
(PiE) Titty Sprinkles hates ICP

Feb 7th, 2013
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  1. >Be Anonymous
  2. >You are listening to ICP, your roommate Titty Sprinkles is telling you to turn it down.
  3. "Yeah sure!"
  4. >You turn it up to max volume
  5. >She just huffs and goes away
  6. >You go back to listening ICP and drinking some Faygo
  7. >Suddenly music stops and there is a shit load of kitchen knives in the wall and in your stereo
  8. >"Thank you for turning it down finally"
  9. >She walks away levitating your Faygo to her mouth
  10. >Fucking Titty Sprinkles
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. >Slamming that Faygo
  13. >Watching Twinkle Sparkler doing miracles
  14. "Do it again"
  15. >"Ugh fine"
  16. >She levitates six oranges and has them do patterns around the apartment
  17. >She then teleports them into the fruit bowl
  18. >"There, happy?"
  19. >You tell her yeah and she teleports out of the living room
  20. "Fucking ponies how do they work?"
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. >Drinking that Faygo
  23. >Shits gone, need more
  24. >Open fridge and refill
  25. >Head back to room but loud snoring alerts you
  26. >Twinkie is asleep on the couch
  27. >Take a sip
  28. >Idea
  29. >Thirty minutes later
  30. >Twinkie has a juggalo face
  31. >You get your 'face' on as well
  32. >Pose with knocked out Twinkie
  33. >Go back to room
  34. >Hour later hear a loud scream
  35. >Look at door to see Twinkie upset
  36. "Want some Faygo?"
  37. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. >Going home, find a box by the door
  39. >Go in and open it
  40. "Some Moon Mist Faygo sweet"
  41. >Slam that Moon Mist, toss one to purplesmart
  42. >She drinks it and starts miracling up the place
  43. >In a flash she now has wings
  44. >"Oh wow I am an alicorn!"
  45. >You start drinking nonstop Moon Mist for months trying to get wings
  46. >Fuck Redbull, Faygo will give you wings
  47. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. >Going home, can not wait to drink some Faygo
  49. >You hear Mad Professor being played
  50. >Walk in to find Sporkol dancing with her 'face' on
  51. >She chugs a Black Cherry and crushes the can with her head
  52. >She hasn't noticed you, you decide to go put on your face and join her
  53. >You dance next to her to Taste, when the song ended she finally noticed you
  54. "I thought you didn't like Insane Clown Posse"
  55. >"I-I do not like them, I am doing this for research b-baka!"
  56. >She teleports out of the living room
  57. >You shrug and listen to some more Insane Clown Posse
  58. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. >Slouching on the couch drinking water
  60. >"Anonymous? Shouldn't you be at work right now?"
  61. "I got fired"
  62. >Twix Spunkle joins you on your sofa and rubs your arm
  63. >"Oh I am so sorry, hey don't feel bad. I bet you will find another job"
  64. "Oh I am not feeling bad about that...we ran out of Faygo. I need more money to buy me some Faygo"
  65. >Twix just stares at you and goes back to her room
  66. "What?"
  67. >You take a sip of water
  68. "Aww its just not the same"
  69. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. >Chilling on the couch about to drink some Faygo
  71. >Titty comes in the room
  72. >"Happy Easter Anonymous"
  73. >She gives you a big smile
  74. "I am not a Christian."
  75. >She looks confused
  76. >"I assumed you would be many of the Christains of your world."
  77. "You thought wrong"
  78. >You shake your only can of Faygo and give her a Faygo Shower
  79. "Welcome to my religion, enjoy."
  80. >It was waste of some good Faygo but a Faygo Shower are approved for baptizing.
  81. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. >Sleeping on the couch during the middle of the day
  83. >You feel something shake you awake, a familar purple unicorn fills your vision
  84. >"Anonymous aren't you suppose to be at your new job?"
  85. "I got fired"
  86. >Spudnik looks surprised
  87. >"What happened?"
  88. "I dranked all the Faygo we were storing and brought some home."
  89. >"Why would you do that?"
  90. "I couldn't help it, its Faygo!"
  91. >She facehoofs
  92. "By the way I'm sleeping with you tonight, the cuch is too lumpy"
  93. >"Why can't you sleep in your own bed?"
  94. "Look inside"
  95. >She opens your bedroom door and sees its full with different flavors of Faygo
  96. >"I don't even..."
  97. "Impressive isn't it?"
  98. >She justs looks at you and shakes her head as she goes back to her room.
  99. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. >Mixing up all the flavors of Faygo into one cup.
  101. >Finally after adding all three flavors of Moon Mist, you have completed your amazing project
  102. "Faygo Z..."
  103. >You shed a single tear and wipe it away with your sleeve.
  104. >The cup has a unique dark color to it.
  105. >You lick your lips but hold the urge to drink it.
  106. >To make this special you need to empty your bladder first.
  107. >Quickly yu head to the wasroom and drain the snake.
  108. >You flush and head back to the kitchen to find it filled with bright light
  109. >You cover your eyes and wait for it to die down
  110. >Once it was over you see a purple girl on all fours, next to her was a smashed glass
  111. "What the hell happened?"
  112. >The girl gets up all wobbly but holds onto the counter
  113. >"I don't know what happend but this feels really weird"
  114. >That sounded like Twolot Spockle
  115. "Twinkie is that you?"
  116. >She looks at you issed and yells "Its Twilight Sparkle!"
  117. >She acccidenlty steps on some glass
  118. >"Ow!"
  119. "Wait did you-did you drink my glass of Faygo?"
  120. >"Yeah, it had an intereting smell to it"
  121. >You squeeze your hands into fists
  122. "That was my secert faygo project"
  123. >She looks somewhat annoyed
  124. >"Sorry but what are we going to do about this?"
  125. >You grab her arm and take her to the washroom.
  126. >Hours later you taste Faygo Z with a hint of Twolot Spockle
  127. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. >Today is your birthday.
  129. >Twinkle isn't home today.
  130. >You chill on the couch and drink some Faygo. you got from the fridge.
  131. >Rest of the day is like any other day.
  132. >Finally, she comes home. She gives you a card that says Happy Birthday and relaxes next to you.
  133. "No gift?"
  134. >She looks at you annoyed.
  135. >"You expect more?"
  136. "I expect something"
  137. >She looks annoyed and uses her magic to open the fridge. She levitates a note card in front of you.
  138. >It says 'Happy Birthday Anon, be back later. Here's a never ending Faygo can, love Twilight'
  139. >You realize that not once did you get up to get another Faygo.
  140. >Liquid pride comes out and you hug her. She wraps her hoof around you.
  141. >You take a sip of your Faygo.
  142. "Mother fucking magic."
  143. >"I'm glad you love it."
  144. "Thanks... Twilight."
  145. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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