
Quid Pro Quo

Apr 6th, 2012
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  1. >You are a respectable dairy far-
  2. >Damn it, some of them got through.
  3. >You've been redoing your fencing after the belligerent fluffy herd attempted to plant their fluffy flag on your land.
  4. >Unfortunately, you can't re-fence your acreage that quickly, even with all the farm hands assisting you.
  5. >Another herd has broken through.
  6. >This time, you head over to deal with them immediately.
  7. >This fluffy mass is roughly half the size of the herd you had to drive off.
  8. >Again, a unicorn is at their head. This one is a nice purple color.
  9. >Unlike the previous fluffy contingent, though, this one seems awfully...nice.
  10. >You are greeted by a storm of 'pway?', 'new fwiend?' and 'hi hooman!' as you approach.
  11. >The unicorn comes out to meet you.
  12. >”Fwuffies hung'y, can we haf gwassies pwease?” she asks.
  13. >You think for a moment. The explosion of fluffy shit in the north pasture seems to have had a very positive effect on the growth of the grass.
  14. >If they don't bother the cows, you can let them graze together and let their fluffy shit regenerate the pastures.
  15. >Besides, if they sufficiently piss you or the cattle off, you can just do what you did last time.
  16. >whythehellnot.wma
  17. >You decide to set them up in the heavily-grazed east pasture first.
  18. >They follow you happily, bleating 'yay gwassies!' and 'nice hooman, fwuffy wike you!'
  19. >The grass here is short and sparse, but it's plenty for their tiny fluffy mouths.
  20. >You decide to hang around and keep an eye on them, just in case.
  21. >A few of your cows are nearby.
  22. >The fluffies look at them in awe.
  23. >”Wow, big poni!” one says.
  24. >Cute. You look on as some of the fluffies approach the cows, asking to play.
  25. >Suddenly one of the unicorns, a yellow one, begins throwing little sparks from her horn.
  26. >”Wook! I make shinies fo' new big fwiend!” she says.
  27. >The cow she is addressing does not appreciate her display.
  28. >Spooked, she turns around and strikes out at the fluffy with her rear hoof.
  29. >The attack is devastating. The unicorn's skull is punched in between her eyes and horn.
  30. >Shards of bone tear through her optical nerves, blinding her.
  31. >She falls down instantly, screaming in agony and shitting in self-defense.
  32. >The group that went with her also panics, running around in pointless circles. When the cow leaves, they all go to hug her.
  33. >”Gif huggies! Make betta!” they say. The yellow unicorn cries.
  34. >”Why big fwiend hurt fwuffy?” she yells. “Why dawk? Why fwuffy no see?”
  35. >You wait to see if the fluffies intend to retaliate, but they continue to hug their blinded friend.
  36. >”Fwuffy sowwy! Fwuffy no talk to big poni anymowe!” they bleat, dragging the shrieking unicorn back to their herd.
  37. >Perfect. These fluffies must have been recently abandoned; they don't yet hate anything.
  38. >Under the pretense of helping the unicorn, you pick her up and take her away from the herd.
  39. >A chorus of 'fank you' and 'wuv hooman' follows your steps as you depart.
  40. >”Gif eyes pwease?” the unicorn asks. Blood trickles down her face.
  41. >You say nothing as you put her out of her misery, breaking her neck and hurling her over the fence into the lake.
  43. >Two weeks pass. The fluffy herd has proven totally docile.
  44. >And extremely stupid.
  45. >Every morning, you are greeted with the sight of a fluffy trapped in the barbed wire.
  46. >Most of the time, they are only caught by the fluff.
  47. >A quick snip frees them; they hug your legs, thank you, and run off to play with their friends.
  48. >Today, however, this tan pegasus apparently tried to eat the fence.
  49. >The barb has pierced his upper lip. He whines for help, a bloody mist spraying from his mouth as he spits out the words.
  50. >Since he won't stop squirming long enough for you to cut him free, you elect for the simple option...and you'll get some fluffy poo in the bargain.
  51. >You grip his midsection and yank, twisting him so his ass faces away from you as you lift him.
  52. >He screams as his lip yields and tears, and begins shitting for all he's worth as you point his rear into the field.
  53. >He runs off when you set him down, waking up the other fluffies. They try to hug him, but he won't stay still long enough.
  54. >He's probably going to bleed to death, but you don't care.
  55. >You've struck a deal with a nearby fluffy farm to provide you with replacements, anyway.
  56. >Your idea is paying off bigtime.
  57. >The fluffy shit acts like steroids for your grass.
  58. >It's genuinely amazing to behold. Fields that would take weeks to recover are ready to go after three days of use as a fluffy toilet.
  59. >Some of the farm hands come over.
  60. >You hear them explain about how the cows that graze in the east pasture are producing higher amounts of milk than normal.
  61. >And it seems to be a higher quality milk, as well.
  62. >motherofgod.gif
  63. >The fluffies mill about your feet as you talk, bleating about how much they love you for giving them grass and being nice to them.
  64. >You are too busy devising ways to make them shit more.
  65. >You remember punching the green fluffy dam and getting a torrent of shit, but you don't want to injure the fluffy morons too badly.
  66. >On a whim, you pick up a blue earth fluffy.
  67. >“Pway?” she asks, trying her best to hug you.
  68. >You turn her so her belly is facing out.
  69. >She's so happy to get some sort of attention. Her legs wiggle. ”Wha' we pwayin'?”
  70. >You shift her around until your hands are around her belly.
  71. >You squeeze.
  72. >”Owwies!” she yells. “No wike dis game! No wike!”
  73. >You squeeze harder. She squeals unhappily, writhing in your grip. Finally, her bowels and bladder release.
  74. >A river of shit flows out of her. Grass and fluffies are coated brown, the latter yelling 'no smell pwetty!'
  75. >When it ends, you set her down. She waddles away slowly, whining “No wike hugs wike dat, too stwong...”
  76. >Your eyes are lit up.
  77. “Dale, put a help wanted ad in the paper.”
  78. >”For what, chief?”
  79. “Fluffy squeezers.”
  81. Author's note: Written as an open-ended counter to the 'stop fluffies from shitting/make shitting utterly traumatic and mind-shattering for fluffies' stories. Let's see what other ways the internets can think up to get (or force...) fluffies to shit their hearts out. Feel free to use the dairy farm setting.
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