
A horse out of heck

Jan 12th, 2016
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  1. >You are Noschtiana Cloud
  2. >Noscht for short
  3. >Noschty for friends
  4. >Your entire life you've spent in Hollow Shades
  5. >As most batponies do
  6. >You are currently residing in a second level apartment on main street
  7. >For a couple of days now you've been seeing ponies going in and out the empty space directly beneath you
  8. >One night, as you walk on main street, you see that the space has been converted into a tiny bookshop
  9. >A bookshop! Just beneath your home!
  10. >How exciting!
  11. >You could make friends with the shopkeeper and he might sell you books cheaper
  12. >You run to the market and buy a couple of mangos, a pineapple and a few bananas
  13. >You get back home, chop them up and put them in a nice looking dish
  14. >You go in front of the bookshop
  15. >The sign says "closed"
  16. >You never let such a thing as signs stop you
  17. >Sure, that life philosophy had you arrested a few times
  18. >But you are a free spirit
  19. >You can not be so easily deterred
  20. "Ith anypony in there!?"
  21. >You yell out, lisping through out
  22. >You start banging on the door
  23. "Hello!?"
  24. >You bang and you bang
  26. >You hear the footsteps and lowercase swearing
  27. >The key is put into the lock
  28. >It turns
  29. >You put on a big smile and close your eyes
  30. "Hello neigh-bour! I live jutht above your shop and dethided to drop by! My name ith Noschtiana, but you can call me Noo---"
  33. >You open your eyes
  34. >It's a unicorn
  35. >You've never seen a unicorn before
  36. >Just heard about them from ponies who've been around
  37. >You can't help but stare at his horn
  38. >"Can I help you?"
  39. "Huh?"
  40. >He looks cross
  41. >And unsavory
  42. >And he smells a bit
  43. " am Noschtiana, but"
  44. >You drift off again towards his horn
  45. >No!
  46. >He's new here!
  47. >You have to be friendly!
  48. >You mustn't bat an eye
  49. >You look back at him
  50. >His expression hasn't changed
  51. >Seems like a patient fellow
  52. "You can call me Noscht! I brought you a plate of fruit ath a thign of neighbourly appreciation!"
  53. >You hand him the plate
  54. >He takes it
  55. >Looks at it with the same expression
  56. >
  57. >
  58. >
  59. >He takes his time
  60. >
  61. >
  64. >"Can't you read?"
  65. >Now he seems more annoyed than angry
  66. >You are warming up to him
  67. "Yeth"
  68. >There are a few moments of silence
  69. >"It says the shop is closed"
  70. "But you are here"
  71. >"Yes"
  72. >"It's my home"
  73. " live in your shop? Mutht thave money on commuting. kekeke..."
  74. >He looks at you
  75. >You can read mild discomfort in his saggy eyes
  76. >
  77. >"Yes."
  78. >"It does."
  79. "kekek..."
  80. >There is a long silence
  81. >Ordinary ponies would find it very uncomfortable
  82. >He doesn't seem to mind it
  83. >You consider yourself a patient mare
  84. >
  85. >
  88. >You can't help yourself but to drift towards his horn
  89. >A real unicorn
  90. >Can he do magic?
  91. >Can he feel it, when someone touches it?
  92. >Is it like a nail?
  93. >You just keep gazing at it
  94. >
  95. >
  96. >Any bystander that could have seen you now, might think that they were having a stroke
  97. >You - staring at the unicorn's horn with a friendly smile
  98. >He - looking at you with half closed eyes, holding a plate of fruit
  99. >
  100. >
  101. >"Well"
  102. >"Pleasure to meet you...Noschtiana was it?"
  103. "Aha...wait! What'th your name?"
  104. >"'s Nebulous. Nebulous Haze"
  105. "Thats a long name. Can I call you Nebi?"
