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Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. travis_fold:start:worker_info
  2. Worker information
  3. hostname: c138e43c-adb1-418f-8d42-574a4185a32e@1.production-1-worker-org-gce-kvtd
  4. version: v6.2.0
  5. instance: travis-job-013d1a1a-8b38-43d4-9a20-1213d3fb8a46 travis-ci-garnet-trusty-1512502259-986baf0 (via amqp)
  6. startup: 9.309938226s
  7. travis_fold:end:worker_info
  8. travis_fold:start:system_info
  9. Build system information
  10. Build language: python
  11. Build group: stable
  12. Build dist: trusty
  13. Build id: 495745904
  14. Job id: 495745915
  15. Runtime kernel version: 4.4.0-101-generic
  16. travis-build version: 271c219b1
  17. Build image provisioning date and time
  18. Tue Dec 5 19:58:13 UTC 2017
  19. Operating System Details
  20. Distributor ID: Ubuntu
  21. Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
  22. Release: 14.04
  23. Codename: trusty
  24. Cookbooks Version
  25. 7c2c6a6
  26. git version
  27. git version 2.15.1
  28. bash version
  29. GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  30. gcc version
  31. gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4
  32. Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  33. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
  36. docker version
  37. Client:
  38. Version: 17.09.0-ce
  39. API version: 1.32
  40. Go version: go1.8.3
  41. Git commit: afdb6d4
  42. Built: Tue Sep 26 22:42:38 2017
  43. OS/Arch: linux/amd64
  45. Server:
  46. Version: 17.09.0-ce
  47. API version: 1.32 (minimum version 1.12)
  48. Go version: go1.8.3
  49. Git commit: afdb6d4
  50. Built: Tue Sep 26 22:41:20 2017
  51. OS/Arch: linux/amd64
  52. Experimental: false
  53. clang version
  54. clang version 5.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_500/final)
  55. Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  56. Thread model: posix
  57. InstalledDir: /usr/local/clang-5.0.0/bin
  58. jq version
  59. jq-1.5
  60. bats version
  61. Bats 0.4.0
  62. shellcheck version
  63. 0.4.6
  64. shfmt version
  65. v2.0.0
  66. ccache version
  67. ccache version 3.1.9
  69. Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Andrew Tridgell
  70. Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Joel Rosdahl
  72. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  73. the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
  74. Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
  75. version.
  76. cmake version
  77. cmake version 3.9.2
  79. CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (
  80. heroku version
  81. heroku-cli/6.14.39-addc925 (linux-x64) node-v9.2.0
  82. imagemagick version
  83. Version: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10 2017-07-31 Q16
  84. md5deep version
  85. 4.2
  86. mercurial version
  87. Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 4.2.2)
  88. (see for more information)
  90. Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Matt Mackall and others
  91. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
  93. mysql version
  94. mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.33, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
  95. openssl version
  96. OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
  97. packer version
  98. Packer v1.0.2
  100. Your version of Packer is out of date! The latest version
  101. is 1.1.2. You can update by downloading from
  102. postgresql client version
  103. psql (PostgreSQL) 9.6.6
  104. ragel version
  105. Ragel State Machine Compiler version 6.8 Feb 2013
  106. Copyright (c) 2001-2009 by Adrian Thurston
  107. subversion version
  108. svn, version 1.8.8 (r1568071)
  109. compiled Aug 10 2017, 17:20:39 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  111. Copyright (C) 2013 The Apache Software Foundation.
  112. This software consists of contributions made by many people;
  113. see the NOTICE file for more information.
  114. Subversion is open source software, see
  116. The following repository access (RA) modules are available:
  118. * ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol.
  119. - with Cyrus SASL authentication
  120. - handles 'svn' scheme
  121. * ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk.
  122. - handles 'file' scheme
  123. * ra_serf : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV protocol using serf.
  124. - using serf 1.3.3
  125. - handles 'http' scheme
  126. - handles 'https' scheme
  128. sudo version
  129. Sudo version 1.8.9p5
  130. Configure options: --prefix=/usr -v --with-all-insults --with-pam --with-fqdn --with-logging=syslog --with-logfac=authpriv --with-env-editor --with-editor=/usr/bin/editor --with-timeout=15 --with-password-timeout=0 --with-passprompt=[sudo] password for %p: --without-lecture --with-tty-tickets --disable-root-mailer --enable-admin-flag --with-sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail --with-timedir=/var/lib/sudo --mandir=/usr/share/man --libexecdir=/usr/lib/sudo --with-sssd --with-sssd-lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --with-selinux
  131. Sudoers policy plugin version 1.8.9p5
  132. Sudoers file grammar version 43
  134. Sudoers path: /etc/sudoers
  135. Authentication methods: 'pam'
  136. Syslog facility if syslog is being used for logging: authpriv
  137. Syslog priority to use when user authenticates successfully: notice
  138. Syslog priority to use when user authenticates unsuccessfully: alert
  139. Send mail if the user is not in sudoers
  140. Use a separate timestamp for each user/tty combo
  141. Lecture user the first time they run sudo
  142. Root may run sudo
  143. Allow some information gathering to give useful error messages
  144. Require fully-qualified hostnames in the sudoers file
  145. Visudo will honor the EDITOR environment variable
  146. Set the LOGNAME and USER environment variables
  147. Length at which to wrap log file lines (0 for no wrap): 80
  148. Authentication timestamp timeout: 15.0 minutes
  149. Password prompt timeout: 0.0 minutes
  150. Number of tries to enter a password: 3
  151. Umask to use or 0777 to use user's: 022
  152. Path to mail program: /usr/sbin/sendmail
  153. Flags for mail program: -t
  154. Address to send mail to: root
  155. Subject line for mail messages: *** SECURITY information for %h ***
  156. Incorrect password message: Sorry, try again.
  157. Path to authentication timestamp dir: /var/lib/sudo
  158. Default password prompt: [sudo] password for %p:
  159. Default user to run commands as: root
  160. Value to override user's $PATH with: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin
  161. Path to the editor for use by visudo: /usr/bin/editor
  162. When to require a password for 'list' pseudocommand: any
  163. When to require a password for 'verify' pseudocommand: all
  164. File descriptors >= 3 will be closed before executing a command
  165. Environment variables to check for sanity:
  166. TZ
  167. TERM
  168. LINGUAS
  169. LC_*
  171. LANG
  173. Environment variables to remove:
  174. RUBYOPT
  175. RUBYLIB
  181. ZDOTDIR
  183. NULLCMD
  184. FPATH
  185. PERL5DB
  186. PERL5OPT
  187. PERL5LIB
  188. PERLLIB
  193. PS4
  194. BASH_ENV
  195. ENV
  196. TERMCAP
  200. _RLD*
  201. LD_*
  203. NLSPATH
  207. CDPATH
  208. IFS
  209. Environment variables to preserve:
  210. JAVA_HOME
  211. TRAVIS
  212. CI
  216. PS2
  217. PS1
  218. PATH
  219. LS_COLORS
  222. HOME
  223. DISPLAY
  224. COLORS
  225. Locale to use while parsing sudoers: C
  226. Directory in which to store input/output logs: /var/log/sudo-io
  227. File in which to store the input/output log: %{seq}
  228. Add an entry to the utmp/utmpx file when allocating a pty
  229. PAM service name to use
  230. PAM service name to use for login shells
  231. Create a new PAM session for the command to run in
  232. Maximum I/O log sequence number: 0
  234. Local IP address and netmask pairs:
  238. Sudoers I/O plugin version 1.8.9p5
  239. gzip version
  240. gzip 1.6
  241. Copyright (C) 2007, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  242. Copyright (C) 1993 Jean-loup Gailly.
  243. This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of
  244. the GNU General Public License <>.
  245. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
  247. Written by Jean-loup Gailly.
  248. zip version
  249. Copyright (c) 1990-2008 Info-ZIP - Type 'zip "-L"' for software license.
  250. This is Zip 3.0 (July 5th 2008), by Info-ZIP.
  251. Currently maintained by E. Gordon. Please send bug reports to
  252. the authors using the web page at; see README for details.
  254. Latest sources and executables are at,
  255. as of above date; see for other sites.
  257. Compiled with gcc 4.8.2 for Unix (Linux ELF) on Oct 21 2013.
  259. Zip special compilation options:
  260. USE_EF_UT_TIME (store Universal Time)
  261. BZIP2_SUPPORT (bzip2 library version 1.0.6, 6-Sept-2010)
  262. bzip2 code and library copyright (c) Julian R Seward
  263. (See the bzip2 license for terms of use)
  264. SYMLINK_SUPPORT (symbolic links supported)
  265. LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT (can read and write large files on file system)
  266. ZIP64_SUPPORT (use Zip64 to store large files in archives)
  267. UNICODE_SUPPORT (store and read UTF-8 Unicode paths)
  268. STORE_UNIX_UIDs_GIDs (store UID/GID sizes/values using new extra field)
  269. UIDGID_NOT_16BIT (old Unix 16-bit UID/GID extra field not used)
  270. [encryption, version 2.91 of 05 Jan 2007] (modified for Zip 3)
  272. Encryption notice:
  273. The encryption code of this program is not copyrighted and is
  274. put in the public domain. It was originally written in Europe
  275. and, to the best of our knowledge, can be freely distributed
  276. in both source and object forms from any country, including
  277. the USA under License Exception TSU of the U.S. Export
  278. Administration Regulations (section 740.13(e)) of 6 June 2002.
  280. Zip environment options:
  281. ZIP: [none]
  282. ZIPOPT: [none]
  283. vim version
  284. VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Nov 24 2016 16:43:18)
  285. Included patches: 1-52
  286. Extra patches: 8.0.0056
  287. Modified by
  288. Compiled by buildd@
  289. Huge version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
  290. +acl +farsi +mouse_netterm +syntax
  291. +arabic +file_in_path +mouse_sgr +tag_binary
  292. +autocmd +find_in_path -mouse_sysmouse +tag_old_static
  293. -balloon_eval +float +mouse_urxvt -tag_any_white
  294. -browse +folding +mouse_xterm -tcl
  295. ++builtin_terms -footer +multi_byte +terminfo
  296. +byte_offset +fork() +multi_lang +termresponse
  297. +cindent +gettext -mzscheme +textobjects
  298. -clientserver -hangul_input +netbeans_intg +title
  299. -clipboard +iconv +path_extra -toolbar
  300. +cmdline_compl +insert_expand -perl +user_commands
  301. +cmdline_hist +jumplist +persistent_undo +vertsplit
  302. +cmdline_info +keymap +postscript +virtualedit
  303. +comments +langmap +printer +visual
  304. +conceal +libcall +profile +visualextra
  305. +cryptv +linebreak +python +viminfo
  306. +cscope +lispindent -python3 +vreplace
  307. +cursorbind +listcmds +quickfix +wildignore
  308. +cursorshape +localmap +reltime +wildmenu
  309. +dialog_con -lua +rightleft +windows
  310. +diff +menu -ruby +writebackup
  311. +digraphs +mksession +scrollbind -X11
  312. -dnd +modify_fname +signs -xfontset
  313. -ebcdic +mouse +smartindent -xim
  314. +emacs_tags -mouseshape -sniff -xsmp
  315. +eval +mouse_dec +startuptime -xterm_clipboard
  316. +ex_extra +mouse_gpm +statusline -xterm_save
  317. +extra_search -mouse_jsbterm -sun_workshop -xpm
  318. system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
  319. user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
  320. 2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
  321. user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
  322. fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/vim"
  323. Compilation: gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1
  324. Linking: gcc -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -o vim -lm -ltinfo -lnsl -lselinux -lacl -lattr -lgpm -ldl -L/usr/lib/python2.7/config-x86_64-linux-gnu -lpython2.7 -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -Xlinker -export-dynamic -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions
  325. iptables version
  326. iptables v1.4.21
  327. curl version
  328. curl 7.35.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.35.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1f zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.28 librtmp/2.3
  329. wget version
  330. GNU Wget 1.15 built on linux-gnu.
  331. rsync version
  332. rsync version 3.1.0 protocol version 31
  333. gimme version
  334. v1.2.0
  335. nvm version
  336. 0.33.6
  337. perlbrew version
  338. /home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew - App::perlbrew/0.80
  339. phpenv version
  340. rbenv 1.1.1-25-g6aa70b6
  341. rvm version
  342. rvm 1.29.3 (latest) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin []
  343. default ruby version
  344. ruby 2.4.1p111 (2017-03-22 revision 58053) [x86_64-linux]
  345. CouchDB version
  346. couchdb 1.6.1
  347. ElasticSearch version
  348. 5.5.0
  349. Installed Firefox version
  350. firefox 56.0.2
  351. MongoDB version
  352. MongoDB 3.4.10
  353. PhantomJS version
  354. 2.1.1
  355. Pre-installed PostgreSQL versions
  356. 9.2.24
  357. 9.3.20
  358. 9.4.15
  359. 9.5.10
  360. 9.6.6
  361. RabbitMQ Version
  362. 3.6.14
  363. Redis version
  364. redis-server 4.0.6
  365. riak version
  366. 2.2.3
  367. Pre-installed Go versions
  368. 1.7.4
  369. ant version
  370. Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.3 compiled on April 8 2014
  371. mvn version
  372. Apache Maven 3.5.2 (138edd61fd100ec658bfa2d307c43b76940a5d7d; 2017-10-18T07:58:13Z)
  373. Maven home: /usr/local/maven-3.5.2
  374. Java version: 1.8.0_151, vendor: Oracle Corporation
  375. Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
  376. Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
  377. OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-98-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
  378. gradle version
  380. ------------------------------------------------------------
  381. Gradle 4.0.1
  382. ------------------------------------------------------------
  384. Build time: 2017-07-07 14:02:41 UTC
  385. Revision: 38e5dc0f772daecca1d2681885d3d85414eb6826
  387. Groovy: 2.4.11
  388. Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on June 29 2015
  389. JVM: 1.8.0_151 (Oracle Corporation 25.151-b12)
  390. OS: Linux 4.4.0-98-generic amd64
  392. lein version
  393. Leiningen 2.8.1 on Java 1.8.0_151 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  394. Pre-installed Node.js versions
  395. v4.8.6
  396. v6.12.0
  397. v6.12.1
  398. v8.9
  399. v8.9.1
  400. phpenv versions
  401. system
  402. 5.6
  403. * 5.6.32 (set by /home/travis/.phpenv/version)
  404. 7.0
  405. 7.0.25
  406. 7.1
  407. 7.1.11
  408. hhvm
  409. hhvm-stable
  410. composer --version
  411. Composer version 1.5.2 2017-09-11 16:59:25
  412. Pre-installed Ruby versions
  413. ruby-2.2.7
  414. ruby-2.3.4
  415. ruby-2.4.1
  416. travis_fold:end:system_info
  418. pypy is not installed; attempting download
  419. Downloading archive:
  420. travis_time:start:013c3d18
  421. $ curl -sSf -o pypy.tar.bz2 ${archive_url}
  422. travis_time:end:013c3d18:start=1550621795018118298,finish=1550621801186555385,duration=6168437087
  423. travis_time:start:204b9e56
  424. $ sudo tar xjf pypy.tar.bz2 --directory /
  425. travis_time:end:204b9e56:start=1550621801190207950,finish=1550621806904121736,duration=5713913786
  427. travis_fold:start:git.checkout
  428. travis_time:start:17f04360
  429. $ git clone --depth=50 secdev/scapy
  430. Cloning into 'secdev/scapy'...
  431. remote: Enumerating objects: 3973, done.
  432. remote: Counting objects: 0% (1/3973) 
  433. remote: Counting objects: 1% (40/3973) 
  434. remote: Counting objects: 2% (80/3973) 
  435. remote: Counting objects: 3% (120/3973) 
  436. remote: Counting objects: 4% (159/3973) 
  437. remote: Counting objects: 5% (199/3973) 
  438. remote: Counting objects: 6% (239/3973) 
  439. remote: Counting objects: 7% (279/3973) 
  440. remote: Counting objects: 8% (318/3973) 
  441. remote: Counting objects: 9% (358/3973) 
  442. remote: Counting objects: 10% (398/3973) 
  443. remote: Counting objects: 11% (438/3973) 
  444. remote: Counting objects: 12% (477/3973) 
  445. remote: Counting objects: 13% (517/3973) 
  446. remote: Counting objects: 14% (557/3973) 
  447. remote: Counting objects: 15% (596/3973) 
  448. remote: Counting objects: 16% (636/3973) 
  449. remote: Counting objects: 17% (676/3973) 
  450. remote: Counting objects: 18% (716/3973) 
  451. remote: Counting objects: 19% (755/3973) 
  452. remote: Counting objects: 20% (795/3973) 
  453. remote: Counting objects: 21% (835/3973) 
  454. remote: Counting objects: 22% (875/3973) 
  455. remote: Counting objects: 23% (914/3973) 
  456. remote: Counting objects: 24% (954/3973) 
  457. remote: Counting objects: 25% (994/3973) 
  458. remote: Counting objects: 26% (1033/3973) 
  459. remote: Counting objects: 27% (1073/3973) 
  460. remote: Counting objects: 28% (1113/3973) 
  461. remote: Counting objects: 29% (1153/3973) 
  462. remote: Counting objects: 30% (1192/3973) 
  463. remote: Counting objects: 31% (1232/3973) 
  464. remote: Counting objects: 32% (1272/3973) 
  465. remote: Counting objects: 33% (1312/3973) 
  466. remote: Counting objects: 34% (1351/3973) 
  467. remote: Counting objects: 35% (1391/3973) 
  468. remote: Counting objects: 36% (1431/3973) 
  469. remote: Counting objects: 37% (1471/3973) 
  470. remote: Counting objects: 38% (1510/3973) 
  471. remote: Counting objects: 39% (1550/3973) 
  472. remote: Counting objects: 40% (1590/3973) 
  473. remote: Counting objects: 41% (1629/3973) 
  474. remote: Counting objects: 42% (1669/3973) 
  475. remote: Counting objects: 43% (1709/3973) 
  476. remote: Counting objects: 44% (1749/3973) 
  477. remote: Counting objects: 45% (1788/3973) 
  478. remote: Counting objects: 46% (1828/3973) 
  479. remote: Counting objects: 47% (1868/3973) 
  480. remote: Counting objects: 48% (1908/3973) 
  481. remote: Counting objects: 49% (1947/3973) 
  482. remote: Counting objects: 50% (1987/3973) 
  483. remote: Counting objects: 51% (2027/3973) 
  484. remote: Counting objects: 52% (2066/3973) 
  485. remote: Counting objects: 53% (2106/3973) 
  486. remote: Counting objects: 54% (2146/3973) 
  487. remote: Counting objects: 55% (2186/3973) 
  488. remote: Counting objects: 56% (2225/3973) 
  489. remote: Counting objects: 57% (2265/3973) 
  490. remote: Counting objects: 58% (2305/3973) 
  491. remote: Counting objects: 59% (2345/3973) 
  492. remote: Counting objects: 60% (2384/3973) 
  493. remote: Counting objects: 61% (2424/3973) 
  494. remote: Counting objects: 62% (2464/3973) 
  495. remote: Counting objects: 63% (2503/3973) 
  496. remote: Counting objects: 64% (2543/3973) 
  497. remote: Counting objects: 65% (2583/3973) 
  498. remote: Counting objects: 66% (2623/3973) 
  499. remote: Counting objects: 67% (2662/3973) 
  500. remote: Counting objects: 68% (2702/3973) 
  501. remote: Counting objects: 69% (2742/3973) 
  502. remote: Counting objects: 70% (2782/3973) 
  503. remote: Counting objects: 71% (2821/3973) 
  504. remote: Counting objects: 72% (2861/3973) 
  505. remote: Counting objects: 73% (2901/3973) 
  506. remote: Counting objects: 74% (2941/3973) 
  507. remote: Counting objects: 75% (2980/3973) 
  508. remote: Counting objects: 76% (3020/3973) 
  509. remote: Counting objects: 77% (3060/3973) 
  510. remote: Counting objects: 78% (3099/3973) 
  511. remote: Counting objects: 79% (3139/3973) 
  512. remote: Counting objects: 80% (3179/3973) 
  513. remote: Counting objects: 81% (3219/3973) 
  514. remote: Counting objects: 82% (3258/3973) 
  515. remote: Counting objects: 83% (3298/3973) 
  516. remote: Counting objects: 84% (3338/3973) 
  517. remote: Counting objects: 85% (3378/3973) 
  518. remote: Counting objects: 86% (3417/3973) 
  519. remote: Counting objects: 87% (3457/3973) 
  520. remote: Counting objects: 88% (3497/3973) 
  521. remote: Counting objects: 89% (3536/3973) 
  522. remote: Counting objects: 90% (3576/3973) 
  523. remote: Counting objects: 91% (3616/3973) 
  524. remote: Counting objects: 92% (3656/3973) 
  525. remote: Counting objects: 93% (3695/3973) 
  526. remote: Counting objects: 94% (3735/3973) 
  527. remote: Counting objects: 95% (3775/3973) 
  528. remote: Counting objects: 96% (3815/3973) 
  529. remote: Counting objects: 97% (3854/3973) 
  530. remote: Counting objects: 98% (3894/3973) 
  531. remote: Counting objects: 99% (3934/3973) 
  532. remote: Counting objects: 100% (3973/3973) 
  533. remote: Counting objects: 100% (3973/3973), done.
  534. remote: Compressing objects: 0% (1/1373) 
  535. remote: Compressing objects: 1% (14/1373) 
  536. remote: Compressing objects: 2% (28/1373) 
  537. remote: Compressing objects: 3% (42/1373) 
  538. remote: Compressing objects: 4% (55/1373) 
  539. remote: Compressing objects: 5% (69/1373) 
  540. remote: Compressing objects: 6% (83/1373) 
  541. remote: Compressing objects: 7% (97/1373) 
  542. remote: Compressing objects: 8% (110/1373) 
  543. remote: Compressing objects: 9% (124/1373) 
  544. remote: Compressing objects: 10% (138/1373) 
  545. remote: Compressing objects: 11% (152/1373) 
  546. remote: Compressing objects: 12% (165/1373) 
  547. remote: Compressing objects: 13% (179/1373) 
  548. remote: Compressing objects: 14% (193/1373) 
  549. remote: Compressing objects: 15% (206/1373) 
  550. remote: Compressing objects: 16% (220/1373) 
  551. remote: Compressing objects: 17% (234/1373) 
  552. remote: Compressing objects: 18% (248/1373) 
  553. remote: Compressing objects: 19% (261/1373) 
  554. remote: Compressing objects: 20% (275/1373) 
  555. remote: Compressing objects: 21% (289/1373) 
  556. remote: Compressing objects: 22% (303/1373) 
  557. remote: Compressing objects: 23% (316/1373) 
  558. remote: Compressing objects: 24% (330/1373) 
  559. remote: Compressing objects: 25% (344/1373) 
  560. remote: Compressing objects: 26% (357/1373) 
  561. remote: Compressing objects: 27% (371/1373) 
  562. remote: Compressing objects: 28% (385/1373) 
  563. remote: Compressing objects: 29% (399/1373) 
  564. remote: Compressing objects: 30% (412/1373) 
  565. remote: Compressing objects: 31% (426/1373) 
  566. remote: Compressing objects: 32% (440/1373) 
  567. remote: Compressing objects: 33% (454/1373) 
  568. remote: Compressing objects: 34% (467/1373) 
  569. remote: Compressing objects: 35% (481/1373) 
  570. remote: Compressing objects: 36% (495/1373) 
  571. remote: Compressing objects: 37% (509/1373) 
  572. remote: Compressing objects: 38% (522/1373) 
  573. remote: Compressing objects: 39% (536/1373) 
  574. remote: Compressing objects: 40% (550/1373) 
  575. remote: Compressing objects: 41% (563/1373) 
  576. remote: Compressing objects: 42% (577/1373) 
  577. remote: Compressing objects: 43% (591/1373) 
  578. remote: Compressing objects: 44% (605/1373) 
  579. remote: Compressing objects: 45% (618/1373) 
  580. remote: Compressing objects: 46% (632/1373) 
  581. remote: Compressing objects: 47% (646/1373) 
  582. remote: Compressing objects: 48% (660/1373) 
  583. remote: Compressing objects: 49% (673/1373) 
  584. remote: Compressing objects: 50% (687/1373) 
  585. remote: Compressing objects: 51% (701/1373) 
  586. remote: Compressing objects: 52% (714/1373) 
  587. remote: Compressing objects: 53% (728/1373) 
  588. remote: Compressing objects: 54% (742/1373) 
  589. remote: Compressing objects: 55% (756/1373) 
  590. remote: Compressing objects: 56% (769/1373) 
  591. remote: Compressing objects: 57% (783/1373) 
  592. remote: Compressing objects: 58% (797/1373) 
  593. remote: Compressing objects: 59% (811/1373) 
  594. remote: Compressing objects: 60% (824/1373) 
  595. remote: Compressing objects: 61% (838/1373) 
  596. remote: Compressing objects: 62% (852/1373) 
  597. remote: Compressing objects: 63% (865/1373) 
  598. remote: Compressing objects: 64% (879/1373) 
  599. remote: Compressing objects: 65% (893/1373) 
  600. remote: Compressing objects: 66% (907/1373) 
  601. remote: Compressing objects: 67% (920/1373) 
  602. remote: Compressing objects: 68% (934/1373) 
  603. remote: Compressing objects: 69% (948/1373) 
  604. remote: Compressing objects: 70% (962/1373) 
  605. remote: Compressing objects: 71% (975/1373) 
  606. remote: Compressing objects: 72% (989/1373) 
  607. remote: Compressing objects: 73% (1003/1373) 
  608. remote: Compressing objects: 74% (1017/1373) 
  609. remote: Compressing objects: 75% (1030/1373) 
  610. remote: Compressing objects: 76% (1044/1373) 
  611. remote: Compressing objects: 77% (1058/1373) 
  612. remote: Compressing objects: 78% (1071/1373) 
  613. remote: Compressing objects: 79% (1085/1373) 
  614. remote: Compressing objects: 80% (1099/1373) 
  615. remote: Compressing objects: 81% (1113/1373) 
  616. remote: Compressing objects: 82% (1126/1373) 
  617. remote: Compressing objects: 83% (1140/1373) 
  618. remote: Compressing objects: 84% (1154/1373) 
  619. remote: Compressing objects: 85% (1168/1373) 
  620. remote: Compressing objects: 86% (1181/1373) 
  621. remote: Compressing objects: 87% (1195/1373) 
  622. remote: Compressing objects: 88% (1209/1373) 
  623. remote: Compressing objects: 89% (1222/1373) 
  624. remote: Compressing objects: 90% (1236/1373) 
  625. remote: Compressing objects: 91% (1250/1373) 
  626. remote: Compressing objects: 92% (1264/1373) 
  627. remote: Compressing objects: 93% (1277/1373) 
  628. remote: Compressing objects: 94% (1291/1373) 
  629. remote: Compressing objects: 95% (1305/1373) 
  630. remote: Compressing objects: 96% (1319/1373) 
  631. remote: Compressing objects: 97% (1332/1373) 
  632. remote: Compressing objects: 98% (1346/1373) 
  633. remote: Compressing objects: 99% (1360/1373) 
  634. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1373/1373) 
  635. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1373/1373), done.
  636. Receiving objects: 0% (1/3973)
  637. Receiving objects: 1% (40/3973)
  638. Receiving objects: 2% (80/3973)
  639. Receiving objects: 3% (120/3973)
  640. Receiving objects: 4% (159/3973)
  641. Receiving objects: 5% (199/3973)
  642. Receiving objects: 6% (239/3973)
  643. Receiving objects: 7% (279/3973)
  644. Receiving objects: 8% (318/3973)
  645. Receiving objects: 9% (358/3973)
  646. Receiving objects: 10% (398/3973)
  647. Receiving objects: 11% (438/3973)
  648. Receiving objects: 12% (477/3973)
  649. Receiving objects: 13% (517/3973)
  650. Receiving objects: 14% (557/3973)
  651. Receiving objects: 15% (596/3973)
  652. Receiving objects: 16% (636/3973)
  653. Receiving objects: 17% (676/3973)
  654. Receiving objects: 18% (716/3973)
  655. Receiving objects: 19% (755/3973)
  656. Receiving objects: 20% (795/3973)
  657. Receiving objects: 21% (835/3973)
  658. Receiving objects: 22% (875/3973)
  659. Receiving objects: 23% (914/3973)
  660. Receiving objects: 24% (954/3973)
  661. Receiving objects: 25% (994/3973)
  662. Receiving objects: 26% (1033/3973)
  663. Receiving objects: 27% (1073/3973)
  664. Receiving objects: 28% (1113/3973)
  665. Receiving objects: 29% (1153/3973)
  666. Receiving objects: 30% (1192/3973)
  667. Receiving objects: 31% (1232/3973)
  668. Receiving objects: 32% (1272/3973)
  669. Receiving objects: 33% (1312/3973)
  670. Receiving objects: 34% (1351/3973)
  671. Receiving objects: 35% (1391/3973)
  672. Receiving objects: 36% (1431/3973)
  673. Receiving objects: 37% (1471/3973)
  674. Receiving objects: 38% (1510/3973)
  675. Receiving objects: 39% (1550/3973)
  676. Receiving objects: 40% (1590/3973)
  677. Receiving objects: 41% (1629/3973)
  678. Receiving objects: 42% (1669/3973)
  679. Receiving objects: 43% (1709/3973)
  680. Receiving objects: 44% (1749/3973)
  681. Receiving objects: 45% (1788/3973)
  682. Receiving objects: 46% (1828/3973)
  683. Receiving objects: 47% (1868/3973)
  684. Receiving objects: 48% (1908/3973)
  685. Receiving objects: 49% (1947/3973)
  686. Receiving objects: 50% (1987/3973)
  687. Receiving objects: 51% (2027/3973)
  688. Receiving objects: 52% (2066/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  689. Receiving objects: 53% (2106/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  690. Receiving objects: 54% (2146/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  691. Receiving objects: 55% (2186/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  692. Receiving objects: 56% (2225/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  693. Receiving objects: 57% (2265/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  694. Receiving objects: 58% (2305/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  695. Receiving objects: 59% (2345/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  696. Receiving objects: 60% (2384/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  697. Receiving objects: 61% (2424/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  698. Receiving objects: 62% (2464/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  699. Receiving objects: 63% (2503/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  700. Receiving objects: 64% (2543/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  701. Receiving objects: 65% (2583/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  702. Receiving objects: 66% (2623/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  703. Receiving objects: 67% (2662/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  704. Receiving objects: 68% (2702/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  705. Receiving objects: 69% (2742/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  706. Receiving objects: 70% (2782/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  707. Receiving objects: 71% (2821/3973), 2.19 MiB | 4.30 MiB/s
  708. Receiving objects: 71% (2834/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  709. Receiving objects: 72% (2861/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  710. Receiving objects: 73% (2901/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  711. Receiving objects: 74% (2941/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  712. Receiving objects: 75% (2980/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  713. Receiving objects: 76% (3020/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  714. Receiving objects: 77% (3060/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  715. Receiving objects: 78% (3099/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  716. Receiving objects: 79% (3139/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  717. Receiving objects: 80% (3179/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  718. Receiving objects: 81% (3219/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  719. Receiving objects: 82% (3258/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  720. Receiving objects: 83% (3298/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  721. Receiving objects: 84% (3338/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  722. Receiving objects: 85% (3378/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  723. Receiving objects: 86% (3417/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  724. Receiving objects: 87% (3457/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  725. Receiving objects: 88% (3497/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  726. Receiving objects: 89% (3536/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  727. Receiving objects: 90% (3576/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  728. Receiving objects: 91% (3616/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  729. Receiving objects: 92% (3656/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  730. Receiving objects: 93% (3695/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  731. Receiving objects: 94% (3735/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  732. Receiving objects: 95% (3775/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  733. Receiving objects: 96% (3815/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  734. Receiving objects: 97% (3854/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  735. remote: Total 3973 (delta 2839), reused 3417 (delta 2560), pack-reused 0
  736. Receiving objects: 98% (3894/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  737. Receiving objects: 99% (3934/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  738. Receiving objects: 100% (3973/3973), 3.89 MiB | 3.83 MiB/s
  739. Receiving objects: 100% (3973/3973), 4.26 MiB | 3.02 MiB/s, done.
  740. Resolving deltas: 0% (0/2839)
  741. Resolving deltas: 1% (29/2839)
  742. Resolving deltas: 2% (57/2839)
  743. Resolving deltas: 3% (101/2839)
  744. Resolving deltas: 6% (182/2839)
  745. Resolving deltas: 10% (304/2839)
  746. Resolving deltas: 11% (331/2839)
  747. Resolving deltas: 12% (356/2839)
  748. Resolving deltas: 13% (371/2839)
  749. Resolving deltas: 16% (466/2839)
  750. Resolving deltas: 26% (763/2839)
  751. Resolving deltas: 27% (790/2839)
  752. Resolving deltas: 28% (796/2839)
  753. Resolving deltas: 29% (830/2839)
  754. Resolving deltas: 34% (966/2839)
  755. Resolving deltas: 35% (996/2839)
  756. Resolving deltas: 36% (1044/2839)
  757. Resolving deltas: 37% (1053/2839)
  758. Resolving deltas: 43% (1225/2839)
  759. Resolving deltas: 44% (1251/2839)
  760. Resolving deltas: 45% (1280/2839)
  761. Resolving deltas: 46% (1333/2839)
  762. Resolving deltas: 47% (1336/2839)
  763. Resolving deltas: 48% (1373/2839)
  764. Resolving deltas: 49% (1394/2839)
  765. Resolving deltas: 50% (1428/2839)
  766. Resolving deltas: 51% (1452/2839)
  767. Resolving deltas: 52% (1483/2839)
  768. Resolving deltas: 53% (1505/2839)
  769. Resolving deltas: 54% (1534/2839)
  770. Resolving deltas: 55% (1588/2839)
  771. Resolving deltas: 56% (1592/2839)
  772. Resolving deltas: 57% (1619/2839)
  773. Resolving deltas: 58% (1648/2839)
  774. Resolving deltas: 59% (1687/2839)
  775. Resolving deltas: 60% (1705/2839)
  776. Resolving deltas: 61% (1732/2839)
  777. Resolving deltas: 62% (1762/2839)
  778. Resolving deltas: 63% (1790/2839)
  779. Resolving deltas: 64% (1817/2839)
  780. Resolving deltas: 65% (1852/2839)
  781. Resolving deltas: 67% (1909/2839)
  782. Resolving deltas: 68% (1933/2839)
  783. Resolving deltas: 69% (1959/2839)
  784. Resolving deltas: 70% (1988/2839)
  785. Resolving deltas: 71% (2016/2839)
  786. Resolving deltas: 72% (2051/2839)
  787. Resolving deltas: 73% (2078/2839)
  788. Resolving deltas: 74% (2108/2839)
  789. Resolving deltas: 75% (2144/2839)
  790. Resolving deltas: 76% (2158/2839)
  791. Resolving deltas: 77% (2197/2839)
  792. Resolving deltas: 78% (2216/2839)
  793. Resolving deltas: 79% (2246/2839)
  794. Resolving deltas: 80% (2276/2839)
  795. Resolving deltas: 81% (2304/2839)
  796. Resolving deltas: 82% (2333/2839)
  797. Resolving deltas: 83% (2362/2839)
  798. Resolving deltas: 84% (2387/2839)
  799. Resolving deltas: 85% (2416/2839)
  800. Resolving deltas: 86% (2446/2839)
  801. Resolving deltas: 87% (2470/2839)
  802. Resolving deltas: 88% (2504/2839)
  803. Resolving deltas: 89% (2545/2839)
  804. Resolving deltas: 90% (2567/2839)
  805. Resolving deltas: 91% (2587/2839)
  806. Resolving deltas: 92% (2628/2839)
  807. Resolving deltas: 93% (2648/2839)
  808. Resolving deltas: 94% (2675/2839)
  809. Resolving deltas: 95% (2708/2839)
  810. Resolving deltas: 96% (2728/2839)
  811. Resolving deltas: 100% (2839/2839)
  812. Resolving deltas: 100% (2839/2839), done.
  813. travis_time:end:17f04360:start=1550621806918949082,finish=1550621809710863774,duration=2791914692
  814. $ cd secdev/scapy
  815. travis_time:start:0035b792
  816. $ git fetch origin +refs/pull/1860/merge:
  817. remote: Enumerating objects: 12, done.
  818. remote: Counting objects: 8% (1/12) 
  819. remote: Counting objects: 16% (2/12) 
  820. remote: Counting objects: 25% (3/12) 
  821. remote: Counting objects: 33% (4/12) 
  822. remote: Counting objects: 41% (5/12) 
  823. remote: Counting objects: 50% (6/12) 
  824. remote: Counting objects: 58% (7/12) 
  825. remote: Counting objects: 66% (8/12) 
  826. remote: Counting objects: 75% (9/12) 
  827. remote: Counting objects: 83% (10/12) 
  828. remote: Counting objects: 91% (11/12) 
  829. remote: Counting objects: 100% (12/12) 
  830. remote: Counting objects: 100% (12/12), done.
  831. remote: Compressing objects: 50% (1/2) 
  832. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2) 
  833. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
  834. remote: Total 5 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
  835. Unpacking objects: 20% (1/5)
  836. Unpacking objects: 40% (2/5)
  837. Unpacking objects: 60% (3/5)
  838. Unpacking objects: 80% (4/5)
  839. Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5)
  840. Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done.
