
Dr. Uncle's POV 2/8/18

Feb 8th, 2018
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  14. <div style="font-size:400%;text-align:center;text-shadow:7px 5px 19px #fde60a">Dr. Uncle's POV</div>
  16. <div style="font-size:100%;color:#fde60a;font-family:times, arial;"> Dr. Uncle is on the left weeping, just informed the young soldier passed on. Civil war, late 1864. This photo was colorized.  </div>
  17. <img src="" style="width:100%;height:700px;">
  19. Not really sure where to begin, but at my earliest memories. I was probably 2 years old. I had been having dreams of being shown hell, but did not understand yet what my nightmares, and my day-mares were about. Once I came to know the world as anyone else might, around 5 years, I can now say that it was a much quieter world then than it is now. There were of course, no cars nor trains, neither was there any machinery. In fact, in my earliest memories, there was no metal, until a trader on 3 camels brought some for us to see when I was probably 7 years old. I was raised by my mother and her 2 sisters. I do remember grandfather, but he died before the Camel trader arrived. Grandfather Xiao Lahnrei's name meant Uncle Teacher, and he was gentle, wise, and protective. My original name was Lin Xiao, which meant Educated Uncle, and I was to learn much from grandfather. He became sick, and told me to study how he progressed in his sickness, and I did the best a small boy could. One day his breathing got shallower and smaller. I was to squeeze his wrist to feel his life song. Some time later his breathing turned to small gasps, then none. A short moment later his life song changed to dudududu   dududu dudu du du then nothing. Mother and aunts were there crying. Then I cried too. I decided to learn about how to make people better if they got sick or hurt.
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