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- Company:Oracle
- Status:Accepted
- Qualification: 2023 PG, Tier -1
- Position : MTS
- Location : Banglore/Hyderabad
- Date of offer : August 2022
- Base : 18L
- Company had come for three roles
- 1.Server Technologies.
- 2.Netsuite.
- 3.Application Development.
- **Online coding assessment:**
- * 1.SQL question . Practise these questions you can ace it.
- Clone this list.
- Try to solve around 20 in that list.
- * REST API question.
- Do this skill test
- If you know Python try to go with it, because it will be simple when compared to Java.
- Try to read this before going for skill test.
- * One coding question Leetcode medium level.
- Most questions were on greedy.
- I didn't remeber the question.
- * 7 mcqs
- Revise gate topics. Questions were mostly on hashing.
- I was not able to solve coding question fully. Partially made the test cases passed.
- Remaining api and sql i was able to solve. I was shortlisted for Server Technologies.
- **Round 1**:
- Started with project. My project was on compilers . So he asked mostly related to compilers.
- What is the difference between Compiler and Interpreter?
- Question that confused me bit.
- * Is Java fully compiled language or not.
- Later he asked me whether i was good with db and os and asked some basic questions.
- * Why do you need database. Directy why cant we use arrays to store information.
- * What is difference between Process and Thread.
- * 2 coding questions in hackerrank platform.I had to pass all test cases.
- * You are given an array and value k. Take any consecutive elements at indices i,i+1 and multiply them . If product<=k remove i,i+1 index elements and insert new product at ith index.
- Do this until you can not do any more operations.
- Return minimum length possible.
- e.g. [1,3,4,5,6,7] k=30
- step 1:
- [3,4,5,6,7]
- step 2:
- [12,5,6,7]
- step 3:
- [12,30,7]
- Final answer = 3
- constraints 0<=n<= 5*10^5 (as far as i remember)
- It can be done in O(n).
- * Check whether the number is power of 2 or not.
- I gave brute force solution .
- Then I gave bitmapping trick solution that can tell whether its power of 2 or not in O(1).
- For more bit tricks refer this link.
- **Round 2:**
- Round 2 started with project. He asked me to pick any project of my choice in resume and discuss it briefly. Interviewer will mainly focusses on why you have done this project when other efficient methods available?
- Try to convince him saying it might not be optimal but kind of research gap if already better things are there.
- Then Questions were on CS OS fundamentals.
- * Do you know multi threading in c? (I told no but told that I have theory knowledge).
- He asked howd do you create a process in C and divide the work among parent and child thread.
- * If a variable reference created using malloc, can child thread access it?
- * Do thread need a process to run?
- * How do you declare memory dynamically in cpp.(I told malloc. He expected new() too)
- * Whats difference between malloc and new()
- * How do you handle lot of requests when you have lot of threads.On what things do you focus?(He was expecting Critical section,semaphores and Caching read accesses)
- * Definition of Sempahore.
- * How do you find length of array in c without iterating it. (size(arr)/size(int))
- How do you know that array is having integer elements if data type is not given .
- (I told difference between a+1-a in c gives size of datatype where 'a' is name if the array given.)
- * Count no of 1s in given number.
- I was asked one coding question later and i had to implement it.
- * Given a linked list . Split it into 2 linked lists. Odd indexed linked list and even indexed linked list.
- e.g. 4->5->0->100>2
- L1: 4->0->2
- L2: 5->100
- **Tip:**
- Some bug i have done and later corrected. I didnt add Nulls at the end to both linked lists.
- **Round 3:**
- Questions are behavioural.
- * What is the meaning of success according to you.
- * Do you work even if you have hectic work schedules.
- * How do you improve work life balance.
- * If your collegue is lazy what would you do?
- * If you are teamlead and what would you do if the guy in your team is lazy.
- * Tell top 3 things your friends will speak out when others ask about you
- * Do you support WFH.
- * How do you adapt to new locations.
- * What are your hobbies.
- Final verdict : Got selected
- Some of my friends who got shortlisted for appdev role were asked LLD and oops questions.
- Some more interesting questions that were asked to my friends are
- * Write program to check your hardware is little endian or big endian.
- *
- About me:
- I solved around 500 questions in gfg and leetcode.I havenot done much leetcode hard. Just focused on leetcode medium and easy.
- Tips:
- Some leetcode easy questions are very important .Because there will be many optimised solutions.
- Impressive Resume adds positivity to interviewer.
- Bit tricks are important for interview.
- Prepare a document for project.Revise the document before interview. Try to speak about project 15 min fluently.Cover all cases and related topics to projects.
- If you cannot solve coding question optimally dont forget about bruteforce .
- Dont jump directly to optimal solution.
- Dont worry if you are using python . Your work will be easier.
- Python guys in coding rounds dont forget to write while doing recursion.
- ```
- import sys
- sys.setrecursionlimit(10**9)
- ```
- Some leetcode handles i used to like for python syntaxes.
- *
- *
- His website is very good.
- Try to learn python tricks as much as possible if you are using python.
- Hope this post have inspired you.
- At the end luck matters a lot. I was bit lucky. Don't worry if you didn't make it.
- There will be another company waiting for you.
- Have smile in interviews. Improve fluency.
- Thank you,
- Ignore English mistakes.
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