  841. From
  842. * branch refs/pull/1860/merge -> FETCH_HEAD
  843. travis_time:end:0035b792:start=1550621809714549746,finish=1550621810188046885,duration=473497139
  844. $ git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
  845. travis_fold:end:git.checkout
  848. Setting environment variables from .travis.yml
  849. $ export TOXENV=pypy-linux_root,codecov
  851. travis_time:start:2453f13c
  852. $ source ~/virtualenv/pypy/bin/activate
  853. travis_time:end:2453f13c:start=1550621810335864593,finish=1550621810341263540,duration=5398947
  854. $ python --version
  855. Python 2.7.13 (c925e7381036, Jun 05 2017, 21:20:51)
  856. [PyPy 5.8.0 with GCC 6.2.0 20160901]
  857. $ pip --version
  858. pip 9.0.1 from /home/travis/virtualenv/pypy2.7-5.8.0/site-packages (python 2.7)
  859. travis_fold:start:install
  860. travis_time:start:01588c7c
  861. $ bash .travis/
  863. 0% [Working]
  865. Get:1 trusty InRelease [3,106 B]
  867. 0% [Connecting to (] [Connecting
  868. 0% [Connecting to (] [Connecting
  870. Ign:2 trusty/mongodb-org/3.4 InRelease
  872. 0% [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to (] [C
  873. 0% [1 InRelease gpgv 3,106 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to security.ubu
  875. Get:3 trusty/mongodb-org/3.4 Release [2,495 B]
  877. 0% [1 InRelease gpgv 3,106 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to security.ubu
  879. Ign:4 trusty InRelease
  881. 0% [1 InRelease gpgv 3,106 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to security.ubu
  883. Get:5 trusty/mongodb-org/3.4 Release.gpg [801 B]
  885. 0% [1 InRelease gpgv 3,106 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to security.ubu
  886. 0% [1 InRelease gpgv 3,106 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to security.ubu
  888. Get:6 trusty-updates InRelease [65.9 kB]
  890. 0% [1 InRelease gpgv 3,106 B] [6 InRelease 13.8 kB/65.9 kB 21%] [Waiting for he
  891. 0% [1 InRelease gpgv 3,106 B] [6 InRelease 41.9 kB/65.9 kB 64%] [Waiting for he
  892. 0% [6 InRelease 41.9 kB/65.9 kB 64%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  893. 0% [5 Release.gpg gpgv 2,495 B] [6 InRelease 41.9 kB/65.9 kB 64%] [Waiting for
  894. 0% [Connecting to] [5 Release.gpg gpgv 2,495 B
  896. Get:8 trusty/main amd64 Packages [1,811 B]
  898. 0% [Connecting to] [5 Release.gpg gpgv 2,495 B
  899. 0% [Connecting to] [5 Release.gpg gpgv 2,495 B
  900. 0% [8 Packages store 0 B] [Connecting to (52.2
  901. 0% [Connecting to (] [5 Release
  903. Get:9 trusty-backports InRelease [65.9 kB]
  905. 0% [Connecting to (] [5 Release
  907. Get:10 trusty-security InRelease [65.9 kB]
  909. 0% [Connecting to (] [5 Release
  911. Get:11 trusty InRelease [15.4 kB]
  913. 0% [Connecting to (] [5 Release
  914. 0% [Waiting for headers] [9 InRelease 54.3 kB/65.9 kB 82%] [10 InRelease 8,138
  915. 0% [Waiting for headers] [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [9 InRelease 54.3 kB/65.9 k
  916. 0% [Waiting for headers] [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [10 I
  918. Get:12 trusty/mongodb-org/3.4/multiverse amd64 Packages [13.6 kB]
  920. 0% [Waiting for headers] [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [10 I
  921. 0% [12 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Wa
  922. 0% [Waiting for headers] [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [10 I
  924. Ign:7 ./ InRelease
  927. Get:13 trusty-pgdg InRelease [61.4 kB]
  929. 0% [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [10 InRelease 13.8 kB/65.9
  930. 0% [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [10 InRelease 13.8 kB/65.9
  932. Get:15 trusty Release [58.5 kB]
  934. 0% [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [15 Release 58.5 kB/58.5 kB 100%] [10 InRelease 1
  935. 0% [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [10 InRelease 13.8 kB/65.9 kB 21%] [11 InRelease
  937. Ign:16 stable InRelease
  939. 0% [Connecting to (] [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [W
  940. 0% [Connecting to (] [6 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [W
  942. Get:18 trusty InRelease [37.1 kB]
  944. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [6 InRe
  945. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [6 InRe
  947. Get:19 trusty Release.gpg [933 B]
  949. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [6 InRe
  950. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [10 InR
  951. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [9 InRe
  952. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [9 InRe
  954. Get:20 stable Release [943 B]
  956. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [9 InRe
  957. 0% [Connecting to (] [Waiting for headers] [9 InRe
  959. Hit:17 ./ Release
  961. 0% [Connecting to (] [9 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [W
  963. Get:21 trusty-updates/main Sources [527 kB]
  965. 0% [Waiting for headers] [9 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [21 Sources 39.2 kB/527 kB
  966. 0% [Waiting for headers] [21 Sources 284 kB/527 kB 54%] [10 InRelease 41.9 kB/6
  968. Get:14 39x InRelease [3,168 B]
  970. 0% [21 Sources 284 kB/527 kB 54%] [10 InRelease 41.9 kB/65.9 kB 64%] [Connectin
  971. 0% [18 InRelease gpgv 37.1 kB] [21 Sources 284 kB/527 kB 54%] [10 InRelease 41.
  972. 0% [18 InRelease gpgv 37.1 kB] [10 InRelease 58.8 kB/65.9 kB 89%] [Waiting for
  973. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [18 InRelease gpgv 37.1 kB] [Waiting for headers] [10
  974. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [18 InRelease gpgv 37.1 kB] [Waiting for headers] [Wa
  975. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting
  977. Get:22 trusty-updates/restricted Sources [6,449 B]
  979. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [
  981. Get:23 trusty/stable amd64 Packages [5,207 B]
  983. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [
  984. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [
  986. Get:24 trusty/edge amd64 Packages [6,366 B]
  988. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [
  990. Get:25 trusty-updates/universe Sources [288 kB]
  992. 0% [21 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 56.1 kB/288
  993. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288 kB 58%] [Waiting for he
  995. Ign:26 trusty InRelease
  997. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288 kB 58%] [Connecting to
  998. 0% [22 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288
  999. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288 kB 58%] [Connecting to
  1000. 0% [23 Packages store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288
  1001. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288 kB 58%] [Connecting to
  1002. 0% [24 Packages store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288
  1003. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [25 Sources 166 kB/288 kB 58%] [Connecting to
  1004. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Connecting to (
  1006. Get:27 stable Release.gpg [819 B]
  1008. 0% [25 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [
  1010. Get:28 trusty-updates/multiverse Sources [7,287 B]
  1012. 0% [25 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [28 Sources 7,287 B/7,2
  1013. 0% [25 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Connecting to ppa.laun
  1014. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launc
  1015. 0% [28 Sources store 0 B] [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [
  1016. 0% [19 Release.gpg gpgv 58.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launc
  1018. 0% [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to (]
  1019. 0% [11 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launchp
  1021. Get:29 trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages [1,421 kB]
  1023. 0% [11 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [29 Packages 90.5 kB/1,421 kB 6%] [Connecting to
  1025. 0% [29 Packages 361 kB/1,421 kB 25%] [Waiting for headers]
  1026. 0% [Release.gpg gpgv 1,609 B] [29 Packages 361 kB/1,421 kB 25%] [Waiting for he
  1028. Get:30 trusty InRelease [20.8 kB]
  1030. 0% [Release.gpg gpgv 1,609 B] [29 Packages 762 kB/1,421 kB 54%] [30 InRelease 1
  1032. 0% [29 Packages 762 kB/1,421 kB 54%] [30 InRelease 12.6 kB/20.8 kB 60%]
  1033. 0% [14 InRelease gpgv 3,168 B] [29 Packages 762 kB/1,421 kB 54%] [30 InRelease
  1035. 0% [29 Packages 1,206 kB/1,421 kB 85%] [30 InRelease 12.6 kB/20.8 kB 60%]
  1036. 0% [10 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [29 Packages 1,206 kB/1,421 kB 85%] [30 InReleas
  1037. 0% [10 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [30 InRelease 12.6 kB/20.8
  1038. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [10 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [3
  1039. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [10 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [Waiting for headers] [C
  1041. Get:32 trusty-updates/main i386 Packages [1,328 kB]
  1043. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [10 InRelease gpgv 65.9 kB] [32 Packages 26.5 kB/1,3
  1044. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [32 Packages 58.9 kB/1,328 kB 4%] [Connecting to ppa
  1045. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [13 InRelease gpgv 61.4 kB] [32 Packages 58.9 kB/1,3
  1047. Get:33 trusty InRelease [23.5 kB]
  1049. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [13 InRelease gpgv 61.4 kB] [32 Packages 58.9 kB/1,3
  1050. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [32 Packages 58.9 kB/1,328 kB 4%] [Waiting for heade
  1051. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [27 Release.gpg gpgv 943 B] [32 Packages 58.9 kB/1,3
  1052. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [27 Release.gpg gpgv 943 B] [32 Packages 58.9 kB/1,3
  1054. Get:34 trusty-security/main Sources [216 kB]
  1056. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [27 Release.gpg gpgv 943 B] [32 Packages 58.9 kB/1,3
  1058. Get:35 trusty InRelease [15.4 kB]
  1060. 0% [29 Packages store 0 B] [27 Release.gpg gpgv 943 B] [32 Packages 758 kB/1,32
  1061. 0% [27 Release.gpg gpgv 943 B] [32 Packages 758 kB/1,328 kB 57%] [34 Sources 53
  1062. 0% [32 Packages 940 kB/1,328 kB 71%] [34 Sources 64.4 kB/216 kB 30%] [35 InRele
  1063. 0% [30 InRelease gpgv 20.8 kB] [32 Packages 940 kB/1,328 kB 71%] [34 Sources 64
  1065. Get:36 trusty-pgdg/main amd64 Packages [200 kB]
  1067. 0% [30 InRelease gpgv 20.8 kB] [32 Packages 1,093 kB/1,328 kB 82%] [34 Sources
  1069. Get:37 stable/main amd64 Packages [1,114 B]
  1071. 0% [30 InRelease gpgv 20.8 kB] [32 Packages 1,123 kB/1,328 kB 85%] [34 Sources
  1072. 0% [30 InRelease gpgv 20.8 kB] [32 Packages 1,123 kB/1,328 kB 85%] [34 Sources
  1073. 0% [32 Packages 1,290 kB/1,328 kB 97%] [34 Sources 114 kB/216 kB 53%] [35 InRel
  1074. 0% [33 InRelease gpgv 23.5 kB] [32 Packages 1,306 kB/1,328 kB 98%] [34 Sources
  1075. 0% [33 InRelease gpgv 23.5 kB] [32 Packages 1,306 kB/1,328 kB 98%] [34 Sources
  1076. 0% [33 InRelease gpgv 23.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [34 Sources 142 kB/216 kB
  1077. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [33 InRelease gpgv 23.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [3
  1079. Get:38 trusty-updates/main Translation-en [682 kB]
  1081. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [33 InRelease gpgv 23.5 kB] [38 Translation-en 27.8
  1082. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [33 InRelease gpgv 23.5 kB] [38 Translation-en 181 k
  1083. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [38 Translation-en 181 kB/682 kB 27%] [Connecting to
  1084. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [35 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [38 Translation-en 181 k
  1086. Get:39 trusty InRelease [23.2 kB]
  1088. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [35 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [38 Translation-en 367 k
  1089. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [35 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [38 Translation-en 367 k
  1090. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [35 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [Waiting for headers] [W
  1092. Get:40 trusty-security/restricted Sources [5,050 B]
  1094. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [35 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [Waiting for headers] [W
  1095. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting
  1096. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [39 InRelease gpgv 23.2 kB] [Waiting for headers] [W
  1098. Get:41 trusty-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [21.4 kB]
  1100. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [39 InRelease gpgv 23.2 kB] [Waiting for headers] [W
  1102. Get:42 trusty InRelease [15.4 kB]
  1104. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [39 InRelease gpgv 23.2 kB] [Waiting for headers] [W
  1106. Get:43 trusty-updates/restricted i386 Packages [21.1 kB]
  1108. 0% [32 Packages store 0 B] [39 InRelease gpgv 23.2 kB] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.
  1109. 0% [39 InRelease gpgv 23.2 kB] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for h
  1110. 0% [34 Sources store 0 B] [39 InRelease gpgv 23.2 kB] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1
  1112. Err:39 trusty InRelease
  1113. The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6B05F25D762E3157
  1115. 0% [34 Sources store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for header
  1117. Get:44 trusty-security/universe Sources [125 kB]
  1119. 0% [34 Sources store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [44 Sources 2,471 B
  1120. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [44 Sources 27.8 kB/125 kB 22%] [42 InRele
  1121. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [44 Sources
  1123. Get:45 trusty InRelease [23.7 kB]
  1125. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [44 Sources
  1126. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [42 InReleas
  1127. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for
  1128. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [42 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [43 Packages 19.4
  1129. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [42 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [43 Packages 19.4
  1130. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [42 InRelease gpgv 15.4 kB] [43 Packages 19.4
  1131. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for
  1132. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [45 InRelease gpgv 23.7 kB] [43 Packages 19.4
  1134. Get:46 trusty-security/multiverse Sources [3,068 B]
  1136. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [45 InRelease gpgv 23.7 kB] [43 Packages 19.4
  1137. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [45 InRelease gpgv 23.7 kB] [43 Packages 19.4
  1139. Get:47 trusty-pgdg/main i386 Packages [199 kB]
  1141. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [45 InRelease gpgv 23.7 kB] [43 Packages 19.4
  1142. 0% [38 Translation-en store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for
  1143. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1144. 0% [40 Sources store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for header
  1145. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1146. 0% [41 Packages store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for heade
  1147. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1148. 0% [44 Sources store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for header
  1149. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1150. 0% [36 Packages store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for heade
  1152. Get:48 trusty/main amd64 Packages [3,628 B]
  1154. 0% [36 Packages store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for heade
  1155. 0% [36 Packages store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for heade
  1156. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1157. 0% [46 Sources store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for header
  1158. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1159. 0% [48 Packages store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for heade
  1160. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1162. Get:49 trusty-security/main amd64 Packages [1,000 kB]
  1164. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [49 Packages 2,470 B/1,000 kB 0%] [Waiting
  1166. Get:50 trusty InRelease [15.5 kB]
  1168. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [49 Packages 25.0 kB/1,000 kB 2%] [50 InRe
  1169. 0% [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [49 Packages 155 kB/1,000 kB 15%] [50 InRe
  1170. 0% [47 Packages store 0 B] [43 Packages 19.4 kB/21.1 kB 92%] [49 Packages 155 k
  1171. 0% [47 Packages store 0 B] [49 Packages 174 kB/1,000 kB 17%] [50 InRelease 12.6
  1172. 0% [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 214 kB/1,000 kB 21%] [50 InRelease 12.6 k
  1173. 0% [43 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 216 kB/1,000 kB 2
  1174. 0% [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 228 kB/1,000 kB 23%] [50 InRelease 12.6 k
  1176. Get:51 trusty-updates/restricted Translation-en [3,704 B]
  1178. 0% [51 Translation-en 3,704 B/3,704 B 100%] [49 Packages 290 kB/1,000 kB 29%] [
  1179. 0% [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 293 kB/1,000 kB 29%] [50 InRelease 12.6 k
  1180. 0% [51 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 293 kB/1,00
  1181. 0% [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 298 kB/1,000 kB 30%] [50 InRelease 12.6 k
  1183. 0% [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 376 kB/1,000 kB 38%]
  1184. 0% [50 InRelease gpgv 15.5 kB] [Waiting for headers] [49 Packages 378 kB/1,000
  1186. Get:52 trusty-updates/universe amd64 Packages [661 kB]
  1188. 0% [50 InRelease gpgv 15.5 kB] [52 Packages 8,121 B/661 kB 1%] [49 Packages 408
  1190. Get:53 trusty/main amd64 Packages [7,165 B]
  1192. 0% [50 InRelease gpgv 15.5 kB] [52 Packages 25.0 kB/661 kB 4%] [49 Packages 591
  1193. 0% [53 Packages store 0 B] [50 InRelease gpgv 15.5 kB] [52 Packages 25.0 kB/661
  1194. 0% [50 InRelease gpgv 15.5 kB] [52 Packages 25.0 kB/661 kB 4%] [49 Packages 592
  1195. 0% [52 Packages 25.0 kB/661 kB 4%] [49 Packages 618 kB/1,000 kB 62%] [Connectin
  1197. 0% [52 Packages 126 kB/661 kB 19%] [Waiting for headers]
  1198. 0% [49 Packages store 0 B] [52 Packages 126 kB/661 kB 19%] [Waiting for headers
  1200. Hit:54 trusty Release
  1202. 23% [49 Packages store 0 B] [52 Packages 538 kB/661 kB 81%] [Waiting for header
  1203. 23% [49 Packages store 0 B] [Release.gpg gpgv 15.1 kB] [52 Packages 538 kB/661
  1205. Get:55 trusty-security/main i386 Packages [912 kB]
  1207. 24% [49 Packages store 0 B] [Release.gpg gpgv 15.1 kB] [52 Packages 538 kB/661
  1208. 24% [49 Packages store 0 B] [Release.gpg gpgv 15.1 kB] [55 Packages 220 kB/912
  1209. 25% [Release.gpg gpgv 15.1 kB] [Waiting for headers] [55 Packages 354 kB/912 kB
  1210. 25% [52 Packages store 0 B] [Release.gpg gpgv 15.1 kB] [Waiting for headers] [5
  1212. Get:56 trusty-updates/universe i386 Packages [641 kB]
  1214. 26% [52 Packages store 0 B] [Release.gpg gpgv 15.1 kB] [56 Packages 79.2 kB/641
  1215. 26% [52 Packages store 0 B] [Release.gpg gpgv 15.1 kB] [56 Packages 157 kB/641
  1216. 27% [52 Packages store 0 B] [56 Packages 157 kB/641 kB 24%] [Waiting for header
  1218. Get:58 trusty/main i386 Packages [7,165 B]
  1220. 27% [52 Packages store 0 B] [56 Packages 157 kB/641 kB 24%] [Waiting for header
  1221. 27% [56 Packages 321 kB/641 kB 50%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1222. 27% [55 Packages store 0 B] [56 Packages 321 kB/641 kB 50%] [Waiting for header
  1224. 28% [55 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1226. Get:59 trusty-security/main Translation-en [525 kB]
  1228. 28% [55 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [59 Translation-en 16.6 kB/52
  1230. Get:60 trusty-updates/universe Translation-en [342 kB]
  1232. 28% [55 Packages store 0 B] [60 Translation-en 0 B/342 kB 0%] [59 Translation-e
  1234. Get:61 trusty/main amd64 Packages [1,844 B]
  1236. 28% [55 Packages store 0 B] [60 Translation-en 0 B/342 kB 0%] [59 Translation-e
  1237. 29% [60 Translation-en 188 kB/342 kB 55%] [59 Translation-en 211 kB/525 kB 40%]
  1238. 29% [58 Packages store 0 B] [60 Translation-en 188 kB/342 kB 55%] [59 Translati
  1239. 29% [60 Translation-en 188 kB/342 kB 55%] [59 Translation-en 211 kB/525 kB 40%]
  1240. 29% [56 Packages store 0 B] [60 Translation-en 188 kB/342 kB 55%] [59 Translati
  1241. 29% [56 Packages store 0 B] [59 Translation-en 211 kB/525 kB 40%] [Connecting t
  1243. Get:62 trusty-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [16.0 kB]
  1245. 29% [56 Packages store 0 B] [62 Packages 0 B/16.0 kB 0%] [59 Translation-en 211
  1246. 29% [56 Packages store 0 B] [59 Translation-en 211 kB/525 kB 40%] [Connecting t
  1247. 30% [Waiting for headers] [59 Translation-en 211 kB/525 kB 40%] [Connecting to
  1248. 30% [61 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [59 Translation-en 211 kB/525
  1249. 30% [Waiting for headers] [59 Translation-en 211 kB/525 kB 40%] [Connecting to
  1250. 30% [60 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [59 Translation-en 211
  1252. Get:63 trusty-updates/multiverse i386 Packages [16.5 kB]
  1254. 30% [60 Translation-en store 0 B] [63 Packages 16.5 kB/16.5 kB 100%] [59 Transl
  1255. 30% [60 Translation-en store 0 B] [59 Translation-en 487 kB/525 kB 93%] [Waitin
  1257. 30% [60 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1259. 31% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1260. 31% [62 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1262. 31% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1263. 31% [63 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1265. 31% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1266. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [
  1268. Get:64 trusty-updates/multiverse Translation-en [7,680 B]
  1270. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [64 Translation-en 0 B/7,680 B 0%] [Waiting f
  1272. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1274. Get:65 trusty-backports/main Sources [10.4 kB]
  1276. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [65 Sources 0 B/10.4 kB 0%] [Waiting for head
  1278. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1280. Get:66 trusty/main i386 Packages [1,844 B]
  1282. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [
  1284. Get:67 trusty-security/restricted amd64 Packages [18.1 kB]
  1286. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [67 Packages 0 B/18.1 k
  1287. 31% [59 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.laun
  1289. Get:68 trusty-backports/restricted Sources [40 B]
  1291. 31% [59 Translation-en store 7,329 kB] [68 Sources 0 B/40 B 0%] [Waiting for he
  1292. 31% [68 Sources 0 B/40 B 0%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launchpad
  1293. 31% [64 Translation-en store 0 B] [68 Sources 40 B/40 B 100%] [Waiting for head
  1294. 31% [64 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.laun
  1295. 31% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1296. 31% [65 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connect
  1297. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1298. 32% [66 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connec
  1299. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1300. 32% [67 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connec
  1301. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1302. 32% [68 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connect
  1303. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1305. Get:69 trusty-backports/universe Sources [41.3 kB]
  1307. 32% [69 Sources 24.6 kB/41.3 kB 60%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.l
  1309. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to (]
  1310. 32% [69 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connect
  1311. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1313. Get:70 trusty-backports/multiverse Sources [1,747 B]
  1315. 32% [70 Sources 1,747 B/1,747 B 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.
  1316. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1317. 32% [70 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connect
  1319. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1321. Get:71 trusty-security/restricted i386 Packages [17.8 kB]
  1323. 32% [Waiting for headers] [71 Packages 9,768 B/17.8 kB 55%] [Waiting for header
  1325. 32% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1326. 32% [71 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1328. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1330. Get:72 trusty-backports/main amd64 Packages [14.7 kB]
  1332. 33% [72 Packages 14.7 kB/14.7 kB 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for heade
  1334. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1335. 33% [72 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1337. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1339. Get:73 trusty-backports/main i386 Packages [14.7 kB]
  1341. 33% [73 Packages 14.7 kB/14.7 kB 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for heade
  1343. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1344. 33% [73 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1346. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1348. Get:74 trusty/main Translation-en [990 B]
  1350. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [74 Translation-en 990 B/990 B
  1352. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1353. 33% [74 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [
  1355. Get:75 trusty-backports/main Translation-en [7,426 B]
  1357. 33% [75 Translation-en 7,426 B/7,426 B 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting
  1358. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1359. 33% [75 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [
  1360. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1362. Get:76 trusty-security/restricted Translation-en [3,272 B]
  1364. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1365. 33% [76 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [
  1366. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1368. Get:77 trusty-backports/restricted amd64 Packages [40 B]
  1370. 33% [77 Packages 40 B/40 B 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launc
  1372. 33% [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to (]
  1373. 33% [77 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connec
  1374. 34% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1376. Get:78 trusty-backports/restricted i386 Packages [40 B]
  1378. 34% [78 Packages 40 B/40 B 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launc
  1379. 34% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1380. 34% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1382. Get:79 trusty-backports/restricted Translation-en [40 B]
  1384. 34% [79 Translation-en 40 B/40 B 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for heade
  1386. 34% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1387. 34% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1389. Get:80 trusty-security/universe amd64 Packages [368 kB]
  1391. 34% [Waiting for headers] [80 Packages 16.6 kB/368 kB 5%] [Waiting for headers]
  1393. 35% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1394. 35% [80 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1396. Get:81 trusty-backports/universe amd64 Packages [52.5 kB]
  1398. 35% [80 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1400. 35% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1401. 35% [81 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1403. 35% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1405. Get:82 trusty-backports/universe i386 Packages [52.4 kB]
  1407. 35% [82 Packages 22.1 kB/52.4 kB 42%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for header
  1409. 35% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1410. 35% [82 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waitin
  1412. 35% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1414. Get:83 trusty/main amd64 Packages [3,486 B]
  1416. 35% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [83 Packages 3,486 B/3,486 B 10
  1417. 35% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1418. 35% [83 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connec
  1419. 36% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1421. Get:84 trusty-backports/universe Translation-en [40.0 kB]
  1423. 36% [84 Translation-en 34.9 kB/40.0 kB 87%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting t
  1425. 36% [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to (]
  1426. 36% [84 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [
  1427. 36% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1429. Get:85 trusty-security/universe i386 Packages [350 kB]
  1431. 36% [Waiting for headers] [85 Packages 13.2 kB/350 kB 4%] [Connecting to
  1433. Get:86 trusty-backports/multiverse amd64 Packages [1,392 B]
  1435. 36% [86 Packages 1,392 B/1,392 B 100%] [85 Packages 132 kB/350 kB 38%] [Connect
  1436. 36% [Waiting for headers] [85 Packages 132 kB/350 kB 38%] [Connecting to
  1437. 36% [Waiting for headers] [85 Packages 132 kB/350 kB 38%] [Connecting to
  1439. 37% [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to (]
  1440. 37% [85 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connec
  1442. Get:87 trusty-backports/multiverse i386 Packages [1,376 B]
  1444. 37% [85 Packages store 0 B] [87 Packages 1,376 B/1,376 B 100%] [Waiting for hea
  1445. 37% [85 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launchpad.
  1446. 37% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1447. 37% [87 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connec
  1448. 37% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1450. Get:88 trusty-backports/multiverse Translation-en [1,165 B]
  1452. 37% [88 Translation-en 1,165 B/1,165 B 100%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting
  1454. 37% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1455. 37% [88 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [
  1457. 37% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1459. Get:89 trusty/main Sources [1,335 kB]
  1461. 37% [89 Sources 55.2 kB/1,335 kB 4%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers
  1463. Get:90 trusty-security/universe Translation-en [199 kB]
  1465. 38% [89 Sources 206 kB/1,335 kB 15%] [90 Translation-en 16.6 kB/199 kB 8%] [Wai
  1467. Get:91 trusty/main i386 Packages [3,484 B]
  1469. 39% [89 Sources 645 kB/1,335 kB 48%] [90 Translation-en 115 kB/199 kB 58%] [Con
  1470. 39% [91 Packages store 0 B] [89 Sources 645 kB/1,335 kB 48%] [90 Translation-en
  1471. 39% [89 Sources 651 kB/1,335 kB 49%] [90 Translation-en 115 kB/199 kB 58%] [Con
  1472. 40% [89 Sources 890 kB/1,335 kB 67%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.l
  1473. 40% [90 Translation-en store 0 B] [89 Sources 890 kB/1,335 kB 67%] [Waiting for
  1474. 40% [89 Sources 1,141 kB/1,335 kB 85%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa
  1475. 41% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1476. 41% [89 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Connect
  1478. Get:92 trusty/restricted Sources [5,335 B]
  1480. 41% [89 Sources store 0 B] [92 Sources 0 B/5,335 B 0%] [Waiting for headers] [W
  1482. 41% [89 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1484. Get:93 trusty-security/multiverse amd64 Packages [4,723 B]
  1486. 41% [89 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting
  1488. Get:94 trusty/universe Sources [7,926 kB]
  1490. 41% [89 Sources store 0 B] [94 Sources 0 B/7,926 kB 0%] [Waiting for headers] [
  1491. 41% [94 Sources 287 kB/7,926 kB 4%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1492. 41% [92 Sources store 0 B] [94 Sources 287 kB/7,926 kB 4%] [Waiting for headers
  1493. 42% [94 Sources 315 kB/7,926 kB 4%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1494. 42% [93 Packages store 0 B] [94 Sources 315 kB/7,926 kB 4%] [Waiting for header
  1495. 42% [94 Sources 353 kB/7,926 kB 4%] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1497. Get:95 trusty/main Translation-en [2,332 B]
  1499. 42% [94 Sources 446 kB/7,926 kB 6%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1500. 42% [95 Translation-en store 0 B] [94 Sources 446 kB/7,926 kB 6%] [Waiting for
  1501. 42% [94 Sources 484 kB/7,926 kB 6%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to
  1503. Get:96 trusty-security/multiverse i386 Packages [4,876 B]
  1505. 43% [94 Sources 824 kB/7,926 kB 10%] [96 Packages 4,876 B/4,876 B 100%] [Connec
  1506. 43% [94 Sources 824 kB/7,926 kB 10%] [Connecting to (91.189.9
  1507. 43% [96 Packages store 0 B] [94 Sources 824 kB/7,926 kB 10%] [Waiting for heade
  1508. 43% [94 Sources 824 kB/7,926 kB 10%] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.l
  1510. Get:97 trusty-security/multiverse Translation-en [2,426 B]
  1512. 45% [94 Sources 1,783 kB/7,926 kB 22%] [97 Translation-en 2,426 B/2,426 B 100%]
  1514. 45% [94 Sources 1,783 kB/7,926 kB 22%] [Waiting for headers]
  1515. 45% [97 Translation-en store 0 B] [94 Sources 1,783 kB/7,926 kB 22%] [Waiting f
  1517. 45% [94 Sources 1,783 kB/7,926 kB 22%] [Waiting for headers]
  1519. Get:98 trusty/main amd64 Packages [7,571 B]
  1521. 47% [94 Sources 2,504 kB/7,926 kB 32%] [98 Packages 7,571 B/7,571 B 100%]
  1522. 47% [94 Sources 2,504 kB/7,926 kB 32%] [Connecting to (91.189
  1523. 47% [98 Packages store 0 B] [94 Sources 2,504 kB/7,926 kB 32%] [Connecting to p
  1524. 47% [94 Sources 2,504 kB/7,926 kB 32%] [Connecting to (91.189
  1526. Get:99 trusty/main i386 Packages [7,700 B]
  1529. 52% [94 Sources 5,144 kB/7,926 kB 65%] [99 Packages 7,700 B/7,700 B 100%]
  1530. 52% [94 Sources 5,144 kB/7,926 kB 65%] [Connecting to (91.189
  1531. 52% [94 Sources 5,144 kB/7,926 kB 65%] [Connecting to (91.189
  1533. 58% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1534. 58% [94 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1536. Get:100 trusty/main Translation-en [2,388 B]
  1538. 58% [94 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Connecting to ppa.launchpad.n
  1540. Get:101 trusty/multiverse Sources [211 kB]
  1542. 58% [94 Sources store 0 B] [101 Sources 0 B/211 kB 0%] [Connecting to ppa.launc
  1544. 58% [94 Sources store 0 B] [Connecting to (]
  1546. Get:102 trusty/main amd64 Packages [1,743 kB]
  1548. 58% [94 Sources store 0 B] [102 Packages 0 B/1,743 kB 0%] [Connecting to
  1550. Get:103 trusty/main amd64 Packages [430 B]
  1552. 61% [94 Sources store 0 B] [102 Packages 1,088 kB/1,743 kB 62%] [Connecting to
  1554. 62% [94 Sources store 0 B] [Connecting to (]
  1556. Get:104 trusty/main i386 Packages [1,739 kB]
  1558. 62% [94 Sources store 0 B] [104 Packages 0 B/1,739 kB 0%] [Connecting to
  1560. Get:105 trusty/main i386 Packages [430 B]
  1562. 65% [94 Sources store 0 B] [104 Packages 1,244 kB/1,739 kB 72%] [105 Packages 4
  1563. 65% [94 Sources store 0 B] [104 Packages 1,244 kB/1,739 kB 72%] [Connecting to
  1565. 66% [94 Sources store 0 B] [Connecting to (]
  1567. Get:106 trusty/restricted amd64 Packages [16.0 kB]
  1569. 66% [94 Sources store 0 B] [106 Packages 0 B/16.0 kB 0%] [Waiting for headers]
  1571. 66% [94 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers]
  1573. Get:107 trusty/restricted i386 Packages [16.4 kB]
  1575. 66% [94 Sources store 0 B] [107 Packages 0 B/16.4 kB 0%] [Waiting for headers]
  1577. 66% [94 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers]
  1579. 66% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1580. 66% [100 Translation-en store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1582. 66% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1583. 66% [101 Sources store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1585. 66% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1586. 66% [103 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1588. 66% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1589. 66% [102 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]
  1591. Get:108 trusty/main Translation-en [374 B]
  1593. 66% [102 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] [108 Translation-en 374 B/37
  1595. 66% [102 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers]
  1597. Get:109 trusty/universe amd64 Packages [7,589 kB]
  1599. 66% [102 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 0 B/7,589 kB 0%] [Connecting to ppa.
