave: 01800100-018004dc)
  86. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_Cutscene_V208' (Codecave: 01800500-01800738)
  87. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_FenceMethod_V208' (Codecave: 01800800-0180086c)
  88. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_Gamespeed_V208' (Codecave: 01800900-01800bd0)
  89. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_KorokChasing_V208' (Codecave: 01800c00-01800c20)
  90. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_LoadingScreen_V208'
  91. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_MastercycleSpeed_V208' (Codecave: 01800d00-01800d14)
  92. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_Ragdolls_V208' (Codecave: 01800e00-01800e10)
  93. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_VSync_V208' (Codecave: 01800f00-01800fa4)
  94. [18:05:06.315] Applying patch group 'BotW_WaterPhysics_V208' (Codecave: 01801000-01801038)
  95. [18:05:06.316] Set vsync frequency to 60 (graphic pack The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/FPS++)
  96. [18:05:06.316] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/FPS++ [Presets: Normal Settings,60FPS Limit (Default),60FPS (ideal for 240/120/60Hz displays),Automatically Limit In Few Cutscenes (Recommended),Disabled (Default, dynamically adjust game speed),8 Frames Averaged (Default),Performance Fence (Default),Disabled (Default)]
  97. [18:05:06.326] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Mods/Glowing Guardian Color [Presets: Glowing White,Glowing White,Malice Red (Default),Glowing White,Malice Red]
  98. [18:05:06.326] ------- Init Audio backend -------
  99. [18:05:06.326] DirectSound: available
  100. [18:05:06.326] XAudio 2.8: available
  101. [18:05:06.326] Cubeb: available
  102. [18:05:06.326] ------- Init Audio input backend -------
  103. [18:05:06.326] Cubeb: available
  104. [18:05:06.326] ------- Run title -------
  105. [18:05:06.884] Shader cache loaded with 1222 shaders. Commited mem 102MB. Took 551ms
  106. [18:05:07.787] IOSU_ACT: using account default in first slot
  107. [18:10:58.150] FSC: File create failed for C:/Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/Cemu/mlc01/usr/save/00050000/101c9400/user/80000001/5/game_data.sav
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