
KBC Case Writeup: A murder of starlings

Apr 1st, 2020
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  1. [b]Case Title:[/b] A murder of starlings
  3. [b]Consultants:[/b] Vanessa Renard
  5. [b]Resolution:[/b] The magical barrier that killed the birds has been deactivated, and the malevolent witches that caused the barrier to activate have been killed. The case contact is a supernatural person himself.
  7. [b]Case Write Up:[/b] I went to Wales through Agartha with two other agents, Elias and Easiel (and explained the rules of KBC operations to them to avoid any incidents).
  9. After interviewing Dafydd Edwards and his partner Osian (who live together), and exploring local properties that used to belong to the Edwards family, we realized that Dafydd is actually what's called "Y Dyn Hysbys", a Wise Man of Welsh mythology. He had a hereditary, inborn magical talent that he didn't understand or even acknowledge. It turned out that he would repeatedly state things kept happening twice around him and nobody believed him; actually, they were only happening once, and the "first" time was actually him having a very lucid premonition about it. Thus, he got paranoid thinking everyone was trying to gaslight him, when actually, those things hadn't even happened yet.
  11. The birds had died by flying into an invisible massive wall barrier. It was part of an ancient set of wards made by runestones set up on the old Edwards property, which would absorb latent anima from the atmosphere and intermittently activate once charged. The ward had been dormant all this time, until it detected the presence of a trio of "Gwiddonod" or Welsh witches.
  13. The Gwiddonod might have been human before, but weren't anymore. By now they were inhuman predators who cast curses and diseases on the local townsfolk to terrorize them for fun, and to siphon their life force to fuel their own immortality. They had also been dormant, or absent, but returned to Bodedern for some reason again. Dafydd's magic would have been able to counter them, if he had any control over it, but it was better not to involve a civilian (even a supernatural one) in a dangerous situation. Instead, my team acquired silver ammunition, which is also a weakness for the witches. Since they also can transform into animals, I wonder if they have any connection to lycanthropy?
  15. We lured the witches away from the town to avoid collaterol damage, and destroyed them in the countryside without any witnesses. We also disabled the old wards, to prevent the walls from reappearing, since they posed a threat both to wildlife and to traffic because the barrier extended down the road.
  17. [b]Follow Up Actions:[/b] None needed, unless someone wants to contact Dafydd Edwards again to train him in controlling his magical abilities.
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