  1601. 68% [109 Packages 914 kB/7,589 kB 12%] [Waiting for headers]
  1602. 68% [105 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 914 kB/7,589 kB 12%] [Waiting for he
  1604. 68% [109 Packages 914 kB/7,589 kB 12%] [Waiting for headers]
  1605. 68% [104 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 914 kB/7,589 kB 12%] [Waiting for he
  1607. Get:110 trusty/main amd64 Packages [1,553 B]
  1609. 69% [104 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 1,217 kB/7,589 kB 16%] [110 Packages
  1611. 69% [104 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 1,257 kB/7,589 kB 17%]
  1612. 71% [109 Packages 1,867 kB/7,589 kB 25%] [Connecting to (91.1
  1613. 71% [106 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 1,867 kB/7,589 kB 25%] [Connecting t
  1614. 71% [109 Packages 1,999 kB/7,589 kB 26%] [Connecting to (91.1
  1615. 71% [107 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 1,999 kB/7,589 kB 26%] [Connecting t
  1617. 71% [109 Packages 2,046 kB/7,589 kB 27%] [Waiting for headers]
  1618. 71% [108 Translation-en store 0 B] [109 Packages 2,046 kB/7,589 kB 27%] [Waitin
  1620. 71% [109 Packages 2,046 kB/7,589 kB 27%] [Waiting for headers]
  1621. 71% [110 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 2,046 kB/7,589 kB 27%] [Waiting for
  1623. 72% [109 Packages 2,046 kB/7,589 kB 27%] [Waiting for headers]
  1625. Get:111 trusty/main i386 Packages [1,553 B]
  1627. 72% [109 Packages 2,151 kB/7,589 kB 28%] [111 Packages 1,553 B/1,553 B 100%]
  1628. 72% [109 Packages 2,151 kB/7,589 kB 28%] [Connecting to (91.1
  1629. 72% [111 Packages store 0 B] [109 Packages 2,151 kB/7,589 kB 28%] [Connecting t
  1630. 72% [109 Packages 2,151 kB/7,589 kB 28%] [Connecting to (91.1
  1632. Get:112 trusty/main Translation-en [834 B]
  1635. 74% [109 Packages 3,299 kB/7,589 kB 43%] [112 Translation-en 834 B/834 B 100%]
  1637. 74% [109 Packages 3,299 kB/7,589 kB 43%]
  1638. 74% [112 Translation-en store 0 B] [109 Packages 3,299 kB/7,589 kB 43%]
  1640. 74% [109 Packages 3,299 kB/7,589 kB 43%]
  1641. 78% [109 Packages 5,262 kB/7,589 kB 69%]
  1642. 80% [109 Packages 6,130 kB/7,589 kB 81%]
  1643. 80% [109 Packages 6,151 kB/7,589 kB 81%] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1644. 83% [109 Packages 7,410 kB/7,589 kB 98%] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1645. 83% [109 Packages 7,412 kB/7,589 kB 98%] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1646. 83% [Working] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1647. 83% [109 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1649. Get:113 trusty/universe i386 Packages [7,597 kB]
  1651. 83% [109 Packages store 0 B] [113 Packages 0 B/7,597 kB 0%] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1652. 84% [113 Packages 380 kB/7,597 kB 5%] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1653. 86% [113 Packages 1,135 kB/7,597 kB 15%] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1654. 88% [113 Packages 2,517 kB/7,597 kB 33%] 4,725 kB/s 1s
  1655. 90% [113 Packages 3,342 kB/7,597 kB 44%] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1656. 93% [113 Packages 4,769 kB/7,597 kB 63%] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1657. 96% [113 Packages 6,065 kB/7,597 kB 80%] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1658. 97% [113 Packages 7,031 kB/7,597 kB 93%] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1659. 99% [Working] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1660. 99% [113 Packages store 0 B] [Waiting for headers] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1662. Get:114 trusty/multiverse amd64 Packages [169 kB]
  1664. 99% [113 Packages store 0 B] [114 Packages 0 B/169 kB 0%] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1665. 99% [113 Packages store 0 B] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1667. Get:115 trusty/multiverse i386 Packages [172 kB]
  1669. 99% [113 Packages store 0 B] [115 Packages 0 B/172 kB 0%] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1670. 99% [113 Packages store 0 B] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1671. 99% [Working] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1672. 99% [114 Packages store 0 B] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1673. 100% [Working] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1674. 100% [115 Packages store 0 B] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1675. 100% [Working] 4,725 kB/s 0s
  1677. Fetched 39.5 MB in 12s (3,272 kB/s)
  1679. Reading package lists... 0%
  1681. Reading package lists... 0%
  1683. Reading package lists... 1%
  1685. Reading package lists... 5%
  1687. Reading package lists... 5%
  1689. Reading package lists... 11%
  1691. Reading package lists... 11%
  1693. Reading package lists... 11%
  1695. Reading package lists... 11%
  1697. Reading package lists... 11%
  1699. Reading package lists... 11%
  1701. Reading package lists... 34%
  1703. Reading package lists... 34%
  1705. Reading package lists... 43%
  1707. Reading package lists... 57%
  1709. Reading package lists... 57%
  1711. Reading package lists... 57%
  1713. Reading package lists... 57%
  1715. Reading package lists... 58%
  1717. Reading package lists... 58%
  1719. Reading package lists... 63%
  1721. Reading package lists... 63%
  1723. Reading package lists... 69%
  1725. Reading package lists... 69%
  1727. Reading package lists... 75%
  1729. Reading package lists... 75%
  1731. Reading package lists... 75%
  1733. Reading package lists... 75%
  1735. Reading package lists... 75%
  1737. Reading package lists... 75%
  1739. Reading package lists... 75%
  1741. Reading package lists... 75%
  1743. Reading package lists... 77%
  1745. Reading package lists... 77%
  1747. Reading package lists... 79%
  1749. Reading package lists... 79%
  1751. Reading package lists... 80%
  1753. Reading package lists... 80%
  1755. Reading package lists... 80%
  1757. Reading package lists... 80%
  1759. Reading package lists... 80%
  1761. Reading package lists... 80%
  1763. Reading package lists... 80%
  1765. Reading package lists... 80%
  1767. Reading package lists... 80%
  1769. Reading package lists... 80%
  1771. Reading package lists... 80%
  1773. Reading package lists... 80%
  1775. Reading package lists... 80%
  1777. Reading package lists... 80%
  1779. Reading package lists... 80%
  1781. Reading package lists... 80%
  1783. Reading package lists... 80%
  1785. Reading package lists... 80%
  1787. Reading package lists... 80%
  1789. Reading package lists... 80%
  1791. Reading package lists... 81%
  1793. Reading package lists... 81%
  1795. Reading package lists... 81%
  1797. Reading package lists... 81%
  1799. Reading package lists... 81%
  1801. Reading package lists... 81%
  1803. Reading package lists... 81%
  1805. Reading package lists... 81%
  1807. Reading package lists... 81%
  1809. Reading package lists... 81%
  1811. Reading package lists... 81%
  1813. Reading package lists... 81%
  1815. Reading package lists... 85%
  1817. Reading package lists... 85%
  1819. Reading package lists... 89%
  1821. Reading package lists... 89%
  1823. Reading package lists... 94%
  1825. Reading package lists... 94%
  1827. Reading package lists... 94%
  1829. Reading package lists... 94%
  1831. Reading package lists... 94%
  1833. Reading package lists... 94%
  1835. Reading package lists... 94%
  1837. Reading package lists... 94%
  1839. Reading package lists... 95%
  1841. Reading package lists... 95%
  1843. Reading package lists... 96%
  1845. Reading package lists... 96%
  1847. Reading package lists... 97%
  1849. Reading package lists... 97%
  1851. Reading package lists... 97%
  1853. Reading package lists... 97%
  1855. Reading package lists... 97%
  1857. Reading package lists... 97%
  1859. Reading package lists... 97%
  1861. Reading package lists... 97%
  1863. Reading package lists... 97%
  1865. Reading package lists... 97%
  1867. Reading package lists... 97%
  1869. Reading package lists... 97%
  1871. Reading package lists... 97%
  1873. Reading package lists... 97%
  1875. Reading package lists... 97%
  1877. Reading package lists... 97%
  1879. Reading package lists... 97%
  1881. Reading package lists... 97%
  1883. Reading package lists... 97%
  1885. Reading package lists... 97%
  1887. Reading package lists... 97%
  1889. Reading package lists... 97%
  1891. Reading package lists... 97%
  1893. Reading package lists... 97%
  1895. Reading package lists... 97%
  1897. Reading package lists... 97%
  1899. Reading package lists... 97%
  1901. Reading package lists... 97%
  1903. Reading package lists... 97%
  1905. Reading package lists... 97%
  1907. Reading package lists... 97%
  1909. Reading package lists... 97%
  1911. Reading package lists... 97%
  1913. Reading package lists... 97%
  1915. Reading package lists... 97%
  1917. Reading package lists... 97%
  1919. Reading package lists... 97%
  1921. Reading package lists... 97%
  1923. Reading package lists... 97%
  1925. Reading package lists... 97%
  1927. Reading package lists... 97%
  1929. Reading package lists... 97%
  1931. Reading package lists... 97%
  1933. Reading package lists... 97%
  1935. Reading package lists... 97%
  1937. Reading package lists... 97%
  1939. Reading package lists... 97%
  1941. Reading package lists... 97%
  1943. Reading package lists... 97%
  1945. Reading package lists... 97%
  1947. Reading package lists... 97%
  1949. Reading package lists... 97%
  1951. Reading package lists... 97%
  1953. Reading package lists... 97%
  1955. Reading package lists... 97%
  1957. Reading package lists... 97%
  1959. Reading package lists... 98%
  1961. Reading package lists... 98%
  1963. Reading package lists... 99%
  1965. Reading package lists... 99%
  1967. Reading package lists... 99%
  1969. Reading package lists... 99%
  1971. Reading package lists... 99%
  1973. Reading package lists... 99%
  1975. Reading package lists... 99%
  1977. Reading package lists... 99%
  1979. Reading package lists... 99%
  1981. Reading package lists... 99%
  1983. Reading package lists... 99%
  1985. Reading package lists... 99%
  1987. Reading package lists... 99%
  1989. Reading package lists... 99%
  1991. Reading package lists... 99%
  1993. Reading package lists... 99%
  1995. Reading package lists... 99%
  1997. Reading package lists... 99%
  1999. Reading package lists... 99%
  2001. Reading package lists... Done
  2003. W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: trusty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6B05F25D762E3157
  2004. W: Signature by key 15866BAFD9BCC4F3C1E0DFC7D69548E1C17EAB57 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)
  2005. W: Failed to fetch The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6B05F25D762E3157
  2006. W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
  2007. Reading package lists...
  2008. Building dependency tree...
  2009. Reading state information...
  2010. The following additional packages will be installed:
  2011. libc-ares2 liblua5.2-0 liblz4-1 libsbc1 libsmi2ldbl libsnappy1 libspandsp2
  2012. libwireshark-data libwireshark11 libwiretap8 libwscodecs2 libwsutil9
  2013. wireshark-common
  2014. Suggested packages:
  2015. snmp-mibs-downloader wireshark-doc
  2016. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  2017. libc-ares2 liblua5.2-0 liblz4-1 libsbc1 libsmi2ldbl libsnappy1 libspandsp2
  2018. libwireshark-data libwireshark11 libwiretap8 libwscodecs2 libwsutil9 tshark
  2019. wireshark-common
  2020. 0 upgraded, 14 newly installed, 0 to remove and 294 not upgraded.
  2021. Need to get 16.0 MB of archives.
  2022. After this operation, 94.6 MB of additional disk space will be used.
  2023. Get:1 trusty/main amd64 liblua5.2-0 amd64 5.2.3-1 [80.5 kB]
  2024. Get:2 trusty/universe amd64 libsmi2ldbl amd64 0.4.8+dfsg2-8ubuntu2 [99.4 kB]
  2025. Get:3 trusty-updates/main amd64 libc-ares2 amd64 1.10.0-2ubuntu0.2 [34.1 kB]
  2026. Get:4 trusty/universe amd64 liblz4-1 amd64 0.0~r114-2ubuntu1 [16.1 kB]
  2027. Get:5 trusty/main amd64 libsnappy1 amd64 1.1.0-1ubuntu1 [11.2 kB]
  2028. Get:6 trusty-updates/universe amd64 libwsutil9 amd64 2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0 [56.3 kB]
  2029. Get:7 trusty-updates/universe amd64 libwiretap8 amd64 2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0 [175 kB]
  2030. Get:8 trusty-updates/universe amd64 libwireshark-data all 2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0 [1,401 kB]
  2031. Get:9 trusty/main amd64 libsbc1 amd64 1.1-2ubuntu2 [31.3 kB]
  2032. Get:10 trusty/universe amd64 libspandsp2 amd64 0.0.6~pre21-2 [261 kB]
  2033. Get:11 trusty-updates/universe amd64 libwscodecs2 amd64 2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0 [17.8 kB]
  2034. Get:12 trusty-updates/universe amd64 libwireshark11 amd64 2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0 [13.3 MB]
  2035. Get:13 trusty-updates/universe amd64 wireshark-common amd64 2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0 [374 kB]
  2036. Get:14 trusty-updates/universe amd64 tshark amd64 2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0 [132 kB]
  2037. Fetched 16.0 MB in 1s (14.8 MB/s)
  2038. Preconfiguring packages ...
  2039. Selecting previously unselected package liblua5.2-0:amd64.
  2040. (Reading database ...
  2041. (Reading database ... 5%
  2042. (Reading database ... 10%
  2043. (Reading database ... 15%
  2044. (Reading database ... 20%
  2045. (Reading database ... 25%
  2046. (Reading database ... 30%
  2047. (Reading database ... 35%
  2048. (Reading database ... 40%
  2049. (Reading database ... 45%
  2050. (Reading database ... 50%
  2051. (Reading database ... 55%
  2052. (Reading database ... 60%
  2053. (Reading database ... 65%
  2054. (Reading database ... 70%
  2055. (Reading database ... 75%
  2056. (Reading database ... 80%
  2057. (Reading database ... 85%
  2058. (Reading database ... 90%
  2059. (Reading database ... 95%
  2060. (Reading database ... 100%
  2061. (Reading database ... 93695 files and directories currently installed.)
  2062. Preparing to unpack .../liblua5.2-0_5.2.3-1_amd64.deb ...
  2063. Unpacking liblua5.2-0:amd64 (5.2.3-1) ...
  2064. Selecting previously unselected package libsmi2ldbl:amd64.
  2065. Preparing to unpack .../libsmi2ldbl_0.4.8+dfsg2-8ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...
  2066. Unpacking libsmi2ldbl:amd64 (0.4.8+dfsg2-8ubuntu2) ...
  2067. Selecting previously unselected package libc-ares2:amd64.
  2068. Preparing to unpack .../libc-ares2_1.10.0-2ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb ...
  2069. Unpacking libc-ares2:amd64 (1.10.0-2ubuntu0.2) ...
  2070. Selecting previously unselected package liblz4-1:amd64.
  2071. Preparing to unpack .../liblz4-1_0.0~r114-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
  2072. Unpacking liblz4-1:amd64 (0.0~r114-2ubuntu1) ...
  2073. Selecting previously unselected package libsnappy1.
  2074. Preparing to unpack .../libsnappy1_1.1.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
  2075. Unpacking libsnappy1 (1.1.0-1ubuntu1) ...
  2076. Selecting previously unselected package libwsutil9:amd64.
  2077. Preparing to unpack .../libwsutil9_2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0_amd64.deb ...
  2078. Unpacking libwsutil9:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2079. Selecting previously unselected package libwiretap8:amd64.
  2080. Preparing to unpack .../libwiretap8_2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0_amd64.deb ...
  2081. Unpacking libwiretap8:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2082. Selecting previously unselected package libwireshark-data.
  2083. Preparing to unpack .../libwireshark-data_2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0_all.deb ...
  2084. Unpacking libwireshark-data (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2085. Selecting previously unselected package libsbc1:amd64.
  2086. Preparing to unpack .../libsbc1_1.1-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...
  2087. Unpacking libsbc1:amd64 (1.1-2ubuntu2) ...
  2088. Selecting previously unselected package libspandsp2.
  2089. Preparing to unpack .../libspandsp2_0.0.6~pre21-2_amd64.deb ...
  2090. Unpacking libspandsp2 (0.0.6~pre21-2) ...
  2091. Selecting previously unselected package libwscodecs2:amd64.
  2092. Preparing to unpack .../libwscodecs2_2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0_amd64.deb ...
  2093. Unpacking libwscodecs2:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2094. Selecting previously unselected package libwireshark11:amd64.
  2095. Preparing to unpack .../libwireshark11_2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0_amd64.deb ...
  2096. Unpacking libwireshark11:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2097. Selecting previously unselected package wireshark-common.
  2098. Preparing to unpack .../wireshark-common_2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0_amd64.deb ...
  2099. Unpacking wireshark-common (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2100. Selecting previously unselected package tshark.
  2101. Preparing to unpack .../tshark_2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0_amd64.deb ...
  2102. Unpacking tshark (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2103. Processing triggers for shared-mime-info (1.2-0ubuntu3) ...
  2104. Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
  2105. Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme (0.13-1) ...
  2106. Setting up liblua5.2-0:amd64 (5.2.3-1) ...
  2107. Setting up libsmi2ldbl:amd64 (0.4.8+dfsg2-8ubuntu2) ...
  2108. Setting up libc-ares2:amd64 (1.10.0-2ubuntu0.2) ...
  2109. Setting up liblz4-1:amd64 (0.0~r114-2ubuntu1) ...
  2110. Setting up libsnappy1 (1.1.0-1ubuntu1) ...
  2111. Setting up libwsutil9:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2112. Setting up libwiretap8:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2113. Setting up libwireshark-data (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2114. Setting up libsbc1:amd64 (1.1-2ubuntu2) ...
  2115. Setting up libspandsp2 (0.0.6~pre21-2) ...
  2116. Setting up libwscodecs2:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2117. Setting up libwireshark11:amd64 (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2118. Setting up wireshark-common (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2119. Setting up tshark (2.6.6-1~ubuntu14.04.0) ...
  2120. Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6.13) ...
  2121. Reading package lists...
  2122. Building dependency tree...
  2123. Reading state information...
  2124. build-essential is already the newest version (11.6ubuntu6).
  2125. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  2126. can-utils linux-headers-4.4.0-101 linux-headers-4.4.0-101-generic
  2127. 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 294 not upgraded.
  2128. Need to get 10.8 MB of archives.
  2129. After this operation, 87.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
  2130. Get:1 trusty/universe amd64 can-utils amd64 0.0+git20140227-1 [71.7 kB]
  2131. Get:2 trusty-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-4.4.0-101 all 4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1 [9,916 kB]
  2132. Get:3 trusty-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-4.4.0-101-generic amd64 4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1 [784 kB]
  2133. Fetched 10.8 MB in 0s (20.5 MB/s)
  2134. Selecting previously unselected package can-utils.
  2135. (Reading database ...
  2136. (Reading database ... 5%
  2137. (Reading database ... 10%
  2138. (Reading database ... 15%
  2139. (Reading database ... 20%
  2140. (Reading database ... 25%
  2141. (Reading database ... 30%
  2142. (Reading database ... 35%
  2143. (Reading database ... 40%
  2144. (Reading database ... 45%
  2145. (Reading database ... 50%
  2146. (Reading database ... 55%
  2147. (Reading database ... 60%
  2148. (Reading database ... 65%
  2149. (Reading database ... 70%
  2150. (Reading database ... 75%
  2151. (Reading database ... 80%
  2152. (Reading database ... 85%
  2153. (Reading database ... 90%
  2154. (Reading database ... 95%
  2155. (Reading database ... 100%
  2156. (Reading database ... 94146 files and directories currently installed.)
  2157. Preparing to unpack .../can-utils_0.0+git20140227-1_amd64.deb ...
  2158. Unpacking can-utils (0.0+git20140227-1) ...
  2159. Selecting previously unselected package linux-headers-4.4.0-101.
  2160. Preparing to unpack .../linux-headers-4.4.0-101_4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1_all.deb ...
  2161. Unpacking linux-headers-4.4.0-101 (4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1) ...
  2162. Selecting previously unselected package linux-headers-4.4.0-101-generic.
  2163. Preparing to unpack .../linux-headers-4.4.0-101-generic_4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1_amd64.deb ...
  2164. Unpacking linux-headers-4.4.0-101-generic (4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1) ...
  2165. Setting up can-utils (0.0+git20140227-1) ...
  2166. Setting up linux-headers-4.4.0-101 (4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1) ...
  2167. Setting up linux-headers-4.4.0-101-generic (4.4.0-101.124~14.04.1) ...
  2168. Collecting tox
  2169. Downloading (60kB)
  2170. [?25l
  2171.  17% |█████▌ | 10kB 26.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2172.  34% |███████████ | 20kB 2.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2173.  51% |████████████████▍ | 30kB 3.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2174.  68% |█████████████████████▉ | 40kB 2.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2175.  85% |███████████████████████████▎ | 51kB 2.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2176.  100% |████████████████████████████████| 61kB 2.4MB/s
  2177. [?25hCollecting setuptools>=30.0.0 (from tox)
  2178. Downloading (575kB)
  2179. [?25l
  2180.  1% |â–‹ | 10kB 25.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2181.  3% |█▏ | 20kB 27.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2182.  5% |█▊ | 30kB 29.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2183.  7% |██▎ | 40kB 30.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2184.  8% |██▉ | 51kB 5.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2185.  10% |███▍ | 61kB 6.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2186.  12% |████ | 71kB 7.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2187.  14% |████▌ | 81kB 7.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2188.  16% |█████▏ | 92kB 8.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2189.  17% |█████▊ | 102kB 8.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2190.  19% |██████▎ | 112kB 8.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2191.  21% |██████▉ | 122kB 8.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2192.  23% |███████▍ | 133kB 8.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2193.  24% |████████ | 143kB 8.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2194.  26% |████████▌ | 153kB 22.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2195.  28% |█████████ | 163kB 9.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2196.  30% |█████████▊ | 174kB 9.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2197.  32% |████���█████▎ | 184kB 10.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2198.  33% |██████████▉ | 194kB 10.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2199.  35% |███████████▍ | 204kB 10.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2200.  37% |████████████ | 215kB 10.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2201.  39% |████████████▌ | 225kB 10.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2202.  40% |█████████████ | 235kB 10.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2203.  42% |█████████████▋ | 245kB 10.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2204.  44% |██████████████▎ | 256kB 10.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2205.  46% |██████████████▉ | 266kB 27.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2206.  48% |███████████████▍ | 276kB 28.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2207.  49% |████████████████ | 286kB 28.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2208.  51% |████████████████▌ | 296kB 28.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2209.  53% |█████████████████ | 307kB 28.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2210.  55% |█████████████████▋ | 317kB 11.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2211.  56% |██████████████████▏ | 327kB 10.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2212.  58% |██████████████████▉ | 337kB 10.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2213.  60% |███████���███████████▍ | 348kB 10.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2214.  62% |████████████████████ | 358kB 10.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2215.  64% |████████████████████▌ | 368kB 10.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2216.  65% |█████████████████████ | 378kB 10.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2217.  67% |█████████████████████▋ | 389kB 10.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2218.  69% |██████████████████████▏ | 399kB 10.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2219.  71% |██████████████████████▊ | 409kB 9.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2220.  72% |███████████████████████▍ | 419kB 20.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2221.  74% |████████████████████████ | 430kB 26.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2222.  76% |████████████████████████▌ | 440kB 26.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2223.  78% |█████████████████████████ | 450kB 26.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2224.  80% |█████████████████████████▋ | 460kB 24.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2225.  81% |██████████████████████████▏ | 471kB 25.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2226.  83% |██████████████████████████▊ | 481kB 25.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2227.  85% |███████████████████████████▎ | 491kB 24.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2228.  87% |████████████████████████████ | 501kB 25.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2229.  88% |████████████████████████████▌ | 512kB 26.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2230.  90% |█████████████████████████████ | 522kB 26.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2231.  92% |█████████████████████████████▋ | 532kB 26.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2232.  94% |██████████████████████████████▏ | 542kB 27.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2233.  96% |██████████████████████████████▊ | 552kB 28.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2234.  97% |███████████████████████████████▎| 563kB 29.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2235.  99% |███████████████████████████████▉| 573kB 28.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2236.  100% |████████████████████████████████| 583kB 1.7MB/s
  2237. [?25hCollecting pluggy<1,>=0.3.0 (from tox)
  2238. Downloading
  2239. Collecting py<2,>=1.4.17 (from tox)
  2240. Downloading (83kB)
  2241. [?25l
  2242.  12% |████ | 10kB 33.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2243.  24% |███████▉ | 20kB 27.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2244.  36% |███████████▊ | 30kB 28.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2245.  48% |███████████████▋ | 40kB 28.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2246.  60% |███████████████████▌ | 51kB 29.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2247.  73% |███████████████████████▍ | 61kB 29.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2248.  85% |███████████████████████████▎ | 71kB 29.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2249.  97% |███████████████████████████████▎| 81kB 29.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2250.  100% |████████████████████████████████| 92kB 8.9MB/s
  2251. [?25hCollecting six<2,>=1.0.0 (from tox)
  2252. Downloading
  2253. Collecting virtualenv>=1.11.2 (from tox)
  2254. Downloading (2.0MB)
  2255. [?25l
  2256.  0% |▏ | 10kB 37.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2257.  1% |▍ | 20kB 27.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2258.  1% |▌ | 30kB 27.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2259.  2% |â–Š | 40kB 27.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2260.  2% |â–‰ | 51kB 28.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2261.  3% |â–ˆ | 61kB 28.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2262.  3% |█▏ | 71kB 27.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2263.  4% |█▍ | 81kB 27.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2264.  4% |█▌ | 92kB 28.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2265.  5% |█▊ | 102kB 28.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2266.  5% |█▉ | 112kB 27.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2267.  6% |██ | 122kB 28.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2268.  6% |██▏ | 133kB 28.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2269.  7% |██▍ | 143kB 28.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2270.  7% |██▌ | 153kB 28.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2271.  8% |██▊ | 163kB 27.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2272.  8% |██▉ | 174kB 28.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2273.  9% |███ | 184kB 28.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2274.  9% |███▏ | 194kB 28.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2294.  20% |██████▌ | 399kB 31.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2301.  24% |███████▊ | 471kB 30.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2303.  25% |████████ | 491kB 30.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2305.  26% |████████▍ | 512kB 32.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2311.  29% |█████████��� | 573kB 35.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2312.  29% |█████████▌ | 583kB 35.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2321.  34% |███████████ | 675kB 27.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2331.  39% |████████████▊ | 778kB 36.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2333.  40% |█████████████ | 798kB 37.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2345.  47% |���██████████████ | 921kB 35.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2346.  47% |███████████████▎ | 931kB 34.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2347.  48% |███████████████▍ | 942kB 33.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2349.  49% |███████████████▊ | 962kB 33.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2350.  49% |████████████████ | 972kB 33.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2351.  50% |████████████████ | 983kB 32.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2353.  51% |████████████████▍ | 1.0MB 32.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2358.  53% |█████████████████▎ | 1.1MB 33.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2359.  54% |█████████████████▍ | 1.1MB 33.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2360.  54% |█████████████████▋ | 1.1MB 33.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2361.  55% |█████████████████▊ | 1.1MB 34.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2362.  55% |██████████████████ | 1.1MB 34.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2363.  56% |██████████████████ | 1.1MB 35.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2367.  58% |██████████████████▊ | 1.1MB 37.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2368.  59% |███████████████████ | 1.2MB 36.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2369.  59% |███████████████████ | 1.2MB 37.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2374.  62% |████████████████████ | 1.2MB 37.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2375.  62% |████████████████████ | 1.2MB 37.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2376.  63% |████████████████████▎ | 1.2MB 36.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2377.  63% |████████████████████▍ | 1.2MB 37.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2378.  64% |████████████████████▋ | 1.3MB 37.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2379.  64% |████████████████████▊ | 1.3MB 36.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2380.  65% |█████████████████████ | 1.3MB 36.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2384.  67% |█████████████████████▋ | 1.3MB 35.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2387.  69% |██████████████████████ | 1.4MB 35.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2388.  69% |██████████████████████▎ | 1.4MB 35.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2389.  70% |██████████████████████▍ | 1.4MB 36.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2392.  71% |███████████████████████ | 1.4MB 35.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2393.  72% |███████████████████████ | 1.4MB 35.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2397.  74% |███████████████████████▊ | 1.5MB 37.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2398.  74% |████████████████████████ | 1.5MB 37.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2399.  75% |████████████████████████ | 1.5MB 38.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2400.  75% |████████████████████████▎ | 1.5MB 37.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2401.  76% |████████████████████████▍ | 1.5MB 38.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2402.  76% |████████████████████████▋ | 1.5MB 38.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2403.  77% |█████████████���██████████▊ | 1.5MB 37.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2404.  77% |█████████████████████████ | 1.5MB 38.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2405.  78% |█████████████████████████ | 1.5MB 37.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2406.  78% |█████████████████████████▎ | 1.5MB 37.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2407.  79% |█████████████████████████▍ | 1.6MB 37.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2408.  80% |█████████████████████████▋ | 1.6MB 37.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2409.  80% |█████████████████████████▊ | 1.6MB 36.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2410.  81% |██████████████████████████ | 1.6MB 36.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2411.  81% |██████████████████████████▏ | 1.6MB 36.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2412.  82% |██████████████████████████▎ | 1.6MB 36.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
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  2414.  83% |██████████████████████████▋ | 1.6MB 35.4MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2415.  83% |██████████████████████████▉ | 1.6MB 35.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2416.  84% |█████████████████████���█████ | 1.6MB 34.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2417.  84% |███████████████████████████▏ | 1.7MB 33.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2418.  85% |███████████████████████████▎ | 1.7MB 32.8MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2419.  85% |███████████████████████████▌ | 1.7MB 32.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2420.  86% |███████████████████████████▋ | 1.7MB 32.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2421.  86% |███████████████████████████▉ | 1.7MB 32.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2422.  87% |████████████████████████████ | 1.7MB 32.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2423.  87% |████████████████████████████▏ | 1.7MB 32.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2424.  88% |████████████████████████████▎ | 1.7MB 32.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2425.  88% |████████████████████████████▌ | 1.7MB 33.1MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2426.  89% |████████████████████████████▋ | 1.8MB 33.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2427.  89% |████████████████████████████▉ | 1.8MB 34.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2428.  90% |█████████████████████████████ | 1.8MB 36.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2429.  91% |█████████████████████████████▏ | 1.8MB 36.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2430.  91% |█████████████████████████████▎ | 1.8MB 37.0MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2431.  92% |█████████████████████████████▌ | 1.8MB 37.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2432.  92% |█████████████████████████████▋ | 1.8MB 36.9MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2433.  93% |█████████████████████████████▉ | 1.8MB 37.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2434.  93% |██████████████████████████████ | 1.8MB 37.3MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2435.  94% |██████████████████████████████▏ | 1.8MB 36.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2436.  94% |██████████████████████████████▎ | 1.9MB 36.2MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2437.  95% |██████████████████████████████▌ | 1.9MB 35.7MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2438.  95% |██████████████████████████████▋ | 1.9MB 35.5MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2439.  96% |██████████████████████████████▉ | 1.9MB 35.6MB/s eta 0:00:01
  2440.  96% |███████████████████████████████ | 1.9MB 455kB/s eta 0:00:01
  2441.  97% |█████████████████████████���█████▏| 1.9MB 455kB/s eta 0:00:01
  2442.  97% |███████████████████████████████▎| 1.9MB 417kB/s eta 0:00:01
  2443.  98% |███████████████████████████████▌| 1.9MB 417kB/s eta 0:00:01
  2444.  98% |███████████████████████████████▋| 1.9MB 417kB/s eta 0:00:01
  2445.  99% |███████████████████████████████▉| 1.9MB 402kB/s eta 0:00:01
  2446.  99% |████████████████████████████████| 2.0MB 401kB/s eta 0:00:01
  2447.  100% |████████████████████████████████| 2.0MB 236kB/s
  2448. [?25hCollecting toml>=0.9.4 (from tox)
  2449. Downloading
  2450. Collecting filelock<4,>=3.0.0 (from tox)
  2451. Downloading
  2452. Building wheels for collected packages: filelock
  2453. Running bdist_wheel for filelock ... [?25l- done
  2454. [?25h Stored in directory: /home/travis/.cache/pip/wheels/46/b3/26/8803692ec1f1729fcf201583b5de74f112da1f1488f36e47b0
  2455. Successfully built filelock
  2456. Installing collected packages: setuptools, pluggy, py, six, virtualenv, toml, filelock, tox
  2457. Found existing installation: setuptools 36.2.3
  2458. Uninstalling setuptools-36.2.3:
  2459. Successfully uninstalled setuptools-36.2.3
  2460. Found existing installation: py 1.4.34
  2461. Uninstalling py-1.4.34:
  2462. Successfully uninstalled py-1.4.34
  2463. Found existing installation: six 1.10.0
  2464. Uninstalling six-1.10.0:
  2465. Successfully uninstalled six-1.10.0
  2466. Successfully installed filelock-3.0.10 pluggy-0.8.1 py-1.7.0 setuptools-40.8.0 six-1.12.0 toml-0.10.0 tox-3.7.0 virtualenv-16.4.0
  2467. travis_time:end:01588c7c:start=1550621810944156216,finish=1550621845692636894,duration=34748480678
  2468. travis_fold:end:install
  2469. travis_time:start:30149b68
  2470. $ bash .travis/
  2471. ANSI_CLEAR='\033[0K'
  2472. ANSI_GREEN='\033[32;1m'
  2473. ANSI_RED='\033[31;1m'
  2474. ANSI_RESET='\033[0m'
  2475. ANSI_YELLOW='\033[33;1m'
  2476. BASH=/bin/bash
  2477. BASHOPTS=cmdhist:complete_fullquote:extquote:force_fignore:hostcomplete:interactive_comments:progcomp:promptvars:sourcepath
  2478. BASH_ALIASES=()
  2479. BASH_ARGC=()
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  2482. BASH_LINENO=([0]="0")
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  2485. BASH_VERSION='4.3.11(1)-release'
  2486. CI=true
  2489. DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
  2490. DIRSTACK=()
  2491. ELIXIR_VERSION=1.4.5
  2492. EUID=2000
  2493. GEM_HOME=/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1
  2494. GEM_PATH=/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1@global
  2495. GIT_ASKPASS=echo
  2496. GOPATH=/home/travis/gopath
  2497. GOROOT=/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.7.4.linux.amd64
  2498. GROUPS=()
  2501. HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace
  2502. HISTFILESIZE=2000
  2503. HISTSIZE=1000
  2504. HOME=/home/travis
  2505. HOSTNAME=travis-job-013d1a1a-8b38-43d4-9a20-1213d3fb8a46
  2506. HOSTTYPE=x86_64
  2507. IFS=$' \t\n'
  2508. IRBRC=/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/.irbrc
  2509. JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
  2510. JDK_SWITCHER_DEFAULT=oraclejdk8
  2511. JRUBY_OPTS=' --client -J-XX:+TieredCompilation -J-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 -J-Xss2m -Xcompile.invokedynamic=false'
  2512. LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  2513. LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  2514. LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
  2515. LOGNAME=travis
  2516. MACHTYPE=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  2517. MAIL=/var/mail/travis
  2518. MANPATH=/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.1/share/man:/home/travis/.kiex/elixirs/elixir-1.4.5/man:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/share/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/local/cmake-3.9.2/man:/usr/local/clang-5.0.0/share/man:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/share/man:/home/travis/.rvm/man
  2519. MERB_ENV=test
  2520. MIX_ARCHIVES=/home/travis/.kiex/mix/elixir-1.4.5
  2521. MYSQL_UNIX_PORT=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  2522. MY_RUBY_HOME=/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1
  2523. NVM_BIN=/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.1/bin
  2524. NVM_CD_FLAGS=
  2525. NVM_DIR=/home/travis/.nvm
  2526. OPTERR=1
  2527. OPTIND=1
  2528. OSTYPE=linux-gnu
  2529. PAGER=cat
  2530. PATH=/home/travis/virtualenv/pypy2.7-5.8.0/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.1/bin:/home/travis/.kiex/elixirs/elixir-1.4.5/bin:/home/travis/.kiex/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.1/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.7.4.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/phantomjs/bin:/usr/local/phantomjs:/usr/local/neo4j-3.2.7/bin:/usr/local/maven-3.5.2/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.9.2/bin:/usr/local/clang-5.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin:/home/travis/.yarn/bin
  2532. PERLBREW_HOME=/home/travis/.perlbrew
  2533. PERLBREW_ROOT=/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew
  2534. PIPESTATUS=([0]="1")
  2536. PIP_PROGRESS_BAR=off
  2537. PPID=2080
  2538. PS4=+
  2539. PWD=/home/travis/build/secdev/scapy
  2540. PYENV_ROOT=/opt/pyenv
  2541. PYENV_SHELL=bash
  2542. PYTHON_CFLAGS='-g -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security'
  2543. PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS='--enable-unicode=ucs4 --with-wide-unicode --enable-shared --enable-ipv6 --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --with-computed-gotos'
  2544. RACK_ENV=test
  2545. RAILS_ENV=test
  2546. RBENV_SHELL=bash
  2547. RUBY_VERSION=ruby-2.4.1
  2548. SHELL=/bin/bash
  2549. SHELLOPTS=braceexpand:hashall:interactive-comments
  2550. SHLVL=3
  2551. SSH_CLIENT=' 59604 22'
  2552. SSH_CONNECTION=' 59604 22'
  2553. SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0
  2554. TERM=xterm
  2555. TOXENV=pypy-linux_root,codecov
  2556. TRAVIS=true
  2560. TRAVIS_ARCH=amd64
  2561. TRAVIS_BRANCH=master
  2562. TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=/home/travis/build/secdev/scapy
  2563. TRAVIS_BUILD_ID=495745904
  2567. TRAVIS_CMD='bash .travis/'
  2568. TRAVIS_COMMIT=95b2c60a7eb322e53ac7a361f770d72834446cfb
  2569. TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE='Merge e70cea3cffa2f9239ccb468811f9c20e5c56c564 into 868b96522cc6908545774a5722f0969e0014602f'
  2570. TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE=868b96522cc6908545774a5722f0969e0014602f...e70cea3cffa2f9239ccb468811f9c20e5c56c564
  2571. TRAVIS_DIST=trusty
  2573. TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE=pull_request
  2574. TRAVIS_HOME=/home/travis
  2575. TRAVIS_INFRA=gce
  2576. TRAVIS_INIT=upstart
  2577. TRAVIS_INTERNAL_RUBY_REGEX='^ruby-(2\.[0-4]\.[0-9]|1\.9\.3)'
  2578. TRAVIS_JOB_ID=495745915
  2580. TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER=6284.11
  2582. TRAVIS_LANGUAGE=python
  2584. TRAVIS_OS_NAME=linux
  2585. TRAVIS_PRE_CHEF_BOOTSTRAP_TIME=2017-12-05T19:32:55
  2587. TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH=stabilizewin
  2588. TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA=e70cea3cffa2f9239ccb468811f9c20e5c56c564
  2589. TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG=gpotter2/scapy
  2591. TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG=secdev/scapy
  2592. TRAVIS_ROOT=/
  2594. TRAVIS_STACK_FEATURES='basic cassandra chromium couchdb disabled-ipv6 docker docker-compose elasticsearch firefox go-toolchain google-chrome jdk memcached mongodb mysql neo4j nodejs_interpreter perl_interpreter perlbrew phantomjs postgresql python_interpreter rabbitmq redis riak ruby_interpreter sqlite xserver'
  2595. TRAVIS_STACK_JOB_BOARD_REGISTER=/.job-board-register.yml
  2596. TRAVIS_STACK_LANGUAGES='__garnet__ c c++ clojure cplusplus cpp default go groovy java node_js php pure_java python ruby scala'
  2597. TRAVIS_STACK_NAME=garnet
  2598. TRAVIS_STACK_NODE_ATTRIBUTES=/.node-attributes.yml
  2599. TRAVIS_STACK_TIMESTAMP='2017-12-05 19:33:09 UTC'
  2600. TRAVIS_SUDO=true
  2601. TRAVIS_TAG=
  2603. TRAVIS_TIMER_ID=30149b68
  2604. TRAVIS_TIMER_START_TIME=1550621845696877190
  2605. TRAVIS_TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.TOvfUkdiNq
  2606. TRAVIS_UID=2000
  2607. TZ=UTC
  2608. UID=2000
  2609. USER=travis
  2610. UT_FLAGS=' -K tshark -K not_pypy'
  2611. VIRTUAL_ENV=/home/travis/virtualenv/pypy2.7-5.8.0
  2612. XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/2000
  2613. XDG_SESSION_ID=2
  2614. _=
  2615. _system_arch=x86_64
  2616. _system_name=Ubuntu
  2617. _system_type=Linux
  2618. _system_version=14.04
  2619. rvm_bin_path=/home/travis/.rvm/bin
  2620. rvm_path=/home/travis/.rvm
  2621. rvm_prefix=/home/travis
  2622. rvm_version='1.29.3 (latest)'
  2623. GLOB sdist-make: /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/
  2624. pypy-linux_root create: /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/.tox/pypy-linux_root
  2625. pypy-linux_root installdeps: mock, setuptools>=18.5, cryptography, coverage, python-can
  2626. pypy-linux_root inst: /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/.tox/.tmp/package/1/
  2627. pypy-linux_root installed: DEPRECATION: A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.,asn1crypto==0.24.0,cffi==1.10.1,coverage==4.5.2,cryptography==2.5,enum34==1.1.6,funcsigs==1.0.2,greenlet==0.4.12,ipaddress==1.0.22,mock==2.0.0,pbr==5.1.2,python-can==3.0.0,readline==,scapy==2.4.2.dev162,six==1.12.0,typing==3.6.6,wrapt==1.11.1
  2628. pypy-linux_root run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1040785237'
  2629. pypy-linux_root runtests: commands[0] | sudo -E /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/.tox/pypy-linux_root/bin/python -m coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc.tox -a -m -c ./test/configs/linux.utsc -K random_weird_py3 -K tshark -K not_pypy
  2630. ### Loaded config file ./test/configs/linux.utsc
  2631. ### Booting scapy...
  2632. /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/.tox/pypy-linux_root/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: OpenSSL version 1.0.1 is no longer supported by the OpenSSL project, please upgrade. A future version of cryptography will drop support for it.
  2633. utils.CryptographyDeprecationWarning
  2634. ### Starting tests...
