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Aliens Vs Predator Requiem Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  4. Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent
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  43. Following the events of Alien vs. Predator, and the maturation of the chestburster that erupted from the body of Scar (the Predator that defeated the Alien Queen) into an adult Predalien, the Predator scout ship crashes in the woods of Gunnison County. A local, Buddy Benson, and his son, Sam, are hunting in the forest and witness the crash, but they are chased and are implanted with alien embryos by facehuggers along with several homeless people living in the sewers. Meanwhile another Predator lands seeking out the Alien and destroying evidence of their presence on Earth. The dwellers of the town find themselves in the middle of a battlefield between the two deadly extraterrestrial creatures, and the small group of survivors splits between the leadership of Sheriff Eddie Morales and the bad-boy Dallas Howard. Both have different opinions about the best means to escape from the beings.
  44. Warring Alien and Predator races descend on a rural Colorado town, where unsuspecting residents must band together for any chance of survival.
  45. There have been some good brother partnerships in the past. The Coen Brothers, the Wachowski&#39;s and the Hughes Brothers. The collaboration of siblings can add a dynamic element to the movie.<br/><br/>The Strause brothers are not one of them.<br/><br/>AVP-R was a mess. First of all it makes no sense. It takes place at the end of the first movie where this &quot;A-P hybrid&quot; is born (which is funny because in no where in the alien franchise has an alien hybrid mutated naturally), but when the dread locked superhunter sends out a distress signal, it get&#39;s the attention of just one Predator.<br/><br/>Even Danny Glover got more respect out of it. Of course, this hybrid is also a hybrid warrior-queen because it can lay it&#39;s own eggs, but for some reason, none of their offspring are hybrids, nor are they human-alien-predator hybrids, since pregnant women seems to be it&#39;s preferred burrowing hole it&#39;s gut pounding children.<br/><br/>Take that an a super-lame story of two brothers (of which there is a &quot;Transformers&quot; like subplot between one of the brothers and a Megan Fox wannabee with her jock boyfriend) who are on the wrong side of the law, but loved by the Sheriff (for some reason) and a paper thin attempt at emotion involving a soldier (why did Reiko, who was awesome in 24, take this role?) and her daughter and you have a movie that has no real plot. Add to this, some shady CIA type character, who just decides to nuke the whole town and then steal technology to give to a corporation seemed completely lame and unbelievable (I guess the President didn&#39;t want to be desired).<br/><br/>Even the predator, who acts like a member of CSI should have had the common sense to just nuke these sad characters from space and be done with it.<br/><br/>However, this was not the only problem with the movie. They really needed a lighting crew for this movie, cause they were not working in this movie. Everything was extremely dark and half the time, you didn&#39;t know what you were looking at and creatures are in darkness.<br/><br/>This is not helped by the fact that the editor of this movie had ADD. Compound this with two directors who don&#39;t seem to know how to direct an action scene (I mean W.S Anderson is a genius compared to these two) nor create any type of atmosphere, tension or dramatic effect and you are left with a movie that is flatter than a piece of sheet glass.<br/><br/>But the worst is the acting in this movie. Even given the fact that these &quot;actors&quot; were given jack to work with, the acting hits a razzy low with this. I mean, where the brothers recruited from a local Century City Starbucks? They have no inkling of acting, or trying to act. Even worse is the Sheriff, who gives the worst job this year as an actor portraying law enforcement.<br/><br/>And the ending....Like the first movie AVP, they try to get the Alient Quadrilogy association by including the Yutani corporation (Ellen Ripley was employed by the Yutani-Weyland Corporation), but seems like it was a cheap add in to end the movie. It&#39;s so eighties when they actually have a company that is named after an actual owner. Yutani Industries I&#39;m sure what the company is called.<br/><br/>Please skip this movie, it is not worth your time. It has it&#39;s place with other lousy sequels like Saw 4, Hostel 2 and The Hills have eyes 2.<br/><br/>A place away from your eyes. I wish I could get the 1.5 hours of my life back again.
  46. When did movie makers decide to write alien vs predator movies for 12 year olds? In fact that is an insult to 12 year olds, I mean to say 12 year olds with bad taste in movies.<br/><br/>First let me clarify that I thought this film was terrible, the only reason it got more than 1star was because I somehow managed sit all the way through it and for about 5minutes in there I was almost slightly entertained.<br/><br/>As far as I can tell the reason this movie was as bad as it was is either because it was purposely written with a very young audience in mind or written/directed by someone with tremendously immature taste in film. Fair enough it had a lot of gore (and I&#39;m as big a gore fan as the next sci fi/horror fan) but it was clearly thrown in to (i) distance itself from AvP1 and (ii) to try vainly to shock people. (The only people it would shock would be kids that snuck into the cinema)<br/><br/>Think back to Alien/Aliens/Alien3 or Predator what should a movie with this much potential be like? Scary, jumpy, tense, unpredictable, edgy, dark and full of well timed well executed gore. This movie had none of those things.<br/><br/>Inconsistencies, plot holes, bad acting, painful dialogue, very poor development of characters and a terrible ending aside: Honestly a bunch of teenagers and scared to death civilians fighting and killing aliens when futuristic marines get slaughtered in earlier movies??? Ridiculous is the only only word I can think of. A far cry from Arnie hunting the predator in the jungle.<br/><br/>The point: if you are thinking about buying/renting this movie DON&#39;T do it. Honestly there are a tonne more complaints I could write but it makes me angry thinking about it! Go and rent Aliens &amp; Predator1 instead trust me.
  47. The problem with the "Alien vs. Predator" series is that the humans keep getting in the way.
  48. –Variety, 2007<br/><br/>&quot;&#39;Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem&#39; is a B movie that truly earns its B.&quot; (75/100 on Metascore) a5c7b9f00b
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