  106. >"Why not"
  107. "Alrightie then. I will thee you tomorrow, neighbour"
  108. >He closes the door
  109. >You hop back towards your apartment
  115. >You are Nebulous Haze
  116. >It's the crack of dawn
  117. >
  118. >
  119. >Dusk
  120. >You slowly get up from your bed
  121. >You look around
  122. >Everything is where it was last night
  123. >
  124. >
  125. >Last day
  126. >It's everywhere
  127. >You aren't a very tidy homeowner
  128. >If you can call it a home
  129. >As you get up, you step on something
  130. >You look down and see it's a silver plate
  131. >You don't own plates
  132. >Let alone silver plates
  133. >Where did it come from
  134. >You try to remember
  135. >You can't recall anything
  136. >But as you stare at the plate more and more you start to remember something
  137. >A lisp
  138. >That's right
  139. >It belonged to that girl you met yesterday
  140. >
  141. >
  142. >Yesternight
  143. >You can't seem to get the hang of this
  144. >It's going to take you some time to get accustomed to this new way of life
  145. >Might as well get up
  146. >You've been staring at the plate for ten minutes
  147. >You are losing daylight
  148. >
  149. >
  150. >Nightlight
  151. >You get up
  152. >A door seperates your humble abode and your place of buisiness
  153. >You walk into the shop
  154. >You slowly walk towards the front door and turn the sign
  155. >You walk back to you desk and sit
  156. >You pour yourself a glass and open a book
  157. >"27 000 knock-knock jokes revolving around the themes of glass and lead"
  158. >You admit that you sell very...niche literature
  162. >As you read through your book, you notice, with the corner of your eye, somepony walk in
  163. >They are standing by your desk
  164. >You have been ignoring them for 15 minutes now
  165. >"Ahem"
  166. >They crack first
  167. >You give yourself a mental point
  168. >You look up and see it's the bat pony from ealrier
  169. >Grinning like a schoolfilly
  170. >You just notice that she is missing one of her fangs
  171. >Maybe that is why she lisps so much
  172. >She seems full of excitment
  173. >Why is she so excited?
  174. >There's nothing to be excited about here
  175. >The shop is a mess
  176. >It sells low-rate books
  177. >Why is she so excited?
  178. >Maybe it's because of the plate
  179. >You take a drink and stand up
  180. >You go to your room and retrieve the plate
  181. >When you come back she's still standing there
  182. >Grinning with excitment
  183. >You hand the plate
  184. "Here"
  185. "Thanks for the fruit"
  186. >She takes it
  187. >"You are welcome"
  188. >You sit back down and continue reading
  189. >
  190. >
  191. >
  192. >She's still there
  195. >You look back at her
  196. "Can I help you in anyway mizz Cloud?"
  197. >"Yeth, I am looking for a book"
  198. >You gaze at her for a moment
  199. >You have such a great amount of dearth of enthusiasm that it could kill a man
  200. >You spread your forelegs
  201. "We have many"
  202. >"Yeth, but I am looking for a thpethific book"
  203. "Oh. I doubt you will find it here"
  204. >"Why?"
  205. >Her expression changes from one of excitment to one of disappointed questioning
  206. "What book are you looking for?"
  207. >"It'th a love thtory. "The wingth on which you carry me". It'th about a lonely bat mare that..."
  208. >You've stopped listening and gotten up
  210. >You search through your shelves
  211. >The bat follows you
  212. >Probably hoping that you'd have that book
  213. >You take out a huge tome
  214. >You can barely lift it
  215. >You smash it on your desk
  216. >The bat just looks at it
  217. >""Erocrathy: thexthual pthychology and how it affectth the life, thothial thtructure and political order of bat-pony thothiety"?"
  218. "It's more or less the same, minus the purple prose"
  219. >"A-are you sure about that?"
  220. "Positvie"
  221. >You've never read "The wings on which you carry me"
  222. >Nor "Erocracy"
  223. >But you figure it's all the same really
  224. "That will be 25 canadian deutschmarken"
  225. >"What?"