  2635. ### Loading: test/tls/tests_tls_netaccess.uts
  2636. passed C2B4BB54 Load server util functions
  2637. passed D0293168 Testing TLS server with TLS 1.0 and TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
  2638. passed D3437786 Testing TLS server with TLS 1.1 and TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
  2639. passed 6B66D06B Testing TLS server with TLS 1.2 and TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
  2640. passed E1666CFF Testing TLS server with TLS 1.2 and TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  2641. passed 8416E5AE Load client utils functions
  2642. passed 30A3F0ED Testing TLS server and client with SSLv2 and SSL_CK_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5
  2643. passed 67E82586 Testing TLS client with SSLv3 and TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5
  2644. passed 4307BE0B Testing TLS client with TLS 1.0 and TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
  2645. passed A4A353C1 Testing TLS client with TLS 1.1 and TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
  2646. passed 680CB629 Testing TLS client with TLS 1.2 and TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  2647. passed D43695B4 Testing TLS client with TLS 1.2 and TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
  2648. Campaign CRC=3132C973 SHA=2DEC5F1242E64ADEE49AEB0FE42E20ED9775B073
  2649. PASSED=12 FAILED=0
  2650. ### Loading: test/p0f.uts
  2651. passed FDBDA0E1 Module loading
  2652. passed 1CAA2D63 Fetch database
  2653. passed B64E3887 Test p0f
  2654. passed 080CB4AC Test prnp0f
  2655. passed D1A1144A Impersonate when window size must be multiple of some integer
  2656. passed E1ED9C6C Handle unusual flags ("F") quirk
  2657. passed AE160304 Use valid option values from original packet
  2658. passed 02854DEE Use valid option values when multiples required
  2659. passed 2129AF15 Discard non-multiple option values when multiples required
  2660. passed 1FC59A60 Discard bad timestamp values
  2661. passed E2259EB3 Discard 2nd timestamp of 0 if "T" quirk is present
  2662. passed 101E107E Remove fp files
  2663. Campaign CRC=11C6AF7C SHA=1FCEE49A5C64F35841EFA64F9376620AD3C4BAFC
  2664. PASSED=12 FAILED=0
  2665. ### Loading: test/bluetooth.uts
  2666. passed 958E40C7 HCI layers
  2667. passed 34B7B7FD Test HCI_PHDR_Hdr
  2668. passed A0378F5B LE Create Connection Cancel
  2669. passed 8509CB33 Disconnect
  2670. passed 2D63D45A LE Connection Update Command
  2671. passed A1973A92 LE Connection Update Event
  2672. passed 05B671BB Parse EIR_Flags, EIR_CompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs, EIR_CompleteLocalName and EIR_TX_Power_Level
  2673. passed EA3AA4E4 Parse EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data
  2674. passed FAD81431 Basic L2CAP dissect
  2675. passed E17CFC16 Basic HCI_ACL_Hdr build & dissect
  2676. passed E06C4A06 Complex HCI - L2CAP build
  2677. passed 30734F0C Complex HCI - L2CAP dissect
  2678. passed 8851EA6B Answers
  2679. passed 5623B678 EIR_Hdr - misc
  2680. passed 8AE37F5F ATT_Hdr - misc
  2681. passed 0B7C4E8D L2CAP layers
  2682. Campaign CRC=43B424EF SHA=BD3E47D75F775592B8A1A7D76C607CB6795ED20C
  2683. PASSED=16 FAILED=0
  2684. ### Loading: test/fields.uts
  2685. passed CB6F6CCD Simple tests
  2686. passed A1FC55E3 MACField class
  2687. passed 4988A84D SourceMACField, ARPSourceMACField
  2688. passed A8B908D5 IPField class
  2689. passed 5A43B1E5 SourceIPField
  2690. passed 67A93143 ThreeBytesField
  2691. passed FC687874 Creation of a layer with ActionField
  2692. passed C18AA531 Triggering action
  2693. passed 648CCA2E Creation of a layer with FieldLenField
  2694. passed FD69822A Assembly of an empty packet
  2695. passed 418F18DF Assembly of non empty packet
  2696. passed D70A4723 Disassembly
  2697. passed AB742CDB BitFieldLenField test
  2698. passed DDF60244 Creation of a layer
  2699. passed BBDF976B Assembly of an empty packet
  2700. passed 10BFFBF0 Assembly of a non-empty packet
  2701. passed 271331C3 Disassemble
  2702. passed C7F07619 Manipulate
  2703. passed 68DB9CF4 Create a layer
  2704. passed BE210CA7 Test the PacketListField assembly
  2705. passed 4A105497 Test the PacketListField assembly 2
  2706. passed D7560C6C Test disassembly
  2707. passed 8EC9F5F9 Nested PacketListField
  2708. passed F0F8088A Create a layer
  2709. passed BE210CA7 Test the PacketListField assembly
  2710. passed 4A105497 Test the PacketListField assembly 2
  2711. passed D7560C6C Test disassembly
  2712. passed 8EC9F5F9 Nested PacketListField
  2713. passed 5C773132 Complex packet
  2714. passed 952B8BB0 Test calls on TCPOptionsField.getfield
  2715. passed F0F8088A Create a layer
  2716. passed BE210CA7 Test the PacketListField assembly
  2717. passed 4A105497 Test the PacketListField assembly 2
  2718. passed D7560C6C Test disassembly
  2719. passed 8EC9F5F9 Nested PacketListField
  2720. passed 79CF4B32 Complex packet
  2721. passed EBD4DC4F Create layers for heterogeneous PacketListField
  2722. passed EA657C90 Test heterogeneous PacketListField
  2723. passed A7CDB158 Create layers for heterogeneous PacketListField with memory
  2724. passed 39388F3E Test heterogeneous PacketListField with memory
  2725. passed E574C4A9 Test calls on MultiFlagsField.any2i
  2726. passed D4255D03 Test calls on MultiFlagsField.i2m
  2727. passed 0D183FDA Test calls on MultiFlagsField.m2i
  2728. passed BF13311E Test calls on MultiFlagsField.i2repr
  2729. passed 7D9D355D EnumField tests initialization
  2730. passed 3DEC16A7 EnumField.any2i_one
  2731. passed 717CDA12 EnumField.any2i
  2732. passed 49CBB195 EnumField.i2repr_one
  2733. passed E52AF1BF EnumField.i2repr
  2734. passed E5EFFF7A Building expect_exception handler
  2735. passed D688FCD5 CharEnumField tests initialization
  2736. passed E1F03FE9 CharEnumField.any2i_one
  2737. passed E5EFFF7A Building expect_exception handler
  2738. passed B7B39436 XByteEnumField tests initialization
  2739. passed 95B4EBD9 XByteEnumField.i2repr_one
  2740. passed 384257A1 XByteEnumField update tests initialization
  2741. passed F9AD73AB XByteEnumField.i2repr_one with update
  2742. passed E5EFFF7A Building expect_exception handler
  2743. passed 1DA6EA64 XShortEnumField tests initialization
  2744. passed 95B4EBD9 XShortEnumField.i2repr_one
  2745. passed 0D59ADD1 XShortEnumField update tests initialization
  2746. passed F9AD73AB XShortEnumField.i2repr_one with update
  2747. passed 4428B855 Raise exception - test data
  2748. passed 10ABFD9E default usage
  2749. passed B0091A9D inverted yes - no (scalar config)
  2750. passed F93CFB59 inverted yes - no (range config)
  2751. passed 89ADCBD1 yes - no (using sets)
  2752. passed B73E29D0 yes, no and invalid
  2753. passed 470FA2B0 invalid scalar spec
  2754. passed A74F4C1B invalid range spec - invalid length
  2755. passed BBEDDB92 invalid range spec - invalid value
  2756. passed 1473586E invalid set spec - invalid value
  2757. passed FD5682F6 FlasgField - Python incompatible name
  2758. passed 7ABC2B56 Test initialization order
  2759. passed D8E6560B Default order
  2760. passed 39AC5ACF Reversed order
  2761. passed 91DF4F1E Test Flags Field Iterator
  2762. passed 9E7F4CB7 Test upper nibble
  2763. passed 1B04A4FD Test lower nibble
  2764. passed 7D3838E6 Test single flag 1
  2765. passed 571CAF9B Test single flag 2
  2766. passed 6A1EFD0B Test single flag 0x80
  2767. passed CDAC6203 Test pattern 0x55
  2768. passed 890D9CEB Test pattern 0xAA
  2769. passed 15FCB607 Test pattern 0x00
  2770. passed 567E8BE8 Test pattern 0xFF
  2771. passed 44B19AAB ScalingField Test default behaviour
  2772. passed A231573C ScalingField Test string assignment
  2773. passed D18D7CEF ScalingField Test scaling
  2774. passed B56FEC5C ScalingField Test scaling signed
  2775. passed 5884C0E1 ScalingField Test scaling signed offset
  2776. passed 3C241A76 ScalingField Test scaling offset
  2777. passed AD7F3300 ScalingField Test unit
  2778. passed B4122C4B ScalingField Test unit and ndigits
  2779. passed 100B2821 ScalingField Test unit and ndigits 2
  2780. passed FDA807AC ScalingField Test unit and ndigits 3
  2781. passed 2E095F30 ScalingField randval
  2782. Campaign CRC=0A6A7160 SHA=598B28F234C920F1E38B2CEABCE88DA3F6F98A93
  2783. PASSED=97 FAILED=0
  2784. ### Loading: test/sslv2.uts
  2785. passed 8A6657FE Reading SSLv2 session - Loading unparsed SSLv2 records
  2786. passed 146D9669 Reading SSLv2 session - SSLv2 parsing does not raise any error
  2787. passed 1E319EB4 Reading SSLv2 session - Record with cleartext
  2788. passed 6802D577 Reading SSLv2 session - Record __getitem__
  2789. passed EA38711E Reading SSLv2 session - ClientHello
  2790. passed F508F1C7 Reading SSLv2 session - ServerHello
  2791. passed FEB3285E Reading SSLv2 session - ClientMasterKey with unknown server key
  2792. passed BBE97CEB Reading SSLv2 session - Importing server compromised key
  2793. passed B672832B Reading SSLv2 session - ClientMasterKey with compromised server key
  2794. passed 23E3A78B Reading SSLv2 session - Checking session secrets
  2795. passed 86A5B458 Reading SSLv2 session - Record with ciphertext
  2796. passed D40CC003 Reading SSLv2 session - ServerVerify
  2797. passed 9524473A Reading SSLv2 session - ClientFinished
  2798. passed 07FEBDE6 Reading SSLv2 session - RequestCertificate
  2799. passed 746B2B50 Reading SSLv2 session - ClientCertificate
  2800. passed 84FCDE31 Reading SSLv2 session - ServerFinished
  2801. passed BC3A7EF4 Reading SSLv2 session - Application data
  2802. passed C64B02EC Reading SSLv2 session - Checking final sequence numbers
  2803. passed 23F24CE3 Check TLS-related scapy internals - Checking raw() harmlessness (with RC4)
  2804. passed DC436DCC Check TLS-related scapy internals - Checking show2() harmlessness (with RC4)
  2805. passed 8C36E060 Check TLS-related scapy internals - Checking show2() harmlessness (with 3DES)
  2806. passed C92A29DD Check TLS-related scapy internals - Checking tls_session freeze during show2()
  2807. passed 4D6AB548 Check TLS-related scapy internals - Checking SSLv2 cast from TLS class
  2808. passed 6F807B3A Building SSLv2 packets - Various default messages
  2809. passed 3C3264EF Building SSLv2 packets - Error within clear record
  2810. passed 3B4095F3 Building SSLv2 packets - ClientHello with automatic length computation
  2811. passed E7B2C5B9 Building SSLv2 packets - ClientMasterKey context linking
  2812. Campaign CRC=7AAA9D52 SHA=089C7AF8C901FA443168483E6E4900BC7B913EDF
  2813. PASSED=27 FAILED=0
  2814. ### Loading: test/x509.uts
  2815. passed 815A2A6F Decoding an ASN.1 SEQUENCE with an unknown, high-tag identifier
  2816. passed A0410715 Key class : Importing DER encoded RSA private key
  2817. passed 156EF5A0 Key class : key version
  2818. passed 6FB0E92E Key class : key modulus
  2819. passed 04D67681 Key class : key public exponent
  2820. passed CE3F420E Key class : key private exponent
  2821. passed 9C1E1F5D Key class : key prime1
  2822. passed ADA3892D Key class : key prime2
  2823. passed 061180BE Key class : key exponent1
  2824. passed 4C22B5AF Key class : key exponent2
  2825. passed 2A1EAC96 Key class : key coefficient
  2826. passed CA5C6209 Cert class : Importing DER encoded X.509 Certificate with RSA public key
  2827. passed 1C954526 Cert class : Rebuild certificate
  2828. passed 6519AA69 Cert class : Version
  2829. passed 5F89792E Cert class : Serial
  2830. passed 96069759 Cert class : Signature algorithm (as advertised by TBSCertificate)
  2831. passed 2B54E823 Cert class : Issuer structure
  2832. passed 9A359EB2 Cert class : Issuer first attribute
  2833. passed BCD8E63C Cert class : Issuer string
  2834. passed C41B9CFF Cert class : Validity
  2835. passed 49247FAF Cert class : Subject structure
  2836. passed 67529256 Cert class : Subject last attribute
  2837. passed B8A26A10 Cert class : Subject string
  2838. passed F1749DC0 Cert class : SubjectPublicKey algorithm
  2839. passed 57564CB0 Cert class : SubjectPublicKey value
  2840. passed 605143AE Cert class : Extensions structure
  2841. passed E39175B6 Cert class : Subject key identifier extension info
  2842. passed AAA70103 Cert class : Subject key identifier extension value
  2843. passed E12DA65D Cert class : Signature algorithm
  2844. passed 78AD39E7 Cert class : Signature value
  2845. passed 68047BAF Cert class : Default X509_Cert from scratch
  2846. passed FB1213A9 Cert class : Error
  2847. passed D9A3D2B4 CRL class : Importing DER encoded X.509 CRL
  2848. passed 1C954526 CRL class : Rebuild crl
  2849. passed B1A3384E CRL class : Version
  2850. passed 37D33E06 CRL class : Signature algorithm (as advertised by TBSCertList)
  2851. passed 181DA09D CRL class : Issuer structure
  2852. passed D95B0CF4 CRL class : Issuer first attribute
  2853. passed 16D18A47 CRL class : Issuer string
  2854. passed 29C49A61 CRL class : This update
  2855. passed D4495358 CRL class : Optional next update
  2856. passed 5F33E02C CRL class : Optional revoked_certificates structure
  2857. passed D77CB718 CRL class : Revoked_certificates first attribute
  2858. passed C42F3BD5 CRL class : Extensions structure
  2859. passed F0DF9A48 CRL class : Signature algorithm
  2860. passed 44713053 CRL class : Signature value
  2861. passed 77266656 CRL class : Default X509_CRL from scratch
  2862. passed B539127D Randval tests : ASN1F_SEQUENCE_OF
  2863. passed 87053B16 Randval tests : ASN1F_PACKET
  2864. passed CB31C001 OCSP class : OCSP Response import
  2865. passed B1F0C1FD OCSP class : OCSP Response global checks
  2866. passed 7082595B OCSP class : OCSP ResponseData checks
  2867. passed D5519085 OCSP class : OCSP SingleResponse checks
  2868. passed 5318D377 OCSP class : OCSP Response reconstruction
  2869. Campaign CRC=0C1AC101 SHA=6408F55B823CEE6E3AA87CC99D07D112FB4D8DF5
  2870. PASSED=54 FAILED=0
  2871. ### Loading: test/dnssecRR.uts
  2872. passed 01F134E9 example from RFC 4034
  2873. passed 95B7A220 [0]
  2874. passed 7AF543C7 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
  2875. passed E6640B6D [256,512,4096,36864]
  2876. passed A63AF85B [65535]
  2877. passed D0647AEE example from RFC 4034
  2878. passed 0818D1B5 [0]
  2879. passed 6B6F484A [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
  2880. passed C34A7B08 [256,512,4096,36864]
  2881. passed BEACAC75 [65535]
  2882. passed EB8F00DF DNSRRNSEC(), basic instantiation
  2883. passed 85F328F1 DNSRRRNSEC(), check parameters
  2884. passed 06D8E113 DNSRRNSEC3(), basic instantiation
  2885. passed 83835EFE DNSRRRNSEC3(), check parameters
  2886. passed AB7DB468 DNSRRNSEC3PARAM(), basic instantiation
  2887. passed 7A5BA656 DNSRRRNSEC3PARAM(), check parameters
  2888. passed 79BF520A DNSRRRSIG(), basic instantiation
  2889. passed B328C932 DNSRRRSIG(), check parameters
  2890. passed E86741B7 DNSRRRSIG(), dissection
  2891. passed 98DDC0CB DNSRRDNSKEY(), basic instantiation
  2892. passed CBB44857 DNSRRDNSKEY(), check parameters
  2893. passed EEE416B6 DNSRRDNSKEY(), dissection
  2894. passed 2CF66A6D DNSRRDS() and DNSRRDLV(), basic instancaition
  2895. passed CCA6DC1B DNSRRDS(), check parameters
  2896. passed 9C9F8327 DNSRR(type="TXT") instantiation
  2897. passed E22D54A9 Build DNSRR
  2898. passed 4B145851 DNSRRR(), check parameters
  2899. passed 176E770E DNSRRTSIG basic instantiation
  2900. passed 5730FB06 DNSRRTSIG(), check parameters
  2901. passed 07978DCE TimeField methods
  2902. Campaign CRC=A367907F SHA=09B8E27232A50989CFE059C1B26E0C1E32B12FAC
  2903. PASSED=30 FAILED=0
  2904. ### Loading: test/pptp.uts
  2905. passed 6EFF2540 Test IP/GRE v0 decoding
  2906. passed C40B414B Test IP/GRE v1 decoding with PPP LCP
  2907. passed C41F3564 Test IP/GRE v1 encoding/decoding with PPP LCP Echo
  2908. passed A9CFFD76 Test LCP Echo Request / Reply
  2909. passed 6755A821 Test LCP Configure Request
  2910. passed 625ED6EB Test LCP Configure Ack
  2911. passed 2A150CEB Test LCP Configure Nak
  2912. passed F5665338 Test LCP Configure Reject
  2913. passed C66ED592 Test LCP Configure options
  2914. passed 1FAB0BB1 Test LCP Auth option
  2915. passed D8825501 Test LCP Code-Reject
  2916. passed 78DFBBA4 Test LCP Protocol-Reject
  2917. passed 870294C7 Test LCP Discard Request
  2918. passed 584C7AE1 Test LCP Terminate-Request/Terminate-Ack
  2919. passed D9FED231 Test PPP PAP Request
  2920. passed 36B756A4 Test PPP PAP Authenticate-Ack
  2921. passed C0AFFCCE Test PPP PAP Authenticate-Nak
  2922. passed D8483E17 Test PPP CHAP Challenge
  2923. passed 0F6EEE34 Test PPP CHAP Response
  2924. passed 0B028577 Test PPP CHAP Success
  2925. passed 2594D84E Test PPP CHAP Failure
  2926. passed 06A1315D Test PPTP Start-Control-Connection-Request
  2927. passed 53A1CC21 Test PPTP Start-Control-Connection-Reply
  2928. passed DE3D1768 Test PPTP Stop-Control-Connection-Request
  2929. passed 0CD7142B Test PPTP Stop-Control-Connection-Reply
  2930. passed 06FAA0BD Test PPTP Echo-Request
  2931. passed 80AF2CB5 Test PPTP Echo-Reply
  2932. passed 4AD76384 Test PPTP Outgoing-Call-Request
  2933. passed 71E948C8 Test PPTP Outgoing-Call-Reply
  2934. passed B2E32729 Test PPTP Incoming-Call-Request
  2935. passed 5E58E216 Test PPTP Incoming-Call-Reply
  2936. passed 81441A17 Test PPTP Incoming-Call-Connected
  2937. passed 13FF9ECF Test PPTP Call-Clear-Request
  2938. passed DE4636EE Test PPTP Call-Disconnect-Notify
  2939. passed 2018BB75 Test PPTP WAN-Error-Notify
  2940. passed 27E04195 Test PPTP Set-Link-Info
  2941. Campaign CRC=E9052660 SHA=8F4AE310D3D78E147B15FC72D749360D27D9D028
  2942. PASSED=36 FAILED=0
  2943. ### Loading: test/answering_machines.uts
  2944. passed A920212C Generic answering machine mocker
  2945. passed E96DD2B7 BOOT_am
  2946. passed 7AE7679E DHCP_am
  2947. passed E85516A9 ARP_am
  2948. passed E9B767DD DNS_am
  2949. passed 1E25B757 WiFi_am
  2950. Campaign CRC=21AE2775 SHA=CEE3357714310ED75E45938CE1A190EE176C5F5C
  2951. PASSED=6 FAILED=0
  2952. ### Loading: test/tls13.uts
  2953. passed 0102BDEC Reading TLS 1.3 test session (vectors 5 from draft-ietf-tls-tls13-vectors-00)
  2954. Campaign CRC=552B71B3 SHA=C0D3419454583478820424DB81B12BCC7771C03F
  2955. PASSED=1 FAILED=0
  2956. ### Loading: test/dot15d4.uts
  2957. passed 7B563AEB Dot15D4 layers
  2958. passed 6F6DE6FD Dot15d4FCS parent matching
  2959. passed E42C06AC Set SixLoWPAN
  2960. passed 102CC8AF SixLoWPAN layers
  2961. passed 2B724DED Default dissection
  2962. passed A0F43B4C Frag second dissection
  2963. passed F9570ED2 LoWPAN_IPHC dissections
  2964. passed 7FCF4BDF Advanced packets - dissection & FCS computation
  2965. passed F62E82C6 Dot15d4AuxSecurityHeader - build & dissect
  2966. passed 0CA0C1B8 Fragmentate packet & defragmentate
  2967. passed 00000000 Mesh Header.
  2968. passed 06E7450E SixLoWPAN - Advanced 1
  2969. passed A815A33C SixLoWPAN - Advanced 2
  2970. passed AD889D86 SixLoWPAN - Advanced 3
  2971. passed 3A2BFFAB SixLoWPAN - Using ICMP
  2972. passed 8B03A86B LoWPAN_IPHC - Extracted packet
  2973. passed AC636571 LoWPAN_IPHC - Extracted packet 2
  2974. passed FDA7F30B SixLoWPAN - Check Traffic Class and Flow Label when TF=0
  2975. passed CAC867F0 SixLoWPAN - Check Traffic Class and Flow Label when TF=1
  2976. passed 845C5519 SixLoWPAN - Check Traffic Class and Flow Label when TF=2
  2977. passed 072CF461 SixLoWPAN - Checking the Hop Limit value in the IPv6 packet decompressed
  2978. passed 251FC4FE SixLoWPAN - Check Source Address
  2979. passed 04477E01 Compressed SixLoWPAN - real packets with ZEP2
  2980. passed BCAF850C SixLoWPAN - Using ETH
  2981. passed 3DCF0403 SixLoWPAN - Using ETH 2
  2982. passed 389AF3BB SixLoWPAN - Using ETH 3
  2983. passed EB847AC1 Set zigbee
  2984. passed 5121B294 Zigbee - layers
  2985. passed 8E22AE0D Zigbee - ZCLGeneralReadAttributesResponse
  2986. passed 7C78C9E6 Zigbee - ZigbeeAppDataPayload
  2987. passed 8C49FE43 Zigbee - advanced dissection
  2988. passed 71EC8894 Zigbee - skke_1 transport key
  2989. Campaign CRC=C00496E4 SHA=B52452CB859F4CDA9CE237658DE430747C275D38
  2990. PASSED=32 FAILED=0
  2991. ### Loading: test/nmap.uts
  2992. passed D4B85D3C Module loading
  2993. passed D4A566B0 Test functions
  2994. passed 7895A071 Fetch database
  2995. passed D7178FF8 Database loading
  2996. ........*..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................passed AF409611 fingerprint test:
  2997. passed 3C98D393 fingerprint test: gateway
  2998. *.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................passed C372A31B fingerprint test: to text
  2999. *......*.............*............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................passed B79D79E0 nmap_udppacket_sig test:
  3000. passed 86323758 Nmap base not available
  3001. passed 3230DA5F Clear temp files
  3002. Campaign CRC=73D3BBE0 SHA=0A08D75AEB07568AD3A7C14F9748031CCFAD3D01
  3003. PASSED=10 FAILED=0
  3004. ### Loading: test/pipetool.uts
  3005. passed A1531699 Import Bunch
  3006. Warning: This program is an suid-root program or is being run by the root user.
  3007. The full text of the error or warning message cannot be safely formatted
  3008. in this environment. You may get a more descriptive message by running the
  3009. program as a non-root user or by removing the suid bit on the executable.
  3010. xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: %s
  3011. xterm: DISPLAY is not set
  3012. passed 3D9C608B Test default test case
  3013. passed 10405756 Test add_pipe
  3014. passed F205E1DE Test exhausted source
  3015. passed DF905DB3 Test add_pipe on running instance
  3016. passed 90A3BAED Test Operators
  3017. passed 03E71414 Test doc
  3018. passed 6FD12EEC Test RawConsoleSink with CLIFeeder
  3019. passed 17686D4D Test QueueSink with CLIFeeder
  3020. passed 78AB5F06 Test UpDrain
  3021. passed F37DF15D Test DownDrain
  3022. passed 768E45E7 Test SniffSource
  3023. passed 688BD531 Test exhausted AutoSource and SniffSource
  3024. passed F3C06C9A Test RdpcapSource and WrpcapSink
  3025. passed 8D430E18 Test InjectSink and Inject3Sink
  3026. passed 5253C3FC TriggerDrain and TriggeredValve with CLIFeeder
  3027. passed 38B83B94 TriggerDrain and TriggeredValve with CLIHighFeeder
  3028. passed 5253C3FC TriggerDrain and TriggeredQueueingValve with CLIFeeder
  3029. passed BDD3E66C TriggerDrain and TriggeredSwitch with CLIFeeder on high channel
  3030. passed 046C140A TriggerDrain and TriggeredSwitch with CLIHighFeeder on low channel
  3031. passed 1C0C74BE TriggerDrain and TriggeredMessage
  3032. passed 4B4F8A83 TriggerDrain and TriggeredQueueingValve on low channel
  3033. passed 0B3A37E0 TriggerDrain and TriggeredQueueingValve on high channel
  3034. passed 927B1445 UDPDrain
  3035. passed 86573345 FDSourceSink on a Bunch object
  3036. passed B0251BC1 TCPConnectPipe networking test
  3037. Campaign CRC=BC2623AD SHA=2D886809DAC01139CD572C1BE3CE80A92F6C0314
  3038. PASSED=26 FAILED=0
  3039. ### Loading: test/bluetooth4LE.uts
  3040. passed 9984EE5A Default build
  3041. passed 20EEB610 Basic dissection
  3042. passed D470A3B4 BTLE_DATA build
  3043. passed A782E4AD BTLE_DATA + EIR_ShortenedLocalName
  3044. passed AFC023DF BTLE_DATA + CtrlPDU
  3045. passed B4F407E8 BTLE_DATA + ATT_PrepareWriteReq
  3046. passed F0D2F433 BTLE layers
  3047. passed E05E9B23 BTLE_RF link
  3048. passed 73A054D6 With PPI
  3049. passed 00356CCF Without PPI
  3050. Campaign CRC=0313DF19 SHA=554DA32144AC15A8CB7C17E68D9F371876175784
  3051. PASSED=10 FAILED=0
  3052. ### Loading: test/cert.uts
  3053. passed 7467C9D5 PKCS os2ip basic tests
  3054. passed 7CDE63E1 PKCS i2osp basic tests
  3055. passed B28AF781 PubKey class : Importing PEM-encoded RSA public key
  3056. passed DEB7954B PubKey class : Verifying PEM key format
  3057. passed 1C9EB2F5 PubKey class : Importing DER-encoded RSA Key
  3058. passed 756D80F5 PubKey class : Verifying DER key format
  3059. passed D99A77ED PubKey class : Checking modulus value
  3060. passed B1A9D1E6 PubKey class : Checking public exponent value
  3061. passed 74A3AA7E PubKey class : Importing PEM-encoded ECDSA public key
  3062. passed 712AE41F PubKey class : Checking curve
  3063. passed AC355F33 PubKey class : Checking point value
  3064. passed 11BA4E81 PubKeyRSA class : Generate without modulus
  3065. passed 8C0EE682 PrivKey class : Importing PEM-encoded RSA private key
  3066. passed BBABEEBD PrivKey class : Checking public attributes
  3067. passed C522A6B2 PrivKey class : Checking private attributes
  3068. passed 59BEC5F0 PrivKey class : Importing PEM-encoded ECDSA private key
  3069. passed 048DABDC PrivKeyECDSA sign & verify
  3070. passed 574B1FA6 PubKeyECDSA verify
  3071. passed 4105D581 PrivKey class : Importing DER-encoded RSA private key
  3072. passed 3816E9A8 PrivKey class : Checking public attributes
  3073. passed AC272088 PrivKey class : Checking private attributes
  3074. passed A2AE99D4 PrivKey class : sign tbs cert
  3075. passed 19E68023 PrivKey/PubKey classes : Signing/Verifying with MD5_SHA1 hash
  3076. passed E280E220 PrivKey/PubKey classes : Signing/Verifying with MD5_SHA1 hash with legacy support
  3077. passed 3F2C417F Cert class : Importing PEM-encoded X.509 Certificate
  3078. passed D5B0F293 Cert class : Checking version
  3079. passed FC12B8BB Cert class : Checking certificate serial number extraction
  3080. passed AFA16673 Cert class : Checking signature algorithm
  3081. passed 9B8F7229 Cert class : Checking issuer extraction in basic format (/C=FR ...)
  3082. passed 2ADF05A7 Cert class : Checking subject extraction in basic format (/C=FR ...)
  3083. passed DE4DF378 Cert class : Checking start date extraction in simple and tuple formats
  3084. passed B2215E79 Cert class : Checking end date extraction in simple and tuple formats
  3085. passed 5F4A083B Cert class : test remainingDays
  3086. passed 72F683BC Cert class : Checking RSA public key
  3087. passed 8850F39D Cert class : Checking extensions
  3088. passed DA1699AD Cert class : Importing another PEM-encoded X.509 Certificate
  3089. passed BD33B64D Cert class : Checking ECDSA public key
  3090. passed A77D322B Cert class : Checking ECDSA signature
  3091. passed C33F1E71 Cert class : Test show
  3092. passed F710A869 CRL class : Importing PEM-encoded CRL
  3093. passed 3BBE93BF CRL class : Checking version
  3094. passed 9FEEDBE5 CRL class : Checking issuer extraction in basic format (/C=FR ...)
