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  1. May 30 23:39:50 --> rubin110 ( has joined #ubuntu
  2. May 30 23:39:50 >< [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support:
  3. May 30 23:39:55 --> ivan90112 (~ivan@ has joined #ubuntu
  4. May 30 23:39:55 --> SpaceTime ( has joined #ubuntu
  5. May 30 23:39:56 <untmdsprt> onetinsoldier, yes
  6. May 30 23:40:00 <onetinsoldier> rgr
  7. May 30 23:40:02 <boodroscotch> Dr_Willis: could the problem arise from this application possibly being 32-bit only? it wasn't a DEB operation that installed it.
  8. May 30 23:40:06 --> ajox ( has joined #ubuntu
  9. May 30 23:40:09 --> joljam ( has joined #ubuntu
  10. May 30 23:40:09 <-- L-----D has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  11. May 30 23:40:19 <rubin110> I'm gahy.
  12. May 30 23:40:20 <EvaLuaTe> onetinsoldier: well, plymouth doesn't seem to work for me (I just get random pixels at shutdown and boot instead of a proper splash). Any idea what could be wrong?
  13. May 30 23:40:21 <Dr_Willis> boodroscotch:  you may need to add that path to  one of the /etc/ or /etc/ files
  14. May 30 23:40:27 --> Kobalsky ( has joined #ubuntu
  15. May 30 23:40:30 <-- kenneho has left #ubuntu ()
  16. May 30 23:40:38 <rubin110> i love tah cock.
  17. May 30 23:40:39 <Dr_Willis> boodroscotch:  32bit libs I thought went in a spefcific location on a 64bit system
  18. May 30 23:40:46 <greezmunkey> omy
  19. May 30 23:40:48 --> PhilippeD_ ( has joined #ubuntu
  20. May 30 23:40:54 <rubin110> lol
  21. May 30 23:41:11 <-- Kobalsky has quit (Client Quit)
  22. May 30 23:41:14 <rubin110> Debian roxz ur cawk
  23. May 30 23:41:23 <rubin110> lulz
  24. May 30 23:41:24 <onetinsoldier> EvaLuaTe: what does this command show? ls -l /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth
  25. May 30 23:41:26 --> sjb007 ( has joined #ubuntu
  26. May 30 23:41:26 <-- Gnimsh has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  27. May 30 23:41:41 --> aaron_liuj (~aaron.liu@ has joined #ubuntu
  28. May 30 23:41:54 <rubin110> look man. SIX MONTH RELEASE CYCLES ARE FOR DOUCHE BAGS
  29. May 30 23:41:58 <onetinsoldier> !ops | rubin110 please
  30. May 30 23:41:58 <ubottu> rubin110 please: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!
  31. May 30 23:41:59 <boodroscotch> Dr_Willis: okay, so it's include /usr/share/qt3/lib? as the added line?
  32. May 30 23:42:01 <EvaLuaTe> onetinsoldier:  /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth -> /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth
  33. May 30 23:42:02 <-- aaron_liuj has quit (Client Quit)
  34. May 30 23:42:14 <rubin110> FAWK
  35. May 30 23:42:14 <Flannel> rubin110: Please stop.
  36. May 30 23:42:20 <-- engwan has quit (Client Quit)
  37. May 30 23:42:21 <Dr_Willis> boodroscotch:  i dont see the that /usr/share/qt3/lib dir mentioned in the  paths in or its sub files.
  38. May 30 23:42:33 <Dr_Willis> boodroscotch:  looks about right to me.
  39. May 30 23:42:37 <-- yerber has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  40. May 30 23:42:39 --> engwan (~heinrich@ has joined #ubuntu
  41. May 30 23:42:49 --> mj8741 ( has joined #ubuntu
  42. May 30 23:42:51 <rubin110> duchebagbuntu install party an noisebrudge
  43. May 30 23:42:56 <rubin110> bridge
  44. May 30 23:42:57 <-- rubin110 has left #ubuntu (requested by Flannel (you should know better))
  45. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 30 23:42:57 2010
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