  226. "I mean bits"
  227. >"Um...ok...thinthe you don't have my book, I'll trutht you that thith ith a good thubthtitute...neighbour"
  228. >She takes out her purse and gives you the money
  229. >You give her the book and sit back at your desk
  230. >"Nebi"
  231. >You look at her
  232. >"Thinthe we are neighbourth and all that, would you like to come for dinner tonight? We can get to know eachother"
  233. >You stare at her
  234. >Dinner
  235. >You've heared a lot about bat-ponies and their ungodly libido
  236. >There is a great chance you go up there and you'll get chloroform to the face
  237. >Or you get served sleeping potion instead of fruit soup
  238. >And then you wake up with a ball-gag in your mouth, hanging from the ceiling, hooks piercing your skin, a kidney lighter and you are somewhere in Whitetown
  239. >2 or 3 minutes of staring you answer
  240. "No, thank you"
  241. >She seems disappointed
  242. >Her ears fall back
  243. >"Oh...ok...another time then"
  244. "For sure"
  245. >Those last two words kind of perk her up
  246. >"Well, I'll thee you around"
  247. "See you"
  248. >She walks out of the door
  249. >You take a drink and continue reading your book
  250. "Heh. Didn't see that punchline coming"
  253. >You are Noschtiana Cloud
  254. >Noscht for shrot
  255. >Noschty for friends
  256. >After a long nihgt going around town and checking your to-do list, you decide to visit your newest friend's bookshop
  257. >You enter the bookshop and notice it's quite lively
  258. >A lot of ponies browsing and reading
  259. >Nebi is sitting at his desk, reading
  260. >You go to him
  261. >Not wanting to disturb him, you stand by his desk until he notices you
  262. >
  263. >
  264. >
  265. >Fifteen minutes later you decide you clear your throat, to get his attention
  266. "Ahem"
  267. >For a brief second, a small smile appears on his face
  268. >It's the first time you've seen him smile
  269. >Maybe he's happy to see you
  270. >That thought alone makes you giddy
  272. >"Mizz Cloud."
  273. "You don't have to call me that"
  274. >"Alright, Noschtiana"
  275. "You can jutht call me Noscht"
  276. >"I can, can I, Noschtiana"
  277. >He finally turns away from his book, towards you
  278. >"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
  279. "Well, I dethided to vithit you, thee how the shop ith going..."
  280. >"It's a disaster!"
  281. >Your ears fall back a bit
  282. "H-how tho? There are a lot of ponieth here"
  283. >"And all of them are complaining. "Do you have this book", "Do you have that book" "It isn't well ogranized", "It's a mess", "Why is there a pile of rotten meat in the corner", "You shouldn't drink on the job", "I think I saw a raccoon". These ponies can't be satisfied"
  284. >As he is rambling on in his monotone voice, cracking on certain occaisions, a mare walks to the desk
  285. >Yellow eyes, light-blue coat, greyish mane
  286. >She walks slowly, hips swaying, powered by sexappeal
  287. >"Excuse me, how much for this book?"
  288. >You don't think you've ever heard somepony wishing to engage in a trade with such sexual power in her voice
  289. >Nebulous takes the book
  290. >""Pictorial guide to moss; 73rd eddition." That will be 30 bits"
  291. >You don't think you've ever heard somepony engaging in a trade with such apathy towards existence in their voice
  292. >"30 bits? Isn't that a bit too high?"
  293. >"It does sound high for a book about pictures of moss."
  294. >He stares at the book with an expression of false concentration
  295. >
  296. >
  297. >
  298. >"29 bits. I'll even give you a gift bag for 1 bit"
  300. >"Come now, dear. I'm sure we can work on a way to lower the price..."
  301. >The sparkle in her eyes
  302. >The tone of her voice
  303. >The way she plays with her mane
  304. >The way she's spread her wings just a bit, so as to give you a taste, but not the full package
  305. >Even you are barely holding yourself from jumping on the mare
  306. >Nebi, on the other hand, looks at her the same way one would look at a bowl of moldy musly and expired milk ordered from a 5-star restaurant
  307. >Not too impressed
  308. >At the very least they could have cleaned the silverware
  309. >
  310. >
  311. >"28 bits + a one bit gift bag + a one bit page divider"
  313. >She seems a little taken aback
  314. >'Is he slow?' is probably what the mare would be thinking right now
  315. >"I'm trying to offer you sex here"
  316. >Nebi's eyes widen and his jaw drops
  317. >All in a sarcastic way
  318. >"OOoohh...Why didn't you say so..."
