

Apr 14th, 2018
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  1. Would matter more if the people saying it werent racist tankies, right wing liberation theologians, or just a leftist who doesnt like gay people. And in so many cases clearly of an ethic background of envy (ie have that third worldist impulse and arent constructive imo)
  3. And the ones who are constructive are vainglorious and stand alone, rather than build. And clearly take their position within or adjacent to something bigger than themselves for granted, as they take things like racial thought for granted
  5. It's the same kind of person, someone who was not too bright or imaginative and radically conservative for kinda generic reasons ie preferred traditions, religion, and disliked gays (this is a big one) so they end up just disliking whites and liking whites purely for being more nominally similar on these issues. The irony is that it really is just nominal or incredibly myopic. The behaviors they dislike are still more prevalent in non-whites even if they dont outwardly support them, or the dysfunction in other areas overrides any benefit. And they know this, otherwise they'd move to live with non-whites.
  7. Yes, it is ironic for the people who call others low IQ low trust whignats to be low IQ and low trust whiggers. Just because you bicker with the former doesnt make you not the latter. The only reason they know of your content if someone they follow retweeted it after all. Like attracts like.
  9. While we're on the subject, try convincing people who disagree with you before you think you've got the right idea. All it is now is bickering with people who mostly agree with you and are used to bickering with people who do disagree with them
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