
Long Distance displacement

Oct 29th, 2014
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  1. Of course, Athena can go literally anywhere with her ultimate, and teleport to gods lets anyone share a similar power, but there are a few gods who also have abilities that let them cross great distances, and as evidenced by their animations, probably were never meant to. Most of these involve Ares pulling someone across the map, thanks to the fact his ult doesn't do any damage whilst channeling, only when he pulls, meaning you can complete a base recall if he ults you, as well as the fact his ult pulls you to him regardless of whether or not there's anything in the way. Bastet, Chaac, and Scylla are unique in that their leaps allow you to "place" a destination first, and then giving you a time window in which you can leap to that destination from wherever you might have moved. Hun Batz also sort of marks a destination but his mark just happens to be on another moving target, so rather Hun Batz moving from his mark, his mark moves away from him.
  2. ----
  3. Bastet
  4. I know that there used to be a portal item that would let her leap across the map, and that blink used to not break her recall", but currently the only way to cross great distances with her return pounce is with assistance from Janus or Ares. Blink prevents you from return pouncing.
  6. Bastet return pounce after travelling through several Janus portals -
  7. Bastet return pounce after being pulled across the map by an Ares ult -
  8. ----
  9. Chaac
  10. Marks a destination with his axe, dashes to axe from wherever he might be. Not much too it. Blink prevents you from dashing to your axe
  12. Dashing through Janus portals -
  13. Dashing after being pulled across the map by an Ares ult -
  14. ----
  15. Chronos
  16. Rewind says that it sends you back to wherever you were 8s ago, but clearly that isn't the case. Stepping through a Janus portal will cause you to only rewind as far back as the exit of the Janus portal, Blinking will cause rewind to only go as far back as the blink destination, and Returning to base, getting ares pulled, and ulting, only returns Chronos as far as home base, instead of back to home, then back to Ares like it should.
  18. Rewinding after being pulled across the map by an Ares ult -
  19. ----
  20. Hun Batz
  21. As I understand it, if it still has targets to jump to, pressing 3 again will teleport you to its next target. But if it's out of targets to jump to, or has run out of jumps, pressing 3 again will teleport you to the last target. Interestingly
  23. Teleporting to a god who has protected recall -
  24. ----
  25. Scylla
  26. Mechanically identical to Chaac's leap. Place it somewhere, leap to it from elsewhere. I know Chaac's says dash but it's a leap. Also similar to Bastet's in that it clearly was never meant to travel very far and has a super slow animation as a result
  28. "Leaping" to the sentinel after being pulled across the map by an Ares ult -
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