  319. >"That'll be 28 bits for the book, 1 bit for the bag, 1 bit for the divider and 35 bits for sex"
  320. >She looks even more taken aback
  321. >"No, I mean I want to pay you with sex. For the book"
  322. >"Well, that's fine and dandy, but sex doesn't have very good monetary value, now does it? I can't pay my bills with sex. I can't pay my taxes with sex. I can't eat with sex. What am I going to do with sex?"
  323. >"Umm...yes you can. Except for the bills. The bureaubats don't accept it. But all the other things you can do. Hollow Shades has a very sex based economy. I can see you are not from around here. You might not know these things."
  324. >"Ah, well now madame. Thank you for enlightening me on your debaucherous way of life. 30 bits"
  325. >The mare looks contempt
  326. >"'s been a while since I treated myself to a good book"
  327. >She pays the owener and exits
  328. >All the while being stared at by all of the customers
  329. >"Fifth bat that tried that."
  330. >You snap out of your daze
  331. >That mare sure can move
  334. >"Is it so hard to pay for a book. Who would want to be paid with sex? Is doesn't last as long and how will that look on the accounting sheet?"
  335. "Yeah, crathy thing thexth. Thpeaking of which, I really enjoyed that book you gave me"
  336. >He looks at you questioningly
  337. >
  338. >"Did you?"
  339. "Mhm!"
  340. >He just looks at you
  341. >
  342. >
  343. >
  344. >This conversation isn't going anywhere
  347. "Tho what are you doing later on. After you clothe the shop"
  348. >"Reading knock-knock jokes and getting hammered on cheap moonshine."
  349. "kekeke..."
  350. >He raises one of his eyebrows
  351. >He wasn't joking
  352. "Well, *ahem* thinthe you aren't doing anything important, maybe you would like to have dinner with me?"
  353. >He stares at you
  354. >As if trying to remember something
  355. >
  356. >
  357. >
  358. >"Didn't we have this conversation already?"
  359. "Yeth, we did."
  360. >
  361. >
  362. >"No, thank you"
  363. "A-are you sure?"
  364. >"I don't want to leave my shop. I think I have a raccoon infestation and don't trust those pesky buggers. They might eat everything in my shop and defecate everywhere. Just torn books and coon shit all around."
  365. >He takes a moment to observe his shop
  366. >He reminds you of one of those war veterans that sometimes just slip out-of reality
  367. >But you aren't going to let him ruin your mood with his lack of healthcare procedures
  368. "We can eat here"
  369. >"I'm a bit short on cash. New business and all"
  370. "Don't worry. It's on me"
  371. >"Oh, terrific. Come around at about 3"
  372. >You smile and turn towards the door
  373. >"And bring plates"
  374. >You turn and nod
  375. >"And utensils."
  376. >Alright
  377. >"And a mallet. For the coons"
  378. >There is a posiblity you might regret this
  380. >3 o'clock approaches
  381. >You have everything needed
  382. >A nice salad
  383. >Plates
  384. >Utensils
  385. >A mallet
  386. >And mango-ice cream
  387. >Everything is in order
  388. >You go down stares and knock on the shop
  389. >It doesn't open
  390. "Neeeebi! Open up! It'th me!"
  391. >Still nothing
  392. >Did he forget?
  393. "Nebulouth, are you in there? Come on! Open the door!"
  394. >You continue to bang
  396. >You hear the sound of hoofs
  397. >Paper being crumbled
  398. >Raccoons chirping
  399. >The door opens
  400. >"Yes?"
  401. >He stares at you
  402. >
  403. >
  404. >
  405. "The dinner?"
  406. >"Oh, right, come on in."
  407. >He walks back into his shop and you follow him
  408. >"Have a seat"
  409. >There is an old chair situated infront of the desk
  410. >You place the dinner on the desk, while Nebi goes to his back room
  411. >He walks out, holding a bottle of red wine and two plastic cups
  412. >He sits down and opens the bottle
  413. >He pours the wine in the cups and gives you one of them
  414. "To new friendth!"