  3095. passed 9C7206C7 CRL class : Checking lastUpdate date extraction in tuple format
  3096. passed AFB28660 CRL class : Checking nextUpdate date extraction in tuple format
  3097. passed 3148A0F7 CRL class : Checking number of revoked certificates
  3098. passed F5F73161 CRL class : Checking presence of one revoked certificate
  3099. passed 4BBE171F Cert/CRL class : Checking isRevoked
  3100. passed DC94D878 CRL class : Test show
  3101. passed 29ED0F21 Cert class : Checking isIssuerCert()
  3102. passed ECE33A81 Cert class : Checking isSelfSigned()
  3103. passed ADD2C36B PubKey class : Checking verifyCert()
  3104. passed DB119917 Chain class : Checking chain construction
  3105. passed 4AA5853F Chain class : Checking chain verification
  3106. passed A4A6ED7D Chain class: Checking chain verification with file
  3107. passed B95F31AC Clear files
  3108. passed 4D9EB4B7 Test __repr__
  3109. Campaign CRC=C2871EB5 SHA=D2820BC2CBFFDD3B281B1F076C4DB08B02B7787D
  3110. PASSED=56 FAILED=0
  3111. ### Loading: test/linux.uts
  3112. passed CC7522B3 TCP client automaton
  3113. *passed 89C37909 L3RawSocket
  3114. passed 04E7ACD0 Test legacy attach_filter function
  3115. 5: scapy0: <BROADCAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
  3116. link/ether f6:1c:d0:66:7f:49 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  3117. inet scope global scapy0
  3118. valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  3119. inet brd scope global scapy0:0
  3120. valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  3121. passed 7FD323AA Interface aliases & sub-interfaces
  3122. passed A30FAAC6 catch looback device missing
  3123. passed E76E7080 catch looback device no address assigned
  3124. passed 67BACDB8 IPv6 link-local address selection
  3125. Error: argument "this_IF_name_is_to_long_and_will_cause_an_error" is wrong: "name" too long
  3127. passed 46DCC6E1 veth interface error handling
  3128. ..passed 3609CF4B veth interface usage - ctx manager
  3129. ..passed BDD6B0B7 veth interface usage - manual interface handling
  3130. passed C586475C Routing table, interface with no names
  3131. passed D0DF5478 L3PacketSocket sendto exception
  3132. passed A54648FB Test _check_tcpdump()
  3133. Campaign CRC=BCDD8FA6 SHA=5BA160D7AAC14FD55745247CB91F0FA7A8642F9B
  3134. PASSED=13 FAILED=0
  3135. ### Loading: test/can.uts
  3136. passed DA5FBA5C Load module
  3137. passed BF15F873 Build a packet
  3138. passed E055F517 Dissect & parse
  3139. passed D0813640 Check flags values
  3140. passed 1EE8E4D9 Read PCAP file
  3141. passed 5DCA8A8D Check if parsing worked: each packet has a CAN layer
  3142. passed E40575B5 Check if parsing worked: no packet has a Raw or Padding layer
  3143. passed 693147EC Identifiers
  3144. passed 18CBEDC3 Flags
  3145. passed BC62DA16 Data length
  3146. passed D9F0453E read PCAP of a CookedLinux/SocketCAN capture (CAN standard and extended)
  3147. passed DD95CBA8 check CAN is detected over CookedLinux (each packet has both layers)
  3148. passed E40575B5 Check if parsing worked: no packet has a Raw or Padding layer
  3149. passed 95A2D6C1 Check byte swap for dissection
  3150. passed 4958E113 Check byte swap-back for building
  3151. passed A09B1357 Check building CAN packet with not padded data field
  3152. passed 3F53DF33 Check rdcandump default
  3153. passed EFC00941 Check rdcandump filter
  3154. passed 4E975B3A Check rdcandump not log file format
  3155. passed 2B33B8E2 Check rdcandump count
  3156. passed 756A71CF Check rdcandump default extended frames id < 0x7ff
  3157. Campaign CRC=BCCB42C7 SHA=6450B4C0F47E95ABA7FFF96EB01D8D62E60532C9
  3158. PASSED=21 FAILED=0
  3159. ### Loading: test/regression.uts
  3160. passed E71444CD Get conf
  3161. passed C7B4EFF2 Test module version detection
  3162. passed 19EC7768 List layers
  3163. passed FE0F029B List layers - advanced
  3164. passed B614219C List commands
  3165. passed AD124E63 List contribs
  3166. passed DE8CCBA1 Check that all contrib modules are well-configured
  3167. passed 0A631592 Configuration
  3168. passed 76362689 Configuration conf.use_* LINUX
  3169. passed 970EB61E UTscapy route check
  3170. passed 6D45F850 Interface related functions
  3171. passed 0A2F78BE Test read_routes6() - default output
  3172. passed 534056AF Test read_routes6() - check mandatory routes
  3173. passed EC9F19C0 Test ifchange()
  3174. passed 630DC34D Pickle and unpickle a packet
  3175. passed 29EB7522 Usage test
  3176. passed 047BBDD9 Session test
  3177. passed 358903D2 Session test with fname
  3178. passed 77972341 Clear session files
  3179. passed 26B0188A Test temporary file creation
  3180. passed F3CA4AF5 Emulate interact()
  3181. passed 81E2AF6D Test explore() with GUI mode
  3182. passed 0BA85D98 Test explore() with non-GUI mode
  3183. passed E528FB12 Test load_contrib overwrite
  3184. passed B97A8D27 Test sane function
  3185. passed 0F048235 Test lhex function
  3186. passed EFAA494A Test restart function
  3187. passed 709E8D59 Test linehexdump function
  3188. passed 84F60AFB Test chexdump function
  3189. passed 77D2AF54 Test repr_hex function
  3190. passed 18D9F734 Test hexstr function
  3191. passed AD979794 Test fletcher16 functions
  3192. passed 5412F8DD Test mysummary functions - Ether
  3193. passed 438CB37E Test zerofree_randstring function
  3194. passed AE5CA56C Test export_object and import_object functions
  3195. passed 15EB18BA Test tex_escape function
  3196. passed 264A2A33 Test colgen function
  3197. passed C05BFAC1 Test incremental_label function
  3198. passed 92E11F43 Test corrupt_* functions
  3199. passed B3149865 Test save_object and load_object functions
  3200. passed 8000B16F Test whois function
  3201. passed BB02F984 Test manuf DB methods
  3202. passed 55C51765 Test multiple wireshark's manuf formats
  3203. passed 94FFDA87 Test utility functions - network related
  3204. passed 9EDB93F7 Test autorun functions
  3205. passed 33DA38EA Test utility TEX functions
  3206. passed 27B33D76 Test config file functions
  3207. passed 79DA91B5 Test CacheInstance repr
  3208. passed AD8592A5 Packet class methods
  3209. passed 7019404B hide_defaults
  3210. passed C871CB89 split_layers
  3211. passed 48E1CA2A fuzz on packets with advanced RandNum
  3212. passed 52407322 fuzz on packets with FlagsField
  3213. passed 6CABED80 Building some packets
  3214. passed 8A5DFB7D Manipulating some packets
  3215. passed 4E09A425 Checking overloads
  3216. passed 3E36F166 sprintf() function
  3217. passed 5D99FA28 sprintf() function
  3218. passed F24A9F91 haslayer function
  3219. passed 7B185480 getlayer function
  3220. passed 3F096904 getlayer / haslayer with name
  3221. passed EB905B84 getlayer with a filter
  3222. passed B1C374EB specific haslayer and getlayer implementations for NTP
  3223. passed 1751C560 specific haslayer and getlayer implementations for EAP
  3224. passed 69995C65 specific haslayer and getlayer implementations for RadiusAttribute
  3225. passed 7F8D0DEC equality
  3226. passed 73A79C3D answers
  3227. passed 5921AF76 Padding assembly
  3228. passed A9AF49AF Padding and length computation
  3229. passed 2814B0C5 PadField test
  3230. passed 15BD6ED7 ReversePadField
  3231. passed CBAAEDAF Creation of an IPv3 class from IP class with different default values
  3232. passed 0E3B8822 Test of IPv3 class
  3233. passed 0996C047 ISAKMP creation
  3234. passed 13E7F83A ISAKMP manipulation
  3235. passed 75894D40 ISAKMP assembly
  3236. passed AAE066B0 ISAKMP disassembly
  3237. passed 7E3D9D4C TFTP Options
  3238. passed 766077DC Dot11FCS parent matching
  3239. passed 1245E8E9 WEP tests
  3240. passed E427F20F RadioTap - dissection & build
  3241. passed BB29AD86 RadioTap Big-Small endian dissection
  3242. passed 5CFA86AD RadioTap MCS dissection
  3243. passed 29A7B347 RadioTap RX/TX Flags dissection
  3244. passed 4068E545 RadioTap - Dissection - guess_payload_class() test
  3245. passed B299DDA3 RadioTap - Dissection with Extended presence mask
  3246. passed DCC54F08 RadioTap - Build with Extended presence mask
  3247. passed 453205F1 fuzz() calls for Dot11Elt()
  3248. passed 7704A111 SNMP assembling
  3249. passed 89437673 SNMP disassembling
  3250. passed F7F25C3B Basic UDP/SNMP bindings
  3251. passed 078501B1 ASN1 - ASN1_Object
  3252. passed 7EA44FC4 ASN1 - ASN1_BIT_STRING
  3253. passed 5CF0AB92 ASN1 - ASN1_SEQUENCE
  3254. passed A2A7B375 ASN1 - ASN1_DECODING_ERROR
  3255. passed DD7EF478 ASN1 - ASN1_INTEGER
  3256. passed 0613C657 ASN1 - ASN1_OID
  3257. passed 7E6A9D70 RandASN1Object(), specific crashes
  3258. passed D5B3F59A Import retry_test()
  3259. *passed 2E1DF5DB Sending and receiving an ICMP
  3260. ..passed 3567C16F Sending an ICMP message at layer 2 and layer 3
  3261. passed 59BAAA5B Sending an ICMP message 'forever' at layer 2 and layer 3
  3262. *.*..*..*..*..*.*..*..*..*.*..*..*..*..*..*..*.*..*..*..*.*..*..*..*..*..*..**.*..*...*..*...*.*...*..*...*..*...*..*..*..*..*..*..*...*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*...**.*.*..*..*.*..*...*.*.*..*.*.*.*..*..*..*..*.*..*..*.*..*.*.*.*..*..**.*..*..*.*.*..*..*.*.*..*.*..*.**.*..*..*.*.*...*...*.*..*..*.*..**..*..*.*..*.*..*..*.*..*.*..*..**..*.*..*.*.*..*..*.*..*.*.**..*.*.*passed 9ADE604B Sending and receiving an ICMP with flooding methods
  3263. *passed 515B18B1 DNS request
  3264. passed D5631F8D Whois request
  3265. passed AC6D2354 AS resolvers
  3266. passed C8EED631 AS resolver - IPv6
  3267. passed 0FA8EBD5 AS resolver - socket error
  3268. passed A0F4B95B sendpfast
  3269. passed 6E277EB6 Implicit logic 1
  3270. passed 4C656AED Implicit logic 2
  3271. .....*...*...*.*...*....*...*...*passed 31D212E9 Port scan
  3272. *passed 2E0FC914 Send & receive with debug_match
  3273. *....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................passed CB887E89 Send & receive with retry
  3274. *............*...*passed CFE82148 Send & receive with process
  3275. *.........*....*passed 9A4C1B6E Send & receive with store_unanswered=False
  3276. *****************************passed 2E715959 Traceroute function
  3277. passed 4A3C3B08 Result manipulation
  3278. passed 3595B810 DNS packet manipulation
  3279. *passed EC73A16C Arping
  3280. ...passed AC2426C9 send() and sniff()
  3281. passed 5DCEE3B3 Test L2ListenTcpdump socket
  3282. *passed F1110DC7 Test set of sent_time by sr
  3283. *.....*passed 25FA141B Test set of sent_time by sr (multiple packets)
  3284. *..*...*....*....*....*...*....*.....*...*....*...*...*.....*....*....*...*...*....*....*.....*....*....*....*...*.....*....*..*passed D2FB12C3 Test set of sent_time by srflood
  3285. *........*passed EB28EC9C Test set of sent_time by srflood (multiple packets)
  3286. passed 6746E7CA __repr__
  3287. passed 1583A3C8 check _resolve_MAC
  3288. passed 2D88E8B2 Simple automaton
  3289. passed D785BCCB Simple automaton Tests
  3290. passed 82AA11A9 Simple automaton stuck test
  3291. passed 39F3BF81 Automaton state overloading
  3292. passed 5F274415 Automaton condition overloading
  3293. passed 837A9978 Automaton action overloading
  3294. passed D0FA282A Automaton priorities
  3295. passed CAC5E033 Automaton test same action for many conditions
  3296. passed 0195C9EB Automaton test io event
  3297. passed CF3C6283 Automaton test io event from external fd
  3298. passed 7475046E Automaton test interception_points, and restart
  3299. passed C7A31517 IP options individual assembly
  3300. passed 9A8D64B8 IP options individual dissection
  3301. passed 8F391EDD IP assembly and dissection with options
  3302. passed 6851222B PPPoE
  3303. passed CD4992FF PPP/HDLC
  3304. passed 53649A26 PPP IPCP
  3305. passed 53D744FB PPP ECP
  3306. passed F010028E PPP_ (PPP with only one byte for protocol)
  3307. passed D1CE7F15 IPv6 Class basic Instantiation
  3308. passed 47FE251A IPv6 Class basic build (default values)
  3309. passed 2AFB2655 IPv6 Class basic dissection (default values)
  3310. passed 116A1D05 IPv6 Class with basic TCP stacked - build
  3311. passed E77B83DD IPv6 Class with basic TCP stacked - dissection
  3312. passed F1924BC2 IPv6 Class with TCP and TCP data - build
  3313. passed 1D6B5FEB IPv6 Class with TCP and TCP data - dissection
  3314. passed F195E599 IPv6 Class binding with Ethernet - build
  3315. passed A0974624 IPv6 Class binding with Ethernet - dissection
  3316. passed FD44B31B IPv6 Class - summary
  3317. passed DB6C92E4 IPv6 Class binding with GRE - build
  3318. passed FF2BFB92 IPv6 Class binding with GRE - dissection
  3319. passed 2D45AAC8 IPv6ExtHdrRouting Class - No address - build
  3320. passed 2FB49298 IPv6ExtHdrRouting Class - One address - build
  3321. passed 1398D3BC IPv6ExtHdrRouting Class - Multiple Addresses - build
  3322. passed BFE608B1 IPv6ExtHdrRouting Class - Specific segleft (2->1) - build
  3323. passed 45FC49B8 IPv6ExtHdrRouting Class - Specific segleft (2->0) - build
  3324. passed 94E5198B IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting Class - default - build & dissect
  3325. passed 345DF334 IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting Class - addresses list - build & dissect
  3326. passed 6B38D760 IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting Class - TLVs list - build & dissect
  3327. passed EB6DC194 IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting Class - both lists - build & dissect
  3328. passed 775ED580 IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting Class - UDP pseudo-header checksum - build & dissect
  3329. passed 64FF945F Test in6_get6to4Prefix() - address
  3330. passed D66F1EFB Test in6_get6to4Prefix() - address
  3331. passed 89A19ABC Test in6_get6to4Prefix() - address
  3332. passed C85A196A Test in6_get6to4Prefix() - invalid address
  3333. passed A5258DE8 Test in6_6to4ExtractAddr() - 2002:: address
  3334. passed C1C5C579 Test in6_6to4ExtractAddr() - address
  3335. passed 1856D118 Test in6_6to4ExtractAddr() - "2002:101:101::" address
  3336. passed FE84F001 Test in6_6to4ExtractAddr() - invalid address
  3337. passed 116945D2 in6_getLinkScopedMcastAddr() : default generation
  3338. passed 15A1164B in6_getLinkScopedMcastAddr() : different valid scope values
  3339. passed 1B46F9F2 in6_getLinkScopedMcastAddr() : grpid in different formats
  3340. passed 9C7E1D83 in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 1)
  3341. passed 86460033 in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 2)
  3342. passed 18EDF6C2 in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 3)
  3343. passed E27E1DC5 in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 4)
  3344. passed 55DFF829 in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 5)
  3345. passed 4FE7E599 in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 6)
  3346. passed EC2EECAB in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 1)
  3347. passed DF0FDAFB in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 2)
  3348. passed B330D236 in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 3)
  3349. passed FE0E4D6C in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 4)
  3350. passed 90033B9C in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 5)
  3351. passed A3220DCC in6_mactoifaceid() conversion function (test 6)
  3352. passed 3089CFC8 in6_addrtomac() conversion function (test 1)
  3353. passed 03A8F998 in6_addrtomac() conversion function (test 2)
  3354. passed D7E362FE in6_addrtomac() conversion function (test 3)
  3355. passed 9ADDFDA4 in6_addrtomac() conversion function (test 4)
  3356. passed 4CA418FF in6_addrtomac() conversion function (test 5)
  3357. passed 7F852EAF in6_addrtomac() conversion function (test 6)
  3358. passed 5AA6447F Test in6_getRandomizedIfaceId
  3359. passed 343ADC44 Test RFC 1924 function - in6_ctop() basic test
  3360. passed 6AF7CDC0 Test RFC 1924 function - in6_ctop() with character outside charset
  3361. passed C172E6F3 Test RFC 1924 function - in6_ctop() with bad length address
  3362. passed C4342A8E Test RFC 1924 function - in6_ptoc() basic test
  3363. passed C4342A8E Test RFC 1924 function - in6_ptoc() basic test
  3364. passed A4701435 Test RFC 1924 function - in6_ptoc() with bad input
  3365. passed FCEA333A in6_getAddrType - 6to4 addresses
  3366. passed 131734E3 in6_getAddrType - Assignable Unicast global address
  3367. passed 8BDD9DB1 in6_getAddrType - Multicast global address
  3368. passed 213FCF86 in6_getAddrType - Multicast local address
  3369. passed 6CCACBE3 in6_getAddrType - Unicast Link-Local address
  3370. passed A8F9859D in6_getAddrType - Loopback address
  3371. passed 1CC8CEFB in6_getAddrType - Unspecified address
  3372. passed 9E620BFF in6_getAddrType - Unassigned Global Unicast address
  3373. passed 2F5A3C1A in6_getAddrType - Weird address (FE::1)
  3374. passed 1FCBAF51 in6_getAddrType - Weird address (FE8::1)
  3375. passed B929EB08 in6_getAddrType - Weird address (1::1)
  3376. passed 573C88CB in6_getAddrType - Weird address (1000::1)
  3377. passed B0274B52 ICMPv6DestUnreach Class - Basic Build (no argument)
  3378. passed 7C20B0AE ICMPv6DestUnreach Class - Basic Build over IPv6 (for cksum and overload)
  3379. passed 72B4D073 ICMPv6DestUnreach Class - Basic Build over IPv6 with some payload
  3380. passed 5DCED31E ICMPv6DestUnreach Class - Dissection with default values and some payload
  3381. passed 61EBCF68 ICMPv6DestUnreach Class - Dissection with specific values
  3382. passed 6A099C52 ICMPv6DestUnreach Class - checksum computation related stuff
  3383. passed 92F17464 ICMPv6PacketTooBig Class - Basic Build (no argument)
  3384. passed 60E87C3A ICMPv6PacketTooBig Class - Basic Build over IPv6 (for cksum and overload)
  3385. passed 0CA63B6C ICMPv6PacketTooBig Class - Basic Build over IPv6 with some payload
  3386. passed 12D4F0B8 ICMPv6PacketTooBig Class - Dissection with default values and some payload
  3387. passed 03142868 ICMPv6PacketTooBig Class - Dissection with specific values
  3388. passed 1BB988F8 ICMPv6PacketTooBig Class - checksum computation related stuff
  3389. passed 8A3F901A ICMPv6EchoRequest - Basic Instantiation
  3390. passed 699B15EE ICMPv6EchoRequest - Instantiation with specific values
  3391. passed EA446DAE ICMPv6EchoRequest - Basic dissection
  3392. passed E198A309 ICMPv6EchoRequest - Dissection with specific values
  3393. passed C8ABAED8 ICMPv6EchoRequest - Automatic checksum computation and field overloading (build)
  3394. passed D5DA8869 ICMPv6EchoRequest - Automatic checksum computation and field overloading (dissection)
  3395. passed 9B53C5BF ICMPv6EchoReply - Basic Instantiation
  3396. passed 731C7145 ICMPv6EchoReply - Instantiation with specific values
  3397. passed 6D91D17E ICMPv6EchoReply - Basic dissection
  3398. passed F842CDB8 ICMPv6EchoReply - Dissection with specific values
  3399. passed C7B5F6CD ICMPv6EchoReply - Automatic checksum computation and field overloading (build)
  3400. passed D5DA8869 ICMPv6EchoReply - Automatic checksum computation and field overloading (dissection)
  3401. passed D877DBBC ICMPv6EchoRequest and ICMPv6EchoReply - hashret() test 1
  3402. passed ED194425 ICMPv6EchoRequest and ICMPv6EchoReply - hashret() test 2
  3403. passed FCA0F5AC ICMPv6EchoRequest and ICMPv6EchoReply - hashret() test 3
  3404. passed A74729F6 ICMPv6EchoRequest and ICMPv6EchoReply - hashret() test 4
  3405. passed 99E290FA ICMPv6EchoRequest and ICMPv6EchoReply - answers() test 5
  3406. passed 6C09EBC2 ICMPv6EchoRequest and ICMPv6EchoReply - answers() test 6
  3407. passed 71108418 ICMPv6MRD_Advertisement - Basic instantiation
  3408. passed 8F8BA144 ICMPv6MRD_Advertisement - Instantiation with specific values
  3409. passed 9E6E21C9 ICMPv6MRD_Advertisement - Basic Dissection and overloading mechanisms
  3410. passed BE0C3CDF ICMPv6MRD_Solicitation - Basic dissection
  3411. passed EE2B5EA7 ICMPv6MRD_Solicitation - Instantiation with specific values
  3412. passed 1547161E ICMPv6MRD_Solicitation - Basic Dissection and overloading mechanisms
  3413. passed 8751A716 ICMPv6MRD_Termination Basic instantiation
  3414. passed F00B6415 ICMPv6MRD_Termination - Instantiation with specific values
  3415. passed EE51AADC ICMPv6MRD_Termination - Basic Dissection and overloading mechanisms
  3416. passed B0AE1C85 HBHOptUnknown - Basic Instantiation
  3417. passed ACAF4AE9 HBHOptUnknown - Basic Dissection
  3418. passed 8BD4223D HBHOptUnknown - Automatic optlen computation
  3419. passed 1149AE15 HBHOptUnknown - Instantiation with specific values
  3420. passed FEFDFEEE HBHOptUnknown - Dissection with specific values
  3421. passed 11565441 Pad1 - Basic Instantiation
  3422. passed 518CEBB3 Pad1 - Basic Dissection
  3423. passed 61AB67F0 PadN - Basic Instantiation
  3424. passed 656980DD PadN - Optlen Automatic computation
  3425. passed 17FC8495 PadN - Basic Dissection
  3426. passed C5CB0342 PadN - Dissection with specific values
  3427. passed D503B731 PadN - Instantiation with forced optlen
  3428. passed 1D8D7ADA RouterAlert - Basic Instantiation
  3429. passed A54FE28F RouterAlert - Basic Dissection
  3430. passed C7B9FB38 RouterAlert - Instantiation with specific values
  3431. passed F7186483 RouterAlert - Instantiation with specific values
  3432. passed F3FA9ADA Jumbo - Basic Instantiation
  3433. passed 99EED01B Jumbo - Basic Dissection
  3434. passed 91205FD6 Jumbo - Instantiation with specific values
  3435. passed E5FC9898 Jumbo - Dissection with specific values
  3436. passed 4CCEF5BF HAO - Basic Instantiation
  3437. passed 4E0F867C HAO - Basic Dissection
  3438. passed C418FF05 HAO - Instantiation with specific values
  3439. passed E7DC6D56 HAO - Dissection with specific values
  3440. passed 5C9A9966 HAO - hashret
  3441. passed 233C6301 IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Basic Instantiation
  3442. passed 7B48FFB4 IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with HAO option
  3443. passed FADA6FBC IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with RouterAlert option
  3444. passed 2C5CF83A IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with Jumbo option
  3445. passed D695A953 IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Complete dissection with Jumbo option
  3446. passed 4F45480A IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with Pad1 option
  3447. passed 4F45480A IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with PadN option
  3448. passed 5E80B26B IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with Jumbo, RouterAlert, HAO
  3449. passed A0AB0063 IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with HAO, Jumbo, RouterAlert
  3450. passed 9B504E62 IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Instantiation with RouterAlert, HAO, Jumbo
  3451. passed FECF1887 IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop - Basic Dissection
  3452. passed 4DDF99AE ICMPv6ND_RS - Basic instantiation
  3453. passed D56894C6 ICMPv6ND_RS - Basic instantiation with empty dst in IPv6 underlayer
  3454. passed A90C1892 ICMPv6ND_RS - Basic dissection
  3455. passed A375ED6F ICMPv6ND_RS - Basic instantiation with empty dst in IPv6 underlayer
  3456. passed 988340A1 ICMPv6ND_RA - Basic Instantiation
  3457. passed EAB9F5B1 ICMPv6ND_RA - Basic instantiation with empty dst in IPv6 underlayer
  3458. passed 854A2794 ICMPv6ND_RA - Basic dissection
  3459. passed 10B9F0CB ICMPv6ND_RA - Basic instantiation with empty dst in IPv6 underlayer
  3460. passed 5F315605 ICMPv6ND_RA - Answers
  3461. passed 729ACF34 ICMPv6ND_RA - Summary Output
  3462. passed 4107B846 ICMPv6ND_NS - Basic Instantiation
  3463. passed BE7F71E1 ICMPv6ND_NS - Instantiation with specific values
  3464. passed 0E54D262 ICMPv6ND_NS - Basic Dissection
  3465. passed 755A7237 ICMPv6ND_NS - Dissection with specific values
  3466. passed B8ED22A7 ICMPv6ND_NS - IPv6 layer fields overloading
  3467. passed 619885DF ICMPv6ND_NA - Basic Instantiation
  3468. passed 223DB4FA ICMPv6ND_NA - Instantiation with specific values
  3469. passed 4439E621 ICMPv6ND_NA - Basic Dissection
  3470. passed A2CDB8CB ICMPv6ND_NA - Dissection with specific values
  3471. passed B8ED22A7 ICMPv6ND_NS - IPv6 layer fields overloading
  3472. passed AB86627F ICMPv6ND_ND/ICMPv6ND_ND matching - test 1
  3473. passed 9A765EC0 ICMPv6NDOptUnknown - Basic Instantiation
  3474. passed 5A5D9618 ICMPv6NDOptUnknown - Instantiation with specific values
  3475. passed 3FE39940 ICMPv6NDOptUnknown - Basic Dissection
  3476. passed 13873292 ICMPv6NDOptUnknown - Dissection with specific values
  3477. passed 90AF5747 ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr - Basic Instantiation
  3478. passed E6828AEF ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr - Instantiation with specific values
  3479. passed 17C13F23 ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr - Basic Dissection
  3480. passed 68952992 ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr - Instantiation with specific values
  3481. passed DC35A7E9 ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr - Basic Instantiation
  3482. passed 6AF98091 ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr - Instantiation with specific values
  3483. passed A222A5B1 ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr - Basic Dissection
  3484. passed 4F1DECB4 ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr - Instantiation with specific values
  3485. passed F594DA97 ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo - Basic Instantiation
  3486. passed 48915433 ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo - Instantiation with specific values
  3487. passed ACF9B9CF ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo - Basic Dissection
  3488. passed 5CFA5B35 ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo - Instantiation with specific values
  3489. passed 406CE07A ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr - Basic Instantiation
  3490. passed D0348B15 ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr - Instantiation with specific values
  3491. passed 2CEAD38E ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr - Instantiation with simple IPv6 packet (no upper layer)
  3492. passed 8EEC368B ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr - Basic Dissection
  3493. passed C1EB1E49 ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr - Disssection with specific values
  3494. passed 825E4405 ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr - Dissection with cut IPv6 Header
  3495. passed C3B0C13D ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr - Complete dissection
  3496. passed 12DB2C22 ICMPv6NDOptMTU - Basic Instantiation
  3497. passed 65770798 ICMPv6NDOptMTU - Instantiation with specific values
  3498. passed 83B871C6 ICMPv6NDOptMTU - Basic dissection
  3499. passed 17C89A45 ICMPv6NDOptMTU - Dissection with specific values
  3500. passed 23296DBD ICMPv6NDOptMTU - Summary Output
  3501. passed 136EA017 ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit - Basic Instantiation
  3502. passed 559E7404 ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit - Instantiation with specific values
  3503. passed 0F220EAF ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit - Basic Dissection
  3504. passed 73976BB0 ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit - Dissection with specific values
  3505. passed BF81F813 ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval - Basic Instantiation
  3506. passed CA6C93CA ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval - Instantiation with specific values
  3507. passed E94BFFAE ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval - Basic dissection
  3508. passed BEF20018 ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval - Dissection with specific values
  3509. passed C231587A ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo - Basic Instantiation
  3510. passed 0B0C8DF5 ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo - Instantiation with specific values
  3511. passed CF87AC62 ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo - Basic dissection
  3512. passed 498F662C ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo - Dissection with specific values
  3513. passed B69122C3 ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList - Basic Instantiation
  3514. passed DE7FE747 ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList - Instantiation with specific values (auto len)
  3515. passed B5B76D1F ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList - Instantiation with specific values
  3516. passed 5267358D ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList - Basic Dissection
  3517. passed C13C47A5 ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList - Dissection with specific values (auto len)
  3518. passed 0BDF3C1D ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList - Dissection with specific values
  3519. passed C87ECDC7 ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList - Basic Instantiation
  3520. passed 8686FB8C ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList - Instantiation with specific values (auto len)
  3521. passed 7E021A90 ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList - Instantiation with specific values
  3522. passed DF694DCF ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList - Basic Dissection
  3523. passed 3B066EBB ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList - Dissection with specific values (auto len)
  3524. passed C26E6D95 ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList - Instantiation with specific values
  3525. passed 7D59A368 ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr - Basic Instantiation
  3526. passed C1D1E7D5 ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr - Instantiation with specific values
  3527. passed 1A2F5C7F ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr - Basic Dissection
  3528. passed 0B8C346B ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr - Dissection with specific values
  3529. passed EFC6686C ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix - Basic Instantiation
  3530. passed D9B46DE8 ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix - Instantiation with specific values
  3531. passed E7373FCC ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix - Basic Dissection
  3532. passed 321A7BB0 ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix - Dissection with specific values
  3533. passed 8CA3631C ICMPv6NDOptLLA - Basic Instantiation
  3534. passed 48526498 ICMPv6NDOptLLA - Instantiation with specific values
  3535. passed C536C823 ICMPv6NDOptLLA - Basic Dissection
  3536. passed 1DEC5413 ICMPv6NDOptLLA - Dissection with specific values
  3537. passed 8C3E3751 ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Basic Instantiation
  3538. passed 44A42CE7 ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Instantiation with forced prefix but no length
  3539. passed D30C6789 ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Instantiation with forced length values (1/4)
  3540. passed 03213D9B ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Instantiation with forced length values (2/4)
  3541. passed D2034B7A ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Instantiation with forced length values (3/4)
  3542. passed 9B323128 ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Instantiation with forced length values (4/4)
  3543. passed 0E899A78 ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Instantiation with specific values
  3544. passed A9702412 ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Basic dissection
  3545. passed BA32308F ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Dissection with specific values
  3546. passed 24C9726E ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo - Summary Output
  3547. passed 77F8890C ICMPv6NDOptMAP - Basic Instantiation
  3548. passed 2FEE4C87 ICMPv6NDOptMAP - Instantiation with specific values
  3549. passed C6AAF0A2 ICMPv6NDOptMAP - Basic Dissection
  3550. passed 900763C7 ICMPv6NDOptMAP - Dissection with specific values
  3551. passed 4F509225 ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Basic Instantiation
  3552. passed 9CD0A8FB ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Basic instantiation with 1 DNS address
  3553. passed C58A2B38 ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Basic instantiation with 2 DNS addresses
  3554. passed 43D6D077 ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Instantiation with specific values
  3555. passed DC2BFF23 ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Basic Dissection
  3556. passed 37BF7067 ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Dissection (with 1 DNS address)
  3557. passed 9D964AF3 ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Dissection (with 2 DNS addresses)
  3558. passed D07F3579 ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS - Summary Output
  3559. passed 043EECBA ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL - Basic Instantiation
  3560. passed F6B0842F ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL - Instantiation with 1 search domain, as seen in the wild
  3561. passed E914C420 ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL - Basic instantiation with 2 search domains
  3562. passed ECC9DE2E ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL - Basic instantiation with 3 search domains
  3563. passed B1DC63A2 ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL - Basic Dissection
  3564. passed B96216D1 ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL - Basic Dissection with specific values
  3565. passed 0245ABBD ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL - Summary Output
  3566. passed 3FDE1930 ICMPv6NDOptEFA - Basic Instantiation
  3567. passed C66DCEC4 ICMPv6NDOptEFA - Basic Dissection
  3568. passed 5A9CA3E4 ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP - Basic Instantiation
  3569. passed E7B5CD0E ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP - Basic Dissection
  3570. passed 9E5885F0 ICMPv6NIQueryName - single label DNS name (internal)
  3571. passed 09349544 ICMPv6NIQueryName - single label DNS name
  3572. passed B5A1B89B ICMPv6NIQueryName - fqdn (internal)
  3573. passed 0A731407 ICMPv6NIQueryName - fqdn
  3574. passed 700787CB ICMPv6NIQueryName - IPv6 address (internal)
  3575. passed 118B9433 ICMPv6NIQueryName - IPv6 address
  3576. passed 646BF569 ICMPv6NIQueryName - IPv4 address (internal)
  3577. passed 12166AC6 ICMPv6NIQueryName - IPv4 address
  3578. passed 9E9ECE7E ICMPv6NIQueryName - build & dissection
  3579. passed F32AF9E2 ICMPv6NIQueryName - dissection
  3580. passed DCE7145A ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - single label DNS name (internal)
  3581. passed E1691DBD ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - single label DNS name
  3582. passed EB6E8B1A ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - fqdn (internal)
  3583. passed E22E9CFE ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - fqdn
  3584. passed AB7F5D94 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - IPv6 address (internal)
  3585. passed C1C61F21 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - IPv6 address
  3586. passed FE8A89EC ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - IPv4 address (internal)
  3587. passed 9CAA8473 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - IPv4 address
  3588. passed 80D80DB7 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - single label DNS name (internal)
  3589. passed 10F9B2D6 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - single label DNS name
  3590. passed E9FA74CB ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - fqdn (internal)
  3591. passed 13BE3395 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - fqdn
  3592. passed 57710B44 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - IPv6 address (internal)
  3593. passed 4FE1F2D7 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - IPv6 address
  3594. passed 0F5CFF51 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - IPv4 address (internal)
  3595. passed D3A66514 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - IPv4 address
  3596. passed 90EE9B24 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - dissection
  3597. passed 4FA1E638 ICMPv6NIQuery* - flags handling (Test 1)
  3598. passed 9DA8440B ICMPv6NIQuery* - flags handling (Test 2)
  3599. passed 1DD2FCF9 ICMPv6NIReply* - flags handling (Test 1)
  3600. passed 04A33787 ICMPv6NIReply* - flags handling (Test 2)
  3601. passed 8ECA63FE ICMPv6NIQuery* - Flags Default values
  3602. passed 7043A408 ICMPv6NIReply* - Flags Default values
  3603. passed 9DD5F86E ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - dispatch with nothing in data
  3604. passed F03359A7 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - dispatch with IPv6 address in data
  3605. passed A0C43FF6 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - dispatch with IPv4 address in data
  3606. passed FE817D4D ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6 - dispatch with name in data
  3607. passed 876BC56C ICMPv6NIQueryName - dispatch with nothing in data
  3608. passed E48D9A5D ICMPv6NIQueryName - dispatch with IPv6 address in data
  3609. passed 74621ABB ICMPv6NIQueryName - dispatch with IPv4 address in data
  3610. passed 2E1A4B52 ICMPv6NIQueryName - dispatch with name in data
  3611. passed 9EB63E24 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - dispatch with nothing in data
  3612. passed 21D154E9 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - dispatch with IPv6 address in data
  3613. passed B13ED40F ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - dispatch with IPv6 address in data
  3614. passed 7E7B6F19 ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 - dispatch with name in data
  3615. passed CD3BE374 ICMPv6NIReplyName - dispatch
  3616. passed D785DE76 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - dispatch
