
magma 3

Feb 9th, 2020
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  1. [15:45] Mors Gloria says, "About time one of you came..."
  2. [15:45] Mors Gloria says, "I was growing bored."
  3. [15:45] Andrew Mercia says, "Deus Vult, Demon."
  4. [15:46] Mors Gloria says, "Don't under estimate me, dog."
  5. [15:47] Andrew Mercia says, "I don't free the unknown."
  6. [15:47] Andrew Mercia says, "I wonder what your goals are."
  7. [15:50] Mors Gloria says, "..."
  8. [15:50] Mors Gloria says, "They aren't complicated."
  9. [15:50] Andrew Mercia says, "Tell me then."
  10. [15:50] Andrew Mercia says, "What do you seek out of life."
  11. [15:50] Andrew Mercia says, "Make me understand your goals."
  12. [15:50] Mors Gloria says, "I don't speak for others."
  13. [15:50] Mors Gloria says, "I'll tell you mine."
  14. [15:51] Mors Gloria says, "They're simple."
  15. [15:51] Mors Gloria says, "Kill."
  16. [15:51] Mors Gloria says, "Conquer"
  17. [15:51] Mors Gloria says, "Rule."
  18. [15:52] Andrew Mercia says, "I need a deeper meaning."
  19. [15:52] Mors Gloria says, "There is none."
  20. [15:52] Mors Gloria says, "Humans are filth"
  21. [15:52] Mors Gloria says, "I'm doing your world a service."
  22. [15:52] Andrew Mercia says, "You sound like a petty killer."
  23. [15:52] Andrew Mercia asks, "What service?"
  24. [15:52] Mors Gloria says, "Ridding it of you."
  25. [15:53] Andrew Mercia asks, "Oh?"
  26. [15:53] Andrew Mercia asks, "Do I scare you?"
  27. [15:55] Mors Gloria asks, "Scare me?"
  28. [15:55] Mors Gloria says, "Hahahaahaha"
  29. [15:56] Andrew Mercia says, "I'll make this quick then."
  30. [15:56] Andrew Mercia says, "I understand you goals, and what you desire."
  31. [15:56] Andrew Mercia says, "I can't relate."
  32. [16:06] Andrew removed the staff from his back and begin twirling it slowly and with each twirl sparkles of tiny stars begin to emit from the basic. Andrew smiled as the power inside his body begin to rise rapidly as he begin chanting out loud towards the demon.
  34. "Vrona grants me power thought the mind, boy, and spirit. It allows to focus al my energy to erase you from the very ground we stand upon. You're in my would now and you'll feel the power and holy blessing of an Acolyte.
  36. I'll cleanse you're slow with fire."
  38. Andrew begin walking slowly towards the Demon leaving a trail of magma behind him and with one swift motion he'd slam the staff onto the ground.
  40. The structure begin to form and magma begin to ooze from the top almost as if it's ready to burst from the pressure building up.
  42. "I'm the future Keeper of the Faith and slayer of all demon kind and you're about to fall victim to my holy flame."
  44. Andrew raised both hands behind him.
  46. "The Sleeping Apex is upon you. Cower in fear Demon."
  48. The Volcano begin covering the area in lava as the boy dashed towards the demon.
  49. (Andrew Mercia)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [16:08] Lydia Fields says, "No one's allowed to get in on tha fight, though.. let's keep things fair."
  53. [16:16] The demon's posture stayed much the same, smirking with an impossible disfiguring of the wolves form, sharp teeth prodding out as they began to laugh. Loud booming laughter filled the air with the musk of war and gore, the demon having slaughtered groups of wandering weaker humans and non-magi already, their fur wet with fresh blood and matted with the blood of the past, stench reeking from them potently.
  55. "Now this is the spirit!" They cheered, teeth bared and aura growing potent, occultism rotting at their surroundings, their chains rattling and floating off of them, dust and ash appearing from what seems to be no where; the decayed remains of former victims being used as weapon to the acolyte. "You are far from the biggest fish I've ate, bug, but I'll have fun playing with you at least!"
  57. The sands of the deceased whipped about the air, turning to ash from fires and continuing to work in the Wolf's favor, their control ofthem being from an occulted influence of their once souls, not the sand or dust itself. Shadows sprung from their form, morphing with them and bolting forward.
  59. "DIE WORM"
  60. (Mors Gloria)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [16:25] Andrew smiled as he dashed towards the wolf Demon and with each step the field was covered in magma. The volcano didn't stop and even while they attempt to catch their breath the magma was flowing.
  65. Andrew danced around the Demon with his combined magic after he weakened the wolf Andrew turned his staff into a magma whip.
  67. "Sit boy....good doggy..."
  69. Andrew pats the Demons head and takes a few steps back attempting to regain him composure. The young Acolyte smiled while tapping his foot on the magma covered ground.
  71. "I'm one step away from being a Keeper of the Faith and you're just scum I have to clean from this world. I'll give you one final chance Demon."
  73. Andrew pointed in the direction of Moonfall.
  75. "Crawl back in the hole you came out of and don't let the battle of the Church excite you. I wasn't there that day, but I vow to cleanse the world of your kind."
  76. (Andrew Mercia)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [16:30] Lydia Fields whispers something.
  80. [16:31] The demon tore out a demonic laughter, it boomed over the night sky, the evil of them clear.
  82. "I don't come from that pit of a village!" They continued to laugh. "I would never associate with them, or any human for that matter."
  84. They stood and still didn't even bother taking the fight seriously, even being taunted had no effect on the demon, they were cold, calculated...- bored.
  86. "This is plenty entertaining, perhaps I should make it more so?"
  88. Chains ripped up from the ground as well as earth, corpses and other undead revealing themselves for battle along side the wolf.
  90. "Magma whips and pain have no effect on me child, but perhaps they'll destroy your friends corpses."
  92. The wolf prepared to play with its food once more, their first hunt seemingly successful, full of peasants and entertained by acolytes.
  93. (Mors Gloria)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [16:31] Andrew Mercia says, "Tsk."
  97. [16:42] The end was new and yet the Demon continued to rage unleashing that foul magic from it's body. Andrew spit out a bit of blood and begin wiping the occult presence from his body while his free hand rose the staff into the sky.
  99. Starlight begin shining down upon Andrew it seems the boy was absorbing the energy into his body. This caused sparks to appear around his body and the final moment was upon the pair.
  101. "You fought well, but that foul magic I've cleansed from man isn't enough to harm me. I'm sorry I couldn't clean your soul; however, I'll just burn you until you feel something."
  103. Andrew slammed his staff into the side of the Volcano he created and caused it to split down the middle. The boy didn't moved as the magma covered the field flowing in a large amount towards the Demon.
  105. The magma likely begin pushing the wolf into the water near them he planned to make the wolf a statue. Andrew knew that wouldn't hold them long, but before the magma hit the water the boy appeared on the top of the magma with a smirk on his face.
  107. "You aren't the one I want at all send Villion to me and I'll make her pay for the amount of people's she's hurt. You need to cool off just a little, yeah?"
  109. Andrew allowed the remained of the Magma to push the wolf into the water and slowly harden into stone.
  111. "Deus Vult."
  112. (Andrew Mercia)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [16:46] The demon continued to play with their food, underestimating the kid and having a wave of magma crash down upon them, as the shell of stone began to form around them, the demon turned to ash, earth, and shadow, morphing into the dust in the wind and leaving easily, not to be seen again for a time. No words were given, they simply left, maybe even looking forward to meeting Deus Vult guy again.
  116. (Mors Gloria)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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