  415. >"Sure, let's go with that"
  416. >The bottle looked very fancy
  417. >The label was written in calligraphy
  418. >It had grapes on it, from which sunlight irradiated
  419. >The colour of the wine was a deep shade of red
  420. >Almost black
  421. >Too bad it tasted like vinegar, mixed with rubbing alchohol with a handfull of sugar thrown into it
  422. >You barely swallowed
  423. >Nebi on the other hand is pouring his second glass
  424. >This will be a long night
  426. >It's been half an hour and nobody has said anything
  427. >The only noise is that of raccoons running around from time to time
  428. "Nebi, do you think that if you get rid of that pile of meat in the corner, the raccoonth will go away?"
  429. >Nebi looks at his meat pile
  430. >It's elegantly placed besides a books shelf, close to the desk
  431. >By his expression, you can tell that this time he really is trying to think of an answer
  432. >"Maybe"
  433. >He continues eating
  434. >
  435. >
  436. >
  437. >
  439. >You admit that you are a patient mare
  440. >But this is getting absurd
  441. "Tho...Nebi. Where do you come from?"
  442. >He stops eating and looks at you
  443. >"The mountains"
  444. >He continues eating
  445. >Slowly, but surely, you are getting somewhere
  446. "Which mountainth"
  447. >He continues eating
  448. >"I don't know"
  449. >
  450. >
  451. >"I was young when I came to the city. Don't have many memories from then"
  452. "Tho you've lived in the thity?"
  453. >"Aha"
  454. "Canterlot?"
  455. >"The very same"
  456. "What did you do there?"
  457. >"I studied. Space/Time magic"
  458. "That thoundth interethting."
  459. >"It wasn't. It's a very dry subject. Many numbers and theorems"
  460. >
  461. >
  462. >
  463. "I've thpent my whole life in thith town"
  464. >"Have you now?"
  465. "Mhm. I went to thchool here. I work here. All my friendth are here"
  466. >You see that he is a very voracious eater
  467. >Very agressive with his food and drink
  468. "My family liveth here altho. I really like it. It'th a nithe and cothy little town"
  469. >"If you say so"
  470. >
  471. >
  472. >
  473. >
  475. >You have moved on to desert
  476. >It's a really hard thing to keep a conversation with this guy
  477. >But he doesn't seem annoyed
  478. >And he isn't asking much of you
  479. >You do enjoy a peaceful meal at times
  480. >But you want to learn things about your new friend
  481. >That's how it works
  482. "What made you thtart a bookshop here in Hollow Shadeth?"
  483. >"The low taxes and how easy it is to start a buisiness venture"
  484. >This catches you off guard
  485. >It sounds less like an answer and more like a promotional slogan
  486. "Why didn't you get a job in your field?"
  487. >"Turns out space/time magic isn't that sought after in the job market. So I settled for the next best thing. Shopowner"
  488. "Theemth kinda weird to me"
  489. >"I'm a weird guy"
  490. >
  491. >
  492. >
  493. >Silence is a strong motif in your conversations
  495. >Some time later, after you are finished with dessert, you decide to head home
  496. >Nebi decides to walk you out
  497. "It wath a lovely night."
  498. >"Indeed, it was. We should do it again sometime."
  499. >With that he closes the door
  500. >The sun is rising
  501. >You feel tired
  502. >Your eyes start to hurt
  503. >But you can't help but smile
  504. >You had the feeling that tonight was going to be bad
  505. >But all it needed was a few nice words to cheer you up
  506. >You walk to your apartment to get some shut eye
  507. >Tonight was a nice night
  509. >Be Noschtiana Cloud
  510. >Noscht for short
  511. >Noschty for friends
  512. >It's been about a week since you visited your newest friend
  513. >Tonight that changes
  514. >You are standing in front of his bookshop
  515. >"Closed"
  516. >At this time?
  517. >Not on your watch
  518. >You start banging on the door
  519. "Nebi! Are you in there? Nebi!"
  520. >The door opens
  521. >It wasn't even locked
  522. >You gently push it
  523. >It's dark and quiet
  524. >You slowly walk in
  525. "N-Nebi?"