  3617. passed D4E6183C ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - dispatch
  3618. passed 5A60D811 ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse - dispatch
  3619. passed D5BFCED9 ICMPv6NIReplyUnknown - dispatch
  3620. passed 7C332597 ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - single DNS name without hint => understood as string (internal)
  3621. passed 3B9A395F ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - single DNS name without hint => understood as string
  3622. passed 3788EEC1 ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - fqdn without hint => understood as string (internal)
  3623. passed A25145C0 ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - fqdn without hint => understood as string
  3624. passed 999B2E68 ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - IPv6 address without hint => understood as string (internal)
  3625. passed 0969548F ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - IPv6 address without hint => understood as string
  3626. passed BFD5487C ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - IPv4 address without hint => understood as string (internal)
  3627. passed C13935F3 ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP - IPv4 address without hint => understood as string
  3628. passed 0D81A049 ICMPv6NIReplyName - single label DNS name as a rawing (without ttl) (internal)
  3629. passed 3C53E327 ICMPv6NIReplyName - single label DNS name as a rawing (without ttl)
  3630. passed 609A42C2 ICMPv6NIReplyName - fqdn name as a rawing (without ttl) (internal)
  3631. passed 8A8C7EEE ICMPv6NIReplyName - fqdn name as a rawing (without ttl)
  3632. passed D3374243 ICMPv6NIReplyName - list of 2 single label DNS names (without ttl) (internal)
  3633. passed 0D040755 ICMPv6NIReplyName - list of 2 single label DNS names (without ttl)
  3634. passed 91AFC664 ICMPv6NIReplyName - [ttl, single-label, single-label, fqdn] (internal)
  3635. passed F1959693 ICMPv6NIReplyName - [ttl, single-label, single-label, fqdn]
  3636. passed A62F555E ICMPv6NIReplyName - dissection
  3637. passed 0327B8D1 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - one IPv6 address without TTL (internal)
  3638. passed 5BE7931B ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - one IPv6 address without TTL
  3639. passed F06FE01C ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - one IPv6 address without TTL (as a list) (internal)
  3640. passed 48D51A67 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - one IPv6 address without TTL (as a list)
  3641. passed DF725CF6 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - one IPv6 address with TTL (internal)
  3642. passed C1D13295 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - one IPv6 address with TTL
  3643. passed 5296D121 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - two IPv6 addresses as a list of rawings (without TTL) (internal)
  3644. passed 888F2159 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - two IPv6 addresses as a list of rawings (without TTL)
  3645. passed 92CA19B9 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - two IPv6 addresses as a list (first with ttl, second without) (internal)
  3646. passed 9237D0A0 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - two IPv6 addresses as a list (first with ttl, second without)
  3647. passed 9486E700 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6 - build & dissection
  3648. passed 5955F7E0 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - one IPv4 address without TTL (internal)
  3649. passed 0CAD9396 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - one IPv4 address without TTL
  3650. passed 34759FE1 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - one IPv4 address without TTL (as a list) (internal)
  3651. passed 9BB55A35 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - one IPv4 address without TTL (as a list)
  3652. passed DC268620 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - one IPv4 address with TTL (internal)
  3653. passed 6F083881 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - one IPv4 address with TTL (internal)
  3654. passed 0ED8BCE7 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - two IPv4 addresses as a list of rawings (without TTL)
  3655. passed 1D320704 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - two IPv4 addresses as a list of rawings (without TTL) (internal)
  3656. passed 31813DFC ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - two IPv4 addresses as a list (first with ttl, second without)
  3657. passed 2F24CF43 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - two IPv4 addresses as a list (first with ttl, second without) (internal)
  3658. passed 446E1292 ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 - build & dissection
  3659. passed 2E88C9E1 ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse - basic instantiation
  3660. passed 67DE51FE ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse - basic dissection
  3661. passed C18313EC ICMPv6NIReplyUnknown - basic instantiation
  3662. passed 2243DEBA ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse - basic dissection
  3663. passed 25F69183 computeNIGroupAddr
  3664. passed 810CA877 IPv6ExtHdrFragment - Basic Instantiation
  3665. passed 3523504F IPv6ExtHdrFragment - Instantiation with specific values
  3666. passed 50251AD8 IPv6ExtHdrFragment - Basic Dissection
  3667. passed D7C6213D IPv6ExtHdrFragment - Instantiation with specific values
  3668. passed 473F0D3F fragment6 - test against a long TCP packet with a 1280 MTU
  3669. passed 4097E05C defragment6 - test against a long TCP packet fragmented with a 1280 MTU
  3670. passed 77F618FA defragment6 - test against a large TCP packet fragmented with a 1280 bytes MTU and missing fragments
  3671. passed 517315C1 defragment6 - test against a TCP packet fragmented with a 800 bytes MTU and missing fragments
  3672. passed 22E57892 defragment6 - test the packet length
  3673. passed E2FA358D Route6 - Route6 flushing
  3674. passed 46330135 Route6 - Route6.route
  3675. passed 68450F1B Route6 - Route6.make_route
  3676. passed 90A05192 Route6 - Route6.add & Route6.delt
  3677. passed 6C7F3CCC Route6 - Route6.ifadd & Route6.ifdel
  3678. passed 699E4A75 IPv6 - utils
  3679. passed 89BA4941 IPv6 - IPerror6 & UDPerror & _ICMPv6Error
  3680. passed 83EF160C Windows: reset routes properly
  3681. passed 6A54B998 ICMPv6MLQuery - build & dissection
  3682. passed 8718938D Check answers
  3683. passed 52CBEBEA ICMPv6MLQuery2 - build & dissection
  3684. passed E2A0E7CE ICMPv6MLReport2 - build & dissection
  3685. passed 3C9829B9 ICMPv6MLReport2 and ICMPv6MLDMultAddrRec - dissection
  3686. passed BEBE583F Check answers
  3687. passed 3C235418 get_trace()
  3688. passed 78F9C219 show()
  3689. passed 698AEC27 graph()
  3690. passed 676DD590 Define test utilities
  3691. passed 6A1F7A15 Test NDP_Attack_DAD_DoS_via_NS
  3692. passed 04CB506B Test NDP_Attack_DAD_DoS_via_NA
  3693. passed 2B24994F Test NDP_Attack_NA_Spoofing
  3694. passed FE484B43 Test NDP_Attack_Kill_Default_Router
  3695. passed F96FBC83 Test NDP_Attack_Fake_Router
  3696. passed A279F5A4 Test NDP_Attack_NS_Spoofing
  3697. passed C79D9319 DUID_LLT basic instantiation
  3698. passed 573F6218 DUID_LLT basic build
  3699. passed 126A2667 DUID_LLT build with specific values
  3700. passed 77E99B3D DUID_LLT basic dissection
  3701. passed 643AC523 DUID_LLT dissection with specific values
  3702. passed CF5040FC DUID_EN basic instantiation
  3703. passed 69C01E88 DUID_EN basic build
  3704. passed ACC4AB6F DUID_EN build with specific values
  3705. passed 160378C7 DUID_EN basic dissection
  3706. passed 6582ABBC DUID_EN dissection with specific values
  3707. passed B1DCDB18 DUID_LL basic instantiation
  3708. passed 0A128751 DUID_LL basic build
  3709. passed FF3E4251 DUID_LL build with specific values
  3710. passed F3F48399 DUID_LL basic dissection
  3711. passed 5F3C7367 DUID_LL with specific values
  3712. passed 7BAA0C6D DHCP6 Opt Unknown basic instantiation
  3713. passed 2B585C11 DHCP6 Opt Unknown basic build (default values)
  3714. passed 35654E89 DHCP6 Opt Unknown - len computation test
  3715. passed 362E31B1 DHCP6OptClientId basic instantiation
  3716. passed FF2048D7 DHCP6OptClientId basic build
  3717. passed EB8F837C DHCP6OptClientId instantiation with specific values
  3718. passed 90E0BE87 DHCP6OptClientId instantiation with DUID_LL
  3719. passed E251CCE9 DHCP6OptClientId instantiation with DUID_LLT
  3720. passed EF3404CD DHCP6OptClientId instantiation with DUID_EN
  3721. passed 770629E3 DHCP6OptClientId instantiation with specified length
  3722. passed 4D7691F7 DHCP6OptClientId basic dissection
  3723. passed 770629E3 DHCP6OptClientId instantiation with specified length
  3724. passed 4D7691F7 DHCP6OptClientId basic dissection
  3725. passed 02025171 DHCP6OptClientId dissection with specific duid value
  3726. passed 4BF9A59A DHCP6OptClientId dissection with specific DUID_LL as duid value
  3727. passed 7335375D DHCP6OptClientId dissection with specific DUID_LLT as duid value
  3728. passed 96FDC4D3 DHCP6OptClientId dissection with specific DUID_EN as duid value
  3729. passed 2F43A84F DHCP6OptServerId basic instantiation
  3730. passed 4C04F6BC DHCP6OptServerId basic build
  3731. passed AD40A748 DHCP6OptServerId basic build with specific values
  3732. passed C8B4C371 DHCP6OptServerId instantiation with DUID_LL
  3733. passed B34DB4DA DHCP6OptServerId instantiation with DUID_LLT
  3734. passed F24A4510 DHCP6OptServerId instantiation with DUID_EN
  3735. passed 2ACA0AC9 DHCP6OptServerId instantiation with specified length
  3736. passed 0E4510ED DHCP6OptServerId basic dissection
  3737. passed 25088EF1 DHCP6OptServerId dissection with specific duid value
  3738. passed FCEA3AAD DHCP6OptServerId dissection with specific DUID_LL as duid value
  3739. passed 17596198 DHCP6OptServerId dissection with specific DUID_LLT as duid value
  3740. passed 02BDF3DF DHCP6OptServerId dissection with specific DUID_EN as duid value
  3741. passed 8E5AF373 DHCP6OptIAAddress - Basic Instantiation
  3742. passed 80F4FAF1 DHCP6OptIAAddress - Basic Dissection
  3743. passed 5C745AE2 DHCP6OptIAAddress - Instantiation with specific values
  3744. passed 180DE904 DHCP6OptIAAddress - Instantiation with specific values (default optlen computation)
  3745. passed 5DF6A35F DHCP6OptIAAddress - Dissection with specific values
  3746. passed 77B71ADD DHCP6OptIA_NA - Basic Instantiation
  3747. passed FA5B1DB5 DHCP6OptIA_NA - Basic Dissection
  3748. passed 124509AF DHCP6OptIA_NA - Instantiation with specific values (keep automatic length computation)
  3749. passed 35BE0F11 DHCP6OptIA_NA - Instantiation with specific values (forced optlen)
  3750. passed 2BF7A72A DHCP6OptIA_NA - Instantiation with a list of IA Addresses (optlen automatic computation)
  3751. passed CC90E33C DHCP6OptIA_NA - Dissection with specific values
  3752. passed 2049AD1A DHCP6OptIA_TA - Basic Instantiation
  3753. passed 3445CAE0 DHCP6OptIA_TA - Basic Dissection
  3754. passed C518AC84 DHCP6OptIA_TA - Instantiation with specific values
  3755. passed 758C776D DHCP6OptIA_TA - Dissection with specific values
  3756. passed 36705FC1 DHCP6OptOptReq - Basic Instantiation
  3757. passed 74BD65BF DHCP6OptOptReq - optlen field computation
  3758. passed 1966E096 DHCP6OptOptReq - instantiation with empty list
  3759. passed 681B1127 DHCP6OptOptReq - Basic dissection
  3760. passed 2CEBB2FD DHCP6OptOptReq - Dissection with specific value
  3761. passed EF01D128 DHCP6OptOptReq - repr
  3762. passed 83CD3B19 DHCP6OptPref - Basic instantiation
  3763. passed 9ABD2F75 DHCP6OptPref - Instantiation with specific values
  3764. passed A26ADA84 DHCP6OptPref - Basic Dissection
  3765. passed 5A11B8FB DHCP6OptPref - Dissection with specific values
  3766. passed F99BAE27 DHCP6OptElapsedTime - Basic Instantiation
  3767. passed 3170EBDD DHCP6OptElapsedTime - Instantiation with specific elapsedtime value
  3768. passed 01D564C9 DHCP6OptElapsedTime - Basic Dissection
  3769. passed A0FC2104 DHCP6OptElapsedTime - Dissection with specific values
  3770. passed EF01D128 DHCP6OptElapsedTime - Repr
  3771. passed 12093175 DHCP6OptServerUnicast - Basic Instantiation
  3772. passed B593271B DHCP6OptServerUnicast - Instantiation with specific values (test 1)
  3773. passed AB1E0B0E DHCP6OptServerUnicast - Instantiation with specific values (test 2)
  3774. passed E68815C3 DHCP6OptServerUnicast - Dissection with default values
  3775. passed 0A2A1DCB DHCP6OptServerUnicast - Dissection with specific values (test 1)
  3776. passed ABCD8B8B DHCP6OptServerUnicast - Dissection with specific values (test 2)
  3777. passed 483BB9D5 DHCP6OptStatusCode - Basic Instantiation
  3778. passed 59E4DBFE DHCP6OptStatusCode - Instantiation with specific values
  3779. passed C973546A DHCP6OptStatusCode - Automatic Length computation
  3780. passed C12FEA58 DHCP6OptRapidCommit - Basic Instantiation
  3781. passed 89359BEA DHCP6OptRapidCommit - Basic Dissection
  3782. passed 21E9E578 DHCP6OptUserClass - Basic Instantiation
  3783. passed C728FB45 DHCP6OptUserClass - Basic Dissection
  3784. passed 4FFE3CEC DHCP6OptUserClass - Instantiation with one user class data rawucture
  3785. passed 1397460A DHCP6OptUserClass - Dissection with one user class data rawucture
  3786. passed 57A1E3CB DHCP6OptUserClass - Instantiation with two user class data rawuctures
  3787. passed 1841DC70 DHCP6OptUserClass - Dissection with two user class data rawuctures
  3788. passed 42297BF6 DHCP6OptVendorClass - Basic Instantiation
  3789. passed 4CE36928 DHCP6OptVendorClass - Basic Dissection
  3790. passed 9B354873 DHCP6OptVendorClass - Instantiation with one vendor class data rawucture
  3791. passed 469486B5 DHCP6OptVendorClass - Dissection with one vendor class data rawucture
  3792. passed C023DF29 DHCP6OptVendorClass - Instantiation with two vendor class data rawuctures
  3793. passed 1D2D4C13 DHCP6OptVendorClass - Dissection with two vendor class data rawuctures
  3794. passed 6E1B3AF2 DHCP6OptVendorSpecificInfo - Basic Instantiation
  3795. passed C428A8A6 DHCP6OptVendorSpecificInfo - Basic Dissection
  3796. passed F67D2ACA DHCP6OptVendorSpecificInfo - Instantiation with specific values (one option)
  3797. passed F5159739 DHCP6OptVendorSpecificInfo - Dissection with with specific values (one option)
  3798. passed 3BD3252A DHCP6OptVendorSpecificInfo - Instantiation with specific values (two options)
  3799. passed D85C1FDC DHCP6OptVendorSpecificInfo - Dissection with with specific values (two options)
  3800. passed AE0C4328 DHCP6OptIfaceId - Basic Instantiation
  3801. passed 54DD9335 DHCP6OptIfaceId - Basic Dissection
  3802. passed 9500371E DHCP6OptIfaceId - Instantiation with specific value
  3803. passed 692CCF89 DHCP6OptIfaceId - Dissection with specific value
  3804. passed FE4BFB1C DHCP6OptReconfMsg - Basic Instantiation
  3805. passed 97DE5AA0 DHCP6OptReconfMsg - Basic Dissection
  3806. passed 63C038DE DHCP6OptReconfMsg - Instantiation with specific values
  3807. passed 223A58FB DHCP6OptReconfMsg - Dissection with specific values
  3808. passed 7FE87B62 DHCP6OptReconfAccept - Basic Instantiation
  3809. passed CCE32A09 DHCP6OptReconfAccept - Basic Dissection
  3810. passed 6884B85A DHCP6OptReconfAccept - Instantiation with specific values
  3811. passed 7E254112 DHCP6OptReconfAccept - Dssection with specific values
  3812. passed 6A0FEC94 DHCP6OptSIPDomains - Basic Instantiation
  3813. passed 5C613FC4 DHCP6OptSIPDomains - Basic Dissection
  3814. passed 222818B4 DHCP6OptSIPDomains - Instantiation with one domain
  3815. passed 1A45951B DHCP6OptSIPDomains - Dissection with one domain
  3816. passed 1B52FA95 DHCP6OptSIPDomains - Instantiation with two domains
  3817. passed F9C93597 DHCP6OptSIPDomains - Dissection with two domains
  3818. passed AF257E77 DHCP6OptSIPDomains - Enforcing only one dot at end of domain
  3819. passed 9E523117 DHCP6OptSIPServers - Basic Instantiation
  3820. passed 759AFEC2 DHCP6OptSIPServers - Basic Dissection
  3821. passed EF893C3F DHCP6OptSIPServers - Instantiation with specific values (1 address)
  3822. passed 8F637FA2 DHCP6OptSIPServers - Dissection with specific values (1 address)
  3823. passed 63D24C8F DHCP6OptSIPServers - Instantiation with specific values (2 addresses)
  3824. passed CDDCF6B2 DHCP6OptSIPServers - Dissection with specific values (2 addresses)
  3825. passed A2AE85FD DHCP6OptDNSServers - Basic Instantiation
  3826. passed 58D8E580 DHCP6OptDNSServers - Basic Dissection
  3827. passed A9444EC5 DHCP6OptDNSServers - Instantiation with specific values (1 address)
  3828. passed BC746583 DHCP6OptDNSServers - Dissection with specific values (1 address)
  3829. passed ED35320B DHCP6OptDNSServers - Instantiation with specific values (2 addresses)
  3830. passed 952E3E66 DHCP6OptDNSServers - Dissection with specific values (2 addresses)
  3831. passed 4CCFB8F0 DHCP6OptDNSDomains - Basic Instantiation
  3832. passed E1F53152 DHCP6OptDNSDomains - Basic Dissection
  3833. passed 17CB7DD8 DHCP6OptDNSDomains - Instantiation with specific values (1 domain)
  3834. passed 5535AD9E DHCP6OptDNSDomains - Dissection with specific values (1 domain)
  3835. passed 4AD4CE63 DHCP6OptDNSDomains - Instantiation with specific values (2 domains)
  3836. passed 9FB29EBC DHCP6OptDNSDomains - Dissection with specific values (2 domains)
  3837. passed 6FC64603 DHCP6OptIAPrefix - Basic Instantiation
  3838. passed B851ABE7 DHCP6OptIA_PD - Basic Instantiation
  3839. passed 7FEABB0F DHCP6OptNISServers - Basic Instantiation
  3840. passed 2D3E55AB DHCP6OptNISServers - Basic Dissection
  3841. passed 8A415BEB DHCP6OptNISServers - Instantiation with specific values (1 address)
  3842. passed A2FEE027 DHCP6OptNISServers - Dissection with specific values (1 address)
  3843. passed 7219CF98 DHCP6OptNISServers - Instantiation with specific values (2 addresses)
  3844. passed 7F300088 DHCP6OptNISServers - Dissection with specific values (2 addresses)
  3845. passed 9F10D357 DHCP6OptNISPServers - Basic Instantiation
  3846. passed 7C52E80C DHCP6OptNISPServers - Basic Dissection
  3847. passed DB9FD9BA DHCP6OptNISPServers - Instantiation with specific values (1 address)
  3848. passed 132B557E DHCP6OptNISPServers - Dissection with specific values (1 address)
  3849. passed 0B2A759C DHCP6OptNISPServers - Instantiation with specific values (2 addresses)
  3850. passed 0B95A772 DHCP6OptNISPServers - Dissection with specific values (2 addresses)
  3851. passed AA08266F DHCP6OptNISDomain - Basic Instantiation
  3852. passed 8A233374 DHCP6OptNISDomain - Basic Dissection
  3853. passed 7DC87EB4 DHCP6OptNISDomain - Instantiation with one domain name
  3854. passed 6B737410 DHCP6OptNISDomain - Dissection with one domain name
  3855. passed E3058EF2 DHCP6OptNISDomain - Instantiation with one domain with trailing dot
  3856. passed 7D301F18 DHCP6OptNISPDomain - Basic Instantiation
  3857. passed D2BDB72D DHCP6OptNISPDomain - Basic Dissection
  3858. passed CD390AE6 DHCP6OptNISPDomain - Instantiation with one domain name
  3859. passed 982FD773 DHCP6OptNISPDomain - Dissection with one domain name
  3860. passed 521B902B DHCP6OptNISPDomain - Instantiation with one domain with trailing dot
  3861. passed 76F9E6A2 DHCP6OptSNTPServers - Basic Instantiation
  3862. passed A82BAC3C DHCP6OptSNTPServers - Basic Dissection
  3863. passed C6B08BC2 DHCP6OptSNTPServers - Instantiation with specific values (1 address)
  3864. passed 1DA0E113 DHCP6OptSNTPServers - Dissection with specific values (1 address)
  3865. passed E6063C82 DHCP6OptSNTPServers - Instantiation with specific values (2 addresses)
  3866. passed 1A9361CE DHCP6OptSNTPServers - Dissection with specific values (2 addresses)
  3867. passed 32E1CE95 DHCP6OptInfoRefreshTime - Basic Instantiation
  3868. passed DB05D6F2 DHCP6OptInfoRefreshTime - Basic Dissction
  3869. passed 0C267524 DHCP6OptInfoRefreshTime - Instantiation with specific values
  3870. passed 4B176846 DHCP6OptBCMCSServers - Basic Instantiation
  3871. passed DB90931E DHCP6OptBCMCSServers - Basic Dissection
  3872. passed D169C53A DHCP6OptBCMCSServers - Instantiation with specific values (1 address)
  3873. passed 5E8A233D DHCP6OptBCMCSServers - Dissection with specific values (1 address)
  3874. passed 8C4433DB DHCP6OptBCMCSServers - Instantiation with specific values (2 addresses)
  3875. passed B47B1DC0 DHCP6OptBCMCSServers - Dissection with specific values (2 addresses)
  3876. passed 6379536D DHCP6OptBCMCSDomains - Basic Instantiation
  3877. passed E3180DCC DHCP6OptBCMCSDomains - Basic Dissection
  3878. passed 3F135354 DHCP6OptBCMCSDomains - Instantiation with specific values (1 domain)
  3879. passed FF72EB2B DHCP6OptBCMCSDomains - Dissection with specific values (1 domain)
  3880. passed 6D92A894 DHCP6OptBCMCSDomains - Instantiation with specific values (2 domains)
  3881. passed 477EE63F DHCP6OptBCMCSDomains - Dissection with specific values (2 domains)
  3882. passed 8C71EC2F DHCP6OptRemoteID - Basic Instantiation
  3883. passed 6B9A6137 DHCP6OptRemoteID - Basic Dissection
  3884. passed B03424CE DHCP6OptRemoteID - Instantiation with specific values
  3885. passed D46CC6A3 DHCP6OptRemoteID - Dissection with specific values
  3886. passed DCD7B680 DHCP6OptSubscriberID - Basic Instantiation
  3887. passed 139DE428 DHCP6OptSubscriberID - Basic Dissection
  3888. passed CD2EC53A DHCP6OptSubscriberID - Instantiation with specific values
  3889. passed A13CA093 DHCP6OptSubscriberID - Dissection with specific values
  3890. passed BB8D9D44 DHCP6OptClientFQDN - Basic Instantiation
  3891. passed 2A717982 DHCP6OptClientFQDN - Basic Dissection
  3892. passed 4F082E7C DHCP6OptClientFQDN - Instantiation with various flags combinations
  3893. passed D9CD12F9 DHCP6OptClientFQDN - Instantiation with one fqdn
  3894. passed EE507AC8 DHCP6OptClientFQDN - Dissection with one fqdn
  3895. passed C1BBFC50 DHCP6OptRelayAgentERO - Basic Instantiation
  3896. passed D87CE796 DHCP6OptRelayAgentERO - optlen field computation
  3897. passed 55C856B2 DHCP6OptRelayAgentERO - instantiation with empty list
  3898. passed 05BA5C72 DHCP6OptRelayAgentERO - Basic dissection
  3899. passed 5B368CD2 DHCP6OptRelayAgentERO - Dissection with specific value
  3900. passed 97778832 Basic build & dissect
  3901. passed 4BCBEFEE Basic build & dissect
  3902. passed 05ECD4D8 DHCP6_Solicit - Basic Instantiation
  3903. passed ACA2C22D DHCP6_Solicit - Basic Dissection
  3904. passed B2FBFD0B DHCP6_Solicit - Basic test of DHCP6_solicit.hashret()
  3905. passed 78A6A805 DHCP6_Solicit - Test of DHCP6_solicit.hashret() with specific values
  3906. passed 4037380B DHCP6_Solicit - UDP ports overload
  3907. passed BEA9393A DHCP6_Solicit - Dispatch based on UDP port
  3908. passed 49F7AC73 DHCP6_Advertise - Basic Instantiation
  3909. passed BA6768A7 DHCP6_Advertise - Basic test of DHCP6_solicit.hashret()
  3910. passed C5AEA977 DHCP6_Advertise - Test of DHCP6_Advertise.hashret() with specific values
  3911. passed DBEE0DCC DHCP6_Advertise - Basic test of answers() with solicit message
  3912. passed F7C12A80 DHCP6_Advertise - Test of answers() with solicit message
  3913. passed 5A5E5880 DHCP6_Advertise - UDP ports overload
  3914. passed 987B8472 DHCP6_Request - Basic Instantiation
  3915. passed D7F0076D DHCP6_Request - Basic Dissection
  3916. passed FE7E857E DHCP6_Request - UDP ports overload
  3917. passed 4698F0F7 DHCP6_Confirm - Basic Instantiation
  3918. passed B145C8FA DHCP6_Confirm - Basic Dissection
  3919. passed 94A6B80F DHCP6_Confirm - UDP ports overload
  3920. passed 1BCB0635 DHCP6_Renew - Basic Instantiation
  3921. passed 8CD9AFA1 DHCP6_Renew - Basic Dissection
  3922. passed CD9AC729 DHCP6_Renew - UDP ports overload
  3923. passed A4C424A0 DHCP6_Rebind - Basic Instantiation
  3924. passed 3978B36A DHCP6_Rebind - Basic Dissection
  3925. passed 2A50EFE4 DHCP6_Rebind - UDP ports overload
  3926. passed 3111C41E DHCP6_Reply - Basic Instantiation
  3927. passed 7CB6CA69 DHCP6_Reply - Basic Dissection
  3928. passed DB5DDF19 DHCP6_Reply - UDP ports overload
  3929. passed C7904878 DHCP6_Reply - Answers
  3930. passed 6C00D155 DHCP6_Release - Basic Instantiation
  3931. passed 30BC1D29 DHCP6_Release - Basic Dissection
  3932. passed 80229F74 DHCP6_Release - UDP ports overload
  3933. passed 7A3B85FE DHCP6_Decline - Basic Instantiation
  3934. passed B0CB486C DHCP6_Confirm - Basic Dissection
  3935. passed A3A8FDD0 DHCP6_Decline - UDP ports overload
  3936. passed 5B7F3836 DHCP6_Reconf - Basic Instantiation
  3937. passed 81C7B54D DHCP6_Reconf - Basic Dissection
  3938. passed 31A261BB DHCP6_Reconf - UDP ports overload
  3939. passed 3373BDBE DHCP6_InfoRequest - Basic Instantiation
  3940. passed 547C2E0D DHCP6_InfoRequest - Basic Dissection
  3941. passed 9DD90FD6 DHCP6_InfoRequest - UDP ports overload
  3942. passed 2C4775D8 DHCP6_RelayForward - Basic Instantiation
  3943. passed 18D6F270 DHCP6_RelayForward - Basic Dissection
  3944. passed 897EEC87 DHCP6_RelayForward - Dissection with options
  3945. passed DB68DA15 DHCP6_RelayForward - Advanced dissection
  3946. passed 9508CE5B DHCP6OptRelayMsg - Basic Instantiation
  3947. passed AD9A9768 DHCP6OptRelayMsg - Basic Dissection
  3948. passed 0ACE3538 DHCP6OptRelayMsg - Embedded DHCP6 packet
  3949. passed 3B907575 DHCP6_RelayReply - Basic Instantiation
  3950. passed 607A1E6F DHCP6_RelayReply - Basic Dissection
  3951. passed E44AE85E in6_getha()
  3952. passed 592778C9 ICMPv6HAADRequest - build/dissection
  3953. passed 18E6F441 ICMPv6HAADReply - build/dissection
  3954. passed 3B898003 ICMPv6HAADRequest / ICMPv6HAADReply - build/dissection
  3955. passed 703155C7 ICMPv6MPSol - build (default values)
  3956. passed 1F39B49A ICMPv6MPSol - dissection (default values)
  3957. passed D5807B21 ICMPv6MPSol - build
  3958. passed 6C468680 ICMPv6MPSol - dissection
  3959. passed EA040D8A ICMPv6MPAdv - build (default values)
  3960. passed 6E83C50F ICMPv6MPAdv - dissection (default values)
  3961. passed 782EC0B0 ICMPv6MPAdv - build
  3962. passed A0A65698 ICMPv6MPAdv - dissection
  3963. passed C2DC6F17 IPv6ExtHdrRouting - type 2 - build/dissection
  3964. passed 693098A2 IPv6ExtHdrRouting - type 2 - hashret
  3965. passed BE18A6D5 MIP6OptBRAdvice - build (default values)
  3966. passed 1F838EDF MIP6OptBRAdvice - dissection (default values)
  3967. passed E0633312 MIP6OptBRAdvice - build
  3968. passed D461A817 MIP6OptBRAdvice - dissection
  3969. passed 2D3EA9D1 MIP6OptAltCoA - build (default values)
  3970. passed B2D6DF37 MIP6OptAltCoA - dissection (default values)
  3971. passed 3FDF4DEF MIP6OptAltCoA - build
  3972. passed A6FEC781 MIP6OptAltCoA - dissection
  3973. passed 9F63513F MIP6OptNonceIndices - build (default values)
  3974. passed 62CFAA10 MIP6OptNonceIndices - dissection (default values)
  3975. passed 29F89A20 MIP6OptNonceIndices - build
  3976. passed 0A650149 MIP6OptNonceIndices - dissection
  3977. passed D8650078 MIP6OptBindingAuthData - build (default values)
  3978. passed D1DB4338 MIP6OptBindingAuthData - dissection (default values)
  3979. passed AD44FCBE MIP6OptBindingAuthData - build
  3980. passed 626B98D7 MIP6OptBindingAuthData - dissection
  3981. passed 899430EC MIP6OptMobNetPrefix - build (default values)
  3982. passed BF944CC7 MIP6OptMobNetPrefix - dissection (default values)
  3983. passed 4100796A MIP6OptMobNetPrefix - build
  3984. passed CB86B6A7 MIP6OptMobNetPrefix - dissection
  3985. passed FAA9B32E MIP6OptLLAddr - basic build
  3986. passed 57BD9C8D MIP6OptLLAddr - basic dissection
  3987. passed D2B9FFA2 MIP6OptLLAddr - build with specific values
  3988. passed DED1F1CA MIP6OptLLAddr - dissection with specific values
  3989. passed 3EB82B5B MIP6OptMNID - basic build
  3990. passed 0BD909BB MIP6OptMNID - basic dissection
  3991. passed BC66CE7D MIP6OptMNID - build with specific values
  3992. passed 98E601DF MIP6OptMNID - dissection with specific values
  3993. passed 2EA8576B MIP6OptMsgAuth - basic build
  3994. passed 4E7DB72B MIP6OptMsgAuth - basic dissection
  3995. passed AF7CEF39 MIP6OptMsgAuth - build with specific values
  3996. passed 8F9664D3 MIP6OptMsgAuth - dissection with specific values
  3997. passed 1366CFF5 MIP6OptReplayProtection - basic build
  3998. passed 4E5171DC MIP6OptReplayProtection - basic dissection
  3999. passed 2160C672 MIP6OptReplayProtection - build with specific values
  4000. passed 808820E6 MIP6OptReplayProtection - dissection with specific values
  4001. passed 00000000 MIP6OptCGAParams
  4002. passed 00000000 MIP6OptSignature
  4003. passed 00000000 MIP6OptHomeKeygenToken
  4004. passed 00000000 MIP6OptCareOfTestInit
  4005. passed 00000000 MIP6OptCareOfTest
  4006. passed 6F90C841 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptBRAdvice
  4007. passed 81BCBF42 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptAltCoA
  4008. passed FB9089F0 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptNonceIndices
  4009. passed C2A7CFBF Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptBindingAuthData
  4010. passed 0099BB44 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptMobNetPrefix
  4011. passed 8144EF0D Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptLLAddr
  4012. passed 1907ADCE Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptMNID
  4013. passed 085C2EB2 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptMsgAuth
  4014. passed 0CFD6125 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptReplayProtection
  4015. passed 7B1D075B Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptCGAParamsReq
  4016. passed 0CB63ED5 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptCGAParams
  4017. passed 55703FC9 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptSignature
  4018. passed 8A64A6E7 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptHomeKeygenToken
  4019. passed 2EF8FA78 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptCareOfTestInit
  4020. passed EA424CA5 Mobility Options - Automatic Padding - MIP6OptCareOfTest
  4021. passed 343D67A9 MIP6MH_BRR - Build (default values)
  4022. passed FA10AAFE MIP6MH_BRR - Build with specific values
  4023. passed CC0997F9 MIP6MH_BRR - Basic dissection
  4024. passed 3F85511F MIP6MH_BRR - Dissection with specific values
  4025. passed 972AC425 MIP6MH_BRR / MIP6MH_BU / MIP6MH_BA hashret() and answers()
  4026. passed A074EB35 MIP6MH_HoTI - Build (default values)
  4027. passed 16F24C0F MIP6MH_HoTI - Dissection (default values)
  4028. passed 008E3B60 MIP6MH_HoTI - Build (specific values)
  4029. passed A0A512FE MIP6MH_HoTI - Dissection (specific values)
  4030. passed 1BB92C38 MIP6MH_CoTI - Build (default values)
  4031. passed 6C3D4668 MIP6MH_CoTI - Dissection (default values)
  4032. passed CBB62C95 MIP6MH_CoTI - Build (specific values)
  4033. passed 90C87043 MIP6MH_CoTI - Dissection (specific values)
  4034. passed 9805A2D8 MIP6MH_HoT - Build (default values)
  4035. passed 91A2B934 MIP6MH_HoT - Dissection (default values)
  4036. passed 527EC2C7 MIP6MH_HoT - Build (specific values)
  4037. passed 9ECE0115 MIP6MH_HoT - Dissection (specific values)
  4038. passed A78ACF94 MIP6MH_HoT answers
  4039. passed 10CB707C MIP6MH_CoT - Build (default values)
  4040. passed 4103DE62 MIP6MH_CoT - Dissection (default values)
  4041. passed D1E23B94 MIP6MH_CoT - Build (specific values)
  4042. passed 9C96522A MIP6MH_CoT - Dissection (specific values)
  4043. passed 7AC66C5F MIP6MH_BU - build (default values)
  4044. passed CD3B0A32 MIP6MH_BU - dissection (default values)
  4045. passed F03F99F5 MIP6MH_BU - build
  4046. passed 48B7FAB6 MIP6MH_BU - dissection
  4047. passed 4E3A1E0B MIP6MH_BA - build
  4048. passed B3EB0DA2 MIP6MH_BA - dissection
  4049. passed F1A9E8C2 MIP6MH_BE - build
  4050. passed 7760C958 MIP6MH_BE - dissection
  4051. passed E8A1398C NetflowHeaderV5 - basic building
  4052. passed AA93666E NetflowHeaderV5 - UDP bindings
  4053. passed 4C3D693B NetflowHeaderV5 - basic dissection
  4054. passed DD60D6ED NetflowV9 - advanced dissection
  4055. passed E3C15092 NetflowV9 - Multiple FlowSets in one packet
  4056. passed 9FC287A9 NetflowV9 - advanced build
  4057. passed C0F345FC Variable creations
  4058. passed 4F9FD49A Read a pcap file
  4059. passed F7C4D41D Read a pcapng file
  4060. passed 53093C96 Read a pcap file with nanosecond precision
  4061. passed B86EA77D Read a pcap file with wirelen != captured len
  4062. passed F1DA20E3 Check all packet lists are the same
  4063. passed B2AE1B2E Check packets from pcap file
  4064. passed 81B3996C Check wirelen value from pcap file
  4065. passed 3B142116 Check wrpcap() then rdpcap() with wirelen
  4066. passed E20CA410 Check wrpcap()
  4067. passed 5DB7D967 Check offline sniff() (by filename)
  4068. passed 2F421D82 Check offline sniff() (by file object)
  4069. reading from file /tmp/tmpaX2Ghp, link-type IPV4 (Raw IPv4)
  4070. reading from file /tmp/tmpaX2Ghp, link-type IPV4 (Raw IPv4)
  4071. reading from file /tmp/tmpaX2Ghp, link-type IPV4 (Raw IPv4)
  4072. passed 3C94713B Check offline sniff() with a filter (by filename)
  4073. reading from file -, link-type IPV4 (Raw IPv4)
  4074. passed FA2B2E6F Check offline sniff() with a filter (by file object)
  4075. passed 43E86C05 Check wrpcap(nano=True)
  4076. passed 8C272C25 Check PcapNg with nanosecond precision using obsolete packet block
  4077. passed 44D28963 Check PcapNg using Simple Packet Block
  4078. reading from file -, link-type RAW (Raw IP)
  4079. passed 36013E0C Check tcpdump()
  4080. passed 414555D8 Run scapy's tshark command
  4081. passed 81CC510A Check Raw IP pcap files
  4082. passed C465B88B Check wrpcap() with no packet
  4083. passed 6C984879 Simple packet dissection
  4084. passed 42549DE9 Packet build / dissection
  4085. passed 38C132CD Answers - building
  4086. passed F1258B96 Answers - dissecting
  4087. passed 99984E6C Simple packet dissection
  4088. passed 583EF473 Packet build / dissection
  4089. passed 077B6E6C Attribute build / dissection
  4090. passed 8512CA50 Large TLV
  4091. passed 38D84225 fragment()
  4092. passed 2CBDD00C fragment() and overloaded_fields
  4093. passed DFE594D6 fragment() already fragmented packets
  4094. passed 38AA62AA defrag()
  4095. passed 822DC623 defragment()
  4096. passed 1BE67480 defragment() uses timestamp of last fragment
  4097. passed 1F6B1D73 defrag() / defragment() - Real DNS packets
  4098. passed 0BDBA2DA Packet().fragment()
  4099. passed 5252347B Packet().fragment() and overloaded_fields
  4100. passed E15B30B3 Packet().fragment() already fragmented packets
  4101. passed CF0C26C2 TCP options: UTO - basic build
  4102. passed 5A0D5D8D TCP options: UTO - basic dissection
  4103. passed 20E9E9F9 TCP options: SAck - basic build
  4104. passed BCDB92DF TCP options: SAck - basic dissection
  4105. passed 62A90792 TCP options: SAckOK - basic build
  4106. passed 64193152 TCP options: SAckOK - basic dissection
  4107. passed 62690F3F TCP options: EOL - basic build
  4108. passed 83D3D900 TCP options: EOL - basic dissection
  4109. passed 96F1D377 TCP options: malformed - build
  4110. passed 4A34058C TCP options: malformed - dissection
  4111. passed F9C9B67E TCP options: MPTCP - basic build using bytes
  4112. passed 8B0C5B5A TCP random options
  4113. passed 0B95851B IP, TCP & UDP checksums (these tests highly depend on default values)
  4114. passed 6716D5EA IP with forced-length 0
  4115. passed 6ADFBCF2 TCP payload with IP Total Length 0
  4116. passed A02E849D DNS
  4117. passed 28F440C5 DNS frame with advanced decompression
  4118. passed C7DDC889 DNS frame with DNSRRSRV
  4119. passed 16D6B2CC DNS frame with decompression hidden args
  4120. passed FDD1221C DNS advanced building
  4121. passed 281A63F6 Basic DNS Compression
  4122. passed 4A36A19A Advanced dns_get_str tests
  4123. passed 88BA260A Decompression loop in dns_get_str
  4124. passed 72ADAD3C Prematured end in dns_get_str
  4125. passed BC4423C3 Other decompression loop in dns_get_str
  4126. passed 6EC93368 Layer binding
  4127. passed 9CF0404A Truncated netstat -rn output on OS X
  4128. passed DE49D290 OpenBSD 6.3
  4129. passed 3F3EA2A4 Test mocked _parse_tcpreplay_result
  4130. passed A449085C Test more recent version with flows
  4131. passed CB2C72E1 Preliminary definitions
  4132. passed A253FB77 Mac OS X 10.9.5
  4133. passed 6FF8E082 Mac OS X 10.9.5 with global IPv6 connectivity
  4134. passed 1AAA2E3E Mac OS X 10.10.4
  4135. passed 01FE0736 FreeBSD 10.2
  4136. passed 993C7855 OpenBSD 5.5
  4137. passed 3DB372CE NetBSD 7.0
  4138. passed 4B9E9DBB Mocked IPv4 routes calls
  4139. passed 3C42EAAD Mocked IPv6 routes calls
  4140. passed 83EF160C Windows: reset routes properly
  4141. passed 8D22216F STP - Basic Instantiation
  4142. passed AA3BE87F STP - Basic Dissection
  4143. passed 5259CA59 EAPOL - Basic Instantiation
  4144. passed D337081E EAPOL - Instantiation with specific values
  4145. passed 0B33D50B EAPOL - Dissection (1)
  4146. passed B3B3D2C8 EAPOL - Dissection (2)
  4147. passed 870F76A2 EAPOL - Dissection (3)
  4148. passed 18748F1F EAPOL - Dissection (4)
  4149. passed D29AE44C EAPOL - Dissection (5)
  4150. passed 75FA0E16 EAPOL - Dissection (6)
  4151. passed 5C723E5C EAPOL-MKA - With Basic parameter set - Dissection
  4152. passed E6B298E3 EAPOL-MKA - With Potential Peer List parameter set - Dissection
  4153. passed 1B777BA8 EAPOL-MKA - With Live Peer List parameter set - Dissection
  4154. passed 47B70661 EAPOL-MKA - With SAK Use parameter set - Dissection
  4155. passed AD793BE4 EAPOL-MKA - With Distributed SAK parameter set - Dissection
  4156. passed 8C5B5629 EAP - Basic Instantiation
  4157. passed 00852BB9 EAP - Instantiation with specific values
  4158. passed 7D59BE49 EAP - Instantiation - Multiple desired authentication types
  4159. passed E9D66340 EAP - Dissection (1)
  4160. passed F5EB25FD EAP - Dissection (2)
  4161. passed 0D80AAC6 EAP - Dissection (3)
  4162. passed D82E5B28 EAP - Dissection (4)
