
#19 hilda/lys

Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. Prompt: #19 Sling
  2. Hilda/Lysithea
  5. Lysithea didn’t know what to do after she’s stuck with Hilda after the latter broke her arm during one battle. It’s not her fault for swinging her axe a lot—duh, she is a bonafide axe user of the team, second to Raphael—also it is not her fault to protect anyone from a hit.
  7. Though, Lysithea ever heard that Hilda is not the type who understand what it means to ‘die protecting others’, which align to her personality to let others doing her job, so when she saw Hilda shielded someone else from an attack, Lysithea found herself questioning.
  9. A question leads to another, however, as her savior Hilda didn’t ask anything extraneous after she asked Lysithea to help her with the sling on her broken arm. Marianne was away to arrange the gauze she’s scattered about at the hallway with Ignatz’s help. Lysithea and Hilda were alone, sitting on the same bed by the infirmary. Hilda said something about Marianne being klutz that she won’t finish tidying up without anyone’s help, so as not to add more pile to her distress, Hilda asked Lysithea to help her with the treatment.
  11. Lysithea might not be the best healer there, but Hilda said nothing and entrusted the healing magic to her.
  13. “Come on, chin up! A broken arm is nothing to worry about!”
  15. Hilda quipped, though she hunched over in pain after she said positive words with such passion. It didn’t improve Lysithea’s mood to the slightest.
  17. “Like I said,” Lysithea breathed from her nose. “Stay still, or, do you want me to get you anything else so you can finally calm down?”
  19. “Oh but you’re feeling down right, because I happened to shield you from that bandit and you’re torn over it?”
  21. “I—well.” The smaller girl cleared her throat. Her legs were swinging against the bed slightly, an implication that she is restless, or annoyed. “I am, and you … you shouldn’t be guarding me from that.”
  23. Hilda blinked, then she tilted her head sideways. Confusion is there. “Why not? Aren’t we friends?”
  25. “Friends aside, I’m—I’m simply not worthy to be guarded,” the word caught in her throat. Something is threatening to spill, and it just came out. “Not like I’ll live long, anyway.”
  27. Hilda’s lips were open, but no words accompanied it. Lysithea chewed on her lower lips, groaning inwardly of her own idiocy. Why she let out the self-depreciation words now, especially in front of someone like Hilda? As if she wanted any sympathy or wanted more people to worry over her condition.
  29. Lysithea opted to jump from bed and flee, but then Hilda’s free right hand stopped her arm.
  31. “Just to make you feel at ease,” Hilda spoke in softer, lower tone. “I don’t help you simply because I think of you as a mere friend, so don’t worry about thinking of any debt to me, okay?”
  33. By then, Lysithea let herself go as Hilda allowed her to. The spoken sentence, however, wasn’t make any sense to Lysithea until later she exited the room.
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