  526. >"Shhh..."
  527. >You turn towards the desk
  528. >Nebulous is sitting there
  529. >Holding a giant mallet
  530. >You gulp
  531. >You stay still
  532. >He raises his mallet
  533. >BAM!
  535. >"Hehe-got em"
  536. >Nebulous lifts what looks like a rodent with a squished tail, squirming in pain
  537. >He puts it in a sack
  538. >He turns to you
  539. >"Can't you read mizz Cloud?"
  540. >You are stunned by the amount of barbarism you just witnessed
  541. >It takes you a few moments to collect yourself
  542. >
  543. >
  544. >
  547. >"Apparently deaf as well"
  548. "I'm thorry, what are you doing exthactly"
  549. >You are still shaken up
  550. >You are not sure how exactly to interpret what you saw
  551. >"Pest controlling"
  552. >Pest controlling?
  553. >With a mallet?
  554. "With a mallet?"
  555. >"Mmmhmm..."
  556. >His answers are as emotionless as his views on animal cruelty
  557. "Did you conthider an exthterminator?"
  558. >His expression changes
  559. >For the first time
  560. >As far as you can tell
  561. >Sadly, it's one of annoyance
  562. >"I don't need no exterminator. Do you now how much one costs? 140 bits! And it took me 3 days to find one that accepts bits as payment."
  563. >He lifts up his mallet
  564. >"This baby on the other hand. I got it for 12 bits at the flea market."
  565. >He strokes the head gently
  566. >You can tell that he's whispering something to it
  567. "Couldn't you find a...lethth exthtreme way to deal with your problem?"
  568. >"What's wrong with this one?"
  569. "It'th gruethome! You shouldn't treat animalth like that!"
  570. >"Pff"
  571. >Did he just 'pff' at you?
  572. >The nerve of him
  573. >"I'm not killing them. I plan to sell them on the market. They'll find a good home. You know how sappy ponies get for injured animals?"
  574. >
  575. >
  576. >Obviously, he has a point
  579. >But it's still a deplorable way to make money
  580. >"Besides, didn't batponies have a festival where the hunt down mothponies, cook them up in the town square and eat them? All the while wearing masks and throwing beads around"
  581. "What? NO! That'th jutht a falthe rumour that wath thtarted by thome green mon..."
  582. >"I don't care."
  583. >You are silent
  584. >You don't think anypony has managed to silence you so quickly
  585. >And so efficiently
  586. >He has a way with words
  587. >He puts his mallet away and starts tightening the sack
  588. >"Why are you here? Don't you have a job?"
  589. "I do."
  590. >Eyes closed
  591. >Chin held high
  592. >Hoof to the heart
  593. >Proud smile on your face
  594. "I"
  595. "am a writer"
  596. >"What do you write?"
  597. "Love and adventure thtorieth"
  598. >
  599. >
  600. >
  601. >You open one of your eyes
  602. >He's looking at you, unimpressed
  603. "Paperback"
  604. >"So, literary garbage?"
  605. >You crack a smile
  606. "Pretty much"
  607. >You don't consider your writings a form of art
  608. >One dimensional, archetypical characters
  609. >Standard tropes
  610. >Cliched scenarios
  611. >Lonely, philistine demographic
  612. >But the pay is decent
  613. >And it takes you less than a week to write a book
  614. >But someday soon, you will write a real work of art
  617. >""The wings on which you carry me". Was that your book?"
  618. "Keke...No. A friend wrote it. It ithn't any better than the usual schlock, but she doeth try."
  619. >The room is silent
  620. >But not in the usual way your conversations went
  621. >It's a warmer type of silent
  622. >A friendlier
  623. >You can really feel that you are creating a bond with Ne-
  624. >"Good evening, I'd like to buy a book"
  625. >"Jesus Pony Christ! Can't anypony in this town read?!"
  626. >"W-what?"
  627. >You turn around and see a scared stallion at the door
  628. >You have never lain your eyes on a more magnificent pony before
  629. >He is beauty incarnate
  630. >He is what philosophers of Neighlada meant by true beauty
  631. >"We are clossed. I doubt this is the only shop in Hollow Shades. Bugger off."