  4163. passed A5ED0BD3 EAP - Dissection (5)
  4164. passed 42790080 EAP - Dissection (6)
  4165. passed 22EDE159 EAP - Dissection (7)
  4166. passed C559CDC6 EAP - Dissection (8)
  4167. passed 02A2E196 EAP - EAP_TLS - Basic Instantiation
  4168. passed ABC6CAE9 EAP - EAP_FAST - Basic Instantiation
  4169. passed D41E649B EAP - EAP_TTLS - Basic Instantiation
  4170. passed 55E8207D EAP - EAP_PEAP - Basic Instantiation
  4171. passed 8CB571E8 EAP - EAP_MD5 - Basic Instantiation
  4172. passed D74B3838 EAP - EAP_MD5 - Request - Dissection (8)
  4173. passed D77F99F7 EAP - EAP_MD5 - Response - Dissection (9)
  4174. passed 6D444E21 EAP - LEAP - Basic Instantiation
  4175. passed 5FB74C57 EAP - LEAP - Request - Dissection (10)
  4176. passed DC8BE016 EAP - LEAP - Response - Dissection (11)
  4177. passed 7C21F60D EAP - PEAP - Request - Dissection
  4178. passed 495C6233 EAP - PEAP - Response - Dissection
  4179. passed 1A2740CC EAP - Layers (1)
  4180. passed 53B693B0 EAP - Layers (2)
  4181. passed BC8A3153 EAP - sessions (1)
  4182. passed 147CEDA0 EAP - sessions (2)
  4183. passed F9C30AE6 NTP - Layers (1)
  4184. passed A688B3D2 NTP - Layers (2)
  4185. passed 54C8D404 NTP - sessions (1)
  4186. passed FC3E08F7 NTP - sessions (2)
  4187. passed D9DAEC57 NTPHeader - Basic checks
  4188. passed B3767822 NTPHeader - Dissection
  4189. passed 4041DAF6 NTPHeader - KoD
  4190. passed 6C1023E6 NTPHeader - Extension dissection test
  4191. passed 8E52EA3E NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READSTAT (1) - request
  4192. passed 00C5F27E NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READSTAT (2) - response
  4193. passed 1A0E91F0 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READVAR (1) - request
  4194. passed 9F829D49 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READVAR (2) - response (1st packet)
  4195. passed BF408546 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READVAR (3) - response (2nd packet)
  4196. passed 1EFDEFC7 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READVAR (4) - request
  4197. passed F2B0A946 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READVAR (5) - response
  4198. passed 97E33559 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_WRITEVAR (1) - request
  4199. passed 2BFD342E NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_WRITEVAR (2) - response
  4200. passed FE2E8C22 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_CONFIGURE (1) - request
  4201. passed 62421E0C NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_CONFIGURE (2) - response
  4202. passed B445626A NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_SAVECONFIG (1) - request
  4203. passed 6815F357 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_SAVECONFIG (2) - response
  4204. passed C2B02B28 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_REQ_NONCE (1) - request
  4205. passed DA8FF895 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_REQ_NONCE (2) - response
  4206. passed 0163F7D3 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READ_MRU (1) - request
  4207. passed 9B6D8557 NTP Control (mode 6) - CTL_OP_READ_MRU (2) - response
  4208. passed 56372637 NTP Private (mode 7) - error - Dissection
  4209. passed 247F5CDB NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_LIST (1) - request
  4210. passed 78D0747A NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_LIST (2) - response
  4211. passed 0840EF23 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_INFO (1) - request
  4212. passed 710D4E41 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_INFO (2) - response
  4213. passed CD02FB1C NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_LIST_SUM (1) - request
  4214. passed 5BCA7296 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_LIST_SUM (2) - response (1st packet)
  4215. passed DF4F17DE NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_LIST_SUM (3) - response (2nd packet)
  4216. passed CA8435DE NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_LIST_SUM (3) - response (3rd packet)
  4217. passed 88B90085 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_STATS (1) - request
  4218. passed 5619343D NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_PEER_STATS (2) - response
  4219. passed 1BB8ADED NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_SYS_INFO (1) - request
  4220. passed 81BDD772 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_SYS_INFO (2) - response
  4221. passed 74F9EA12 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_SYS_STATS (1) - request
  4222. passed 031514A6 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_SYS_STATS (2) - response
  4223. passed 562473ED NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_IO_STATS (1) - request
  4224. passed F270BB43 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_IO_STATS (2) - response
  4225. passed 486F04B8 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_MEM_STATS (1) - request
  4226. passed 7CEB692C NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_MEM_STATS (2) - response
  4227. passed E1C4FABB NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_LOOP_INFO (1) - request
  4228. passed CF9B748D NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_LOOP_INFO (2) - response
  4229. passed 4A245500 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_TIMER_STATS (1) - request
  4230. passed 7DA66EB9 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_TIMER_STATS (2) - response
  4231. passed B1F55138 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_CONFIG (1) - request
  4232. passed 39838024 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_CONFIG (2) - response
  4233. passed 349B6287 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_UNCONFIG (1) - request
  4234. passed E7CE6E6B NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_UNCONFIG (2) - response
  4235. passed 0734495C NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_RESADDFLAGS (1) - request
  4236. passed 43F73610 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_RESSUBFLAGS (1) - request
  4237. passed 88CD283B NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_RESET_PEER (1) - request
  4238. passed 0D0E240E NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_AUTHINFO (1) - response
  4239. passed F3253F1E NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_ADD_TRAP (1) - request
  4240. passed 5A94C7DE NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_ADD_TRAP (2) - response
  4241. passed DAC730B1 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_CLR_TRAP (1) - request
  4242. passed 2EE09A3B NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_CLR_TRAP (2) - response
  4243. passed 42FB635C NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_GET_CTLSTATS - response
  4244. passed 454A0EA1 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_GET_KERNEL (1) - request
  4245. passed 92E8D12C NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_GET_KERNEL (2) - response
  4246. passed CB98A241 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_MON_GETLIST_1 (1) - request
  4247. passed FBFE67FA NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_MON_GETLIST_1 (2) - response
  4248. passed 210E7FC1 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_IF_STATS (1) - request
  4249. passed 27051134 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_IF_STATS (2) - response
  4250. passed 52D78B89 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_IF_STATS (3) - response
  4251. passed B23BD302 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_IF_RELOAD (1) - request
  4252. passed F61C4A71 NTP Private (mode 7) - REQ_IF_RELOAD (2) - response
  4253. passed 1DB45413 Build a VXLAN packet with VNI of 42
  4254. passed 4D21BD51 Verify VXLAN Ethernet Binding
  4255. passed 08979818 Verify UDP dport overloading
  4256. passed 5004880C Build a VXLAN packet with next protocol field
  4257. passed 8614DF8C Build a VXLAN packet with no group policy ID
  4258. passed 76A01301 Build a VXLAN packet with group policy ID = 42
  4259. passed 4FFB3E90 Build a VXLAN packet followed by and IP or IPv6 layer
  4260. passed EFED39DA Dissect VXLAN with no NextProtocol
  4261. *passed CB81385D Test with DNS over TCP
  4262. passed ABF9C3AA Test with recv() calls that return exact packet-length rawings
  4263. passed 86A58AB8 Test with recv() calls that return twice as much data as the exact packet-length
  4264. passed D599A805 Test with recv() calls that return not enough data
  4265. passed 7F5F6D30 IPv6 bin to rawing conversion
  4266. passed 7F1C114E IPv6 bin to rawing conversion - Zero-block of length 1
  4267. passed B043B4EE IPv6 bin to rawing conversion - Illegal sizes
  4268. passed 689DCA2C NBNSQueryRequest - build
  4269. passed 06543355 VRRP - build
  4270. passed A6C6FAE1 VRRP - dissection
  4271. passed BFEBF0CA VRRP - chksums
  4272. passed 3663A49A L2TP - build
  4273. passed 6BDF4376 L2TP - dissection
  4274. passed 5B4119BB MGCP - build
  4275. passed A0ED03AF MGCP - dissect
  4276. passed E653E518 MobileIP - build
  4277. passed A735736A MobileIP - dissect
  4278. passed C638A950 HSRP - build & dissection
  4279. passed 3A6A3B66 RIP - build
  4280. passed 34293B14 RIP - UDP bindings
  4281. passed E6AB8522 RIP - dissection
  4282. passed ED618EB1 IP/UDP/RADIUS - Build
  4283. passed 5444466F IP/UDP/RADIUS - Dissection
  4284. passed 048944DD RADIUS - Access-Request - Dissection (1)
  4285. passed AFD62C66 RADIUS - compute_message_authenticator()
  4286. passed 5406EA6B RADIUS - Access-Challenge - Dissection (2)
  4287. passed F3CD8BCE RADIUS - Access-Request - Dissection (3)
  4288. passed D68CDF3D RADIUS - Access-Challenge - Dissection (4)
  4289. passed E5F41CCF RADIUS - Response Authenticator computation
  4290. passed D3563405 RADIUS - Layers (1)
  4291. passed DE55C66A RADIUS - sessions (1)
  4292. passed 11C5BF97 RADIUS - sessions (2)
  4293. passed F08473B8 Issue GH#1407
  4294. passed 385F025C Skinny - build & dissection
  4295. passed 1BD54448 Net
  4296. passed 293F3728 Net using web address
  4297. passed 5B4904DD Multiple IP addresses test
  4298. passed 8287B1BE OID
  4299. passed 93E9507D Net6
  4300. passed BE054F3C Test repr on Net
  4301. passed F878CD1A in6_getLocalUniquePrefix()
  4302. passed 4E154B45 Misc addresses manipulation functions
  4303. passed 9B356652 in6_getscope()
  4304. passed 158E29B1 construct_source_candidate_set()
  4305. passed 8F99F845 inet_pton()
  4306. passed 3E6AD142 make_route()
  4307. passed 7C251239 add() & delt()
  4308. passed C132633E ifchange()
  4309. passed 163CE9C0 ifdel()
  4310. passed D7F61F67 ifadd() & get_if_bcast()
  4311. passed 36D04FBD RandomEnumeration
  4312. passed 5C1ACA1C RandIP6
  4313. passed 62C4705D RandMAC
  4314. passed 72B531C1 RandOID
  4315. passed 740EBDD8 RandRegExp
  4316. passed 33299FC7 Corrupted(Bytes|Bits)
  4317. passed DAD85033 Rand*
  4318. passed B54D1038 RandInt (test __bool__)
  4319. passed AB5C26EE IP flags
  4320. passed F79BD7F8 TCP flags
  4321. passed E2D16013 Flag values mutation with .raw_packet_cache
  4322. passed B29AD6EA Operations on flag values
  4323. passed D73D2329 Using tuples and lists as flag values
  4324. passed D987AE51 SCTP - Chunk Init - build
  4325. passed 1F806BCF SCTP - Chunk Init - dissection
  4326. passed 56F2812B SCTP - SCTPChunkSACK - build
  4327. passed B85A0B9D SCTP - SCTPChunkSACK - dissection
  4328. passed 6FDB8476 SCTP - answers
  4329. passed 4E020F3E SCTP basic header - Dissection
  4330. passed 393C051D basic SCTPChunkData - Dissection
  4331. passed 70F05259 basic SCTPChunkInit - Dissection
  4332. passed 68276168 SCTPChunkInit multiple valid parameters - Dissection
  4333. passed 211E0DAF basic SCTPChunkInitAck - Dissection
  4334. passed 3BF3CCEF SCTPChunkInitAck with state cookie - Dissection
  4335. passed A2FC3292 basic SCTPChunkSACK - Dissection
  4336. passed 5A0FB4F7 basic SCTPChunkHeartbeatReq - Dissection
  4337. passed 6D5A80EB basic SCTPChunkHeartbeatAck - Dissection
  4338. passed 66CE6C9F basic SCTPChunkAbort - Dissection
  4339. passed 203A3683 basic SCTPChunkShutDown - Dissection
  4340. passed B772C61E basic SCTPChunkShutDownAck - Dissection
  4341. passed 26E82AFC basic SCTPChunkError - Dissection
  4342. passed FE9FE83D basic SCTPChunkCookieEcho - Dissection
  4343. passed 5D04F492 basic SCTPChunkCookieAck - Dissection
  4344. passed CB4F2EA6 basic SCTPChunkShutdownComplete - Dissection
  4345. passed 451C596A basic SCTPChunkAuthentication - Dissection
  4346. passed 2EC45041 basic SCTPChunkAddressConf - Dissection
  4347. passed 43BEC18D basic SCTPChunkAddressConfAck - Dissection
  4348. passed 3B64297F SCTPChunkParamRandom - Consecutive calls
  4349. passed 1A2217EE BOOTP - misc
  4350. passed 80E0D98F DHCPOptionsField
  4351. passed 3B479F3A DHCP - build
  4352. passed F1FBDEC8 DHCP - dissection
  4353. passed 7232562B 802.11 - misc
  4354. passed 5C51DE63 Dot11 - build
  4355. passed 8318A38B Dot11 - dissection
  4356. passed 69DD316F Dot11QoS - build
  4357. passed 03027149 Dot11 - binary in SSID
  4358. passed AA264240 Dot11QoS - dissection
  4359. passed 899846BF Dot11 - answers
  4360. passed 8C5E89D2 Dot11 - misc
  4361. passed EE146C86 Multiple Dot11Elt layers
  4362. passed CB43C4CC Dot11WEP - build
  4363. passed A30D532E Dot11WEP - dissect
  4364. passed 9E2EC45F Dot11 - answers
  4365. passed 2ED23FB6 Dot11Beacon network_stats()
  4366. passed 257388B5 RSNCipherSuite
  4367. passed DF857CAD AKMSuite
  4368. passed AB60021B PMKIDListPacket
  4369. passed 9DD192A3 Dot11EltRSN
  4370. passed B5747628 Dot11EltMicrosoftWPA
  4371. passed 0AAD6CC4 Dot11EltVendorSpecific
  4372. passed 1B4BA993 Beacon with RSN IE
  4373. passed 6629BBA9 Beacon with Microsoft WPA IE
  4374. passed 6699C361 Reassociation request
  4375. passed 09859BDA Test detection
  4376. passed 48980D95 MIB
  4377. passed 54015052 MIB - graph
  4378. passed 290B7CBC DADict tests
  4379. passed 741D539A BER tests
  4380. passed 35710318 IPv4 - ICMPTimeStampField
  4381. passed 1479098D IPv4 - UDP null checksum
  4382. passed F6FC6EF6 IPv4 - (IP|UDP|TCP|ICMP)Error
  4383. passed 9193D025 IPv4 - mDNS
  4384. passed B3729FE3 IPv4 - utilities
  4385. passed E58C0836 IPv4 - traceroute utilities
  4386. passed 7799BF95 IPv4 - reporting
  4387. passed 21257BAD Simple Ether() / ARP() show
  4388. passed AFE513E9 ARP for IPv4
  4389. passed A8F2D976 ARP for IPv6
  4390. passed 86246DDF Dummy ARP
  4391. passed A32AA0D6 FieldLenField with BitField
  4392. passed 717AED56 PacketListField
  4393. passed EE5096F6 PacketField
  4394. passed 64ED434C MPLS - build/dissection
  4395. passed B37C9BC5 MPLS encapsulated Ethernet with CW - build/dissection
  4396. passed 90BFA850 MPLS encapsulated Ethernet without CW - build/dissection
  4397. passed F5E6E24B MPLS encapsulated IP - build/dissection
  4398. passed 85668C29 plot()
  4399. passed 791AD790 diffplot()
  4400. passed F8DDA873 multiplot()
  4401. passed 1F8ED2D6 rawhexdump()
  4402. passed D5AE450E hexraw()
  4403. passed 8CE8F6CC hexdump()
  4404. passed F87F085C import_hexcap()
  4405. passed B738C569 padding()
  4406. passed 19C50702 nzpadding()
  4407. passed 3C28DA66 conversations()
  4408. passed 0665A5AB sessions()
  4409. passed 6EDE7474 afterglow()
  4410. passed 94B7A8FE psdump()
  4411. passed 21DA85E5 pdfdump()
  4412. passed 3F79992C svgdump()
  4413. passed 473BAE92 __getstate__ / __setstate__ (used by pickle)
  4414. passed 52CFA6F8 _version()
  4415. passed 324C5C42 test rtp with extension header
  4416. passed 909F8468 test layer creation
  4417. passed 1FF3ADC0 test RTP without extension
  4418. passed 7E1C8D9B UTscapy HTML output
  4419. Campaign CRC=2047F75F SHA=A12D00F4DD2D86AE69611290D7FE69418F7D917A
  4420. PASSED=1254 FAILED=0
  4421. ### Loading: test/tls.uts
  4422. passed B0887572 Crypto - Hmac_MD5 instantiation, parameter check
  4423. passed 6AED9608 Crypto - Hmac_MD5 behavior on test vectors from RFC 2202 (+ errata)
  4424. passed 0297B3F0 Crypto - Hmac_SHA instantiation, parameter check
  4425. passed 23EB1663 Crypto - Hmac_SHA behavior on test vectors from RFC 2202 (+ errata)
  4426. passed C1256CD4 Crypto - Hmac_SHA2 behavior on test vectors from RFC 4231
  4427. passed 28378727 Crypto - _tls_P_MD5 behavior on test vectors borrowed from RFC 2202 (+ errata)
  4428. passed 37B323C2 Crypto - _tls_P_SHA1 behavior on test vectors borrowed from RFC 2202 (+ errata)
  4429. passed 127C32D6 Crypto - _tls_PRF behavior on test vectors borrowed from RFC 2202 (+ errata)
  4430. passed A2CBB7AF Crypto - _ssl_PRF behavior on test vectors
  4431. passed 9A46A7F3 Crypto - _tls12_*_PRF behavior, using SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512
  4432. passed F292F15D Crypto - compute_master_secret() in SSL mode
  4433. passed B776A9FB Crypto - derive_key_block() in SSL mode
  4434. passed B48D9F3D Crypto - compute_master_secret() in TLS 1.0 mode
  4435. passed 425B2666 Crypto - derive_key_block() in TLS 1.0 mode
  4436. passed CB4B0C0B Crypto - RC4 stream cipher, encryption/decryption checks from RFC 6229
  4437. passed E2591B36 Crypto - RC2 block cipher, encryption/decryption checks from RFC 2268
  4438. passed 4ADC4444 Crypto - DES cipher in CBC mode, check from FIPS PUB 81
  4439. passed 6C316C0A Crypto - AES cipher in CBC mode, checks from RFC 3602
  4440. passed ECF05A71 Crypto - AES cipher in GCM mode, auth_encrypt() and auth_decrypt() checks
  4441. passed 302EEB44 Crypto - Camellia cipher, encryption/decryption checks
  4442. passed E4AAFE42 Reading test session - Loading unparsed TLS records
  4443. passed 4951AC77 Reading TLS test session - TLS parsing (no encryption) does not throw any error
  4444. passed CA71F728 Reading TLS test session - TLS Record header
  4445. passed 49A46FE4 Reading TLS test session - TLS Record __getitem__
  4446. passed 2845C9AD Reading TLS test session - ClientHello
  4447. passed 0DFCB8A9 Reading TLS test session - ClientHello extensions
  4448. passed 61BFFB5A Reading TLS test session - ServerHello
  4449. passed 2F717AD7 Reading TLS test session - Certificate
  4450. passed F6B2FD5D Reading TLS test session - Multiple TLS layers
  4451. passed A18855B9 Reading TLS test session - CertificateStatus
  4452. passed F2DDF9C0 Reading TLS test session - ServerKeyExchange
  4453. passed F22778F8 Reading TLS test session - ServerHelloDone
  4454. passed C68603B3 Reading TLS test session - Context checks after 1st RTT
  4455. passed 01CE4161 Reading TLS test session - TLS parsing (with encryption) does not throw any error
  4456. passed A66D67C6 Reading TLS test session - ClientKeyExchange
  4457. passed 14E157AB Reading TLS test session - ChangeCipherSpec
  4458. passed B048FB5B Reading TLS test session - Finished
  4459. passed 6F5F5704 Reading TLS test session - Ticket, CCS & Finished
  4460. passed 3B530FF0 Reading TLS test session - Full TLSNewSessionTicket captured
  4461. passed 9BFD9BEA Reading TLS test session - ApplicationData
  4462. passed E16C3CFB Reading TLS msg dissect - Packet too small
  4463. passed 67291CB0 Reading TLS msg dissect - Wrong data
  4464. passed 02620AA8 Reading TLS vulnerable session - Decrypt data from using a compromised server key
  4465. passed A06697E1 Building packets - Various default records
  4466. passed 0F280380 Building packets - ClientHello with automatic length computation
  4467. passed F348CBB9 Building packets - ServerHello context linking
  4468. passed D9A9BEAF Building packets - ChangeCipherSpec with forged, forbidden field values
  4469. passed AD02E3B7 Building packets - TLS record with bad data
  4470. passed 2F9A29BF Building packets - _CipherSuitesField with no cipher
  4471. passed DDE4A240 Building packets - TLSClientKeyExchange with bad data
  4472. passed 4C8C2275 Building packets - Perform dummy session update
  4473. passed 86FD1BCD Cryptography module is unavailable
  4474. passed 3323589D Test tlsSession
  4475. passed F3D78A5B Test connState
  4476. passed 08260648 Test
  4477. Campaign CRC=4F4CB7B0 SHA=7FF070A12A6B100D555FE0B9EDF774F7C110B4F4
  4478. PASSED=55 FAILED=0
  4479. ### Loading: test/ipsec.uts
  4480. passed 24B4490D IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - NULL
  4481. passed 5DC0C9E5 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - DES - NULL
  4482. passed B698A88E IPv4 / ESP - Transport - 3DES - NULL
  4483. passed 56DB1A50 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - AES-CBC - NULL
  4484. passed DDEDEB77 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - AES-CTR - NULL
  4485. passed C40766DC IPv4 / ESP - Transport - Blowfish - NULL
  4486. passed 905CCE66 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - CAST - NULL
  4487. passed 7B6AF86D IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - NULL
  4488. passed 3E58B48B IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - DES - NULL
  4489. passed 1FCABAC5 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - 3DES - NULL
  4490. passed 0B7925C4 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-CBC - NULL
  4491. passed F3D7794C IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-CTR - NULL
  4492. passed 1821F9DB IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - Blowfish - NULL
  4493. passed 4E102D03 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - CAST - NULL
  4494. passed 1A66A883 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4495. passed EF619CD7 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4496. passed A6646F17 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - SHA2-256-128
  4497. passed 7DA3C611 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - SHA2-256-128 - altered packet
  4498. passed 5C2C2ED2 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - SHA2-384-192
  4499. passed 26777B52 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - SHA2-384-192 - altered packet
  4500. passed 7F8AFDD2 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - SHA2-512-256
  4501. passed DD540E4C IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - SHA2-512-256 - altered packet
  4502. passed 929272A1 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - HMAC-MD5-96
  4503. passed 1FCA70C6 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - HMAC-MD5-96 - altered packet
  4504. passed 92B66874 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - AES-CMAC-96
  4505. passed DD0CD0EC IPv4 / ESP - Transport - NULL - AES-CMAC-96 - altered packet
  4506. passed 02D48B87 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4507. passed 8FFD2D8C IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4508. passed 6C64D811 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - SHA2-256-128
  4509. passed 9F979F4B IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - SHA2-256-128 - altered packet
  4510. passed 6575E0FC IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - SHA2-384-192
  4511. passed 125056D6 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - SHA2-384-192 - altered packet
  4512. passed A0376B52 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - SHA2-512-256
  4513. passed 06831375 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - SHA2-512-256 - altered packet
  4514. passed D73E8D9B IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - HMAC-MD5-96
  4515. passed 1DA43F10 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - HMAC-MD5-96 - altered packet
  4516. passed 175BD7AD IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - AES-CMAC-96
  4517. passed 734C9DED IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - AES-CMAC-96 - altered packet
  4518. passed 4848AC05 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4519. passed A21B6201 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4520. passed 75FADB28 IPv4 / ESP - Transport - AES-GCM - NULL
  4521. passed 42C1A67E IPv4 / ESP - Transport - AES-GCM - NULL - altered packet
  4522. passed 07693232 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4523. passed 2B8BF2A3 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4524. passed ED13B1FA IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-GCM - NULL
  4525. passed 153E8605 IPv4 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-GCM - NULL - altered packet
  4526. passed D86D8159 IPv4 / AH - Transport - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4527. passed 7D64CAF0 IPv4 / AH - Transport - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4528. passed 78E6D38F IPv4 / AH - Transport - SHA2-256-128
  4529. passed 77E1AC83 IPv4 / AH - Transport - SHA2-256-128 - altered packet
  4530. passed 49FC872C IPv4 / AH - Transport - SHA2-384-192
  4531. passed 3BD8E906 IPv4 / AH - Transport - SHA2-384-192 - altered packet
  4532. passed 1588EE64 IPv4 / AH - Transport - SHA2-512-256
  4533. passed B855FF3C IPv4 / AH - Transport - SHA2-512-256 - altered packet
  4534. passed 3A8EA8D8 IPv4 / AH - Transport - HMAC-MD5-96
  4535. passed 8A48C696 IPv4 / AH - Transport - HMAC-MD5-96 - altered packet
  4536. passed 1540D01D IPv4 / AH - Transport - AES-CMAC-96
  4537. passed C911A71A IPv4 / AH - Transport - AES-CMAC-96 - altered packet
  4538. passed 09A104C9 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4539. passed 39E2E5B7 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4540. passed 28FF2E80 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-256-128
  4541. passed 6E37F1DE IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-256-128 - altered packet
  4542. passed 6E1D4A87 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-384-192
  4543. passed 7A43B237 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-384-192 - altered packet
  4544. passed BBEEA0A7 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-512-256
  4545. passed 7F997001 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-512-256 - altered packet
  4546. passed 6AB37C50 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - HMAC-MD5-96
  4547. passed D9057270 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - HMAC-MD5-96 - altered packet
  4548. passed 4242F820 IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - AES-CMAC-96
  4549. passed 91D9637D IPv4 / AH - Tunnel - AES-CMAC-96 - altered packet
  4550. passed 249C7565 IPv6 / ESP - Transport - NULL - NULL
  4551. passed AA2CB292 IPv6 / ESP - Transport - AES-CBC - NULL
  4552. passed 907998DC IPv6 / ESP - Transport - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4553. passed D0E4F3B8 IPv6 / ESP - Transport - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4554. passed 26F073EB IPv6 / ESP - Transport - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4555. passed E7542481 IPv6 / ESP - Transport - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4556. passed 4D2FA934 IPv6 / ESP - Transport - AES-GCM - NULL
  4557. passed 084E3561 IPv6 / ESP - Transport - AES-GCM - NULL - altered packet
  4558. passed 1FB80F1E IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - NULL
  4559. passed E8AAAFDC IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-CBC - NULL
  4560. passed B3D27143 IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4561. passed A19E6E9B IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - NULL - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4562. passed DFE80438 IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4563. passed F55880D0 IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-CBC - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4564. passed EB354950 IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-GCM - NULL
  4565. passed A202712C IPv6 / ESP - Tunnel - AES-GCM - NULL - altered packet
  4566. passed FDA2E817 IPv6 / AH - Transport - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4567. passed F33DA747 IPv6 / AH - Transport - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4568. passed 9225F982 IPv6 / AH - Transport - SHA2-256-128
  4569. passed D072995D IPv6 / AH - Transport - SHA2-256-128 - altered packet
  4570. passed 01E20299 IPv6 / AH - Tunnel - HMAC-SHA1-96
  4571. passed 8AF6D12E IPv6 / AH - Tunnel - HMAC-SHA1-96 - altered packet
  4572. passed 1571C4A6 IPv6 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-256-128
  4573. passed DB37FA82 IPv6 / AH - Tunnel - SHA2-256-128 - altered packet
  4574. passed 4BE1DF5D IPv6 + Extensions / AH - Transport
  4575. passed 7CD6E93E IPv6 + Routing Header / AH - Transport
  4576. Campaign CRC=575A9508 SHA=58DD02BEB5306C1527674C934B7AEC20E78DEF76
  4577. PASSED=96 FAILED=0
  4578. ### Loading: test/edns0.uts
  4579. passed 41DCEAAC EDNS0TLV(), basic instantiation
  4580. passed 1715585A EDNS0TLV(), check parameters
  4581. passed 4D78447D EDNS0TLV(), check computed optlen
  4582. passed 50A50DC2 EDNS0TLV(), dissection
  4583. passed 5F5E2642 DNSRROPT(), basic instantiation
  4584. passed 89FFB862 DNSRROPT(), check parameters
  4585. passed 8FBAF2A9 DNSRROPT() & EDN0TLV(), check parameters
  4586. passed 2BAF6684 DNSRROP(), dissection
  4587. passed A11CE60B EDNS-PING - basic instantiation
  4588. passed A378306E NSID- basic instantiation
  4589. *passed 23F78C01 NSID - Live test
  4590. Campaign CRC=340E6823 SHA=010A088F1DEFA54BA5FF9FF68804AFFE3A049274
  4591. PASSED=11 FAILED=0
  4592. ### Loading: test/sendsniff.uts
  4593. passed 5C5ECD09 Create two tap interfaces
  4594. passed E0758E35 Run a sniff thread on the tap1 **interface**
  4595. passed C0F30BFB Run a bridge_and_sniff thread between the taps **sockets**
  4596. .....passed 8FBCC77B Send five IP packets from to the tap0 **interface**
  4597. passed 5F94A1AD Wait for the threads
  4598. passed 1F0928C8 Run a sniff thread on the tap1 **interface**
  4599. passed E6EA4AE9 Run a bridge_and_sniff thread between the taps **sockets**
  4600. .....passed 8FBCC77B Send five IP packets from to the tap0 **interface**
  4601. passed 5F94A1AD Wait for the threads
  4602. passed 1355D61D Delete the tap interfaces
  4603. passed 5464EF28 Create two tun interfaces
  4604. passed A5206E6D Run a sniff thread on the tun1 **interface**
  4605. passed 289397E2 Run a bridge_and_sniff thread between the tuns **sockets**
  4606. .....passed FDA448FF Send five IP packets from to the tun0 **interface**
  4607. passed 5F94A1AD Wait for the threads
  4608. passed 5A5CC890 Run a sniff thread on the tun1 **interface**
  4609. passed 7BBAFC12 Run a bridge_and_sniff thread between the tuns **sockets**
  4610. .....passed FDA448FF Send five IP packets from to the tun0 **interface**
  4611. IP / ICMP > echo-request 0
  4612. passed 5F94A1AD Wait for the threads
  4613. passed 092790BD Delete the tun interfaces
  4614. ........passed 10AC7D75 Ensure bridge_and_sniff does not close sockets if data is send within xfrm on ingress interface
  4615. ***passed 920D12EC Create two tap interfaces
  4616. Campaign CRC=1250F751 SHA=1BC6AFD5CD635442F730C429E1A2EB399067DB1B
  4617. PASSED=22 FAILED=0
  4618. ### Loading: test/usb.uts
  4619. passed C6F5BE0E load module
  4620. passed 79A72499 linklayer test
  4621. passed 8988CA4B USBpcapTransferIsochronous
  4622. passed BDD15E91 USBpcapTransferInterrupt
  4623. passed C71FC4AD USBpcapTransferControl
  4624. Campaign CRC=B49AAB67 SHA=31DF91052CAD38FDE36CDCF43D475F8AE4E9CFB2
  4625. PASSED=5 FAILED=0
  4626. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/gtp_v2.uts
  4627. passed 5CCFC8E4 GTPHeader v2, basic instantiation
  4628. passed 65EBE70E GTPV2EchoRequest, basic instantiation
  4629. passed AA51C76B GTPV2CreateSessionRequest, basic instantiation
  4630. passed F9C6810E GTPV2EchoRequest, dissection
  4631. passed 429B7CBE GTPV2EchoResponse, dissection
  4632. passed 9CFECF19 GTPV2ModifyBearerRequest, dissection
  4633. passed 4A51BF5A IE_IMSI, dissection
  4634. passed 3B8C53BB IE_IMSI, basic instantiation
  4635. passed E52DB4DC IE_Cause, dissection
  4636. passed 6F6FEC48 IE_Cause, basic instantiation
  4637. passed 8BE79839 IE_Cause, basic instantiation 2
  4638. passed 30CB8048 IE_Cause, basic instantiation 3
  4639. passed 19654406 IE_RecoveryRestart, dissection
  4640. passed 7A57FDB7 IE_RecoveryRestart, basic instantiation
  4641. passed 94FE45CE IE_APN, dissection
  4642. passed D06E3804 IE_APN, basic instantiation
  4643. passed DD2D2887 IE_AMBR, dissection
  4644. passed 45FA5ED0 IE_AMBR, basic instantiation
  4645. passed FCEB3271 IE_EPSBearerID, dissection
  4646. passed 53FF4499 IE_EPSBearerID, basic instantiation
  4647. passed 58247B94 IE_IPv4, dissection
  4648. passed 0317E22D IE_IPv4, basic instantiation
  4649. passed 603DF9D7 IE_MEI, dissection
  4650. passed 50EE5061 IE_MEI, basic instantiation
  4651. passed EA549337 IE_MSISDN, dissection
  4652. passed 4D8EA7E3 IE_MSISDN, basic instantiation
  4653. passed EF0027FF IE_Indication, dissection
  4654. passed 752AF271 IE_Indication, basic instantiation
  4655. passed 5F4A2709 IE_Indication, basic instantiation 2
  4656. passed E5AD13E3 IE_PCO, dissection
  4657. passed 087BE85E IE_PCO, basic instantiation
  4658. passed 60740CB5 IE_PAA, dissection
  4659. passed 90342883 IE_PAA, basic instantiation
  4660. passed CD8834C2 IE_Bearer_QoS, dissection
  4661. passed 2668574E IE_Bearer_QoS, basic instantiation
  4662. passed 0551DF73 IE_RAT, dissection
  4663. passed 0B681092 IE_RAT, basic instantiation
  4664. passed 0AE4B86B IE_ServingNetwork, dissection
  4665. passed 4DD7450E IE_ServingNetwork, basic instantiation
  4666. passed DFB109BF IE_ULI, dissection
  4667. passed A6A6BEEB IE_ULI, basic instantiation
  4668. passed AB6DF1DB IE_FTEID, dissection
  4669. passed 90D049F4 IE_FTEID, basic instantiation
  4670. passed 112E74BF IE_BearerContext, dissection
  4671. passed CEF65F3B IE_BearerContext, basic instantiation
  4672. passed 667A4D73 IE_ChargingID, dissection
  4673. passed A1535DB0 IE_ChargingID, basic instantiation
  4674. passed 07429366 IE_ChargingCharacteristics, dissection
  4675. passed D0A5FE91 IE_ChargingCharacteristics, basic instantiation
  4676. passed CF5A04A3 IE_PDN_type, dissection
  4677. passed F69821FB IE_PDN_type, basic instantiation
  4678. passed A65C02FB IE_UE_Timezone, dissection
  4679. passed 8CDCCEFC IE_UE_Timezone, basic instantiation
  4680. passed E3712C0E IE_UE_Timezone, basic instantiation
  4681. passed F03C04DA IE_Port_Number, dissection
  4682. passed 2B7EC740 IE_Port_Number, basic instantiation
  4683. passed 0C09C023 IE_APN_Restriction, dissection
  4684. passed 46E822D5 IE_APN_Restriction, basic instantiation
  4685. passed 59382080 IE_SelectionMode, dissection
  4686. passed 56548512 IE_SelectionMode, basic instantiation
  4687. passed 896BAB27 IE_MMBR, dissection
  4688. passed AFF3EE0B IE_MMBR, basic instantiation
  4689. passed 713402DB GTPHeader answers to not GTPHeader instance
  4690. passed B553F724 GTPHeader post_build
  4691. passed 23030A61 GTPHeader hashret
  4692. passed 0CAD0CD5 IE_NotImplementedTLV
  4693. Campaign CRC=3EB6625A SHA=93626723A3D0781CB14CF1C0A8426E3C9EFDE2D6
  4694. PASSED=66 FAILED=0
  4695. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/etherip.uts
  4696. passed 4C61684B Basic EtherIP test
  4697. Campaign CRC=EE8184BE SHA=888260DB9DEAC82D4AE223663755A8264C0E6FC8
  4698. PASSED=1 FAILED=0
  4699. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/openflow3.uts
  4700. passed 7DF40AA0 Be sure we have loaded OpenFlow v3
  4701. passed C4EBF569 OFPTHello(), hello without version bitmap
  4702. passed 24D7DCC9 OFPTEchoRequest(), echo request
  4703. passed A3043291 OFPMatch(), check padding
  4704. passed 894B8B11 OpenFlow3(), generic method test with OFPTEchoRequest()
  4705. passed 503ED3B6 OFPTFlowMod(), check codes and defaults values
  4706. passed 07E71BF3 OFBIPv6ExtHdrHMID(), check creation of last OXM classes
  4707. passed 796168B6 OFPTFlowMod(), complex flow_mod
  4708. passed 94C163FD OFPTFlowMod(), complex flow_mod - Dissection
  4709. passed FF10CD36 OFPFlowStats()
  4710. passed 0FBFA4E2 OFPETBadRequest() containing a flow_mod with wrong table_id
  4711. passed 1DE2694F OFPTFPTInstructions()
  4712. passed CD18D72C OFPTPacketIn() containing an Ethernet frame
  4713. passed 446E1A4E OFPTGroupMod()
  4714. passed 749F7B44 OFPTQueueGetConfigReply()
  4715. passed BBB1183C OFPMPReplyMeter()
  4716. passed 51006E68 OFPMPReplyMeterConfig()
  4717. passed 1F32C3B7 TCP()/OFPMPRequestDesc(), check default sport
  4718. passed AD9BFE50 TCP()/OFPETHelloFailed(), check default dport
  4719. passed F96A838F TCP()/OFPTHello() dissection, check new TCP.guess_payload_class
  4720. passed CAD92DD3 Advanced TCP()/OFPTHello() built, with OFPHETVersionBitmap
  4721. passed 8C1AEC5F complete Ether()/IP()/TCP()/OFPTFeaturesRequest()
  4722. passed B36CCD8A OFPMPRequestTableFeatures() with OFPTFPTMatch() OXMIDPacketListField tests
  4723. passed C7A73B48 Test OFBTCPSrc Autocompletion
  4724. Campaign CRC=5F533A41 SHA=A8FC32FDCD95BA9155A5217348CB1679A8C7B3F6
  4725. PASSED=24 FAILED=0
  4726. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/opc_da.uts
  4727. passed DCD4CDB5 OpcDaRequest
  4728. passed 12C1D296 OpcDaRequestLE
  4729. passed 5C589A09 OpcDaPing
  4730. passed 7BAE899B OpcDaResponse
  4731. passed 359D5C12 OpcDaResponseLE
  4732. passed C108452F OpcDaAlter_context
  4733. passed 929099B5 OpcDaAlter_contextLE
  4734. passed 00000000 OpcDaAlter_Context_Resp
  4735. passed 00000000 OpcDaAlter_Context_RespLE
  4736. Campaign CRC=230B5C75 SHA=F74F126C107BD626265AB045944C6900CA3D7CAE
  4737. PASSED=9 FAILED=0
  4738. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/igmpv3.uts
  4739. passed 004129E3 Build IGMPv3 - Basic
  4740. passed 9A9846E5 Dissect IGMPv3 - IGMPv3mq
  4741. passed 6C1A57EC Dissect IGMPv3 - IGMPv3mr
  4742. passed 51FD4FC3 Dissect IGMPv3 - IGMPv3mra
  4743. passed 8256AC81 IGMP vs IVMPv3 tests
  4744. passed D087DB52 IGMPv3 - summaries
  4745. Campaign CRC=C2B907CB SHA=FA41CC470A3117080CB53D2E6969689B81D96F32
  4746. PASSED=6 FAILED=0
  4747. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/lldp.uts
  4748. Unknown content [from enum import test]