  632. >The colt runs out
  633. >You are almost sure you heard him crying
  634. "Why did you go and do that for?"
  635. >"What? The store is closed!"
  636. "You shouldn't treat your clientth like that"
  637. >He puffs
  638. >"It's my store"
  639. "Forget it. Nextht time around, I exthpect you to act maturely"
  640. >"What?"
  641. >You don't give him and answer
  642. >You've already ran off through the door
  643. >In search for that godsent angel
  646. >You are Nebulous Haze
  647. >You are returning to your shop after a long day around the market
  648. >You see a familiar sight
  649. >It's that mare
  650. >With the lisp
  651. >Noschtiana Cloud
  652. >She's banging at the door, yelling your name
  653. >The sign says "Closed"
  654. >No pony can read
  655. >You walk towads her and position yourself right behind her
  656. >She doesn't notice you
  657. >She's just banging away
  658. >Yelling
  659. >"Nebi! Open up!"
  660. >Barbarian
  661. >She's just wailing away
  662. >This goes on for about five minutes
  664. >She sure has a lot of energy
  665. >She finally stops and turns
  666. >Your visage takes her aback
  667. >She even jumps a little
  668. >"H-hi..."
  669. >You don't answer
  670. >You push her lightly to the side and unlock your door
  671. >You enter your shop
  672. >Unorganized
  673. >Messy
  674. >Complete fire hazard
  675. >It's exactly as you left it
  676. >You should do something about that soon
  677. >
  678. >
  679. >
  680. >Soon
  681. >You walk up to your desk and sit
  682. >You place the bag you were holding on the floor
  683. >You pour yourself a drink
  684. >You take a sip and stare into your desk
  685. >" wath your day?"
  686. >Without moving your head, you shift your eyes towards her
  687. "Pff"
  688. >She seems a bit nervous
  689. >You take another sip
  690. >And finally you turn your head towards her
  692. "Well...have you been recently to the pet vendors?"
  693. >"N-no"
  694. >She still looks nervous
  695. >Her ears are flattened
  696. >She's bitting her lower lip
  697. "It's horrid"
  698. >You take another sip
  699. "This whole day I've been trying to sell these damn raccoons"
  700. >
  701. >
  702. "Night."
  703. "And you know what my best offer was?"
  704. >"N-no..."
  705. "A blowjob and two lefties!"
  706. >"Oh..."
  707. "It's like the residents here have stopped believing in money all together"
  708. >You kick the bag
  709. >Noschtiana jumps a bit
  710. >She still seems a bit under the weather
  711. >She doesn't even comment on your cruelty
  712. >Something isn't right with her today
  713. >
  714. >
  715. >Tonight
  716. "Anyway, what do you want?"
  717. >You take a drink
  718. >"C-can't I just vithit a friend?"
  719. >You lean forward
  720. >You look her straight in the eyes
  721. >From underneath your eyebrows
  722. "What do you want?"
  723. >She gulps
  724. >"Do you have any bookth on dating"
  725. >Her entire face turns red the moment she utters those words
  726. >
  727. >
  728. "No."
  729. >"A-are you sure?"
  730. >She seems desperate
  731. "Yes."
  732. >She looks at the ground
  733. >Her spirit completly crushed
  734. >You take a sip
  735. "Why do you need a book on dating? Aren't batponies complete and utter sexual deviants, just waiting for the opportunity to desecrate any piece of flesh they see?"
  736. >"N-no! We are nothing of the thort! Yeth, we are more thethxually liberated, but we thtill believe in love and thoul mateth a-and... "
  737. "I'm sure you do."
  738. >Your attitude doesn't seem to make her feel any better
  739. >Big surprise
  740. >
  741. >
  742. >
  743. "Who's the lucky stallion?"
  744. >Your inquiry seems to lift her spirits a bit
  745. >Just a bit
  746. >"Hith name ith Emerald Thky, we met latht week when you threw him out of your shop. I caught up with him and we thtarted talking and..."
  747. "Enough! What's so special about him that you want to impress him so much?"