  4749. passed A39ADFC2 build basic LLDP frames
  4750. passed 17D3CC70 add padding if required
  4751. passed 3C87FF35 Advanced test: check definitions and length of complex IDs
  4752. passed 983B526E basic frame structure
  4753. passed DE7F62CC basic frame structure
  4754. passed BFA091E9 length fields / value sizes checks
  4755. passed 73A58140 test attribute values
  4756. passed 0370BB45 ThreeBytesEnumField tests
  4757. passed 829838C2 LLDPDUGenericOrganisationSpecific tests
  4758. Campaign CRC=98B2687A SHA=BA4E61BC2A2B22ED801397F4F3357D34C5844C69
  4759. PASSED=9 FAILED=0
  4760. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/lacp.uts
  4761. passed AB912C4F Build & dissect LACP
  4762. passed AA98A824 Marker sanity
  4763. Campaign CRC=7529ABEE SHA=558B1717BC7A57FEA4AA171948A95351D1897CC0
  4764. PASSED=2 FAILED=0
  4765. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/avs.uts
  4766. passed 72BCD676 Default build, storage and dissection
  4767. Campaign CRC=53E97EF6 SHA=DCC4C84EFB41726311A6F926B86AC0605DD8C652
  4768. PASSED=1 FAILED=0
  4769. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/cansocket_native.uts
  4770. Campaign CRC=A788023D SHA=BE75DEE24347B42ACB83A9B501513024D2A3BF21
  4771. PASSED=0 FAILED=0
  4772. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/tacacs.uts
  4773. passed 2155CF32 default instantiation
  4774. passed 0943AD4E default values build
  4775. passed AD68E9A7 filled values build
  4776. passed 5AF9DD09 dissection
  4777. passed 1E866A37 default instantiation
  4778. passed 85B4E84B default values build
  4779. passed 3635289B filled values build -- SSH connection sample use scapy, secret = test
  4780. passed 09C0E2C4 dissection
  4781. passed 5F709645 default instantiation
  4782. passed 320D7FF9 default values build
  4783. passed 459F1222 filled values build -- SSH connection sample use scapy, secret = test
  4784. passed 004C9B89 dissection
  4785. passed 6A3D48EC default instantiation
  4786. passed 230DBAE9 default values build
  4787. passed 30EE0DF8 filled values build -- SSH connection sample secret = test, password = pass
  4788. passed 8041A0A9 dissection
  4789. passed 4EEF9F5F default instantiation
  4790. passed 3F5AAE02 default values build
  4791. passed 624503E4 filled values build -- SSH connection sample secret = test
  4792. passed BEF43CF5 dissection
  4793. passed 1A9BC264 default instantiation
  4794. passed B04D9EB1 default values build
  4795. passed C9A6C6C1 filled values build -- SSH connection sample secret = test
  4796. passed 00D74EBC dissection
  4797. passed 8879699E default instantiation
  4798. passed 4CB86C87 default value build
  4799. passed 1BAF4C3E filled values build -- SSH connection sample secret = test
  4800. passed C8946887 dissection
  4801. passed 0DE37339 default instantiation
  4802. passed 4B162CFE default values build
  4803. passed 42E888C6 filled values build -- SSH connection sample secret = test
  4804. passed 09E59968 dissection
  4805. passed CB046580 instantiation
  4806. passed 75DD83FF dissection
  4807. Campaign CRC=29B5BDD0 SHA=0EE5C2049A198D797D5E4C5269AF2215A042BF6C
  4808. PASSED=34 FAILED=0
  4809. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/rsvp.uts
  4810. passed 9505AC9E Default build
  4811. passed 785C0CC5 Master dissection
  4812. Campaign CRC=05745A6E SHA=75BEC13CE035AA4E07C01AAE17F5EF2F7B296491
  4813. PASSED=2 FAILED=0
  4814. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/ldp.uts
  4815. passed 8FD77C79 Default build
  4816. passed 3EBF265F Basic dissection
  4817. passed 81543C2A Build advanced LDPInit()
  4818. passed BCFE6B24 Build advanced LDPAddress() with LDPLabelMM()
  4819. passed 9EEB302F Advanced dissection - complex LDP
  4820. Campaign CRC=A83FD8A3 SHA=D234A80818103B831F407E5E8F989012BA86218B
  4821. PASSED=5 FAILED=0
  4822. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/openflow.uts
  4823. passed 38F59B18 Be sure we have loaded OpenFlow v1
  4824. passed 09089A41 OFPTHello(), simple hello message
  4825. passed E934B3E1 OFPTEchoRequest(), echo request
  4826. passed 9D4580CA OFPMatch(), check wildcard completion
  4827. passed C1D4D70D OpenFlow(), generic method test with OFPTEchoRequest()
  4828. passed 9A19F238 OFPTFlowMod(), check codes and defaults values
  4829. passed A9990DBC OFPTFlowMod(), complex flow_mod
  4830. passed E0F434BF OFPETBadRequest() containing a flow_mod with wrong table_id
  4831. passed CD18D72C OFPTPacketIn() containing an Ethernet frame
  4832. passed D9DBCA8A OFPTStatsReplyFlow()
  4833. passed 51E50F0F OFPTQueueGetConfigReply()
  4834. passed 03DC3BDD OFPETHelloFailed()
  4835. passed 7FE6AAEE TCP()/OFPTStatsRequestDesc(), check default sport
  4836. passed AD9BFE50 TCP()/OFPETHelloFailed(), check default dport
  4837. passed F96A838F TCP()/OFPTHello() dissection, check new TCP.guess_payload_class
  4838. passed 642D1905 complete Ether()/IP()/TCP()/OFPTFeaturesRequest()
  4839. Campaign CRC=061DEB8E SHA=D690924CCFFE5A67176BB6DB09D6D21F51D24491
  4840. PASSED=16 FAILED=0
  4841. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/isotp.uts
  4842. passed A44C687B Imports
  4843. passed 4D4235CB Definition of constants, utility functions and mock classes
  4844. SIOCGIFINDEX: No such device
  4845. SIOCGIFINDEX: No such device
  4846. passed C76FC5DD Initialize a virtual CAN interface
  4847. passed FC6BED5F Check if can-isotp and can-utils are installed on this system
  4848. passed EDA6F70E Import isotp
  4849. passed A0DD1094 Creation of an empty ISOTP packet
  4850. passed B6809502 Creation of a simple ISOTP packet with source
  4851. passed F39C167D Build a packet with extended addressing
  4852. passed B8805F0B Build a packet with normal addressing
  4853. passed 6EA88CCB Compare both isotp payloads
  4854. passed 7069A3CD Dissect multiple packets
  4855. passed 84DBBF9E Build SF frame with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4856. passed F84EFFA9 Build SF frame EA with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4857. passed 11C197FB Build FF frame with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4858. passed 3F3D703C Build FF frame EA with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4859. passed D79DA369 Build FF frame EA, extended size, with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4860. passed 6EE663A3 Build FF frame, extended size, with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4861. passed E9F4AC99 Build CF frame with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4862. passed 95355E36 Build CF frame EA with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4863. passed 2E8D73F7 Build FC frame EA with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4864. passed FF37ADDF Build FC frame with constructor, check for correct length assignments
  4865. passed B3FB3016 Construct some single frames
  4866. passed 9BF1BC49 Construct some single frames EA
  4867. passed EB257C3B Fragment an empty ISOTP message
  4868. passed 051FF9CF Fragment another empty ISOTP message
  4869. passed E46242DF Fragment a 4 bytes long ISOTP message
  4870. passed B5161345 Fragment a 7 bytes long ISOTP message
  4871. passed 15B1E2D8 Fragment a 8 bytes long ISOTP message
  4872. passed E031ECEE Fragment an ISOTP message with extended addressing
  4873. passed FA9E3F06 Fragment a 7 bytes ISOTP message with destination identifier
  4874. passed DC75D26F Fragment a 16 bytes ISOTP message with extended addressing
  4875. passed 77F3AE4D Fragment a huge ISOTP message, 4997 bytes long
  4876. passed E01139F6 Defragment a single-frame ISOTP message
  4877. passed F8F1B4DD Defragment an ISOTP message composed of multiple CAN frames
  4878. passed AAFCDF95 Check if fragmenting a message and defragmenting it back yields the original message
  4879. passed 07B5F1EB Defragment an ambiguous CAN frame
  4880. passed F6960BC4 Create ISOTPMessageBuilder
  4881. passed F8D3E3AF Feed packets to machine
  4882. passed 082EED29 Verify there is a ready message in the machine
  4883. passed 1CE9BE22 Extract the message from the machine
  4884. passed 7E213004 Verify that no error happens when there is not enough data
  4885. passed 2040AA9F Verify that no error happens when there is no data
  4886. passed 2AF8E351 Verify a single frame without EA
  4887. passed 912DFF3E Single frame without EA, with excessive bytes in CAN frame
  4888. passed BE28BBF1 Verify a single frame with EA
  4889. passed E7DC2F74 Single CAN frame that has 2 valid interpretations
  4890. passed 716324A8 Verify multiple frames with EA
  4891. passed 9BA2C4F3 Verify that an EA starting with 1 will still work
  4892. passed 287A4C65 Verify that an EA of 07 will still work
  4893. passed B7469333 Verify that three interleaved messages can be sniffed simultaneously on the same identifier and extended address (very unrealistic)
  4894. passed 546229A3 Test sniffer with multiple frames
  4895. passed D3764149 Single-frame receive
  4896. passed 76FA7DF0 Single-frame send
  4897. passed 4F068C81 Two frame receive
  4898. passed CC94C8DF 20000 bytes receive
  4899. passed A357BA23 20000 bytes send
  4900. passed B5AE8EE7 Create and close ISOTP soft socket
  4901. passed 77B01A14 Verify that all threads will die when GC collects the socket
  4902. passed 2BEDBE0F Test on_recv function with single frame
  4903. passed 58191196 Test on_recv function with empty frame
  4904. passed 69587B42 Test on_recv function with single frame and extended addressing
  4905. passed FB8273A5 CF is sent when first frame is received
  4906. passed FA409D89 Verify that packets are not lost if they arrive before the sniff() is called
  4907. passed B5545FE9 Send single frame ISOTP message, using begin_send
  4908. passed 416C3B76 Send many single frame ISOTP messages, using begin_send
  4909. passed 3DD14D72 Send two-frame ISOTP message, using begin_send
  4910. passed D1610061 Send single frame ISOTP message
  4911. passed E732E23E Send two-frame ISOTP message
  4912. passed 677A2D25 Receive a single frame ISOTP message
  4913. passed 4DA27788 Receive a single frame ISOTP message, with extended addressing
  4914. passed 4EDF16DD Receive a two-frame ISOTP message
  4915. passed 51C31CCA Check what happens when a CAN frame with wrong identifier gets received
  4916. passed 45820DCF Check if not sending the last CF will make the socket timeout
  4917. passed 19D5B37B Check if not sending the first CF will make the socket timeout
  4918. passed F1CCC096 Check if not sending the first FC will make the socket timeout
  4919. passed 046582C6 Check if not sending the second FC will make the socket timeout
  4920. passed 34ABFD74 Check if reception of an overflow FC will make a send fail
  4921. passed 0B8B22AD Close the Socket
  4922. passed CC4BF52A ISOTPSoftSocket sr1
  4923. passed 9AE3EBF0 ISOTPSoftSocket sr1 and ISOTP test vice versa
  4924. passed E66BDCDB ISOTPSoftSocket sniff
  4925. passed C199D058 bridge and sniff with isotp soft sockets set up vcan0 and vcan1 for package forwarding vcan1
  4926. passed F1E40CA3 bridge and sniff with isotp soft sockets and multiple long packets
  4927. passed 86E266FD bridge and sniff with isotp soft sockets set up vcan0 and vcan1 for package change vcan1
  4928. passed B6B90C77 Two ISOTPSockets at the same time, sending and receiving
  4929. passed 6D6B16AB Two ISOTPSockets at the same time, multiple sends/receives
  4930. passed F600182A Send a single frame ISOTP message with padding
  4931. passed D0655484 Send a two-frame ISOTP message with padding
  4932. passed EBB0E7EB Receive a padded single frame ISOTP message with padding disabled
  4933. passed F408F6EF Receive a padded single frame ISOTP message with padding enabled
  4934. passed 14272569 Receive a non-padded single frame ISOTP message with padding enabled
  4935. passed 97D1C657 Receive a padded two-frame ISOTP message with padding enabled
  4936. passed 8CC3EA2B Receive a padded two-frame ISOTP message with padding disabled
  4937. TEST SKIPPED: can-isotp not available
  4939. passed B88B7C9D Compatibility with isotpsend
  4940. TEST SKIPPED: can-isotp not available
  4942. passed 7DCEF2EE Compatibility with isotpsend - extended addresses
  4943. TEST SKIPPED: can-isotp not available
  4945. passed 538542FC Compatibility with isotprecv
  4946. TEST SKIPPED: can-isotp not available
  4948. passed F2E486C0 Compatibility with isotprecv - extended addresses
  4949. passed 0F833B1C Cleanup reference to ISOTPSoftSocket to let the thread end
  4950. Campaign CRC=337E5A27 SHA=3C66F37EDD73FD39E6E98823BA73B8F7E2F064C3
  4951. PASSED=98 FAILED=0
  4952. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/bier.uts
  4953. passed C7966420 BIER - build/dissection
  4954. Campaign CRC=E0D33815 SHA=1B379B5B7832D8F88C73A8CFF99C38C9A335F430
  4955. PASSED=1 FAILED=0
  4956. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/chdlc.uts
  4957. passed DBBEE11D Default build, storage and dissection
  4958. passed 898D52EA Build request
  4959. passed D2D3DF2C Build keepalive
  4960. Campaign CRC=45717F20 SHA=CB08CB6476F7D7F6C187D990E414DC641E8E94CD
  4961. PASSED=3 FAILED=0
  4962. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/send.uts
  4963. passed 878CEAEB ICMPv6NDOptRsaSig build and dissection
  4964. passed 8E4AD660 ICMPv6NDOptCGA build and dissection
  4965. passed E0159ADE ICMPv6NDOptTmstp build and dissection
  4966. passed 9185CAFD ICMPv6NDOptNonce build and dissection
  4967. Campaign CRC=06722B7D SHA=F356DADC8E4A48DF616A3B938375F6206FCBB5A8
  4968. PASSED=4 FAILED=0
  4969. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/cdp.uts
  4970. passed DC5774BF CDPv2 - Dissection (1)
  4971. passed 5896E63B CDPv2 - Rebuild (1)
  4972. passed 6CE77812 CDPv2 - Dissection (2)
  4973. passed F8FE3D06 CDPv2 - Rebuild (2)
  4974. Campaign CRC=0983F683 SHA=C3D2BF3DBC13A6B91116FAA65DB87E6688B00094
  4975. PASSED=4 FAILED=0
  4976. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/mac_control.uts
  4977. passed D726B2C9 pause frame
  4978. passed F7601BED gate frame
  4979. passed 543F0919 report frame
  4980. passed AAF219CE report frame flags (generic for all other register frame types)
  4981. passed AA4BD65F register_req frame
  4982. passed 4564BE5E register frame
  4983. passed 4E10B3F9 register_ack frame
  4984. passed F8908B5C class based flow control frame
  4985. passed CBF9EE83 naked frame
  4986. passed 7665EC39 single vlan tag
  4987. passed FC5D175F QinQ
  4988. passed 43C0F5E7 hand craftet payload (disabled auto padding)
  4989. Campaign CRC=E4BF936B SHA=6C44CC5B1EB059663C434F55B3A80B3FF789426F
  4990. PASSED=12 FAILED=0
  4991. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/aoe.uts
  4992. passed CCFE2482 Build - Check Ethertype
  4993. passed A3B2AA30 Build - Check default
  4994. passed 7C934B6D Build - Check Issue ATA command
  4995. passed 3C71B50C Build - Check Query Config Information
  4996. passed 8EEC2B12 Build - Check Mac Mask List
  4997. passed DFD25640 Build - Check ReserveRelease
  4998. Campaign CRC=C807C2CC SHA=E606DA710C370788108DC8319AA830F2B3AF5CFA
  4999. PASSED=6 FAILED=0
  5000. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/geneve.uts
  5001. passed BBAD97A4 Build & dissect - GENEVE encapsulates Ether
  5002. passed 5F273E52 Build & dissect - GENEVE with options encapsulates Ether
  5003. passed D60BB061 Build & dissect - GENEVE encapsulates IPv4
  5004. passed 3F8CCDF3 Build & dissect - GENEVE encapsulates IPv6
  5005. passed F6A7525C GENEVE - Answers
  5006. passed D9FACDD9 GENEVE - Summary
  5007. Campaign CRC=DFC016CC SHA=2156A3E763B2C03ADEB64BE98E82EBDF29C49EBF
  5008. PASSED=6 FAILED=0
  5009. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/socks.uts
  5010. passed CBDF4CAE Basic build and dissection - test version dispatch
  5011. passed D8D4E3CC SOCKS5Request build and dissection
  5012. passed 8AD93DD1 Test SOCKSv5 over UDP
  5013. Campaign CRC=BDBBD92E SHA=860200B15129E2061CBF387AC45A1DDA00079556
  5014. PASSED=3 FAILED=0
  5015. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/dce_rpc.uts
  5016. passed 30FCB173 Import the DCE/RPC layer
  5017. passed C765239A Little Endian IntField getfield
  5018. passed 6604BF45 Little Endian IntField addfield
  5019. passed A1254770 Big Endian IntField getfield
  5020. passed 5CF3B9BD Big Endian IntField addfield
  5021. passed 00F1595F Little Endian StrField getfield
  5022. passed DEA8F3D5 Little Endian StrField addfield
  5023. passed 31A4FD97 Big Endian StrField getfield
  5024. passed E582D47B Big Endian StrField addfield
  5025. passed 94882609 Parsing a human-readable UUID
  5026. passed 9054DA6D Parsing a machine-encoded UUID
  5027. passed D08EF890 Parsing a tuple of values
  5028. passed 91848EA3 Handle None values
  5029. passed A42BAD39 Get a UUID for dissection
  5030. passed 2699DD25 Verify little endianness of UUIDField
  5031. passed 0410638F Verify RandUUID
  5032. passed BDD3CF11 Verify RandUUID with a static part
  5033. passed E95DDFFD Verify RandUUID with a range part
  5034. passed 8CC915FA DCE/RPC default values
  5035. passed ABA6F932 DCE/RPC payload length computation
  5036. passed 95C541E0 DCE/RPC Guess payload class fallback with no possible payload
  5037. passed 63C0A780 DCE/RPC Guess payload class to a registered heuristical payload
  5038. passed 95C541E0 DCE/RPC Guess payload class fallback with possible payload classes
  5039. passed A88DA5AA DCE/RPC little-endian build
  5040. passed F5B26C76 DCE/RPC little-endian dissection
  5041. Campaign CRC=68349466 SHA=6C841B0393DDDAE2E2D03106188E7B8F17527791
  5042. PASSED=25 FAILED=0
  5043. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/bp.uts
  5044. passed 0500B6C5 Build packets & dissect
  5045. Campaign CRC=8E924623 SHA=4740F127FD09D6DA41EBFB5E387E9E2E06994C98
  5046. PASSED=1 FAILED=0
  5047. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/nsh.uts
  5048. passed D2796AD4 Import the nsh layer
  5049. passed 75D90410 Build a NSH over NSH packet with NSP=42, and NSI=1
  5050. passed 4BED8DC0 Build a Ethernet over NSH over Ethernet packet (NSH over Ethernet encapsulating the original packet) and verify Ethernet Bindings
  5051. passed C5B3C767 Build a NSH over GRE packet, and verify GRE Bindings
  5052. Campaign CRC=9D517C82 SHA=4BE472F65EB1BC3599DA9084901F12E03DC7A719
  5053. PASSED=4 FAILED=0
  5054. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/gtp.uts
  5055. passed 3D059091 GTPHeader, basic instantiation
  5056. passed 912A0032 GTP_U_Header detection
  5057. passed 7D1E9142 GTPCreatePDPContextRequest(), basic instantiation
  5058. passed C653E88F GTPV1UpdatePDPContextRequest(), dissect
  5059. passed 3E9021BC GTPV1UpdatePDPContextResponse(), dissect
  5060. passed 8556D319 IE_Cause(), dissect
  5061. passed 368F2ABB IE_Cause(), basic instantiation
  5062. passed AE66E195 IE_IMSI(), dissect
  5063. passed A1535328 IE_IMSI(), basic instantiation
  5064. passed A1C1CE8E IE_Routing(), dissect
  5065. passed 2B37B2B9 IE_Routing(), basic instantiation
  5066. passed DDA4A54D IE_Recovery(), dissect
  5067. passed 29AFEDB6 IE_Recovery(), basic instantiation
  5068. passed 48095B23 IE_SelectionMode(), dissect
  5069. passed 2C1E956E IE_SelectionMode(), basic instantiation
  5070. passed DD6B1417 IE_TEIDI(), dissect
  5071. passed F27515FA IE_TEIDI(), basic instantiation
  5072. passed 34F95BAC IE_TEICP(), dissect
  5073. passed 275BDFF4 IE_TEICP(), basic instantiation
  5074. passed AFCABAFA IE_Teardown(), dissect
  5075. passed 24D46469 IE_Teardown(), basic instantiation
  5076. passed 86600E86 IE_NSAPI(), dissect
  5077. passed 6C60D96F IE_NSAPI(), basic instantiation
  5078. passed 2B78370E IE_ChargingCharacteristics(), dissect
  5079. passed D63BB6F1 IE_ChargingCharacteristics(), basic instantiation
  5080. passed 95F7A62E IE_TraceReference(), basic instantiation
  5081. passed 00049528 IE_TraceType(), basic instantiation
  5082. passed B7F158BD IE_ChargingId(), dissect
  5083. passed CBA1A6E5 IE_ChargingId(), basic instantiation
  5084. passed C39051A0 IE_EndUserAddress(), dissect
  5085. passed C8050E2C IE_EndUserAddress(), IPv4/IPv6 dissect
  5086. passed 80F42488 IE_EndUserAddress(), basic instantiation IPv4
  5087. passed BCFDA151 IE_EndUserAddress(), basic instantiation IPv6
  5088. passed 44082C08 IE_EndUserAddress(), basic instantiation IPv4/IPv6
  5089. passed 606AB699 IE_AccessPointName(), dissect
  5090. passed 725C4839 IE_AccessPointName(), basic instantiation
  5091. passed 677396CC IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(), dissect
  5092. passed 8E99F144 IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(), basic instantiation
  5093. passed F45C3154 IE_GSNAddress(), dissect
  5094. passed 1A06CF66 IE_GSNAddress(), basic instantiation
  5095. passed 0E17D08D IE_MSInternationalNumber(), dissect
  5096. passed 2A4B0903 IE_MSInternationalNumber(), basic instantiation
  5097. passed 4AB81EF1 IE_QoS(), dissect
  5098. passed 126644DA IE_QoS(), basic instantiation
  5099. passed 2CCD1282 IE_CommonFlags(), dissect
  5100. passed F3F3A428 IE_CommonFlags(), basic instantiation
  5101. passed 08E68797 IE_APNRestriction(), basic instantiation
  5102. passed 030E0728 IE_RATType(), dissect
  5103. passed C0F48FD4 IE_RATType(), basic instantiation
  5104. passed A72CCB60 IE_UserLocationInformation(), dissect
  5105. passed 4225880F IE_UserLocationInformation(), basic instantiation
  5106. passed 709A5518 IE_MSTimeZone(), dissect
  5107. passed 24638A44 IE_MSTimeZone(), basic instantiation
  5108. passed 5D87975F IE_IMEI(), dissect
  5109. passed AD8D5C2A IE_IMEI(), basic instantiation
  5110. passed 5CC0EDE2 IE_MSInfoChangeReportingAction(), basic instantiation
  5111. passed F2BE9E37 IE_DirectTunnelFlags(), dissect
  5112. passed CE3A9C36 IE_DirectTunnelFlags(), basic instantiation
  5113. passed 1DF96849 IE_BearerControlMode(), basic instantiation
  5114. passed CD92FCDD IE_EvolvedAllocationRetentionPriority(), basic instantiation
  5115. passed A4069886 IE_CharginGatewayAddress(), basic instantiation
  5116. passed 02B19167 IE_PrivateExtension(), basic instantiation
  5117. Campaign CRC=A58E4054 SHA=5A57B7BDE89C8276DB156D0284363232E08865F5
  5118. PASSED=62 FAILED=0
  5119. ### Loading: scapy/contrib/cansocket_python_can.uts
  5120. passed 0985F907 Load module
  5121. passed 0958E082 Setup string for vcan
  5122. passed 6DDF0E71 Load os
  5123. RTNETLINK answers: File exists
  5124. passed CD97D27A Setup vcan0
  5125. passed DFFB036B CAN Packet init
  5126. passed 6C9A6B5A CAN Socket Init
  5127. passed AB171939 CAN Socket send recv small packet
  5128. passed F8414BDD CAN Socket basecls test
  5129. passed E5EEBCC0 CAN Socket send recv
  5130. passed 7E5873F4 sniff with filtermask 0x7ff
  5131. passed 48C67D9F sniff with filtermask 0x700
  5132. passed C80F9B4C sniff with filtermask 0x0ff
  5133. passed CA57A031 sniff with multiple filters
  5134. passed ADC63A93 sniff with filtermask 0x7ff and inverse filter
  5135. passed 67C23C94 sniff with filtermask 0x1FFFFFFF
  5136. passed AEE25627 sniff with filtermask 0x1FFFFFFF and inverse filter
  5137. *passed 88EB1A2D CAN Socket sr1 with receive own messages
  5138. *passed 0114C645 srcan
  5139. *passed A93D7E97 srcan basecls
  5140. RTNETLINK answers: File exists
  5141. passed 9576C3CB bridge and sniff setup vcan1 package forwarding
  5142. passed 367B16AD bridge and sniff setup vcan0 package forwarding
  5143. passed 3435075C bridge and sniff setup vcan0 vcan1 package forwarding both directions
  5144. passed 8AD57E6D bridge and sniff setup vcan1 package change
  5145. passed 273E3217 bridge and sniff setup vcan0 package change
  5146. passed F0246C87 bridge and sniff setup vcan0 and vcan1 package change in both directions
  5147. failed 81EC5E8E bridge and sniff setup vcan0 package remove
  5148. passed 10252340 bridge and sniff setup vcan1 package remove
  5149. passed 5650D562 bridge and sniff setup vcan0 and vcan1 package remove both directions
  5150. Campaign CRC=411832EE SHA=510C504CCAB06529BBC867227B5852DD8ADDD8C4
  5151. PASSED=27 FAILED=1
  5152. ### Writing output...
  5153. TLS session establishment tests
  5154. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:22 2019 from [test/tls/tests_tls_netaccess.uts] by UTscapy
  5156. Passed=12
  5157. Failed=0
  5160. Tests for Scapy's p0f module.
  5161. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:24 2019 from [test/p0f.uts] by UTscapy
  5163. Passed=12
  5164. Failed=0
  5167. Scapy Bluetooth layer tests
  5168. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:24 2019 from [test/bluetooth.uts] by UTscapy
  5170. Passed=16
  5171. Failed=0
  5174. Regression tests for Scapy regarding fields
  5175. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:25 2019 from [test/fields.uts] by UTscapy
  5177. Passed=97
  5178. Failed=0
  5181. Tests for TLS module
  5182. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:26 2019 from [test/sslv2.uts] by UTscapy
  5184. Passed=27
  5185. Failed=0
  5188. Tests for X.509 objects
  5189. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:28 2019 from [test/x509.uts] by UTscapy
  5191. Passed=54
  5192. Failed=0
  5195. Test campaign
  5196. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:28 2019 from [test/dnssecRR.uts] by UTscapy
  5198. Passed=30
  5199. Failed=0
  5202. PPTP Related regression tests
  5203. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:28 2019 from [test/pptp.uts] by UTscapy
  5205. Passed=36
  5206. Failed=0
  5209. Regression tests for Scapy Answering Machines
  5210. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:28 2019 from [test/answering_machines.uts] by UTscapy
  5212. Passed=6
  5213. Failed=0
  5216. Tests for TLS 1.3
  5217. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:29 2019 from [test/tls13.uts] by UTscapy
  5219. Passed=1
  5220. Failed=0
  5223. Regression tests for the Dot15D4, SixLoWPAN and Zigbee layers
  5224. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:30 2019 from [test/dot15d4.uts] by UTscapy
  5226. Passed=32
  5227. Failed=0
  5230. Regression tests for Scapy Nmap module
  5231. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:40 2019 from [test/nmap.uts] by UTscapy
  5233. Passed=10
  5234. Failed=0
  5237. Pipetool related tests
  5238. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:43 2019 from [test/pipetool.uts] by UTscapy
  5240. Passed=26
  5241. Failed=0
  5244. Regression tests for the bluetooth4LE layer
  5245. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:44 2019 from [test/bluetooth4LE.uts] by UTscapy
  5247. Passed=10
  5248. Failed=0
  5251. Test campaign
  5252. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:52 2019 from [test/cert.uts] by UTscapy
  5254. Passed=56
  5255. Failed=0
  5258. Regression tests for Linux only
  5259. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:54 2019 from [test/linux.uts] by UTscapy
  5261. Passed=13
  5262. Failed=0
  5265. Regression tests for the CAN layer
  5266. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:19:54 2019 from [test/can.uts] by UTscapy
  5268. Passed=21
  5269. Failed=0
  5272. Regression tests for Scapy
  5273. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:20:51 2019 from [test/regression.uts] by UTscapy
  5275. Passed=1254
  5276. Failed=0
  5279. Tests for TLS module
  5280. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:20:54 2019 from [test/tls.uts] by UTscapy
  5282. Passed=55
  5283. Failed=0
  5286. IPsec layer regression tests
  5287. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:00 2019 from [test/ipsec.uts] by UTscapy
  5289. Passed=96
  5290. Failed=0
  5293. Test campaign
  5294. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:00 2019 from [test/edns0.uts] by UTscapy
  5296. Passed=11
  5297. Failed=0
  5300. send, sniff, sr* tests for Scapy
  5301. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:16 2019 from [test/sendsniff.uts] by UTscapy
  5303. Passed=22
  5304. Failed=0
  5307. Scapy USB tests
  5308. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:16 2019 from [test/usb.uts] by UTscapy
  5310. Passed=5
  5311. Failed=0
  5314. Test campaign
  5315. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:19 2019 from [scapy/contrib/gtp_v2.uts] by UTscapy
  5317. Passed=66
  5318. Failed=0
  5321. Test campaign
  5322. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:19 2019 from [scapy/contrib/etherip.uts] by UTscapy
  5324. Passed=1
  5325. Failed=0
  5328. Tests for OpenFlow v1.3 with Scapy
  5329. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:20 2019 from [scapy/contrib/openflow3.uts] by UTscapy
  5331. Passed=24
  5332. Failed=0
  5335. Scapy OPC DA layer tests
  5336. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:20 2019 from [scapy/contrib/opc_da.uts] by UTscapy
  5338. Passed=9
  5339. Failed=0
  5342. IGMPv3 tests
  5343. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:20 2019 from [scapy/contrib/igmpv3.uts] by UTscapy
  5345. Passed=6
  5346. Failed=0
  5349. LLDP test campaign
  5350. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:21 2019 from [scapy/contrib/lldp.uts] by UTscapy
  5352. Passed=9
  5353. Failed=0
  5356. LACP unit tests
  5357. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:21 2019 from [scapy/contrib/lacp.uts] by UTscapy
  5359. Passed=2
  5360. Failed=0
  5363. Regression tests for the avs module
  5364. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:21 2019 from [scapy/contrib/avs.uts] by UTscapy
  5366. Passed=1
  5367. Failed=0
  5370. Regression tests for nativecansocket
  5371. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:21 2019 from [scapy/contrib/cansocket_native.uts] by UTscapy
  5373. Passed=0
  5374. Failed=0
  5377. Test campaign
  5378. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:21 2019 from [scapy/contrib/tacacs.uts] by UTscapy
  5380. Passed=34
  5381. Failed=0
  5384. Regression tests for the rsvp module
  5385. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:21 2019 from [scapy/contrib/rsvp.uts] by UTscapy
  5387. Passed=2
  5388. Failed=0
  5391. Regression tests for the ldp module
  5392. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:22 2019 from [scapy/contrib/ldp.uts] by UTscapy
  5394. Passed=5
  5395. Failed=0
  5398. Tests for OpenFlow v1.0 with Scapy
  5399. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:22 2019 from [scapy/contrib/openflow.uts] by UTscapy
  5401. Passed=16
  5402. Failed=0
  5405. ISOTP Tests
  5406. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:48 2019 from [scapy/contrib/isotp.uts] by UTscapy
  5408. Passed=98
  5409. Failed=0
  5411. Tests for ISOTP
  5413. Test campaign
  5414. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:48 2019 from [scapy/contrib/bier.uts] by UTscapy
  5416. Passed=1
  5417. Failed=0
  5420. Regression tests for the avs module
  5421. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:48 2019 from [scapy/contrib/chdlc.uts] by UTscapy
  5423. Passed=3
  5424. Failed=0
  5427. Test campaign
  5428. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:49 2019 from [scapy/contrib/send.uts] by UTscapy
  5430. Passed=4
  5431. Failed=0
  5434. Regression tests for the cdp module
  5435. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:49 2019 from [scapy/contrib/cdp.uts] by UTscapy
  5437. Passed=4
  5438. Failed=0
  5441. MACControl test campaign
  5442. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:49 2019 from [scapy/contrib/mac_control.uts] by UTscapy
  5444. Passed=12
  5445. Failed=0
  5448. Regression tests for aoe module
  5449. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:49 2019 from [scapy/contrib/aoe.uts] by UTscapy
  5451. Passed=6
  5452. Failed=0
  5455. Test campaign
  5456. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:49 2019 from [scapy/contrib/geneve.uts] by UTscapy
  5458. Passed=6
  5459. Failed=0
  5462. Test campaign
  5463. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:49 2019 from [scapy/contrib/socks.uts] by UTscapy
  5465. Passed=3
  5466. Failed=0
  5469. DCE/RPC layer test campaign
  5470. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:50 2019 from [scapy/contrib/dce_rpc.uts] by UTscapy
  5472. Passed=25
  5473. Failed=0
  5476. Bundle Protocol tests
  5477. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:50 2019 from [scapy/contrib/bp.uts] by UTscapy
  5479. Passed=1
  5480. Failed=0
  5483. NSH Tests
  5484. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:50 2019 from [scapy/contrib/nsh.uts] by UTscapy
  5486. Passed=4
  5487. Failed=0
  5489. Tests for the Scapy NSH layer
  5491. Test campaign
  5492. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:21:52 2019 from [scapy/contrib/gtp.uts] by UTscapy
  5494. Passed=62
  5495. Failed=0
  5498. Regression tests for the CANSocket
  5499. -- Run Wed Feb 20 00:22:00 2019 from [scapy/contrib/cansocket_python_can.uts] by UTscapy
  5501. Passed=27
  5502. Failed=1
  5505. ######
  5506. ## bridge and sniff tests
  5507. ######
  5510. ###(025)=[failed] bridge and sniff setup vcan0 package remove
  5512. >>> sock0 = CANSocket(
  5513. ... iface=can.interface.Bus(bustype='socketcan', channel='vcan0',
  5514. ... bitrate=250000))
  5515. >>> sock1 = CANSocket(
  5516. ... iface=can.interface.Bus(bustype='socketcan', channel='vcan1',
  5517. ... bitrate=250000))
  5518. >>>
  5519. >>> def senderVCan0():
  5520. ... sleep(0.1)
  5521. ... sock0.send(CAN(flags='extended', identifier=0x10010000, length=8, data=b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'))
  5522. ... sock0.send(CAN(flags='extended', identifier=0x10020000, length=8, data=b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'))
  5523. ... sock0.send(CAN(flags='extended', identifier=0x10000000, length=8, data=b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'))
  5524. ... sock0.send(CAN(flags='extended', identifier=0x10030000, length=8, data=b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'))
  5525. ... sock0.send(CAN(flags='extended', identifier=0x10040000, length=8, data=b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'))
  5526. ... sock0.send(CAN(flags='extended', identifier=0x10000000, length=8, data=b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'))
  5527. ...
  5528. >>> def bridgeWithRemovePackageFromVCan0ToVCan1():
  5529. ... bSock0 = CANSocket(
  5530. ... iface=can.interface.Bus(bustype='socketcan', channel='vcan0',
  5531. ... bitrate=250000))
  5532. ... bSock1 = CANSocket(
  5533. ... iface=can.interface.Bus(bustype='socketcan', channel='vcan1',
  5534. ... bitrate=250000))
  5535. ... def pnr(pkt):
  5536. ... if(pkt.identifier == 0x10020000):
  5537. ... pkt = None
  5538. ... else:
  5539. ... pkt = pkt
  5540. ... return pkt
  5541. ... bridge_and_sniff(if1=bSock0, if2=bSock1, xfrm12=pnr, timeout=0.5)
  5542. ... bSock0.close()
  5543. ... bSock1.close()
  5544. ...
  5545. >>> threadBridge.join()
  5546. >>> threadBridge = threading.Thread(target=bridgeWithRemovePackageFromVCan0ToVCan1)
  5547. >>> threadBridge.start()
  5548. >>> threadSender.join()
  5549. >>> threadSender = threading.Thread(target=senderVCan0)
  5550. >>> threadSender.start()
  5551. >>>
  5552. >>> packetsVCan0 = sock0.sniff(timeout=0.3)
  5553. >>> packetsVCan1 = sock1.sniff(timeout=0.3)
  5554. >>>
  5555. >>> len(packetsVCan0) == 0
  5556. True
  5557. >>> len(packetsVCan1) == 5
  5558. False
  5559. >>>
  5560. >>> sock0.close()
  5561. >>> sock1.close()
  5564. ERROR: InvocationError for command '/usr/bin/sudo -E /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/.tox/pypy-linux_root/bin/python -m coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc.tox -a -m -c ./test/configs/linux.utsc -K random_weird_py3 -K tshark -K not_pypy' (exited with code 1)
  5565. codecov create: /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/.tox/codecov
  5566. codecov installdeps: codecov
  5567. codecov inst: /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/.tox/.tmp/package/1/
  5568. codecov installed: DEPRECATION: A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.,certifi==2018.11.29,cffi==1.10.1,chardet==3.0.4,codecov==2.0.15,coverage==4.5.2,greenlet==0.4.12,idna==2.8,readline==,requests==2.21.0,scapy==2.4.2.dev162,urllib3==1.24.1
  5569. codecov run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1040785237'
  5570. codecov runtests: commands[0] | codecov -e TOXENV
  5572. _____ _
  5573. / ____| | |
  5574. | | ___ __| | ___ ___ _____ __
  5575. | | / _ \ / _ |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
  5576. | |___| (_) | (_| | __/ (_| (_) \ V /
  5577. \_____\___/ \____|\___|\___\___/ \_/
  5578. v2.0.15
  5580. ==> Detecting CI provider
  5581. Travis Detected
  5582. Fixing merge commit SHA
  5583. ==> Preparing upload
  5584. ==> Processing gcov (disable by -X gcov)
  5585. Executing gcov (find /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy -not -path './bower_components/**' -not -path './node_modules/**' -not -path './vendor/**' -type f -name '*.gcno' -exec gcov -pb {} +)
  5586. ==> Collecting reports
  5587. Mergeing coverage reports
  5588. Generating coverage xml reports for Python
  5589. + /home/travis/build/secdev/scapy/coverage.xml bytes=1274979
  5590. ==> Appending environment variables
  5591. + TOXENV
  5592. + TRAVIS_OS_NAME
  5594. ==> Uploading
  5595. .url
  5596. .query commit=e70cea3cffa2f9239ccb468811f9c20e5c56c564&branch=master&job=495745915&pr=1860&service=travis&build=6284.11&slug=secdev%2Fscapy&yaml=.codecov.yml&package=py2.0.15
  5597. Pinging Codecov...
  5598. Uploading to S3...
  5600. ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
  5601. ERROR: pypy-linux_root: commands failed
  5602.  codecov: commands succeeded
  5603. travis_time:end:30149b68:start=1550621845696877190,finish=1550622137825359265,duration=292128482075
  5604. The command "bash .travis/" exited with 1.
  5608. Done. Your build exited with 1.
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