  748. >"W-well, he'th really funny and thmart, and cute, and we have a lot of thingth in common and he invited me to a date and I don't want to methth thith up..."
  749. >You look in her eyes
  750. >
  751. >
  752. "Does impressing him mean all that much to you?"
  753. >"Yeth."
  754. >This is the most confident thing she has said all night
  755. >You sigh
  756. >You take a sip
  757. >You get out of your chair and walk to a nearby box of books and start rummaging
  758. >She follows you with a questioning expression
  759. "I can't give you anything that will help you impress him"
  760. >You found it
  761. "But I can give you this."
  762. >You take out an old, dusty book
  763. >It's practically falling apart
  764. >You hand it to her
  765. >
  766. >
  767. >Hoof it to her
  768. "This will help a sense"
  769. >She takes the book
  770. >The cover is completly beige
  771. >She opens it and reads the introductory page
  772. >"Necronomicon: the motht advanthed teachingth in the field of black magic"
  773. >She is shocked
  774. >"Black magic?!"
  775. "Don't worry. Most of the things in there don't even work."
  776. >"But it'th black magic! Thith ith illegal! How can you have thith?!"
  777. >She freezes
  778. >She looks directly at you
  779. >"A-are you a w-witch?"
  780. "Pff...I prefer the term "Scholar of forbiden arcana""
  781. >She still looks shocked
  782. "It's not what you think! I work mostly in the field of theory. I barely partake in any sort of rituals."
  783. >"B-b-but"
  784. "But nothing! Do you want to impress that stallion or not?!"
  785. >
  786. >
  787. >"...yeth"
  788. "Alright. Turn to page 73"
  789. >"Hypnothith: the benefitth of thrallth"
  790. "This will help you. You won't be summmoning demons. You wont be sacrificing if there are any in this town."
  791. >"But ithn't thith immoral. Illegal even?"
  792. "Hypnosis is more or less convincing someone to do something for you. It's actually harder than convincing them with words, but in the long run, it's more effective. Besides, you wanted a book to help you out on your date. I gave you a book."
  793. >She still looks nervous
  794. >You sigh yet again
  795. "Is it all that different than asking the right questions and wearing the right clothes? It's basically looking in his eyes and hoping that he does what you want. How is that so different?"
  796. >"I-i don't think thith ith right"
  797. >She's hard to convince
  798. "Look. You are my only friend here. It looked like you really wanted to impress that guy. I just thought I should help you anyway I can."
  799. >Those words seem to move her
  800. >Her eyes widen and her mouth is slightly open
  801. "I can see you think this is dangerous in some way and you may consider what I do in my free time immoral but I have good reasons for all of it"
  802. >She's silent
  803. >She's probably waiting for you to tell her more
  804. "In my college days, one of my teachers saw some sort of potential in me. He introduced me to a small group consisting of a 4 other students and two other professors. We were called the bastard sons of Ar. We studied black magic and how it really worked. Why you'd need a sacrifice for a certain spell. Why is virgin blood more potent that other forms of blood. We debunked most rituals and incantations that we found. Most documented results were situational only. I'm sharing all of this with you because I consider you a friend and I hope you won't turn me to the authorities. It is my belief that something unknown shouldn't be feared, but studied."
  805. >She slowly nods her head
  806. "As I said, this will help you on your date. I promise it won't have any repercussions."
  807. >"T-thank you..."
  808. "Will you take the book?"
  809. >
  810. >
  811. >"...yeth"
  812. "Alright. 30 bits."
  813. >"Wait, what?!"
  814. "30 bits."
  815. >"But that whole thpeech about your youth and exthperientheth, and friendship"
  816. "I've got to eat, don't I?"
  817. >
  818. >
  819. >"kekeke...Alright, alright."
  820. >She gives you thirty bits
  821. >As you take it from her, she swoops in and kisses you on the cheek
  822. >"Thank you, Nebi. I won't tell anypony about thith"
  823. >She walks out of the shop
  824. >You are still standing there, motionless, blushing
  825. >You rub your cheek
  826. >You sit behind your desk
  827. >You drink the remaining half of your glass in one swoop
  828. "This will end badly"
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